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This paper describes a telemetring technique on deformation of large Electrical Power Equipment. We install n radio beacons apart Δ Hi each other at large structure. The carriers of n beacons are same but modulated by different orthogonal PN codes. So the telemetring equipment can divide the carriers of n beacons. The phase detectors measure the phase difference between the ith carrier and ( i -1)th carrier Δ θi(i=2, 3…n) . The corresponding deformations are Δ Li =Δ θi/360×λ(i=2, 3…n) .The deformation curve can be deduced from Δ Li and Δ Hi(i=2, 3…n) . The method to eliminate the interference between the modulated carriers is presented .The simulation test is conducted and the result of the simulation proves the effectiveness of the proposed technique.  相似文献   

This paper presents an all-side study on one successful engineering project, the Chongqing Zhourong Plaza, twenty floors high with two air raids caves just cross under it. The study includes geological investigation, rock mass parameters choice, elastic-plastic rock mass failure criteria, calculation with finite element method, results analyses, conclusions on stability analyses and construction suggestions.  相似文献   

Both the sculpture and architecture belong to plastic art. They involve three-dimensionality, space and object. Connecting the two arts, the sculpture style of buildings shows a special kind of beauty. In this paper, mainly four aspects of how to create the sculptural beauty of buildings are analyzed: repeating and changing gradually; contrasting and omitting; destructing and rebuilding; lighting sense and moving sense.  相似文献   

The sources and characters of thoron 220 Rn in the buildings, the pattern of indoor thoron 220 Rn's concentration and the assessment of hazard which it brings to human being are discussed,and the method of measurement of indoor thoron's concentration is expounded and the measure for reducing thoron 220 Rn in the buildings is also pointed out.  相似文献   

In this paper,the variation pattern of the contact point on cutter tooth and gear tooth is analyzed during gear shaving process. According to the shaving force measured by dynamometer, the deformation of cutter tooth and gear tooth at the contact point is calculated by appying the three dimension finite element method. The deformation curve of cutter tooth and gear tooth are obtained by analying deformation in shaving domain. It is the basis of studying relation between shaved amount and deformation.  相似文献   

王希  陈丽  赵春雷 《中国农学通报》2016,32(10):150-156
为扩大MISA工具(MIcroSAtellite identification tool)的适用范围,本研究尝试用MISA对其他类型的序列进行分析,探讨关键参数对分析结果的影响。研究收集了5 种类型的甜菜序列数据,探讨了不同类型序列适用的相关分析参数,以及不同参数对分析结果的影响。利用MISA工具分析了5 种类型的甜菜序列,其中4 种来自公共数据库,1 种来自课题组前期工作。结果表明在适当的参数下,配合适当的序列库格式化处理,MISA可以应用于不同的甜菜序列类型。可分析的序列库长度上限取决于去冗余工具的要求,并影响去冗余处理的时间和结果,重复单元长度的限定参数影响位点挖掘数量和引物设计成功率,序列长度的分布范围不影响分析。应用参数调整后的脚本,从5 种甜菜序列库中共挖掘出了SSR标记位点约8000 个。可知MISA的应用范围可以扩展,需要调整的关键参数包括2 项:序列库的长度上限与重复单元长度。建议序列长度在程序与硬件允许的情况下尽量长,重复单元长度根据研究目标调整。  相似文献   

寿光日光温室小气候变化规律及模拟方法   总被引:9,自引:5,他引:4  
为了开展北方日光温室小气候要素预报报务,利用寿光三元朱村三号黄瓜日光温室2007-2010年冬、春季节小气候要素观测资料,对北方日光温室内气温、相对湿度、地温等要素在不同天气类型下的日变化以及温室内气温空间分布规律进行研究。利用相关分析、逐步回归等统计方法对影响日光温室内气温变化的影响因子进行筛选,并建立日光温室未来一天24 h不同天气类型、不同月份、不同时间段的逐小时模拟模型。模拟结果表明,除4月的模拟结果差异较大外,其他各时间段均较好;利用实际观测结果对2010年2-5月温室内气温进行实际检验,模拟预报结果较好,可以将预报模型应用于业务服务。  相似文献   

