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In this paper, the moving laws at any point of meshing discharge are stuied about internal gears E. D. M. grinding. It is the first time that the meshing theory of gears is combined with electric discharge machining, and the discharge principles of infernal gears of E. D. M. are described.  相似文献   

为研究不同强度的60Co γ射线对大豆重要农艺性状的辐照效应,明确适宜辐照剂量,本研究以淮豆13为材料,选取3种60Co γ射线辐照剂量(200 Gy、300 Gy和400 Gy)进行诱变处理。结果表明,不同辐照剂量均明显地降低了M1代群体的田间出苗率和成活率,且随着剂量的增加,出苗率和成活率不断降低,与对照(CK)相比,出苗率和成活率的变化幅度分别为44.34%-18.07%和24.45%-0.89%,其中400 Gy降幅最大;不同剂量处理对大豆始花期均有不同程度的延迟作用,比对照推迟3-5天开花,其中400 Gy对开花期影响最大,延迟时间达到5天;不同剂量处理对M1代群体株高、主茎节数、有效分枝数、单株荚数等重要农艺性状表现为剂量越高,表型差异越大;三种剂量中,300 Gy处理的M1代群体大小适中,且各种极端分化类型均具有一定的比例,表型变异较为丰富,获得目标性状的几率较大,适宜大豆突变体库构建。本研究结果为进一步构建不同类型的大豆突变体库以及深入开展功能基因组学研究提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

氮离子注入番茄M1代的生物学效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对番茄 N+离子注入诱变效应进行了研究。结果表明 ,番茄单果重、座果数等性状变幅大、变异率高 ;而对发芽率和果实的品质性状影响较小。并以 4× 10 1 6N+/cm2 、6× 10 1 6N+/cm2 剂量处理 ,产量提高明显。但不同品系 ,不同性状的最佳诱变剂量略有不同。  相似文献   

We examined the effects of heavy-ion bombardment on mutagenesis in sweet pepper (Capsicum annuum L.). Dose–response studies indicated that 10 Gy irradiation of 12C or 20Ne ions on dry seeds is suitable for inducing mutations in plants. From 20Ne-irradiated M1 plants, putative mutants included two dwarf plants and one plant whose pericarp was yellow were isolated. Phenotypes of their M2 progeny were similar to those of the M1 plants and did not segregate. F1 plants resulting from reciprocal crosses between the mutants and wild-type plants showed the wild-type phenotype, but phenotypes of F2 and BC1F1 segregated at 1:3 (mutant:wild) and 1:1, respectively. These crossing experiments indicate that the three mutants have monogenic recessive mutations in nuclear genes. In light of these data, we discuss the effectiveness of using heavy-ion bombardment to mutate sweet peppers.  相似文献   

基于Pro/E的带式输送机滚筒有限元分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了利用Pro/Mechanica对带式输送机传动滚筒进行分析和设计的方法,建立了有限元模型,分析计算了传动滚筒强度。该方法避免了不同软件间数据转换过程中的缺点,提高了计算效率,缩短了产品设计周期,提高了产品质量和可靠性,从而能够产生一定的经济效益。  相似文献   

CRISPR/Cas9基因编辑系统已成为许多作物基因功能研究和品种改良的重要工具。脯氨酸(Pro)在植物响应干旱胁迫方面起着重要作用,脯氨酸脱氢酶ProDH是脯氨酸分解途径中的限速酶。为了研究StProDH1在马铃薯脯氨酸代谢中的作用,本研究以StProDH1为靶基因,构建了表达马铃薯脯氨酸脱氢酶g RNA的CRISPR/Cas9基因敲除系统,在StProDH1基因5'端第一个外显子上为靶标区域选择设计sgRNA,以p P1C.4为模板,克隆得到sgRNA克隆框,将得到的sgRNA克隆框通过同源重组技术连接到pP1C.4载体中,获得pP1C.4-Cas9-ProDH1-g RNA载体。通过设计引物特异性扩增以及测序进一步确定sgRNA准确地连入载体,这对马铃薯中脯氨酸累积及其培育抗旱马铃薯新品种具有重要意义。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the processes in the system M/G/l with bulk service, in which the size of batch is a stochastic quantity. The state classification for the imbedded Markov chain is completed and the generating function of the queue length and some quantity indexes are also obtained.  相似文献   

