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The skin grafting experiments were carried out on the cannon regions of horses to throw light on four matters relating to split skin transplantation. They were: The thickness of donor split skin that would provide good wound cover and still leave adequate tissue to permit uneventful healing at the donor site; whether split skin grafts were more readily accepted on fresh than on granulating wounds; the size of wounds that would benefit from grafting; and the maximum size of graft that would be readily accepted. The findings were: Split skin grafts 0.76 mm thickness gave the best results although grafts 0.63 mm thickness were satisfactory; split skin grafts were accepted more readily on fresh wounds than on granulating tissue; wounds which exceeded 1/10th of the skin area on the cannon region justified grafting; the upper limit in size was not established as the largest grafts used were more readily accepted than smaller grafts.  相似文献   

Recent advances in uroendoscopy have allowed diagnostic evaluation of the lower urinary tract in most of our canine and feline patients. By providing a magnified view of the luminal surfaces of the lower urinary tract, uroendoscopy provides useful diagnostic information that is not readily available even by more invasive techniques.  相似文献   

In a prospective study, 141 cats with hematuria, dysuria, urethral obstruction, or combinations of these signs were evaluated by contemporary diagnostic methods and compared with 26 clinically normal cats (controls). Specific diagnosis was established in 45% (64/141) of cats affected with lower urinary tract disease (LUTD). Crystalline matrix plug-induced urethral obstruction was diagnosed in 21% (30/141) of affected cats, uroliths were identified in 21% (30/141) of affected cats, uroliths with concomitant bacterial urinary tract infection (UTI) were identified in less than 2% (2/141) of affected cats, and bacterial UTI alone was identified in less than 2% (2/141) of cats with LUTD. Viruses, mycoplasmas, and ureaplasmas were not isolated from urine samples collected from affected or control cats. Bovine herpesvirus 4 (BHV-4)-neutralizing antibodies were not detected in any serum sample obtained from cats with LUTD or from control cats. In contrast, BHV-4 antibodies were detected by an indirect immunofluorescent antibody (IFA) test in sera obtained from 31% (44/141) of cats with LUTD and 23% (6/26) of control cats. The prevalence of positive BHV-4 IFA test results in affected cats was not significantly different from that observed in control cats. Significant association was not apparent between positive BHV-4 IFA test results and clinical diagnosis, abnormal laboratory findings, or cat age. However, the number of male cats with BHV-4 IFA titer was significantly (P less than 0.02, chi 2 test) greater than that of female cats. Detection of BHV-4 antibodies in approximately 30% of affected and control cats indicates prior virus exposure. Further investigations are warranted to clarify the specific role of BHV-4 in cats with naturally acquired LUTD.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress and the eye.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Oxidative and particularly photo-oxidative processes are critical factors many ocular conditions but are often poorly recognized by those investigating ocular disease. The author discusses oxidative stress in inflammatory processes of the conjunctiva, cornea, and uvea; in cataract formation in the lens; in retinal degeneration; and in optic nerve pathologic conditions, inflammatory in optic neuritis and degenerative in glaucoma.  相似文献   

采用乙醇浸提、离子液体-乙醇浸提姜黄中的有效成分姜黄素,以姜黄素提取率为评价指标,通过四因素三水平正交试验优化有效成分提取的最优条件。结果表明,姜黄素采用乙醇浸提的最优条件为:温度65℃,乙醇浓度85%,料液比1:40,提取时间1. 5h;采用离子液体-乙醇浸提姜黄素的最优条件为:温度65℃,乙醇浓度75%,料液比1:60,提取时间1h。采用离子液体辅助提取可节省时间,节约有机溶剂,减少污染。  相似文献   

An experiment using 16 Beagle bitches (aged 11 months to 6 years and 2 months) in their 56th to 58th day of pregnancy was carried out to investigate the effects of two injections of a low dose of fenprostalene, a long-acting prostaglandin F2alpha analogue, and pretreatment with prifinium bromide, a parasympathetic nerve blocking agent, on the induction of parturition and severity of side effects. The bitches were divided into three treatment groups: one injection of 5 microg/kg of fenprostalene (group I, n=5); one injection of 7.5 mg/head of prifinium bromide followed by one injection of 5 microg/kg of fenprostalene at 5 min after prifinium bromide injection (group II, n=6); and one injection of 7.5 mg/head of prifinium bromide followed by two injections of 2.5 microg/kg of fenprostalene, one injection at 5 min after prifinium bromide injection and the next at 1 hr after the fenprostalene first injection (group III, n=5). Following the injection of fenprostalene, side effects such as salivation, vomiting, colic symptoms, and watery diarrhea occurred most frequently (80-100% of cases) in group I bitches. Apart from colic symptoms, no side effects were observed in group III bitches. Group III bitches also showed the smallest increase in plasma cortisol concentration. No significant difference in the time to initiation of parturition was found between the three groups. The one-week survival rate of newborn puppies was highest in group III. The results showed that pretreatment with prifinium bromide and two injections of 2.5 microg/kg of fenprostalene can alleviate side effects following fenprostalene administration and have no adverse effect on the survival of newborn puppies, indicating that this method is a reliable and safe way of inducing parturition in bitches.  相似文献   

