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基于机器学习算法的土壤有机质 质量比估算   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为快速高效地估测干旱、半干旱地区土壤有机质(soil organic matter, SOM)质量比,提出了一种结合竞争适应重加权法(CARS)和随机森林(RF)的估测模型.以内陆干旱区艾比湖流域为研究区,测定土壤高光谱反射率和SOM质量比,经预处理后,利用CARS对原始光谱(R)、一阶导数(R′)、吸光度(log(1/R))及吸光度一阶导数[log(1/R)]′4种光谱变量的可见-近红外光谱进行筛选,并结合RF算法,建立全谱段RF模型与CARS-RF模型.结果表明,基于CARS方法对光谱进行变量筛选后,得出4种光谱变量的优选变量集个数分别为35,26,34和121;在4种光谱变量中,R′和[log(1/R)]′的SOM估测模型精度较高,以[log(1/R)]′为基础数据获得的模型精度最高;CARS-RF模型精度优于全谱段RF模型,模型验证集决定系数(R2)、均方根误差(RMSE)、相对分析误差(RPD)分别为0.881,6.438 g/kg和2.177.该研究在预处理的基础上通过变量优选,应用较少的变量个数获得较高的估测精度,为干旱、半干旱区SOM高光谱估测提供了适宜高效的方法.  相似文献   

基于CARS算法的脐橙果园土壤有机质近红外检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Water conservation strategies are being developed in regions of the world expected to experience decreases in water resources due to changing climates. Strategies advocated for improving water-use efficiency may increase the incidence of soil water repellency in sandy-textured soils. We evaluated the effect of soil wetting agent formulation, and application frequency, on water repellency in sandy soil with two contrasting organic matter (OM) contents under kikuyugrass [Pennisetum clandestinum (Holst. Ex Chiov)], and irrigated at 60% replacement of net evaporation in a climate subject to hot, dry summers. The randomized plot design included two turfgrass ages [established from 20 week (7.7% OM) or 20 year old (30% OM) turfgrass in 2005, the latter included a 50 mm ‘mat’ layer], two soil wetting agent formulations (granular or liquid); two application frequencies (one or two applications per irrigation season); and plots of both turfgrass ages that did not receive any wetting agent (nil control). Both wetting agent formulations contained the same active ingredient (propylene oxide-ethylene oxide block polymer), and all wetting agent treatments received the same rate (69 L active ingredient ha−1). Water repellency in the surface soil (0-5 mm), measured using the molarity of ethanol droplet test (MED), ranged from 1.09 M to 4.32 M during the irrigation season, and was more severe in the soil with high OM (average MED, 3.3 M) than low OM content (average MED, 2.7 M). Applying one application of either granular or liquid soil wetting agent at the commencement of the irrigation season decreased the severity of soil water repellency by up to 30% in the high OM soil and by up to 60% in the low OM soil during the summer, and without the need for a second application. The decline in soil water repellency in response to soil wetting agent application was not matched by an increase in soil VWC in summer, and turfgrass quality was considered acceptable throughout the study. The soil wetting agents were less effective at treating water repellent sand containing a significant amount of OM than sand with low OM content.  相似文献   

以内蒙古河套灌区3个尺度下1 024个样本的高光谱为模型输入,黏粒、粉粒、砂粒及有机质质量百分数为模型输出,通过多元回归、支持向量机及BP神经网络方法建立基于中尺度的反演模型,将其尺度上推至大尺度及下推至小尺度,并对其尺度转换的适用性进行评价.结果表明,基于中尺度建立的高光谱与土壤颗粒组成及有机质的反演模型均可以较好地应用于其他2个尺度:多元回归方法在其他2个尺度上的相关性为0.33~0.60,支持向量机方法为0.41~0.52,BP神经网络方法为0.52~0.72,其中BP神经网络方法建立的模型在其他2个尺度上具有更好的适用性;不同参数中,黏粒、粉粒、砂粒及有机质的相关系数分别为0.44~0.62,0.37~0.72,0.42~0.72及0.33~0.56,即颗粒组成的效果整体好于有机质质量百分数.  相似文献   

