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A spotted seal harvested by subsistence hunters in Kotzebue Sound, Alaska (USA), showed a grossly enlarged uterus and associated lymph nodes. Streptococcus phocae was isolated from the purulent uterine discharge. Histopathologic examination revealed inflammation that was limited to the uterine mucosa. Lymph nodes draining the affected organ were reactive but no evidence of active infection was found in the lymph nodes. This report is the first Streptococcus phocae isolated from spotted seals as well as the first report of pyometra as the main pathologic finding associated with this pathogen. Isolation of this pathogen from Alaska expands the reported range to arctic pinnipeds. Zoonotic potential remains unknown.  相似文献   

A 21-year-old female spotted seal (Phoca largha), with a swollen abdomen, had a five-month history of anorexia and vomiting. Ultrasonography revealed an extended mass with central necrotic foci in the right cranial abdomen. Computed tomography revealed an abdominal mass with a low-density central lumen and a pulmonary nodular lesion. Cytology of an abdominal specimen collected through fine-needle aspiration indicated a malignant tumor with round, atypical cells with large nuclei. Three days after diagnosis, necropsy revealed a 10-cm large, solid, whitish mass in the pancreatic parenchyma and multiple small nodules in the liver, spleen, mesentery, lungs, and mediastinal lymph nodes. Histopathological analysis showed prolific neoplastic cells with marked atypia and occasional keratinization. Immunohistochemistry revealed that the neoplastic cells were positive for cytokeratin AE1/AE3 antibody. Thus, the seal was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma, of presumed pancreatic origin, which had metastasized to multiple organs.  相似文献   

To study luteal function in the late gestational period of Phocidae (seals), we analyzed the localization of steroidogenic enzymes (P450scc, 3betaHSD and P450arom) and prolactin receptors in the corpora lutea of pregnant spotted seals (Larga seal; Phoca largha) immunohistochemically. P450scc, 3betaHSD and prolactin receptors were present in all luteal cells of each corpus luteum, and most luteal cells were immunostained for P450arom. Although we analyzed only two specimens, P450scc, 3betaHSD and prolactin receptors were negatively immunostained in the placentae. P450arom was present in the syncytiotrophoblast of placentae. These findings suggest that 1) the corpus luteum of the spotted seal synthesizes pregnenolone, progesterone and estrogen during late gestational period, 2) the placenta of this species do not possess the capacity to synthesize progesterone, and 3) like other terrestrial carnivores, this species requires prolactin to maintain the corpus luteum during pregnancy. These characteristics support the recent classification of family Phocidae in the order Carnivora, and suggest a relationship between prolactin and reproductive failure during the post-implantation period in pinnipeds.  相似文献   

黄渤海斑海豹种群现状调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王丕烈  韩家波  马志强 《野生动物》2008,29(1):29-31,39
2003~2007年,对斑海豹在渤海的繁殖区和辽东湾北部双台子河口、大连旅顺虎平岛及渤海海峡的庙岛群岛3个栖息地,分别进行了斑海豹种群数量调查,并对黄海北部韩国白翎岛斑海豹度夏栖息地进行了现场考察.调查结果表明:渤海3个栖息地斑海豹数量处于动态变化之中,空间分布格局虽未发生明显变化,但斑海豹种群数量有下降趋势.白翎岛栖息地斑海豹数量波动与渤海3个栖息地斑海豹数量密切相关.由于生态环境不断恶化,尤其近年偷猎现象增多,严重威胁着本种群的生存.为此,亟待加强对斑海豹资源的保护.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to provide safe anesthesia for bronchoalveolar lavage and assess the utility of premedication with i.m. midazolam for short-duration anesthesia with isoflurane in harp seals (Phoca groenlandica). Fourteen yearling harp seal pups were anesthetized three times each as part of a prospective, cross-over, blinded study. Each animal received i.m. premedication with saline, low-dose, or high-dose midazolam (respectively 0.1 and 0.2 mg/ kg). Following premedication, anesthesia was induced with 4% isoflurane in oxygen delivered through a mask and connected to a Bain non-rebreathing system. A significantly longer time was taken from the end of general anesthesia to head movement in the high-dose group compared with the saline group (P = 0.002). A significantly longer time was taken from the end of general anesthesia to ambulation in the high-dose group compared with the saline group (P = 0.006). There were no significant differences between groups in the subjective assessment of anesthetic quality or ease of intubation. Premedication with i.m. midazolam at the dosages used did prolong recovery from anesthesia, although to a degree unlikely to be significant clinically.  相似文献   

