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Chelonid herpesvirus (ChHV) infection in tortoises associated with stomatitis-rhinitis complex is a severe, mostly epizootic disease characterized by proliferative and diphtheroid-necrotizing glossitis, pharyngitis, rhinitis, and tracheitis, often occurring with pneumonia and encephalitis. The UL5 gene from a German ChHV isolate was used to generate a digoxigenin-labeled 307-base-pair DNA probe by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). ChHV DNA was detected in paraffin-embedded tissues of five naturally infected tortoises (two Afghan tortoises [Testudo horsfieldii], USA; two Hermann's tortoises [Testudo hermanni], Switzerland; one T. hermanni, Germany) by means of in situ hybridization (ISH) and PCR. Distribution of ChHV DNA exhibits many characteristics of alphaherpesvirus but also some characteristics of betaherpesvirus infections. The amino acid sequence of a portion of the ChHV UL5 homolog exhibited more than 50% similarity to alphaherpesvirus UL5 proteins. Nuclear hybridization signals were detected in epithelial cells of the lingual mucosa and glands. Furthermore, ChHV DNA was observed in tracheal epithelium, pneumocytes, hepatocytes, the renal tubular epithelium, cerebral glia cells and neurons, and intramural intestinal ganglia. ChHV DNA in endothelial cells of many organs underlines the systemic character of the disease. Importantly, ChHV DNA was detected by ISH in multiple tissues of tortoises originating from different geographic provenances. This indicates a high degree of conservation of the UL5 gene fragment among viruses prevalent in tortoises on different continents. With the described ISH, a molecular biological tool is available for rapid and specific diagnosis of ChHV infections and, more importantly, comparative pathogenetic studies of ChHV isolates from geographically unrelated regions.  相似文献   

Foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) within Saudi Arabian dairy herds has been controlled for the past decade through vaccination. Data from 19 outbreaks on Saudi farms has suggested that the durability of these vaccines extended for 2.5 months, providing an 81–98% level of protection. Vaccination has nevertheless failed to prevent the establishment and sometimes persistence of the disease. This is probably because the highly contagious nature of FMD creates increasing levels of viral excretion during an outbreak, and the co-habitation in Saudi farms of affected/susceptible animals following diagnosis, predisposes the herds to re-infection. Pre-clinical excretion of the virus leads to the infection of additional in-contact susceptible animals prior to diagnosis, so the isolation of clinically infected animals does not guarantee a removal of infection. Saudi Arabian farms are subdivided into managed farm pens and isolation (away from the farm) of all animals in infected pens not only removes the infectious individuals showing clinical signs, but also those that are sub-clinical and excreting virus. Simulations suggest that removing all infectious animals from the herd significantly reduces the per cent infected in the herd.  相似文献   

Indirect (IIP) and direct (DIP) immunoperoxidase assays were developed for the serological and histological diagnoses of herpesvirus infection in tortoises, respectively. A mouse monoclonal antibody (MAb HL1546), specific for the heavy chain of tortoise IgY, was used as the secondary antibody in the IIP assay. Rabbit polyclonal antisera raised against 2 sucrose gradient-purified tortoise herpesvirus isolates (HV4295/7R/95 and HV1976) were used as primary antibodies for the detection of herpesvirus antigen either in infected cell cultures or in formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissues. The IIP and DIP assays could detect either the presence of anti-herpesvirus antibody in the plasma of exposed tortoises or the presence of herpesvirus antigen in infected tissues, respectively. Although the IIP test complements the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and the serum neutralization test already available for measuring herpesvirus-specific antibody in tortoises, the DIP test is useful for the histological diagnosis of herpesvirus infection in tortoises.  相似文献   

Six bitches free of canine herpesvirus 1 (CHV-1) were vaccinated against the virus; a first injection was given 10 days after the presumed date of mating and a second six weeks later. Six similar bitches were left unvaccinated as controls, and all the pups were challenged oronasally with a virulent strain of CHV-1 at three days of age. All the vaccinated bitches seroconverted and had high antibody titres when the puppies were challenged, but the control bitches remained seronegative. In the control group, 62 per cent (18 of 29) of the pups died of CHV-1-induced disease; most of them showed typical clinical signs and macroscopic lesions, and CHV-1 infection was confirmed by the isolation of the virus or by PCR. None of the puppies in the vaccinated group died of CHV-1 infection. The efficacy of the vaccine was confirmed in CHV-1-positive breeding units. The rate of pregnancy tended to be higher in vaccinated bitches and the mortality of pups before weaning was significantly reduced in the litters born to vaccinated bitches.  相似文献   

