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The GIS function and technique characteristics are introduced. With Client/Server and Browser/Server structure, the paper developed the soil information system based on GIS by using MapInfo to manager spatial data and SQL Server attribute data. The system realizes the inquire, retrieve and statistical analysis of soil fertility and classify information. The function of thematic map making, output and renew are also supported. The system does good to make better use of soil information.  相似文献   

This paper introduces a concept and development of the geographical information system(GIS), and outlines its use program in application to landscape planning and also presents anp useful GIS software by a practical example of landscape suitable analysis.  相似文献   

GIS支持下的农田耕地质量综合评价信息系统研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
系统用Microsoft SQL Server 2000作为系统的后台数据库,在地理信息系统软件(Map/Info)支持下,用Delphi全新的可视化编程环境进行二次开发,建立耕地质量综合评价信息系统。该系统既充分利用了专业地理信息系统软件及遥感信息处理系统软件的高级功能,又兼顾了用户使用的灵活性和实用性。该系统主要应用于农八师石河子总场土壤养分查询及土壤肥力综合评价的各个环节,以提高棉花经济效益,降低成本,增强市场竞争力为主要目标。  相似文献   

The standard cellular automata(CA) model is expanded to meet requests of space time dynamic simulation and forecast under the platform of geographic information system(GIS). Taking power load forecasting of the electric power industry as the specific application, the relations between dynamic model of the land use and power load space are established. The data and attribute data interactive discrete in spatial temporal data management have been solved. The CA theory is practically used to simulate the process of urban land use dynamic development, to forecast future land use types of each small area, to establish spatial load forecasting model. It breaks through the localization of all kinds of forecasting methods of traditional space time separation power prediction. The effectiveness of the prediction method is verified by example.  相似文献   

Monitoring and maintenance of sewer system is important to city water environmental management. A method for pipeline monitoring and maintenance decision support system (PMMDSS) based on geologic information system (GIS) and decision making system (DSS) is developed for upgrading sewer system maintaining efficiency. Visual basic (VB) and standardized Active X components are employed in PMMDSS, which selected SuperMap Objects as the development platform. PMMDSS integrates the spatial and model system to achieve the decision analysis for the sewer system monitoring and maintenance. An application Software is developed based on a case study in Yuechi Country of Sichuan Province. The software can be used to dynamically monitor the heath condition and provide an optimum visual decision making platform for the city sewer system.  相似文献   

MapX技术在木薯产业体系管理系统中的应用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文阐述了地理信息系统(GIS)的内涵,针对传统木薯产业管理方法的不足与缺陷,利用中国热带科学院热带作物品种资源研究所木薯研究数据资料,结合GIS技术,设计了基于MAPX的木薯产业体系管理系统。该系统采用Oracle9i构建数据库来管理空间数据和属性数据,利用Maplnfo Professional、MAPX技术和visual B语言进行二次开发,为木薯产业体系提供方便快捷的动态管理,更能充分的利用网络资源,实现全局优化。  相似文献   

陈鹏飞  程杰 《中国农学通报》2014,30(29):306-313
随着国家农业信息化建设的进行,农民对农业信息资源的需求持续增加,迫切需要发展“一站式”的农业服务系统。以广东省增城市为研究区,基于Web GIS 技术和B/S 结构构建了面向农民生产全过程的农业资源数据综合服务系统。系统可实现对气象、土壤、水资源、农情、农业服务机构等多种信息的展示、查询与分析。该系统的构建为相关系统的开发提供了一种思路。  相似文献   

杨阳 《中国农学通报》2015,31(30):239-243
为了建立人工增雨综合性的业务平台,将人工增雨作业信息化,便捷快速地将自动站、卫星、雷达、火灾预报等各种实时数据与地理信息方便的叠加起来,做到通过浏览器即时了解所需情况,实时指挥各地的人工增雨作业。笔者研究的人工增雨应急指挥系统是为临汾市林场防火目标而建立的,与网络信息技术及地理信息系统发展完善的新科技成果——Web GIS相结合,设计采用Web GIS系统的通用构架,选择PHP语言、Open Layers组件、Eloquent ORM组件来实现。整个系统可以实现监测信息、林火预报、应急指挥、作业管理以及资料信息5个功能模块,结合了本地的实际需求,解决传统落后的应急指挥方式。系统针对研究缺少的小范围林场火险建立的人工增雨应急指挥系统,把人工增雨指挥系统和林场火险预警相互联结起来,基于Web GIS从技术理论上得以实现,便于直观地反映设计要求和指导后续开发。  相似文献   

基于知识模型和GIS的棉花生产潜力评价系统   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
引入知识模型概念,建立以棉花生产潜力知识模型为特征的知识系统,将知识工程和数据库有机结合,以 Mapinfo 5.5 为系统开发平台,利用 MapBasic和 Visual Basic程序设计语言,建立基于知识模型的棉花生产潜力评价系统,实现棉花生产潜力评价的计算机辅助决策。应用本系统对江苏地区棉花生产潜力进行实例评价,并与实际单产相比较,进行单产潜力、潜力系数和总产潜力的对比分析,确定棉花生产地域优势。  相似文献   

姚慧敏 《中国农学通报》2019,35(33):158-164
[目的]准确及时的农情信息是各级政府制定农业政策、管理指导农业生产的重要依据。遥感技术在山东省农业资源调查、农情监测、灾害预警等领域发挥着越来越重要的作用,亟需建立一个服务于农业生产管理需求的省级农情遥感监测业务化运行平台。[方法]利用地理信息系统(GIS)、遥感技术(RS)和网络技术,基于MapGIS平台,提出了山东省农情遥感监测平台建设的重要意义、设计原则、总体架构、建设内容以及系统的总体部署。[结果]平台的建立,将实现山东省主要粮食作物面积、长势、产量、灾害等农情信息的动态监测与及时发布,同时为公众提供专题遥感监测产品服务。[结论]推动农情遥感监测的广泛应用和产业化发展,为保障粮食安全、强化农业生产科学管理和建设现代农业提供强大的支撑。  相似文献   

