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Net N mineralization was studied in three different forest sites (Belgium): a mixed deciduous forest with oak (Quercus robur L. and Quercus rubra L.) and birch (Betula pendula Roth) as dominant species, a deciduous stand of silver birch (Betula pendula) and a coniferous stand of Corsican pine (Pinus nigra ssp. Laricio). The organic (F + H) layer and mineral soil at different depths (0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm) were sampled at three locations in the mixed deciduous forest (GE, GF1, GF2), at one location in the silver birch stand (SB) and one in the Corsican pine stand (CP). All samples were incubated over 10 weeks under controlled temperature and moisture conditions. The net N mineralization rates in the organic and upper mineral layer (0-10 cm) were found to be significantly different from the other layers and accounted for 66-95% of the total mineralization over the first 30 cm. Net N mineralization rates in the organic layer ranged from 4.2 to 27.3 mg N m-2 day-1. Net N mineralization and nitrification rates were positively correlated. For the mineral soil, net N mineralization rates decreased with depth and the upper 10 cm showed significantly higher rates, ranging from 8.9 to 33.5 mg N m-2 day-1. The rates of the 10-20 cm and 20-30 cm sublayers were similar, ranging from 1.2 to 7.4 mg N m-2 day-1. The net N mineralization rates for the total mineral layer (0-30 cm) ranged from 17.4 mg N m-2 day-1 (SB) to 36.1 mg N m-2 day-1 (CP). Both from PCA and multiple regression analysis, we could conclude that net N mineralization rates were closely related to the initial mineral N content (Ninitial). Furthermore, significant correlations were observed between the net N mineralization rate, the total carbon (TC) and NH4+-N content for the mineral layers and between net N mineralization rate, total nitrogen (TN), hemicellulose content and C/N for the organic layers.  相似文献   

低山丘陵区不同坡位茶园土壤肥力特征研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
南方低山丘陵区是我国茶园的集中分布区域, 研究其土壤肥力状况是改善茶园土壤养分状况、实现茶叶安全高效生产和可持续发展的基础.选择川西茶区典型低山丘陵茶园, 通过野外调查与样带采样研究土壤养分性质, 利用主成分分析等多元统计方法定量化比较了不同坡位及对照间土壤肥力质量.结果表明: (1)茶园土壤中砂粒含量最高, 平均占总量的39.13%, 其次是黏粒, 粉粒含量居第3位;土壤pH低于4.5, 有机质和全氮含量较低, 速效氮含量较高, 速效磷缺乏, 速效钾变化不显著.与林地、撂荒地相比, 茶园土壤各粒级含量变化规律不明显.有机质和全氮除在下坡位略高于撂荒地外, 其他坡位均小于撂荒地和林地;速效养分变化规律不显著.(2)茶园土壤肥力沿坡面变化明显, 以上坡位为基准, 土壤肥力指数PI值为零, 中坡位PI值(-13.64%)低于上坡位PI值(0)和下坡位PI值(14.39%).(3)与撂荒地、林地相比, 茶园的土壤肥力综合指数QI值最低.茶园、撂荒地、林地的QI值分别为0.56、1.11和2.73.  相似文献   

