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为构建牛瑟氏泰勒虫双拷贝p23表面蛋白基因真核表达质粒,根据GenBank牛瑟氏泰勒虫p23表面蛋白基因序列(D84447),分别设计2对特异性引物,利用全血基因组DNA提取试剂盒提取牛瑟氏泰勒虫基因组DNA,采用SOE—PCR技术构建双拷贝p23基因,克隆到pMD-18-T载体上,经过PCR、酶切鉴定及测序后,亚克隆到pVAX-Ⅰ真核表达载体上,经过鉴定后采用脂质体法将重组质粒pVAXI-2p23转染到BHK-21细胞,用IFA和RT—PCR来鉴定目的基因的表达情况.结果表明,成功构建了牛瑟氏泰勒虫双拷贝p23表面蛋白基因真核表达质粒,并在BHK-21细胞中获得表达.  相似文献   

为了提高甘露聚糖酶Man23的表达量,降低它的体外降解程度,将其基因连接到质粒pHY-p43上,由强启动子p43启动基因man23的表达.将构建的重组质粒pHY-p43-man23转化至短短芽孢杆菌(Brevibacillus brevis)中,经转化的B,brevis发酵后的上清液中酶活高达22480 U.mL-1,较出发菌株Bacillus subtilis B23所产生的甘露聚糖酶活力提高了26.7%.B.brevis体系的表达产物经SDS-PAGE检测,其图谱比出发菌株表达产物的更为明晰,目的蛋白带更宽,带色更深,说明目的酶的产量得到了大幅提高,表达产物得到了明显纯化.试验表明以p43为启动子,B.brevis为表达质粒的宿主菌,不仅保证了基因产物的分泌和正确折叠,而且实现了基因的高表达和产物的高活力.  相似文献   

Primordial ovarian follicles in mice form when somatic cells surround individual oocytes. We show that lack of Nobox, an oocyte-specific homeobox gene, accelerates postnatal oocyte loss and abolishes the transition from primordial to growing follicles in mice. Follicles are replaced by fibrous tissue in female mice lacking Nobox in a manner similar to nonsyndromic ovarian failure in women. Genes preferentially expressed in oocytes, including Oct4 and Gdf9, are down-regulated in Nobox-/- mice, whereas ubiquitous genes such as Bmp4, Kit, and Bax remain unaffected. Therefore, Nobox is critical for specifying an oocyte-restricted gene expression pattern essential for postnatal follicle development.  相似文献   

牛瑟氏泰勒虫P23表面蛋白基因表达条件的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将已构建并测序正确的含有牛瑟氏泰勒虫P23表面蛋白基因的pGEX-4T—P23转化菌用IPTG进行诱导表达,经SDS—PAGE电泳可检测到相对分子量为46.0ku的融合蛋白.根据SDS—PAGE确定融合蛋白的最佳表达条件,结果显示诱导时机和时间是影响表达的主要因素,诱导温度和IPTG浓度次之;确定最佳诱导时机为转接种后2.0h,最佳诱导温度34℃,最佳诱导时间6.0h,最适IPTG浓度0.08mmol/L.表达产物主要以包涵体存在,在优化条件下融合蛋白的表达量经Bandscan5.0软件分析约占菌体总蛋白的31.7%.  相似文献   

Phenotypic variation is ubiquitous in biology and is often traceable to underlying genetic and environmental variation. However, even genetically identical cells in identical environments display variable phenotypes. Stochastic gene expression, or gene expression "noise," has been suggested as a major source of this variability, and its physiological consequences have been topics of intense research for the last decade. Several recent studies have measured variability in protein and messenger RNA levels, and they have discovered strong connections between noise and gene regulation mechanisms. When integrated with discrete stochastic models, measurements of cell-to-cell variability provide a sensitive "fingerprint" with which to explore fundamental questions of gene regulation. In this review, we highlight several studies that used gene expression variability to develop a quantitative understanding of the mechanisms and dynamics of gene regulation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨nm23-H1基因表达与大肠癌转移的关系。方法:应用过氧化酶标记的链霉卵白素(SP)染色法对33例正常大肠粘膜、134例癌旁粘膜及193便大肠癌免疫组织化学染色,并对染色结果进行观察,结果:大肠粘膜与癌旁粘膜间nm23-H1表达阳性差异无显著性,但nm23-H1在良、恶性大肠癌组织中的表达阳性率碾 显著性。nm23-H1表达阳性率仅在正常、良性大肠组织与转移的大肠癌间差异有显著性,但与未  相似文献   