Serum samples were obtained from 30 Hereford steers in an area known to be free of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) viruses as follows: before shipment and 4 times during a 70-day period after shipment; the sera were tested for the presence of cross-reacting antibody to various viruses. Percentages of sera containing cross-reacting antibody to FMD virus detected by the plaque-reduction neutralization and the radial immunodiffusion techniques were higher for the FMD viruses Asia and SAT I5 than for the FMD viruses A5, O1, and C1. Cross-reacting antibody was usually of low titer and usually present in only 1 or 2 consecutive serum samples. The incidence of cross reactions increased after stress of shipping and thus an infective agent may be responsible. These results were compared with results from sera collected from Herefords and Holstein-Friesians in a 2nd area; results did not indicate that Herefords have an excess of cross reactions with FMD viruses.  相似文献   

Dynamic baroreflex sensitivity for increasing arterial pressure (DBSI) was used to quantitatively assess the effects of anesthesia on the heart rate/arterial pressure relationship during rapid (less than or equal to 2 minutes) pressure changes in the horse. Anesthesia was induced with IV administration of xylazine and ketamine and maintained with halothane at a constant end-tidal concentration of 1.1 to 1.2% (1.25 to 1.3 minimal alveolar concentration). Systolic arterial pressure (SAP) was increased a minimum of 30 mm of Hg in response to an IV bolus injection of phenylephrine HCl. Linear regression was used to determine the slope of the R-R interval/SAP relationship. During dynamic increases in SAP, a significant correlation between R-R interval and SAP was observed in 8 of 8 halothane-anesthetized horses. Correlation coefficients between R-R interval and SAP were greater than 0.80 in 5 of 8 horses. Mean (+/- SD) DBSI was 4.8 +/- 3.4 ms/mm of Hg in anesthetized horses. A significant correlation between R-R interval and SAP was observed in only 3 of 6 awake horses during dynamic increases in SAP. Lack of correlation between R-R interval and SAP in 3 of 6 awake horses indicated that rapidly increasing SAP with an IV phenylephrine bolus is a poor method to evaluate baroreceptor-mediated heart rate changes in awake horses. Reflex slowing of heart rate in response to a rising arterial pressure appeared to have been overridden by the effects of excitement. Mean (+/- SD) DBSI (3 horses) was 7.3 +/- 3.3 ms/mm of Hg in awake horses.  相似文献   

A syndrome of metabolic acidosis of unknown etiology was diagnosed in twelve beef calves 7 to 31 days old. Principal clinical signs were unconsciousness or depression concomitant with weakness and ataxia. Other signs included weak or absent suckle and menace reflexes, succussable nontympanic fluid sounds in the anterior abdomen, and a slow, deep thoracic and abdominal pattern of respiration. The variation in clinical signs between calves was highly correlated (r = 0.87, P less than 0.001) with their acid-base (base deficit) status. Abnormal laboratory findings included reduced venous blood pH, pCO2 and bicarbonate ion concentration as well as hyperchloremia, elevated blood urea nitrogen, increased anion gap and neutrophilic leukocytosis with a left shift. Sodium bicarbonate solution administered intravenously effectively raised blood pH and improved demeanor, ambulation and appetite. All calves did well following a return to a normal acid-base status.  相似文献   

A totally confined, farrow-to-finish, closed, minimal disease herd of pigs experienced high death and reproductive losses during a disease outbreak lasting five weeks, and during the ensuing three months. The losses were caused by infection of pigs of all ages with a herpesvirus, with devastating effects on the lungs of immature pigs and on the reproductive performance of the sows.  相似文献   

