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Three promising new improved lines of lima beans (Tpl 1B, Tpl 7A and Tpl 175A) were evaluated for physicochemical properties and cooking quality. The beans varied in seed dimensions and weights with Tpl 1B and Tpl 7A having smaller seed volume than Tpl 175A. Seed coat percentages, leached solids and swelling capacities were within a range of 10.2–19.6% (w/w), 0.44–0.92 g/100 g and 94.0–121.0 g/100 g dry bean, respectively. Cooking times varied between 62 and 81 min without soaking and were reduced by about 34%following a presoaking treatment in water for 12 h at room temperature (28 ± 1 °C). Small seeds absorbed higher amounts of water during soaking and required more cooking time than larger seeds. No significant (p>0.05) difference in cooked texture was found between unsoaked beans cooked for 50 min and soaked beans cooked for 30 min,suggesting that cooking times and cooked texture for all lines were improved through soaking.  相似文献   

The chemical composition and functional properties of ungerminated and germinated seeds of four advanced lines of cowpeas (IT81D-699, IT82E-18, IT84S-2246-4 and TVx 3236) were investigated. Ungerminated seeds contained 20.1 to 25.8% crude protein, 2.0 to 2.2% lipid, 115.1 to 210.0 mg phyticacid/100 g and 8.9 to 9.6 mg iron/100 g. The polyphenol contents of the brown- and cream-colored beans were similar (192.0 to 196.0 mg/100 g) but were significantly (p<0.05) higher than the amount (99.8 mg/100 g) found in the white beans. Germination increased the crude protein content, total phosphorus content, nitrogen solubility, fat absorption capacity and foam capacity but decreased ether extract, polyphenol and phytic acid contents, water absorption capacity, bulk density and foam stability of all cowpea lines. Incorporation of up to 0.2 M NaCI improved foam volume. Ungerminated seeds had high water (2.3–3.2 g/g) absorption capacities, while germinated seeds had high fat (3.1–3.6 g/g) absorption capacities. TVx 3236 and IT81D-699 might be selected for combining such characteristics as high crude protein, low phytic acid content and good foaming properties into a single cowpea line through breeding.  相似文献   

来源于野生大豆的多小叶性状遗传分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文通过杂交初步分析一个起源于野生大豆的多小叶性状。五叶大豆与6个正常大豆配制了6个杂交组合,其中5个F2分离群体产生带有主要的3叶和5叶,少数4叶,个别6叶或7叶植株,3叶和5叶(包括其它多小叶)表现为3:1分离;1个组合仅产生带有5叶株和3叶,表现为64:1分离。遗传分析显示,除了一个已知的Lf1基因控制5叶遗传外,可能还存在另外2个控制5叶的基因。5叶多小叶性状基因对正常3叶是不完全显性的,这3个基因是独立遗传的,并且具有重叠地位。  相似文献   

大豆种子抗老化鉴定的方法研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
选用遗传差异相对较大的皖豆24、皖豆25(杂交品种)及合豆3号的种子,在温度为40℃、湿度为85%的条件下老化处理4、8和12 d,研究加速老化过程中不同基因型大豆种子成苗率、发芽率、电导率及单株幼苗干重的变化规律。结果表明:随着加速老化时间的延长种子活力下降;加速老化处理8 d,3个品种的各项鉴定指标均发生改变:品种的成苗率、发芽率及单株幼苗干重显著降低,电导率明显升高,且品种间有显著差异;发芽率和成苗率的变化在品种间具有一致性,电导率、单株幼苗干重的变化和成苗率品种间一致性较差;成苗率和发芽率的相关性最高(r=0.972**)。利用国家大豆微核心种质中的91份资源对老化鉴定方法进行验证,结果在温度为40℃,湿度为85%条件下老化8 d的种子发芽率及老化指数与在自然条件下老化15个月的发芽率及老化指数极显著相关(r=0.943**,0.716**)。综合分析认为,温度为40℃,湿度为85%条件下老化处理8 d,以种子发芽率为活力鉴定指标可作为大豆种子抗老化性的鉴定方法。  相似文献   

定,结果表明:F1在接种后表现抗病,F2群体分离比例为3 (抗)∶1 (感),对F2衍生的F2∶3家系接种鉴定,纯合抗病家系、抗感分离家系和纯合感病家系的比率符合1∶2∶1,表明东农93-046对SMV1号株系的抗性由一对显性基因(RSMV1)控制。并利用东农93-046(R)×Conrad(S)的正反交组合F2进行抗性鉴定,结果正反交后代均表现为3∶1的分离比例,无细胞质效应,进一步证明了东农93-046是受一对基因控制的抗性种质。经改良的分离群体组群分析法研究发现,东农93-046抗SMV1的位点(RSMV1)位于F连锁群上,与SSR标记的连锁顺序为HSP176、Satt114、RSMV1、Satt510、Sct_033、Satt334、Satt362,连锁距离分别为6.6cM、4.3cM、RSMV1、6.6cM、5.1cM、6.3cM、17.3cM.。根据标记HSP176选择基因型纯合和杂合的抗病植株,其符合率分别达到100.0%和94.5%。  相似文献   