明确湖南地区柑橘大实蝇幼虫的入土化蛹规律,为制定湖南柑橘大实蝇虫果捡拾策略提供理论依据。在长沙、石门、邵阳和吉首分别观察虫果中幼虫的入土化蛹数量和化蛹进度,并与主要气象因子进行相关性分析。结果发现,‘宫川’温州蜜柑和‘纽荷尔’脐橙虫果中单果蛹数量的顺序均为邵阳>长沙>吉首>石门;温州蜜柑虫果中幼虫在不同观测地区化蛹始期均在10月10日以前,在吉首的化蛹持续期最长;脐橙虫果在长沙、邵阳和石门的化蛹时间均主要集中在10月底至11月上旬,吉首的化蛹持续期最长;温州蜜柑虫果中幼虫的化蛹与最低温度、相对湿度呈显著正相关,脐橙虫果中幼虫的化蛹与相对湿度呈显著负相关。在制定虫果捡拾方案时要考虑品种和地区差异,温州蜜柑园的捡拾虫果时间应比脐橙园早,温州蜜柑园应重点捡拾10月以前掉落的虫果,并在各地的化蛹高峰期前捡拾完成,脐橙园应重点捡拾10月中旬左右掉落的虫果,并在10月24日以前完成虫果的捡拾。  相似文献   

The application of existing formulas to determine solar altitude and azimuth angles is inconvenient and inadequate. To improve the existing formulas, a new timing system named the Radiation Calendar was established. In this system the angles' ranges were redefined, making the angles calculated from the improved formulas single valued and varying with hour angle. Representative curves of solar altitude and azimuth angles varying with hour angle were plotted. The mathematical distinctions of these curves astronomically and geographically describe some rules of solar position varying with time, which proves the validity and generality of the improved formulas. The results calculated using the improved formulas show simply and clearly the daily and annual variation of solar altitude and azimuth angles, which are valuable in the work of sunlight distribution analysis related to the design of buildings, air conditioning systems and structures.  相似文献   

应用基于决策树的数据挖掘算法对农产品电子商务B2B系统中的历史竞标样本进行了分类,通过给出一个结合实例的算法实现过程,说明了供应商在竞标过程中产品报价等部分影响因素间的一些潜在性规则,从而得出不同特征的农产品供应商在虚拟市场中的竞标能力高低差异依次由产品报价、配送及时率、市场需求水平等因素决定。  相似文献   

The hourly usage ratio is very important for lighting and equipment energy predicting of office buildings and energy saving calculation of energy efficient retrofit. 17 office buildings in Chongqing were selected to calculate daily usage ratio by using whole-year electrical consumption data of lighting and equipments energy system. According to the different hourly usage ratio, office buildings have been categorized into two main types by using cluster analysis method. Then, the typical hourly usage ratios of two types of office buildings were calculated.  相似文献   

The schemes of domestic water supply for a residential quarter of high-rise building are introduced.The energy consumptions of water supply schemes selected are compared and analyzed.The energy saving of the water supply schemes with water tank and variable velocity variable frequency pump are obtained.And demonstrated the domestic water supply system of combination the roof water tank and variable velocity variable frequency pump is good at energy saving.Furthermore,by the comparison of the investment and cost of these schemes in their lives,the best choice of domestic water supply system is gained.  相似文献   

The creep analysis of concrete is of great importance in stress calculation and deformation analysis of concrete structures. Since many factors affect concrete creep, the creep function is highly nonlinear, making it difficult to obtain satisfactory results using the traditional regression method. The gene expression programming (GEP) method, which combines the advantages of GA and gene programming, shows great promise and capability of data mining in nonlinear fitting. Based on theoretical analysis of GEP, the data mining model of the creep function was established by using GEP. Examples indicate this model is more accurate than functions obtained by conventional methods.  相似文献   

旨在研究矿区人类活动引起的土地利用变化及其对植被指数变化影响.以陕西省神府矿区为研究范围,应用线性趋势法和相关系数,结合土地利用和MODIS NDVI数据,分析了神府矿区土地利用与NDVI时空变化过程及其驱动因素.结果 表明,2000-2010年神府矿区土地利用变化特征表现为耕地大面积转为草地和建设用地迅速增加.200...  相似文献   