近红外漫反射光谱检测土壤有机质和速效N的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用近红外漫反射光谱检测技术对土壤有机质和速效N含量进行了相关研究。通过自行设计的NIR光谱系统测定了150个土壤样品有机质和速效N。126个土壤样品用来建立校正集模型,其余24个用来验证模型的性能。采集完整土壤样品的近红外漫反射光谱,原始光谱经移动窗口平滑处理、SNV和一阶微分预处理后,分别采用最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)和偏最小二乘法(PLS),建立土壤有机质和速效N含量的定量预测数学模型。结果表明采用一阶微分结合最小二乘支持向量机(LS-SVM)所建模型的预测效果较好,土壤有机质和速效N含量定量预测数学模型的决定系数分别为0.8255和0.8015,均方根误差分别为2.84和16.80。近红外漫反射光谱作为一种检测方法,可用于评价土壤有机质和速效N含量。  相似文献   

以公主岭市长期(10 a)保护性耕作定位试验为研究对象,分析与传统耕作模式相比的几种保护性耕作模式对黑土固碳效应的影响。共设4种耕作模式,即秋翻秋耙匀垄、秋灭茬匀垄、全面旋耕深松和宽窄行交替休闲(又叫松带、苗带交替休闲)(后3种视为保护性耕作)。结果表明,经过10 a的耕作试验,不同的耕作模式对土壤有机碳有显著的影响。表层0~20 cm秋翻秋耙匀垄和秋灭茬匀垄模式的土壤有机碳含量最低,深层30~50 cm全面旋耕深松模式的土壤有机碳质量分数显著低于其他耕作模式13.49%~25.14%;0~50 cm耕层  相似文献   

通过研究土壤性质的空间变异和空间插值方法,快速准确获取土壤性质的空间分布是精确农业和环境保护的基础。该文以四川眉山一块约40 km2的区域为试验区,采集表层土壤(0~20 cm)样点80个,利用径向基函数(RBF)神经网络建立空间坐标和邻近样点与土壤有机质间的非线性映射关系(RBF2),模拟土壤有机质的空间分布。与普通克里法(OK)和仅以坐标为网络输入的神经网络方法(RBF1)相比,RBF2的插值精度有显著的提高;相同样点密度下其相对预测误差分别较OK和RBF1减小了9.87%、1.97%(样本A)和13.09%、2.36%(样本B);即使样点数减半的情况下RBF2的相对预测误差也分别较OK和RBF1减小了10.23%和2.33%,并且插值图差异相对较小,可以更好地反映土壤有机质空间分布的异质性。因此,利用以坐标和邻近样点为输入的神经网络方法可以相对准确、快速地获取区域土壤性质空间分布的异质性信息。  相似文献   

A better understanding of soil carbon( C) distribution within aggregate fractions is essential to evaluating the potential of no-till for sustaining productivity and protecting the environment. A metaanalysis on 744 comparisons from 34 studies was conducted to determine the effects of three different tillage treatments( conventional mouldbould ploughing tillage( CT),reduced tillage( RT) and no tillage( NT)) on water-stable aggregate size distribution,soil C concentration in aggregate fractions.The meta-analysis indicates that compared with CT treatment, NT/RT significantly( P 0. 05)increases macro-aggregate above 20 cm by 20. 9%-82. 2%( 2. 00 mm) and 5. 9%-19. 1%( 0. 25-2.00 mm),whereas NT/RT significantly reduces micro-aggregate and silt clay fractions above 20 cm.NT/RT significantly( P 0. 05) increases the SOC in macro-aggregate( 0. 25 mm) and microaggregate( 0. 25 mm) size classes above 20 cm soil depth compared with CT. The results suggest that soil sampling depth should be considered to evaluate the influence of tillage systems on the distribution of soil aggregate,and the content of aggregate-associated C content.  相似文献   