The conversion of secondary forests to larch plantations in Northeast China has resulted in a significant decline in soil available nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), and thus affects plant productivity and ecosystem functioning. Microbes play a key role in the recycling of soil nutrients; in turn, the availability of soil N and P can constrain microbial activity. However, there is little information on the relationships between available soil N and P and the microbial biomass and activity in larch plantation soil. We studied the responses of soil microbial respiration, microbial biomass and activity to N and P additions in a 120-day laboratory incubation experiment and assessed soil microbial properties in larch plantation soil by comparing them with the soil of an adjacent secondary forest. We found that the N-containing treatments (N and N + P) increased the concentrations of soil microbial biomass N and soluble organic N, whereas the same treatments did not affect microbial respiration and the activities of β-glucosidase, N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase and acid phosphatase in the larch plantation. In addition, the concentration of microbial biomass P decreased with N addition in larch plantation soil. In contrast, N and N + P additions decreased microbial respiration, and N addition also decreased the activity of N-acetyl-β-glucosaminidase in the secondary forest soil. The P treatment did not affect microbial respiration in either larch plantation or secondary forest soils, while this treatment increased the activities of β-glucosidase and acid phosphatase in the secondary forest soil. These results suggested that microbial respiration was not limited by available P in either secondary forest or larch plantation soils, but microbial activity may have a greater P demand in secondary forest soil than in larch plantation soil. Overall, there was no evidence, at least in the present experiment, supporting the possibility that microbes suffered from N or P deficiency in larch plantation soil.  相似文献   


The goal of this study to was compare soils of natural forests converted to teak (Tectona grandis Linn. F) plantations (21.3±5.1 years) in the Offinso and Juaso Forest Districts in the Ashanti region, Ghana. Sites selected for this study were in the moist semi‐deciduous forest zone and had nearly identical physiographic characteristics. In each of three natural forest stands and three teak plantations, 16 soil pits were examined and soil samples from the 0–20 (major rooting zone) and 20–40 cm depths were analyzed for selected chemical and physical properties. In the 0–20 cm depths bulk density significantly increased (1.17 to 1.30 g cm‐3), but soil organic matter (OM) content (13 to 11%), total nitrogen (0.3 to 0.2 %), available phosphorus (4.2 to 1.2 mg kg‐1), and exchangeable potassium (0.4 to 0.3 cmol(+)kg‐1), calcium (17.0 to 12.4 cmol(+)kg‐1), and magnesium (3.8 to 3.2 cmol(+)kg‐1) significantly decreased in soils where natural forests were replaced with teak plantations. Similar results also were found for the 20–40 cm soil depths. The higher nutrient contents in soils under the natural forest may have been due to more litter contributions from understorey vegetation observed there. In the teak plantations nutrient leaching losses may have accelerated due to increased mineralization and the inability of teak to use the increase in available nutrient.  相似文献   

A major forest disturbance such as clearcutting may bring on a flush of mineral N in organic forest floor horizons, but the magnitude of this flush can vary markedly from one ecosystem to another. For example, it was previously established that clearcutting in a high elevation Engelmann spruce-subalpine fir (ESSF) ecosystem results in significantly higher NH4+ and NO3 concentrations, whereas clearcutting in an old-growth coastal western hemlock (CWH) ecosystem has little effect on mineral N dynamics. We hypothesized that the higher mineral N flush observed in the ESSF ecosystem is due to a greater temperature sensitivity of mineral N transformation rates, and to a lower proportion of heterotrophic nitrifiers, compared to the CWH ecosystem. To test these two hypotheses, we sampled forest floors several times over the growing season from clearcut and old-growth plots in both ecosystems, and measured gross mineral N transformation rates at field temperatures and at 10 °C above field temperatures, as well as with and without acetylene to inhibit autotrophic nitrifiers. Gross NH4+ transformations rates ranged between 20 and 120 μg N (g forest floor)−1 day−1 at the ESSF site, and between 15 and 40 μg N (g forest floor)−1 day−1 at the CWH site. Higher temperature increased gross NH4+ transformation rates in forest floor samples at both sites, but the average Q10 value was higher at the ESSF site (3.15) than at the CWH site (1.25). Temperature sensitivity at the ESSF site was greater in clearcut plots (Q10=4.31) than in old-growth plots (Q10=1.98). Gross NO3 transformation rates ranged between 10 and 32 μg N (g forest floor)−1 day−1 at the ESSF site, and between 10 and 24 μg N (g forest floor)−1 day−1 at the CWH site, but there were no significant effects of temperature or clearcutting on gross NO3 transformation rates at either site. Likewise, there were no significant differences in the proportion of heterotrophic nitrifiers between sites. Overall, our results support the view that the temperature sensitivity of microbial processes may explain the magnitude of the NH4+ flush in some coniferous ecosystems, but we lack the evidence relating the magnitude of the NO3 flush to the proportion of heterotrophic nitrifiers.  相似文献   

