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Acmella oleracea occurs in the Amazon forest and is widely consumed in regional cuisine and folk medicine. Many studies concerning its active principles are available, but few studies have been carried out regarding mineral nutrition. The aim of this study was to characterize deficiencies symptoms and nutritional content in Acmella oleracea. The experimental design applied was a randomized block with four replications. After blooming, following treatments were applied: complete solution, absence of Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Sulfur, and Boron. After harvesting, growth and nutrient content of inflorescences, new leaves, old leaves, and stems were assessed. The absence of aforementioned nutrients allowed for characterization of visual deficiency symptoms. The first observed symptom was absence of Nitrogen. The accumulation of macronutrients in inflorescences followed the order N?>?K?>?Ca?>?P?>?S?>?Mg, in new leaves, N?>?K?>?Ca?>?S>Mg?>?P, in old leaves, K?>?N?>?Ca?>?Mg?>?S?>?P, and in stems K?>?N?>?Ca?>?Mg?>?P?>?S. The greatest growth restrictions were observed in nitrogen and calcium absence treatments.  相似文献   

The tolerance of different coffee-plant progenies to zinc (Zn) deficiency was studied in a green house experiment arranged in a completely randomized design, in a 14 × 2 factorial scheme (14 progenies and two Zn concentrations), with four replications. Coffee-plant seedlings were grown for ten months in nutritive solution with or without Zn. There were evaluated for growth characteristics, zinc concentrations, and zinc requirement. The grouping involving growth characteristics allowed discriminating the progeny ‘UFV 4066-3’ as highly zinc-demanding and ‘IAC 4376-5’ as low zinc-demanding. The data on plant dry matter and zinc accumulation showed that the progenies ‘IAC 4376-5’ and ‘UFV 4066-5’ had low zinc requirement when ‘Caturra Amarelo 1’, ‘UFV 4066-3’, ‘Caturra Amarelo 2’ and ‘Caturra Vermelho 2’ had high zinc requirement. Leaf area reduction (%), leaf number, active zinc content in completely expanded leaves and total zinc in roots were the variables of highest relative importance in discriminating coffee plant progenies.  相似文献   


The objective of this work was to establish and compare Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) norms with the sufficiency range approach, and apply these methods on nutritional diagnosis of Arabian coffee, in field samples collected in summer and winter in Southern Brazil. DRIS norms and sufficiency range were established in groves with average biennial yield equal or above 3000 kg ha? 1. The “t” test was used to verify the differences between the sufficiency range and the DRIS norms. The foliar concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and sulfur (S) were higher in summer, and iron (Fe), and manganese (Mn) in winter. The reference values should be specific for the period of the year. There were differences in the foliar nutritional diagnosis, between the DRIS method and the sufficiency range approach. In samples during the summer analyzed with DRIS, copper (Cu), S, potassium (K), and zinc (Zn) were considered more limited nutrients and Mn, S, K, and calcium (Ca) when the sufficiency range was used.  相似文献   


Coffea arabica L. seedlings (cv. S.L.34) were sprayed with varying concentrations of cuprous oxide at 0.0, 0.25, 0.50 and 0.75% for 30 days. Significant increases in the total mean fresh and dry weight; rate of transpiration; stomatal apertures; the total leaf area and plant vigor were observed on the seedlings with increasing concentrations of Cu treatments. The content of N, K, Ca and Cu were significantly increased in the seedlings at Cu spray treatments of 0.50 and 0.75% It is possible that the growth promoting effects produced in coffee by spraying high concentrations of copper is partly nutritional. This is brought about by the catalysing effects of the absorbed Cu ions, by accelerating enzymatic activities within the plant and hence increasing nutrient uptake.  相似文献   

