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It remains intrinsic defect how to explain reasonable financing behaviors in classical theory of capital structure. This paper gives a capital structure decision-making model with asymmetric information and exchange cost in incomplete market, and opens out mechanism of financing-selection base on adverse selection by Chinese public companies, in more we can explain well phenomena about equity over-financing of Chinese public companies.  相似文献   

针对当前棉种市场品种多,管理难度大;生产厂家多,种子的数量和质量不能保证;经营厂家多,市场竞争无序的新特点,提出了相应的管理办法:审定把关,通过制定品种审定的量化标准来规范审定过程,提高审定水平;生产把关,严格行政许可,发挥行政的调控功能;经营资格把关,严格市场准入,提高入市门槛;质量把关,强化产中过程的管理;严格执法,打击各种违法行为。同时,就棉种管理的相关制度、政策提出建议。  相似文献   

在市场营销学中,窜货是常见的销售现象。合理的窜货有助于商品的渗透与市场的流通,恶性的窜货会严重影响市场销售秩序。种子企业要对市场的窜货现象进行具体分析,制订合理的销售政策,建立和规范公平公正的市场营销氛围,避免恶性窜货现象的发生。  相似文献   

We point out the shortage of optimal portfolio model which was suggested by Markowitz in 1952, this theory has been less useful in practice because one must know indifference curves of investors. We propose safety first criteria and get optimal portfolio model under this criteria. Two methods are given to do with probability condition, and we obtain optimal portfolio. At last, we give safety first index to portfolio performance management.  相似文献   

This paper gives a brief presentation of the influence of different information structures on portfolio selection and some simple examples to demonstrate their basic algorithms. The first is the familiar mean_variance model. The model does not need more hypotheses on the motion of the asset price along the full continuous time axis,but sometimes many unanticipated computation problems may be involved because of the difficulty in computing the inverse of some matrices with high dimension. The second is the stochastic optimal control model. It is to solve a stochastic optimal control problem,which is often related to Hamilton_Jacobi_Bellman eqution.It results in solving partial differential equations of Riccati matrix differential equations. Their closed_form solutions are usually very hard to obtain. The last is the differential game model. The existence,uniqueness,and the computation for its equilibrium solution are all very difficult mathematical problems.  相似文献   

The quantities of taxes, as an important and difficult factor of finance, influences directly profits that corporations really got. Tax planning in enterprises could be regard as one portfolio investment of securities. Being concerned of cost and risk, portfolio theory is used as a new way in study of tax planning to evaluate validity of planning program and make optimal choice to achieve the portfolio-effect which is more planning profits and less planning risks.  相似文献   

S. M. Githiri    S. Watanabe    K. Harada    R. Takahashi 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(6):613-618
Soybean cultivars are sensitive to flooding stress and their seed yields are substantially reduced in response to the stress. This study was conducted to investigate the genetic basis of flooding tolerance at an early vegetative growth stage. Sixty recombinant inbred lines derived from a cross between a relatively tolerant cv. ‘Misuzudaizu’ and a sensitive cv. ‘Moshidou Gong 503’ were grown in pots in a vinyl plastic greenhouse in 2002 and 2003. At the two‐leaf stage, half of the pots were waterlogged by water placed in plastic containers and adjusted to 5 cm above the soil surface. After 3 weeks of treatment, the pots were returned to the greenhouse and grown until maturity. Flooding tolerance was evaluated by dividing the seed weight of the treated plants by that of the control plants. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis using 360 genetic markers revealed three QTLs for flooding tolerance, ft1 to ft3 in 2002. The ft1 (molecular linkage group C2) was reproducible and an additional four QTLs, ft4 to ft7, were found in 2003. The ft1 had a high LOD score in both years (15.41 and 7.57) and accounted for 49.2% and 30.5% of the total variance, respectively. A large QTL for days to flowering was consistently observed across treatments and years at a similar position to ft1. Comparing the relative location with markers, the maturity gene probably corresponds to E1. Late maturity may have conferred a longer growth period for recovery from flooding stress.  相似文献   

马铃薯Y病毒在侵染寄主时与eIF4E或eIF(iso)4E的相互作用是一种普遍机制。大白菜病毒病主要病源是TuMV,TuMV在侵染大白菜时能同时与eIF4E和eIF(iso)4E发生作用,且在大白菜基因组中上述两基因各有三个拷贝。因而鉴定大白菜资源在上述两个位点的多样性、发现各位点的功能缺失突变体至关重要。采用同源克隆和Tail-PCR技术,鉴定了12份大白菜抗/感TuMV材料中eIF(iso)4E.a位点的多样性。结果表明:5份材料的eIF(iso)4E.a基因组序列完整,但与已知序列相比均存在显著差异,包含3种新的单倍型;7份材料的eIF(iso)4E.a缺失了第四、五外显子及3'端约1 kb的大片段,是个假基因。同时开发了鉴别完整基因与假基因的共显性标记。该策略为鉴定大白菜中eIF4E和eIF(iso)4E其他位点的多样性提供了借鉴,开发的相关检测标记可以作为标记辅助选择的工具用于创新抗病毒大白菜新种质及培育抗病毒大白菜新品种。  相似文献   

