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Abstract An 11-year-old Doberman Pinscher with clinical and histological skin features consistent with colour dilution alopecia had a long history of skin disease. The animal had hundreds of papules affecting the ‘blue’ haired áreas of the hair coat. The predominant skin lésions included keratinizing infundibular cysts, keratin horns, perifollicular dermatitis, and sebaceous hyperplasia; these lésions were often accompanied by fürunculosis and suppurative panniculitis. Over a 9-month period, 32 lésions were examined histologically, which included two lipomas, one infiltrative lipoma, one squamous papilloma, two mast cell tumours, four cavernous haemangiomas, one haemangiosarcoma, and three melanomas. It is unknown at present whether the colour dilution phenotype confers increased risk for tumours of the skin and or subcutaneous tissues. Résumé— Un doberman de 11 ans avec des manifestations cutanées cliniques et histologiques compatibles avec le díagnostic d'alopécie des couleurs diluées avait une longue histoire de problèmes cutanés. L'animal présentait des centaines de papules affectant les zones de couleur bleue. Les lésions cutanées prédominantes consistaient en kystes infundibulaires kératinisants, cornes cutanées, dermatite périfolliculaire et hyperplasie sébacée; ces lésions s'accompagnaient souvent de füronculose et de panniculite suppurative. Sur une période de 9 mois, 32 lésions ont fait l'objet d'un examen histologique, dont deux lipomes, un lipome infiltrant, un papillome, deux mastocytomes, quatre hémangiomes caverneux, un hémangiosarcome, et trois mélanomes. On ne sait actuellement pas si le phénotype couleur diluée constitue un facteur de risque accru pour les tumeurs de la peau et des tissus sous cutanés. [Madewell, B. R., Ihrke, P. J., Griffey, S. M. Multiple skin tumours in a Doberman Pinscher with colour dilution alopecia. (Tumeurs cutanées multiples chez un doberman présentant une alopécie des couleurs diluées.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 59–62.] Resumen Un doberman pinscher de 11 años con caracteristicas clinicas e histológicas compatibles con alopecia de color diluido tenia una larga historia de enfermedad cutanea. El animal presentaba centenares de pápulas afectando las áreas de pelo “azul”. Las lesiones prédominantes incluian quistes infundibulares queratinizados, cuernos de queratina, dermatitis perifolicular e hiperplasia sebácea; estas lesiones se acompañaban de fürunculosis y paniculitis supurativa. Durante un periodo de 9 meses, 32 lesiones fueron examinadas histológicamente, incluyendo 2 lipomas, un lipoma infiltrativo, un papiloma escamoso, dos mastocitomas, cuatro hemangiomas cavernosos, un hemangiosarcoma y tres melanomas. Se desconoce aún si el fenotipo de color diluido aumenta el riesgo para la aparición de tumores en tejidos cutáneos y subcutáneos. [Madewell, B. R., Ihrke, P. J., Griffey, S. M. Multiple skin tumours in a Doberman Pinscher with colour dilution alopecia. (Multiples tumores cutáneos en un Doberman Pinscher con alopecia de color diluido.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 59–62.] Zusammenfassung— Ein elfjähriger Dobermann mit klinischen und histologischen Befunden, die bei Farbmutantenalopezie auftreten, wies eine lange Vorgeschichte mit Hautkrankheiten auf. Das Tier zeigte Hunderte von Papeln, die die “blau” behaarten Bezirke des Felles betrafen. Die vorherrschenden Hautveränderungen bestanden in keratinisierenden infundibulären Zysten, Keratinhörnern, perifollikulärer Dermatitis und Talgdrüsenhyperplasie; diese Veränderungen wurden oft von Furunkulose und eitriger Pannikulitis begleitet. Über eine Zeitspanne von 9 Monaten wurden 32 Veränderungen histologisch untersucht, wovon zwei in Lipomen bestanden, eine in einem infiltrativen Lipom, eine in einem squamösen Papillom, zwei in Mastzelltumoren, vier in kavernösen Hämangiomen, eine in einem Hämangiosarkom und drei in Melanomen. Es ist zur Zeit nicht bekannt, ob der Phänotyp mit der Farbverdünnung mit einem erhöhten Risiko für Tumoren der Haut und/oder des subkutanen Gewebes einhergeht. [Madewell, B. R., Ihrke, P. J., Griffey, S. M. Multiple skin tumours in a Doberman Pinscher with colour dilution alopecia. (Multiple Hauttumoren bei einem Dobermann mit Farbmutantenalopezie.) Veterinary Dermatology 1997; 8 : 59–62.]  相似文献   

