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Comprehensive data sets of the elastic constants are available for only a few European wood species. The goal of this study was to provide stiffnesses for the principal directions and planes for further selected European softwoods and hardwoods, to extend the currently existing data sets. For this purpose, a dynamic technique was chosen: the moduli were estimated on the basis of sound velocity and density measurements. The collected data may be helpful for specialists in the relevant research and practical fields, particularly when stresses and strains of structural elements have to be calculated using modelling approaches.  相似文献   

The sawmill industry is a very important link in the Mozambique forest products value chain, but the industry is characterized by undeveloped processing technology and high-volume export of almost unrefined logs. The low volume yield of sawn timber has been identified as a critical gap in the technological development of the industry. To improve the profitability of the industry, there is thus a need to develop methods and techniques that improve the yield. In this paper, different positioning of logs prior to sawing and the possibility of increasing the volume yield of crooked logs by bucking the logs before sawing have been studied. A computer simulation was used to study the cant-sawing and through-and-through sawing of the logs to determine the volume yield of sawn timber from the jambirre (Millettia stuhlmannii Taub.) and umbila (Pterocarpus angolensis DC.) species. The optimal position, i.e. the position of the log before sawing that gives the highest volume yield of sawn timber for a given sawing pattern when the positioning parameters, offset, skew and rotation, are considered gave a considerable higher volume yield than the horns-down position. By bucking very crooked logs and using the horns-down positioning before sawing, the volume yield can be of the same magnitude as that obtained by optimal positioning on full-length (un-bucked) logs. The bucking reduces the crook of the logs and hence increases the volume yield of sawn timber.  相似文献   

The mechanical strength properties of the branchwood of Aningeria robusta and Terminalia ivorensis with diameters ranging from 10 to 25 cm were examined to determine the suitability of branchwood as raw material for downstream processing. The study precisely assessed the static bending strengths, compression strengths and shear strengths parallel to the grain of the branchwood and stemwood of T. ivorensis and A. robusta. It was observed that under static bending, the overall (sapwood and heartwood combined) modulus of rupture and modulus of elasticity of the branchwood of A. robusta and T. ivorensis were lower than that of their corresponding stemwood. The results further show that the overall compression and shear strengths parallel to the grain of the branchwood of A. robusta and T. ivorensis were higher than that of their corresponding stemwood. Under static bending, compression parallel to the grain, and shear parallel to the grain, the experimental results indicate that the sapwood of the branchwood from both T. ivorensis and A. robusta had lower strength values than that of their corresponding heartwood. Similar results were recorded for the stemwood of T. ivorensis where the heartwood had higher strength values than the sapwood. However, in the case of the stemwood of A. robusta, the sapwood had higher strength values than the corresponding heartwood.  相似文献   

Effect of heat treatment intensity on some conferred properties like elemental composition, durability, anti-swelling efficiency (ASE) and equilibrium moisture content (EMC) of different European softwood and hardwood species subjected to mild pyrolysis at 230 °C under nitrogen for different durations has been investigated. Independently of the wood species studied, elemental composition is strongly correlated with the mass losses due to thermal degradations which are directly connected to treatment intensity (duration). In all cases, an important increase in the carbon content associated with a decrease in the oxygen content was observed. Heat-treated specimens were exposed to several brown rot fungi, and the weight losses due to fungal degradation were determined after 16 weeks, while effect of wood extractives before and after thermal treatment was investigated on mycelium growth. ASE and EMC were also evaluated. Results indicated important correlations between treatment intensity and all of the wood conferred properties like its elemental composition, durability, ASE or EMC. These results clearly indicated that chemical modifications of wood cell wall polymers are directly responsible for wood decay durability improvement, but also for its improved dimensional stability as well as its reduced capability for water adsorption. All these modifications of wood properties appeared simultaneously and progressively with the increase in treatment intensity depending on treatment duration. At the same time, effect of extractives generated during thermal treatment on Poria placenta growth indicated that these latter ones have no beneficial effect on wood durability.  相似文献   