Nitrogen mineralization is a critical ecosystem process that is difficult to measure. Among several in situ methods used to estimate N mineralization rates in soils, the buried bag and covered-cylinder methods are two of the most common. Few studies have compared N mineralization rates from these two in situ methods, and it is still unclear if they provide analogous results. We compared both techniques, and two different core diameters, to determine if the different methods produce comparable results. Contrary to our expectations, larger cores were not more representative than smaller due to the importance of site-specific soil characteristics, especially rockiness. Dissimilarities in means, and weak and inconsistent correlations between methods, suggested that the different methods may not be equivalent. Our results suggest that the method optimization depends on specific site conditions, at least in forest soils, and that comparison among studies using different in situ methods should be made with caution until more standardization is achieved.  相似文献   

The concern that climate change may increase fire frequency and intensity has recently heightened the interest in the effects of wildfires on ecosystem functioning. Although short-term fire effects on forest soils are well known, less information can be found on the long-term effects of wildfires on soil fertility. Our objective was to study the 17-year effect of wildfires on forest net mineralization rates and extractable inorganic nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations. We hypothesize that (1) burned forest stands should exhibit lower net mineralization rates than unburned ones; (2) these differences would be greatest during the growing season; (3) differences between soil variables might also be observed among plots from different years since the last fire; and (4) due to fire-resistant geochemical processes controlling P availability, this nutrient should recover faster than N. We used a wildfire chronosequence of natural and unmanaged Pinus canariensis forests in La Palma Island (Canary Islands). Soil samples were collected during winter and spring at 22 burned and unburned plots. We found significantly higher values for net N mineralization and extractable N pools in unburned plots. These differences were higher for the winter sampling date than for the spring sampling date. Unlike extractable N and N mineralization rates, extractable P levels of burned plots exhibited a gradual recovery over time after an initial decrease. These results demonstrate that P. canariensis forest soils showed low resilience after wildfires, especially for N, and that this disturbance might induce long-term changes in ecosystem functioning.  相似文献   

Our aim was to study whether the in situ natural abundance 15N (δ15N)-values and N concentration of understory plants were correlated with the form and amount of mineral N available in the soil. Also to determine whether such differences were related to earlier demonstrations of differences in biomass increase in the same species exposed to nutrient solutions with both and or to alone. Several studies show that the δ15N of in soil solution generally is isotopically lighter than the δ15N of due to fractionation during nitrification. Hence, it is reasonable to assume that plant species benefiting from in ecosystems without significant leaching or denitrification have lower δ15N-values in their tissues than species growing equally well, or better, on We studied the δ15N of six understory species in oak woodlands in southern Sweden at 12 sites which varied fivefold in potential net N mineralisation rate The species decreased in benefit from in the following order: Geum urbanum, Aegopodium podagraria, Milium effusum, Convallaria majalis, Deschampsia flexuosa and Poa nemoralis. Four or five species demonstrated a negative correlation between and leaf δ15N and a positive correlation between and leaf N concentration. In wide contrast, only D. flexuosa, which grows on soils with little nitrification, showed a positive correlation between and the leaf N concentration and δ15N-value. Furthermore, δ15N of plants from the field and previously obtained indices of hydroponic growth on relative to were closely correlated at the species level. We conclude that δ15N may serve as a comparative index of uptake of among understory species, preferably in combination with other indices of N availability. The use of δ15N needs careful consideration of known restrictions of method, soils and plants.  相似文献   

