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This study assesses the possible use of suspended sediment as an indirect measurement of phosphorus (P) concentrations in a rural headwater catchment located in NW Spain. Particulate P accounted for about 70 percent of the P export, indicating that P transport is linked to sediment in this catchment. The relationship between P and suspended sediment concentrations showed that particulate P was strongly dependent on suspended sediment, although the relationship is not consistent throughout seasons. The particulate P–suspended sediment relationship behaved differently at low flow and runoff events; the relationship was only significant during runoff events. This is because low flow is dominated by dissolved P and by pathways that do not mobilize or transport sediment. The particulate P–suspended sediment ratio was lower during runoff events than during low flow, which is consistent with enrichment ratio effects.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the role of runoff events in influencing concentrations and export of suspended sediments and phosphorus in a headwater stream draining an agroforestry catchment in northwestern Spain. Large differences exist between suspended sediment and phosphorus (P) concentrations measured during base-flow conditions and runoff events, with a higher delivery during runoff events. Suspended sediment and phosphorus exports were 29.44 and 0.08 kg ha?1 y?1 respectively, with more than 50% delivered during runoff events (12% of the year). The relative contributions of phosphorus forms to the total annual export were 75% and 25% as particulate and dissolved phosphorus, respectively. Soil erosion is the main source of suspended sediment and phosphorus in the stream.  相似文献   

国内主要流域侵蚀产沙模型评述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
流域侵蚀产沙模型是国际土壤侵蚀研究的重点领域之一,国内以往进行了较多研究,建立了许多模型。正确分析和评价这些模型对于合理地使用它们进行流域侵蚀产沙预报和水土保持规划等工作具有重要意义。从研究方法、模型结构、模型中各参数的确定等方面对我国主要流域侵蚀产沙经验模型和具有一定成因的模型进行了分析,并在此基础上对各模型进行了评价。  相似文献   

Impact assessments on river systems of the combined effect of bed and suspended sediment loads from quarries are difficult to find. In this study, bed and suspended loads were measured to determine the impact of a 20‐ha limestone quarry on the river system of its 5,000‐ha steep, diverse land use/land cover but mostly forested catchment. A network of hydrologic and sediment monitoring instruments was deployed over the catchment during two separate study periods when sediment loadings were measured from captured storms. Results showed that the quarry stood to make a disproportionately large contribution to the catchment's estimated 2·1 Mg ha−1 yr−1 suspended sediment load. Large storm events contributed most of the loadings with five events supplying 92% of total loadings at the outlet. A paired method approach to compare suspended sediment loads between two subcatchments showed that during eight storm events, the quarry yielded between 2 and 49·2 Mg ha−1 per event, whereas the forest never yielded more than 0·1 Mg ha−1. Furthermore, the contribution of sediments from the quarry to bed load was more than 75% at a section located 1·2 km downstream. Future management activities to reduce sediment and bed loads, not only from this catchment but also from all others with similar land use/land covers, should focus on improving quarry operations. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

流域侵蚀产沙的尺度变异规律研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9       下载免费PDF全文
 侵蚀产沙的尺度变异规律,是当今土壤侵蚀研究的前沿,它涉及的研究范围广泛,小到土壤颗粒,大到全球气候变化与碳循环过程。特别是不同尺度流域之间侵蚀产沙和输移,究竟有什么样的内在联系,小流域所获得的研究成果是否能推广应用到大中流域,已成为迫切需要解决的重要科学问题。有关流域侵蚀产沙与输移过程随流域尺度复杂变化的研究,国际上刚刚开始,国内有关流域尺度研究主要涉及于水文学领域的一些尺度研究,关于流域侵蚀产沙与输移过程随流域尺度复杂变化的研究不多。作者对国外当前土壤侵蚀模型的最新进展进行了综述,并对侵蚀产沙的尺度变异规律进行了分析。由于具有GIS强大的空间数据管理和分析能力,它将在流域侵蚀产沙尺度变异这一侵蚀产沙的问题研究中发挥重要作用。  相似文献   

