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通过测定不同播种量、播种期和条播行距不同处理下的鲜草产量,分析3个栽培因子对贵草2号多花黑麦草新品系鲜草产量的影响。结果表明:贵草2号多花黑麦草在适宜栽培条件下,播种量2.5g/m^2、条播行距30cm、8月下旬至9月初播种鲜草产量最高,播种期过晚、行距过大均不利于高产。  相似文献   

为了规范贵州省贵草1号多花黑麦草的生产,针对贵州省贵草1号多花黑麦草种子生产基地中的实际情况,依据国家、行业标准,对贵草1号多花黑麦草种子生产的环境条件、播种、田间管理和检验、收种、清选、贮藏等提出了具体要求和规定.该生产技术规程对贵州乃至西南诸省多花黑麦草种子的生产具有重要的现实指导意义.  相似文献   

几种多花黑麦草与紫花苜蓿品种的化感作用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
本文对三个多花黑麦草与两个紫花苜蓿品种的茎、叶和根的水浸提液化感作用进行了研究分析。结果表明:三种花黑麦草与两种紫花苜蓿品种对受体赛迪7有一定的化感影响,对赛迪7的种子发芽都有抑制作用;多花黑麦草 Barextra和Barmega两个品种的根、茎、叶水浸提液对赛迪7的苗高、根长及生物量的积累都存在低促高抑的化感作用;供体不同部位化感作用不同;紫花苜蓿两个品种茎的水浸提液在三种浓度下均对赛迪7的根长有促进作用,对苗高有抑制作用。  相似文献   

本文采用随机区组试验设计,对多花黑麦草繁殖后种子与引进原种进行了产量和品质的比较研究.结果表明,繁殖种与原种No1和参照种Abundant在生育特性、鲜干草产量、营养品质和种子产量上均无显著差异.因此,多花黑麦草本地繁殖种子仍然保持了较好的产量和营养品质特性.  相似文献   

多花黑麦草适应性强,对环境要求不严,耐酸耐瘠,抗病抗虫,易栽易管,产量高,营养丰富,适口性强,消化利用率高。各地实践证明,以多花黑麦草饲喂牛、猪、鱼等,经济效益显著。现将多花黑麦草的主要栽培技术介绍如下:1.精细整地多花黑麦草种子小而轻,顶土能力弱,千粒重仅1.3~2.0克。为保证其顺利出苗,整地质量要求较  相似文献   

正多花黑麦草幼苗基部叶鞘为鲜亮的黑褐色,光滑无毛,上部叶鞘为绿色;叶片深绿色,表面有较厚的蜡质层,油亮,不容易沾染水滴;叶鞘与茎秆之间疏松,此期叶舌较小或不明显。成株后叶片呈深绿色,扁平无毛,叶脉和叶肉之间凹凸不平,略显粗糙;叶舌明显长出,长达4毫米;茎秆坚硬直立,茎节为红褐色,略微肿胀。4%啶磺草胺可分散油悬浮剂(优先)对多花黑麦草有较好防效,同时可  相似文献   

<正>知名育种商丹梓花业致力于研发出更多易种植、强性能、高利润的创新型品种,以满足种植者和消费者的多种需求。日前,他们推出了一系列矮牵牛、马齿苋、小花矮牵牛新优品种,其出色和稳定的园林表现备受关注。  相似文献   

<正>大花海棠"超级巨星"系列株高﹕50~70cm冠幅﹕40~60cm穴盘苗生产周期﹕6~8周移栽至成品生产周期﹕6~9周花色艳丽、花开不断,整个夏季都被大片的花朵覆盖。铜叶粉花为大花海棠提供了独特的色彩。茎秆强健,花朵置于叶片上,和其他品种相比表现更佳。"超级巨星"铜叶系列比绿叶系列开花更早。株形优美,叶片丰富,非常适合园林景观、吊篮、箱栽和镶边植物。耐热、耐旱性俱佳,无残花。  相似文献   

辛宝宝  袁庆华  魏臻武 《种子》2012,31(4):76-79
以9个多花黑麦草品种为材料,研究钴胁迫对多花黑麦草种子发芽及幼苗生长的影响,并分析比较了9个品种间的耐钴性差异.结果表明,低浓度钴对种子的发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数影响不大,甚至有促进作用.随着钴浓度的增加,各品种的相对发芽率、相对发芽势、相对发芽指数、相对胚根/胚芽比都呈明显下降趋势,当钴浓度增加到50 mg/L时下降速度极快.通过耐钴系数的计算,综合各个评价指标得出芽期耐钴性较好的品种有:来自于日本的费连特和美国的德拜;耐钴性差的品种有:来自于荷兰的巴莫特拉和新西兰的PG2.  相似文献   

