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针对太子河流域面临水资源短缺、生态环境退化现象,建立汛期以旬、非汛期以月为调度时段的水库生态调度模型,提出3种联合调度方案,并采用逐步优化算法求解,结果表明,在满足各区间用水户现状用水的条件下,各控制断面流量均能满足生态流量的要求。  相似文献   

针对太子河生态和环境日益恶化问题,以流域水资源利用和河流生态流量为目标,以宏观的水资源配置要求和防洪等为约束,建立水库多目标生态调度模型,并采用模拟仿真技术求解。结果表明,在考虑满足下游控制断面适宜生态流量需求的情况下,各区间用户最大供水缺水率为11.5%。在尽可能不破坏水库的社会经济效益的情况下,采用合理的调度模型能...  相似文献   

本文依托辽宁省水资源管理系统,集成以环境流量计算与评估预警模型为核心,基于数据库技术、GIS技术和三维可视化技术的太子河流域环境流量管理系统,形成具有流域水环境系统仿真情景展示、模型驱动、信息查询、成果科学可视化与动态演示、流域环境流量保障决策支持等功能的流域水资源管理业务化平台.该平台可为管理部门提供决策依据.  相似文献   

等标污染负荷法在太子河流域风险源识别中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
太子河流域是一个完全属于辽河流域的完整流域,流域水资源总量少、开发强度大、中下游污染严重,对太子河流域的风险源进行识别,对于水污染突发事件中水质响应仿真模型的建立有重要作用。应用等标污染负荷法对太子河流域的众多污染源进行评价,筛选出重点风险源,为水污染突发事件风险源特征数据库的建立提供基础数据支持,也为水污染突发事件应急处置提供依据。  相似文献   

最近几年,随着农村人口呈现出梯度性的模式,农村人口逐渐进入新建农村和集镇之中,但是相对于城市较为完善的污水处理而言,农村污水处理就明显落后。所以,对农村水污染的有效治理,就成为当前需要解决的一个问题。  相似文献   

水污染治理投资与工业废水排放的关系研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
近年来,水污染事故频发,水环境质量日益恶化。根据10年来污染治理投资的相关数据,回归了工业废水排放量与单位GDP水污染治理投资的关系,结果表明两者呈现负相关。并从投资层面分析了我国水环境质量日益恶化的原因,提出应依据经济的发展状况,加大废水治理投资,只有保证单位GDP水污染治理投资持续增加,工业废水的污染才能得到有效控制。  相似文献   

本文阐述我省水资源概况,水体生态修复、国内外水草收割机发展现状、小水面水草收割机的要求及水草收割机的应用潜力等。  相似文献   

降雨对减小河流水污染的定量分析研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在对郑州市雨水利用研究基础上,针对降雨对城市污染河道清污作用,结合郑州市东风渠的具体情况,建立了降雨对河流水污染的稀释和降解作用的数学模型。应用结果表明,该模型可以用来预测降雨对污染河道水质的影响和作用。  相似文献   

为了研究农业区面污染造成的河流水体污染和富营养化等问题,以离子型为主的硝态氮污染物的质量浓度与径流大小的变化关系为河流水体含氮量预报的基础,选择农业区密集的美国密西西比河下游为研究对象,观测干流上控制性水文站维克斯堡站,对收集到的相关径流和水体硝态氮资料进行分析;运用Baseflow基流分割程序对径流序列分别进行日、月基流分割,将所分割的基流运用耶鲁大学Loadrunner程序,延伸和补全所选站点水体硝态氮的逐日质量浓度序列,并进一步建立逐月数据序列;运用神经网络方法,对研究对象的水体月硝态氮质量浓度进行了验证预报,建立了相应的预报步骤与预报公式.预报结果显示:对密西西比河下游水体月硝态氮质量浓度预报平均误差为7.5%.由此可见所提出的步骤和方法的准确性与适用性,可用于实际的河流水体月硝态氮质量浓度预报.  相似文献   