陆地棉纤维品质遗传基础的分子标记剖析   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
利用冀棉5号和Acala3080两个陆地棉品种杂交产生分离群体,以SSR、RAPD和SRAP三种方法进行纤维品质性状的分子标记分析。结果从1120对(条)引物中仅筛选到46对(条)多态性引物,获得54个多态性位点并进行标记间的连锁性分析。分别以F2和F3的纤维品质性状进行单标记分析,检测出与纤维长度相关的显著标记5个,与纤维整齐度相关的显著标记1个,与纤维比强度相关的显著标记3个,与纤维伸长率相关的显著标记6个,与纤维麦克隆值相关的显著标记4个。其中同时控制长度、伸长率和麦克隆值的标记1个,同时控制长度和比强度的标记1个且在两个世代均被检测到。对纤维比强度和麦克隆值各检测到一对显著互作的标记,分别以显加互作和显显互作为主。  相似文献   

利用微卫星标记对中国宁夏固原地区地方品种鸡固原鸡和培育品种鸡固原红鸡两个群体DNA水平上的遗传多态性进行了研究,探讨群体内的遗传多态性,为种质资源的保护、开发、利用等提供理论依据。结果表明,利用微卫星标记分析6个位点,共检测到38个等位基因,固原鸡和固原红鸡分别发现29个和20个等位基因;平均有效等位基因数分别为4.6983和3.9385个;群体内平均杂合度分别为0.7198和0.6944。固原鸡和固原红鸡平均多态信含量分别为0.6456和0.5584,表明两个鸡群均为高度多态,均具有较为丰富的遗传多态性。  相似文献   

The development, characterization and application of cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.) microsatellite markers was accomplished using a library-enrichment procedure. Fifty-seven primer pairs flanking the microsatellite repeats were used for DNA amplification. Sixteen C. sativus accessions were assessed for polymorphisms using 45 primer pairs. The average number of alleles per locus was 3.6, and up to seven alleles were found at one locus. The maximum polymorphism information content value was 0.78 with an average of 0.47. The cucumber microsatellite makers could be useful for seed purity control in hybridity testing. Some of these cucumber markers were transferable to other cucurbit species (i.e. melon, watermelon, pumpkin and bitter gourd).  相似文献   

Epicotyl length (ECL) of adzuki bean (Vigna angularis) affects the efficiency of mechanized weeding and harvest. The present study investigated the genetic factors controlling ECL. An F2 population derived from a cross between the breeding line ‘Tokei1121’ (T1121, long epicotyls) and the cultivar ‘Erimo167’ (common epicotyls) was phenotyped for ECL and genotyped using simple sequence repeats (SSRs) and single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers. A molecular linkage map was generated and fifty-two segregating markers, including 27 SSRs and 25 SNPs, were located on seven linkage groups (LGs) at a LOD threshold value of 3.0. Four quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for ECL, with LOD scores of 4.0, 3.4, 4.8 and 6.4, were identified on LGs 2, 4, 7 and 10, respectively; together, these four QTLs accounted for 49.3% of the phenotypic variance. The segregation patterns observed in F5 residual heterozygous lines at qECL10 revealed that a single recessive gene derived from T1121 contributed to the longer ECL phenotype. Using five insertion and deletion markers, this gene was fine mapped to a ~255 kb region near the end of LG10. These findings will facilitate marker-assisted selection for breeding in the adzuki bean and contribute to an understanding of the mechanisms associated with epicotyl elongation.  相似文献   

The leaf rust resistance gene Lr19, transferred from Agropyron elongatum into wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) imparts resistance to all pathotypes of leaf rust (Puccinia recondita f.sp. tritici) in South‐east Asia. A segregating F2 population from a cross between the leaf rust resistant parent ‘HW 2046’ carrying Lr19 and a susceptible parent ‘Agra Local’ was screened in the phytotron against a virulent pathotype 77‐5 of leaf rust with the objective of identifying the molecular markers linked to Lr19. The gene was first tagged with a randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker S73728. The RAPD marker linked to the gene Lr19 which mapped at 6.4 ± 0.035 cM distance, was converted to a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker. The SCAR marker (SCS73719) was specific to Lr19 and was not amplified in the near‐isogenic lines (NILs) carrying other equally effective alien genes Lr9, Lr28 and Lr32 enabling breeders to pyramid Lr19 with these genes.  相似文献   

