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Ruminal lactic acidosis in sheep and goats.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The clinical findings in 37 sheep and goats with acute ruminal lactic acidosis included a disturbed general condition characterised by anorexia, apathy, teeth grinding and muscle twitching, ruminal stasis, and the excretion of soupy or watery faeces. The ruminal fluid of affected animals was milky, had a sour odour and a low pH. There was a predominance of Gram-positive bacteria in smears of ruminal fluid. In comparison with 10 control animals, the rumen fluid of 23 sheep with ruminal lactic acidosis had higher lactic acid and lower volatile fatty acid concentrations. In addition, the affected animals often had haemoconcentration and metabolic acidosis. Treatment included single or repeated transfer of ruminal fluid from healthy cows and, depending on the severity, the administration of antacids, yeast and chlortetracycline, and the intravenous infusion of isotonic sodium chloride and 5 per cent sodium bicarbonate solutions. Of the 37 treated sheep and goats, four died within 24 hours, and three others were euthanased after one, two and three days because their condition rapidly deteriorated. Thirty animals were discharged one to nine days after treatment. Twenty-nine of them (78.4 per cent) recovered completely but one was euthanased later.  相似文献   

Experimental acidosis was induced in six goats aged between one and two years by administration of whole wheat grain at 100 g kg-1 bodyweight given intraruminally. Blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) samples were collected from these goats before administration of wheat grain (0 hour) and thereafter at 12, 24, 48, 72, 96 and 120 hour intervals. These were analysed for serum enzyme activities and physicochemical characters of CSF. Significantly (P less than 0.05) higher activities of amylase (at 12 hours), lactate dehydrogenase (12 to 48 hours), creatine phosphokinase (12 to 48 hours), aspartate aminotransferase (12 to 24 hours), and gamma-glutamyl transferase (12 to 96 hours) were found in serum samples of acidotic goats. Changes in CSF included decrease of pH and chloride content and higher glucose values. No difference was seen in the physical character of CSF collected at different time intervals from acidotic goats.  相似文献   

对课程实习的19例山羊瘤胃酸中毒的造模及诊疗进行分析和总结。结果发现,以每千克体重40 g玉米面给山羊灌服,既可成功造模又不会发生急性死亡,灌服后6~22 h发病,投服玉米面的最佳时机是晚上19:00~21:00,这样可使多数山羊于次日而非夜间发病,便于诊治。判断造模成功的依据为投服玉米面的病史,瘤胃酸中毒的临床症状及血、粪、尿、瘤胃液pH下降。治疗方案不一,主要为清除瘤胃内容物、纠正酸中毒,配合促进瘤胃蠕动、解除脱水、补充能量及其他对症疗法。学生初次独立诊疗,缺乏临床经验,在治疗方案的选择、用药剂量和治疗技术上参差不齐,存在较多问题导致疗效不一。经过治疗,有16例治愈,3例死亡。  相似文献   

本试验采用3×4两因素设计,在饲粮中分别设置低、中、高三个蛋白质水平和0、3%、6%和9%的过瘤胃脂肪含量,共形成12组饲粮。蛋白质水平/过瘤胃脂肪分别为:低/0(1组)、低/3%(2组)、低/6%(3组)、低/9%(4组)、中/0(5组)、中/3%(6组)、中/6%(7组)、中/9%(8组)、高/0(9组)、高/3%(10组)、高/6%(11组)、高/9%(12组)。通过双外流连续培养系统,模拟人工瘤胃,对12组饲粮进行消化降解,测定过瘤胃脂肪对体外瘤胃发酵的影响。试验结果如下:不同蛋白质和过瘤胃脂肪水平对瘤胃pH无影响;第12组的瘤胃氨态氮浓度极显著高于1、2、3、4和9组(P<0.01),显著高于5、6、7和10组(P<0.05),8和11组显著高于1、2、3、4和9组(P<0.05);11组的乙酸浓度极显著高于1、6、7、8和9组(P<0.01),显著高于2和5组(P<0.05),3、4、10和12组显著高于1、6、7、8和9组(P<0.05);12组的丙酸浓度极显著高于6组(P<0.01),显著高于5和7组(P<0.05);2、3、10、11和12组总酸浓度极显著高于6和7组(P<0.01),显著高于5和9组(P<0.05),1、4、8组总酸浓度显著高于6和7组(P<0.05);11组乙酸/丙酸值极显著高于1、2、8和12组(P<0.01),显著高于4、6、7和9组(P<0.05),3、5和10组乙酸/丙酸值显著高于1、2、8和12组(P<0.05)。由上述结果得出,过瘤胃脂肪最佳添加量为中蛋白质水平下的6%。  相似文献   

