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Fluorescein-labeled dextran and sodium fluorescein perfused in the posterior chamber of the normal dog eye egressed through the trabecular meshwork and intrascleral plexus, as well as posteriorly through the ciliary body into the suprachoroidal space and the sclera. Intraocular pressures of 20, 25, 30, and 60 mm of Hg did not produce detectable changes in the fluorescein-labeled dextran movement. Topical 1% atropine and 10% phenylephrine did not affect posterior passage of sodium fluorescein; 2% pilocarpine impeded posterior passage, causing an accumulation of sodium fluorescein and associated fluorescence in the anterior ciliary body.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to assess the feasibility and reproducibility of color Doppler imaging (CDI) of the vasculature of the normal canine orbit and eye. Eight normal Beagles were evaluated by Doppler imaging. The goals of the study were to determine the location, spectral waveform morphology, specific blood velocity parameters, and reproducibility for the ophthalmic and orbital vessels most frequently identified in the normal dog. Vessels identified a majority of the time (> 50%) included: external ophthalmic artery, dorsal external ophthalmic vein, ventral external ophthalmic vein, internal ophthalmic artery, anterior ciliary artery and vein, short and long posterior ciliary arteries, primary retinal arteries, and vortex veins. Other vessels imaged less frequently included: external ethmoidal artery (50%), and primary retinal veins (25%). For each blood vessel the time averaged velocity, peak systolic velocity, minimum diastolic velocity, pulsatility index, and resistive index were determined. The ophthalmic and orbital vessels have unique spectral waveforms and velocities which serve as a basis for identification. Reproducibility of the most commonly imaged vessels of the canine eye and orbit with Doppler imaging was high (< 10% variation). Doppler imaging has the potential for determining noninvasively and consecutively the blood velocity parameters found in orbital and ocular diseases, including orbital inflammations and neoplasms; intraocular inflammations and neoplasms; vascular diseases including systemic vascular disease (hypertension), vasculopathies, and anemia; the glaucomas; and documentable follow-up after medical and/or surgical treatment of these diseases.  相似文献   

We investigated retrospectively the morphologic aspects of blood cysts of the atrioventricular valve in eight Beagle dogs and clarified the morphogenesis of the lesions. Study of serial sections revealed that the cysts communicate with the blood vessels; however, they showed no connection with the valve surface. Immunohistochemically, the thin endothelium of the lesions showed positive staining for factor VIII-related antigen. Histologic studies of a variety of sizes of blood cysts revealed four basic stages of blood cyst formation: 1) initially, the involved blood vessel undergoes only a slight enlargement that is not grossly detectable; 2) next, the vessel becomes moderately or markedly dilated and contains a large number of erythrocytes. The changes of this stage are macroscopically detectable; and 3) then, blood flow is arrested partly in the cystic lesion, followed by degeneration and necrosis of the cyst. At this third stage, fibrous tissue or dense collagenous connective tissue is usually seen surrounding the cyst; 4) and finally, metaplastic bone is formed within the lesion. Colloidal carbon infusion into the valves of normal canine hearts revealed the presence of an extensive, dense arrangement of blood vessels in the septal leaflet of the tricuspid valve, which usually is the recognized site to develop blood cysts.  相似文献   

Milrinone, a therapeutic agent for acute congestive heart failure, has both inotropic and vasodilatory effects, but investigations of these effects of milrinone were almost all conducted under normoxia, and few reports have investigated how milrinone affects the hemodynamics and redistribution of regional blood flow under severe hypoxia. By using colored microspheres, we investigated how milrinone affects hemodynamics and the redistribution of regional blood flow under severe hypoxia. Twelve healthy mongrel dogs were divided into 2 groups. The milrinone group was infused with milrinone cumulatively at 25, 75 and 250 microg/kg for 5 min each. The intact group was infused with saline instead of milrinone. We measured the hemodynamics and cerebrum, cerebellum and kidney blood flow in both groups. Both groups were inspired with 10% oxygen. Milrinone induced significant decrease in mean pulmonary artery and pulmonary vascular resistance, compared with the intact group. In both groups slight decreases in mean arterial pressure, systemic vascular resistance and double-product were seen. In regional blood flow, milrinone-induced increases in blood flow were seen in the cerebrum, cerebellum, and especially in the kidneys. Milrinone's vasodilatory effects were sufficient even under hypoxia. And milrinone increased regional blood flow slightly in the cerebrum and cerebellum, and significantly in the kidneys. These results suggested that milrinone protects against hypoxia-induced organ damage especially in the kidneys. In addition, milrinone is very potent in improving severe congested hemodynamics which complicates hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction.  相似文献   

The effect of dobutamine on cardiac function of dogs was investigated. Sixteen dogs were submitted to cardiopulmonary bypass. The aorta of each dog was cross-clamped for 1 hour; attempt was not made to perfuse the heart. After 1 hour, 8 of the 16 dogs were randomly selected and treated with dobutamine (5 mug/kg/min). The other 8 dogs were designated the control group and were given placebo. Postperfusion failure and death were used as end point criteria. Dogs given dobutamine responded remarkably well, with significantly decreased postperfusion low output syndrome. Evidence of cardiac function 5 minutes after the removal of the bypass was the criterion used to determine survival of the surgical cross-clamp procedure; however, this did not necessarily indicate survival of the dog. Of the 8 dogs given dobutamine, 6 (75%) survived the surgical cross-clamp, whereas of the 8 dogs not given dobutamine, 3 (37.5%) survived the surgical procedure. Seemingly, the effect of dobutamine is not mainly chronotropic, but is rather a direct aid to myocardial strength.  相似文献   