Changes in mold populations and genera on the exposed surfaces of tropical hardwoods — albizia (Paraserianthes falcata), kapur (Dryobalanop lanceolata), mahoni (Switenia macrophylla), nangka (Artocarpus heterophyllus), puspa (Schima wallchii) — were investigated. The wood specimens were exposed to the Indonesian climate for 32 weeks. Properties including mass loss, wettability, mold growth (colony-forming units), and mold genera were evaluated. The change in properties after exposure was significantly affected by the wood species, but there was no clear relation between mass loss and the initial chemical components or between wettability and wood density. The number of mold populations was different by exposure period and wood species, but there was no significant effect of climate conditions, such as rainfall and ultraviolet radiation. Of the genera identified,Aureobasidium, Cladosporium, andPenicillium were dominant molds on the exposed wood surfaces.  相似文献   

Wave propagation techniques based on ultrasound for timber grading are influenced by the moisture content (MC) of wood. The ultrasound velocities at an equilibrium MC (V12) and above saturation point (Vsat) were used to calculate moisture-related adjustment factors (kH). Tests were conducted using plantation hardwoods (Corymbia citriodora, Eucalyptus grandis and Eucalyptus pellita) grown in Brazil. Below the fiber saturation point (FSP), kH values were between 0.66% and 0.83%, which concurred with intervals proposed in existing literature for softwoods. However, the kH inferred from the velocities obtained at MCs above the FSP increased (from 10% to 30%) with increasing density. The sound velocity under saturated conditions (Vsat) obtained by adjustment equations was 2–9% lower than the actual Vsat obtained from the tests. The obtained adjustment factors may be useful for the standardization of nondestructive timber grading based on ultrasound propagation.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(3-4):147-152
Corymbia hybrids are becoming significant plantation varieties in subtropical and tropical Australian plantation forestry. Although primarily developed for disease resistance and amenability to clonal propagation, they have also proven to have good growth rates and site plasticity. Here we examined the susceptibility of pure Corymbia species and hybrids to pest attack. Three trial sites containing C. citriodora subsp. variegata, C. torelliana, and the hybrids C. torelliana × C. citriodora subsp. variegata, C. torelliana × C. citriodora subsp. citriodora and C. torelliana × C. henryi were assessed for pest identity, incidence and severity. Pests caused about three-quarters of the visible crown damage to trees in these trials. At the site that had the most arthropod damage, hybrid trees had higher damage scores and higher growth scores (height, diameter at breast height over bark, and volume) than pure species. Site was more important than taxon in explaining damage scores, and taxa performed differently for most traits between sites. Tree growth was negatively correlated with general crown damage, while arthropod damage alone showed no significant relationship with growth. Our results highlight the importance of establishing taxa trials across a range of sites when selecting for pest resistance.  相似文献   

Variability of leaf traits related to photosynthesis was assessed in seedlings from 14 tree species growing in the tropical rain forest of French Guiana. Leaf photosynthetic capacity (maximum rate of carboxylation and maximum rate of electron transport) was estimated by fitting a biochemical model of photosynthesis to response curves of net CO2 assimilation rate versus intercellular CO2 mole fraction. Leaf morphology described by leaf mass per unit leaf area (LMA), density and thickness, as well as area- and mass-based nitrogen (N) and carbon (C) concentrations, were recorded on the same leaves. Large interspecific variability was detected in photosynthetic capacity as well as in leaf structure and leaf N and C concentrations. No correlation was found between leaf thickness and density. The correlations between area- and mass-based leaf N concentration and photosynthetic capacity were poor. Conversely, the species differed greatly in relative N allocation to carboxylation and bioenergetics. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that, of the recorded traits, only the computed fraction of total leaf N invested in photosynthesis was tightly correlated to photosynthetic capacity. We also used PCA to test to what extent species with similar shade tolerances displayed converging leaf traits related to photosynthesis. No clear-cut ranking could be detected among the shade-tolerant groups, as confirmed by a one-way ANOVA. We conclude that the large interspecific diversity in photosynthetic capacity was mostly explained by differences in the relative allocation of N to photosynthesis and not by leaf N concentration, and that leaf traits related to photosynthetic capacity did not discriminate shade-tolerance ranking of these tropical tree species.  相似文献   

