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对自然感染耳疥螨(兔痒螨)的兔,用伊维菌素(ivermectin)按200微克/千克或400微克/千克体重剂量一次皮下注射,从临床上和螨寄生方面进行了4个多星期的药效观察。两组试验兔在治疗后的第6天起到试验结束时为止,疥螨均呈阴性。  相似文献   

兔螨病,又叫兔疥癣病,是由寄生于兔体表的疥螨或痒螨引起的一种体外寄生性皮肤病,又称“生癞”、“石灰脚”、“干爪病”等,其中以寄生于耳壳内的疥螨病最为常见,危害也较为严重,其次为寄生于足部的足螨病.1 病原与流行特点寄生于兔的螨已经发现的有痒螨科、疥螨科等五科,而较常见的有4种:痒螨科的兔痒螨和兔足螨、疥螨科的兔疥螨和兔背肛螨.痒螨和疥螨的外形大小与结构有所不同.  相似文献   

<正>犬螨虫病是疥螨、痒螨、蠕形螨寄生在犬体表的皮肤表皮下及皮脂腺内所引起的一种顽固性皮肤病,治疗难度较大,容易复发。近3年来,河北沧州职业技术学院兽医院共收治了182例患有螨虫病的病犬,其中疥螨、痒螨155例,蠕形螨27例。对确诊为螨虫病的182例患犬采取了敌百虫升华硫合剂配合伊维菌素皮下注射的方法进行治疗,全部治愈,取得了比较理想的疗效。现将临床应用的做法进行简单介绍。  相似文献   

浅谈兔疥癣病的防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
兔疥癣病又称兔螨病,是由寄生于兔体表的疥螨或痒螨引起的一种体外寄生虫病。寄生在耳廓内的称痒螨,寄生在足部的称疥螨。若治疗不及时,病兔可因逐渐消瘦和虚弱,引起死亡。  相似文献   

应用伊维菌素在贵州首次对20头猪、12只羊的寄生虫,10只兔的疥螨、痒螨进行了驱虫试验。结果表明对羊类园线虫、血矛线虫、仰口线虫和食道口线虫,猪螨虫、食道口线虫和后园线虫成虫,经一次皮下注射8日后虫卵转阴率均为100%,对猪毛首线虫效果稍差。对兔疥螨和痒螨经两次注射后均痊愈。  相似文献   

<正>1兔螨生活史引起兔螨病的病原有兔痒螨、兔疥螨、兔足螨和兔背肛螨,以前两种较为常见。兔痒螨寄生于兔外耳道,兔疥螨寄生于兔体表。兔足螨也寄生于兔外耳道,形态与痒螨相似,其肢末端的吸盘柄很短。兔背肛螨多寄生于兔头部和掌部毛短的部位,形态与疥螨相似,区别点为虫体肛门不在体后缘,而是在背面,肛门周围有环形角质皱纹。2诊断要点2.1兔痒螨病痒螨主要寄生于兔外耳道内,可引起外耳道炎,其渗出物干燥,呈黄色痂皮样,并  相似文献   

兔疥螨病也称为兔螨病,俗称"生癞",是由疥螨科、痒螨科、肉食螨科的螨类寄生于兔体表或表皮内能引起患兔产生剧烈痒觉和各类皮肤炎为特征的一种慢性体外寄生虫病。其中疥螨科螨(包括疥螨属、背肛疥螨属、膝螨属等)和痒螨科螨(包括痒螨属、足螨属、耳痒螨属等)寄生最为常见。兔螨病还可引起人的螨性皮炎等。兔螨病不仅影响养兔业的  相似文献   

应用伊维菌素片剂,对自然感染绵羊痒螨的29只病羊进行治疗效果试验,并设阳性对照组.结果:伊维菌素治疗组绵羊在用药后48~72 h,瘙痒症状明显减轻,用药后21d检查,未查到活的痒螨.试验表明,伊维菌素0.2mg/ks体重剂量对初期感染绵羊痒螨的病样一次给药即可治愈;对严重感染者间隔7~10d再次给药具有良好的杀螨效果.  相似文献   