The muscles of mastication and their related skull characters in the Caspian seal (Phoca caspica) were anatomically examined and compared with those of the Baikal (Phoca sibirica) and ringed (Phoca hispida) seals. A well-developed masseter muscle was observed in the Caspian seal, whereas the temporal muscle consisted of thin bundles. The skull of the Caspian seal possessed the same thin frontal bone and the dorso-ventrally developed zygomatic arch found in the Baikal seal that are required to install the enlarged eyeball into the orbit. The temporal bone was not robust, and the digastric muscle was well-developed in the ventral space of the auditory bulla. The present results suggest that the skull form of the Caspian seal has changed morphologically from its ringed seal-like ancestors, and suggest that the evolutionary strategy of the muscles of mastication in the Caspian seal is principally consistent with that of the Baikal seal.  相似文献   

Anatomical properties of the ringed seal (Phoca hispida) heart and associated blood vessels reveal adaptations related to requirements for diving. Seven adult ringed seals were embalmed and dissected to document the gross anatomical features of the heart. Computed tomography images of the thoracic cavity were taken on one seal prior to dissection. The shape and position of the heart is different from the typical carnivore heart. The most notable difference is its dorsoventral flattened appearance with its right and left sides positioned, respectively, within the thoracic cavity. The long axis of the heart is positioned horizontally, parallel to the sternum. The right ventricle is spacious with thin walls which extend caudally to the apex of the heart such that the apex is comprised of both right and left ventricles. The cusps of the left atrioventricular valve of the ringed seal heart resemble an uninterrupted, circular curtain making it challenging to distinguish the divisions into parietal and septal cusps.  相似文献   

The microscopic anatomy of the ringed seal lung exhibits unique features and many features similar to those described in other seal species. Unique features include: Trachealis muscle predominately oriented longitudinally; Large veins within the tracheal wall supported by elastic fibers; Goblet cells and pseudostratified epithelium lining the duct system of bronchial glands of the segmental bronchi; Lamina propria of the segmental bronchus heavily invested with elastic fibers clustered into dense longitudinal bundles; and Capillaries and venules covered with squamous epithelium protruding into bronchiolar lumina. Common features include: Cartilage support of the bronchial tree extending distally into respiratory bronchioles; Smooth muscle enhancements in the distal airways producing sphincter like formations; and Lungs extensively supported with interstitial tissue, which divide lungs into lobules.  相似文献   

The harbour seal population in the Dutch Wadden Sea decreased significantly during the last decades. Calculations based on bounty data revealed that the population decreased from about 2700 in 1950 to about 900 in 1959. Annual aerial surveys--which were carried out since that time--showed a slight increase due to the stop of hunting. However, after 1964 a new decline occurred and since 1974 the population stays at a level of about 450 specimens. During 1974 to 1978 the population dynamics of the population have been studied Frequent aerial surveys provided data on the size of the population. These data have been used in a simulation model and the birth rate and the initial juvenile mortality were calculated. During boat trips an indication of the age composition was obtained by measuring track widths. By comparing these results with similar results from a stable population in Schleswig Holstein it appeared: (1) that juvenile mortality in the first weeks in the Dutch population is higher than that in Schleswig Holstein but the overall mortality of pups in both areas in their first three months of life is of the same order; (2) that pup production in the Dutch population is low compared to the population in Schleswig Holstein; (3) that apparently immigration from elsewhere occurs. To investigate the contribution of environmental pollution to the decline of the Dutch seal population tissues of dead, stranded animals originating from Schleswig Holstein, Denmark and the Netherlands were collected and analyzed for PCBs, o,p'-DDT, p,p'-(DDT, DDE, TDE), dieldrin, aldrin, endrin, endosulfan, alpha, beta, gamma,-HCH, HCB, QCB (pentachlorobenzene), HEPO, total mercury, methyl-mercury, selenium and bromium. Considering epidemiological and experimental data on the effects of PCBs on mammalian reproduction, strong support is obtained for the hypothesis that PCBs are responsible for the decreased reproduction in seals from the Dutch Wadden Sea. if PBCs are responsible for the decrease of the Dutch seal population, measure of all North Sea countries are urgently required because these PCBs may not only be a hazard to seals but also to other animals and even man. Production and use of PCBs should be limited and used PCBs should be collected and destroyed. However, even if an immediate ban on PCB's would be effected, the effects of PCBs because of their persistent character are likely to last many years. For that reason it may be assumed that the seal population in the western Wadden Sea still faces a difficult period in the years to come. In order to lead this population through this difficult period, all possible measures enhancing its continued existence should be taken. Since the seals in the Wadden Sea form one population maximum result may be expected from measures applying to all seals in the Wadden Sea. Thus international cooperation is necessary. The following measures are proposed: Continued interdiction of hunting in order to obtain a maximum number of animals taking part in reproduction. Establishment of seal reserves and, additionally supporting seal nursery stations in order to guarantee a maximum reproductive output. However, it has to be stressed that these measures are not effective if at the same time the main cause of the decrease is not found and brought under control.  相似文献   