针阔树种人工林地表凋落物对土壤呼吸的贡献   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
了解地表凋落物呼吸对陆地生态系统碳循环研究具有重要意义。为了研究针阔树种地表凋落物对土壤呼吸的贡献,本文在京津风沙源地区选择林龄为10年的油松、杨树人工林,设置去除凋落物(no litter,NL)、覆盖凋落物(cover litter,CL)和自然状态(control,C)3种处理,利用Li-6400-09土壤呼吸测定系统对土壤呼吸速率以及地表5 cm土壤温度、土壤湿度进行观测。结果表明:1)凋落物的去除与覆盖显著改变土壤呼吸速率(P0.05),油松、杨树人工林3种处理土壤呼吸速率年均值(μmol?m?2?s?1)分别为2.28、2.81、2.55和2.13、2.62、2.32,均为CLCNL(P0.05);2)土壤呼吸对环境因子的响应产生地表凋落物贡献的季节性差异,土壤呼吸速率与地表5 cm土壤温度呈显著指数正相关关系(R2=0.54~0.88,P0.05),但与地表5 cm土壤湿度不存在相关关系,油松和杨树CL、NL、C 3种处理土壤呼吸的温度敏感性指数Q10值分别为1.97、1.90、2.25和2.79、2.61、2.93,大小趋势均为NLCLC(P0.05);3)油松林、杨树林地表凋落物对土壤呼吸的贡献分别为20.78%、20.75%,二者相差不大。本研究可为京津风沙源地区针阔树种人工林演替初期土壤呼吸组分研究、碳汇功能估算提供参考。  相似文献   

夜间增温对免耕农田土壤氮矿化与硝化速率的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究了农田土壤氮矿化速率和硝化速率对长期夜间增温和免耕的响应特征。试验设置4种处理:常温+翻耕(CK)、夜间增温+翻耕(W)、常温+免耕(NT)、夜间增温+免耕(WNT)。与对照相比,W处理下土壤中碱解氮和铵态氮明显增加,其中1~2月增幅分别为26%~28%和82%~133%,且土壤氮矿化速率和硝化速率均显著高于CK处理。NT处理下,土壤碱解氮和铵态氮的季节均值分别提高了15%和41%;土壤氮总矿化速率显著高于CK和W处理,硝化速率则显著低于CK和W处理。WNT处理下的土壤氮矿化速率显著高于NT处理,而硝化速率则显著低于CK和W处理,可见,在夜间增温条件下,采取免耕措施将有利于土壤有机氮的矿化过程,降低了土壤硝化速率,从而减小了土壤氮素损失的风险。  相似文献   

The effect of variations in organic matter removal during harvesting on microbial biomass nitrogen was determined in four Pinus radiata plantations between 9 and 17 years after harvesting. Variation in microbial biomass nitrogen with season and the response of net nitrogen mineralization to organic matter removal after 9 and 17 years were also determined at two of the sites. The microbial biomass nitrogen in the fermentation-humus (FH) layer was correlated with litter fall characteristics and did not vary with organic matter removal, but the total mass of microbial biomass nitrogen in the FH layer was significantly reduced by increased organic matter removal. The microbial biomass nitrogen in the mineral soil was decreased by increased organic matter removal and was strongly correlated with moisture content and total nitrogen concentration. The FH layer microbial biomass nitrogen did not vary with season, but mineral soil microbial biomass nitrogen varied with season at one site, probably due to increased moisture availability. Net nitrogen mineralization in the mineral soil, determined by an anaerobic incubation, was decreased by increased organic matter removal and was strongly correlated with microbial biomass nitrogen. The persistence of the significant differences in microbial biomass nitrogen and net nitrogen mineralization indicated that variations in organic matter removal during harvesting have long-term effects on soil microbial properties and activity during the life of the subsequent rotation. This has implications for the selection of harvesting techniques to promote the maintenance of site productivity and to minimise disruption to the soil biota.  相似文献   

