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This paper introduces a method of solving the problem of leather cavity measurement in shoe CAD/CAM by industrial CT technology. Concentrating on peculiarity and requirement of leather cavity measurement, this paper presents a X-ray industrial CT system scheme, which not only satisfy the requirement of leather cavity measurement but also can achieve general industrial CT. measurement. The achievement on data collection system and motion control of stepping motor is emphasized.  相似文献   

基于医学CT和工业CT扫描研究土壤大孔隙结构特征的区别   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为探究医学CT与工业CT在土壤大孔隙特征扫描研究应用的区别,选取青海地区金露梅灌丛原状土壤样品,分别采用医学和工业2种CT对其进行扫描,通过对扫描图像的分析和处理,对比分析2种CT扫描的断层图像质量、土壤大孔隙三维图像以及孔隙度特征3个方面特征,分析2种CT研究土壤大孔隙特征的差异。研究结果表明:(1)从扫描土壤横断面图像质量来看,工业CT的图像质量要明显高于医学CT图像;(2)2种CT图像经处理堆栈出的三维图像在形态上相似,但是工业CT解析出的三维图能更好地体现出不同深度的土壤孔隙分布;(3)2种CT图像经处理得到的孔隙度,随着土壤深度的变化,其特征在整体趋势上大致相同,但工业CT能更准确地反映较深层次土壤的孔隙度。因此可以根据不同的需求选择适宜的CT。  相似文献   

The purpose of developing Teaching Experiment Instrument of CT is to demonstrate the whole process of CT scanning more intuitively, thereinto the design of data acquisition system is one of the emphases in the developing of the CT system. This paper mainly introduces the design and implement of the data acquisition system of CD - 50BG, using CPLD apparatus which have the characteristic of high integration, in the design of data acquisition system to achieve the target of minishing system bulk and improving system reliability. Aiming at the data loss of CD - 50BG during acquiring data, the data acquisition system is reformatively redesigned, the data loss in the high speed data acquisition process is reduced so that the stability of transmission has been improved by using FIFO.  相似文献   

Characteristics of smoke movement and smoke control in a shaft is a serious issue that closely related to the fire safety of high-rise building. This paper talks about the studies on the characteristics of smoke movement in a shaft of high-rise building from three aspects: the factors which influence smoke movement in a shaft, the distribution of smoke parameters and the upward velocity of smoke flow. Smoke control methods which are commonly used and the problems in engineering practice are summarized. Some methods thoughts are given to improve the efficiency of smoke control.  相似文献   

The construction and function of high temperature melt viscosity test instrument are introduced in this paper. And the character of temperature control system is given. In order to improve dynamic and static performance of the temperature control system, a new method is proposed which combines threshold control with adaptive fuzzy PID control. While the current temperature of the heating furnace is much lower than the given temperature, threshold control works in order to protect system and improve dynamic performance. When the current temperature is close to the given value, adaptive fuzzy PID control works to improve static performance. At last, simulation and experiment results validate the proposed control method.  相似文献   

In the civil industry, quality is a key factor, so quality management and quality control play decisive roles in construction especially. At present, the main method of construction is quality controlling that engineers and technicians consult the standard and norm concerned, then check them one by one, and supervise the construction. It is not only inefficient but also easy to make mistake. Using computer technology in the quality control of construction will promote quality control level and improve management measures. Through the research of the quality control of construction,the system of quality control in construction is studied and developed, the structure of the software and its developed technology are expounded.  相似文献   

便携式烟叶厚度电子测量仪的研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为准确测量烟叶厚度,可靠判别烤烟身份,解决长期以来依靠试验人员感官测量烟叶厚度问题,设计集高精度、小型化和便携于一体的烟叶厚度电子测量仪。该仪器包括机械测量装置和测控仪表,采用智能传感器技术以及后续硬件电路、软件系统实现烟叶厚度的测量。标定传感器,对烟叶厚度仪进行校准试验,接着对烤烟烟叶厚度进行了一天连续测量。结果显示:(1)该传感器的线性度小于1.2%;(2)仪器最大示值误差为4 μm,回程误差为2 μm;(3)叶片厚度值在9∶00左右开始下降,在13∶30-15∶30左右出现极值,在晚间叶片厚度值基本无变化。该烟叶测厚仪能够满足试验人员户外对烟叶厚度的准确测量。  相似文献   

This paper has discussed the characteristics of the development of automobile components test system.Based on the development example of vehicle hyraulic shock absorber test system,the paper has built general measurement & control software platform for automobile components tests,carved up main function modules along with the class libraries for platform,and adopts multi-thread technology to guarantee platform's real-time performance.The platform has enough flexible and extensible capability,and can satisfy the requirements of software developing for modern automobile components test system.  相似文献   

with the measurement and control network technology, the research and development of the performance test system of silicone oil fan clutch for automobile are introduced. The system can take intelligent measurement with three clutches on the line simultaneously. It also can display measurement curves, file reporting, and so on in the same time. The system has the capability of 256 channels communications.  相似文献   