In this research, the effects of soil water retention barriers (SWRB) and irrigation levels on soil water content, perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne c.v Caddieshack) water consumption, fresh clipping yield, visual quality and leaf water content were investigated in 2010 and 2011. Treatments consisted of SWRB application at two different soil depths (30 and 40 cm) and three different irrigation levels (100, 66 and 33 % of available water-holding capacity) in sandy soil. Results showed that placement of SWRB at 40 cm depth (SWRB40) together with 34 % water deficit saved 52 % irrigation water compared with the control (no SWRB) treatment. Additionally, 498 and 653 mm total irrigation water were applied. The mean daily plant water consumption values were 5.94 and 6.51 mm in 2010 and 2011, respectively, in the SWRB40 treatment.  相似文献   

《Agricultural Systems》1998,56(4):415-429
Soil erosion studies by economists have utilized relatively simple yield response functions compared to productivity simulation models used by soil scientists in order to endogenously solve for optimal management schemes. This paper combines the optimization techniques of previous economic studies with a more complex measure of soil productivity than simply soil depth which has been used previously. An illustrative model demonstrates how erosion affects different types of soil profiles found in the United States and isolates three different ways that erosion can impact productivity. Estimation procedures that do not account for the non-uniform nature of soil profiles can misstate the impact of soil erosion on cropland productivity. The framework, though perhaps overly simplified for direct use, disentangles the impacts of soil erosion into substitution, mixing and depth effects and suggests how varied profiles should be managed in different ways according to how each is impacted by erosion.  相似文献   

Several neutron access sites were installed in a line at right angles to, and on either side of, a tile drain across a slope within a grassland improvement area. The effect of the drain on the moisture content of peat was determined and found to be negligible at distances greater than 1 m from the drain.  相似文献   

A soil column experiment was conducted to study the water and salt redistribution in a coastal saline soil under infiltration of saline ice meltwater. Four salinity levels (0, 5000, 10,000, and 15,000 mg l−1 diluted seawater) and three volumes (1800, 2700, and 3600 ml) of source water were used. The results indicated that the soil water content increased with the volume of applied ice. In the top soil layers, water content was higher under salt-free ice treatment than under saline ice treatments. In the deeper soil layers, however, the saline ice treatments showed higher water content than the salt-free ice treatment. While infiltration of meltwater reduced the salt content of the surface layer of all the treatments, the desalting depths of the saline ice treatments were greater than the desalting depth of the salt-free ice treatment. The results demonstrated that in the monsoon regions, saline soils could be improved through infiltration with meltwater of saline ice.  相似文献   

该文以1990年建立的耕作制定位试验田紫色水稻土为研究对象,分析了冬水田(FPF)、水旱轮作(CR)和垄作免耕(RNT)3种耕作方式对土壤团聚体组成和有机质的影响。结果表明,垄作免耕减少了对土壤大团聚体的破坏,在0~10 cm土层,垄作免耕大团聚体含量分别是冬水田和水旱轮作的1.48和1.32倍,微团聚体含量则显著降低;在 >10~20 cm土层有相同的趋势。3种耕作条件下,有机碳和氮在团聚体中的分布模式类似,均有向大团聚体富集的趋势,但垄作免耕条件下土壤有机碳和氮质量分数显著高于冬水田和水旱轮作。对土壤颗粒有机质(POM)的分析结果表明,垄作免耕0~10 cm土层轻质组分(LF)的质量分数(1.92 g/kg)与水旱轮作(1.70 g/kg)差异不显著,但显著高于冬水田(1.42 g/kg)。冬水田、水旱轮作和垄作免耕的0~10 cm土层,团聚体内总颗粒有机质(total iPOM)质量分数分别为0.96,1.12,2.14 g/kg;垄作免耕土壤团聚体内细颗粒有机质(fine iPOM)分别为冬水田和水旱轮作土壤的3.02和2.46倍,占总POM差异的57%和66%。垄作免耕土壤团聚体内粗颗粒有机质(coarse iPOM)分别为冬水田和水旱轮作土壤的1.56和1.40倍,占总POM差异的18%和19%。在>10~20 cm土层有相似的趋势,但在>10~20 cm层土壤粗iPOM的差异对总POM差异的贡献较0~10 cm层大。垄作免耕减少了对大团聚体的破坏并促进微团聚体向大团聚体团聚;降低了团聚体的周转速率,促进了细iPOM的固定,利于紫色水稻土对碳的固定和积累。  相似文献   