The objective was to evaluate the effects of omitting macronutrients in the nutrients solution on growth characteristics and nutritional status of eggplants. The treatments were complete nutrients solution and solutions with nutrient omission: nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), and sulfur (S). The experiment was carried out under greenhouse conditions with three replicates in a completely random design. Plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf area, relative chlorophyll index, photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance, dry matter, concentration levels of macronutrients in plant aerial part and root system, and nutritional disorders were evaluated. Omitting elements interfered in the concentration of elements in the various plant tissues and this had as consequences limited vegetative growth, reduced dry matter and led to the development of the typical deficiency symptoms of each element. Although potassium was the most demanded of all elements, nitrogen and calcium were the most growth limiting ones.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to establish a nutrient sufficiency range and DRIS standards of Conilon coffee grown in southern Bahia, Brazil for the pre-flowering and grain-filling stages and to perform a nutritional diagnosis of these plants using different methods. The collections were performed in 24 Conilon coffee farm fields to establish the leaf nutritional standards, and 278 samples were collected to the nutritional diagnosis. The nutritional diagnosis was performed by using the sufficiency range criterion and the DRIS method. The nutrient sufficiency range and the DRIS standards must be specific to each phenological stage of the Conilon coffee plants. The leaf concentrations of calcium (Ca), sulfur (S), and boron (B) were higher in the pre-flowering stage; and the leaf concentrations of nitrogen (N), potassium (K), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) were higher in the grain-filling stage.  相似文献   

定位试验研究咖啡-荔枝混农林系统中N、P、K不同用量及配比咖啡营养状况结果表明,缺N对小粒咖啡产量影响最大,其次为K,而P的影响较小;喷施微量元素B、Zn可明显增加咖啡产量。N、P、K肥配比为1∶0.5∶1,咖啡产量随N、P、K用量的增加而提高,鲜果产量为15~30t/hm2。建议思茅地区小粒咖啡营养诊断指标为N25~30g/kg,P1.0~1.5g/kg,K15~25g/kg,Ca10~12g/kg,Mg2.5~5.0g/kg,Zn10~15mg/kg和B40~50mg/kg;N、P2O5和K2O平衡施肥年最佳用量为N50~100g/株、P2O525~50g/株和K2O50~100g/株。  相似文献   

The correct nutrition of basil (Ocinum basilicum L.) is important to increase its production and quality; however, few papers have deal with this subject. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of omission of individual macronutrients on the growth and nutritional status of basil cultivated in nutritive solution. The treatments consisted of nutrient solutions with nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium or sulfur (N, P, K, Ca, Mg, or S) omissions and a complete solution treatment. The plants were cultivated in 8 L plant pots. Plant height, number of leaves per plant, leaf area, relative chlorophyll index, net photosynthesis rate, stomatal conductance, plant dry matter, concentration levels of macronutrients in the aerial part and root system, and nutritional disorders were all evaluated. Nutrient omission was a limiting factor for plant development, substantially reducing its growth. There was also a considerable decrease in nutrient accumulation when compared to the control treatment.  相似文献   

This study tested the hypothesis that evaluating soil and leaf nutrient contents is useful to discriminate organic and conventional management systems of coffee plantations. The study consisted of areas planted with Coffea arabica under organic or conventional management located in Espírito Santo, Brazil. We detected significant differences between both management systems when we utilized multivariate statistics to discriminate the areas. In our experiments, the principal mineral leaf nutrients, which acted as indicators were phosphor (P), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sodium (Na), zinc (Zn), and manganese (Mn), with higher contents in the organic coffee production system. The only mineral nutrient, which showed significantly lower values in leaves as well as in soil of organic coffee is boron (B). The implications of these findings are discussed. However, when using univariate statistics, like ANOVA or t-test, we did not find any significant difference between both management systems, although using the same dataset. Therefore, to discriminate between complex systems, we always recommend to recur to multivariate methodologies that are more adequate for such cases.  相似文献   

