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Agricultural research increasingly is expected to provide precise, quantitative information with an explicit geographic coverage. Limited availability of daily meteorological records often constrains efforts to provide such information through use of simulation models, spatial analysis, and related decision support tools. The Prediction Of Worldwide Energy Resources (NASA/POWER) project at the NASA Langley Research Center provides daily data globally for maximum and minimum temperatures and other weather variables on a 1° latitude–longitude grid. The data are assembled from a range of products derived from satellite imagery, ground observations, windsondes, modeling and data assimilation. Daily temperature data from NASA/POWER for 1983 to 2004 for the continental US were compared with data of 855 individual ground stations from the National Weather Service Cooperative Observer Program (COOP). Additionally, a wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) simulation model was used to compare predicted time to anthesis using the two data sources. Comparisons of daily maximum temperatures (Tmax) gave an r2-value of 0.88 (P < 0.001) and root-mean-squared error (RMSE) of 4.1 °C. For minimum temperature (Tmin), the r2-value was 0.88 (P < 0.001) and RMSE, 3.7 °C. Mean values of Tmax, and Tmin from NASA/POWER were, respectively, 2.4 °C cooler and 1.1 °C warmer than the COOP data. Differences in temperature were least during summer months. When data were aggregated over periods of 8 days or more, the RMSE values declined to below 2.7 °C for Tmax and Tmin. Simulations of time to anthesis with the two data sources were also strongly correlated (r2 = 0.92, P < 0.001, RMSE = 14.5 d). Anthesis dates of winter wheat regions showed better agreement than southern, winter-grown spring wheat regions. The differences between the data sources were associated with differences in elevation, which in large part resulted from NASA/POWER data being based on mean elevations over a 1° grid cells vs. COOP data corresponding to the elevation of specific stations. Additional sources of variation might include proximity to coastlines and differences in observation time, although these factors were not quantified. Overall, if mountainous and coastal regions are excluded, the NASA/POWER data appeared promising as a source of continuous daily temperature data for the USA for research and management applications concerned with scales appropriate to the 1° coordinate grid. It further appeared that the POWER data could be improved by adjusting for elevation (lapse rate) effects, reducing seasonal bias, and refining estimation of actual maximum and minimum temperatures in diurnal cycles.  相似文献   

This paper presents an effective method for prioritizing areas within a country for acquisition of germplasm of a crop gene pool for ex situ conservation. The method was applied to the rare wild pepper species, Capsicum flexuosum Sendtn., in south-east Paraguay. A model to prioritize areas for collecting germplasm was constructed by combining (1) a prediction of the species' geographic distribution based on the climate at previous collection points, (2) the distribution of forest margins (the species' natural habitat) and (3) areas accessible by road. The model was then tested in the field by visiting 20 sites having both high and low predicted probability of occurrence of C. flexuosum. Six new populations were found, representing a significant improvement over two previous collecting missions for the species in the same region, undertaken without the use of GIS targeting. Using the most optimistic analysis of model performance, C. flexuosum was found at five out of seven points predicted to harbour the species and not found at four of five points predicted not to harbour the species. The model was then improved by the use of higher resolution climate surfaces. It is recommended that future explorers use more recent and higher resolution satellite images to locate suitable habitats. The method is replicable for different species in different geographic regions and is offered as a means of optimizing efficiency in financially constrained, national plant genetic resources programs.  相似文献   

Root colonization and mitigation of NaCl stress on wheat seedlings were studied by inoculating seeds with Azospirillum lipoferum JA4ngfp15 tagged with the green fluorescent protein gene (gfp). Colonization of wheat roots under 80 and 160 mM NaCl stress was similar to root colonization with this bacterial species under non-saline conditions, that is, single cells and small aggregates were mainly located in the root hair zone. These salt concentrations had significant inhibitory effects on development of seedlings, but not on growth in culture of gfp-A. lipoferum JA4ngfp15. Reduced plant growth (height and dry weight of leaves and roots) under continuous irrigation with 160 mM NaCl was ameliorated by bacterial inoculation with gfp-A. lipoferum JA4ngfp15. Inoculation of plants subjected to continuous irrigation with 80 mM NaCl or to a single application of either NaCl concentration (80 or 160 mM NaCl) did not mitigate salt stress. This study indicates that, under high NaCl concentration, inoculation with modified A. lipoferum reduced the deleterious effects of NaCl; colonization patterns on roots were unaffected and the genetic marker did not induce undesirable effects on the interaction between the bacterium and the plants.  相似文献   

