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《Southern Forests》2013,75(3-4):121-132
Pterocarpus angolensis (kiaat) is a well-known southern African tree species of commercial importance that occurs in several vegetation types in the Zambezian regional centre of endemism. The most prominent of these vegetation types are the Zambezian miombo woodland and undifferentiated woodland. A diverse range of ecosystems within these vegetation types necessitate adaptation by tree species to survive extremes of drought, temperature, altitude, soil nutrition and tolerate fire in order to compete with other plant species. There are several reports of a die-back disease of P. angolensis in Zambia, Zimbabwe and South Africa, but very little is known regarding the cause or significance of this problem. In this review, we provide details regarding the history of the disease and consider its possible causal agents. A pathology study conducted at three locations in South Africa on diseased and dying trees resulted in the collection of 199 fungal isolates; comprising saprophytic species such as Candida, Penicillium and Humicola, and potentially pathogenic species such as Lasiodiplodia theobromae, Cytospora spp. and Fusarium spp. Drought, during several years preceding disease, along with a lack of fire management may have contributed to both the present and past reports of tree die-back and death. Finally, an analysis is made of the importance of the problem and actions that might be taken to alleviate it.  相似文献   

王立海 《林业研究》2000,11(4):269-272
Forestcontractors,loggersandengineershavebeenpayingahighattentiontotimberextractionoperationssince1990's.Sincetimber-extractingoperationproducesthehighestproportionofoperationcosts,largestareadisturbedandmostresidualstandsdamagedamongalloperationsofsmalltreeharvesting,manytechniquesweredevelopedtomeettherequirementsoftimberextractioninsmalltreeharvesting.Animalskidding13Animalskidding,oneoftimberextractionmethods,usessomespecialdevicessuchassledgesandcarriagesasshowninFig.1toreducetheresistanc…  相似文献   

Large forest estates actively participate in the marketing of timber in France. However, the marketing of wood from private and public large forest estates (over 25 ha) could be improved by better managing price risk in multiannual supply contracts of the timber industry: creation of compensation funds for forest owners or calls to financial markets linked to processed timber products for industrialists. But, the development of supply contracts does not mean that private or public auction procedures should be abandoned. Similarly, by supplementing “forest area development schemes”, it would be possible to increase the mobilisation of timber produced on small (1 to 10 ha) and medium (10 to 25 ha) forest estates: more forestry cooperatives or local forest agencies and a new timber pre-sale mode adapted to small forest estates are necessary (sales subject to the buyer's choice of purchasing standing timber or cut wood delivered to a depot by the seller).  相似文献   

The paper presents a method of using single neuron adaptive PID control for adjusting system or servo system to implement timber drying process control, which combines the thought of parameter adaptive PID control and the character of neural network on exactly describing nonlinear and uncertainty dynamic process organically. The method implements functions of adaptive and self-leaming by adjusting weighting parameters. Adaptive neural network can make some output trail given hoping value to decouple in static state. The simulation result indicates the validity, veracity and robustness of the method used in the timber drying process  相似文献   

Variation in floristic composition of recovering BaikiaeaGuibourtiaPterocarpus woodlands was studied in different development stages (from early regrowth to mature woodland) under different land-use systems (protected areas, timber harvesting, pole and firewood collection, and abandoned crop fields), in the Gwayi and Tsholotsho areas in north-western Zimbabwe. A total of 150 nested circular plots were sampled representatively in four different development stages related to the land-use systems. The DBH (stem diameter at 1.3 m above ground level) and tree height were recorded by species for all stems of tree species with DBH ≥ 15 cm in a 30-m-radius plot (0.283 ha) and for trees with DBH 5.0–14.9 cm in a 11.3-m-radius plot (0.04 ha) (both centred around the same midpoint). Stems with DBH < 5 cm were counted by species in an inner sub-plot of 5.65 m (0.01 ha) radius. Tree data (stem DBH ≥ 5 cm) and regeneration data (stem DBH < 5 cm) by stem counts per species per plot, were used separately to run TWINSPAN (TWo-way INdicator SPecies ANalysis) classifications of species assemblages. Importance values were calculated for all tree species per community. Shannon–Wiener diversity indices were calculated for each community and tested for differences using one-way ANOVA in SPSS version 21. Detrended correspondence analysis (DCA) implemented in the CANOCO ordination software was used to determine the extent of variation amongst the identified communities. The classification identified 12 tree communities and 13 regeneration communities, clustering plots from different land uses together. Baikiaea plurijuga was the most important tree species in all tree communities, except where Combretum collinum, C. apiculatum, Commiphora mossambicensis and Pterocarpus angolensis were dominant. Pterocarpus angolensis showed low importance in most communities, except for communities from undisturbed sites (mostly mature trees) and abandoned fields (mostly young trees). Baikiaea plurijuga was most important in most regeneration communities, except in communities dominated by Baphia massaiensis, C. collinum, C. apiculatum and P. angolensis. Species diversity differed significantly (p < 0.05) amongst tree communities. The DCA ordination showed little variation amongst the communities. The cumulative contribution of environmental factors explaining variation in species composition was 22.6% for tree communities and 26.1% for regeneration communities, suggesting that recovery from disturbance after different land uses may explain more of such variation.  相似文献   