The observation that voltage-dependent K+ channels are required for activation of human T lymphocytes suggests that pathological conditions involving abnormal mitogen responses might be reflected in ion channel abnormalities. Gigaohm seal techniques were used to study T cells from MRL/MpJ-lpr/lpr mice; these mice develop generalized lymphoproliferation of functionally and phenotypically abnormal T cells and a disease resembling human systemic lupus erythematosus. The number and predominant type of K+ channels in T cells from these mice differ dramatically from those in T cells from control strains and a congenic strain lacking the lpr gene locus. Thus an abnormal pattern of ion channel expression has now been associated with a genetic defect in cells of the immune system.  相似文献   

谷胱甘肽转移酶GST基因在植物逆境响应中具有重要作用。核桃Juglans regia是重要的经济林木,其生长和产量受环境因子的影响。为探索核桃抗逆生理机制,筛选抗逆基因,以品种‘香玲’‘Xiangling’为试材,克隆获得核桃JrGSTU23基因,并进行生物信息学和基因表达分析,预测JrGSTU23的基本生物功能。结果显示:JrGSTU23基因的开放阅读框(ORF)为684 bp,编码多肽为25.89 kDa,包含氨基酸227,理论等电点为5.20。与碧桃Prunus persica,毛果杨Populus trichocarpa等同源蛋白进行多序列比对,发现均有GST-Tau保守结构域,且与香蕉Musa acuminata和毛果杨等的Tau家族GST蛋白具有较近的进化关系;其上游2 000 bp启动子中含有多种与逆境响应相关的顺式作用元件。实时荧光定量聚合酶链式反应(qRT-PCR)发现,JrGSTU23在植物激素脱落酸(ABA),茉莉酸(MeJA),水杨酸(SA)和非生物胁迫氯化钠,聚乙二醇(PEG 6000),6℃等胁迫下能不同程度地被诱导表达,且在根和叶中的表达趋势不同。表明JrGSTU23受不同植物激素和非生物胁迫诱导,且具有组织表达特异性,推测其在核桃逆境响应中起到一定作用。  相似文献   

Mildew resistance locus O(MLO) is a plant-specific gene family that plays an important role in the growth and development of plants and their interactions with the environment. However, the available information on this gene family in pear is limited. Here, 24 PbrMLO genes were identified and divided into five subfamilies(I, II, III, IV and V). Wholegenome duplication(WGD) and dispersed duplication contributed to the expansion of the PbrMLO family. In addition, gene expression analysis revealed that PbrMLO genes were distributed in various pear tissues, suggesting their diverse functions. We selected PbrMLO23 for further functional analysis. Expression profile analysis by qRT-PCR showed that PbrMLO23 was highly expressed in pollen. Subcellular localization analysis showed that PbrMLO23 was located on the plasma membrane. When the expression level of PbrMLO23 was knocked down by using antisense oligonucleotides, pollen tube lengths increased, indicating that PbrMLO23 plays a functional role in inhibiting pollen tube growth. In summary, these results provide evolutionary insight into PbrMLO and its functional characteristics and lay a foundation for further analysis of the functions of PbrMLO members in pear.  相似文献   