The effect of soil fauna-mediated leaf litter (faecal pellets) versus mechanically fragmented (finely ground) leaf litter on biomass production of rice (Oryza sativa, var. Primavera) was assessed in pot tests. Rice seedlings were either grown in soil samples amended with faecal pellets of diplopods and isopods fed on leaf litter of a legume cover crop (Pueraria phaseoloides (Roxb.) Benth) and a peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) or in soil amended with finely ground leaf litter. The addition of faecal pellets caused a significant and dose-related increase in plant biomass compared to pure soil. Ground leaf litter induced a significantly smaller positive effect on plant biomass development with Pueraria litter > Bactris litter > mixed primary forest litter. In contrast, soil microbial biomass development during the 4 weeks plant test was higher in the soil amended with ground litter as compared to soil amended with feacal pellets. The results show a clear positive effect of the soil fauna on soil fertility and indicate differences in the availability of nutrients from the organic substrates to higher plants and soil microorganisms.  相似文献   

Local environmental conditions are a primary factor influencing chytridiomycosis, an emerging disease caused by the fungus Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd) that has affected over 200 amphibian species worldwide. In North America, seasonality and regional habitat differences predict considerable spatial and temporal disease variability, yet the sparse and opportunistic nature of most studies have provided insufficient data for understanding regional Bd epidemiology. We present a five-year field study that reveals spatial and temporal Bd dynamics across Lithobates yavapaiensis populations in Arizona, USA. Two populations showed no Bd infection or mortality, ten populations showed winter Bd infection, and five populations experienced winter mortality. Infection intensity decreased over winter sampling seasons, whereas mortality and infection prevalence did not change over time. Frogs dying from chytridiomycosis were significantly larger and had significantly higher infection intensities than survivors. We conclude that conserving L. yavapaiensis and other native amphibians requires protection and management of riparian ecosystems to promote populations large enough to survive winter cycles of chytridiomycosis.  相似文献   

果蔬气调包装内相对湿度的预测模型与试验验证   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
包装内相对湿度调节控制是保证果蔬产品气调保鲜包装质量的重要技术环节。该文较完整地考虑果蔬包装内外热量交换和气体质量传输,依据质量与能量守恒定律,建立包装内质量与能量平衡关系。在此基础上,导出气调包装内产品呼吸-蒸发模型,得到包装内相对湿度变化的预测模型。以香菇产品为研究对象,测定表征香菇呼吸速率,设计3种工况(不同质量、初始气体组分),对香菇气调包装内的湿度进行预测与验证测试。结果表明,理论预测与试验结果总体上吻合,在包装的初始阶段理论结果稍有偏高;初始气体组分对包装内相对湿度影响较大,低氧高二氧化碳组分显著降低了相对湿度上升的速率,同时延长了达到饱和状态的时间。  相似文献   

The difficulty and problems encountered in the study of cultivated plants, in general and sugarcane, in particular has been indicated. In order to understand these problems, a brief review on the taxonomy of Saccharum and closely related taxa, namely, Erianthus, Sclerostachya, Narenga and Miscanthus (generally known as ‘Saccharum complex’) has been given. A short account on the important morphological features that are specific to sugarcane has also been stated as classification is commonly based on such morphological characters. A note has been added on the chromosome number, origin, and distribution of the species of ‘Saccharum complex’ members. Taxonomic keys have been devised for identification of the genera of Saccharinae and for the species of Saccharum and Erianthus occurring in India. A new combination, Sclerostachya fallax (Balansa) Amalraj et Balasundaram, has also been proposed.  相似文献   

