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Recently weaned pigs were infected aerogenically with Haemophilus (Actinobacillus) pleuropneumoniae, serotype 5. At three, six, 12, and 18 hours and one, two, four and seven days after exposure to haemophili a pair of animals were killed and necropsied. Pulmonary oedema with multifocal petechial haemorrhages and a diffuse neutrophilic bronchiolitis and alveolitis were observed at three and six hours after infection. Focal areas of coagulative necrosis developed in areas of intense suppuration at 12 and 18 hours after infection. At one and two days after infection, necrotic areas were surrounded by dense bands of degenerating leucocytes and contained unidentifiable round and elongated cells characteristic of this disease. In subacute lesions a thick layer of granulation tissue formed around the outer margin of developing abscesses. Most of the round and elongated cells in alveolar exudates could not be identified by enzyme histochemistry or electron microscopic examination. Neutrophils in various stages of degeneration and deterioration provided strong evidence that some of the cells were of this type. These findings suggest that neutrophils may play an early and significant role in development of lesions.  相似文献   

Intact Haemophilus pleuropneumoniae cells (strain Shope 1, serotype 1), highly purified lipopolysaccharide (LPS) obtained from this strain of H pleuropneumoniae, as well as from Escherichia coli O111:B4, filter-sterilized H pleuropneumoniae cell-free culture supernatant fluid, and heat-inactivated supernatant fluid were given intranasally to CF1 mice and intratracheally to pigs. Pulmonary lesions induced by H pleuropneumoniae in mice were similar to those induced by H pleuropneumoniae in pigs. Histologically, lungs of mice and pigs killed 1 or 2 days after inoculation with 200 micrograms of highly purified H pleuropneumoniae LPS had lesions similar to one another and were similar to those in mice and pigs given intact H pleuropneumoniae, except that little or no necrosis or hemorrhage was observed. In mice killed 1 or 2 days after inoculation of 200 micrograms of E coli O111:B4 LPS, pulmonary lesions were similar to those in mice given H pleuropneumoniae LPS. Pulmonary lesions in mice given cell-free culture supernatant fluid obtained from a midlog-phase growth culture of H pleuropneumoniae cultivated in a chemically defined medium were severe and consisted of neutrophil infiltration and extensive necrosis. In mice, the heat-inactivated supernatant fluid produced mild lesions that consisted of foci of neutrophil aggregation and no necrosis. Extensive necrosis observed in lesions caused by cell-free culture supernatant fluid could be attributed to the action of a heat-labile component, perhaps by the extracellular heat-labile hemolysin produced by H pleuropneumoniae cultivated in chemically defined medium. A LPS endotoxin and a heat-labile factor may be involved in the pulmonary lesion development in the acute phase of porcine Haemophilus pleuropneumonia.  相似文献   

Bronchoscopic, endotracheal and transtracheal lung lavage were evaluated in 38 healthy pigs taken from a nucleus herd in a good state of health with respect to their applicability in practice and the traceability of bacteria, cellular parameters and the antimicrobial peptide PR-39 in the respective lavage fluid samples. The total cell count, qualitative morphological cellular characteristics as well as PR-39 could be determined in all lavage fluid samples, while quantitative cell differentiation was not possible in endotracheal lavage samples. The comparison of the three methods resulted in a higher proportion of polymorphonuclear neutrophil granulocytes (PMNs) and higher concentrations of PR-39 in transtracheal samples. For this reason different valuation standards with respect to PMNs and PR-39 concentrations are presupposed for transtracheal lavage samples. The occurrence of pavement epithelial cells as well as the number of contaminating bacterial species per sample was the lowest in transtracheal lavage. Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae polymerase chain reaction appeared to have the highest diagnostic sensitivity in combination with bronchoscopic lavage. In conclusion, bronchoscopic and transtracheal lavage were considered to be more appropriate for bacteriological and cytological diagnostics than endotracheal lavage.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article: Guide to the Dissection of Domestic Ruminants . RE Habel Biology and Medicine of Rabbits and Rodents . JE Harkness and JF Wagner  相似文献   

The prophylactic effect of in-feed medication of conventional pigs with sulphadimethoxine (SDM), sulphamethoxazole (SMX), and trimethoprim (TMP) was tested by using an Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae infection model. In each of five experiments, six pigs were given medicated feed twice daily and three pigs received antibiotic-free feed and served as positive (unmedicated, infected) controls. The following drugs or drug combinations were tested (in mg per kg feed): 500 SDM + 100 TMP, 500 SMX + 100 TMP, 125 SMX + 25 TMP, 125 SMX (alone) and 25 TMP (alone). After six days of feed medication, all animals were endobronchially inoculated with A. pleuropneumoniae in a dose of 1-3.10(4) colony-forming units (CFU). The response to the challenge in all control pigs was characterized by fever, lethargy, anorexia, reduced water consumption, and laboured breathing. At autopsy all controls manifested a fibrinous haemorrhagic pleuropneumonia. In-feed medication with 500 SDM + 100 TMP, 500 SMX + 100 TMP as well as 125 SMX + 25 TMP resulted in an effective protection against the challenge in all treated animals. After consumption of feed medicated with 125 mg per kg SMX or 25 mg per kg TMP, pleuropneumonia was evident in all challenged pigs. The results of this study indicate an in vivo potentiation of SMX and TMP in pigs against this respiratory tract pathogen.  相似文献   

