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Regional botanical surveys supported by field experiments suggest that atmospheric nitrogen deposition threatens the balance between species and causes loss of biodiversity within plant communities. Methods are required to monitor the nitrogen status of vegetation at a landscape scale and therefore the potential for ecological change. Remote sensing has the potential to monitor a number of plant biophysical and chemical variables, but its application to monitor the nitrogen status of native vegetation remains limited and untested. Using field spectroscopy, canopy reflectance measurements were taken from two heathland field sites and heather (Calluna vulgaris) plants grown in a greenhouse. The nitrogen concentration was determined through destructive sampling and chemical analysis. Stepwise multiple regression analysis was used to identify the wavebands most associated with nitrogen concentration and despite high variation in the selected wavebands between the three datasets, most of these wavebands were associated with nitrogen and protein absorption features within the spectral region 1,990–2,170 nm. Results highlight the potential of remote sensing as a bio-monitoring technique to estimate foliar nitrogen status in native plants.  相似文献   


This study characterizes the soil types on which natural stands of Quercus robur L. grow in northwest Spain. Nineteen edaphic parameters were obtained from the data collected in the sampling of 39 oak soils. Siliceous substrates were present in all of the stands, with granite and schist substrates being dominant. The soils on which the stands were grown were mainly Dystric cambisols. The values of the parameters that reflect the main chemical and biological soil properties [pH, organic matter, nitrogen (N), and carbon (C)/N ratio] were similar to the values considered optimal for these formations by other researchers. The exception was the values obtained for organic matter, which were slightly higher. The concentrations of nutrients in these soils were considered relatively low or medium as compared with the concentration of nutrients in soils under pine and eucalyptus forests in the study area, except phosphorus, which was considerably higher.  相似文献   

This study deals with the effect of altitudinal variation on the content of phenolic compounds in three traditional herbal plants, which are also consumed as food in Central Europe. Herbs of Calluna vulgaris (L.) HULL, flowers and fruits of Sambucus nigra L., and berries of Vaccinium myrtillus L. collected in the Naturpark Solktaler (Austria) were extracted using accelerated solvent extraction (ASE). Identification and quantification of the constituents in the polar extracts (methanol 80%, v/v) were achieved by means of RP-HPLC-PDA and/or LC-PDA-MS analysis with external standards. 3,5- O-Dicaffeoylquinic acid was identified in flowers of S. nigra for the first time. Rising concentrations of flavonoids and especially flavonol-3- O-glycosides with adjacent hydroxyl groups in ring B in C. vulgaris and S. nigra with increasing altitude were observed. Anthocyanins from the berries of both S. nigra and V. myrtillus occurred in decreasing amounts with rising altitude. C. vulgaris showed the best radical scavenging capacity based on the DPPH assay.  相似文献   

Fahlerden dominate large areas of the young and old moraine landscapes of N and E Germany. Fahlerden (part of Fahlerden corresponds to Albeluvisols) and their transitional subtypes are supposed to have a higher intensity of clay illuviation than Parabraunerden (Luvisols). Besides this macroscopic feature reflecting periglacial influence, micromorphological features such as lenticular platy microstructure, vesicles, and fragments of clay coatings in Bt streaks document the initiation of Fahlerde genesis, which began in the Late Glacial. A model of Fahlerde genesis chronologically connects sedimentological and periglacial processes, vegetation development, and soil‐forming processes like decalcification, clay illuviation, and humification. The classification criterion of larger differences in clay contents between E and Bt horizons to distinguish Fahlerden from Parabraunerden needs to be reconsidered, because most Fahlerden have developed in stratified parent material in periglacially influenced landscapes. The interpretation of a soil data base listing data of both soil types distributed in Brandenburg demonstrates that the difference in clay contents between E and Bt horizons may even be smaller in Fahlerden than in Parabraunerden.  相似文献   

The physically defined concept “precompression stress (Pc)” is presented at farm scale, including two operation methods in order to define precaution and critical values for the legislation and executive level according to the German Soil Protection Law. The first step is the prevention of subsoil compaction in general by the definition of the mechanical strength of soils, which is defined by the Pc. This Pc value is used as the precaution value, to ensure site-adjusted land use. The second step is to predict the change of soil functions after exceeding the Pc and furthermore to assess if critical values (test and action values) caused by subsoil compaction are reached or already exceeded. Criteria for the definition of critical values by subsoil compaction concerning crop production are discussed in order to also establish such values in the European Soil Framework Directive. The “Pc” concept, which includes predicted and regionalized “Pc”-maps, was verified on a research farm in the weichselian moraine landscape in Northern Germany for areas resistant or susceptible to soil deformation at the given water content throughout the year. Furthermore, the stress-dependent changes of the air capacity after exceeding the Pc was predicted by pedotransfer functions and linked with the farm soil map. As an additional proof for the validity of the Pc concept, a field experiment on a Stagnic Luvisol was also conducted in order to measure the stress distribution up to 60 cm depth using the Stress State Transducer (SST) system at two different wheel loads (3.3 and 6.5 Mg) using a tractor-pulled mono-wheeler. According to the effective soil strength, the wheel load should not exceed 3.3 Mg at field capacity to avoid subsoil compaction.  相似文献   