兔疥癣病,又叫螨病或疥螨病,俗称“癞”,是由痒螨或疥螨寄生于兔体表引起的侵袭性皮肤病。与兔瘟、兔巴氏杆菌病、兔球虫病一同被称为兔的四大疾病,兔发病后,如不及时采取治疗措施,会迅速波及全群,造成严重危害。1致病病原引起兔疥癣的病原常见的有两种,为兔痒螨和兔疥螨。兔痒  相似文献   

螨病(疥癣病)又叫干爪病、癞病,是由螨寄生在兔皮肤而引起的一种接触传染的慢性皮肤病,其特征是剧痒、脱毛、结痂。1病原引起兔疥癣病常见的螨有四种:疥螨科中的兔疥螨和兔背肛螨,痒螨科中的兔痒螨和兔足螨。兔疥螨体小,呈圆形,外形如龟,背面、腹面扁平,整个虫体的头、胸、腹融为一体,前面为假头,上有马蹄形口  相似文献   

为了研究阿维菌素长效注射液(油悬剂)对绵羊痒螨疗效,将60只自然感染痒螨绵羊随机分为3组,每组20只。第1组每千克体重颈部皮下注射1 mg的阿维菌素油悬剂,第2组注射0.2 mg的阿维菌素普通注射液,第3组为不给药对照组。在给药后第7、14、21、28、35、42、49、56、63、70天对所有绵羊进行螨虫检查和计数,每天观察病变。结果表明:给自然感染痒螨的绵羊皮下注射1 mg/kg的阿维菌素长效注射液(油悬剂)可在给药后7 d内将痒螨完全杀灭,在给药后63 d内防止绵羊被痒螨再感染,其持效期远长于阿维菌素普通注射液(约为14 d)。  相似文献   

Encephalitozoon cuniculi is a small protozoan parasite in the phylum Microspora. It has been shown to naturally infect several host species, including humans. Encephalitozoonosis is routinely diagnosed in vivo by serological examination or post mortem by histopathology. In a conventional rabbit colony, two animals suddenly showed clinical signs (torticollis and asthenia of limbs). Serum samples of these rabbits were seropositive for E. cuniculi after definitive diagnosis (Toxoplasma gondii and Listeria monocytogenes). The animals in the same breeding facility were also clinical examined, and the present study evaluated the prevalence of specific anti-E. cuniculi antibodies using serological testing, both in animals and in people working with animals, after two clinical cases. The rabbits showed no clinical symptoms of the disease. Blood samples were taken for E. cuniculi infection from 50 clinically healthy rabbits. Anti-E. cuniculi antibodies were found in two asymptomatic and two clinically affected animals belonging to the same rabbit colony. Finally, the present study found that the 7.7% (4/52) prevalence of CIA, test positive in rabbits. E. cuniculi spores were detected in the urine of one clinically affected rabbit, and one seropositive animal caretaker after staining with the modified trichrome stain. In conclusion, the presence of seropositive, but apparently healthy rabbits indicates the need for screening examinations to detect the anti-E. cuniculi antibody in rabbits, especially considering the potential zoonotic risk. Therefore, persons should avoid contact with the urine of infected or healthy animals, and always use good personal hygiene when handling animals.  相似文献   

