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ABSTRACT. Washington DC is the center of the nation's ninth largest metropolitan area (PMSA), home to 4.4 million people and 2.9 million employees in a web of 25 separate, autonomous municipalities spanning three states and the District of Columbia. As such, the region is a good place to analyze the pattern of suburbanization of producer service employment over the past 25 years. In addition to overall suburbanization, the metropolitan area has seen changes in the nature and role of its dominant economic force, the federal government. Direct federal employment has stagnated while federal contracts to private companies have soared. Producer service employment seemed to increase in importance in jurisdictions away from the region's core, simultaneous with increases in total employment, following increases in federal contracting, and independent of increases in federal employment. These trends have affected the growth of producer service employment across the metropolitan area, encouraging their suburbanization. By subjecting our initial models to sub-sector data and analysis of temporal trends in the coefficients, we uncover the uniqueness of legal services and additional evidence of suburbanization over time.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The effects of state public capital investment on economic growth is an important question that has been the focus of a recent substantial research effort. But the majority of this research has ignored these investments’influence on the intra-state pattern of economic activity. Yet if external agglomeration economies are important determinants of growth, then investments may indirectly affect growth by fostering or discouraging agglomeration. This paper discusses the effect of state infrastructure investments on the distribution of employment within states and the implications of these spatial effects for aggregate state employment growth. Preliminary empirical results suggest that state infrastructure investments tend to redistribute growth from areas of dense employment to other parts of the state. This redistribution may diminish agglomeration benefits offered by cities, which has the potential to reduce state growth. The paper concludes with a discussion of implications of the work for research and policy.  相似文献   

Although flexible specialization is regarded as one of the hallmarks of industrial districts, its consequences for firm performance have not attracted much empirical attention. Using event-history data on a complete population of textile-clothing firms in Baden-Württemberg in the Reutlingen (Germany) district from 1946 to 1993, this paper tests the proposition that specialized firms have a survival advantage over more integrated firms. Logistic regression models of failure probabilities show that, contrary to predictions derived from the district model, horizontally and vertically integrated firms have outlived more specialized firms. This study demonstrates the importance of dynamic research designs that incorporate information on strategic differences in a complete population of district firms, observed over an extended time frame.  相似文献   

This essay adds a new dimension to the debate concerning taxes and business location decisions by raising a simple, but perhaps underappreciated point concerning political implications of state and local fiscal structure for state economic development policy. Low taxes may well be attractive to business owners and their employees; however, a fiscal structure that is not incentive-compatible with economic expansion may end up frustrating public policies of all types aimed at promoting growth. Economic growth may be seen as increasing types aimed at promoting growth. Economic growth may be seen as increasing demands for public services, thereby placing upward pressure on tax rates faced by the original taxpayers. In Wyoming, this problem is compounded because the tax base is narrow and highly income inelastic and the incidence of taxes levied falls significantly on out-of-state residents who do not benefit from public services provided. Additionally, prospects for reducing the mismatch between taxpayers and public service beneficiaries appear to be limited because, quite understandably, state residents do not wish to pay more for public services for which they have historically paid cents on the dollar.  相似文献   

: Differentials in U.S. state unemployment rates were persistent in the early 1990s. In addition, states with higher employment growth did not necessarily have the lowest unemployment rates. Thus, this paper examines the differentials in U.S. state unemployment rates from 1992 to 1994, decomposing them into the parts that were due to differences in recent employment growth, and those that were due to longer-term equilibrium factors. Also, using the shift-share model, employment growth differences are decomposed into an industry mix component and a competitiveness component. The decomposition of the 1992 to 1994 unemployment rate differentials is based on an econometric equation estimated using panel data from 1972 to 1991. Explanatory equilibrium factors included in the model are amenities, demographic characteristics, education, industry composition, labor mobility, and wage rates.  相似文献   

郑满生  李娜 《中国农学通报》2017,33(35):155-158
为了全面了解农村公共文化服务政策的发展历程,促进当代中国农村公共文化服务体系建设。本研究对1979—2015 年间中国农村公共文化政策的制定与实施情况进行了全面梳理。研究表明,农村公共文化服务政策颁布和实施大致经历了“肇始”、“探索”、“深化”3 个阶段,政策的雏形在肇始阶段逐渐形成、轮廓在探索阶段逐渐显现、较为系统的体系在深化阶段基本形成。深入分析农村公共文化服务政策实施背景、实施情况、实施特点及其影响,对于完善农村公共文化政策体系、促进农村公共文化服务体系建设有着重要意义。  相似文献   

为了全面了解农村公共文化服务政策的发展特征,促进当代中国农村公共文化服务体系建设。本研究对1998—2015 年间中国农村公共文化政策的制定与实施情况进行了全面梳理。研究表明,农村公共文化服务政策的出台呈现出重视基础设施建设、重视文化权益保障、重视文化工程带动、重视全覆盖和均等化等特征。深入分析农村公共文化服务政策的发展特征,对于完善农村公共文化政策体系建设,提升农村公共文化服务水平有着重要意义。  相似文献   

