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本研究旨在实现水资源水质水量的优化配置,通过对水资源水质水量优化配置的生态经济学理论进行分析,指出水资源水质水量优化配置的概念,在内涵分析基础上确定了水资源水质水量优化配置的具体阈值原理和模型体系框架.同时对青海水资源水质水量的优化配置进行分析,指出不同区域的水资源水质水量需要进行针对性的优化配置.  相似文献   

为了改善流域水质型缺水日益严重的状况,基于传统的自然水循环水资源调控问题,考虑水质因素,依据生活、生产、生态用水对水质的不同需求,建立水量-水质联合调度模型。此外,为了充分发挥水库群等水利工程的调节作用,通过考虑流域节点上下游间的水力联系,将模拟与优化模式相结合,构建基于模拟-优化模式的流域水量-水质联合调度模型,并采用自适应遗传算法以洪汝河流域为例用vb编程求解。计算结果不仅验证了模型的实用性,且较传统的流域联合模拟供水方案更优,效率更高,同时也能体现水质改善效果。  相似文献   

井灌区水循环研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
在阐述井灌区水循环基本特征的基础上,统筹试验观测、遥感、数值模拟等研究手段,梳理基于井灌区水循环开展的水分通储量、可灌溉水量评估、灌溉水质、多水源联合配置调度等领域的研究和实践,指出现有研究局限于水循环单一或部分环节的表达,不利于井灌区的水资源系统的综合调控和管理。以农田水利学、灌溉水力学、土壤物理学、作物生理学和水文地质学等学科理论方法为基础,以数值模型、遥感、控制试验等为手段,以灌区水循环综合调控和管理为导向,构建了灌区尺度水循环全过程定量研究的基本框架。  相似文献   

分析制约泾惠渠灌区渠井协调发展的主要原因,开展水资源统一调控管理机制研究。在了解泾惠渠渠井双灌区发展历程的基础上,指出水资源管理主体不一致、地下水无计量设施和水价不统一是制约渠井协调发展的主要原因。通过完善水资源管理体制、建立水量计量与监控机制、实施总量控制与定额管理相结合的用水管理制度、建立"异水同价、阶梯水价"的水价形成机制、建立水资源联合调控智能管理决策系统、建立舆论监督制度等一系列措施,对泾惠渠灌区水资源统一调控管理机制进行了初步研究探讨。  相似文献   

粮食安全和水安全对人类生存与发展具有极其重要的意义。以水资源的可持续利用来保障粮食安全已经成为国内外学者关注的焦点,同时也是实现水资源合理配置的迫切要求。本文分别从水量和水质两个方面对水资源与粮食生产的关系进行了回顾和总结,分析了当前研究中存在的问题,认为单纯从水量或水质的角度研究水资源对粮食生产的影响不能满足实际的要求。因此,应在研究水量和水质分别对粮食生产影响的基础上进行耦合,构建综合考虑水质和水量影响的水资源-粮食产量模型。  相似文献   

针对深圳市水资源紧缺的现状,通过对坪山分布式能源电厂采用污水处理厂尾水水量和水质的论证,分析项目取水对区域水环境及其他用水户的影响.结果表明:建设项目取水水量充足,水质可以满足要求,对区域水资源和其他用水户都不会有负面影响,并且对减轻区域水资源紧缺问题具有重要作用.  相似文献   

资源型、水质型水资源短缺已成为城市可持续发展的制约因素,为应对当前水资源的严峻形势,中央提出实行“用水总量、用水效率、纳污限制”三条红线控制的最严格水资源管理制度.以淮河流域严重缺水城市淮北为例,就城市中水工业回用的可行性进行分析和研究.从水量、水质、保证率、经济性等方面分析表明中水有条件作为城市发展的供水水源,社会经济发展中应因地制宜的鼓励和促进中水回用.研究对于拓展城市水源、节约一次用水、提高水资源利用效率、改善水体环境有着积极的意义和前景.  相似文献   

淮北平原区基于大沟蓄水技术的农田水资源调控模式   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过在安徽淮北平原的大田原型试验,分析了利用农田排水大沟进行控制蓄水的可行性及其对地表径流、地下水和土壤水的调控效果,提出了平原区依托大沟控制蓄水的农田水资源调控系统成套技术参数和模式。结果表明,单位长度大沟年调蓄水量为1.9×104m3/km左右,其影响范围内的农田地下水位较无控制大沟平均抬高约0.3~0.5 m,每年可增加作物对地下水的直接利用量50~80 mm,区域年农田水资源调控总量110 mm左右,约占当地年均降雨量的13%;只要控制合理、管理得当,不会因此而影响排水系统对农田涝渍的有效控制或降低原有排水工程的除涝降渍标准。以大沟控制蓄水进行农田水资源调控这一技术模式,是适合淮北平原区特点的解决水资源短缺和改善农田生态环境、调控区域水资源时空合理分布的有效途径。  相似文献   

