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黄刺玫(Rosa xanthina Lindl.)是北方广大地区的优良绿化树种之一。其种子的繁殖关键在于种子处理,种子不经处理,播种后发芽不整齐,给后期田间工作带来不便。本试验采用浓硫酸处理黄刺玫种子,获得了催芽处理时间短、种子发芽率高、幼苗出土快、苗木质量好、单位面积产量高、成本低等优点,为黄刺玫种子育苗提供了新的途径。  相似文献   

采用3种不同的方法对杜松种子进行催芽处理实验,结果表明:相比于混砂催芽方法和温、冷水交替浸种催芽法,采用热水浸种、变温催芽方法处理的种子,播种后出苗时间短,苗齐,其1年生幼苗高生长、地径以及壮苗数量都较高。在育苗上,热水浸种、变温催芽方法要好于其它两种方法。  相似文献   

杜松种子萌发及育苗技术的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  

杜松种子采收后处于生理休眠状态,催芽试验表明,以昼夜变温(昼20~25℃,夜5~8℃)处理完成胚的形态成熟和生理后熟的催芽方法为最好;留苗密度以150株/m~2为宜;播种量一般为15~16.5g/m~2。杜松育苗采取覆地膜加小拱棚的双膜覆盖,可比常规育苗提前20~25天出圃,既可避免晚霜危害,又延长了苗木生长期。  相似文献   

杜松是北方干旱半干旱地区城市园林绿化中重要的造型观赏树种之一,也是黄土高原地区水土保持林的优选树种之一。笔者在介绍杜松形态和生物学特性的基础上,从种子采收、种子处理、育苗地选择、播种、幼苗管理、移植管理和抚育管理等方面介绍了杜松种子育苗技术,可为该树种的繁育和推广应用提供技术参考。  相似文献   

桃、李、杏、梅等都属核果类果树 ,果实种仁外面包有一层很厚的硬壳 ,播种后影响种子的吸水发芽。为促进种子发芽 ,多采用前一年冬季将种果核进行混沙贮藏处理的方法。对层积处理后仍未萌发的种子 ,可用冷水浸种和赤霉素处理的方法快速催芽 ,效果良好 ,播后出苗率达 85 %。1、冷水浸种。利用流水 (如河水、渠水 )浸种 3~ 5天 ,或在容器中浸种 3~ 5天 ,每天换水。浸种后 ,每天在背向向阳处曝晒 2~ 3小时 ,然后堆起来 ,加覆盖物保温、保湿 ,如此反复数次 ,直至种子萌发为止。2、赤雾素处理。对层积后仍未萌动的种子 ,选取没有病虫害的 ,将…  相似文献   

对银荆种子催芽,进行了沸水浸种、浓硫酸浸种、砂搓种皮等9种处理方法试验。结果表明:用凉水浸种发芽率极低,9%;沸水浸种15秒钟发芽率最高,达88.5%;但当沸水浸种时间延长到5分钟时,发芽率又降到59%。  相似文献   

厚荚相思种子催芽试验总结   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍一种有利提高厚荚相思苗木质量最有效的种子催芽方法,解决了厚荚相思播种育苗时因种子表面的蜡质层而致种子发芽先后参差不齐的问题,在生产中具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

欧洲栓皮栎种子催芽试验   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
欧洲栓皮栎 (Quercus rariabilis Bl.)是一种重要的软木工业原料。 6 0年代从苏联引种我省 ,由于疏于管理 ,目前 ,全省仅存 10 0株 ,濒于绝迹。为了拯救优良物种 ,加大欧洲栓皮栎种质资源收集 ,加速物种繁殖。实生繁殖时 ,为了确定合理的播种量以及改进种子贮藏方法 ,对种子进行不同药剂催芽处理 ,测定发芽率 ,平均发芽速 ,根的生长量 ,比较不同药剂对种子发芽的影响效果。表 2 种子发芽率表 (% )处理 4/ 1 2 1 3/ 1 2 2 2 / 1 2 31 / 1 2 9/ 1 1 8/ 1 (日 /月 )A12 46 381 82 86 932 6 70 80 8488902 96 5 80 8486 88A241 76 85 90 92 9…  相似文献   

