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对灵芝孢子油与菜籽油等6种植物油的脂肪酸组成相似性进行分析,同时探讨了红外光谱法鉴别灵芝孢子油的可行性。采用气相色谱法对灵芝孢子油及菜籽油等6种植物油脂肪酸进行了测定,并利用傅里叶变换红外光谱仪对其信息进行采集。市售不同品牌灵芝孢子油,脂肪酸组成比较接近。脂肪酸组分聚类分析结果显示,灵芝孢子油的脂肪酸组成与菜籽油最相似,其次为花生油和橄榄油。利用1397.4 cm~(-1)、967.1 cm~(-1)、913.7 cm~(-1)处吸收峰,红外光谱法可以将灵芝孢子油与菜籽油、大豆油、玉米油、葵花籽油和橄榄油区别开来。红外光谱法可以将灵芝孢子油与菜籽油等植物油区别开来,这为灵芝孢子油鉴别提供了一种快速有效的途径。 相似文献
赵雅霞 《农产品加工.学刊》2014,(12)
采用异辛烷溶剂对随机挑选新疆本地生产的15种品牌葡萄籽油进行前处理,用气相色谱技术对处理后的油脂进行脂肪酸成分分析。结果显示,所选葡萄籽油各脂肪酸成分含量符合标准范围,但并未呈高油酸趋势。 相似文献
赵雅霞 《农产品加工.学刊》2014,(23):15+20
采用异辛烷溶剂对随机挑选新疆本地生产的15种品牌葡萄籽油进行前处理,用气相色谱技术对处理后的油脂进行脂肪酸成分分析。结果显示,所选葡萄籽油各脂肪酸成分含量符合标准范围,但并未呈高油酸趋势。 相似文献
我国主栽棉花品种的棉籽油资源评价与分析 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
【目的】探讨不同地区、不同棉花品种棉籽油脂肪酸含量与组成的差异。【方法】以收集于我国棉花主产区的82份棉花品种的棉籽为试验材料,采用索氏法提取种子中粗脂肪,并利用气相色谱法分析脂肪酸组成和含量,最后通过聚类分析等分析脂肪酸组成与棉花品种和产地之间的内在联系。【结果】棉籽仁脂肪总含量在188.4~302.8 mg·g~(-1),平均为249.52 mg·g~(-1)。棉籽仁中主要脂肪酸为亚油酸(104.88~180.68 mg·g~(-1))、棕榈酸(41.53~69.77 mg·g~(-1))、油酸(28.29~48.86 mg·g~(-1))和硬脂酸(3.56~6.8 mg·g~(-1));各品种脂肪酸含量具有差异。聚类分析表明,棉籽脂肪酸总含量和脂肪酸组成与产地具有相关性。【结论】本研究筛选得到棉籽脂肪酸总含量以及油酸、亚油酸、亚麻酸高的材料,明确了82份种质资源的棉籽油分特征、特性和利用价值。 相似文献
探讨西藏昌都市类乌齐县不同乡镇和不同部位牦牛肉中脂肪酸的差异,明确类乌齐牦牛肉脂肪酸的特征。采用气相色谱串联质谱法测定类乌齐牦牛肉中脂肪酸的含量,用SPSS方法分析不同乡镇和不同部位牦牛肉脂肪酸的差异。结果表明:类乌齐牦牛肉主要含有11种饱和脂肪酸(SFA)、7种单不饱和脂肪酸(MUFA)和9种多不饱和脂肪酸(PUFA),平均含量分别为42.53%、53.27%和4.21%。类乌齐牦牛肉中脂肪酸的主要组成为油酸(C18:1n9c,44.47%)、硬脂酸(C18:0,21.08%)和棕榈酸(C16:0,14.78%)。饱和脂肪酸和单不饱和脂肪酸总量在各乡镇之间差异不显著,多不饱和脂肪酸总量在各乡镇之间存在显著差异。多不饱和脂肪酸主要为亚油酸(2.74%)、花生四烯酸(0.66%)、亚麻酸(0.39%)、二十碳五烯酸(0.11%)和二十二碳六烯酸(0.07%)等。类乌齐牦牛肉中n-6/n-3均值为4.85,其臀部肉和腱子肉的n-6/n-3均值分别为3.20和3.35。类乌齐牦牛肉中油酸和硬脂酸含量较高,不同乡镇的牦牛肉中多不饱和脂肪酸差异显著,其臀部肉和腱子肉具有较高的营养价值。 相似文献
福美双和戊唑醇增效与拮抗组合对小麦赤霉病菌细胞膜透性及内含物渗漏的影响 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
药剂对病原菌的联合作用通常表现为增效、相加和拮抗三类形式。为了揭示药剂组合产生增效与拮抗的特性,本文通过菌丝生长速率法,进行了福美双与戊唑醇药剂组合对小麦赤霉病菌的协同增效作用测定。选择福美双与戊唑醇配比为7:10的增效组合(SM,EC500.0331μg/mL)、配比为9:4的拮抗组合(AM,EC502.2937μg/mL),通过电导率法检测菌丝细胞膜通透性的改变程度,试图比较增效与拮抗药剂组合的差异。增效组合处理菌丝细胞后,60min后的电导率一直表现上升,表明存在着菌丝细胞内含物不断外渗的现象;而拮抗组合处理的菌丝细胞渗透性比对照较弱。测定菌丝细胞渗漏的还原糖、几丁质酶、可溶性蛋白等三种细胞内含物含量,发现其随时间变化趋势不同:增效组合使还原糖含量在25 h时,下降为对照的18.91%;几丁质酶活性在5~20 h之间增加;可溶性蛋白含量短期内上升随后下降。而在拮抗组合条件下,菌丝细胞内含物含量随时间的变化与对照或某一单剂趋势相同。药剂组合协同增效作用测定和增效与拮抗组合的作用机理探讨,应成为筛选和评价药剂增效组合的依据。 相似文献
有机无机氮肥配施对山地烤烟生长、抗病性及香吃味的影响 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
为探讨有机无机氮不同配比对山地烤烟生长发育、抗病性和香吃味的影响。采用田间试验与室内分析相结合的方法,在等氮量条件下,开展了有机无机氮不同配比田间试验。结果表明:(1)施用有机肥能够显著促进烟株生长发育,改善烟株抗逆能力,表现为烟株长势强,烟叶发育充分,烟株发病率较低;(2)有机肥的施用能够有效改善烟叶的等级结构,提高上中等烟叶比例,提高单位面积的产量和产值效益;(3)有机肥的施用能提高烤烟烟叶的香吃味;(4)山地烤烟20%有机氮与80%无机氮配施的综合效应最好。综上所述,在亩施纯氮7.5 kg的施肥水平下,20%有机氮与80%无机氮配比对山地烤烟具有最好的综合效应。 相似文献
Summary Methods are described for producing large numbers of haploid plantlets from anthers of a flue-cured tobacco hybrid with monogenic resistance to tobacco mosaic virus, (TMV), potato virus Y (PVY) and root knot (RK), respectively. Additional details are given on colchicine treatment for converting haploids to doubled haploids (DH's) and on the frequency of spontaneous DH's among untreated plantlets. Disparate genetic ratios of TMV-resistant to TMV-susceptible plants were obtained among colchicine-treated haploid