本试验对副猪嗜血杆菌的基础培养基成分、血清浓度、培养基pH值、保存条件进行优化筛选,旨在得出副猪嗜血杆菌的适宜培养保存条件,为副猪嗜血杆菌的发酵生产提供可靠的依据。通过试验得出,副猪嗜血杆菌的最佳培养保存条件:培养基起始pH值为7.3~7.5,成分为胰蛋白胨1.5%、大豆蛋白胨0.5%、NaCl 0.5%、酸水解酪蛋白0.5%、葡萄糖0.2%、5%新生牛血清和NAD 0.01%,用10%脱脂奶粉冻干保存在-20℃。  相似文献   

Background:Antibiotic growth promoters are widely used to improve weight gain. However, the abuse of antibiotics can have many negative effects on people. Devel...  相似文献   

Campylobacter coli is a food-borne zoonotic pathogen causing human gastroenteritis worldwide. The organism is a commensal in the intestine of many food production animals including fattening pigs. The role of the pig as a potential reservoir for C. coli affecting human either directly or via poultry has hardly been investigated and genetic characterization of porcine strains is needed to address this question. For this aim multilocus sequence typing (MLST) and flaB typing was applied to 256 C. coli isolates from faeces of fattening pig collected during 2009 at different slaughterhouses in Switzerland. In addition genotypic resistances towards macrolides and quinolones based on point mutations in the 23S rRNA and gyrA genes, respectively, were determined. Of the 67 sequence types (STs) obtained by MLST, 37 were found for the first time. flaB typing revealed 46 different types with 14 of them being novel and was useful to further differentiate strains with an identical ST. Quinolone resistance was detected in 33.6% and macrolide resistance was found in 10.6% of isolates. Comparison with 99 C. coli pig isolates from 2001 revealed a significant decrease in antibiotic resistance towards both groups of antibiotics and there was high overlap between genotypes of 2001 and 2009. Little overlap of porcine genotypes was found with 97 C. coli isolates from poultry collected 2008, however, macrolide resistance was significantly higher in pig isolates. In conclusion, C. coli from Swiss pig are heterogeneous containing many novel STs, findings that could reflect the partitioned Swiss pig production with almost no international breed exchange. The antibiotic resistance echoes the use of corresponding drugs in the Swiss livestock production and indicates the efficacy of restrictive application of antibiotics in order to reduce resistances.  相似文献   

Pharmacokinetics of oxytetracycline (OTC) were studied in 10 pigs after administration of 20 mg/kg body weight of either a conventional (OTC-C) or a long-acting (OTC-LA) preparation.
After intravenous administration of OTC-C the elimination half-life for OTC was 3.75 h, with approximately 75% of the dose being excreted in the urine in 1 week. Intramuscular (i.m.) injection of OTC-C resulted in plasma peak values after 4 h, while OTC-LA after i.m. administration produced the highest plasma levels within 1 h, although these were lower than with OTC-C.
For both preparations the bioavailability after i.m. administration was 95–100% and about 70% of the dose was excreted in the urine during the first week.
With OTC-C given i.m., plasma concentrations above 0.5 μg/ml were maintained for 28 h and with OTC-LA for 35 h indicating a weak retard effect of the latter.
Pronounced tissue damage at the injection site was seen 1 and 2 weeks after the administration of OTC-LA, while OTC-C produced very little irritation. OTC could be found at the injection site for 2 weeks, the concentrations being higher for OTC-LA than for OTC-C.  相似文献   

Enzootic pneumonia by Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae and pleuropneumonia by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae are among the most common and economically relevant pulmonary diseases in swine herds. We herein investigated the activity and expression of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) in healthy and diseased porcine lungs, by means of immunohistochemical, immunochemical and biochemical assays. Diseased lungs showed a significantly higher activity and expression of 5-LOX and COX-2 in a wide range of cell types, thus suggesting the likely involvement of both enzymes in the pathogenesis of bacterial porcine pneumonia. Consistently, increased enzyme activities were paralleled by increased leukotriene B(4) (LTB(4)), a 5-LOX product and prostaglandin E(2) (PGE(2)), a COX-2 product, content in diseased versus healthy lungs.  相似文献   