为探讨冬闲田栽培方式对多花黑麦草种子生产的影响,田间采用条播和撒播2种栽培方式繁育多花黑麦草种子.结果表明,2种栽培方式繁育种子,多花黑麦草均能完成生育期,种子成熟度高,不影响接茬水稻种植,条播多花黑麦草种子生育期比撒播种子生育期短6d,种子产量条播多花黑麦草比撒播黑麦草提高23.19%,发芽率条播多花黑麦草比撒播多花草提高2.46%.在南方山区利用冬闲田繁育多花黑麦草种子时采用条播栽培方式较好.  相似文献   

用能量分散型荧光X射线元素分析仪测定了意大利黑麦草和高羊茅两草种各4个品种不同年度、不同器官、不同刈割时期的矿物质元素含量。结果表明,每个草种的高镁品种都具有较高的Mg含量和低的K/(Ca Mg)当量比,而且与其他品种之间差异显著;不同刈割时期,5月份Mg含量低而K/(Ca Mg)当量比高,而且与其他刈割时期差异显著;2003年与2004年相比,K含量、K/(Ca Mg)当量比高而且差异显著;两草种茎叶干物质中矿物质元素含量高低顺序为:常量元素K>Si>Ca>Mg>Na;叶中微量元素Fe>Mn>Zn>Cu,茎中微量元素Mn>Fe>Zn>Cu。不同器官之间,意大利黑麦草除Zn的含量茎显著高于叶而外,其他11种元素都是叶的含量高于茎;高羊茅P,Cl,Zn的含量茎显著高于叶,其他9种元素都是叶的含量高于茎。  相似文献   

施氮量对一年生黑麦草光合特性的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究不同施氮量对一年生黑麦草(Lolium multiflorum Lamk.)光合特性的影响。本研究以‘特高’宽叶型一年生黑麦草为供试材料,采用盆栽试验,设置了4个处理组,分别为:CK对照组(不施肥)、C1低氮处理组(施鸡粪0.38 kg/m^2,即氮100 kg/hm^2)、C2中氮处理组(施鸡粪0.76 kg/m^2,即氮200 kg/hm^2)、C3高氮处理组(施鸡粪1.34 kg/m^2,即氮350 kg/hm^2)。利用Li-6400便携式光合仪测定开花期一年生黑麦草叶片的主要光合参数和光合特性的变化。结果表明:200 kg/hm^2施氮水平的表观量子效率(apparent quantum yield,AQY)和光饱和点(light saturation point,LSP)最高(分别为12.80 μmol·m^-2·s^-1和1 774.47 μmol·m^-2·s^-1),光能利用区间最大。350 kg/hm^2施氮水平下气孔导度(stomatal conductance,Gs)以及蒸腾速率(transpiration rate,Tr)显著低于其它处理,水分利用力(water use efficiency,WUE)强,但光呼吸速率(photorespiratory rate,Pr)较高,不利于干物质积累。同时,0?200 kg/hm^2施氮范围内,随着光照强度和CO2浓度的增加,各处理的净光合速率(net photosynthetic rate,Pn)均随之增加,但350 kg/hm^2施氮水平下叶片净光合速率的增加反而低于200 kg/hm^2施氮水平。合理的施氮量对黑麦草的光响应和CO2浓度响应曲线有明显的调节作用。在本试验条件下,施氮量为200 kg/hm^2最佳。  相似文献   

Genetic diversity present in permanent grassland may be valuable for broadening gene pools in breeding programmes and for conservation of genetic resources. However, little is known about the amount of genetic diversity present at specific habitats and about site‐related factors affecting it. To identify valuable habitats, genetic diversity of 12 ecotype populations and four reference cultivars of both Festuca pratensis Huds. and Lolium multiflorum Lam. was analysed using Simple sequence repeat markers (SSR). Analysis of molecular variance revealed a larger within population variation for L. multiflorum (97.1%) than for F. pratensis (92.6%). F. pratensis ecotype populations were clearly separated from cultivars and formed three distinct subclusters according to the geographic regions they were sampled from. Differences between L. multiflorum ecotype populations and cultivars were small and no grouping of populations was observed. Thus, only F. pratensis ecotype populations were structured and habitat as well as management had a slight influence on genetic structure. This information may allow the design of individual strategies for targeted utilization of genetic resources in plant breeding programmes.  相似文献   

The genetic basis for crown rust resistance was analysed in the progeny of reciprocal crosses between Lolium multiflorum plants that were either resistant (cv. ‘Axis’) or susceptible to crown rust. The progeny harvested from the resistant parent was two‐ to seven‐fold more resistant than the progeny harvested from the susceptible parent. These data indicate the presence of a maternal factor which increases resistance to crown rust in some of the ryegrass plants used as parents.  相似文献   