A reactive plume model that includes atmospheric chemical reactions of mercury was developed. The model simulates advective transport with the mean wind flow; horizontal and vertical turbulent diffusion; gas phase; aqueous-phase and particulate chemistry; cloud microphysics; wet deposition and dry deposition. The model was applied to the simulation of clear sky, non-precipitating cloud and precipitating cloud scenarios. No significant mercury chemistry occurs in the absence of droplets. In clouds, Hg(II) is reduced to Hg(0) with more reduction taking place in precipitating clouds than in non-precipitating clouds.  相似文献   

Tropical highlands of the world are densely populated and intensively cropped. Agricultural sustainability problems resulting from soil erosion and fertility decline have arisen all over this agro-ecological zone. Based on selected soil quality indicators, i.e. time-to-pond, aggregate distribution and stability (expressed as the mean weight diameter (MWD) for dry and wet sieving, respectively) and soil moisture, from a representative long-term sustainability trial initiated in 1991 in Central Mexico (2240 masl; 19.31°N, 98.50°W; Cumulic Phaeozem), some insights into the feasibility of conservation agriculture (CA) as part of a sustainable production system in the tropical highlands are given. Zero tillage plots with crop residue removal showed low aggregate distribution (average MWD = 1.34 mm) and stability (average MWD = 0.99 mm) resulting in top layer slaking, increased erosion and low time-to-pond values. Retaining the residue in the field with zero tillage avoided the above-mentioned negative evolution for both aggregate distribution as stability (average MWD = 2.77 and 1.51 mm, respectively) and even improved the physical conditions of the soil as compared to conventional practice. Throughout the growing season the lowest soil moisture content was found in zero tillage without residue (average over the entire growing season = 20.5% volumetric moisture content), the highest in zero tillage with residue retention (average = 29.7%) while conventional tillage had intermediate soil moisture values (average = 27.4%). Zero tillage without residue retention had most days of soil moisture values under permanent wilting point, while zero tillage with residue retention had the least. Taking into account these results, zero tillage with residue retention can clearly be a part of an integrated watershed management scheme towards sustainable agriculture in the tropical highlands. It is clear that to develop new management practices to improve water use, reduce erosion and enhance human labor/animal power focus must be on the use of conservation agriculture both for rainfed as well as irrigated production systems and be fine tuned for each system.  相似文献   

Altamurano is a linseed landrace of southern Italy. Its area of origin is characterised by typical Mediterranean climate. Traditionally, Altamurano is spring sown, and mainly used as a feed integrator for animals. This landrace was evaluated during 2 years within varietal (16 modern varieties) and sowing date (15 sowings, from October to April, with ‘Antares’ as a control) trials. Growth analysis was carried out on two sowings. Seed yield was slightly lower than modern varieties, with advantages in late sowings. Reproductive efficiency, mean seed weight, harvest index and oil percentage were often higher than in modern cultivars. Altamurano was also characterised by early flowering, low vegetative growth, long leaf area duration, high light use efficiency during early grain filling phase, and relatively long grain filling period. All these features are connected with its adaptation to spring sowings in Mediterranean areas, characterised by early spring drought. Despite the decrease of its cultivation area from about 400 to less than 100 ha in the last 10 years, Altamurano is still present in the more traditional farms of the area as a heritage of past growing systems and historical adaptation to the environment.  相似文献   

西瓜根际促生菌筛选及生物育苗基质研制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过从西瓜根际分离筛选具根际定殖能力的植物根际促生菌,将其保活添加至普通育苗基质研制生物育苗基质,以确保功能菌株能够在苗期定殖根际,进而在移栽后发挥促生功能。结果表明,分离获得一株同时具有产吲哚乙酸(IAA)和NH_3,且对尖孢镰刀菌和茄科劳尔氏菌均有拮抗作用的植物根际促生菌(PGPR)菌株N23;在三季育苗试验中,与普通基质处理(CK)相比,添加菌株N23的生物育苗基质所育种苗,在多项苗期生长指标上均表现出稳定的促生作用;盆栽试验表明,除叶绿素相对含量测量值(SPAD)外,生物基质所育西瓜种苗的其他检测指标均显著高于对照(普通育苗基质所育种苗,下同);田间试验表明,生物基质所育种苗西瓜、黄瓜、辣椒和番茄种苗移苗后,在苗期植株株高和茎粗均显著优于对照,在产量上均增产10%以上。结合形态、生理生化特征和16S rDNA基因序列分析,初步鉴定菌株N23为芽孢杆菌属细菌(Bacillus sp.)。综上,利用芽孢杆菌N23研制的生物育苗基质能够有效促进所育不同作物种苗质量,增强移栽后作物的生长和田间产量。因此,本研究能够为根际有益微生物的应用提供新的思路,为生物育苗基质的研制提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