The Pacific Northwest has grown more rapidly than the U.S. in recent years, led by the expansion of services employment. However, there have been striking differences in the rates of growth of individual counties in the Northwest. These variations in growth rates are shown to be associated with the type of industrial structure found in groups of counties. Their growth is also shown to be related, in part, to changes in the economic base of individual counties, with services contributing a greater share to county exports in 1986 than in 1974.  相似文献   

This note presents a method for developing data on poverty at the state level and applies it to produce estimates of state poverty for the mid-1980s. The findings are based on four alternative measures of poverty: the official one, pretransfer poverty, prewelfare poverty and pre-state-transfer poverty, a new measure especially useful for analyzing the impact of state transfer policies on poverty. The data are reported and then used to compare the antipoverty impact of states’income support policies.  相似文献   

档案工作规范化、标准化是实现种业档案管理现代化的重要中间环节,在搞好硬件建设的同时,做好种业文书处理工作则是实现种业档案工作规范化、标准化的重要基础工作。日益丰富的工作实践表明,虽然种业文书处理工作与种业档案工作各有不同的工作任务,具有相对的独立性,但由于种业文书是种业档案的来源,种业档案是种业文书的归宿,所以,两者又是文档工作流程中紧密相关的工作环节。  相似文献   

运用SWOT分析工具剖析了现阶段中国农垦种业的发展优势、存在的问题、面对的挑战和面临的机遇,提出了农垦种业未来打造产业链、提升价值链、培育支撑链的战略思路以及信息驾驭、产业协作、创新驱动、品牌带动等战略选择。  相似文献   

基于政策工具的视角,采用内容分析法,对中国罗非鱼主产区地方政府出台的罗非鱼产业政策进行计量分析和评价。从基本政策工具和产业链两个维度出发,构建罗非鱼产业政策分析框架,并对政策文本进行单元编码和统计分析,在量化分析的基础上剖析中国罗非鱼产业政策在政策工具设计和构建中存在的问题,为未来罗非鱼产业政策的完善和优化提出建议,以期为中国罗非鱼产业政策的制定提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT The results of this study confirm the expected positive relationship between economic development agency spending and employment growth among the states. Furthermore, it is concluded that past studies, by failing to control for state economic development agency spending in estimated regression equations, have underestimated the negative impact of personal taxes on employment growth.  相似文献   

目前在食品行业中存在数量众多的认证体系,但是与认证的经济学研究却很少。认证是在市场交易中可确保商品某种隐藏质量声明真实性的有效工具。在信息不对称的情况下,诸如有机生产、动物福利、公平贸易等"过程导向"的品质特性容易产生不正当使用标志问题。从长远来看,只有可靠的控制程序才能减少食品安全事件的发生。首先提出了一个影响认证结果和认证标志有效性的模型,然后探讨了认证市场价格战的趋势和认证制度变革的必要性,提出了减少对检查员的依赖程度、强化职责、增加公信力效应和降低认证费用等策略,最后讨论了对官方和非官方监管的政策内涵。  相似文献   

基于需求驱动的茶叶产业互动式信息服务技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
信息服务技术是用户与信息源之间的沟通桥梁,是信息服务质量优劣的决定性因素。笔者针对茶叶产业信息服务特点,强调信息服务的需求驱动性和信息服务的互动性,以用户和市场作为检验信息服务质量的重要标准,以实现信息服务价值的最大化为目的,提出基于需求驱动的互动式信息服务模式。该模式将用户的需求作为驱动因子,并引入信息需求循环优化的互动思想,结合信息的推送和反馈机制,进一步优化信息服务机制,使信息服务更加贴近用户的实际需求。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT This paper presents a historical perspective of growth of the Mexican automobile industry, focusing on the changing position of Third-World producers within the global motor vehicle industry. Both the impact of Mexican government policies directed toward increasing international competitiveness and that of adjustments made by transnational corporations to changes in technology and production methods are reviewed. Finally, a demand function that relates the proportion of the industry output that is exported to relative producer prices, Mexican and U.S. income, and government policy variables is estimated. The results of that analysis are consistent with the hypotheses that Mexican automotive sector exports are significantly related to (1) relative Mexico/U.S. producer prices, (2) income in the United States, and (3) changes in Mexican government export promotion policies initiated in 1983. These specific results, coupled with the global changes taking place in the industry, lead to the conclusion that Mexico can be expected to continue on its course toward fuller integration into the world motor vehicle industry as a producer of both finished vehicles and parts. While this would be a probable scenario even in the absence of the North American Free Trade Agreement, the Agreement is likely to accelerate the growth of internationally competitive automotive sector production in Mexico.  相似文献   

中国是水产养殖产量大国,但与大多数发达国家相比中国水产种业不强。为应对国内外新形势,亟需做强民族水产种业,进而推进中国渔业的转型升级,笔者从法律法规与理论体系、科技创新与人才体系、工程建设与核心示范体系、产业发展与进出口状况4 个方面系统梳理了当前民族水产种业的基本情况;从顶层设计、扶持政策、科技创新、经营主体、市场环境5 个角度分析了当前民族水产种业发展中存在的主要问题。最后探讨并提出了民族水产种业转型升级的政策路径,即优化顶层设计、丰富扶持策略、转变评价方法、坚持以人为本、加强种业监管,以期为产业发展和相关政策完善提供参考。  相似文献   

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