plantlets, induced DH's and untreated haploids when compared with F2 and BC1 progenies. Haploids (gametes) with the gene for TMV resistance occurred more frequently than expected and plantlets with the gene for RK resistance occurred less frequenctly than expected. Transmission of the gene for PVY resistance differed only slightly from Mendelian expectations. These unexpected ratios, in addition to the frequent occurrence of plastid chimeras among anther-derived plantlets, strengthened our conviction that haploidy is somehow associated with mutation.Joint contribution from the Departments of Genetics, Crop Science and Plant Pathology, North Carolina State University, and the Tobacco Research Laboratory, Agricultural Research, Science and Education Administration, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Oxford, North Carolina. Paper No. 5576 of the Journal Series of the North Carolina Agricultural Experiment Station, Raleigh, North Carolina. 相似文献
烟草是重要的模式植物。本研究利用pIndigoBAC536-S载体及Hind III限制性内切酶酶解烟草基因组DNA的方法,构建了烟草新品系14-60的细菌人工染色体(BAC)文库。该文库共包含414,720个克隆,保存在1080块384板中。随机挑选的120个烟草BAC克隆检测结果表明,外源插入片段大小为97.0~145.5 kb,平均约为123 kb,空载率极低(0),覆盖烟草基因组11倍。用烟草hem A基因、eIF4E-1基因、NtFT基因的特异引物进一步验证,该文库质量高、可用性强,为烟草黑胫病抗性基因的克隆以及其他重要农艺性状和品质性状等功能基因克隆研究提供了基础资源。 相似文献
Localization of a resistance gene and identification of sources of resistance to barley leaf stripe 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
In order to determine more precisely the location of the barley leaf stripe gene, called the ‘Vada-resistance gene’, on barley chromosome 2, 63 chromosome-doubled barley lines were tested. Using data on known chromosome 2 genetic markers, the ‘Vada-resistance gene’ was estimated to be located between the markers MSU21 and Xris45b, and at a distance of about 20% recombination from the powdery mildew resistance gene MILa. We suggest that the ‘Vada-resistance gene’ is designated Rdg1a and that all former leaf stripe resistance gene designations should be rejected. To identify possible new sources of resistance, 11 barley cultivars/lines known to possess leaf stripe resistance and originating from different parts of the world, were tested with one Danish and two Syrian isolates of the leaf stripe fungus. Three apparently genetically different sources of race-specific resistance were found. The ‘Vada-resistance’ in the cultivar ‘Golf was effective against seven out of eight isolates’ populations of the leaf stripe fungus differing in geographical origin. 相似文献
20年来我国冬油菜新品种产量和抗病性状分析 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
根据近20年来我国冬油菜区域试验的结果,对长江上、中、下游及黄淮4组油菜新品种产量性状及抗病性状进行分析,结果表明,冬油菜新品种平均产量整体呈上升趋势,各组平均单株有效角果数变化不明显,而平均每果粒数和千粒重呈上升趋势,但长江流域各组每角粒数增量比黄淮组大,而黄淮组千粒重增量比长江流域各组高;新品种菌核病和病毒病发病率下降明显。今后一段时间内增加新品种每角粒数和千粒重是冬油菜遗传改良的重点,预计我国冬油菜新品种区域试验各组新品种产量水平仍将继续提高。 相似文献