Investigations on the mass loss of leaf litter were carried out between 1992 and 1994 using litter bags of 0.02 mm and 5 mm mesh sizes in a beech and a mixed forest in northern Germany. The two forests on moder humus differed in soil faunal composition, vegetation type, and nutrient supply. Mass loss and N and C concentrations were determined from the litter at bimonthly intervals. From subsamples macrofauna were sorted by hand and mesofauna was extracted by heat. The biomass and N content of the litter bag fauna was estimated. Mass loss, particularly that attributed to the fauna, was different between the two sites with highest rates in the mixed forest and lowest at the beech site. A significantly higher rate of N release was found for the litter extracted from 5 mm mesh size litter bags in the mixed forest but not in the beech forest. Collembola and Cryptostigmata changed in numbers during litter breakdown. Collembola reached high numbers in the beginning, whereas Cryptostigmata dominated later. The diversity of Cryptostigmata increased at both sites during litter breakdown, whereas collembolan diversity only increased in the beech forest and remained at the same level in the mixed forest. Several species of Collembola and Cryptostigmata occurred earlier in the mixed forest than in the beech forest. Mass loss rate attributable to the fauna did not correspond to total faunal biomass. Only Isopoda, Diplopoda and Cryptostigmata appeared to affect the mass loss positively, whereas the biomass of Lumbricidae was negatively correlated with mass loss, particularly in the beech forest. On the other hand, the release of N attributable to the fauna was positively correlated with the total faunal biomass in the beech forest and Lumbricidae in particular were positively correlated with N-release at both sites.  相似文献   

兰婷  韩勇 《土壤学报》2013,50(6):1154-1161
摘 要  高氮肥施用量和低氮肥利用率是我国水稻生产可持续性发展面临的问题之一。氮肥损失途径与肥料进入土壤后的转化过程息息相关。了解水稻土中氮素转化过程并进行定量描述有助于提高人们对稻田氮素损失途径的认识水平。为此,本研究开展了连续2年的大田实验,测定了稻麦轮作条件下江苏淮安碱性水稻土(潮黄土,pH=8.3)和宜兴中性水稻土(黄泥土,pH=6.2)作物氮肥利用效率;同时采用15N同位素稀释方法,开展室内好氧培养实验,估算了两种土壤中的氮素初级矿化和硝化速率,以此解释田间试验中氮肥利用率差异的原因。田间试验结果表明,在获得相似的水稻或小麦产量的情况下,淮安潮黄土氮肥需用量高于宜兴中性水稻土,而氮肥利用率却低于宜兴黄泥土。15N室内培养实验结果表明,供试潮黄土氮素初级矿化和硝化速率均较黄泥土高,其较高的pH可能是主要原因。 潮黄土中相对较高的初级矿化和硝化速率可能会导致更多的NO3--N 在土壤中短暂累积,不能被作物及时吸收利用的NO3--N 便可通过各种途径损失掉。这可能是造成两种稻田土壤田间氮肥利用率差异的原因之一。  相似文献   

重庆缙云山典型林分的坡面糙率系数及影响因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
根据2008年4月实测数据,以三峡库区重庆缙云山4种典型林分(马尾松纯林、马尾松阔叶混交林、常绿阔叶林和楠竹林)为研究对象,并以农耕地作对照,在野外径流小区实验的基础上,通过曼宁公式,对重庆缙云山林地坡面糙率系数n值进行研究。结果表明:地表糙率系数n值介于0.0079-0.2704之间,其中,马尾松纯林的糙率系数n值最小,马尾松阔叶混交林的糙率系数n值最大,大小排序为马尾松阔叶混交林〉阔叶林〉楠竹林〉马尾松纯林;糙率系数n(y)与枯落物厚度(x)的关系为Y=0.0205e^0.5436x,R^2=0.9237;地表水分渗透量(y)随着糙率系数n(x)增加而增大,其关系式为y=37.25lnx+188.47,R^2=0.7782。  相似文献   