治理小流域侵蚀产沙特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
该文以纸坊沟流域为例,分析了治理小流域侵蚀特征,产沙特征及综合治理减沙效益。结果表明:流域侵蚀强度以中等以下为主,流域产沙主要来源于沟谷地的天然荒波,流域综合治理具有明显的减沙效益。  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) transfers may accelerate water eutrophication to waters. Increasing awareness of the role of diffuse P sources motivates land managers in different regions of Europe to undertake conservation programs that place emphasis not only on soil conservation but also on water quality and eutrophication risk. Fertilizer applications and wastes are the main sources of dissolved P in Galicia and in the Atlantic regions of Spain. The aim of this study was to assess the temporal changes in concentration of total P (TP), sedimentary P (SP), and total dissolved P (TDP) and suspended solids at the outlet of an agroforestry catchment located in northwestern Spain. The study datasets range from January 1999 to December 2007, with 992 water samples collected. The water-collection strategy was a stratified point sampling involving more frequent collections when flow was high. Phosphorus contents were assessed by inductively coupled plasma (ICP)–mass spectroscopy (MS), and suspended solids were measured by filtration. The content ranges of the different studied P forms and suspended solids were as follows: TDP between 1 and 672 mg L?1, SP between 1 and 1064 mg L?1, TP between 1 and 1111 mg L?1, and suspended solids between 1 and 1044 mg L?1. A few events of intense precipitation with peaks of TP greater than 200 mg L?1 and in some cases even more than 1000 mg L?1 were responsible for most of the P losses in the catchment studied. TP and SP, TP and suspended solids, and SP and suspended solids showed highly significant correlations during the entire study period, evidencing the erosive origin of P in this catchment.  相似文献   

关于林草地减沙效益计算研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
林草地减沙效益表现在固土、拦沙和防蚀三个方面。传统的用封闭径流小区试验法测定的林草地的减沙量实质上仅为林草地自身的固土量,用这种固土量来计算林草地的减沙效益是不完全的、片面的。  相似文献   

In this paper, the Annualized Agricultural Non‐Point Source (AnnAGNPS) model has been used to estimate runoff, peak discharge and sediment load at the event scale in a Mediterranean watershed. The study area is the Carapelle torrent, Southern Italy (area = 506 km2), where continuous rainfall, streamflow and sediment load data are available. Nineteen flood events have been registered in the period 2007–2009 and were used for the application of the model. The aim of the paper is to evaluate the predictive accuracy of the model at the event scale, in a medium‐size watershed, given the specific conditions of the semi‐arid environments. A sensitivity analysis has been carried out to assign the correct parameterization: the mean normalized output variation of the most meaningful input parameters pointed out the influence of the curve number on runoff, peak discharge and sediment load predictions (values greater than 1); the MN Manning's roughness coefficient and K, C and P factors of the universal soil loss equation showed a moderate influence on sediment load simulations (values between 0·5 and 1). The selection of the Soil Conservation Service synthetic storm types has been based on the observed storm events analysis to improve the peak discharge simulations. The model prediction has proved to be good for runoff (R2 = 0·74, NSE = 0·75, W = 0·92) and peak discharge (R2 = 0·85, NSE = 0·70, W = 0·94), and satisfactory for sediment yield (R2 = 0·70, NSE = 0·63, W = 0·91). The relative error is lower for high events; this result is quite interesting in semi‐arid environments, where most of the annual sediment yield is concentrated in a few, severe events. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

巢湖马鞍山西北坡土壤侵蚀及其N、P时空变异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以马鞍山西北坡土壤作为研究对象,利用不同时间不同海拔高度土壤的试验数据,分析了坡面土壤氮磷含量的时空变异特征和次降雨前后土壤颗粒组成与氮磷含量的变化特征,进行了坡面土壤及氮磷元素移失量的估算。结果表明,速效磷含量由1月到7月呈增加趋势;土壤全磷含量随着时间变化而逐渐降低,在空间上随海拔高度降低而逐渐增加;土壤的全氮与水解氮在季节上表现出春季较高,而夏季较低的特点,在空间上呈从山体下部向上逐渐降低的趋势;降雨后,坡地表层土壤氮磷含量会有一定程度的降低,其中速效磷和水解氮降幅明显高于全磷和全氮,土壤颗粒组成呈现出粘粒和粉粒含量减少,砂粒含量相对增加的趋势;坡面土壤的平均流失厚度为0.41 cm/a,平均流失量为5 412 t/(km2.a),氮素和磷素的平均移失量分别为9.12,2.30 t/(km2.a)。  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to investigate the effects of long-term broiler litter application on soil phosphorus (P) and water quality and examine the spatial variations of soil P at a private poultry farm in Mississippi. Results indicated that the littered soil had 86 times more Mehlich III–extractable P in the surface horizon compared to the nonlittered soil. When compared to the runoff from nonlittered soil, mean soluble phosphate (PO4)-P concentrations in the littered soil's runoff were 85 times greater throughout the study. Mass loss of P from the littered field was significantly greater than from the nonlittered field, and it decreased with each sequential runoff event. There were no linear relationships between the spatial variations of litter application rates and the P spatial variability in the littered soil; however, the variations in soil P levels could be a result of the cumulative effects of more than 20 years of litter application.  相似文献   