Eight adult horses were used in a study to determine ketamine's ability to reduce halothane requirement. To obtain steady-state plasma concentrations of 0.5, 1.0, 2.0, 4.0, and 8.0 micrograms/ml, loading doses and constant infusions for ketamine were calculated for each horse on the basis of data from other studies in which the pharmacokinetic properties of ketamine were investigated. Blood samples for determination of plasma ketamine concentrations were collected periodically during each experiment. Plasma ketamine concentrations were determined by capillary gas chromatography/mass spectrometry under electron-impact ionization conditions, using lidocaine as the internal standard. Halothane minimal alveolar concentration (MAC; concentration at which half the horses moved in response to an electrical stimulus) and plasma ketamine concentration were determined after steady-state concentrations of each ketamine infusion had been reached. Plasma ketamine concentrations > 1.0 microgram/ml decreased halothane MAC. The degree of MAC reduction was correlated directly with the square root of the plasma ketamine concentration, reaching a maximum of 37% reduction at a plasma ketamine concentration of 10.8 +/- 2.7 micrograms/ml. Heart rate, mean arterial blood pressure, and the rate of increase of right ventricular pressure did not change with increasing plasma ketamine concentration and halothane MAC reduction. Cardiac output increased significantly during ketamine infusions and halothane MAC reduction. Our findings suggest that plasma ketamine concentrations > 1.0 micron/ml reduce halothane MAC and produce beneficial hemodynamic effects.  相似文献   

The characteristic myopathic features revealed by histological observations included strong proliferation of connective and fatty tissue, perivascular infiltrations and necrosis of muscle fibers with phagocytosis to the lesser extent. In the myopathic muscle, as well as in giant fibers, histochemical techniques showed a reduction in succinate dehydrogenase and lactate dehydrogenase activity in type beta R (slow-twitch, oxidative) and alpha R (fast-twitch, oxidative and glycolytic). Magnesium-activated adenosine triphosphatase reaction ranged from diffuse to negative in beta R, alpha R and alpha W (fast-twitch, glycolytic) fiber types. Diffuse reaction for acid phosphatase and total loss of glycogen content were observed. The micrographs of the myopathic muscle indicated enlarged mitochondria with atrophy or complete destruction of cristae. Many myofibrils were hypercontracted. Giant fibers possessed mitochondria enlarged to an even greater extent and many of the myofibrils had loss of continuity, were narrow, depleted and were also hypercontracted. Significant differences between myopathic and normal groups were found in number of beta R fibers (lower in the myopathic group), number of alpha R fibers and percent of alpha R and alpha W fibers (higher in the myopathic group). Differences (P less than .01) existed between meat pH1 value in the myopathic group (mean value of 5.95) and the normal group (mean value of 6.29). Meat from the myopathic group of pigs also had a lower (P less than .01) pH24 value and reduced water-holding capacity (P less than .01) relative to the meat of the normal pigs. The lack of difference of fattening and slaughter traits between the groups suggested that the White Zlotnicka pigs is of particular value because it is possible to improve the production traits without increasing the incidence of these syndromes within the breed. Negative correlations (P less than .05) between number of giant fibers and percent of alpha W fibers, and between percent of giant fibers and percent of alpha W fibers indicate that alpha W fibers can undergo degeneration and be transformed into giant fibers. Therefore, it it suggested that giant fibers should be treated as muscular, pathological results of past stresses and not as an additional type of normal muscle cells.  相似文献   

Decline in cognitive functions that accompany aging in dogs may have a biologic basis, and many of the disorders associated with aging in dogs may be mitigated through dietary modifications that incorporate specific nutraceuticals. Based on previous research and the results of laboratory and clinical studies, antioxidants may be one class of nutraceutical that provides benefits to aged dogs. Brains of aged dogs accumulate oxidative damage to proteins and lipids, which may lead to dysfunction of neuronal cells. The production of free radicals and lack of increase in compensatory antioxidant enzymes may lead to detrimental modifications to important macromolecules within neurons. Reducing oxidative damage through food ingredients rich in a broad spectrum of antioxidants significantly improves, or slows the decline of, learning and memory in aged dogs.  相似文献   

The intent and extent of the respiratory tract examination relevant to purchase are dictated by numerous factors, including historical information, signs suggestive of respiratory tract abnormalities, intended use of the horse, and economic considerations. Following a thorough and systematic examination of the horse at rest, evaluation during and following exercise may be warranted. The physical examination should include evaluation of regional symmetry of the head, neck, and thorax; evaluation of nasal airflow and patency; palpation of the nasal septum, larynx, and trachea; examination for surgical scars; and auscultation and percussion. Special examination techniques, including endoscopy, stress evaluation, and radiography, may be indicated. Much has been learned about the URT in recent years, particularly regarding endoscopy of the region and the interpretation of endoscopic findings. The reader is referred to a generous list of references to gain further detailed information regarding the endoscopic diagnosis of other URT conditions.  相似文献   

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