北五味子种子催芽的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北五味子种子为深休眠型,并易丧失发芽能力。经实验证明:其休眠的主要原因是胚未分化完全,形态发育不成熟,需经一定生态因子作用,促其分化、生长才能葫发。并通过不同处理方法的对比,筛选出低温、控湿的催芽方法出苗最高。其低温天数不得少于60天。此外试验表明,适宜的贮藏条件可保存发芽能力。  相似文献   

用浓硫酸和热水处理铁刀木种子,结果表明,浓硫酸浸种6 min种子萌发效果最好,种子吸水膨胀率、发芽率和发芽势分别为99.8%9、0.0%和66.3%,比对照分别提高96、23和34个百分点;发芽指数为22.5,比对照提高1 530.4%;种子萌发天数、平均发芽速度分别为4天、1.41天,比对照降低92.3%9、3.4%。浓硫酸浸种10 min次之,热水处理种子效果不理想。  相似文献   

High performance liquid chromatography and combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry were used to identify indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and indole-3-ethanol as endogenous constituents of germinating Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) seeds. Indole-3-methanol was tentatively identified by multiple ion monitoring. The free IAA content of the seeds rose from about 20 ng g(-1) to about 60 ng g(-1) (dry weight) during the first five days of germination and thereafter declined to around 20 ng g(-1). Indole-3-acetic acid released by alkaline hydrolysis, which was initially present at about 110 ng g(-1), decreased to 5-10 ng g(-1) during the first week of germination. The IAA content of seed lots differing in germination behavior was investigated. The findings are discussed in relation to the metabolism of IAA in conifer seeds.  相似文献   

The influence of light quality on germination of unstratified birch seeds (Betula papyrifera) was investigated in a greenhouse study. Different light regimes were created with five plastic filters of different colour in combination with basic illumination. The filters were adjusted to equal levels of photosynthetically active radiation. The difference in light quality in terms of R : Fr ratio (red : far‐red light ratio) varied from 0.23 to 1.03. Germination was recorded 7, 10, 14, 21, 25, 31 and 36 days after sowing. Response to light quality was significant from 25 days after sowing (p < 0.043), and it was found that differences increased with time. Filters producing light regimes with low R : Fr ratios were found to reduce and delay germination of birch seeds. Germination after 36 days varied from 55% for the control treatment to 11% for the lowest R : Fr ratio. The relationship between seed germination percentage and R : FR ratio was found to be significant (p < 0.017) with an R‐sq value of 88.6%.  相似文献   

We analyzed the germination traits (germination rate, germination potential, and germination index) of seeds from 23 half-sib families of birch (Betula platyphylla). The germination rates of the 23 families ranged from 38.57 to 76.50%. Seeds from the eight families germinating at the highest rates were then used for germination experiments under salt stress. Germination rate, germination potential, and germination index of these eight half-sib families decreased with increasing salt concentrations. The effects of four different hormones (6-benzylaminopurine, 6BA;gibberellin, GA3;naphthalene acetic acid, NAA;and melatonin) at various concentrations on the germination of seeds from the eight half-sib birch families under salt stress were investigated. Treatments with 6BA and GA3 alleviated the effects of salt stress on seed germination, whereas treatments with NAA and melatonin aggravated the effects of salt stress. The most effective treatments for alleviating the effects of salt stress on birch seed germination were 10 mg/L 6BA and 300 mg/L GA3. This study provides practical information for screening birch families for salt tolerance at the seed germination stage, and for cultivation of birch in saline environments.  相似文献   

为明确鼠尾草种子在逆境条件下的萌发特性,通过试验模拟研究不同浓度的氯化钠(NaCl)和聚乙二醇(PEG6000)溶液对鼠尾草种子萌发的影响,结果表明:NaCl和PEG6000对鼠尾草种子萌发有不同程度的抑制作用,发芽率、发芽势和发芽指数均有所下降;在0.10mol/L NaCl溶液胁迫中,发芽率、发芽势最高,分别为88.33%和66.67%,0.40mol/L时种子不能萌发;在4%PEG6000溶液胁迫中,发芽率、发芽势最高,分别为81.67%、66.89%。由此可知,鼠尾草种子在中轻度盐土壤中能较正常萌发,在重度盐土壤中则丧失萌发能力。  相似文献   