为揭示不同植被下草本植物群落与环境因子的关系,本研究采用双向指示种分析(TWlNSPAN)、除趋势对应分析(DCA)、丰富度指数(Pa)、多样性指数(H'、DS)和均匀度指数(JP)方法,对安太堡露天煤矿区排土场复垦地不同植被下草本植物群落进行了数量分类、排序及物种多样性研究。结果显示:(1)TWlNSPAN等级分类将其63 个样方划分为11 个草本植物群丛,分别位于该矿区复垦地不同植被类型下;(2)DCA第一轴反映了植被恢复年限的梯度变化,沿第一轴从左到右,11 个草本植物群丛的恢复年限逐渐缩短;DCA第二轴反映了排土场复垦地地形的梯度变化,沿第二轴从下到上,地形从平台→东北坡,11 个草本植物群丛的物种多样性降低;(3)随着植被恢复年限的增长,11 个草本植物群丛物种多样性从高到低的变化为:平台>东北坡,乔木林下>灌丛林下>草地。研究表明,植被恢复年限、植物种类和地形是影响安太堡露天煤矿区复垦地不同植被下11个草本植物群丛结构和物种多样性的关键因子。  相似文献   

为阐明IGF1基因在罗非鱼生长过程中的表达规律,为罗非鱼的分子选育等工作奠定了理论基础,本实验利用实时荧光定量PCR技术跟踪尼罗罗非鱼(Oreochromis niloticus)在不同生长阶段(0、20、40、60、80、125、145、165、185、205天)肝脏和肌肉胰岛素样生长因子1(IGF1)基因表达的发育性变化。结果表明:实验鱼的体重增长过程可以分为快速生长期和平稳期。在快速生长期时,肝脏IGF1基因表达水平较高,平稳期时较低,肝脏中IGF1基因表达情况与体重增长趋势基本吻合。肌肉中IGF1基因mRNA含量要低得多,而且表达模式与肝脏IGF1基因不相同。研究结果提示:IGF1 mRNA的表达具有明显的时空变化和组织特异性。肝脏中IGF1基因的表达量变化与罗非鱼体重增长趋势一致。肌肉中IGF1表达模式与肝脏中不同,提示肌肉中IGF1的分泌和作用有其自身的特异性。  相似文献   

Joints are the most important parts of the space structure, the load-derormation curve (hysteretic curve) under repeated loading is the comprehensive reflection of their mechanical properties such as ductility, energy dissipation capacity, strength, stiffness and so on. By the simulation experiment analysis and the finite element simulation between the two models of hidden welding and no-welding hidden in K-type node in the chord axial reciprocating load resulted in the failure modes and hysteretic curve, the result of comparative analysis about finite elements is consistent with that of experiment study. The results show that the destroyment at hidden welding seam node is partly, the take-over is broken down at the welds finally. The welding line is destroyed overall when facing the destroyment of no-welding node. The carrying capacity of the hidden welding is obvious. Through the finite element simulation analysis instead of phase through node hysteretic performance test is feasible.  相似文献   

为研究近年来参试小麦品系品质状况并筛选优质品种,对2016—2018年参加国家冬麦区黄淮南片水地组品种区域试验的20个小麦新品系的5个性状进行灰色关联度分析。结果表明,各指标与品质综合评价值的关联度(ri)和权重(rj)2年均表现为容重>湿面筋含量/吸水率>蛋白质含量>稳定时间。2017年5个品种综合评价值高于对照,2018年10个品种综合评价值高于对照。‘郑科麦136’连续2年综合评价值列首位。无论是否考虑各指标对品质影响的权重,‘漯麦26’品质2年间差异最小。灰色关联度分析法在品质性状评价中具有一定的科学性,但受评价指标较少、各指标赋权合理性的影响,有一些局限性。在品种应用时应根据最终用途进行细化评价,不同类型的品质参数应分别做灰色关联度分析,以保证分析结果准确。  相似文献   

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