The objective of this survey was to investigate the prevalence of Hepatozoon infection in dogs in the rural and urban areas of Uberlândia, Brazil by PCR and molecular characterization. DNA was obtained from blood samples collected from 346 local dogs from both genders and various ages. Seventeen PCR products from positive blood samples of urban dogs and 13 from the rural dogs were sequenced. Partial sequences of the 18S rRNA gene indicated that all 30 dogs were infected with Hepatozoon canis similar in sequence to H. canis from southern Europe. Four local dog sequences were submitted to GenBank (accessions JN835188; KF692038; KF692039; KF692040). This study indicates that H. canis is the cause of canine hepatozoonosis in Uberlândia and that infection is similarly widespread in rural and urban dogs.  相似文献   

Thyroid dysfunction causes certain dermatological alterations in dogs. Insufficient delivery of thyroid hormone to the skin may originate not only from inadequate thyroid function but also from impaired local activation of thyroxine in the target organ. Thyroid parameters and deiodination were investigated in healthy dogs (group C) and in dogs with cutaneous lesions associated with hypothyroidism (group H) or with a low-T3 syndrome (group LT). The ability of the skin to convert T4 to T3 was impaired in both groups H and LT but not in the controls. It is concluded that impaired local deiodination may contribute to skin problems in dogs.Abbreviations bwt body weight - DTT dithiothreitol - PBS phosphate-buffered saline (pH 7.5, 0.05 mol/L) - PTU propylthiouracyl - RIA radioimmunoassay - TRH thyrotropin-releasing hormone - TSH thyroid-stimulating hormone  相似文献   