The fungal pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (Bd), which causes the disease chytridiomycosis, has been associated with declines and extinctions of montane amphibians worldwide. To gain insight into factors affecting its distribution and prevalence we focus on the amphibian community of the Klamath Mountains in northwest California. The Cascades frog (Rana cascadae), one of the most common amphibians in these mountains, experienced increased mortality as a result of Bd exposure in laboratory trials and has experienced recent, dramatic declines in other parts of California. We surveyed 112 sites in the Klamaths, all of which supported R. cascadae between 1999 and 2002, for amphibians and Bd to (1) determine the distribution of Bd, (2) evaluate changes in the distribution of R. cascadae, and (3) assess associations between potential biotic and abiotic drivers and Bd infection. Bd was widely distributed in the Klamath Mountains – we detected the pathogen at 64% of sites. R. cascadae was found at 79% of sites, and was often infected with Bd. These results suggest that Bd has not caused dramatic declines in R. cascadae in the Klamaths in recent years. Subadult R. cascadae had a higher Bd prevalence than other R. cascadae life stages (subadults: 36%, adults: 25%, metamorphs: 4%, larvae: 1%), and while the probability of infection decreased over the season for adults, it did not for subadults, suggesting that subadults may be more vulnerable to chytridiomycosis than other R. cascadae life stages. Bd prevalence in R. cascadae was highest early in the season at high-elevation sites, which may indicate that populations inhabiting high elevation sites may have a greater risk of being affected by chytridiomycosis. Three other common amphibian species also tested positive for Bd: Pacific chorus frog (Pseudacris regilla), western toad (Anaxyrus boreas), and rough-skinned newt (Taricha granulosa).  相似文献   

枯草杆菌芽孢是极难被杀灭的细菌之一,为探究山梨酸钾与压力辅助热杀菌(pressure assisted thermal sterilization,PATS)对枯草杆菌芽孢的联合作用效果,该研究以OD600值(optical density at 600 nm)、OD260值(optical density at 260 nm)、OD280值(optical density at 280 nm)、2, 6-吡啶二羧酸释放率表征芽孢内容物的释放情况,扫描电镜、流式细胞术、傅里叶红外光谱仪、激光粒度仪检测芽孢结构变化情况。结果表明,山梨酸钾强化了PATS的杀菌效果,200 MPa-75 ℃处理杀灭了2.63 log芽孢,添加2 g/L山梨酸钾后,杀灭了3.24 log芽孢。较单独PATS处理,添加山梨酸钾后,促进了芽孢内容物的释放,内膜通透性增加,芽孢粒径显著减小,内膜、细胞壁等结构受损程度加剧。同时,Na+ /K+-ATPase活力显著降低,膜电位平衡被破坏,基本生理代谢功能紊乱。总之,PATS结合山梨酸钾对枯草芽孢杆菌芽孢有协同杀菌作用,且随着山梨酸钾添加量或温度的升高而增强,有利于促进该技术在食品杀菌中的应用。  相似文献   