In Brazil there are two usual forms of supplying zinc (Zn) to coffee plants, in the soil with macronutrient fertilizers or by means of foliar sprayings. Both have limitations that compromise the Zn availability to the plant. This study examined the plant responses to the foliar sprays with ZnSO4 and insertion of Zn salt tablets, made with a mix of Zn sources, into the orthotropic branches of Coffea arabica L. Zinc supplied by foliar sprays or tablets inserted into the trunk both increased leaf Zn content, although the tablets provided more consistent Zn supply. Coffee production was higher with Zn treatments, regardless of the method of supply. The supply of Zn by the insertion of tablets into coffee tree trunks thus proved to be a promising way to supply Zn.  相似文献   

A greenhouse experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of a root-lesion nematode, Pratylenchus coffeae, two arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi, Acaulospora mellea and Glomus clarum, and timing of inoculation on the growth and nutrition of a nematode-susceptible Arabica coffee cultivar. The late AM inoculation (added simultaneously with nematodes) did not enhance coffee tolerance to P. coffeae. In the presence of P. coffeae, late-mycorrhizal plants were P deficient during the entire experiment and their foliar P concentration remained as low as that of non-mycorrhizal plants. After 7.5 months, nematodes decreased AM colonization of late-mycorrhizal plants by half and their biomass was only 20–30% that of the controls. In contrast, early AM inoculation (4 months before nematode inoculation) with either AM species improved the tolerance of coffee to P. coffeae. Root colonization by AM was not significantly reduced by P. coffeae. Despite higher densities of nematodes, root lesions were less numerous and more localized in early AM inoculated plants than in those of non-mycorrhizal plants. In the presence of P. coffeae, early AM-inoculated plants remained P sufficient and their biomass was still 75–80% that of their nematode-free controls. This study shows that in soils with low P levels, enhanced tolerance to P. coffeae seems limited to mycorrhizal coffee plants with well established AM symbiosis and improved P status. Received: 11 March 1997  相似文献   


This research aims to evaluate the impact of nitrogen deprivation and water stress on gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence in young plants of five cultivars of Arabic coffee. A factorial experiment 5 (cultivars) × 3 (treatments: control without stress, water stress of ?1.5?MPa and stress of N – 0.0?mmol L?1 N) was carried out in a complete randomized block design with three replicates. Before being submitted to the treatments, the plants were grown in a greenhouse for 240?days, and then transferred to a growth chamber under controlled conditions. Subsequently, after the experimental period of 96?h we measured photosynthetic rate (A), stomatal conductance to water vapor (gs), transpiratory rate (E), internal and external carbon ratio (Ci/Ca), water use efficiency (A/E), electron transport rate (ETR), actual quantum yield of PS II electron transport (φFSII), and maximum photochemical efficiency of PS II (Fv/Fm). Water stress reduced A, gs, E, A/E, ETR, φFSII, and Fv/Fm. The nitrogen deficiency reduced ETR, φFSII, and Fv/Fm. Under short-term water stress Catuaí Vermelho maintain the A values due to better stomatal control, reduced water lost by transpiration (E) and better water use efficiency A/E, while Mundo Novo and Acauã show lower damage to Fv/Fm. Short-term nitrogen stress has low impact on A of young plants of Coffea arabica cultivars with adequate N-nutrition.  相似文献   


The influence of silicon (Si) (2.5 mM), sodium chloride (NaCl) (100 mM), and Si (2.5 mM) + NaCl (97.5 mM) supply on chlorophyll content, chlorophyll fluorescence, the concentration of malondialdehyde (MDA), H2O2 level, and activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD; E.C., ascorbate peroxidase (APx; E.C., catalase (CAT; E.C., guaiacol peroxidase (G-POD; E.C. enzymes, and protein content were studied in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill c.v.) leaves over 10-day and 27-day periods. The results indicated that silicon partially offset the negative impacts of NaCl stress with increased the tolerance of tomato plants to NaCl salinity by raising SOD and CAT activities, chlorophyll content, and photochemical efficiency of PSII. Salt stress decreased SOD and CAT activities and soluble protein content in the leaves. However, addition of silicon to the nutrient solution enhanced SOD and CAT activities and protein content in tomato leaves under salt stress. In contrast, salt stress slightly promoted APx activity and considerably increased H2O2 level and MDA concentration and Si addition slightly decreased APx activity and significantly reduced H2O2 level and MDA concentration in the leaves of salt-treated plants. G-POD activity was slightly decreased by addition of salt and Si. Enhanced activities of SOD and CAT by Si addition may protect the plant tissues from oxidative damage induced by salt, thus mitigating salt toxicity and improving the growth of tomato plants. These results confirm that the scavenging system forms the primary defense line in protecting oxidative damage under stress in crop plants.  相似文献   