The effects of stocking on wood stiffness (MoE) for three Eucalyptus species are quantified using a 6-year-old trial established in New South Wales, Australia. An acoustic time-of-flight tool measured the velocity between two probes in the outerwood, from which the stiffness was estimated. Four stocking levels (714, 1,250, 1,667 and 3,333 sph) were examined. Stiffness varied significantly between all species, with E. cloeziana showing the highest stiffness (14.2–15.7 GPa), followed by E. pilularis (12.2–13.5 GPa) and E. dunnii (10.7–12.6 GPa). There was a stiffness increase (around 11%) between 714 and 1,250 stems/ha for all species but thereafter differences between stockings were not always significant. Trees were also assessed for basic density, dbh, total height, crown area, green crown height and stem slenderness (height/dbh). Only stem slenderness had a significant association (0.41 ± 0.17) with stiffness. These findings suggest that, where stiffness is a priority, forest managers could reduce establishment costs with low stockings (around 1,250 stems/ha).
Luis Alejandro ApiolazaEmail:


Nondestructive testing (NDT) can play an important role in improving the quality and reliability of tropical hardwood as an engineering material. By means of these methods, the stiffness of the material can be determined and the information used to improve its structural performance. Although, it is a usual approach for qualifying the material used to manufacture engineered wood products made mainly from softwoods, it is not so common for tropical hardwoods. Additionally, the lack of information regarding properties of glulam beam made from these kinds of wood is evident. In this context, the paper aimed at evaluating the theoretical and experimental deflection of glulam beams made from the Brazilian hardwood louro-vermelho (Sextonia rubra). Initially, the stiffness of each lamina was determined nondestructively using transverse vibration method (E dtv), which has been demonstrated to be the most suitable method for this wood species. Then, ten 5-lamina glulam beams were assembled according to descending lamina E dtv values. The experimental evaluation was performed using a four-point bending schedule. In general, the theoretical values of deflection were 2% higher than the experimental ones. The transverse vibration showed to be a suitable method to both measure lamina stiffness and predict glulam beam deflection.  相似文献   

Arrangement of the cambium and marginal zone of xylem were illustrated by drawing the outlines of fusi-form cells and tissue on serial tangential sections inZelkova serrata andRobinia pseudoacacia with storied cambium and inAlbizia julibrissin with non-storied cambium. The comparison of cambium drawings with parenchyma drawings revealed that the lengths and arrangement of parenchyma strands correspond closely with those of corresponding fusiform initials in all three species with storied or non-storied cambium. Based on this result, we deduced the correlation between length and variation of length and arrangement of the fusiform initials in 20 species of Japanese hardwoods using parenchyma drawings instead of cambium drawings. The species with a smaller variation of length tend to exhibit a storied arrangement regardless of the length of the fusiform initial. Thus, it is suggested that the variation of the length of the fusiform initial has more influence than the length itself on the development of the storied arrangement.  相似文献   

Effects of short-term (32 days) flooding on photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, relative growth rate and tissue starch concentrations of flood-intolerant Quercus alba L. (white oak), bottomland Quercus nigra L. (water oak), bottomland Fraxinus pennsylvanica Marshall. (green ash) and flood-tolerant Nyssa aquatica L. (water tupelo) seedlings were studied under controlled conditions. Net photosynthetic rates of flooded N. aquatica seedlings were reduced by 25% throughout the 32-day flooding period. Net photosynthetic rates of flooded Q. alba seedlings fell rapidly to 25% of those of the control seedlings by Day 4 of the flooding treatment and to 5% by Day 16. In F. pennsylvanica and Q. nigra, net photosynthetic rates were reduced to 50% of control values by Day 8 but remained at approximately 30 and 23%, respectively, of control values by Day 32. Leaves of flooded Q. alba seedlings accumulated approximately twice as much starch as leaves of non-flooded control plants, whereas root starch concentrations decreased to 67% of those of control plants by the end of the 32-day flooding treatment. In contrast, flooding caused only a small increase in leaf starch concentrations of N. aquatica plants, but it increased root starch concentrations to 119% of those of the control plants by the end of the experiment. The co-occurring bottomland species, Fraxinus pennsylvanica and Q. nigra, differed from each other in their patterns of stomatal conductance and root starch concentrations. We conclude that the maintenance of low leaf starch concentrations, and high pre-flood root tissue starch concentrations are important characteristics allowing flood-tolerant species to survive in flooded soils.  相似文献   