Infection by Toxoplasma gondii is very common in cats although most remain disease free. The factors that trigger development of uveitis in some cats infected with T gondii have not been elucidated, but infection by more than one organism may be contributory. In this study, cats chronically infected with T gondii were inoculated with Bartonella henselae followed by FHV-1 to test the hypothesis that immune stimulation by multiple infections will reactivate ocular toxoplasmosis. Anterior uveitis and chorioretinitis were not detected in the cats with chronic T gondii infection thus allowing rejection of the hypothesis using this experimental design.  相似文献   

Besnoitia besnoiti was in vitro isolated during the first recorded outbreak of bovine besnoitiosis in Germany. Molecular characterization of the new isolate, named Bb-GER1, revealed almost 100% identity with other B. besnoiti isolates obtained in Portugal, Spain, Israel or South Africa, when partial sequences of the 18S ribosomal RNA gene, of the internal transcribed spacer 1 and of the 5.8S RNA gene were compared. Cystozoites obtained from skin tissue of one bull were infectious for γ-interferon knockout (GKO) mice by intraperitoneal (ip) inoculation. Tachyzoites were detected in the peritoneal cavity, spleen, liver and lung of the mice 5 days post-infection. The parasite could be maintained in GKO mice by ip inoculation for at least 5 passages. Peritoneal washings containing tachyzoites were obtained from infected mice and used to infect five cell lines (Vero, MARC-145, NA42/13, BHK21, KH-R). The best growth of tachyzoites was observed in BHK21 cells, but replication occurred to a smaller extent also in MARC-145, NA42/13 and KH-R cells. Subsequent comparative analyses revealed that after direct infection of these cell lines with cystozoites derived from bovine skin, the growth was best in NA42/13 cells. Considerable replication was also observed in the BHK21 and KH-R cell lines. Our observations on the growth characteristics of Bb-GER1 partially contrast those for other isolates. The preferential growth in particular cell lines may be characteristic for particular B. besnoiti isolates. A potential association between growth properties and differences in virulence remains to be established. This is the first in vitro isolation of B. besnoiti from cattle in Germany.  相似文献   

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based method using a herpesvirus consensus primer was assessed for the identification of herpesviral infections in tortoises. A single band of about 230 bp was detected in PCR products from two out of twenty swabs taken from the oral cavity, three out of three paraffin-embedded tissue sections from the liver (two cases) and oral mucosa (one case), and one out of two fresh tissue samples from the oral mucosa. Nucleotide sequencing of these PCR products indicated that the herpesvirus present in these tortoises might belong to the alphaherpesvirinae. PCR using swabs and biopsy tissues was a sensitive and highly specific method for the diagnosis of herpesviral infections in tortoises.  相似文献   

The induction of a quick onset of immunity against feline parvovirus (FPV), feline herpesvirus (FHV) and feline calicivirus (FCV) is critical both in young kittens after the decline of maternal antibodies and in cats at high risk of exposure. The onset of immunity for the core components was evaluated in 8–9 week old specific pathogen free kittens by challenge 1 week after vaccination with a combined modified live (FPV, FHV) and inactivated (FCV) vaccine. The protection obtained 1 week after vaccination was compared to that obtained when the challenge was performed 3–4 weeks after vaccination. The protocol consisted of a single injection for vaccination against FPV and two injections 4 weeks apart for FHV and FCV.At 1 week after vaccination, the kittens showed no FPV-induced clinical signs or leukopenia following challenge, and after FCV and FHV challenges the clinical score was significantly lower in vaccinated animals than in controls. Interestingly, the relative efficacy of the vaccination was comparable whether the animals were challenged 1 week or 3–4 weeks after vaccination, indicating that the onset of protection occurred within 7 days of vaccination. Following the 1-week challenge, excretion of FPV, FHV and FCV was significantly reduced in vaccinated cats compared to control kittens, confirming the onset of immunity within 7 days of vaccination.  相似文献   

In a large Slovakian growing-finishing pig production unit, the effects of oral vaccination against swine erysipelas (SE) were investigated in three groups of pigs of 10 weeks of age. In group 1, the pigs were vaccinated intramuscularly at 1 and 3 weeks after arrival in the growing-finishing barn using an Erysipelothrix rhusiopathiae bacterin. Group 2 pigs were vaccinated at the same time as group 1 using an oral avirulent live SE vaccine administered through drinking water; the pigs in the third group were placebo treated. Clinical signs of acute SE, arthritic changes, average daily weight gain (ADG), feed conversion ratio, and mortality were evaluated. None of the pigs in groups 1 and 2 but 31.7% of the control animals (group 3) showed typical clinical signs of acute SE. More (P<0.01) non-vaccinated pigs had chronic arthritic changes compared with groups 1 and 2. No significant differences in mortality were recorded between the groups. Groups 1 and 2 had higher (P<0.05) ADG and lower feed conversion ratios compared with group 3 pigs. The results demonstrated that the oral avirulent live culture was efficacious in significantly reducing the clinical symptoms caused by E. rhusiopathiae infection, so enhancing the pigs' performance.  相似文献   