The mutual effects of boron (B) and zinc (Zn) on growth, total chlorophyll (Chl), membrane permeability (MP), and nutrient content were investigated in peanut (Arachis hypogaea L.). The soil was treated with five levels of B (0, 4, 8, 16, 32 mg kg?1) and three levels of Zn (0, 10, 20 mg kg?1). Plant growth was progressively depressed with increasing of B. However, Zn addition had an inhibitory effect on B toxicity and decreased growth reduction caused by excess B. In Zn-untreated plants, B and Zn contents were enhanced by increasing of B; moreover, both Zn and B addition enhanced Zn content. The Chl content decreased and MP increased, resulting from B toxicity; however, Zn addition partially ameliorated the adverse effects of B toxicity on Chl and MP. Increasing B enhanced phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), iron (Fe), Zn, copper (Cu), and sodium (Na) contents in peanut shoots.  相似文献   

Nitrogen (N)‐fertilizer applications to field‐grown maize may result in a dilution response whereby essential mineral‐element concentrations in shoots would decrease as shoot‐dry‐matter accumulation increased. To investigate this, the effect of N‐fertilizer treatments (no N or fertilizer rate based upon 5.3 or 8.5 t ha–1 yield goal) on maize (Zea mays L.) shoot dry weight and shoot mineral concentrations (N, P, K, S, Mg, Ca, and Mn) at the sixth leaf (V6), twelfth leaf (V12), and tassel (VT) development stages were investigated in a 2‐year study conducted at Brookings, South Dakota (USA). With increasing N‐fertilizer application rates, shoot dry weight was greater and shoot P and K concentrations decreased. A possible explanation of this dilution response is that planting‐time P and K fertilizers, which were applied in a band near the seed furrow, may have enhanced the uptake of P and K in a manner that was independent of N‐fertilizer treatments. Increased shoot‐dry‐weight production due to the application of N fertilizers, if P and K uptake were similar across N‐fertilizer treatments, would lead to decreased shoot P and K concentrations in N‐sufficient compared with N‐deficient plants. Conversely, N‐fertilizer‐induced increases in shoot dry weight were accompanied by increased shoot concentrations of N, Ca, and Mn. This synergistic response between dry‐weight accumulation and shoot N concentration was present at all leaf developmental stages studied, while that for Ca was present only at VT. Thus, N fertilizer applications that increase shoot dry weight can affect the dilution and synergistic responses of specific mineral nutrients in maize shoots. Crop developmental stage as well as the location of these specific mineral nutrients in the soil profile might play important roles in mediating these responses.  相似文献   

菌根对煤矿废弃物生态恢复的营养动力学影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采取分次刈割的方法,对煤矿区废弃物中接种丛枝菌根真菌对紫花苜蓿的生长状况、营养吸收进行动态监测。结果表明,在煤矿区废弃物中,接种摩西球囊霉菌根真菌苜蓿的侵染率大于接种地球囊霉菌根真菌的侵染率。丛枝菌根真菌对宿主矿质营养吸收尤其是磷吸收有一定促进作用,接种菌根使植物从基质中吸收氮、磷的强度比对照高,在第6个月时磷含量达到高峰,而对照在第9个月时才达到高峰。  相似文献   