Shamrikova  E. V.  Kubik  O. S.  Deneva  S. V. 《Eurasian Soil Science》2022,55(9):1235-1247
Eurasian Soil Science - Information on different compounds of elements, such as Na, K, Ca, Mg, Al, Fe, and Mn, contributes to our understanding of the genesis of poorly studied soils of northern...  相似文献   

Seven flavonoid derivatives were for the first time isolated from aerial parts of an alimentary and medicinal plant of the Brassicaceae family, Barbarea vulgaris L. The products were characterized on the basis of spectroscopic NMR ((1)H, (13)C, COSY, HMQC, HMBC) and FAB-MS data. The occurrence of flavonoids in this plant is interesting for their important nutritional properties and for chemotaxonomical pourposes.  相似文献   

It has been shown that thermal processing of tomatoes and sweet corn results in increased antioxidant activities despite the loss of vitamin C. Until now, it is unclear whether this positive effect of thermal processing occurs with all crop produce. Therefore, analysis of a root vegetable (beets) and of a legume (green beans) was undertaken to address this question. Antioxidant activity of beets processed under typical commercial processing conditions remained constant despite an 8% loss of vitamin C, a 60% loss of color, and 30% loss of dietary folate. There was a slight but significant 5% increase in phenolic content of processed beets. In contrast, vitamin C and dietary folate content of green beans remained constant, whereas a 32% reduction in phenolic compounds occurred after typical commercial processing conditions. The antioxidant activity of green beans was reduced by 20%. These findings along with previous works suggest that the effects of thermal processing vary with the respective produce crop type. It also reinforces the concept that optimal health benefits may be achieved when a wide variety of plant foods (fruits, vegetables and whole grains) and preparation methods are incorporated into the diet.  相似文献   

Common bean effects on health have been related to its dietary fiber content and other active compounds. This study assessed the content of flavonoids, coumestrol, phenolic acids, galactooligosaccharides, and phytic acid in wild and cultivated Mexican common bean seeds (raw and cooked) and that of flavonoids, coumestrol, and phenolic acids in germinated bean seeds. The presence of isoflavones in raw bean seeds was not confirmed by the UV spectra. Quercetin, kaempferol, p-coumaric acid, ferulic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, and vanillic acid mean contents were 10.9, 52.3, 10.1, 9.6, 5.4, and 18.2 microg/g, respectively; raffinose, stachyose, verbascose, and phytic acid mean contents were 8.5, 56.3, 5.5, and 11.5 mg/g, respectively, in raw seeds. All compounds were affected by autoclaving, and germination resulted in a de novo synthesis of flavonols, phytoestrogens, and phenolic acids. The impact on health of common bean seed is affected by dietary burden, specific compounds content, and processing. On the other hand, germinated bean seed or beans sprouts may be sources of antioxidants and phytoestrogens.  相似文献   