Abstract Seven Dachshunds from five different families were studied for late-onset alopecia. All were born blue and tan in litters containing unaffected wild boar coated animals. Six of the seven dogs changed their colour during the first months of their life from blue and tan to ‘deadleaf’ or grey and tan. Histopathology, light microscopy of hairs and scanning electron microscopy of the hairs showed similarities with those previously described in blue Doberman Pinschers and confirmed the diagnosis of colour dilution alopecia (CDA). Transmission electron microscopy of cross-sectioned hairs showed vacuoles containing melanin granules of different size in medullary, subcortical and intracortical areas. Some opened at the hair surface and released melanin granules. Study of the pedigree proved autosomal recessive inheritance. Résumé— 7 teckels de 5 families ont fait l'objet de cette étude. Tous sont nés bleu et feu et proviennent de portées comprenant des chiots sains couleur sanglier. Six de ces chiens ont changé leur couleur durant les premiers mois de leur vie, passant ainsi du bleu et feu à‘feuilles mortes’ ou gris et feu. Histologiquement, l'examen microscopique des poils et l'examen ultrastructural à balayage montrent des lésions similaires à celles décrites chez les Dobermanns Pinschers bleus, et confirment le diagnostic d'Alopécie des Robes Diluées (ARD). La microscopie électronique à transmission des poils sectionnés montre des vacuoles contenant des grains de mélanine dans les régions médullaires, subcorticales, et intracorticales des poils. Quelques poils montrent la sortie des granules de mélanine à la surface du poil. L'étude des pédigrés prouve un mode de transmission autosomal récessif de cette maladie. [Beco, L., Fontaine, J., Gross, T.L., Charlier, G. Colour dilution alopecia in seven Dachshunds. A clinical study and the hereditary, microscopical and ultrastructural aspects of the disease (Alopécie des Robes Diluées chez 7 teckels: étude clinique et aspects héréditaires, microscopiques et ultrastructuraux). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 91–97.] Resumen Se estudió la alopecia de aparición tardía en siete perros Dashshund de cinco familias diferentes. Todos los cachorros nacieron de color azul y canela en camadas que contenían animates con pelaje jabalí, sin afectación. Seis de los siete perros cambiaron su color durante los primeros meses de vida de azul y canela a ‘hoja seca’ o gris y canela. La histopatologia, la microscopía óptica de los pelos y la microscopía electrónica de barrido de los pelos mostraron similitudes con los previamente descritos en los Doberman Pinscher azules y confirmaron el diagnóstico de alopecia de color diluido (ACD). La microscopia electrónica de transmisión de cortes transversales del pelo mostraron vacuolas que contenían gránulos de melanina de tamaño variable en las zonas medular, subcortical e intracortical. Algunos se abrían a la superficie del pelo y liberaban gránulos de melanina. El estudio del pedigree reveló una forma de herenicia autosómica recesiva. [Beco, L., Fontaine, J., Gross, T.L., Charlier, G. Colour dilution alopecia in seven Dachshunds. A clinical study and the hereditary, microscopical and ultrastructural aspects of the disease (Alopecia de color diluido en siete Dachshunds. Estudio clinico y aspectos hereditarios, microscopicos y ultraestructurales de la enfermedad). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 91–97.] Zusammenfassung— Sieben Dackel aus fünf verschiedenen Familien wurden wegen Alopezie mit spätem Beginn untersucht. Alle wurden als ‘blau und tan’ in Würfen geboren, die gesunde saufarbene aufwiesen. Sechs der sieben Hunde änderten ihre Farbe während der ersten Lebensmonate von ‘blau und tan’ nach ‘dürrlaub’ oder ‘grau und tan’. Histopathologisch zeigten Lichtmikroskopie der Haare und Elektronen-mikroskopabtastung der Haare Ähnlichkeiten mit denen früher beschriebener Veränderungen beim blauen Dobermann, und bestätigten die Diagnose Farbverdünnungsalopezie (CDA). Die Transmissionselek-tronenmikroscopie von quergeschnittenen Haaren zeigte Vakuolen, die Melaningranula verschiedener Größe in medullären, subkortikalen und intrakortikalen Zonen enthielten. Einige öffneten sich hin zur Haarober fläche und entließen die Melaningranula. Die Untersuchung der Abstammung zeigte eine autosomal rezessive Erblichkeit. [Beco, L., Fontaine, J., Gross, T. L., Charlier, G. Colour dilution alopecia in seven dachschunds. A clinical study and the hereditary microscopical and ultrastructural aspects of the disease (Farbverdünnungsalopezie bei sieben Dackeln. Eine klinische Studie über erbliche, mikroskopische und ultrastrukturelle Aspekte dieser Erkrankung). Veterinary Dermatology 1996; 7 : 91–97.]  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Testing of the cataract-causing insertion/deletion mutation in the canine HSF4 gene for its linkage and association with primary cataracts (CAT) in Dachshunds and Entlebucher Mountain dogs. MATERIALS: Exon 9 with flanking intronic regions of the canine HSF4 gene was sequenced in 24 Dachshunds and 20 Entlebucher Mountain dogs. The HSF4 cDNA sequence of lens tissue was analyzed in a CAT-unaffected mixed-breed dog and in three CAT-affected dogs of different breeds, including a Wire-haired Dachshund, a Dachshund-mix and a German Shepherd dog. RESULTS: In all dogs investigated here, the previously reported CAT-causing mutation did not exist. We found a single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in intron 9, which was neither associated nor linked with the CAT phenotype in the two dog breeds. CONCLUSION: The CAT phenotype in the two dog breeds investigated here was not caused by the same mutation found to be associated with early-onset CAT in the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and Boston Terrier. The intronic SNP may be useful to test HSF4 for linkage with CAT in further dog breeds.  相似文献   