Barriers to water markets in the Heihe River basin in northwest China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Tradable water rights systems are becoming an important way to achieve distributive efficiency for water resources. However, it is not easy for countries or regions to establish water markets due to the existence of various barriers. In early 2002, the Ministry of Water Resources (MWR) of China initiated an experimental project—Building Water-saving Society in Zhangye City. This project was the first of its kind in China. The aim of the project was to establish a new water use rights (WUR) system with tradable water quotas and to reallocate water resources reasonably and efficiently through market-based instruments. This paper presents the research done on the system and water markets. It has been found that that the system is hard to implement well and that WUR trading is not popular. The barriers to implementing a WUR system are social and administrative in nature. WUR trading faces management, legal, administrative, and fiscal barriers. We discuss why these barriers exist and we provide policy recommendations to overcome them.  相似文献   

水工程与水资源配置平衡是判断流域处于和谐状态的重要指标.本文通过构建克里雅河流域水工程与水资源的和谐量化指标体系,采用“人水和谐管理信息系统”计算各分区的健康度、发展度、协调度指标,评价分析水工程与水资源的配置平衡状况,确定流域的和谐等级,旨在为同类型流域水资源开发、利用和保护提供借鉴与参考.  相似文献   

应用Hargreaves公式和Penman-Montieth公式计算了太子河流域1960--2005年间逐月参考作物腾发量.将Hargreaves公式计算结果与Penman-Montieth公式结果比较发现,年内3-10月份Hargreaves公式计算结果偏高,其余月份偏低.两方法夏季差异最大,冬季差异最小.相对湿度和风速是两方法差异的主要原因,经分析太子河流域相对湿度的影响更大.利用Hargreaves公式计算结果与PM公式计算结果之间良好的线性关系,对Hargreaves公式系数进行了地区修正.修正后的Hargreaves公式简单、准确,为辽阳市及其类似地区Ego的计算提供了新方法.  相似文献   

Nitrate Vulnerable Zones (NVZ) were introduced in response to the Nitrates Directive (91/676/EEC) which states that all EU countries must reduce the nitrate in drinking water to a maximum of 50 mg/l. Farmers within a designated NVZ must adhere to strict rules over the timing and application of nitrogen from organic and inorganic sources. In Scotland, four NVZ regions were designated in 2003, covering around 14% of the land area and affecting over 12,000 farmers.This paper outlines the results of a recent study to understand farmer activities in response to and attitudes towards NVZ regulations in Scotland. A telephone survey was administered, obtaining a response of 184 farmers, supplemented by four workshops held in each NVZ region. This explored, both quantitatively and qualitatively, farmer behaviour and attitudes.The bulk of farmers have made little capital investment since the 2003 designation. Few farmers have invested in increased slurry storage facilities, nor begun to transport more slurry off-farm, claiming to have had enough storage capacity before designation to cover the imposed closed period.Farmer attitudes indicate a mostly negative view towards the perceived environmental benefits, water management and compliance. This can be explained by a number of concerns raised by farmers towards the scientific basis for designations. Furthermore, farmers viewed the restrictions placed on farming practices within NVZs as too inflexible.Given the mostly sceptical perceptions demonstrated by the farmers we call for a more integrated approach to water management at the catchment level. There is a role for policy-makers to provide clearer information over the science and purpose of the designations and also to invest in the transfer of technologies, in particular N-use software which is specifically tailored to NVZ regulations. Also, critical to this would be the development of transparent indicators of water quality. This may start to embed nitrogen pollution impacts within the farmer's cultural framework of decision-making.  相似文献   

Inherent uncertainties in agricultural non-point source water pollution control problems cause great difficulties in relevant modeling processes. A radial interval chance-constrained programming (RICCP) approach was developed in this study for supporting source-oriented non-point source pollution control under uncertainty. The proposed RICCP approach could tackle two-layer uncertainty resulting from temporal and spatial variability of many factors and their uncertain interactions. Based on the concept of radial intervals and chance-constrained programming, RICCP could reflect the randomness in the bounds of interval parameters, with or without known probability distributions. RICCP could also allow decision makers to adjust the conservativeness of solutions via protection and significance levels, helping satisfy environmental, economic and resource-conservation requirements in a holistic and interactive manner. The proposed methodology has been applied to an agricultural water pollution control case. The most-profit agricultural development strategies were explored while restricting environmental impacts to an acceptable level. A series of interval solutions for agricultural practices were generated corresponding to varied risk levels of constraint violations, which could help screen optimal alternatives according to decision makers’ profit and risk considerations as well as various system conditions. RICCP model was also compared to its alternatives. Significant differences in the solutions among the compared models further demonstrated the advantages of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

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