Some reports have shown that for single species the correlation between modulus of elasticity (MOE) and modulus of rupture (MOR) in bending is quite high. Tropical timbers consist of hundreds of species that are difficult to identify. This report deals with the mechanical stress grading of tropical timber regardless of species. Nine timber species or groups of species with a total number of 1094 pieces measuring 60 × 120 × 3000 mm, were tested in static bending. The MOE was measured flat wise, while MOR was tested edge wise. Statistical analysis of linear regression with a dummy model and analysis of covariance were used to analyze the role of MOE and the effect of species on prediction of MOR. The analysis showed that using MOE as a single predictor caused under/overestimation for one or more species and/or groups of species. The accuracy of prediction would be increased with species identification. An allowable stress and reference resistance for species and/or groups of species were provided to compare with the prediction of strength through timber grading. The timber strength class for species and/or groups of species was also established to support the application of mechanical timber grading.  相似文献   

The total hardwood timber stock of German forests is fast growing. The lack of knowledge concerning test standards, product standards and sorting criteria makes it difficult to expand the processing and marketing of hardwoods into the field of construction usage. Strength and stiffness data derived from small, defect-free specimens do mostly exist, but in order to be able to insert hardwoods into building applications, data derived from real size specimens is needed. Subsequently, the results of these two different specimen categories need to be correlated and the so-called size effect needs to be quantified and qualified. This paper aims to analyze the size effect of defect-free compression, bending and tensile specimens for the six European hardwood species maple (Acer spp.), birch (Betula pendula), beech (Fagus sylvatica), ash (Fraxinus excelsior), oak (Quercus spp.) and lime (Tilia spp.). They are tested exclusively parallel to grain. Regarding the compression strength for maple, birch and ash, the specimen dimensions did not influence the compression strength value. For beech, oak and lime, it was observed that compression strength increased as the specimen volume was increased. The bending strength of all species decreased as the specimen dimensions increased. Concerning the tensile strength, a clear statement on whether dimensions influence the tensile strength value is not possible. Further research with adjusted specimen sizes, specimen shapes and machine set-ups is needed. Regarding the compression and bending MOE, in most cases, the dimensions did not influence the MOE values. In tensile testing, MOE values differed significantly for the different specimen sizes. Whether these differences were due to slightly different test set-ups in the different sizes or a true size effect could not be answered conclusively.  相似文献   


Several key wood properties of four Australian hardwood species: Corymbia citriodora, Eucalyptus pilularis, Eucalyptus marginata and Eucalyptus obliqua, were characterized using state-of-the-art equipment at AgroParisTech, ENGREF, France. The wood properties were measured for input into microscopic (cellular level) and macroscopic (board level) vacuum-drying models currently under development. Morphological characterization was completed using a combination of environmental scanning electron microscopy and image analysis software. A clear difference in fibre porosity, size, wall thickness and orientation was evident between species. Viscoelastic properties were measured in the tangential and radial directions using dynamic mechanical analysis instrumentation. The glass transition temperature was markedly different for each species owing to anatomical and chemical variations. The radial direction showed higher stiffness, internal friction and glass transition temperature than the tangential direction. A highly sensitive microbalance and laser technology were used to measure loss of moisture content in conjunction with directional shrinkage on microsamples. Collapse shrinkage was clearly evident with this method for E. obliqua, but not with other species, consistent with industrial seasoning experience. To characterize the wood–water relations of E. obliqua, free of collapse, thinner sample sections (in the radial–tangential plane) are recommended.  相似文献   