[目的]探析褐牙鲆仔鱼早期发育阶段促肾上腺皮质激素释放激素基因(CRH)的表达情况及受甲状腺激素的影响作用,为开展牙鲆的人工繁育提供科学依据.[方法]通过实时荧光定量PCR检测褐牙鲆早期发育阶段CRH基因表达量,以ELISA测定褐牙鲆仔鱼甲状腺激素(T3和T4)水平,并测定经外源T3浸泡处理后早期发育褐牙鲆仔鱼CRH基因表达量的变化情况,探究CRH和甲状腺激素在褐牙鲆早期发育阶段的影响及作用关系.[结果]1~8日龄褐牙鲆仔鱼CRH基因相对表达量呈先升高后降低的变化趋势,在5日龄达最高值,显著高于其他日龄的仔鱼(P<0.05,下同).10~42日龄褐牙鲆仔鱼CRH基因主要在其头部表达,尾部CRH基因的相对表达量随着生长发育的进程而逐渐增加.褐牙鲆仔鱼变态前期甲状腺激素T4含量逐渐增加,变态高峰期迅速升高,在变态后期呈下降趋势.较其他早期发育时期,甲状腺激素T3在褐牙鲆变态期维持高水平,但含量低于甲状腺激素T4.22日龄褐牙鲆仔鱼经50 nmol/L外源T3处理2 h后,其头部和尾部CRH基因的相对表达量显著升高;但以外源T3处理8 h后,无论是头部还是尾部,CRH基因的相对表达量均呈显著下降趋势.[结论]褐牙鲆早期变态发育需CRH基因高表达及甲状腺激素积累,二者对褐牙鲆早期变态发育阶段具有重要作用并呈互相代偿效应.  相似文献   

Cyantraniliprole is a novel anthranilic diamide insecticide with significant efficacy against Bemisia tabaci, an important pest insect worldwide. In this study, we conducted reversion and selection work and genetic analysis, and determined cross-resistance spectrum and synergism of cyantraniliprole resistance based on the reported population, SX population, of B. tabaci collected from Shanxi Province, China. Compared with a susceptible strain (MED-S), SX population, the field-evolved cyantraniliprole-resistant population exhibited 26.4-fold higher resistance to cyantraniliprole. In SX, a sharp decline of cyantraniliprole resistance was shown in the absence of selection. Another tested strain, SX-R, was established from SX population after successive selection with cyantraniliprole and recently developed 138.4-fold high resistance to cyantraniliprole. SX-R had no cross-resistance to abamectin, imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, sulfoxaflor, or bifenthrin. Genetic analysis illustrated that cyantraniliprole resistance in SX-R was autosomally inherited and incompletely dominant. Additionally, piperonyl butoxide (PBO) significantly inhibited cyantraniliprole resistance in the SX-R strain. In conclusion, the selection of SX with cyantraniliprole led to high resistance to cyantraniliprole which is incompletely dominant and no cross-resistance to several common types of insecticides. Enhanced oxidative metabolism is possibly involved in the resistance of SX-R, yet target-site resistance could not be excluded.  相似文献   

为了研究不对称PCR-SSCP在基因突变检测中的准确性,以鲁西黄牛和荷斯坦奶牛为研究对象,用不对称PCR-SSCP分析技术分析了牛SMAD4基因3′端非翻译区的碱基突变情况,比较了不对称PCR-SSCP和传统PCR-SSCP分析的优缺点。结果表明,鲁西黄牛和荷斯坦奶牛SMAD4基因3′端非翻译区有1个T碱基插入突变位点和1个G→A突变位点,其中G→A突变产生了1个HhaⅠ酶切位点;不对称PCR-SSCP和HhaⅠ酶切分析116头鲁西黄牛和75头荷斯坦奶牛群体G→A突变位点的频率完全一致,说明不对称PCR-SSCP不仅可以用于基因突变的检测,而且具有较高的准确性;不对称PCR-SSCP较传统PCR-SSCP的条带少且带型清晰、稳定性较高。以上结果表明,不对称PCR-SSCP可以用于基因突变的检测。  相似文献   