Thirty-two cases of senile cardiac amyloidosis from a routine necropsy material of 594 dogs were studied. The age of the affected dogs ranged from 10 to 16 years. Amyloid was observed in the intramural arteries and arterioles, predominantly in the ventricular myocardium. The vessels were often obturated with amyloid, and myocardial necroses and fibroses were common consequences of the vascular lesions. In three cases amyloid deposits were also observed in the main subepicardial coronary arteries. In contrast to man, only slight interstitial amyloid degeneration was found in four of the dogs observed. Amyloid in the mitral valves, tricuspid valves and aortic cusps was observed in six, two and three cases respectively. It was concluded that the distribution of senile cardiac amyloidosis in the heart of the dog differs considerably from that in man.  相似文献   

The motor conduction velocity of the ulnar nerve of 19 mature dogs anesthetized with pentobarbital was electromyographically determined before and at tissue temperature decrements of 2 degrees (C) during cooling of the forelimb. Precooling (37 C) conduction velocity was 56 +/- 7.6 m/second (mean +/- standard deviation). At a tissue temperature of 20 C, conduction velocity was reduced to 31 +/- 6.3 m/second. Regression analysis indicated that conduction velocity decreased linearly by 1.7 m/second for each degree of decrease in tissue temperature between 37 and 20 C.  相似文献   

Evaluation of motor nerve conduction velocity in the dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) is frequently used for treatment of patients with severe hypoxemia due to life-threatening respiratory failure. Due to this hypoxemia, the myocardium of these patients is insufficiently provided with oxygen, and consequently their cardiac function commonly deteriorates. But veno-arterial (V-A) ECMO provides oxygenated blood to the coronary arteries from ECMO circuit insufficiently. To increase the coronary blood flow distributed from ECMO, we placed the arterial cannula 1 cm above the aortic valve and evaluated the regional blood from the proximal arterial cannula in comparison with the distal cannula. Eight neonatal dogs weighting 1.8-2.5 kg were supported by V-A ECMO. The regional blood flow from the arterial cannula was measured by injection of colored microspheres into ECMO circuit. The site of the arterial cannula was changed under fluoroscopy. The bypass flow was maintained at either 50 or 100 ml/min/kg. We found that the coronary blood flow distributed from the proximal arterial cannula was significantly higher than that from the distal cannula. The proximal arterial cannula appears necessary to provide sufficient oxygenated blood to the coronary circulation during V-A ECMO. Therefore, it is expected that the increased cardiac function may improved, and that the survival rate of the patients with retarded cardiac function due to severe hypoxemia may increase by proximal placement of the arterial cannula during V-A ECMO.  相似文献   

Studies were undertaken to determine maximal urine osmolality and urine specific gravity following water deprivation for 20 dogs with normal renal function. In addition, the reliability of body weight, skin pliability, total plasma protein concentration, and packed cell volume as indices of negative water balance was assessed. Following water deprivation for periods sufficient to induce dehydration, the mean maximal urine osmolality was 2,289 mOsm/kg. The corresponding mean maximal urine specific gravity was 1.062 and ranged from 1.050 to 1.076. The ratio of mean maximal urine osmolality to mean serum osmolality at the time of peak urine concentration was 7.3. There was no detectable difference in urine concentration indices between males and females. Changes in skin pliability and packed cell volume proved unreliable as estimates of dehydration. Weight loss and increases in total plasma protein concentration proved to be more consistent indicators of hydration status. Abnormal increases in serum urea nitrogen and serum creatinine concentrations occurred rarely, even though some dogs had water withheld for periods of up to 96 hours.  相似文献   

Gastric distention-volvulus (GDV; at 50 mm of Hg gastric inflation pressure) was experimentally induced in 8 dogs anesthetized using pentobarbital. Hemodynamic indices including heart rate, mean arterial pressure, cardiac output, and coronary blood flow (4 dogs) were measured during a 20-minute period of GDV and for 10 minutes after decompression. Arterial and coronary venous oxygen tensions were also measured for calculation of myocardial oxygen extraction (7 dogs) and myocardial oxygen consumption (4 dogs). Dogs were monitored for 72 hours postoperatively for the occurrence of arrhythmias, then were euthanatized for gross and histologic examination of the heart. Experimental GDV resulted in significant (P less than 0.05) decreases in cardiac output (89%), mean arterial pressure (45%), and coronary blood flow (50%) compared with control values. Myocardial oxygen extraction increased (30%) and overall myocardial oxygen consumption decreased (50%), compared with control values. Evidence of subendocardial necrosis was seen in 6 dogs, 4 of which had developed ventricular arrhythmias 8 to 24 hours postoperatively.  相似文献   

Abnormal intrarenal flow In a seven-year old female Tibetan terrier with Addison's disease was demonstrated by duplex Doppler examination. Abnormal flow may reflect renal vasoconstriction due to increased activity of the renin-anglotensln system. Although not pathognomonic, an Increased resistive Index (< 0 - 70) In an otherwise ultrasonographically normal kidney can be due to Addison's disease and the technique may prove valuable as a quick non-Invasive tool In the management of this disease.  相似文献   

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