A molecular epidemiologic investigation in two Brazilian states (Rondônia and São Paulo) was undertaken to determine if Ehrlichia species responsible for human and animal ehrlichioses in North America could be found in Brazilian vectors, potential natural mammalian reservoirs and febrile human patients with a tick bite history. Samples, including 376 ticks comprising 9 Amblyomma species, 29 capybara (Hydrochaeris hydrochaeris) spleens, 5 canine blood, and 75 human blood samples from febrile patients with history of tick bites were tested by a real-time PCR assay targeting a fragment of the Ehrlichia dsb gene. Ehrlichia DNA was not detected in any tick, capybara or human samples. In contrast, 4 out of 5 dogs contained Ehrlichia canis DNA in their blood, which were sequenced, representing the first report of E. canis infecting dogs in the Amazon region of Brazil. Further studies are needed to evaluate the presence of other agents of human and animal ehrlichioses in Brazil.  相似文献   

The present work describes the detection and first molecular characterization of Babesia vogeli in dogs, naturally infected in Brazil and even in South America. Microscopic examination of Giemsa-stained peripheral blood smears collected from dogs originating from four different locations in Brazil revealed the presence of large Babesia merozoites and trophozoites (>2.5 microm). DNA was extracted from infected blood samples and PCR amplifications of the 18S rDNA were carried out. As a reference, DNA from an isolate of B. vogeli originated from Egypt was used. PCR products were purified and sequenced. The DNA sequences demonstrated 100% identity among the Brazilian isolates. Comparisons with the 18S rDNA sequence of the B. vogeli isolate from Egypt and with other B. vogeli sequences from Spain, France, Japan, Australia and South Africa confirmed the affiliation of all Brazilian isolates to the species B. vogeli.  相似文献   

A survey on the occurrence of dermatoses in the Irish Water spaniel (IWS) was carried out in the United Kingdom. A group of 20 dogs was selected and examined clinically. All dogs had a nonpruritic, noninflammatory, regionalized hair loss affecting the same areas of the body in males and females, although an initial cyclical pattern associated with the oestrus cycle was identified. Hormonal investigations showed features suggestive of an abnormality of steroidogenesis. Histopathology revealed features similar to canine recurrent flank alopecia (CRFA) and follicular dysplasia associated with abnormal melanization, as in colour dilution alopecia, although the clinical features did not correlate with those conditions. Dietary changes improved coat and skin quality in most of the cases in this series but the role of the diet was not investigated further. This study suggests that hair loss in IWS is influenced by dietary factors and sexual hormones. Abnormalities of the steroidogenic pathways may contribute to the severity of the condition.  相似文献   

Pseudopelade is a primary scarring (cicatricial) alopecia of humans characterized by lymphocyte‐rich inflammation centred around the hair follicle isthmus. Lymphocyte folliculotropism is associated with isthmus apoptosis and, ultimately, follicular destruction and dermal fibrosis. In a cat, an acquired alopecia was diagnosed as pseudopelade based on the following criteria: (i) an adult‐onset, patchy to diffuse nonpruritic hair loss; (ii) an early folliculo‐destructive phase in which lymphocytes and dendritic cells accumulated in and around the follicular isthmus; and (iii) a late stage in which the lower segments of hair follicles underwent atrophy and were replaced by fibrosing tracts. Additionally, immunological investigations characterized the cytotoxic phenotype of isthmotropic lymphocytes and demonstrated the presence of circulating IgG autoantibodies specific for multiple follicular antigens. Altogether, the results of the present study suggest an immune‐mediated pathogenesis for this case of feline pseudopelade, similarly to that causing alopecia areata in humans and other mammalian species.  相似文献   