An indirect immunofluorescence test for serum antibodies to Nosema cuniculi was evaluated in rabbits by comparison with established histopathological methods of diagnosis. Cell-culture isolation procedures and immunofluorescence and histological techniques designed to detect the parasite in urine or tissues were used to confirm the diagnosis. The serological diagnosis showed excellent correlation with presence of brain lesions characteristic of nosematosis, and N cuniculi were detected in 63 per cent of seropositive rabbits but in no seronegatives. Serum cross-reactivity tests between N cuniculi and Toxoplasma gondii showed that these two protozoa are antigenically distinct. The technique offers a simple, sensitive and reliable procedure for diagnosis of nosematosis in a living animal.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Encephalitozoon cuniculi is a microsporidium with a wide range of mammalian hosts. In rabbits it can be responsible for cataract and lens-induced uveitis (LIU). The aim of this study was to provide specific immunohistochemical demonstration and localization of E. cuniculi within the eye, in rabbits with LIU. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Four rabbits were presented with a white mass in the eye and iris discoloration. Complete ophthalmic examinations were performed and a presumptive diagnosis of LIU was made in all cases. Initial therapy with a topical steroid, atropine and systemic enrofloxacin was instituted while serologic (IFA or ICA tests) and cytologic lab results were pending. The final outcome in all cases was enucleation. Routine histology and immunohistochemistry (ABC method) with an antiserum anti-Encephalitozoon cuniculi were performed. RESULTS: Indirect immunofluorescence performed on one rabbit serum expressed a titer of 1 : 32; carbon immunoassay on the serum of the other three rabbits expressed a titer of 1 : 5120 in one, and a titer of 1 : 2560 in the other two cases. Histologically, an intraocular, locally extensive pyogranulomatous infiltration that partially filled the posterior chamber, encasing a wide anterior lens capsule break, was detected in all cases. Immunohistochemically, spores reacting with anti-Encephalitozoon cuniculi antiserum were present in all specimens, occasionally within macrophages and lens epithelial cells. CONCLUSION: Detection of E. cuniculi in rabbits with phacoclastic uveitis has been investigated in the past with different methods. Based on our results, we suggest that immunohistochemistry should be regarded as a useful tool both for specific demonstration of E. cuniculi and for its localization within tissues.  相似文献   

Du YH  Jia RY  Yin ZQ  Pu ZH  Chen J  Yang F  Zhang YQ  Lu Y 《Veterinary parasitology》2008,157(1-2):144-148
The acaricidal activity of the petroleum ether extract, the chloroform extract and the acetic ether extract of neem (Azadirachta indica) oil against Sarcoptes scabiei var. cuniculi larvae was tested in vitro. A complementary log-log (CLL) model was used to analyze the data of the toxicity tests. The results showed that at all test time points, the petroleum ether extract demonstrated the highest activity against the larvae of S. scabiei var. cuniculi, while the activities of the chloroform extract and the acetic ether extract were similar. The activities of both the petroleum ether extract and the chloroform extract against the larvae showed the relation of time and concentration dependent. The median lethal concentration (LC(50)) of the petroleum ether extract (1.3muL/mL) was about three times that of the chloroform extract (4.1muL/mL) at 24h post-treatment. At the concentrations of 500.0muL/mL, the median lethal time (LT(50)) of the petroleum ether extract and the chloroform extract was 8.4 and 9.6h, respectively.  相似文献   

Neospora caninum, Toxoplasma gondii and Encephalitozoon cuniculi are important pathogens with affinity to the central nervous system of many animals. 240 brains of wild carnivores were examined by PCR-based diagnosis. The presence of N. caninum DNA was confirmed in 4.61% (7/152) red foxes (Vulpes vulpes). DNA of T. gondii was found in 4.92% (3/61) martens (Martes sp.) and in 1.32% (2/152) red foxes. DNA of E. cuniculi was determined in 3.28% (2/61) martens and in one examined European otter (Lutra lutra). There were no co-infections found. These results provide the first evidence of E. cuniculi in the European otter, the first report of N. caninum in foxes in the Czech Republic and confirm the presence of T. gondii in wild carnivores in the Czech Republic.  相似文献   

Microsporidia (Encephalitozoon cuniculi) in wild rabbits in Australia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Objective To determine the prevalence of infection with Encephalitozoon cuniculi i n wild rabbit populations in Western Australia, and to isolate the organism from seropositive rabbits.
Design Serological screening of wild and clinically affected domestic rabbit populations.
Sample population Eighty-one wild rabbits from southwestern Western Australia and 29 laboratory rabbits.
Procedure Indirect immunofluorescence antibody technique and in-vitro amplification of parasite isolates in fibroblast cultures.
Results Of the 81 wild rabbits and 29 laboratory rabbits, 20 and 22 respectively, had antibodies to E cuniculi . E cuniculi from the urine of one seropositive laboratory rabbit and from brain and kidney tissues of eight and five seropositive laboratory and wild rabbits respectively were isolated in fibroblast cultures.
Conclusion E cuniculi infection has been shown for the first time to be prevalent in wild rabbits in Australia. Techniques have been developed for the isolation and culture of the causative agent. Comparative studies can now be undertaken to determine risk factors for clinical disease in domestic rabbits and the relationship among E cuniculi isolates from wild and domestic rabbits.  相似文献   