The widespread adoption of the sediment fingerprinting approach to guide catchment management has been limited by the cost and the difficulty to prepare and process samples for geochemical and radionuclide analyses. Spectral properties have recently been shown to provide a rapid and cost‐efficient alternative for this purpose. The current research objective was (i) to quantify the sediment source contributions in a 1∙19‐km2 rural catchment of Southern Brazil by using mid‐infrared (MIR) spectroscopy and (ii) to compare these results with those obtained with geochemical approach and near‐infrared and ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy methods. The sediment sources to discriminate were cropland surface (n  = 20), unpaved roads (n  = 10) and stream channel banks (n  = 10). Twenty‐nine suspended sediment samples were collected at the catchment outlet during nine significant flood events. The sources could be distinguished by MIR spectroscopy. Cropland and channel bank sources mainly differed in their clay mineral contents, but their similar organic matter content complicated the MIR‐model predictions. Unpaved road contributions were discriminated from the other sources by their lower organic carbon content. When the results of the current research based on MIR spectroscopy are compared with those obtained using other sediment fingerprinting approaches, based on geochemistry and near‐infrared and ultraviolet–visible spectroscopy, an overestimation of channel banks contribution and an underestimation of cropland and unpaved road contributions is found. These results suggest that MIR spectroscopy can provide a useful tool that is non‐destructive, rapid and cheap for tracing sediment sources in rural catchments and for guiding the implementation of soil and water conservation measures. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为摸清东北黑土区土壤侵蚀与泥沙输移特征,以松花江流域为研究对象,选取不同侵蚀类型区8个水文站控制区,利用RUSLE模型,结合水文站实测输沙数据,分析了不同侵蚀类型区泥沙输移比的时空变化特征。结果表明:(1)松花江流域各侵蚀类型区均以微度侵蚀和轻度侵蚀为主,而草地、旱地和裸地侵蚀模数均呈现依次增大趋势,且大于该区容许土壤流失量,特别是松岭站、碾子山站、大石寨站和大山咀子站水文站控制区裸地土壤侵蚀模数均大于20 000 t/(km2·a),达到剧烈侵蚀程度。不同侵蚀类型区之间侵蚀模数表现为丘陵沟壑区Ⅰ > 丘陵沟壑区Ⅱ > 天然林区 > 漫川漫岗区。(2)松花江流域不同侵蚀类型区泥沙输移比总体上表现为漫川漫岗区 > 丘陵沟壑区Ⅱ > 丘陵沟壑区Ⅰ > 天然林区。(3)同一侵蚀类型区不同年际间泥沙输移比波动起伏,而从20世纪60年代到80年代,人类活动影响较小的天然林区和丘陵沟壑区Ⅱ不同时期平均泥沙输移比相差不大,人类活动剧烈的漫川漫岗区和丘陵沟壑区Ⅰ平均泥沙输移比则表现为波动式递增。研究结果对于了解东北黑土区土壤侵蚀和泥沙输移规律,明确该区域土壤侵蚀机理和治理目标具有指导意义。  相似文献   

潘雅文    马文龙  潘庆宾  韩剑桥    张胜男 《水土保持研究》2022,29(3):88-97+105
侵蚀输沙空间变异及其尺度效应是流域水文过程研究的一个重要内容,对流域水土流失控制和水沙资源科学管理具有重要意义。通过对流域侵蚀输沙空间尺度效应研究成果的系统回顾,从坡面到流域,阐述了降雨、土壤和植被等环境要素对侵蚀输沙尺度效应的影响,梳理了尺度效应产生机制方面的认知,总结了不同条件下坡面产流和侵蚀输沙尺度转换的代表性方法。在此基础上,对流域侵蚀输沙空间尺度效应研究的发展趋势进行了讨论,未来应增加新技术和数据的应用,建立具有明确物理机制的侵蚀输沙空间尺度转换方法,同时,急需突破剧烈环境变化对空间尺度效应影响的研究。本文的梳理与总结可为流域侵蚀输沙过程的深入研究提供参考,为土壤侵蚀防治和河流水沙的综合管理提供一定的科学支持。  相似文献   