A new disease of Salix dasyclada, caused by a Xanthomonas species is described. Cultural and biochemical experiments suggest a close relationship of this organism to Aplanobacter populi.  相似文献   

云杉类树种是完美的乐器共鸣资材,故以西加云杉径切板音板试材为研究对象,依据板的弯扭理论,用振动频率法实测试材在自由支承方式下的第1阶扭转频率值,测算得到剪切模量值;并用声学法进行了同步验证试验分析。结果表明,试材的测量值达到使用要求;频率法测量结果与声学法一致,具有快速、准确、重复性好等优点。该研究对我国开展钢琴等乐器音板用材的无损检测质量分等及其选材有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

Sampling strategies to provide unbiased estimates of individual tree characteristics have received increased attention in the past decade. Sampling-based estimation is appealing for many tropical species owing to the dearth of appropriately fitted models from which one can obtain an accurate prediction of these characteristics. Two methods, namely randomized branch sampling and importance sampling, are described in this paper. Their application to estimate surface (bark) area and average stem length is elucidated. Extensions to a stratified design are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

24种南方阔叶树材的干燥特性及窑干基准   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
通过对24种南方阔叶树材进行100℃干燥试验和窑干试验,说明了这些树种的干燥特性,提出了这些树种适宜的干燥基准。试验结果指出,多数树种在实际窑干试验中发生降等的倾向与100℃试验中发生的干燥缺陷是一致的,但少数树种不一致,这些树种的预定干燥条件需要通过多次窑干试验加以修正。  相似文献   

We present the uses that the Maya of Tixcacaltuyub and Tixpeual, Yucatán, México, have for the trees and shrubs of their surrounding tropical dry and deciduous forests; we add the uses for trees and shrubs in their homegardens, because they complement their basic needs. A total of 301 shrubs and tree species were present either in the forest or homegardens sampled; 222 species (73.7%) have at least one reported use. The species with more uses are: Bursera simaruba (10), Gliricidia sepium (10), Cordia dodecandra (9), Plumeria rubra (7), Caesalpinia gaumeri (7), Vitex gaumeri (7), Enterolobium cyclocarpum (7), and Piscidia piscipula (7). More species (152/69.7%) are classified for medical purposes, followed by apiculture (87/39.9%), food (66/30.3%), fuel (38/17.4%), building (41/18.8%) and timber (25/11.5%). Despite the lack of important commercial species (timber, fruit) in this type of tropical forest, we discuss the importance of the tropical dry forest of Yucatán as an area where management could lead to sustainable production of honey, deer and building material for houses.
Resumen Presentamos los usos que los mayas de Tixcacaltuyub y Tixpeual, Yucatán, México, le dan a los árboles y arbustos presentes en los bosques tropicales deciduo y seco que les rodean. Asímismo, agregamos los usos para los árboles y arbustos del huerto familiar, ya que estos complementan sus necesidades básicas. Se encontraron un total de 301 especies de árboles y arbustos en el bosque y los huertos; 222 especies (73·7%) tienen al menos un uso reportado. Las especies con más usos son: Bursera simaruba (10), Gliricidia sepium (10), Cordia dodecandra (9), Plumeria rubra (7), Caesalpinia gaumeri (7), Vitex gaumeri (7), Enterolobium cyclocarpum (7) y Piscidia piscipula (7). Se clasificaron mas especies (152/69.7%) para uso medicinal que para cualquier otro uso, le siguieron en orden decreciente, apicolas (87/39.9%), alimenticias (66/30.3%), combustibles (38/17.4%), para construcción (41/18.8%) y maderables (25/11.5%). A pesar de la ausencia de especies importantes comercialmente (maderables, frutos) en este tipo de bosque, discutimos la importancia del bosque tropical seco de Yucatán como un área en la cual el manejo puede conducir a un aprovechamiento sostenido para apicultura, alimento para venado y material para construir habitaciones.

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