P.W.West 《林业研究》2023,(6):1659-1668
Inventory data were available from 96 plots of even-aged,monoculture,tall-open forests of Eucalyptus pilularis Smith,aged 2-63 years,growing in sub-tropical regions along the east coast of Australia.A model was developed relating the maximum possible stem basal area growth rate of individual trees to their stem basal area.For any tree size,this maximum increased as site productivity increased.However,the size at which this maximum occurred decreased as productivity increased.Much research has sh...  相似文献   

Stability analyses to evaluate site–family interaction for tree height at 15 years old were conducted in trials of open-pollinated families of hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa Endl.) plus trees established in the Honshu and Shikoku area of the Kansai Forest tree breeding region, Japan. The Honshu area included 103 sites (226 families), and the Shikoku area included 27 sites (62 families). Analyses of variance indicated that the interaction between site and family was not significant in the Honshu area, whereas in the Shikoku area the interaction was significant. The stability analyses regressed the family–site means against site means. The linear regression analysis was carried out using the data for 164 families that were tested at five or more test sites from the 130 test sites. Approximately 93% of families had values of linear regression coefficient that were not significantly different from unity. These results suggest that almost every open-pollinated family of hinoki plus trees have average stability and are equally well adapted to good and poor sites. The differences in the reaction of a family to site productivity are not the main causes of the interaction.  相似文献   

Cultivation of bay leaves (Cinnamomum tamalaNees & Eberm) to fulfil household income needs is a long established practice in Udayapur district of Nepal. The practices adopted by farmers for bay leaf harvesting have not, however, been validated by scientific investigation for their sustainability. To investigate the impacts of harvesting on the yield of branch, leaves and biomass of leaves, a two-year research project was conducted in farm fields at Kopche village of Routa VDC in Udayapur district, Nepal. Four different harvesting treatments, the orien-tation and the order of branches were taken as independent variables to test their effects on number of branches, leaves and biomass of leaves. Orientation, harvesting treatments and order of branches had a significant effect on the number of branches, but not on the number of leaves or biomass (fresh and dry weight) of leaves in the year of harvest. Between two consecutive harvests there was no significant difference in the num-ber of branches, leaves or biomass. Lower two-thirds portion of the trees produced the largest number of leaves and branches of the fourth order in both years. Therefore, lower two-thirds portion of the trees were suitable for harvesting. Our findings support farmer experience that no change in productivity of leaves is observed when harvesting each year. For long term sustainability, harvesting should be conducted without debarking of trees or damage to branches. Our findings could be extrapolated to and tested in other areas with different access and user rights where the rota-tion for harvest is fixed or regulated without research evidence.  相似文献   

Larch is one of the most important plantation species in the northeast region of China. After clear cutting of larch plantations it is the urgent problem to besolved that whether the second generation is continuously plant6d, whether the soil fertility is decreasing and the plantstion is how to be managed onthe forestry produCtion. In odder tO realize the secondgenerahon Of larch plantstions and to provide thetheoretical base and the reasonable managementmeasures, we inventoried the groWth o…  相似文献   

This study assessed ecological and socio-economic impacts of a participatory forest management project in the Republic of Benin. The study focused on the Wari-Maro Forest Reserve and the ‘Projet d’Aménagement des Massifs Forestiers’ five years after its completion. A forest inventory was carried out using 37 square plots of 729 m2 each to characterise the population structure of two types of plantations established: plantations with exotic species and plantations with native species. In addition, individual surveys were conducted with local households, organs of joint forest management and forestry officers to evaluate their perceptions about the participatory management of the plantations. Finally, the sustainability of the participatory management was assessed with an established rating system. Results showed that plantations with exotic species were more successful than plantations with native species. Local communities argued that they have not been involved in the plantations design but only in the implementation step and that their standards of living have decreased after the project completion. The rating system used showed that the participatory management of plantations had a short-term sustainability. The findings suggest that future projects should be designed and implemented with better participation of local communities as full partners.  相似文献   