Black walnut is native to the eastern USA and prized for its high‐quality timber. Walnut anthracnose, the most important foliar disease of black walnut, is caused by Gnomonia leptostyla. There is no germplasm available that is resistant to the disease. Ramets of 42 black walnut clones, comprising about one‐third of the Midwestern USA black walnut timber breeding stock, were rated for susceptibility to walnut anthracnose from 1974 to 1982. Significant differences in susceptibility were identified among clones. A method of truncation selection was able to identify the most resistant clones in less time and with a smaller commitment of resources than methods based on means. Truncation selection permitted the identification of the most susceptible clones even in years when the severity of anthracnose was low. 相似文献
优质抗病烤烟种质资源的筛选(续) 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
本项目是为筛选出更多的品质优良和抗主要病害的烟草种质资源推荐给育种者利用而设立的。通过田间鉴定,从125个烤烟种质资源中初步筛选出11个综合表现较好的种质资源,采用人工接种方法开展主要病害抗性鉴定;采用随机区组设计,重复3次,以K326为对照进一步进行田间鉴定评价。结果表明:福泉大鸡尾、筑波1号等种质抗TMV;Cg7900454、6251、金烟6号、革杂基、津引1号等种质中抗TMV;有3个种质抗其它主要病害。有7个种质尼古丁含量较低(0.74%~2%);津引1号、筑波1号和85-5006等种质经济性状、外观质量和内在品质较好。福泉大鸡尾和窝里黄0782等种质的现蕾期比对照K326早8d;革杂基现蕾期比K326晚5d。这些具有特异性的种质,特别是低尼古丁含量的种质直接推荐给育种者选择利用。而T51、窝里黄0782、6251和福泉大鸡尾经济性状较差,但有一定的抗病性的种质进行种子繁殖并保存,可供今后研究利用 相似文献
不同基因类型烤烟内在品质与香气质和香气量灰色关联度分析 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
采用灰色关联度法对烟叶内在品质与香气质和香气量进行分析。研究结果表明:与烟叶香气质关系最密切的因素是总氮、烟碱、蛋白质、总糖、还原糖,其次是钾、施木克值、氯、糖碱比和钾氯比;与香气量关系最密切的因素是总氮、蛋白质、烟碱、总糖、钾,其次是施木克值、还原糖、氯、糖碱比和钾氯比。 相似文献
Summary With the objective of creating new combinations of disease resistance and quality, hybrids between wheat and spelt (spelt is well adapted to cool and wet conditions) were produced and the expression of heterosis was analysed. Three winter wheat varieties were crossed reciprocally with two spelt cultivars and the F1 hybrids were tested under artificial inoculation with stripe rust, powdery mildew and leaf rust. Disease susceptibility and quality characters (protein content, Zeleny value, grain hardness) were assessed in two year field trials. For stripe rust the F1 hybrids were resistant if one of the wheat parents was resistant. Combinations with the susceptible wheat cultivar Arina were all susceptible irrespective of using a resistant spelt partner. Although the infection with powdery mildew was rather low, a similar reaction was obtained with the susceptible wheat variety Bernina. Leaf rust revealed very specific varietal influences. The two susceptible wheat varieties Bernina and Arina resulted in susceptible F1 hybrids when combined with a moderately resistant spelt. Only when they were crossed with a resistant spelt cultivar the F1 hybrids were resistant. Forno, a leaf rust resistant wheat, gave resistant F1 hybrids in all combinations. Without exception the quality characters tested showed a negative heterosis effect resulting in protein levels and Zeleny values close to or below the values of the lower parent. It appears to be possible to produce resistant F1 hybrids, mostly dominated by the resistance level of the wheat partner. The quality of the hybrids is mainly suitable for biscuit and spelt specific products; it needs specific screening for combinations with acceptable breadmaking quality.Abbreviations LSD
Least Significant Difference
- RH
Relative Heterosis 相似文献