The models and simulation tools available to design functionally complex synthetic biological devices are very limited. We formulated a design-driven approach that used mechanistic modeling and kinetic RNA folding simulations to engineer RNA-regulated genetic devices that control gene expression. Ribozyme and metabolite-controlled, aptazyme-regulated expression devices with quantitatively predictable functions were assembled from components characterized in vitro, in vivo, and in silico. The models and design strategy were verified by constructing 28 Escherichia coli expression devices that gave excellent quantitative agreement between the predicted and measured gene expression levels (r = 0.94). These technologies were applied to engineer RNA-regulated controls in metabolic pathways. More broadly, we provide a framework for studying RNA functions and illustrate the potential for the use of biochemical and biophysical modeling to develop biological design methods.  相似文献   

为进一步探究草莓果实花色苷合成过程中各个酶的作用,明确草莓果实花色苷的代谢机制,以‘阿尔比’草莓(Fragaria×ananassa‘Albion’)为试材,利用RT-PCR从草莓果实中克隆到DFR、ANS和LAR基因的编码序列,对预测的氨基酸序列进行分析,结果表明:各基因与NCBI(美国国立生物技术信息中心)上已有的草莓品种‘Queen Elisa’及‘Korona’(Fragaria×ananassa)所对应基因的同源性高达99%~100%.半定量RT-PCR分析表明,DFR基因依次在幼果期、白熟期和红熟期出现了3个表达峰值,其中红熟期最大;ANS基因的表达量在白熟期后迅速增加,红熟期达最大值;LAR基因的最大表达量出现在幼果期,后呈降低趋势.草莓果实发育过程中,DFR基因在幼果期和红熟期的表达峰值分别与黄烷-3-醇类和花色苷的合成峰值相一致,ANS及LAR分别与花色苷和黄烷-3-醇类的合成密切相关.  相似文献   

以生长速度不同的花山麻鸡和清远麻鸡为试验素材,采用实时荧光定量PCR方法检测鸡9、12、16、21胚龄(E9 d、E12 d、E16 d、E21 d)和出雏后7日龄(7 d)时胸肌和腿肌中IGF1R mRNA表达变化情况,并与肌肉质量进行相关性研究。结果发现,21胚龄时,花山麻鸡和清远麻鸡胸肌质量都出现了显著降低,腿肌质量持续增长。花山麻鸡胸肌IGF1R mRNA表达呈前高后低趋势,9胚龄时表达量最高,之后显著降低并维持在较低的水平,出雏后7日龄时表达量再次下降;清远麻鸡在胸肌中的表达则呈“波浪形”,9胚龄和16胚龄表达量升高,其他日龄表达量显著降低。腿肌中,花山麻鸡IGF1R mRNA表达量在16胚龄之后显著降低;清远麻鸡腿肌IGF1R mRNA表达呈依次递减模式,各时间点之间差异显著(P<0.05)。品种间各个时间点胸肌和腿肌IGF1R mRNA表达量均呈显著差异(P<0.05)。两个品种骨骼肌IGF1R mRNA表达与胸肌、腿肌质量均呈极显著相关(P<0.01)。以上结果初步揭示了生长发育早期不同品种鸡胸肌和腿肌IGF1R基因表达发育变化趋势和品种差异,为深入研究IGF1R基因在鸡肌肉发育中的调控机理提供基础资料。  相似文献   

The advantages and disadvantages of asymmetric PCR-SSCP and the traditional PCR-SSCP were compared in this study. The mutations in 3′UTR of Smad4 gene of Luxi cattle and the Holstein cow were analyzed by asymmetric PCR-SSCP and one insert “T” mutation and one G/A mutation in this region were found. The G/A mutation created a HhaI restriction enzyme digestion position and the frequencies studied by asymmetric PCR-SSCP and HhaI-RFLP in 116 Luxi cattle and 75 Holstein cows were all the same. The asymmetric PCR-SSCP had fewer, clearer and more stabile bands than traditional PCR-SSCP. This indicates that the asymmetric PCR-SSCP is suited for mutation detection. __________ Translated from Journal of Northwest A & F University (Natural Science Edition), 2007, 35(6): 15–18, 23 [译自: 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)]  相似文献   

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