In order to obtain the effect rules of control parameters of speed regulator on performance indexes of induction vector-controlled system and the setting rules of control parameters of speed regulator,according to rotor flux oriented control principle,a vector control model of induction motor is established and simulated with the software of Matlab/Simulink.This vector control system is proved that it possesses good static and dynamic performance.This paper analyzes the effect of control parameters' variations of speed regulator on performance indexes and gives simulation results.  相似文献   

A new type of measuring instrument which is used to measure lead errors of ballscrews has been developed. The principle of the inStrument,the system strucrure,the computer inter-face. The analyses of the instrument error and the experimental results are presented, The principleof comparing synchronous displacement is used to achieve absolute measurement. The errors correc-tion technique is adopted to correct the errors of the instrument so that the high measuring accuracycan be botained.  相似文献   

To guarantee the safety and reliability of steam-injection boiler, the real-time supervisory control system of steam-injection boiler is developed. This system consists of host computer and slave computer two levels system. The run parameters and run status of steam boiler are automatic supervisory with the host computer. The important parameters acquisition and manual adjustment to run parameters of steam boiler are accomplished by the slave computer. The practice proves the validity of this system.  相似文献   

Industrial Personal Computer(IPC) system generally works in long duration,and so a stable software is essential for an IPC system.Linux has a good deal advantages,such as,stability in use,open source code and free of charge, therefore an IPC measurement and control system has developed based on Linux. Multi-task scheduling is the critical part in system software.A simple method to realize multi-task scheduling in IPC measurement and control system based on Linux alarm clock mechanism is presented. Linux alarm clock mechanism is implemented by the cooperation of software timers and system call that is used to install and handle alarm clock.First, Linux process timers,soft interrupt signals, relevant system call are introduced,as well as applications of Linux alarm clock mechanism in multi-task scheduling. And then an example of the application in the IPC measurement and control system is given. The system has passed longtime run test,accomplished expected functions and shown well stability, so that practicability of the scheduling method has been authenticated.  相似文献   

根据临海市1985—2004年农田鼠情监测情况,阐述了农田鼠类种群结构时空变化特征,揭示了农田鼠类运行的四个阶段特征以及长期运动规律,创建了鼠类种群数量变动的Logistic模型:Y(t)=22.8818/(1+0.1038e0.2219X)、X={1,2,3,……,n}。提出了以农田生态调节为基础、积极保护利用天敌为重点、推广群众性测报防治为关键、改进药物灭鼠技术和因地制宜分类做好防治为保障的持续控制技术。2000—2004年推广应用面积8.04万hm2,将农田鼠密度控制在3%以下,将农田鼠害率持续控制在0.5%以下。  相似文献   

Modelbase(MB) takes an important role in Water Pollution Control Planning Geographic Information System(WPCPGIS),which endows the system with functions of water environmental simulation,data analysis,predicting,and providing feasible advices.Modelbase(MB) is the focus of this paper,with VB as the programme language,GeoMedia as the system developing platform and Microsoft Access as the database software.At the same time,the WPCPGIS Modelbase is applied in the water pollution control planning of Daxi River in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region,the water environment system relatively is simulated well,provicling planning-maker and decision-maker numerous useful informations:the distribution of pollution source,the situation of water quality,the environmental capacity of water,the situation of water quality in designing year,etc.The result of Modelbase can also be visually displayed in the digital map of GIS,therefore WPCPGIS can be directly applied to the decision-making of Water Pollution Control Planning.  相似文献   

In this paper,the conception of bus voltage stability control area of local powersystem is presented,based on the practical criterion for voltage stability calculated by the real-timeinformation and the quasi-real time information form the power system.The method is test6d onIEEE-30-bus test system and results are satisfactory.  相似文献   

The majority difficulty for uncertainty system control is that agreements haven't been arrived in concept of uncertainty information and its characteristics, uncertainty system and its properties. Therefore some control problems have discussed based on some confused concepts, and the result shows that the study on uncertainty system control hasn't made great progress yet. In addition, problems concerning uncertainty system control are very wide in the practical engineering. Aimed at above problems the concept of uncertainty information and its classification, basic properties of uncertainty system and desired control strategy based on own practical experience are studied. Finally, that intelligent control strategy is wise choice for uncertainty system control based on successful engineering application.  相似文献   

On the base of proving the feasibility of serial and parallel methods on Data Col-lection and Transmission System of the first Industrial CT in our country,we selected a more ad-vanced method which is the serial method to design this system  相似文献   

A new idea "Pretreatment and cycle stream of control" and the scheme to put it into practice is presented. In space region,the circuit is designed to form chain and cycle,and in time region,the program is designed to distinguish the period and the instant.It is ensured that the pretreatment will be finished in the period and there is always a circuit to wait to the triggered at the instant. So the respond speed of the system is almost approximate to that one of trigger circuit.  相似文献   

This paper proposes an expert control system for industrial processes on-line control and supervision by combining expert system techniques with computer process control techniques, introduces the fundamental design principles,basic structure and engineering implementation of this real time expert control system and gives the field operation results concerning the processing of a sodium chromate rotary kiln controlled by this expert control system as an application example.  相似文献   

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