Objective  To describe the most common canine breeds affected with cataracts in Rio de Janeiro.
Animals  Three hundred and three dogs were included in this retrospective study. Animal ages ranged from 6 months to 14.8 years.
Material and methods  All records of dogs seen by the Ophthalmology Service of Policlínica Veterinária Botafogo between January 2005 and June 2008 were reviewed. Animals with cataracts were separated, and breed and age were evaluated.
Results  Most of the dogs presented with cataracts were Toy Poodles with a mean age of 8.2 years, followed by Cocker Spaniels and Bichon Frises. The percentage of Toy Poodles affected with cataracts was 13.8% while 33.3% of Bichon Frise was diagnosed with cataracts.
Conclusions  Toy Poodles are a popular breed in Rio de Janeiro. Without regulations on breeding, the prevalence of cataracts may increase rapidly. Furthermore, due to the relatively late onset of cataract formation in the Toy Poodle (mean 8.2 years of age), affected animals may have produced several litters of puppies. This study emphasizes the importance of screening for the presence of inherited ocular abnormalities such as cataracts prior to breeding.  相似文献   

Factors associated with parasitism by helminths and protozoans in 500 dogs presented to three veterinary clinics in the municipality of Rio de Janeiro from November 2003 to September 2004 were evaluated. Dogs were submitted to physical examination and owners were interviewed about the animal's management. One fecal sample from each dog was examined by centrifugal flotation and sedimentation methods followed by the safranin–methylene blue staining technique. Positive results for gastrointestinal parasites were detected in 46.4% of the examined samples. Infection with protozoans (29.6%) was more frequent than with helminths (23.2%). Cryptosporidium sp. (26.2%) and Ancylostoma sp. (15.2%) were the most frequent parasites. Logistic regression analysis showed that age (p < 0.001), access to soil (p < 0.001), hygiene of the environment (p = 0.001), illness (p = 0.007), owner's level of education (p < 0.006) and veterinary clinic (p = 0.043) were associated with gastrointestinal parasite infections in dogs. Treatment and control are especially important for puppies. Adult dogs should be submitted to fecal examination before treatment, placing special emphasis on those that present one or more factors associated with infection.  相似文献   

本文根据高等植物光合色素的代谢过程和叶色突变体的一般发生机制,推测桑树叶色突变的可能机制,根据桑树叶色变化的内外因素,分析了此桑树突变体的可能成因,并对进一步的研究作了简述。  相似文献   

Tissue imprints on Giemsa stained slides from dogs were used to investigate the presence of Leishmania amastigotes by either optical microscopy (OM) or Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) detection of DNA. Samples from skin, spleen, lymph node, liver and bone marrow from a Leishmaniasis endemic area dogs where Leishmania (Leishmania) chagasi and Leishmania (Viannia) braziliensis are sympatric were studied. Dogs were initially diagnosed by Indirect Immunofluorescence (IIF), as which 39 were IIF positive (≥1:40) and 16 negative. The IIF positive dogs were clinically grouped as symptomatic (n = 15), oligosymptomatic (n = 12) and asymptomatic (n = 12). Although PCR positivity was higher in symptomatic dogs, specially their skin samples, there was no significant difference among clinical groups or organs examined. Ten (62.5%) out of 16 IIF and OM negative animals were positive for PCR in at least one organ. Forty-eight positive PCR amplicons were further submitted to RFLP for Leishmania identification. All dogs were infected with L. (L.) chagasi except one, infected with L. (V.) braziliensis. PCR was more efficient than IIF and OM to diagnose canine visceral Leishmaniasis (CVL), regardless of the organ examined and the clinical form present. The use of PCR together with serology helps determining the extension of sub clinical infection in CVL endemic areas and provides a better estimate of the number of dogs to be targeted for control measures. In conclusion, our data reinforce the need for a specific diagnosis of canine infection in areas where diverse Leishmania species are sympatric and demonstrate that PCR–RFLP can be used to identify Leishmania species in dog tissue imprint stained slides.  相似文献   