The T1BL.1RS wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) - rye (Secale cereale L.) translocations have been of particular interest and are widely used in bread wheat breeding programs. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of the T1BL.1RS chromosome on grain yield and its components using 20 near-isolines of spring bread wheat cultivar ‘Seri M82’ (10 homozygous for chromosome 1B substitution and 10 homozygous for T1BL.1RS). The test lines have been produced by substituting the 1B chromosome in Seri M82 (T1BL.1RS, T1BL.1RS) through backrossing. Two field experiments were evaluated under optimum (five irrigations) and reduced (one irrigation) moisture conditions for two consecutive production cycles at the Mexican National Agricultural Research Institute, Ciudad Obregon, Sonora, Mexico. The presence of T1BL.1RS had a significant effect on grain yield, harvest index, grains/m2, grains/spike, 1000-grain weight, test weight, flowering date and physiological maturity in both moisture conditions. The agronomic advantage of the 1B substitution lines on above-ground biomass yield at maturity, spikes/m2and grain-filling duration was expressed only under the optimum moisture condition. The presence of T1BL.1RS increased grain yield 1.6% and 11.3% for optimum and reduced moisture conditions, respectively. These results encourage further use of T1BL.1RS wheats in improving agronomic traits, especially for reduced irrigation or rainfed environments. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

The speed-up of the rolling production makes the effect of rate-sensitive material on the rolling process significant. In this paper the Rigid-viscoplastic F.E.M, has been used successfully to simulate the steady process of plate-rolling of rate-sensitive material. The experimental results of testing the rolling force is in good agreement with the result of computations. The emphasises put on the discussion of the effect of the rolling velocity on the rolling process.Some new results,which are difficult to obtained by other methods, are obtained. The analysis above express that the forward slip increases with increasing of rolling velocity.  相似文献   

胶原酶二步灌流法获取原代大鼠肝细胞,用不同浓度的速眠新和保定宁处理,Western blot法测定肝细胞中细胞色素酶P450 3A1(CYP3A1)和细胞色素酶P4502E1 (CYP 2E1)的表达水平。结果表明:通过胶原酶灌流法,每只大鼠可获得2-4×108个肝细胞,成活率约为95%。用速眠新、保定宁处理后,肝细胞CYP3A1和CYP 2E1的表达随速眠新、保定宁浓度的增加和处理时间的延长而呈升高的趋势。原代大鼠肝细胞可用于速眠新药物代谢分子机制的研究,为其临床上合理地应用提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

1B/1R与非1B/1R小麦K型雄性不育系比较研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
利用非1B/1R类型小麦雄性不育系及保持系与1B/1R类型小麦雄性不育系及保持系进行农艺性状、抗病性、光合速率及SOD活性的分析比较。结果表明,T.spelta1BS染色体导入使非1B/1R类型小麦比1B/1R类型不易产生单倍体,农艺性状中除株高具明显优势外,其他性状均不存在显著差异,两类不育系及保持系的抗病性也无明显差异;非1B/1R的K型不育系光合速率高于1B/1R类K型不育系;1B/1R和非1B/1R类型不育系的SOD活性的变化差异较小,均呈下降趋势,保持系差异较大。非1B/1R类型和1B/1R类型小麦雄性不育系花粉败育的关键时期均为二核期到三核期。  相似文献   

Although the wild sunflower species Helianthus laevigatus has not been extensively studied it may be considered for sunflower breeding as a potential source of desirable genes for Sclerotinia stalk rot resistance and high contents of proteins and linoleic acid in the seed. A set of six H. laevigatus populations was crossed to cultivated sun~ower lines and produced nine F1 (2-14 plants) and 66 BC1F1 hybrid combinations (1-13 plants). Male sterility occurred in F1 and BC1F1 hybrid combinations and pollen viability was lower in the progenies than in the parents (51.6-77.2%in F1 and in F1 and 4.8-34.0% in BC1F1). Meiosis was normal in the H. laevigatus populations It was found that this tetraploid species also occurred in a hexaploid form Numerous irregularities were observed in the meiosis of the F1 interspecific hybrids During diakinesis, quadrivalents and hexavalents were recorded in addition to bivalents Dislocated chromosomes and chromosome bridges were present in the other phases The chromosome number in F1 was 68 (tetraploid). Irregularities in chromosome pairing were observed in the interspecific hybrids at BC1F1. There were many univalents, and trivalents quadrivalents and hexavalents were also present The chromosome number in the BC1F1 generation ranged from 34 to 60. The occurrence of meiotic irregularities in the F1 and BC1F1 interspecific hybrids indicates that H. laevigatus and the cultivated sunflower differ in genome constitution.  相似文献   

摘要:将IBVSX16株的S1、N和M基因克隆入真核表达载体pVAX1,构建IBV真核表达载体pVAX1-16S1、pVAX1-16N和pVAX1-16M。体外转染BHK-21细胞,用间接ELISA检测到目的蛋白表达,用构建的3个表达载体免疫小鼠,从小鼠血清中检测到了抗IBV抗体,初步证实用IBVS1、N和M基因作为核酸疫苗免疫动物,可以激活机体免疫应答。  相似文献   