Two nucleotide sequences for genes that encode alpha-amylase inhibitor 4 (alphaAI-4) from white kidney bean (WKB) cv. 858, designated gene alphaAI-4 (Accession No. ), and alpha-amylase inhibitor 5 (alphaAI-5) from black bean (BB), designated gene alphaAI-5 (Accession No. ), were determined. Genes alphaAI-4 and alphaAI-5 encode 244 amino acid prepro-alphaAI-4 and prepro-alphaAI-5 polypeptides that are 93 and 95% identical with alpha-amylase inhibitor l (alphaAI-l; Hoffman, L. M.; Ma, Y.; Barker, R. F.Nucleic Acids Res. 1982, 10, 7819-7828), 40 and 43% identical with red kidney bean lectin, and 52 and 55% identical with arcelin l of wild-type bean. The high degree of sequence similarity indicates the evolutionary relationship among these genes. PCR analysis of genomic DNA purified from six genotypes of Phaseolus vulgaris showed very similar band patterns in 2% agarose gel, another indication of the conserved size homology among these genes. Proteolytic processing sites were located between Asn77 and Ser78 for pro-alphaAI-4 and pro-alphaAI-5. A bend next to Asn77 in three-dimensional model structures of alphaAI-4 and alphaAI-5 proinhibitors indicates that the proteolytic cleavage is necessary to remove the conformational constraint for activation to the mature protein. Mature WKB alphaAI-4 was composed of four subunits (2alpha2beta) and had a molecular weight of 50000 determined by multiangle laser light scattering and 56714 determined by laser-assisted time-of-flight mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort) is a tall (1.0?C2.0 m) high biomass perennial herb which accumulates considerable amounts of metals on contaminated sites. An outdoor pot experiment was conducted on a sandy, slightly alkaline soil of moderate fertility to study the uptake of cadmium and the distribution of Cd in plant tissues of A. vulgaris. Cadmium was applied as CdCl2 (a total of 1 l solution of 0, 10, 50 and 100 mg Cd l?1) to 12-l pots with a height of 25 cm. HNO3- and water-extractable concentrations of Cd were correlated with the applied Cd at 2-cm soil depth, but were not correlated at 20-cm soil depth, suggesting that Cd was either not mobile in the soil or completely taken up by mugwort roots. The Cd concentrations in different organs of A. vulgaris and litter increased with increasing soil contamination. Leaf/soil concentration ratios (BCFs) up to 65.93?±?32.26 were observed. Translocation of Cd to the aboveground organs was very high. The leaf/root Cd concentration ratio (translocation factor) ranged from 2.07?±?0.56 to 2.37 ± 1.31; however, there was no correlation of translocation factors to Cd enrichment, indicating similar translocation upon different soil contamination levels. In summary, A. vulgaris is tolerant to the metal concentrations accumulated, has a high metal accumulating biomass and accumulates Cd up to about 70% in the aboveground parts. Both a high phytoextraction potential and a high value for phytostabilisation would recommend mugwort for phytoremediation.  相似文献   

The scope of stable strontium migration in the light-textured soddy-podzolic soils was determined in columns in a series of simulation experiments. The amount of leached strontium was found to depend on its initial content in the soils, the humus content, and the volume of percolated moisture. The artificial enrichment of soils with strontium increases the losses of this element due to its leaching. However, strontium is not completely removed even upon repeated water percolation.  相似文献   


The proportionate distribution of fertilizer P amongst all organs of the potato plant was measured by frequent sampling of a field grown crop which had received labelled P fertilizer. The observed values of the proportions of P derived from the fertilizer in each organ were compared to the values predicted by three models. The results of the comparison indicated that differences in the proportionate distribution of fertilizer P amongst organs are to be expected whenever the proportion of fertilizer derived P in P entering the plant exceeds the proportion of fertilizer derived P in the P already present in the plant.  相似文献   

Over the last decade, N inputs in pine ecosystems on the lowland of the former GDR have clearly increased. Agriculture plays a special role as a NHx emitter, because the whole lowland is covered with a network of large livestock farms. High N inputs cause an overnutrition of the pine stands with N, an accumulation of N in the soils, and as a consequence of the ensuing eutrophication, a drastic modification of the ground vegetation with a luxuriant growth of weeds and shrubs or of the vital herbaceous cover. The fine root quantity is reduced, also the mycorrhiza and the growth of pine. In many cases pine stands show a dramatical decrease of Mg nutrition. Finally, the limited range of silvicultural options is discussed, which are available to limit the progress of damage.  相似文献   

为了解垦殖对川西北高寒天然草地土壤理化性质的影响,采用空间代替时间的方法,选择高寒草地垦殖年限为3a和10a的蔬菜地作为研究对象,以未开垦的天然草地作为对照,研究了不同垦殖年限下0—60cm土层土壤理化性质的变化特征。结果表明:人为垦殖导致天然高寒草地土壤养分含量和土壤理化性质显著下降,且随着垦殖年限的增加土壤质量进一步降低。垦殖10a后,0—60cm土层土壤容重、砂粒含量分别增加了21.1%和8.0%(p0.05),土壤含水量、有机质、全氮、速效氮、粘粒含量分别下降了38.4%,44.1%,39%,46.7%和19.2%(p0.05)。表层(0—20cm)土壤理化性质和土壤碳氮养分含量的降低最明显,随着土层的加深,土壤理化性质变化趋于减弱。0—20cm土层土壤大部分碳、氮养分的损失发生在垦殖前3a,而在底层(20—40cm和40—60cm)土壤垦殖前3a土壤碳、氮的变化未达差异水平,土壤碳、氮养分的损失主要发生在垦殖3~10a。  相似文献   