通过混合样品DNA测序方法寻找黑素皮质素受体l(MC1R)基因的突变位点,采用Alu1-RFLP对突变位点在4种羽色(栗羽、黄羽、白羽、黑羽)鹌鹑群体中的基因分布进行了研究;利用qRT-PCR技术测定了MC1R基因在12日龄时4种羽色鹌鹑胚胎皮肤组织中的表达情况。结果表明,在鹌鹑MC1R基因上发现1个T/C突变位点,该位点没有导致编码蛋白氨基酸序列改变,A1u1-RFLP分析发现,该突变位点的不同基因型在4种羽色鹌鹑群体间的分布有显著差异(P〈0.05)。4种羽色鹌鹑皮肤组织中MC1R基因的表达量存在明显差异,栗羽鹌鹑皮肤组织中该基因的表达量明显高于黑羽鹌鹑皮肤中的表达量(栗羽〉黄羽〉白羽〉黑羽)。本试验没有发现导致日本鹌鹑黑羽突变的Glu92Lys突变位点,表明朝鲜鹌鹑的黑羽突变与报道的日本鹌鹑黑羽突变的机制不同,朝鲜鹌鹑的黑羽可能与其他基因的突变有关。  相似文献   

Skin carriage and quantification of Malassezia yeasts were evaluated in 180 healthy dogs (group 1) and 117 dogs with clinical signs (pruritus, erythema, lichenification/seborrhoea, excoriations and alopecia) that could be related to Malassezia dermatitis (group 2) in Brazil. The lesions in the group 2 dogs were evaluated using CADESI‐03 scores. Samples were collected from five different anatomical areas. Direct examination was performed using the tape strip technique, and results were expressed as the mean number of yeasts per ×1000 microscopic field per dog. For mycological culture, a single piece of sterilized carpet was applied to the same areas sampled for cytology, and transferred onto Dixon’s modified medium. Yeast populations were expressed as mean colony forming units (CFU)/plate. Malassezia isolates were characterized by polymerase chain reaction–restriction endonuclease analysis of the large subunit (LSU) of ribosomal RNA gene. The probability of culturing Malassezia from dogs with skin lesions was significantly higher (P < 0.001) than from healthy dogs. There was a linear trend between CADESI‐03 score and mean CFU/plate. Group 2 dogs with positive cultures had higher CADESI‐03 scores than those with negative cultures (P < 0.05). Almost all isolates were identified as Malassezia pachydermatis. Only one isolate (group 2) was identified as Malassezia furfur. These data suggest that dogs with skin disorders harbouring Malassezia yeasts in quantities higher than 120 mean CFU/plate should be considered as having Malassezia dermatitis. The presence of Malassezia appears to exacerbate clinical lesions in dogs.  相似文献   

To characterize canine coronavirus (CCoV) circulating in diarrheic puppies in Brazil, 250 fecal samples collected between 2006 and 2012 were tested. By using RT-PCR to partially amplify the M gene, CCoV RNA was detected in 30 samples. Sequence analysis of the M protein grouped eight strains with CCoV-I and another 19 with CCoV-II prototypes. To genotype/subtype the CCoV strains and assess the occurrence of single or multiple CCoV infections, RT-PCR of the S gene was performed, and 25/30 CCoV-positive strains amplified with one or two primer pairs. For 17/25 samples, single infections were detected as follows: six CCoV-I, nine CCoV-IIa and two CCoV-IIb. Eight samples were positive for more than one genotype/subtype as follows: seven CCoV-I/IIa and one CCoV-I/IIb. Sequence analysis revealed that the CCoV-I and IIa strains shared high genetic similarity to each other and to the prototypes. The Brazilian strains of CCoV-IIb displayed an aminoacid insertion that was also described in CCoV-IIb-UCD-1 and TGEV strains. Among the 25 CCoV-positive puppies, five had a fatal outcome, all but one of which were cases of mixed infection. The current study is the first reported molecular characterization of CCoV-I, IIa and IIb strains in Brazil.  相似文献   