Summary If M. aquatica (2n=96) having the genotype cc AA ff RR, 60–80% menthofuran, but almost no menthone, menthol, and menthyl acetate is hybridized with M. longifolia (2n=24) having the genotype cc aa FF rr, 4–5% piperitone and 66% piperitone oxide all F1 hybrids have the genotype cc Aa Ff Rr. They also differ from either parent in having about 1.2–5.5% menthone, 4–42% menthol, 2–20% menthyl acetate, and usually only 1–7% menthofuran. However a few individuals may have as much as 41% disomenthone, 6% pulegone, 45% menthofuran or 10% beta-caryophyllene. M. dumetorum, considered by taxonomists to be a natural M. aquatica-M. longifolia F1 hybrid, has the same 14 oil constituents observed in the experimentally produced hybrids. Thirteen of the oil constituents of the single M. dumetorum strain are within the quantitative range of 9 highly variable hybrids. The 17% pulegone of the natural strain was higher than the 6% observed in the hybrids. The M. aquatica-M. longifolia F1 hybrids have the same major oil constituents as M. piperita but in very different quantitative proportions. Since the sporophytic chromosome number of M. dumetorum has been reported as 72, 84, or 96, the suggestion is made that some strains are secondary hybrids from backcrossing and that others with 72 chromosomes may be F1 hybrids between M. aquatica and piperitone strains of M. spicata or M. crispa. Hybrids with polyploid M. longifolia are not greatly different in oil composition.  相似文献   

After EMS treatment of tomato seeds, a positive correlation was found between degree of M1-sterility and percentage of seedling mutants in M2. However, when the treated seeds were grouped according to degree of germination delay, a within-day correlation was present only in the group of earlier germinators. An explanatory model is proposed which implies that the sporocyte tissue of a cluster (or part of it) may either derive from a more sensitive (G1) initial in the dormant embryo, or from a less sensitive one (G2), and that within a population of clusters derived from cells at the same level of overall sensitivity, the correlation is absent. For practical mutation breeding the implication is, that breeding efficiency can be increased by harvesting only sectors with good fertility since this does not lead to loss in mutant yield. A mutagenic treatment should be such that fully fertile M1-sectors are not too rare.This research was part of a project resulting from a contract between The National Council for Agricultural Research T.N.O., the Agricultural University, and the Association EURATOM-I.T.A.L. at Wageningen.Part of the data were presented as a short communication (43) at the Symposium on the Mutational Process (Praha, August 9–11, 1965).  相似文献   

J. J. Hardon 《Euphytica》1969,18(3):380-388
Summary Yield and morphology of F1 hybrids E. guineensis x E. oleifera are discussed. Yield of the hybrids in terms of total fruit weight is promising but the oil content of the mesocarp is intermediate between the parental species and lower than in E. guineensis. E. oleifera has a marked tendency towards the production of parthenocarpic fruits. This character is fully dominant in the hybrid. Because of this the percentage fruit per bunch in the hybrids therefore tends to become higher than in E. guineensis partly offsetting the lower percentage oil on mesocarp.The oil composition of the parental species and hybrids are compared.Height increment of the hybrids is substantially lower than of E. guineensis but annual frond production is approximately the same. There is some hybrid vigour for frond area. For most morphological, vegetative and reproductive characteristics E. oleifera exhibits complete dominance over E. guineensis.  相似文献   

为了研究H1N1亚型猪流感遗传演化与变异的特性,2010年2月从河南省某发病猪场采集疑似猪流感的病猪鼻拭子,通过鸡胚尿囊腔传代接种法分离病毒,利用血凝试验(HA)、血凝抑制试验(HI)及RT-PCR方法对病毒分离株进行鉴定,并对分离株的NA基因进行了序列扩增及遗传进化分析。结果表明:分离到一株H1N1病毒,命名为A/swine/Henan/405/2010(H1N1)(SW/HN/405/10);同源性分析结果发现:分离毒株NA基因与GeneBank中登录的类禽型H1N1流感病毒代表株有较高的同源性(92.1%~99.4%),与A /swine/ Hong Kong/ NS62 /2005的同源性最高;NA核苷酸序列分析发现:没有核苷酸插入或缺失,其酶活性中心,二硫键及糖基化位点高度保守,但抗原位点有变异;系统进化树分析发现:该分离株的NA基因与类禽型H1N1猪流感病毒进化关系最近且处于同一分支上。由此推测该分离株NA基因可能来源于类禽型H1N1猪源谱系,遗传特征相对稳定,但同时也发生了一定的变异,说明该分离株还在不断地变异和演化。  相似文献   

Takes the motorcycle system design as the target , and researched motorcycle total scheme design and total layout design and kinetics matching optimization to design, KBE's technique , CAX's technique , PDM's technique and to target and so on technique is used in the synthesis , and intelligent CAD/CAE's system of the motorcycle system design work distance traveled by a stream of water and the architectural structure and integrated technique of every application sub system meritorous service capacity composition and CAD/CAE/CAT has been underway research, Open up a model system , and still unite the fund motorcycle produce development , and verifies.  相似文献   

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