水资源短缺和水环境污染作为水资源危机的主要内容,在吉林省社会经济发展过程中广泛存在。对此,从人口、经济、生态、水资源和水环境等5个子系统,建立吉林省水资源承载力系统动力学模型,通过设计现状延续型、节约水量型、环境保护型、综合协调型4种情景,模拟2016-2025年吉林省水资源承载力。结果显示:现状延续型在水量和水质两要素均最差,为最劣方案;节水水量型和环境保护型分别在缓解水资源供需压力和改善水环境质量上有所建树,为非劣方案;综合协调型在水量和水质两要素均表现优异,为最优方案;2025年4种方案的水资源承载力排序为综合协调型>环境保护型>节约水量型>现状延续型。  相似文献   

2022年北京冬奥会雪上项目将在崇礼区举行,随着旅游业的发展使得当地面临一定的水资源压力和风险,这对崇礼区水资源及水环境的治理和改善提出了更高的要求.以冬奥会主要雪上项目举办地崇礼区为研究区,基于水足迹理论,核算了2006―2015年崇礼区水资源消耗情况,并结合水量、水质评价崇礼区水资源压力.结果表明,崇礼区2006―2015年平均水足迹为6232.2万m3;蓝水足迹为3389.7万m3,其中种植业消耗蓝水足迹最多;多年平均绿水足迹为2842.4万m3,全部来自种植业;平均灰水足迹为2686.3万m3,其中畜牧业灰水足迹为1524.9万m3,占比达到57%,为主要的污染来源.多年平均水量性缺水指标(Iblue)为2.19,属于重度缺水;水质性缺水指标(Igrey)均值小于1,不存在水质性缺水问题.月尺度的水短缺研究表明,崇礼区水量性水资源短缺集中在5―7月,其中5月份最大,Iblue达5.86.总体而言,崇礼区水环境状况较好,但仍存在水量性水资源短缺的情况,因此需要加强水资源管理,实现水资源的可持续利用.  相似文献   

The resource potential of shallow water tables for cropping systems has been investigated using the Australian sugar industry as a case study. Literature concerning shallow water table contributions to sugarcane crops has been summarised, and an assessment of required irrigation for water tables to depths of 2 m investigated using the SWIMv2.1 soil water balance model for three different soils. The study was undertaken because water availability is a major limitation for sugarcane and other crop production systems in Australia and knowledge on how best to incorporate upflow from water tables in irrigation scheduling is limited. Our results showed that for the three soils studied (representing a range of permeabilities as defined by near-saturated hydraulic conductivities), no irrigation would be required for static water tables within 1 m of the soil surface. Irrigation requirements when static water tables exceeded 1 m depth were dependent on the soil type and rooting characteristics (root depth and density). Our results also show that the near-saturated hydraulic conductivities are a better indicator of the ability of water tables below 1 m to supply sufficient upflow as opposed to soil textural classifications. We conclude that there is potential for reductions in irrigation and hence improvements in irrigation water use efficiency in areas where shallow water tables are a low salinity risk: either fresh, or the local hydrology results in net recharge.  相似文献   

农田水利建设一直是我国农业发展的重中之重,最初的农田一般仅依靠自然河水和雨水进行灌溉,而后由兴修的水利工程进行灌溉,农水建设发展到今天开始重视环境水生态.传统农田水利向环境水生态转变是一种必然的发展趋势.这种形式的转变能够最大限度地满足农业经济发展中的用水需求,而且不会对生态环境带来危害.本文主要分析农田水利发展对环境的影响,并概述了传统农业水利向环境水生态转变的过程.  相似文献   

在水利工程项目建设中,水闸工程项目占据着极其重要的作用.换言之,水闸工程质量的好坏,在很大程度上将直接关乎到整个水利工程项目的整体效果,包括使用寿命、功能发挥等.在工程建设过程中,水闸这一环节一旦出现了问题,对于整个工程及其下游地区,都会造成安全隐患,极大危害着当地居民的财产与生命安全.本文重点针对水利工程项目中的水闸设计环节,选取了春风河水利工程项目实例探讨,着重以该工程的水闸设计为研究对象,加以论述.  相似文献   

以杭州市清泰水厂进水泵房给水泵为对象,通过对千岛湖作为第二供应水源后水质变化进行理论分析和试验研究,以及水源变化后水泵实际流量扬程等性能进行分析研究,提出在千岛湖、钱塘江等多水源下给水泵的选型设计.通过给水泵叶轮切削的方式,使给水泵新的工况点处于高效区域内,确保给水泵安全顺利生产运行,提高进水泵房给水泵的效率,满足日供...  相似文献   