Out of a sample of 200 rumens from sheep slaughtered in Edinburgh, papillomas were found in 25. They occurred as fibro-papillomas, mostly along the pillar of muscle between the dorsal and ventral rumen, and were often multiple. No inclusion bodies were seen in the lesions or papilloma virus particles on electron microscopy. Homogenisation of papillomatous tissue followed by various methods of purification did not yield identifiable virus particles, and viral DNA was not detected. Immunoperoxidase staining showed a very small number of positive cells at or on the surface of 6 out of 10 lesions examined. Thus, it seems probable that virus particles are not found in large numbers in the rumen papillomas of sheep, unlike the situation in ovine skin warts, but are present in a few epithelial cells which are rapidly shed from the surface of the mucous membrane.  相似文献   

Simultaneous auscultation and percussion of the bovine abdomen is a standard physical diagnostic tool employed to detect gas and fluid distention within an organ such as a displaced abomasum or dilated cecum. Such distension results in an area of tympanic resonance or ping. A previously unreported condition--rumen collapse--may also cause a left-side abdominal ping that can easily be misdiagnosed as left displacement of the abomasum. Associated medical problems causing complete anorexia may lead to the rumen collapse syndrome in cattle. Differentiation of rumen collapse from displacement of the abomasum is important since cattle with rumen collapse require only medical therapy, and surgical intervention is not necessary.  相似文献   

Rumen Overload   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文

瘤胃原虫对瘤胃营养物质代谢的影响研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
张庆茹 《中国牛业科学》2006,33(1):49-51,55
本文在广泛查阅有关瘤胃原虫对糖代谢包括淀粉和可溶性糖代谢及纤维素代谢、对蛋白质代谢和对瘤胃内甲烷代谢等的影响研究资料的基础上,分析、总结了瘤胃原虫对反刍动物营养物质代谢的影响机理,指出瘤胃原虫对反刍动物的营养代谢既有有利的方面,也有不利的方面。实际应用时可根据不同的日粮类型、家畜的生理状况、当地的饲养管理条件等实际情况因时控制瘤胃纤毛虫区系及种群密度,创造适宜的瘤胃内环境,充分发挥原虫在特定条件下的有利生理功能,从而提高反刍动物饲料利用率和生产性能。  相似文献   

The rapid accumulation of organic acids, particularly lactate, has been suggested as the main cause of ruminal acidosis(RA) for ruminants fed high-concentrate diets. Previous research has shown that a gradual shift from low-to high-concentrate diets within 4 to 5 weeks effectively reduces the risk for RA.However, the mechanisms remain unknown. In this study, 20 goats were randomly allocated into four groups(n = 5) and fed with a diet containing a weekly increasing concentrate portion of 20%, 40%...  相似文献   

反刍动物瘤胃内古菌的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
古菌是目前生物地球化学研究的热点之一,不仅能在高温、高盐、强酸、强碱、缺氧等极端条件下存在,而且能在多种生态环境中存活。其含量巨大和代谢产物多样,在全球的地球生物化学的作用中正扮演着重要角色。该领域研究对阐明生命运动的基本规律,揭示生物与环境间的相互作用具有重要意义。为便于了解这一新型领域以及进行的相关研究,着重介绍了生活在反刍动物瘤胃内的产甲烷古菌,以及研究瘤胃内古菌多样性的分子生物学方法,即16SrDNA的分析,该方法多被应用于极端环境下海洋古菌的扩增。近年来,在拓展于瘤胃内古菌的研究中,主要是应用16SrDNA基因分别建立产甲烷古菌的克隆库,对反刍动物瘤胃内古菌的多样性进行了研究。  相似文献   