Widespread hunting of flying foxes has generated concern regarding population declines and the spread of emerging infectious diseases. To investigate the potential impacts of this trade, we conducted questionnaires in 45 settlements across 12 population centres within Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, a region previously identified as a hunting hotspot. By combining results from 63 hunter and 88 vendor interviews, we highlight two population centres (Palangka Raya and Buntok/Tamiang Layang) with higher hunting rates than other areas, which act as flying fox trading hubs. Flying fox populations were perceived to be declining province-wide: declines in captures and sales were reported by 81% of hunters and 60% of market vendors, who also reported availability as the key factor underlying temporal variations in trade. There was substantial risk of zoonotic disease transmission between bats, hunters and traders: the vast majority of respondents were unaware that flying foxes carry potentially fatal viruses, and so few people protected themselves from physical contact. Moreover, both hunters and vendors were frequently bitten and the majority of bites drew blood. Most hunters (58%) also reported unintentional by-catches that included keystone bird species and slow lorises. The scale of hunting over Central Kalimantan represents a serious threat to the long-term viability of flying fox populations (and potentially those of other species), and could have serious public health implications. Reducing or eliminating hunting and trade would mitigate the risk of disease transmission, while maintaining the economic and ecosystem benefits that flying foxes provide, in terms of pollination and seed dispersal.  相似文献   

In order to evaluate the genetic diversity in Lathyrus genus, the Inter Simple Sequence Repeats method (ISSR) was exploited in five populations. These consisted of two cultivated species belonging to section Lathyrus (L. sativus L. and L. cicera L.) and a wild one belonging to the section Clymenum (L. ochrus DC.). Two 3′anchored ISSR primers and two unanchored ones, generated a total of 60 useful polymorphic DNA bands. Our data provide evidence of high molecular polymorphism at the intra- and the inter-specific levels showing that both wild and cultivated forms constitute an important pool of diversity. Moreover, among the generated DNA bands, a 500 bp band, totally absent in the banding patterns of the section Clymenum, appears to be a molecular marker of section Lathyrus. Results provided for lineage and suggest recent origin of these species that might have evolved from a common ancestor producing both L. ochrus species and the two other species L. sativus and L. cicera. These relationships support previous studies based on morphological variation and molecular analysis.  相似文献   

This study was carried out in a semiarid degraded area to assess the effectiveness of mycorrhizal inoculation with a mixture of native arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi or an allochthonous AM fungus (Glomus claroideum), on the establishment of Olea europaea subsp. sylvestris L. and Retama sphaerocarpa (L.) Boissier in this area. Associated changes in the soil microbiological properties and aggregate stability related to these AM inocula were also recorded. Eighteen months after planting, G. claroideum had increased available P in the rhizosphere of both shrub species. In general, both inoculation treatments increased water-soluble C and water-soluble and total carbohydrates, G. claroideum being the most effective inoculum, particularly in R. sphaerocarpa. The mixture of native AM fungi was the most effective treatment for increasing the aggregate stability of R. sphaerocarpa soil, while that of O. europaea was increased only by G. claroideum. Increased (dehydrogenase, urease, protease-BAA, acid phosphatase and -glucosidase) enzyme activities, in particular of dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase, were recorded in the rhizosphere of both mycorrhizal shrub species. The mixture of native AM fungi was the most effective treatment for stimulating the growth of O. europaea and R. sphaerocarpa (11.6-fold and 3.3-fold, respectively, greater than control plants). The establishment of mycorrhizal shrub species favoured the reactivation of soil microbial activity, which was linked to an increase in aggregate stability.  相似文献   

Ninety-five common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) landraces from Spain were evaluated in three different environments in northern Spain for their agronomic performance and seed quality. Significant differences among landraces were found for 14 quantitative traits related to phenology, yield and its components, and seed quality traits. Environmental effects were significant for all traits evaluated except for seeds pod?1, seed width/thickness, seed weight, and seed water absorption. Landrace by environment interactions were significant for all traits except for seeds pod?1 and seed water absorption. Selection of new breeding lines for agronomic performance and seed quality within landraces should be reliable because many of them are mixture of lines. Some heirloom varieties belonging to the types faba, caparrón,riñón,ganxet and tolosana had the best performances regarding to seed quality and yield. Principal component analysis revealed differences among environments affecting the performance of the bean landraces. Variation in the landraces seems to be organized in a different way in each one of the test environments, therefore, low plasticity and specific adaptation of Spanish bean landraces to different environments is derived from this study. Some landraces, especially those large and white seeded should be an useful resource for sustainable farming systems in different biogeographical areas and a worthy germplasm for the genetic improvement of agronomic value and seed quality.  相似文献   