Magnesium and potassium applications did not affect yield of Willamette raspberries in a study conducted between 1974 and 1977 in British Columbia. Potassium increased berry size but only in one of the three years that berry size was recorded. Leaf Mg, K, Ca and P concentration plateaus were established using biweekly sampling in 1977 and comparison with literature data of studies on a similar soil and with the same raspberry cultivar. New cane leaf K was relatively stable between August 10 and September 25, Mg between July 10 and August 15 and P between September 1 and 20. A relatively stable concentration plateau for Ca occurred between July 10 and August 5 but was not as consistent from year to year as were Mg, K and P concentration plateaus. Correlations between soil nutrient extraction values and corresponding leaf nutrient concentrations (during the established concentration plateaus) were found for both Mg and K, with Mg being better than K.  相似文献   

The southwestern Ethiopian montane forests are one of the most species‐rich ecosystems and are recognised globally as a priority area for the conservation of biodiversity. Particularly, in contrast to the drier central and northern Ethiopian highlands, they have received little attention by researchers. Here, we review changes to agricultural systems in and around these forests that are known as the genetic home of coffee (Coffea arabica L.) and that are important to the livelihoods of many rural people who have developed traditional management practices based on agro‐ecological knowledge, religious taboos and customary tenure rights. We explored the impacts of conversions to agroforestry and cereal‐based cropping systems on biodiversity, soil fertility, soil loss and the socio‐economic conditions and culture. The increasing trend of cereal cropping, resettlement and commercial agriculture causes the deterioration of natural forest cover in the region and threatens biodiversity, land quality, sustainable, traditional farming practices and the livelihood of the local community. Large‐scale plantations of tea, coffee, soapberry locally known as endod (Phytolacca dodecandra L'Hér.) and cereals have resulted in biodiversity loss. Following the conversion of forests, cultivated fields exhibit a significant decline in soil fertility and an increase in soil loss as compared with the traditional agroforestry system. The establishment of a sustainable agricultural system will require a change in paradigm, whereby the intrinsic values of the traditional forest‐based agricultural system are recognised, rather than the ongoing mimicking of agricultural policies that were developed for the open fields of central Ethiopia. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Intercropping or rotating of P‐efficient crop species which mobilize sparingly soluble P by their root exudates can have beneficial effects on growth and P uptake of P‐inefficient species. We aimed at studying the effect of intercropping or incorporating of crop residues of P‐efficient crops on the components of maize P‐uptake, i.e. the root‐system size and P influx (P‐uptake rate per unit root length). This was studied in 3 pot experiments in a low‐P sandy soil. In the first experiment, maize was intercropped with white lupine, sugar beet or oilseed rape, and with groundnut in the second experiment. In the third experiment, maize was grown after incorporating the crop residues of white lupine, sugar beet or oilseed rape. Maize growth and yield was strongly inhibited when intercropped with white lupine, sugar beet or oilseed rape, probably because of competition for nutrients. But with groundnut as the accompanying species, maize yield was increased by a factor of 3, mainly because of an enhanced P influx. Crop residues of oilseed rape and sugar beet increased the yield of maize by factors 2 and 1.6, respectively, because of a 3 and 2 times higher P uptake as compared to maize grown after maize without incorporation of crop residue. The reason for the higher maize P‐uptake after oilseed rape was an 11 times higher P influx as compared to maize without crop residues, and after sugar beet residues because of an enhanced root growth and a 4 times higher P influx. Lupine residues did not improve maize growth, mainly because of a low P influx, which was even less than that of maize grown without crop residues. The soil solution P concentration and calcium acetate lactate‐extractable P (CAL P) measured in this study did not reflect the P availability as indicated by the plants (P uptake, P influx). This indicates that other mechanisms such as P mobilization in the rhizosphere by root exudates or cell‐wall components were responsible for the increased P availability. These mechanisms need further investigation.  相似文献   

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