影响富营养化湖泊底泥氮、磷释放的因素   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
[目的]分析水体酸碱度、温度以及上覆水营养盐浓度,为合理评估环境因素对湖泊底泥氮、磷释放的影响提供科学依据。[方法]选择富营氧化比较严重的云南省昆明市城市景观湖泊翠湖为研究区域,通过控制不同pH值、温度和上覆水营养盐浓度来模拟影响底泥氮磷释放的因素。[结果](1)放置时间相同条件下底泥氮、磷释放量受到水体酸碱性的影响,中性环境下(pH=7.5)释放量高于酸性和碱性水体条件。底泥释放5,10h条件下,pH值为7.5时底泥磷释放量分别达到5.88,8.28mg/kg;pH值为7.5时底泥氮释放量分别达到22.8,38.4mg/kg;(2)底泥氮、磷释放量随着温度升高而增加。温度为20℃时底泥氮、磷的释放量分别达到28.62,3.75mg/kg;(3)底泥氮、磷的释放量均随着上覆水浓度增加而减少,随着放置时间延长而增加。放置时间5h上覆水氨氮浓度0.31mg/L底泥氮的释放量最大,达到21.63mg/kg。放置10h在氨氮为2.37mg/L时底泥氮的释放量达到最大值(39.22mg/kg);底泥磷释放量在上覆水磷浓度0.14mg/L时底泥总磷的释放量最大;放置时间为5,10h时分别达到4.25,4.91mg/kg。[结论]底泥中营养盐释放是一相当复杂的动态过程,水体酸碱度、温度或上覆水营养盐浓度是影响释放量的主要因素。  相似文献   

通过田间径流微区定位试验,以中亚热带3种典型母质(花岗岩、红砂岩、红黏土)发育红壤花生坡地为研究对象,以当地常规化肥用量处理为对照,连续3年研究了在常规化肥用量减半条件下配施6个不同用量腐熟猪粪(猪粪含有0,0.5,1,2,4,8倍的对照处理磷用量)对红壤花生坡地水土流失和磷素流失的影响,以期为典型红壤地区合理施用猪粪提供科学依据。结果表明:化肥减半配施猪粪处理能有效降低红壤坡地的产流产沙,但随着猪粪用量的增加,径流水和泥沙磷含量均呈线性增加,环境风险增大。径流量和泥沙量均为花岗岩红壤红砂岩红壤红黏土红壤。配施3 500kg/(hm~2·a)猪粪,花岗岩红壤的径流量减少了28.0%、泥沙量减少了6.3%,红砂岩红壤的径流量减少了23.2%、泥沙量减少了37.1%;而配施7 000kg/(hm~2·a)猪粪,红黏土红壤的径流量减少了40.7%,泥沙量减少了12.8%。当花岗岩红壤、红砂岩红壤、红黏土红壤的猪粪用量分别达到14 000,28 000,28 000kg/(hm~2·a)时,径流水总磷平均含量超过地表水环境质量标准V类限值。径流水总磷含量为花岗岩红壤红黏土红壤红砂岩红壤,而泥沙总磷含量则为红黏土红壤花岗岩红壤红砂岩红壤。在减半化肥用量条件下花岗岩红壤和红砂岩红壤配施与常规化肥处理等磷量[P含量40kg/(hm~2·a)]的猪粪、红黏土红壤配施2倍常规化肥处理磷含量[P含量80kg/(hm~2·a)]的猪粪,可有效减少水土流失,且3年内不会增加磷素流失风险。  相似文献   

利用大型坡面径流场和小流域的观测资料研究了子午岭林区林地开垦前后土壤侵蚀特征,其结果为林地土壤侵蚀很轻微,侵蚀强度小于15t/(km2·a),径流模数小于2400m3/(km2·a)。地形和降雨特征对土壤侵蚀的影响不甚明显,植被和土壤成为影响土壤侵蚀的决定性因子。而当林地被开垦后,土壤侵蚀由自然植被覆盖下的自然侵蚀转变为人为加速侵蚀,侵蚀模数达1000t/(km2·a)以上,径流模数在27480m3/(km2·a)以上。降雨和地形特征对土壤侵蚀的影响非常明显。土壤加速侵蚀量与10min 或15min 最大雨强(Ⅰ10或Ⅰ15)的关系最为密切,坡面汇流增加,谷坡侵蚀产沙系数为27.7%。  相似文献   