Soil P transformations are primarily mediated by plant root and soil microbial activity. A short-term (40 weeks) glasshouse experiment with 15 grassland soils collected from around New Zealand was conducted to examine the impacts of ryegrass (Lolium perenne) and radiata pine (Pinus radiata) on soil microbial properties and microbiological processes involved in P dynamics. Results showed that the effect of plant species on soil microbial parameters varied greatly with soil type. Concentrations of microbial biomass C and soil respiration were significantly greater in six out of 15 soils under radiata pine compared with ryegrass, while there were no significant effects of plant species on these parameters in the remaining soils. However, microbial biomass P (MBP) was significantly lower in six soils under radiata pine, while there were no significant effects of plant species on MBP in the remaining soils. The latter indicated that P was released from the microbial biomass in response to greater P demand by radiata pine. Levels of water soluble organic C were significantly greater in most soils under radiata pine, compared with ryegrass, which suggested that greater root exudation might have occurred under radiata pine. Activities of acid and alkaline phosphatase and phosphodiesterase were generally lower in most soils under radiata pine, compared with ryegrass. The findings of this study indicate that root exudation plays an important role in increased soil microbial activities, solubility of organic P and mineralization of organic P in soils under radiata pine.  相似文献   

Summary Transport of N by hyphae of a vesicular-arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus was studied under controlled experimental conditions. The N source was applied to the soil as 15NH inf4 sup+ or 15NO inf3 sup- . Cucumis sativus was grown for 25 days, either alone or in symbiosis with Glomus intraradices, in containers with a hyphal compartment separated from the root compartment by a fine nylon mesh. Mineral N was then applied to the hyphal compartment as 15NH inf4 sup+ or 15NO inf3 sup- at 5 cm distance from the root compartment. Soil samples were taken from the hyphal compartment at 1, 3 and 5 cm distance from the root compartment at 7 and 12 days after labelling, and the concentration of mineral N in the samples was measured from 2 M KCl extracts. Mycorrhizal colonization did not affect plant dry weight. The recovery of 15N in mycorrhizal plants was 38 or 40%, respectively, when 15NH inf4 sup+ or 15NO inf3 sup- was applied. The corresponding values for non-mycorrhizal plants were 7 and 16%. The higher 15N recovery observed in mycorrhizal plants than in non-mycorrhizal plants suggests that hyphal transport of N from the applied 15N sources towards the host plant had occurred. The concentration of mineral N in the soil of hyphal compartments was considerably less in mycorrhizal treatments than in controls, indicating that the hyphae were able to deplete the soil for mineral N.  相似文献   

Nitrogen-fixing plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) from the genus Pseudomonas have received little attention so far. In the present study, a nitrogen-fixing phytohormone-producing bacterial isolate from kallar grass (strain K1) was identified as Pseudomonas sp. by rrs (16S ribosomal RNA gene) sequence analysis. rrs identity level was high with an uncharacterized marine bacterium (99%), Pseudomonas sp. PCP2 (98%), uncultured bacteria (98%), and Pseudomonas alcaligenes (97%). Partial nifH gene amplified from strain K1 showed 93% and 91% sequence similarities to those of Azotobacter chroococcum and Pseudomonas stutzeri, respectively. The effect of Pseudomonas strain K1 on rice varieties Super Basmati and Basmati 385 was compared with those of three non-Pseudomonas nitrogen-fixing PGPR (Azospirillum brasilense strain Wb3, Azospirillum lipoferum strain N4 and Zoogloea strain Ky1) used as single-strain inoculants. Pseudomonas sp. K1 was detected in the rhizosphere of inoculated plants by enrichment culture in nitrogen-free growth medium, which was followed by observation under the microscope as well as by PCR using a rrs-specific primer. For both rice varieties, an increase in shoot biomass and/or grain yield over that of noninoculated control plants was recorded in each inoculated treatment. The effect of Pseudomonas strain K1 on grain yield was comparable to those of A. brasilense Wb3 and Zoogloea sp. Ky1 for both rice varieties. These results show that nitrogen-fixing pseudomonads deserve attention as potential PGPR inoculants for rice.  相似文献   

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