Ceruloplasmin (Cp) determination could provide an objective measure of the health status of an animal and could be used as marker of animal health and welfare (Skinner, 2001) (Skinner, J. G., 2001. Special report. International standardization of acute phase proteins. Veterinary Clinical Pathology 30, 2-7.) but only manual methods have been reported to determine Cp concentrations in pigs (McCosker, 1961; Toussaint et al., 1995; Eckersall et al., 1996) (McCosker, P. J., 1961. Paraphenylenediamine oxidase activity and copper-levels in mammalian plasmas. Nature. 190, 887-889; Toussaint, M. J. M., Van Ederen, A. M., Gruys, E., 1995. Implication of clinical pathology in assessment of animal health and in animal production and meat inspection. Comparative Haematology International 5, 149-157; Eckersall, P. D., Saini, P. K., McComb, C., 1996. The acute phase response of acid soluble glycoprotein, alpha(1)-acid glycoprotein, ceruloplasmin, haptoglobin and C-reactive protein, in the pig. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology 51, 377-385). In the present study two automated methods based on the use of two different substrates for the determination of serum ceruloplasmin in pigs were developed, evaluated and compared. Both methods showed a good precision and detection limits, with no signs of inaccuracy and could be applied to biochemical autoanalyzers usually found in clinical laboratories using only minimal amounts of serum. Additionally the behaviour of Cp in experimental and clinical situations was studied showing an increase of around two fold after turpentine administration and significantly higher values in cases of pigs with inflammatory conditions when compared with healthy pigs.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the efficacy of two new-generation porcine pleuropneumonia vaccines when challenged with Australian isolates of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae of serovars 1 and 15.
Design The Porcilis APP vaccine and an experimental streptomycin-dependent strain of A pleuropneumoniae were evaluated in a standardised pen trial. Each vaccine/challenge group consisted of 10 pigs.
Results With the serovar 1 challenge, the Porcilis APP vaccine and the live vaccine, compared with the control group, gave significant protection in terms of clinical signs, lung lesions, re-isolation scores and average daily gain (ADG) postchallenge. Only the Porcilis APP vaccine provided significant protection against mortality. In the serovar 15 challenged pigs, the only significant difference detected was that the Porcilis APP vaccinated pigs had a better postchallenge ADG than the controls. None of the Porcilis APP vaccinated pigs showed signs of depression postvaccination and none were euthanased after challenge with either serovar 1 or 15. The pigs vaccinated with the live vaccine showed obvious depression after each vaccination and a total of 3 pigs were euthanased after challenge (one with serovar 1 and two with serovar 15).
Conclusions Both of the vaccines provided significant protection against a severe challenge with serovar 1 A pleuropneumoniae. Neither vaccine was effective against a serovar 15 A pleuropneumoniae challenge. There was evidence that the Porcilis APP vaccine did provide some protection against the serovar 15 challenge because the ADG, after challenge of pigs given this vaccine, was greater than the control pigs.  相似文献   

The serum-neutralization test (SN), enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and the radial immunodiffusion enzyme assay (RIDEA) were compared for the detection of pseudorabies (PRV) antibodies in swine sera. A total of 1285 serum samples were tested. All three tests were considered useful in determining the PRV antibody status of swine on a herd basis, but available evidence supports the continued use of SN as the definitive test because of possible false positive reactions associated with ELISA and RIDEA.  相似文献   

Three methods were employed for the diagnosis of porcine trichinellosis. The pooled sample digestion method and trichinoscopy served as European Community (EC) reference techniques, whereas the reliability of the Enzyme Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) was tested by 11 laboratories of the European Community and Sweden. Three groups of 6 piglets each were orally inoculated with 50, 150 and 1500 Trichinella spiralis larvae into each animal. Another group of 6 animals served as a non-infected control. Animals were slaughtered and serum and muscle samples were collected at Weeks 4, 12 and 40. The material was mailed under code and examined in all participating laboratories. ELISA proved to be a sensitive technique. ELISA micro assay was the most sensitive procedure. Of the direct techniques the reference pooled sample digestion method was more sensitive than trichinoscopy. It was concluded that both micro and macro ELISA can be used with confidence for the detection of low grade, longstanding experimental T. spiralis infections in swine.  相似文献   

副猪嗜血杆菌灭活疫苗佐剂的筛选   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了评价铝胶、蜂胶及白油佐剂对副猪嗜血杆菌的免疫增强效果,我们将铝胶、蜂胶和白油3种佐剂分别与副猪嗜血杆菌血清5型菌株联合制备灭活疫苗,然后接种雄性成年家兔,采用ELSIA方法分别检测3种灭活苗在免疫期间副猪嗜血杆菌P5蛋白的抗体效价。结果显示:3次免疫后,白油佐剂免疫组的平均效价为1∶4000,铝胶佐剂免疫组的平均效价为1∶700,蜂胶佐剂免疫组的平均效价为1∶100,无佐剂对照组的平均效价为1∶100。说明这3种佐剂中免疫增强效果最好的为白油,铝胶次之。  相似文献   

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