Periodic opening of one-way tidal floodgates was undertaken on two coastal flood mitigation drains to promote exchange with estuarine water and improve drain water quality. The drains were located in areas with acid sulphate soils and their drainage water frequently had high acidity and low dissolved oxygen (DO). Tidal exchange via floodgate opening generally raised drain water pH levels through dilution and/or neutralisation of acidity. Increases in DO and moderation of extreme diurnal DO fluctuations were also observed. The magnitude and stability of the improved physico-chemical conditions was highly dependant on the volume and quality of tidal ingress water. Relatively rapid reversion (hours to days) in drain water pH and DO was observed once floodgates were closed again. The rate of reversion following floodgate closure was strongly related to outflow volumes, antecedent drain water quality conditions and groundwater levels. Floodgate opening caused changes in longitudinal drain water gradients and has potential to slow net drainage rates during non-flood periods. However, complex site specific interactions between drain water and adjacent groundwater can also occur. At one location, a 4-day floodgate opening event caused recharge of adjacent acid groundwater during the opening phase, raising the potentiometric groundwater level above local low tide minima. This was followed by tidally modulated draw down of acid groundwater and enhanced acid export in the period immediately following floodgate closure. There are also practical considerations, which limit the efficacy of floodgate opening as an acid management strategy. The low elevation (close to mean sea level) of some acid sulphate soil backswamps, combined with seasonal migration of the estuarine salt wedge, means there is considerable potential for saline overtopping of what is currently agricultural land. This constrains the magnitude and duration of controlled tidal exchange. Also, it is during wet periods that acid drainage outflow to the estuary is greatest. At such times the salinity and acid buffering capacity of estuarine water is often low, thus reducing the capacity of tidal exchange waters to neutralise acidity.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of soil texture and CaCO3 content on water infiltration rate in crusted soil was studied with the use of a rain simulator. Two types of soils with low exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP < 3.0%) were studied: (i) calcareous soils (5.1–16.3% CaCO3) with a high silt-to-clay ratio (0.82–1.47) from a region with < 400 mm winter rain; and (ii) non-calcareous soils with a low silt-to-clay ratio (0.13–0.35) from a region with > 400 mm winter rain. Soil samples with clay percentages between 3 and 60 were collected in each region. Distilled water (simulating rainfall) and saline water (simulating irrigation water) were sprinkled on the soil. The soils were exposed to rain until steady state infiltration and corresponding crust formation were obtained. For both types of soils and for both types of applied water, soils with 20% clay were found to be the most sensitive to crust formation and have the lowest infiltration rate. With increasing percentage of clay, the soil structure was more stable and the formation of crust was diminished. In soils with lower clay content (< 20%), there was a limited amount of clay to disperse and, as a result, undeveloped crust was formed. Silt and CaCO3 had no effect on the final infiltration rate for either type of applied water, whereas with saline water, increasing the silt content increased the rate of crust formation.Contribution from the Agricultural Research Organization, The Volcani Center, Bet Dagan, Israel. No. 1130-E, 1984 series  相似文献   

Water transmission characteristics under saturated and unsaturated conditions were studied in a sandy loam soil with (F1) and without (F0) long-term farmyard manure (FYM) treatments, in relation to sodium adsorption ratios (SAR) and electrolyte concentrations of water. The effect of FYM and ratios of Ca2+ : Mg2+ in water at a given SAR on sodication of the soil was also studied.Saturated hydraulic conductivity (k) and weighted mean diffusivity (D?) were slightly higher for F1 than for F0, whereas sodication indices like Gapon constant (KG), Krishnamoorthy-Davis-Overstreet constant (KKDO) and Vanselow constant (KV) were slightly smaller. The k and D? decreased with an increase of SAR and decrease of electrolyte concentration, the effect of SAR being more pronounced. There was proportionately a sharper decrease in the k and D? values at SAR 10 with total electrolyte concentrations of 10–40 meq 1?1. However, with a total electrolyte concentration of 80 meq 1?1, there was a smaller drop at SAR 10.A small difference in the build-up of exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) in F1 and F0 treatments at a given SAR suggests that, apart from slightly improving water transmission parameters, the use of FYM also reduces the sodication hazard in a soil irrigated with sodic waters. An increase in the Ca2+ : Mg2+ ratio from 25:75 to 75:25 slightly decreased the values of KG, KKDO and KV, thus indicating somewhat more preference for Ca2+ to Mg2+ at a given SAR, which was more so in F1 soil. This fact could also be expressed in terms of a slight shift of thermodynamic exchange constant (K) and standard free energy change of the exchange reaction (ΔG0r). The presence of some unidentified Na+ releasing minerals in the soils studied was observed and correction for exchangeable Na+ determination applied.  相似文献   