Com GIS is a new gerneration GIS system.This article demonstrates the basic concepts and the technical features of Com GIS,and discussions on the secondary application developments of Com GIS system for the Geomedia platform are given as an example.  相似文献   

为实现对无土栽培营养液中影响作物生长的各重要因子的精准测量与控制,笔者研制了一种基于阿里云的温室无土栽培营养液信息监测系统。该系统主要包括采集模块、控制模块、云平台和应用终端4个部分。首先利用传感器实时测量营养液的电导率、酸碱度、液温、液位和含氧量等影响因子信息,然后进行数据整合处理,并通过无线通信模块传送至控制模块及阿里云平台进行数据保存,最后通过Web端实时监控营养液各信息变化。研究结果表明,该系统能够实时准确监测营养液的信息,合理反馈供给作物所需营养液信息,达到功能设计要求,而且系统成本低,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

本文根据温州市土地管理信息系统开发的目标和设计原则,利用MAPX4..5和Mapinfor等软件对温州市土地管理信息系统的总体模块、数据库建设及各子功能模块进行了设计,并采用集成技术对系统进行了开发,实现了对土地现状数据的图文一体化管理,具备了数据的编辑、查询、统计分析及报表自动生成和专题制作等功能,研究的结果可以为研究区土地管理部门提供科学、快捷、有效的管理手段。  相似文献   

介绍植被景观多样性评价模型的设计思想,然后进行构造其专家系统,该系统采用模块化程序设计技术,分为预处理、综合库、知识库、推理机、知识获取及知识管理和总菜单等6个模块,整个系统在主菜单控制下运行,各模块能独立运行。专家系统程序采用雄风专家系统开发平台VisualXF6.1,GIS由Arc/Info系统支撑。最后以永泰县为应用实例进行研究,创建永泰县植被景观多样性评价专家系统,对全县进行植被景观多样性评价,按景观多样性程度由高到低共评价5个等级,2243.4km2,评价结果与实际情况一致。  相似文献   

Village layout planning is a fundamental work in the construction of beautiful countryside, and also a global work involving vital interests of vast farmers. Taking Fengyang Town of Fenxi County, Jiangxi Province for example, this paper applied Arc GIS to analyze natural facors, social economy, and construction factors quantitatively by evaluating development and construction conditions of each village comprehensively from the perspective of urban-rural integration. Classifying the villages into 4 types, namely urban reform type, concentrated development type, controlled construction type and relocation type, this paper tried to guide the scattered rural settlements to the intensive development.  相似文献   

GIS技术在中国农业气候区划中的应用进展   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:4  
王连喜  李欣 《中国农学通报》2010,26(14):364-364
地理信息系统(GIS)的空间分析功能与传统区划方法的结合,可以得到更加精细的农业气候区划结果,其作为一种技术手段已经广泛应用于农业气候区划,为当地农业生产决策提供可靠的依据。笔者着重从气候要素细网格化、区划成果数字化、信息服务、“3S”技术相结合等四个方面,总结GIS技术在中国农业气候区划中的应用进展,对应用中所存在的问题进行分析讨论,提出将来可能的研究方向,以期对该领域的研究提供参考。几点建议如下:(1)进行农业气候区划时应综合考虑多种自然环境因素和社会因子;(2)运用GIS技术进行“自下而上”的区域合并过程中,需要更好地结合自动合并与人工合并;(3)区划指标应考虑运用逻辑交集运算;(4)建立基于Web技术的开放式共享GIS农业气候区划平台;(5)GIS结合GPS、卫星遥感数据可以从宏观的角度全面监测农作物的整个生长发育过程,对指导农业生产具有重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

This paper has discussed the characteristics of the development of automobile components test system.Based on the development example of vehicle hyraulic shock absorber test system,the paper has built general measurement & control software platform for automobile components tests,carved up main function modules along with the class libraries for platform,and adopts multi-thread technology to guarantee platform's real-time performance.The platform has enough flexible and extensible capability,and can satisfy the requirements of software developing for modern automobile components test system.  相似文献   

It is not able to provide the decision service information that should be instantaneous, exact and all-around for governor by means of traditional mode of information communication. And it is important problem faced by modernization office. In order to get the needed information instantaneously and satisfy requirement of coordination work, the paper presents a kind of enterprise office information platform based on dynamic coordination work. The platform can guarantee coordination work of the system dynamically and instantaneously, and it is stronger in functions, and facility in use. It is discussed in more details to the design of dynamic coordination workflow drive and coordination message service drive and so on. The application effect of practical engineering shows that the design is successful.  相似文献   

Aiming at the difficulty optical cable-maintaining, this paper issues an intelligent diagnosis system based on GIS and expert system. To improve the optical cable-maintaining efficiency, the rules of the expert system are established according to the characteristic of the optical cable faults in the OTDR output. And the GIS is also established contained the information of the optical cable and the region the cable locates in.  相似文献   

The developmemt and research of taking fuel cell /battery as electric vehicle power is a new direction in abroad. A real-time simulation model for power driving system of a fuel cellbattery powered electric virtual vehicle is established. This electric vehicle powered primarily by 30 kw proton exchange membrane (PEM)fuel cells, with Lead-acid battery as assistant power, and with focus classis as virtual vehicle classis.The electric vehicle is simulated on the advisor platform, and the NEDC driving pattern simulation results show that the electric vehicle can satisfy the need of performance.  相似文献   

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