Given current demographic trends and future growth projections, as much as 60% of the global population may suffer water scarcity by the year 2025. The water-use efficiency techniques used with conventional resources have been improved. However, water-scarce countries will have to rely more on the use of non-conventional water resources to partly alleviate water scarcity. Non-conventional water resources are either generated as a product of specialized processes such as desalination or need suitable pre-use treatment and/or appropriate soil–water–crop management strategies when used for irrigation. In water-scarce environments, such water resources are accessed through the desalination of seawater and highly brackish groundwater, the harvesting of rainwater, and the use of marginal-quality water resources for irrigation. The marginal-quality waters used for irrigation consist of wastewater, agricultural drainage water, and groundwater containing different types of salts. In many developing countries, a major part of the wastewater generated by domestic, commercial, and industrial sectors is used for crop production in an untreated or partly treated form. The protection of public health and the environment are the main concerns associated with uncontrolled wastewater irrigation. The use of saline and/or sodic drainage water and groundwater for agriculture is expected to increase. This warrants modifications in the existing soil, irrigation, and crop management practices used, in order to cope with the increases in salinity and sodicity that will occur.  相似文献   

Summary Barley plants (Hordeum distichum, L., cv. Zita) grown in a sandy soil in pots were adjusted during a pretreatment period of 5 days to three levels of soil water osmotic potential by percolating 61 of a nutrient solution with additional 0, 22.3 and 44.6 mM KCl. A drying cycle was then started and the plants were harvested when the soil water matric potential had decreased to –1.4 MPa, respectively 6, 7 and 8 days later.No significant differences in dry matter yields, transpiration coefficients and wilting percentages were found between treatments.During the drying cycle leaf water potential ( l ) decreased concomitantly with decrease in soil water potential ( s ) with almost constant and similar differences ( l s ) for all treatments despite differences in levels of potentials. The concomitant decrease in leaf osmotic potential () was due partly to dehydration (58%) and partly to increase in leaf solute content (42%) independent of treatment. The part of total osmotic solutes due to K decreased relatively during the drying cycle.Close relationships were found between and l as functions of relative water content (RWC). Identical curves for the two levels of salt treatment agree with similar concentrations of K, Cl, and ash found for salt treated plants indicating that maximum uptake of macro nutrients may have been reached.During the main part of the drying cycle the turgor potential as function of RWC was higher and decreased less steeply with decreasing RWC in the salt treated than in the non-salt treated plants.In the beginning of the drying cycle additions of KCI lowered the transpiration rates of the salt treated plants resulting in a slower desiccation of the soil and hence an increased growth period. A delay in uptake from a limited soil water supply may be advantageous during intermittent periods of drought.  相似文献   

Production and water use in lettuces under variable water supply   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of a variable water supply on the water use, growth and yield of two crisphead and one romaine (i.e., Cos) lettuce cultivar were examined in a field experiment using a line source sprinkler system that produced a range of water regimes that occur in growers fields. Four locations at increasing distances from the main line were monitored through the season (i.e., from thinning to harvest, 28–63 days after planting (DAP)). These locations at the end of the season corresponded to: (1) rewatering to field capacity (FC); (2) watering with a volume 13% below that required in the field capacity treatment (0.87*FC); (3) 30% below FC (0.70*FC); and (4) 55% below FC (0.45*FC). A linear production function for dry matter accumulation and fresh weight vs. crop evapotranspiration (ETc) was determined for lettuce during this period, giving a water use efficiency for dry matter of 1.86 g m–2 mm–1 and for fresh weight of 48 g m–2 mm–1 . For lettuce irrigated to field capacity, ETc between thinning and harvest was 146 mm; maximum crop coefficients of 0.81–1.02 were obtained at maturity (55–63 DAP). For the three irrigation treatments receiving the largest water application, ETc was higher in the Cos culivar than in the two crisphead lettuce cultivars which had similar ETc. Plant fresh weight was more sensitive than dry weight to reduction in water supply. In the FC treatment, root length density and soil water extraction were greatest in the top 0–45 cm, and decreased rapidly below 45 cm depth. Soil water extraction by roots increased at lower depths when irrigation was reduced. Instantaneous rates of leaf photosynthesis and leaf water potential showed no response to the irrigation treatments in this study, despite differences in biomass production. Evaporation was determined to be the major component of ETc for 45 of the 63 days of the growing season. The large loss of water by evaporation during mid-season and the apparent insensitivity of lettuce to the volume of irrigation during this period may provide an opportunity for reducing irrigation applications.  相似文献   

Saline-sodic (4 < EC[dS/m] < 30; 10 相似文献   

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