Six cases of intersex goats were investigated. Five of these animals had testicular tissues (testes) situated prepubically inside a skin pouch. The testicular tissues of the sixth goat were attached to the sides of the urinary bladder. All of the four animals that were studied by radiography, surgical exploration and/or pathology had uterine tubular structures but no ovarian tissues were found in them. Thus at least four of these goats were male pseudohermaphrodites.  相似文献   

Death, abortion, decreased milk yield and emaciation in dairy goats occurred due to calcinosis in a goat operation on 1100 meter sea level in Tyrol. This could be diagnosed by the clinical, sonographical and pathomorphological investigation. In the basic fodder yellow oat grass proportion was present with 40%. Clinically the apathic goats showed reduced appetite, emaciation, dyspnea, anaemic mucous membranes, heart noises and less activity to move. The blood-chemical examination of one goat revealed an increased activity of AP (199 U/l), calcium and phosphor-concentrations were in normal range. Sonographically liquidothorax and -perikard, calcified pulmonary and aortic valves and a thickened aortic orifice as well as calcification of kidneys, enlargment of liver and ascites could be diagnosed in this goat. The sonographical findings were confirmed by pathomorphological examination.  相似文献   

瘤胃持续模拟装置测定低质粗饲料发酵规律的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
用瘤胃模拟技术研究不同喂料方式及不同粗饲料对发酵罐内pH值,氨氮(NH3-N)浓度,总氮(TN)浓度及挥发性脂肪酸(VFA)的影响。选用25g喂料量,分别以稻草,羊草和麦秸为被测日粮,比较52μm尼龙袋法,散放法和250μm尼龙袋法3种喂料方式对发酵罐内粗饲料发酵规律的影响。结果pH值散放法最高,24小时为7.28~7.50,250μm尼龙袋法最低,为7.05~7.15。24小时VFA浓度是散放法最低,分别为稻草组28.09mmol/L,羊草组30.04mmol/L,麦秸组27.01mmol/L,250μm尼龙袋法最高,分别为稻草组31.06mmol/L,羊草组32.27mmol/L,麦秸组30.00mmol/L。结果表明3种喂料方式中250μm尼龙袋法效果最佳,3种低质粗饲料中羊草营养价值最高。  相似文献   

瘤胃不同的微生物群体和宿主之间的共生关系形成了复杂的生态系统,有助于纤维性饲料转化为挥发性脂肪酸(VFA),为反刍动物提供能量来源。作者主要强调了利用分子生物学技术鉴定和描述瘤胃微生物的必要性。  相似文献   

Six cases of intersex goats were investigated. Five of these animals had testicular tissues (testes) situated prepubically inside a skin pouch. The testicular tissues of the sixth goat were attached to the sides of the urinary bladder. All of the four animals that were studied by radiography, surgical exploration and/or pathology had uterine tubular structures but no ovarian tissues were found in them. Thus at least four of these goats were male pseudohermaphrodites.  相似文献   

A comparison was made of a sine-wave and a pulse-wave electroejaculator for the collection of semen from male goats. Six animals were ejaculated once, using one or other instrument and 8 were ejaculated with each device with an intervening rest period. Comparing the sine-wave with the pulse-wave equipment, the mean total number of sperm collected was 5.3 x 10(9) and 2.1 x 10(9) cells respectively, in the first experiment and 4.0 x 10(9) and 1.0 x 10(9) cells, respectively, in the second experiment. In the latter experiment, a significant difference (p less than 0.05) was found in the sperm concentration, which was higher with the sine-wave generator. This instrument, with controlled output, was considered less stressful to the animal.  相似文献   

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