土壤团聚体大小对大豆出苗和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用盆栽试验对生长在不同粒径团聚体干旱土壤中大豆出苗和幼苗生长指标进行研究.结果表明,在低土壤含水量条件下,与大粒径团聚体和未筛土壤相比,小粒径团聚体(尤其1~2mm)显著提高大豆出苗率(P<0.05),缩短出苗时间,显著增加冠干重、苗高及叶面积,显著增加总根长和根表面积,但显著降低主根直径和根干重(P<0.05).说明大粒径团聚体不利于干旱土壤大豆出苗和幼苗生长,种床内小粒径团聚体可部分地补偿土壤干旱对大豆出苗和幼苗生长造成的危害.  相似文献   

ISSR标记技术因具有很高的多肽性而被广泛应用于遗传多样性研究.进行菜用大豆品种多样性研究将有助于育种家进行杂交亲本的合理选配.采用ISSR标记技术对37个菜用大豆品种(系)和13个普通大豆品种(系)进行了分类研究.结果表明:50个ISSR引物中有11个引物没有多肽性,其他39个引物共产生132条谱带,其中81条多肽性谱带,占61.4%.引物扩增的谱带数在l~7条之间,大小为830~3530 bp.每个引物平均扩增的谱带数和多肽性带数分别为3.3和2.1.聚类分析结果表明,可将供试的50个品种划分为3个类组,扁茎大豆Taikadai-zu单独一组,7个普通大豆(多数为中国选育)划归为B组,C组由日本菜用大豆和4个普通大豆组成.C组还可以划分成若干亚组,同一亚组的品种具有相似的性状,比如有一亚组的品种均是褐脐、茶色种皮、白花、不易炸荚.系选的品种和原始品种在分类图中也显示出其密切的亲缘关系.基于ISSR标记的分类可以反映菜用大豆的遗传关系,菜用大豆和普通大豆之间存在遗传多样性,合理保存菜用大豆种质将有助于未来大豆品质改良计划.  相似文献   

从辽宁省主要推广品种中选出20份优异种质资源,依据株高、叶面积指数、茎、叶生物量为指标,采用平均隶属函数值方法鉴定了大豆苗期耐旱性.结果从供试材料中共筛选出大豆生长前期较强耐旱型(2级)品种2个,干旱较敏感型(4级)品种3个,中间型(3级)品种15个.大豆的平均耐旱隶属函数值与干旱胁迫下的相对根表面积、相对根生物量分别...  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(2):119-125

Three pot experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of soil amendment with crab shell on (1) soybean (Glycine max Merr., cv. Akishirome) yield after 120 days outdoors, (2) soybean nodulation after 6 weeks in the greenhouse, and (3) soil chemical properties after 10 weeks in the greenhouse. The experimental treatments were addition of crab shell at rates of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.5, and 1% (w/w), standard fertilizer (NPK) treatment, and an untreated control with neither crab shell nor fertilizer application. The crab shell amendment treatment was applied either two months before seeding (incubated) or immediately before seeding (non-incubated). The soil used was a volcanic ash soil (Andosol) from Kakamigahara. Addition of crab shell just before seeding caused a significant increase in seed yield and 100-seed weight compared to the control, but similar yield to NPK treatment. However, seed yield and 100-seed weight did not differ with the crab shell application rate. Amendment by 0.1–0.3% crab shell without incubation lead to the formation of slightly more nodules than in the NPK and control treatments. Reduced numbers of nodules were observed in soil incubated at 0.5–1%, and in non-incubated soil with 1% crab shell application. Nodule fresh weight and N2-fixation plant?1 were decreased in all incubation treatments and 0.3-1% non-incubation treatments as compared to the NPK treatment and the control. Both nodule fresh weight and N2 fixation were lower in incubated soils than in non-incubated soils, at corresponding rates of crab shell treatment. Dry matter production of soybean plants in soil given the crab shell treatment, especially when incubation was used, was found to be reduced after 6 weeks of plant growth. EC, N, and P availability increased with the increasing rate of crab shell treatment. However, there was a gradual decrease of soil pH following the crab shell treatment. In conclusion, although soybean nodulation and N2 fixation were not improved by crab shell application, seed yields were similar to those obtained with the NPK fertilizer.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):238-245

Waterlogging is a major predicted agricultural problem for crop production in some areas under current climate change, but no studies are available on the interactive effects of waterlogging and elevated atmospheric CO2 concentration ([CO2]). We hypothesized that elevated [CO2] could alleviate the damage caused by waterlogging, and tested the hypothesis using vegetative growth of soybean (Glycine max) in 10 experiments (different sowing time and different soil type) conducted at Morioka and Tsukuba for three years. The 2-week-old plants grown under elevated and ambient [CO2] were exposed to waterlogging for 2 weeks. Total dry weight at the end of the treatment was higher under elevated [CO2] than under ambient [CO2], and it was significantly reduced by waterlogging under both levels of [CO2], without significant [CO2]×waterlogging interactions, at both locations. The negative effects of the waterlogging were greater in root dry weight than in top dry weight, and the root exudation per unit root dry weight was also reduced by waterlogging, without a [CO2] ×waterlogging interaction. Therefore, the hypothesis of a [CO2]×waterlogging interaction can be rejected, and provide an important basis for predicting future damage caused by waterlogging under elevated [CO2] conditions.  相似文献   