A temporary decline in tree growth has often been observed after liming in coniferous forests poor in N but seldom in forests rich in N. To test the hypothesis that the decline was caused by decreases in N supply, C and N mineralization were estimated in incubated soil: (1) after liming in the laboratory, and (2) after earlier liming in the field. Liming increased the C mineralization rate in needle litter, nor humus and 0 to 5 cm mineral soil for a period of 40 to 100 days at 15°C. After that period, liming had no effect on the CO2 evolution rate in materials poor in N (C:N ratios 30 to 62) but increased the CO2 evolution rate in materials rich in N (C:N ratios 24 to 28). When liming induced nitrification, the CO2 evolution rate was reduced. Liming resulted in lower net N mineralization rate in needle litter and mor humus. The reduction was more pronounced when NH4 + was the only inorganic form than when NO3 ? was the predominant form. The reason is probably that chemical fixation of NH3 and amino compounds increases with increasing pH. Because of the fixation, the incubation technique most likely underestimated the mineralized N available to the roots. Taking this underestimation into consideration, liming initially reduced the N release in the litter layer. In the other soil layers, liming increased the N release in soils rich in N and had only small effects in soils poor in N. For the total N supply to the roots in the litter, humus and 0 to 5 cm mineral soil layers, liming caused a slight reduction in soils poor in N and a slight increase in soils rich in N. Data on tree growth corresponded with these results.The hypotheses that tree growth depressions can be caused by reduced N supply after liming and that tree growth increases can be caused by increased N supply after liming thus seem reasonable.  相似文献   

Land-use conversion can affect the soil microbial community diversity, soil organic matter and nutrient cycling. In this study, soils within a representative land-use sequence were sampled in a subtropical region of China, including four natural forests, Altingia gracilipes Hemsl. (ALG), Cinnamomum chekiangense Nakai (CIC), Castanopsis fargesii Franch. (CAF), and Tsoongiodendron odorum Chun (TSO), and two plantations, Cunninghamia lanceolata (Lamb.) Hook. (CUL) and a citrus orchard (Citrus reticulata Blanco). The soil microbial diversity was investigated by phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Results showed that microbial community diversity exhibited distinct patterns among land-use types. After conversion of natural forests to plantations, the amount of PLFA and the number of bacterial 16?S rRNA gene copies were reduced significantly, as well as the number of DGGE bands. The average quantity of PLFA was lower by 31% in the CUL plantation and 57% in the citrus orchard, respectively, than in natural forests. Simultaneously, the average copy numbers of the bacterial 16?S rRNA gene were significantly decreased from 8.1?×?1010?g?1?dry weight (DW) in natural forest to 4.9?×?1010?g?1 DW in CUL plantation, and 3.1?×?1010?g?1 DW in the citrus orchard. Such negative responses of soil microbes to conversion of natural forests to plantations could mainly result from decreases in soil organic carbon and necessary elements for growth during land-use conversion, as revealed by statistical analysis. Our results suggested that the soil microbial diversity was indirectly in?uenced by land-use types in the mid-subtropical mountainous area of southern China. Changes in the amount of litterfall and the soil nutrient status that resulted from land-use conversion drove these indirect changes. Furthermore, deliberate management brought negative effects on soil microbes, which is not beneficial to the sustainability of the ecosystem.  相似文献   