The harbour seal population in the Dutch Wadden Sea decreased significantly during the last decades. Calculations based on bounty data revealed that the population decreased from about 2700 in 1950 to about 900 in 1959. Annual aerial surveys ‐ which were carried out since that time ‐ showed a slight increase due to the stop of hunting. However, after 1964 a new decline occurred and since 1974 the population stays at a level of about 450 specimens.

During 1974 to 1978 the population dynamics of the population have been studied. Frequent aerial surveys provided data on the size of the population. These data have been used in a simulation model and the birth rate and the initial juvenile mortality were calculated. During boat trips an indication of the age composition was obtained by measuring track widths. By comparing these results with similar results from a stable population in Schleswig Holstein it appeared: (1) that juvenile mortality in the first weeks in the Dutch population is higher than that in Schleswig Holstein but the overall mortality of pups in both areas in their first three months of life is of the same order; (2) that pup production in the Dutch population is low compared to the population in Schleswig Holstein; (3) that apparently immigration from elsewhere occurs.

To investigate the contribution of environmental pollution to the decline of the Dutch seal population tissues of dead, stranded animals originating from Schleswig Holstein, Denmark and the Netherlands were collected and analyzed for PCBs, o,p'‐DDT, p,p’,(DDT, DDE, TDE), dieldrin, aldrin, endrin, endosulfan, a, β, γ,‐HCH, HCB, QCB (pentachlorobenzene), HEPO, total mercury, methylmercury, selenium and bromium.

Considering epidemiological and experimental data on the effects of PCBs on mammalian reproduction, strong support is obtained for the hypothesis that PCBs are responsible for the decreased reproduction in seals from the Dutch Wadden Sea.

If PBCs are responsible for the decrease of the Dutch seal population, measures of all North Sea countries are urgently required because these PCBs may not only be a hazard to seals but also to other animals and even man. Production and use of PCBs should he limited and used PCBs should be collected and destroyed. However, even if an immediate ban on PCB's would be effected, the effects of PCBs ‐ because of their persistent character ‐ are likely to last many years. For that reason it may be assumed that the seal population in the western Wadden Sea still faces a difficult period in the years to come. In order to lead this population through this difficult period, all possible measures enhancing its continued existence should be taken. Since the seals in the Wadden Sea form one population maximum result may be expected from measures applying to all seals in the Wadden Sea. Thus international cooperation is necessary.

The following measures are proposed:

Continued interdiction of hunting in order to obtain a maximum number of animals taking part in reproduction.

Establishment of seal reserves and, additionally supporting seal nursery stations in order to guarantee a maximum reproductive output.