Chen SY  Kuo SR  Chien CT 《Tree physiology》2008,28(9):1431-1439
Intact seeds from freshly harvested fruits of Myrica rubra (Sieb et Zucc.) were dormant and required 8 weeks of warm stratification followed by 12 weeks of cold stratification for germination. Exogenous application of gibberellic acid (GA(3)) to intact fresh seeds was effective in breaking dormancy, with > 70% of seeds germinating when treated with 5.2 mM GA(3) and incubated at a day/night temperature of 30/20 degrees C for 20 weeks. Removing the hard endocarp or endocarp plus seed coat of fresh seeds promoted germination, and addition of GA(3) to the embryo accelerated germination. The gibberellins GA(1) and GA(4) were more effective than GA(3) in promoting germination of seeds with the endocarp removed. Endogenous contents of GA(1), GA(3), GA(4), GA(7) and GA(20) were quantified by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-selected ion monitoring in the endocarps, seed coats and embryos of fresh seeds treated with 5.2 mM GA(3). The content of GA(3) decreased in the endocarp during incubation, whereas GA(1) contents increased in the endocarp and seed coat. A high GA(1) content was detected in the endocarps and embryos of newly germinated seeds. We speculate that GA(3) was converted to GA(1) during incubation and that GA(1) is involved in seed germination. Endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) contents were measured in fresh seeds and in warm and cold stratified seeds. The ABA content in fresh seeds was distributed in the order endocarp > seed coat > embryo, with the content in the endocarp being about 132-fold higher than in the seed coat and embryo. Total ABA content of seeds subjected to warm or cold stratification, or both, was 8.7- to 14.0-fold lower than that of fresh seeds. Low contents of endogenous GA(1), GA(3), GA(7) and GA(20), but elevated contents of GA(4), were found in the seed coats and endocarps of warm plus cold stratified seeds and in the seed coats and embryos of newly germinated seeds. These observations, coupled with the finding that GA stimulated germination of dormant Myrica seeds, provide evidence that endogenous ABA inhibited release of dormancy and that endogenous gibberellins, especially GA(4) or GA(1), or both, are involved in germination.  相似文献   

实验所用巴西盾柱木种子由圣保罗州Anhembi公司提供,种子经由98%的浓硫酸预处理15 min, 以打破物理休眠。分别在0.2%克菌丹溶液10 oC和27 oC下,-1.0 MPa聚乙二醇6000 10 oC和27 oC下,以及, 0.5 mol,0.75 mol,1.0 mol 硝酸钾溶液进行引物处理. 包括对照组种子,共8个实验处理,每一个处理5个重复,每一个处理实验用100粒种子,置于滤纸浸透引物聚乙二醇6000溶液的15厘米培养皿中,置于冰箱保持27oC恒温。实验引物渗透势为0.0, -0.2, -0.4, -0.6, -0.8, -1.0-MPa, -1.4 MPa. 实验同时将种子置于浸有引物聚乙二醇的卷纸中,观察水胁迫下的萌发情况。实验结果证明,随着聚乙二醇6000浓度的升高,巴西盾柱木种子萌发率降低,对照组萌发率比实验引物处理组高。聚乙二醇达到PEG -1.4 MPa,种子不能萌发。图2表3参10。  相似文献   

Understanding the germination traits of plants is important not only for understanding natural regeneration processes but also for developing seedling production techniques for planting. Sabina vulgaris Ant. is a common species used for reforestation in semi-arid areas of the Mu-Us Desert, in Inner Mongolia, China, but its extremely low germination rate, both in situ and in vivo, is a bottleneck for seedling production. Sulfuric acid pretreatment was applied to improve germination, and the germination rate was compared for different soaking time (10, 30, 60, 90, and 120 min), different temperatures (10, 15, 20, 30, and 35°C) and under different lighting conditions (dark and light). Sulfuric acid treatment gave a high germination rate, reaching 60% at 30 days after sowing. However, the non-treated seeds produced no germination. The optimal treatment time in sulfuric acid was 120 min. Germination after sulfuric acid treatment increased at incubation temperatures from 10 to 30°C, but decreased at 35°C. Incubation at 25–30°C gave maximum germination of more than 50%. Light treatment had little effect on germination. Pretreatment with sulfuric acid improved water absorption by the embryo by creating cracks and cavities in the seed coat tissue. These results indicated that S. vulgaris seeds have physical dormancy caused by their hard seed coats, which prevents absorption of water into the embryo. A combination of pretreatment with sulfuric acid and incubation at 25–30°C was most effective in improving the germination of S. vulgaris seeds.  相似文献   

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