A temporary decline in tree growth has often been observed after liming in coniferous forests poor in N but seldom in forests rich in N. To test the hypothesis that the decline was caused by decreases in N supply, C and N mineralization were estimated in incubated soil: (1) after liming in the laboratory, and (2) after earlier liming in the field. Liming increased the C mineralization rate in needle litter, mor humus and 0 to 5 cm mineral soil for a period of 40 to 100 days at 15°C. After that period, liming had no effect on the CO2 evolution rate in materials poor in N (C:N ratios 30 to 62) but increased the CO2 evolution rate in materials rich in N (C:N ratios 24 to 28). When liming induced nitrification, the CO2 evolution rate was reduced. Liming resulted in lower net N mineralization rate in needle litter and mor humus. The reduction was more pronounced when NH 4 + was the only inorganic form than when NO 3 ? was the predominant form. The reason is probably that chemical fixation of NH3 and amino compounds increases with increasing pH. Because of the fixation, the incubation technique most likely underestimated the mineralized N available to the roots. Taking this underestimation into consideration, liming initially reduced the N release in the litter layer. In the other soil layers, liming increased the N release in soils rich in N and had only small effects in soils poor in N. For the total N supply to the roots in the litter, humus and 0 to 5 cm mineral soil layers, liming caused a slight reduction in soils poor in N and a slight increase in soils rich in N. Data on tree growth corresponded with these results. The hypotheses that tree growth depressions can be caused by reduced N supply after liming and that tree growth increases can be caused by increased N supply after liming thus seem reasonable.  相似文献   

The decrease in soil fertility in agroecosystems due to continuous harvesting, loss of fine soil and oxidation of soil organic carbon (SOC) is well known. This study evaluates for a humid tropical climate in South Andaman Island, India, the impact of a 15-yr old Pueraria cover crop (CC) under a coconut plantation, with and without phosphorus (P) application, on the soil N mineralization rate (NMR), the mineral N pool (NH4+-N and NO3-N), microbial biomass carbon (MB-C) and SM under four treatments, (1) no cover crop (NCC), (2) no cover crop + phosphorus (NCC+P), (3) CC, and (4) cover crop + phosphorus (CC+P) during three seasons, wet (May–October), post-wet (November–January) and dry (February–April). The NCC treatment served as a control. In addition, an ex-situ experiment was conducted to verify the effect of P application on NMR and MB-C under 100% field capacity (FC), 50 and 25% FC representing the different seasons. The NMR, mineral N pool and MB-C increased by 37, 46 and 41%, respectively under the CC compared to the control. SOC and fine soil particles were also greater under the CC by 41 and 461%, respectively, compared to the control. The application of P to the CC increased soil N mineralization, the mineral N pool and MB-C by 33, 16 and 14%, respectively. The amount of mineralized N was greater under the CC and CC+P treatments by 39 and 73%, respectively than the control. The ex-situ experiment showed that the P application increased NMR and MB-C, but the increases were highest in the 50% FC and lowest in 100% FC. It is proposed for the humid tropics that a CC could be used for enhancing SOC and increasing soil N mineralization under coconut plantations and other similar agroecosystems.  相似文献   

Cao  Yang  Zhang  Ping  Chen  Yunming 《Journal of Soils and Sediments》2018,18(4):1478-1489
Journal of Soils and Sediments - Soil nutrient concentrations and stoichiometry are important indicators of plant growth, terrestrial productivity, and ecosystem functioning. Nevertheless, little...  相似文献   

Seasonal foliage and twig nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) dynamics were determined for 40‐year‐old pitch pine (Pinus rigida Mill.) and Japanese larch (Larix leptolepis Gord.) plantations established on similar soils in central Korea. Also, the effects of three levels of N plus P fertilizers on N and P retranslocation were evaluated. In general, Japanese larch had significantly higher current foliage N and P concentrations than pitch pine, and N and P concentrations were higher in foliage than those in twigs for both study species. Foliage N and P concentrations were highest in mid‐growing season and lowest in autumn whereas twig N and P concentrations increased during foliage senescence, suggesting that twig served as a storage tissue. We did not find differences in foliage N and P retranslocation between pitch pine and Japanese larch; current foliage N and P retranslocation of the control trees were 35% and 56% for pitch pine, and 39% and 59% for Japanese larch, respectively. There were no consistent patterns in foliage and twig N and P retranslocation following fertilization.  相似文献   

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