In Germany nearly 1.550 km2 have been claimed by brown coal mining until now. Mine soils formed of carboniferous and sulfurous overburden are classified as “sulfurous mine soils”. They remain vegetation-free for decades and may be cultivated only after soil amelioration. The objective of amelioration is a sustained improvement of soil reaction. Lime requirement for the achievement of a certain pH-value is calculated from acid-base-balance (SBB). Lime fertilizers and base-rich brown coal ashes are used for amelioration. As ashes have serveral advantages,their application is recommended. The ameliorative application of lime fertilizer or brown coal ash should be incorporated intensively into the soil to a depth of 60 cm, better 100 cm. Amelioration includes a mineral fertilization with N, P and K. Afforestations with Pinus sylvestris, Pinus nigra, Larix decidua, Larix eurolepis, Tilia cordata, Quercus rubra and Quercus petraea on ameliorated mine soils show surprising good results. Multi-species stands have very positive effects on soil formation. Raw humus is formed under pine and larch, and under deciduous trees moder and mull with higher bioactivity and better development of water and nutrient balance in the topsoil are found.  相似文献   

海南岛砖红壤中稀土元素含量及垂直分布特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
海南岛砖红壤中稀土元素因其成土母质不同而富于变化,平均稀土总量(∑REE)由高到低依次是:花岗岩砖红壤、砂泥岩砖红壤、砂页岩砖红壤、玄武岩砖红壤和浅海沉积物砖红壤;轻、重稀土分馏明显,所有母质的砖红壤Ece/∑Lu值都>6;砖红壤剖面中稀土元素的垂直分布特征为,各种不同母质砖红壤的平均稀土总量基本呈现B层>C层>A层的趋势,平均轻、重稀土总量也遵循这样的规律;并且∑Ce/∑Lu值均>1,表明轻、重稀土分馏比较严重.无论是不同母质的、还是同类母质不同层位的砖红壤,都显示Eu负异常;在各砖红壤垂直剖面中,A、B层都显示Ce正异常,C层均为Ce负异常,仅砂泥岩全部层位都表现为Ce负异常.  相似文献   

The legal method (polarimetric measurement) for the determination of sucrose content and the wet chemical analysis for the quality control of sugar beet uses lead acetate. Because heavy metals are pollutants, the law could forbid their use in the future. Therefore, near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) was evaluated as a procedure to replace these methods. However, there are alternatives to lead clarification, such as the use of aluminum salts, which have been applied at many sugar companies. The real advantage of NIRS is in speed and ease of analysis. The aim of this study was to determine simultaneously the concentration of several components which define the industrial quality of beets. The first objective was the determination of sucrose content, which determines the sugar beet price. The standard error of prediction (SEP) was low: 0.11 g of sucrose/100 g of fresh beet. NIRS was also able to determine other beet quality parameters: brix, marc, glucose, nitrogen, sodium, potassium, sugar in molasses (i.e. sucrose in molasses), and juice purity. The results concerning brix, marc, sugar in molasses, and juice purity were satisfactory. NIRS accuracy was lower for the other parameters. Nevertheless, RPD (ratio standard deviation of concentration/SEP) and RER (ratio concentration range/SEP ratio) show that NIRS might be used for the sample screening on nitrogen, potassium, sodium, and glucose content.  相似文献   

Eighty-seven Phaseolus vulgaris landraces, still cultivated in Calabria (Italy), were investigated in order to study the patterns of common bean genetic diversity in this region, to better understand the evolutionary development of beans in Europe and to properly manage these genetic resources. Four American accessions and five Italian varieties were also included. Different markers, such as 12 microsatellites, seed traits, phaseolins and 100-seed weight were combined with different statistical approaches. For each microsatellite, expected (H e ) and observed (H o ) heterozygosities, polymorphism information content (PIC), probability of identity (PI) and homozygosity were calculated. Furthermore, in Calabrian group of bean landraces, total (N a ) and private (N pa ) number of alleles, observed (H o ), expected heterozygosities (H e ) and allelic richness (AR) were calculated. Genetic distances among landraces were estimated using Nei’s coefficient and a cluster analysis using the UPGMA algorithm was performed. The results clearly indicated that: (1) Calabrian germplasm showed a high level of diversity (H e  = 0.595); (2) Mesoamerican and Andean gene pools were clearly distinguished in Calabrian germplasm, with the Andean gene pool predominating (83 %); (3) Calabrian landraces were largely hybridized within and between the gene pools. A model-based approach, using the STRUCTURE software, was adopted. Six groups, including 4 of Andean origin and one of Mesoamerican origin were identified. Even more interesting, a small group (8 %) showed a distinct genetic structure, in which interspecific hybridizations with runner bean (Phaseolus coccineus L.) could have occurred. Nevertheless, a relatively high proportion of Calabrian bean landraces (12.6 %) was derived from intra and interspecific hybridizations.  相似文献   

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