针对华北平原长期少免耕可能导致的耕层变浅、变紧的问题,通过人为设置不同耕层厚度试验,采用等质量土壤有机碳库储量和层化比的研究方法,研究了4种耕层厚度(10、20、30、40 cm)水平下0~50 cm土壤有机碳的变化。2 a的田间试验结果表明,不同耕层厚度对土壤有机碳含量有显著差异,与2007年试验开始时相比,土壤有机碳质量分数都不同程度下降,下降幅度为22%~48%。利用等质量计算方法表明20 cm耕层厚度的处理土壤有机碳储量最高。通过层化比的研究表明,随着时间的推移,20 cm的耕层厚度层化比最高,其  相似文献   

The salinity condition in the root zone hinders moisture extraction from soil by plants, because of osmotic potential development in soil water due to presence of salts, which ultimately, decreases transpiration of plants and thereby affects crop yield. Therefore, an effort was made in this study to quantify the impact of salinity on soil water availability to plants. The movement of salts under irrigation and evapotranspiration regimes in root zone of soil profile was studied throughout the growing season of wheat crop with adopting exponential pattern of root water uptake. A model was developed to analyze soil water balance to find out moisture deficit because of salinity. A non-linear relationship was formulated between moisture content and salt concentration for simultaneous prediction. The Crank–Nicolson method of Finite Differencing was used to solve the differential equations of soil water and solute transport. The effect of various salt concentrations on transpiration was analyzed to develop a relationship between relative evapotranspiration and relative yield. Relationships among salt concentration, matric potential, moisture deficit and actual transpiration were also established to provide better understanding about impact of salinization and to provide guidelines for obtaining better crop yields in saline soils.  相似文献   

The plant canopy intercepts rain and thus can alter the distribution of water under the canopy as compared to that along the dripline. The effects of a citrus (Citrus sinensis L. Osbeck) tree (25-year-old, Valencia orange) canopy on the distribution of rainfall and soil moisture content within the soil profile either along the dripline (D) or under the canopy near the trunk (inner side; I), and midway between I and Dripline (M) were evaluated, on the east and west sides of trees planted along north-south rows. Results of eleven storm events in 1995 (mean of east and west sides) revealed that the amounts of precipitation at the D, M, and I positions were 97–140, 47–94, and 52–79% of the incident rainfall, respectively. Thus, canopy interception of incident rainfall was quite appreciable. The soil moisture content was greater along the dripline compared to that at the M and I positions, particularly in the deeper (≥60 cm) soil profile. The water flux was significantly greater at the dripline than under the canopy indicating a greater leaching potential of soil-applied fertilizers and other chemicals when placed along the dripline. A substantial reduction in the rainfall and water flux under the canopy as a result of canopy interception suggests that application of fertilizer and chemicals under the canopy could minimize leaching losses. Received: 10 November 1997  相似文献   

以河南省某地2年生杜仲树为研究对象,在树盘式灌溉条件下,利用根系分布土层放置的土壤温湿度传感器和智能采集器对土壤体积含水量进行实时监测,分析土壤含水量在不同灌水定额条件下的动态变化规律,根据动态变化规律来确定相对应的灌水周期.试验结果表明:各个测点的土壤含水量在灌水后12h均高于田间持水量;灌水后10d各测点土壤体积含...  相似文献   

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