The infectivity of saliva, salivary and mammary glands, muscle, lung, kidney and liver of 87 cattle infected with paralytic rabies (positive viral isolation from brains) was studied. Fifty percent dilutions of saliva and tissue samples were inoculated intracerebrally into 10- to 15-day-old mice. Viral isolation in mice was confirmed by direct rabies fluorescent-antibody test and the antigenic variant of the isolates characterized by monoclonal antibodies. Rabies virus was isolated from 4.6% of salivary glands and from 1.6% of saliva samples. The rest of the peripheral tissues were negative. Cerebral and peripheral isolates belonged to vampire-bat antigenic variants. These results indicate that cattle infected by vampire bats may be a source of infection for man. The infection risk would depend on the type of contact between rabid cattle and man.  相似文献   

Post hibernational anorexia in captive Mediterranean tortoises is an increasingly recognised condition. It is associated with increased blood urea and low blood glucose concentrations and dehydration. A theory to explain its underlying physiology is presented, based on studies of the seasonal and cyclic variations in the tortoises' blood composition. Measurements useful for predicting the condition are identified and a logical approach to therapy is proposed.  相似文献   

Rhinitis is a common condition of captive Mediterranean tortoises (Testudo species). The interpretation of the results of the bacteriological examination of naso-oropharyngeal swabs from affected individuals has proved difficult, because the normal bacterial population of this region was unknown. No substantial differences in the strains of bacteria isolated from healthy individuals and from those affected by rhinitis could be found in this study. The report that Sendai virus was implicated in the genesis of rhinitis in tortoises could not be substantiated. Paired blood samples failed to show a rise in titres against Sendai virus in either study group.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the application of a vaccine in a population of animals. SAMPLE POPULATION: Field-trial data from the literature. PROCEDURE: A spreadsheet simulation model was constructed to estimate the impact of a vaccination program, assuming various population sizes, transmission rates, and vaccine efficacies. RESULTS: Total effectiveness (proportion of affected animals [ie, cases] avoided) increased with the vaccinated proportion of the population. However, with a highly efficacious vaccine, this relationship discontinued after a sufficient vaccination proportion was reached, reflecting herd immunity. Evaluation of a case study indicated that what may be considered a poor vaccine on the basis of its low efficacy may protect a substantial portion of the population if the vaccine is administered to a sufficient number of susceptible animals. Further investigation of a case study of horses indicated that evaluating a vaccine based solely on its efficacy could greatly underestimate its value. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: When evaluating a vaccine applied to a population, in addition to the vaccine efficacy, the vaccination rate, cost of the vaccine, potential disease transmission rate, and number and cost of cases avoided must also be considered. Efficacy may underestimate vaccine value in terms of the reduction of indirect cases typically avoided when vaccination is applied in a population.  相似文献   

Psittacid herpesvirus (PsHV) was isolated from 41 birds kept in captivity in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais/Brazil using chicken embryo fibroblasts (CEF) cell cultures. For this study, leukocytes or cloacal swabs of live birds were used. Also, portions of liver, spleen or kidney from birds collected at necropsy were utilized for these tests. PCR tests confirmed the presence of PsHV in 100% of samples. Thirty-three of the PCR products were sequenced and the results disclosed a 99% and 100% identity when compared with other sequences PsHV-1 (AY372243.1 and AF261756.1), previously deposited in GenBank. In addition, histopathology was performed and 19 of the 29 birds contained random multifocal lymphoplasmacytic hepatitis with necrotic foci, suggestive of viral infection. Three samples were examined by electron microscopy to visualize the viral particles obtained from cell culture. The viral structures measured 269 nm in average, had envelopes with an icosahedral capsid and tegument, consistent with herpesvirus. Thus, a total of 41 isolates were obtained from PsHV cell cultivation in CEF, confirming the circulation of the virus between parrots kept in captivity in Belo Horizonte, and affirming the importance of further studies in this area.  相似文献   

A pig infected with 2 x 10(5) sporocysts of Sarcocystis miescheriana which had survived the acute phase of the disease from 12 dpi until 17 dpi retarded in growth and finally died at 60 dpi. From gross pathological examination heart failure was assumed as the cause of death. Histopathologically severe Myocarditis eosinophilica fibrosa was diagnosed. The sections through the heart muscle contained numerous degenerating and some intact sarcocysts.  相似文献   

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