However, it has to be stressed that these measures are not effective if at the same time the main cause of the decrease is not found and brought under control.  相似文献   

The adrenal gland is a vitally important endocrine gland that occupies a central role in the regulatory mechanisms of the body metabolism. Environmental stress factors lead to permanent strain and overload of the body resulting in structural alterations of the adrenals that in turn are followed by hormonal imbalances. This leads to an increased susceptibility to bacterial and viral diseases. The recurrence of numerous fatalities in the different seal populations of the North Sea (during the years 1988, 1989 and 2002), of the Baikal Lake and Caspian Sea (during the years 2000 and 2001) were the motive for a morphological investigation of the species-specific structure of the adrenal gland of the common seal in order to differentiate environmental stress-induced pathological alterations from the physiological structure of this organ. The study was based on adrenals of 112 common seals (Phoca vitulina vitulina) using light microscopic and transmission and scanning electron microscopic methods. The phocine adrenal gland displays several structural characteristics. Originating from the connective tissue organ capsule, narrow and broad septa intersperse the adrenal cortex. These septa contain blastemata as a reserve for the regeneration of hormone-producing cortical cells. Such blastemata are also occurring in the form of an intermediate zone in between the zona glomerulosa and zona fasciculata in the phocine adrenal cortex. Another species-specific characteristic is an inverse part of the adrenal cortex encircling the central vein of the organ. These structural features have to be considered in assessment and definition of pathological alterations of the adrenals as observed in the form of exhausted blastema cell pools in the adrenocortex of seals perished in the mentioned phocine mass mortalities.  相似文献   

The somatotropic axis, including growth hormone (GH), insulin-like growth factor (IGF)-I, and IGF binding proteins (IGFBP), is a bridge between growth physiology, developmental age, and nutritional status in domestic animals. However, the importance of the somatotropic axis in nutrition, growth, and development of harbor seals has not been previously explored. Given the difficulty of conducting longitudinal studies in free-ranging harbor seals, this study focused on the potential use of harbor seals in rehabilitation facilities as a model for free-ranging seals. The purpose of this research was to compare concentrations of components of the somatotropic axis in free-ranging versus rehabilitated harbor seal pups. The hypothesis was that measurements of the somatotropic axis will be similar between individuals of comparable age and nutritional status (fasting versus feeding). To investigate this hypothesis, harbor seal pups (n=8) brought to The Marine Mammal Center (Sausalito, California, USA) or Mystic Aquarium (Mystic, Connecticut, U.S.A.) were initially assessed and determined to be healthy but abandoned. All pups were less than 2 wk of age upon arrival at rehabilitation facilities. Standard length was assessed at the time of arrival and again at release. Body mass was measured every week and blood samples were collected from each pup at 0, 4, and 8 wk of rehabilitation. Blood was collected and morphometrics assessed in free-ranging harbor seal pups (n=8) from the Gulf of Maine. Sera were analyzed for GH, IGF-I, and IGFBP concentrations. Concentrations of GH, IGF-I, and IGFBP-2 and -3 in rehabilitated pups were within a similar range compared with free-ranging pups when considered in the context of presumed nutrient intake. These data suggest that rehabilitated harbor seals may provide a useful model to investigate the effects of nutrient intake on growth and development of harbor seals, and will provide insight into phocid endocrinology and metabolism.  相似文献   

A young harbor seal (Phoca vitulina richardi), stranded on the coast of California, was found to have a 20-cm-diameter cranial cervical mass. Surgical excision revealed the subcutaneous mass to be covered in haired skin with multiple glabrous areas and structures resembling a jaw with tooth buds, eyelids, and a tail. The mass deformed the host pup's skull. Histologic examination revealed a complete vertebra in the tail, teeth in the jaw, and areas resembling tongue and larynx. Class 1 MHC sequences amplified by polymerase chain reaction from the mass and the host twin were identical. The mass was diagnosed as a fetus in fetu, a rare congenital anomaly in which 1 conjoined twin is completely enclosed in the body of the other twin. The host pup died, and no additional defects were found; however, blubber levels of persistent organic pollutants were high. The cause of the congenital anomaly in this pup is uncertain.  相似文献   

Antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii were determined in serum samples from 47 grey seals (Halichoerus grypus) and 56 harbor seals (Phoca vitulina vitulina) from the Atlantic coasts of United Kingdom and France. Antibodies to T. gondii assayed by the modified agglutination test (MAT) were found in 14 (13.6%; IC(95%): 7.0-20.2) of 103 seals tested, with titres of 1:25 in 13 seals and 1:50 in 1 seal. Seroprevalence against T. gondii (MAT 1:25 or higher) was significantly higher in grey seals (23.4%) compared to harbor seals (5.4%). No significant differences were found between seroprevalence against T. gondii and sex, age or geographical locations. These results show natural exposure of European harbor and grey seals to T. gondii oocysts in the Atlantic Ocean. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first serological survey of T. gondii in European grey and harbor seals.  相似文献   

A captive harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) presented with partial anorexia, ataxia, and head bobbing, which progressed to complete anorexia, lethargy, and persistent whole-body intention tremors within several days. Response to treatment with ponazuril, serology, and cerebrospinal fluid analysis supported a diagnosis of Sarcocystis neurona. Analysis of serum levels for ponazuril indicated that therapeutic levels could be achieved at a dosage of 5 mg/kg p.o. s.i.d., whereas clinical response was improved at a dosage of 10 mg/kg. Several months after initiation of antiprotozoal therapy, the neurologic signs resolved, although rare intermittent tremors were seen with significant exertion.  相似文献   

Age estimation of individuals is an important tool for the management of marine mammals and is mostly done by microscopic analysis of growth layer groups (GLGs) in teeth (cementum and dentin) and bone. The present study evaluated the use of sutural and synchondrosal closure in the skull of the harbour seal (Phoca vitulina) as a potential non-destructive alternative for age estimation. For that, we scored the ectocranial closure of 12 selected sutures and synchondroses in a sample of 303 Eastern Atlantic harbour seals (P. v. vitulina; 138 males, 165 females), for which data on age at death were available, based on determined gross-morphological criteria in individuals younger than 1 year and cement layer analysis in canines in older individuals. A strong positive relationship between the sum of closure level scores (SCS) and age (males: r = 0.8797, females: r = 0.8825) was recorded, which was stronger than that for the relationship between age and condylobasal length (CBL, males: r = 0.7085, females: 0.7086) (all p-values <0.0001). In adult individuals (≥5 years), CBL was higher in males than females (p < 0.0001), while SCS did not significantly differ between the two sexes (p = 0.148). Our findings show that the analysis of sutural/synchondrosal closure is a valid alternative for age estimation in harbour seals, thereby confirming results of previous studies on other pinniped species.  相似文献   



Brucella is a group of bacteria that causes brucellosis, which can affect population health and reproductive success in many marine mammals. We investigated the serological prevalence of antibodies against Brucella bacteria in a declining harbor seal population in Glacier Bay National Park, Alaska.


Prevalence ranged from 16 to 74 percent for those tests detecting antibodies, indicating that harbor seals in Glacier Bay have been exposed to Brucella bacteria. However, the actual level of serological prevalence could not be determined because results were strongly assay-dependent.


This study reinforces the need to carefully consider assay choice when comparing different studies on the prevalence of anti–Brucella antibodies in pinnipeds and further highlights the need for species- or taxon-specific assay validation for both pathogen and host species.  相似文献   

During the seal epidemic in 1988 and the beginning of 1989, 115 common seals found dead on the shores of the Wadden Sea of Lower Saxony were investigated for the presence of nematodes. The lungworm Otostrongylus circumlitus Railliet 1899 was found in 26.1% of the seals, the lungworm Parafilaroides gymnurus Railliet 1899 in 26.9% and the heartworm Dipetalonema spirocauda Leidy 1858 in 32.2% of the seals. In the digestive tract, two anisakid species were found, Pseudoterranova decipiens Mozgovoi 1951 in 87.8% and Contracaecum osculatum Rudolphi 1802 in 10.4% of the seals. Statistical analysis revealed a negative correlation between age of the seals and prevalence and intensity of infestation with the two lungworm species and the heartworms. Adult seals were found not to be infected with Dipetalonema spirocauda and Parafilaroides gymnurus, whereas the prevalence of the two anisakid species increased with increasing age of the seals. Pseudoterranova decipiens was found more often in autumn and winter than in summer. This parasite was more prevalent and had higher worm counts in the eastern part of the Wadden Sea than in the western part. Parafilaroides gymnurus and Dipetalonema spirocauda were found more often in seals with smaller blubber thickness than in well fed seals.  相似文献   

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