The meiotic behaviour of the hybrid between Festuca gigantea (2n – 6x = 42) and Festuca gigantea (2n = 6x = 42) indicates distinct structural differences between the two species. These differences are also apparent in the degree of chromosome pairing observed in Lolium multiflorum×F. gigantea compared with previous reports on the L. multiflorum×F. arundinacea hybrids. Although the L. multiflorum×F. gigantea 8x amphiploid com Dines the complementary characters of the two species and is agronomically interesting, there are some irregularities in meiotic behaviour that could affect the stability of the amphiploid. Seed fertility in the amphiploid is high and preliminary studies show evidence of a high degree of self-fertility. The pentaploid hybrid between autotetraploid L. multiflorum×F. gigantea is sufficiently fertile to be used as the pollen plant in crosses with diploid L. multiflorum (BC1). Backcrossing the BC3 hybrid to L. multiflorum results in mainly diploid progeny. The possibilities, of using this crossing scheme to introgress F. gigantea characters into L. multiflorum is discussed as an alternative approach to amphiploid breeding as a means o: combining specific complementary characters of the two species.  相似文献   

Y. Miura    M. Hirata    M. Fujimori 《Plant Breeding》2007,126(4):353-360
New molecular markers derived from expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences were mapped on linkage maps of Italian ryegrass by a two-way pseudo-testcross strategy. cDNA sequences were obtained from various tissues of Italian ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum ) and converted into cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers. Of 260 EST primer pairs that amplified a single band, 74 generated bands that showed clear polymorphisms among individuals of an F1 mapping family. Of the 74 polymorphic marker loci, 69 were mapped on an Italian ryegrass linkage map previously constructed using amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP), restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP), and simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers. The newly-developed EST-CAPS markers would be useful as an efficient tool to identify genetic markers and to identify candidate genes for quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with important traits in Italian ryegrass.  相似文献   

New opportunities for plant breeding using androgenesis in Lolium × Festuca hybrids have been identified. Plants derived by anther culture from a Lolium multiflorum × Festuca arundinacea (5x) hybrid were screened for freezing-tolerance, and their post-freezing recovery compared. The androgenic population showed extreme diversity in freezing-tolerance. While the majority of androgenic plants had inferior freezing-tolerance compared with the freezing-sensitive L. multiflorum parent, 6% of the population were more freezing resistant than the freezing-tolerant Festuca parent. Novel Lolium and Festuca gene combinations resulting from rare meiotic events were recovered within the androgenic population. The two most freezing-tolerant androgenic plants carried virtually the entire F. pratensis subgenome of F. arundinacea. F. pratensis is known to carry genes for freezing-tolerance and would be expected to be the primary source of genes governing this trait within the F. arundinacea genome. The most freezing-tolerant androgenic plants were more freezing-tolerant than the hybrid plant from which they were derived. Consequently, androgenesis was also effective in removing factor(s) reducing the expression of freezing-tolerance within the L. multiflorum × F. arundinacea (5x) hybrid.  相似文献   

The investigation was earned out to obtain double haploid homozygous lines of Lolium. Lolium multiflorurm ssp. gaudini cv. ‘Liwelo’, 44 clones and five different cultivars (cv.) of L. perenne were tested with regard to their anther culture response on a solid medium. Callus production and plant regeneration of the different genotypes were investigated. Within L. m. ssp. gaudini green plants have been obtained. In L. perenne significant genotypical differences in the in vitro reaction could be demonstrated. A high-responding genotype was selected which produced a maximum of 20 % green plants. A variety × temperature interaction was found for the L. perenne varieties ‘Premier’ and ‘Barlenna’. The production of 34 green plants out ot eight clones enables a first analysis to be made of the inheritance of Barley Yellow Dwarf Virus resistance in L. perenne.  相似文献   

C. Oertel  F. Matzk 《Plant Breeding》1999,118(6):491-496
Crown rust, Puccinia coronata Corda, causes one of the most damaging foliar diseases in Italian ryegrass, Lolium multiflorum Lam. For introgression of crown rust resistance, highly resistant hybrids of the crosses Festuca arundinacea (2n = 6x = 42) ×L. multiflorum (2n = 4x = 28) and reciprocally, L. multiflorum (2n = 2x = 14) ×Festuca pratensis (2n = 4x = 28) and subsequently resistant recombinant individuals were used as female parents and susceptible cultivars of Italian ryegrass as male parents in three successive backcrosses. The BC3 plants were selfed and crossed mutually. Uredospores of seven different crown rust isolates collected from plants of L. multiflorum, Lolium perenne, F. pratensis, F. arundinacea and L. multiflorum × F. pratensis hybrids were applied to identify the resistance or susceptibility of the parental species, backcrossed, selfed and intercrossed progenies. The various crown rust populations revealed a species-specific capability to infect plants of the Lolium-Festuca complex corresponding to the host species from which the spores originated. Selected BC9 plants, however, were found to be completely resistant to all crown rust populations tested. Successful introgression of the resistance was achieved from F. arundinacea as well as from F. pratensis. The resistance represents a dominant character, apparently based on a strong heterologous incompatibility between host and pathogen. In phenotype, bivalent formation during meiosis and in fertility, the novel germplasms are comparable with the L. multiflorum cultivars.  相似文献   

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