利用SRAP与SSR标记分析不同类型甜菜的遗传多样性   总被引:19,自引:1,他引:18  
为选育优质甜菜新品种, 指导种质资源引进和利用, 为进行分子标记辅助选择育种提供科学依据, 采用SRAP和SSR两种分子标记方法相结合, 对甜菜单胚雄性不育系及保持系等49份材料进行遗传多样性分析。利用4个表型差异显著的甜菜品系对SRAP的64对引物组合及SSR的11对引物组合进行扩增, 分别筛选出有效引物组合11对和9对。SRAP的11对引物组合共产生199条扩增带, 其中有86条多态性带, 多态性带的比率平均为43.7%。SSR的9对引物共产生35条扩增带, 多态性比率为100%。全部材料的平均遗传距离为0.3860, 平均遗传相似系数为0.6795, 大约30%的材料遗传距离或遗传相似系数具显著或极显著差异。遗传相似系数平均值比较, 多胚四倍体品系0.7264>单胚杂交组合0.7243>国外品种0.7060>多胚二倍体品系0.6908>单胚品系0.6837。在遗传距离0.20处, 将49个甜菜材料划分为A、B、C、D 4个类群, D类群又分为4个亚类, 较好地显示了甜菜材料丰富的遗传多样性。表明不同甜菜品种具有相当高的异质性, 国外与国内材料的遗传基础存在一定差异, 但生产应用的甜菜品种间存在亲缘关系较近、遗传基础较窄的倾向。  相似文献   

Lablab (Lablab purpureus (L.) Sweet) is a legume crop widely cultivated in tropical and subtropical regions of Africa and Asia. In this study, we assessed genetic diversity and population structure of 299 individuals of subspecies purpureus and bengalensis of lablab from Thailand using 13 simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The SSR markers detected only 34 alleles in total with a mean of 2.6 alleles per locus. Overall gene diversity was 0.360. Gene diversity (HE) and allelic richness (AR) in different geographic regions was comparable. Similarly, both HE and AR between subspecies purpureus and bengalensis were similar. STRUCTURE and neighbor-joining (NJ) analyses revealed that the 299 individuals were clustered into two major groups. In contrast, principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) revealed admixture of the lablab germplasm. STRUCTURE, NJ and PCoA analyses also revealed that the subspecies purpureus and bengalensis are not genetically differentiated. Although the number of individuals from the west of Thailand was small and all of them were collected from the same province, they possessed comparable gene diversity with those from the other geographic regions. These results demonstrated that there is moderately low genetic diversity of lablab in Thailand and the west of the country possesses high diversity of lablab.  相似文献   

1BL/1RS易位系在我国小麦育种中的应用   总被引:52,自引:10,他引:52  
采用SDS-PAGE和SCAR标记对我国小麦主产区近30年来主要推广品种和新近育成的部分品系共179份进行了1BL/1RS鉴定,结果表明:我国20世纪80年代后育成的小麦品种中约38%为1BL/1RS品种,其中北方冬麦区和黄淮冬麦区频率较高,分别为59%和42%;长江中下游冬麦区和西南冬麦区频率较低,均为20%;东北春麦区未发现1BL/1RS品种。大多  相似文献   

山西冬小麦品种Waxy蛋白分析及分子标记研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳(SDS-PAGE)法分析了山西100份小麦品种(系)Waxy蛋白的缺失类型,筛选出缺失Wx-B1蛋白亚基的材料8份。利用2个STS标记和1个SSR标记对不同Waxy蛋白缺失类型进行鉴定,验证其在分子标记辅助育种中的有效性,结果表明:Wx-7A位点的STS引物在野生型中扩增出1条450 bp的特异带,而在缺失Wx-A1蛋白亚基的突变材料中扩增出1条327 bp的特异带;Wx-4A位点的STS引物在野生型中扩增出1条440 bp的特异带,缺失Wx-B1蛋白亚基的突变材料中没有该扩增片段;Wx-7A,Wx-7D位点的SSR引物在野生型中分别扩增出1条265 bp和1条204 bp的特异带,在缺失Wx-A1和Wx-D1蛋白亚基的突变材料中没有扩增出该特异带。这3个标记可以用于分子标记辅助育种。  相似文献   

This paper proves some properties of the efficient margin in portfolio combinatorial investment and presents a methematical model for calculating the optimal weighted vector of portfolio combinatorial investment  相似文献   

建立小麦品种DNA指纹的方法研究   总被引:25,自引:1,他引:25  
建立小麦DNA指纹对遗传资源评价、品种权益保护、种子质量鉴定具有重要的意义。本研究采用15个SSR标记和20个AFLP-SCAR标记,分析了来自我国不同麦区的455个小麦品种,证明用两种分子标记建立小麦DNA指纹可以更加全面地反应品种的遗传多样性。从而,在提出采用SSR标记与AFLP-SCAR标记构建小麦品种DNA指纹的技术路线的基础上,建立了构建DNA指纹的方法模式。按此方法获得的品种指纹代码可以经条形码软件转换为条形码,使为每个品种建立身份证的设想成为可能。  相似文献   

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