This study determined the frequency of occurrence and the mean number of 'flame follicles' per skin section and assessed their diagnostic significance in cutaneous biopsies of Shar-pei dogs. The number of 'flame follicles' per section was recorded in skin sections from 42 Shar-pei dogs, of which 40 had non-neoplastic skin disease and non-atrophic dermatoses and 2 had healthy skin. Forty-two skin sections from dogs of different breeds served as control specimens, 28 of which were examples of non-neoplastic and non-atrophic dermatoses and 14 were from dogs with healthy skin. Differences among groups were analysed by means of the unpaired Student's t-test. It was concluded that 'flame follicles' were more frequent and found in significantly higher numbers in the Shar-pei group when compared with the control group suggesting that 'flame follicles' in skin sections from Shar-pei dogs do not have the same diagnostic significance as in other breeds.  相似文献   

采用3种限制性内切核酸酶对杜洛克、内江猪和荣昌猪共153头的钙蛋白酶抑制蛋白(CAST)基因进行PCR-RFLP分析。结果表明:HinfI、MspI和RsaI均检测到多态性,同时还发现一个杜洛克个体的HinfI-RFLP出现120bp和80bp突变片段。χ2检验表明:HinfI、MspI和RsaI酶切产生基因已经达到Hardy-WeLnberg平衡状态(p<0.05);数量上三个品种的优势基因型ABCCEE、AACCEE、AACCFF,在99﹪程度上分别与相应的品种有关。  相似文献   

From May 2007 to March 2008, blood samples were collected from 92 healthy dogs living in 21 households (17 farms in rural area, and 4 homes in urban area) in 6 counties of the State of Espírito Santo, southeastern Brazil. In addition, ticks were collected from these dogs. A mean of 4.4 ± 3.0 dogs (range: 1–12) were sampled per household; 78 and 14 dogs were from rural and urban areas, respectively. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) designed to amplify fragments of the 18S rDNA gene of Babesia spp or Hepatozoon spp revealed amplicons of the expected size in 20 (21.7%) dogs for Babesia, and 54 (58.7%) dogs for Hepatozoon. All Babesia-positive dogs were also Hepatozoon-positive. Among the 21 households, 15 (71.4%) from 3 counties had at least one PCR-positive dog, including 13 farms (rural area) and 2 homes (urban area). A total of 40 PCR products from the Hepatozoon-PCR, and 19 products from the Babesia-PCR were submitted to DNA sequencing. All generated sequences from Hepatozoon-PCR were identical to each other, and to corresponding 18S rDNA sequences of H. canis in GenBank. Surprisingly, all generated sequences from the Babesia PCR were also identical to corresponding 18S rDNA sequences of H. canis in GenBank. Dogs from 10 rural and 2 urban households were found infested by Rhipicephalus sanguineus ticks. Immature of Amblyomma cajennense ticks were found in dogs from only 4 rural households (also infested by R. sanguineus). All but one household with R. sanguineus-infested dogs had at least one Hepatozoon-infected dog. Statistical analysis showed that the presence of ticks (i.e. R. sanguineus) infesting dogs in the households was significantly (P < 0.05) associated with at least one PCR-positive dog. There was no significant association (P > 0.05) between PCR-positive dogs and urban or rural households. Canine hepatozoonosis caused by H. canis is a high frequent infection in Espírito Santo, Brazil, where it is possibly vectored by R. sanguineus. Since all infected dogs were found apparently healthy, the pathogenicity of H. canis for dogs in Espírito Santo is yet to be elucidated.  相似文献   

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