Predicting upper stem diameters and individual tree volumes is important for product quantification and can provide important information for the sustainable management of forests of important commercial tree species( Shorea robusta) in Nepal. The aim of this study was to develop a taper equation for S. robusta. Fifty-four trees were selected and felled in the southern low land of Nepal. A mixed effect modelling approach was used to evaluate 17 different taper functions. ‘Leave-one-out cross-val...  相似文献   

  • ? Most of the edible forest mushrooms are mycorrhizal and depend on carbohydrates produced by the associated trees. Fruiting patterns of these fungi are not yet fully understood since climatic factors alone do not completely explain mushroom occurrence.
  • ? The objective of this study was to retrospectively find out if changing tree growth following an increment thinning has influenced the diversity patterns and productivity of associated forest mushrooms in the fungus reserve La Chanéaz, Switzerland.
  • ? The results reveal a clear temporal relationship between the thinning, the growth reaction of trees and the reaction of the fungal community, especially for the ectomycorrhizal species. The tree-ring width of the formerly suppressed beech trees and the fruit body number increased after thinning, leading to a significantly positive correlation between fruit body numbers and tree-ring width.
  • ? Fruit body production was influenced by previous annual tree growth, the best accordance was found between fruit body production and the tree-ring width two years previously.
  • ? The results support the hypothesis that ectomycorrhizal fruit body production must be linked with the growth of the associated host trees. Moreover, the findings indicate the importance of including mycorrhizal fungi as important players when discussing a tree as a carbon source or sink.
  •   相似文献   

    For the forests in the county of Västerbotten in northern Sweden, this study attempts to quantify the non‐timber value arisen from on‐site consumptive use (berry‐ and mushroom‐picking), on‐site non‐consumptive use (hiking, camping, etc.), and off‐site visual experience. The contingent valuation method (CVM) was applied in a mail survey for obtaining empirical data. A follow‐up survey was also conducted in order to get knowledge about the representativeness of the respondents to the CVM survey. The results indicated that the non‐timber value accounted for a considerable portion of the total forest value. On‐site consumptive use was more valuable to rural people than to urban, while on‐site non‐consumptive use was more valuable to urban people. Taken together, these on‐site use values—which to a large extent depend on the Right of Common Access—accounted for two‐thirds of the non‐timber value. The value of the off‐site visual experience thus accounted for one‐third of the non‐timber value.  相似文献   

    This article compares the use, policy, and debate concerning introduced tree species in the five Nordic countries (Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, and Iceland). These countries have a long common history and are culturally similar. They are often framed under the benchmark of the “Nordic Model” or even the “Nordic Forestry Model”. Therefore, we hypothesize that the Nordic countries’ treatment of introduced tree species share common aspects, and that global environmental agreements and international currents in science and policy have reinforced these similarities. The comparison shows that globalization is strong and it seems, at least at a first glimpse, that the Nordic countries follow a kind of “Nordic Model” in their approach to introduced tree species. However, the history and importance of forestry, ecological conditions, afforestation campaigns, traditions of using introduced trees, understandings, and stakeholder positions have shaped different national and even regional path dependencies and circumstances. This, in turn, has transmuted international policy-making, regulations, and discussions into different specific ways to interpret, control, and implement the use of introduced trees in practice. This article concludes that global environmental agreements and international currents in science and policy adapt to diverse national contexts.  相似文献   

    The scale of deforestation in sub-Saharan Africa underscores the need for forest restoration. Information is scarce for evidence-based restoration options. Sown Senna didymobotrya, planted Ficus thonningii cuttings, sown S. didymobotrya and planted F. thonningii combined, and previously occurring native non-browse shrubs (NNS) were compared for their effect on selected plant nutrients and occurrence of Olea europaea subsp. cuspidata in north-west Ethiopia. The treatments were applied to experimental units established on previous grazing land. At the end of the fourth year, 60% of planted F. thonningii stakes survived. The leaf biomass production was encouraging. Senna didymobotrya attained close to 1 m height and crown width. Natural regeneration of O. europaea was observed only under previously occurring shrubs. Six previously occurring NNS species were identified. Soils immediately under these shrubs were richer in nutrients than between shrubs in the open spaces. Our results suggest that vegetative stakes and NNS could be promising tools for ecological restoration of decimated ecosystems in the highlands of Ethiopia. Management interventions, which aim at steering succession close to pre-disturbance forest community structure by facilitation, should be selective of the shrub species.  相似文献   