草带措施对坡耕地产流产沙和氮磷迁移的控制作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
植被在坡面的位置对坡面保持水土的作用是不同的。动态监测澄江抚仙湖一级支流尖山河小流域坡耕地降雨-径流过程及水土流失量,研究草带措施对云南红壤坡耕地产流产沙和氮磷迁移的削减作用。结果表明:草带调控处理下雨季降雨量、总产流次数、径流深和土壤侵蚀量较原状坡面明显减少,次降雨下,宽草带的径流控制率和土壤侵蚀控制率分别为79.19%和64.55%,窄草带的径流控制率和土壤侵蚀控制率分别为85.15%和73.77%,坡耕地土壤侵蚀量变异系数>径流深变异系数>降雨量变异系数,原状坡面变异系数间增幅差异为31.42%,宽草带调控措施作用下变异系数间增幅差异为20.37%,窄草带调控措施作用下变异系数间增幅差异为19.11%,窄草带对坡耕地径流和泥沙的调控能力更强;宽草带和窄草带2种草带作用下,径流氮磷迁移浓度差异不显著,较原状坡面相比,草带措施明显控制氮磷迁移通量,径流总氮迁移通量控制率分别为81.23%和81.68%,铵态氮迁移通量控制率为78.25%和59.50%,总磷迁移通量控制率为71.36%和82.03%;径流泥沙速效养分含量明显增加,较原状坡面相比,草带措施能明显控制径流泥沙氮磷迁移通量,且径流泥沙氮磷迁移控制率较径流氮磷迁移控制率高,径流泥沙全氮迁移通量控制率为98.43%和94.30%,碱解氮迁移通量控制率为98.43%和93.10%,全磷迁移通量控制率为96.43%和89.77%,速效磷迁移通量控制率为90.34%和57.43%。  相似文献   

通过室内模拟实验对方解石、天然沸石、无机盐(NaCl和CaCl2)改性沸石、有机改性沸石覆盖层对富营养化水体沉积物中磷的固定化效果进行研究。结果表明,方解石、天然沸石对沉积物中的磷均有一定的固定效果,且方解石的固定效果好于天然沸石。无机盐改性沸石对磷的固定化效果的顺序为CaCl2改性沸石〉方解石〉NaCl改性沸石〉天然沸石。有机改性沸石对沉积物中磷的固定效果大于天然沸石和方解石,且覆盖层越厚固定效果越好。复合覆盖层对沉积物中磷的固定效果受天然沸石投加量、方解石投加量以及二者组合方式等因素的影响,随着天然沸石和方解石投加量的增加(100~300g),复合覆盖层对沉积物中磷的固定效果明显提高(67.10%~84.10%)。天然沸石和方解石混合覆盖层比单一天然沸石或方解石覆盖层能更有效地控制沉积物磷的释放。先覆盖天然沸石后覆盖方解石对沉积物磷释放的抑制率明显高于先覆盖方解石后覆盖天然沸石。  相似文献   

贵州省河流水文泥沙的时空变化特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
河流泥沙是流域水土流失与河流水文特征共同作用的结果,河流泥沙的空间分布格局和时间变化规律,可以反映水土流失时空特征及其变化过程。利用贵州省1956-2000年水文泥沙资料,分析研究了河流输沙模数的时空变化特征。结果表明:贵州省河流泥沙分布格局和时间动态变化,基本上与植被时空格局变化特征及人类活动的影响过程相吻合;河流输沙模数呈西高东低的分布格局,在时间上呈周期性变化,基本上逢3~4 a就出现一个极端值,形成波峰或波谷。1965年之前的时间段内,输沙模数较小值年份出现的频率高,1965年以后则是输沙模数较大值年份出现的频率则高。1966-1967年枯水和低输沙量、1971-1972年的平水和高输沙量现象的出现,对进一步研究分析贵州省径流泥沙关系和水土流失演变过程具有重要的指示意义。  相似文献   

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