In the current study, we determined the seroprevalence of Toxoplasma gondii, Sarcocystis neurona, and Encephalitozoon cuniculi in three species of lemurs from St. Catherines Island, Georgia. Serum samples were tested from 52 ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta), six blue-eyed black lemurs (Eulemur macaco flavifrons), and four black and white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata variegata) using an agglutination assay. Three ring-tailed lemurs (5.8%) were positive for T. gondii (titer of 1:50); one ring-tailed lemur (1.9%) and one black and white ruffed lemur (25%) were positive for S. neurona (titers of 1:1000); and one ring-tailed lemur (1.9%) was positive for E. cuniculi (titer of 1:400). All blue-eyed black lemurs were negative for antibodies to T. gondii, S. neurona, and E. cuniculi. This is the first detection of antibodies to T. gondii in ring-tailed lemurs and antibodies to S. neurona and E. cuniculi in any species of prosimian.  相似文献   

Infection with the intracellular microsporidium Encephalitozoon cuniculi can cause serious disease, encephalitozoonosis, in the blue fox (Alopex lagopus). The disease diagnosis is based on clinical signs and pathological findings, and detection of E. cuniculi or circulating antibodies directed against the parasite. Indirect immunofluorescence (IFAT) and carbon immunoassay (CIA) are the most commonly used serological methods for diagnosis in this species. In the present study, an indirect ELISA (enzyme linked immunosorbent assay) was established and evaluated against IFAT by testing of 205 field samples from blue foxes. There was high agreement between the results of the ELISA and CIA (kappa=0.99), and the ELISA and IFAT (kappa=0.958). There was no significant statistical difference between the tests (p>0.05). It was concluded that the ELISA could be used to identify seropositive farmed blue foxes. The advantage of the ELISA lies in the potential of screening large numbers of animals with the goal of eradicating E. cuniculi infection in the farms.  相似文献   

Kidney disease is a common and serious condition in domestic cats. There are numerous causes of kidney disease including parasitic infection. Encephalitozoon cuniculi is a microsporidian parasite that develops in the kidneys of rabbits and causes chronic renal disease. Little has been reported concerning E. cuniculi in cats and no serological studies on this parasite in cats have been conducted in the United States to date. The present study explored the possibility that E. cuniculi is an unrecognized contributor to the high prevalence of kidney disease observed in cats. A serological survey was conducted to determine the prevalence of IgG antibodies to spores of E. cuniculi in cats with and without a diagnosis of chronic kidney disease (CKD) according to the International Renal Interest Society (IRIS) staging system. Likewise, samples were examined for IgG antibodies to Toxoplasma gondii, a common well studied protozoan of cats. Plasma and sera were obtained from 232 feline patients at the Virginia-Maryland Regional College of Veterinary Medicine teaching hospital. With the investigators blinded to the renal status of test subjects, samples were screened via indirect immunofluorescent antibody assay (IFA). Thirty-six of the 232 cats met the IRIS staging system criteria for CKD. Antibodies to E. cuniculi were found in 15 of the 232 samples, which included 4 of the 36 cats with CKD. Sera from cats serologically positive to E. cuniculi did not react to spores of E. intestinalis or E. hellem when examined in the IFA. Antibodies to T. gondii were found in 63 of the 232 samples, which included 10 of the 36 cats with CKD. The prevalence of antibodies in cats with CKD to either protozoan was not significantly different (P>0.05) from the cats without CKD in the study. Collectively the results do not support the hypothesis that either E. cuniculi or T. gondii play a significant etiologic role in the occurrence or progression of CKD in cats.  相似文献   

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