    Based on the tree-ring growth characteristics of Erman's birch (Betula ermanii charm.) and the relationships between it and climatic )'actors at elevation of 1950m, the sensitivity of tree lines in Changbai Mountain to climatic factors was assessed. The results indicated tree line forest in Changbai Mountain had an obvious sensitivity to climate factors. However, difference from other study sits is that the main climatic control factor on tree-ring growth was not current growth season temperatures, as might be expected, but previous winter and current March temperature. Although the precipitation in the region was quite abundant, the tree-ring growth was still significantly correlated with the precipitation during previous winter and current spring. Additionally, climatic factors which influenced the Erman's birch growth were not the yearly variables, but seasonal and monthly variables. Therefore, the reported increase in yearly mean temperature and total yearly precipitation since 1980s was not responded by sustained increase in ring widths in recent decades.  相似文献   

    The competition and dynamics of dominant trees species in the forest ecotone between the broad-leaved/Korean pine (Pinus koraiensis) mixed forest and the spruce-fir forest (also known as dark conifer forest) in Changbai Mountain, Jilin Province in Northeast China were studied by using Lotka-Volterra model, based on the data from twenty-eight sample plots with area of 20 mx90 m for each one. Results showed that under natural condition, differentiation of communities followed two directions: one would be Spruce (Picea jezoensis and few P. koraiensis) and fir (Abies nephrolepis) co-dominant conifer forest, and at the equilibrium fir was absolutely preponderant (77.1% of relative dominance (RD)); the other would be the conifer and broad-leaved mixed forest, and at equilibrium, the broad-leaved tree species was 50% of RD in the broad-leaved/Korean pine mixed forest and 66% of RD in the broad-leaved and spruce-fir mixed forest. The study demonstrated that both broad-leaved/Korean pine mixed forest and dark conifer forest were climax community, the ecotone had transitional characteristics, and the diversification of the forest communities suggested that the direction of succession was affected by local habitat.  相似文献   

    Soil water stress was studied on the potted seedlings of five dominant tree species (Pinus koraienes Sieb.et Zucc.,Fraxinus mandshurica Rupr., Juglans mandshurica Maxim, Tilia amurensis Rupr. and Quercus mongolica Fisch.ex Turcz) from the broadleaved/Korean pine forest in Changbai Mountain. Leaf growth, water transpiration and photosynthesis were compared for each species under three soil moisture conditions: 85%-100% (high water, CK), 65%-85% (Medium water, MW) and 45%-65% (low water, LW) of 37.4% water-holding capacity in field. The results showed that the characteristic of typical drought-resistance of the leaves is significantly developed. The net photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency of Fraxinus mandshurica were higher in MW than those in CK. But for the other four species, the net photosynthetic rate and water use efficiency in CK were lower than those in MW and LW. The transpiration rate responding to soil moistures varied from species to soecies.  相似文献   

    The highest deforestation and forest degradation rates in Africa occur in the dry forests and woodlands where pressure for land is increasing, poverty is rampant, livelihood options are few and climate change effects are severe. This paper examines factors that cause land and forest degradation in the Sahel and dry forests and woodlands of eastern and southern Africa and highlights some successful restoration practices, technologies and approaches. In the Sahel, enclosures are used to protect young growing trees while in East Africa enclosures are implemented on degraded land as a mechanism for environmental rehabilitation with a clear biophysical impact. The choice of techniques for rehabilitating specific degraded areas depends first on the priorities and management objectives of stakeholders followed by the costs and benefits associated with available rehabilitation techniques and the economic, social, and environmental values of the land resources in their current and desired future states. In the Sahel, sustainable land management is considered to be an imperative for their sustainable development and the practices include soil and water conservation activities and structures. In all regions, natural forest rehabilitation has used both natural and assisted regeneration to promote the growth of especially indigenous species through coppice regrowth and root suckers rather than seeds. Assisted regeneration was especially prevalent in the Sahel where indigenous tree species have been identified to dominate the degraded sites during early stages of secondary forest succession. The success of any rehabilitation activities depends on community-based natural resources management. In addition, the forest policies and their related policies need to be enabling in order to address issues of concern, including (1) the full participation of communities, (2) clear land and tree tenure and (3) equitable benefit sharing.  相似文献   

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