A field study was conducted in 2006 at Sari Agricultural and Natural Resources University, in order to determine the best time for weed control in soybean promising line, 033. Experiment was arranged in randomized complete block design with 4 replications and two series of treatments. In the first series, weeds were kept in place until crop reached V2 (second trifoliolate), V4 (fourth trifoliolate), V6 (sixth trifoliolate), R1 (beginning bloom, first flower), R3 (beginning pod), R5 (beginning seed) and were then removed and the crop kept weed-free for the rest of the season. In the second series, crops were kept weed-free until the above growth stages after which weeds were allowed to grow in the plots for the rest of the season. Whole season weedy and weed-free plots were included in the experiment for yield comparison. The results showed that among studied traits, grain yield, pod numbers per plant and weed biomass were affected significantly by control and interference treatments. The highest number of pods per plant was obtained from plots which kept weed-free for whole season control. Results showed that weed control should be carried out between V2 (26 day after planting) to R1 (63 day after planting) stages of soybean to provide maximum grain yield. Thus, it is possible to optimize the timing of weed control, which can serve to reduce the costs and side effects of intensive chemical weed control.  相似文献   

大豆产量改良中生物量、收获指数的研究及展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
生物量和收获指数是作物产量品种改良中的重要性状,本文对大豆生物量、收获指数以及与腚生物量密切相关的光合性状(光合速率、叶面积和光合时间)的研究现状作了综述,并对应用分子标记技术研究生物量和收获指数的前景作了展望.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(3):302-313

Soybean is the most common resource of isoflavonoid in human food. Wide development of relay strip intercropped soybean has contributed to the soybean industry in China. Due to the shading from maize, growth and grain production of soybean is reduced. However, whether soybean isoflavonoid accumulation pattern is influenced in the relay strip intercropping system is still unclear. Here, we studied the accumulation patterns of soybean isoflavones in the relay strip intercropping system and sole cropping system at the per-harvest stage. The accumulation patterns of soybean isoflavones at the postharvest stage were also studied. The results indicated that accumulation patterns of soybean isoflavones of all varieties in leaf and seed in the two systems were similar, but the trend was delayed in the relay strip intercropping system compared with the sole cropping system. During the pod filling stage, the total content of isoflavone, M-type isoflavone content, G-type isoflavone content in seed in the relay strip intercropping system were lower than those in the sole cropping system. During the after-ripening period, seed isoflavone content, M-type isoflavone content, G-type isoflavone content in seed increased in both systems, but were higher in the relay strip intercropping system. The temperature and photosynthetically active radiation were significantly lower in relay intercropping than in sole cropping, while relative humidity showed the opposite trend. Path analysis showed that total isoflavone content in leaves and seeds showed a significantly positive correlation with temperature and photosynthetically active radiation, but significantly negative correlation with relative humidity. Correlation analysis between the highest isoflavone content in sole cropping or relay intercropping seeds and agronomic traits revealed a significant positive correlation between the number of both branches and pods with total isoflavone, M-type isoflavone and G-type isoflavone in both systems.  相似文献   

大豆[Glycine max(L.)Merr.]是世界上重要的粮食和油料作物,其显著的生长特点是营养生长和生殖生长交错时间长,导致以结瘤为代表的营养生长和以开花为代表的生殖生长在物质和能量需求上存在激烈竞争。本文综述了蔗糖、植物激素以及miRNAs等植物信号分子对大豆开花和结瘤调控作用,将有助于理解大豆开花、结瘤的协同调控机制,以期对明确大豆生长发育规律、提高大豆产量提供理论支撑。  相似文献   

The stabilities of seven agronomic traits were analyzed and the general stabilities of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] accessions were evaluated based on the additive main effects and multiplicative interactions (AMMI) model using the founder parent Tokachi nagaha and 137 of its derived cultivars as materials. The objective was to provide a theoretical basis for effectively using germplasm in soybean breeding and production. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) showed that genotype, environment, and genotype by environment interactions were significantly different for each trait. The first three interaction principal components axes (IPCA) were highly significant, accounting for 61.28–70.00% of the total variation. The stability differed for the different traits. 50 cultivars with high general stabilities were identified. The general stability of Tokachi nagaha was moderate, as the stability coefficients (Di) of its seven traits were relatively high; this must be considered by breeders using this cultivar as a breeding parent. There were significant positive correlations between the phenotypic values and their own Di values for number of branches per plant, number of pods per plant, number of seeds per plant, and seed weight per plant. This would lead to the expectation that the phenotypic stability would be lower when a cultivar had more branches, pods, seeds, and high per plant yields. Thus, it appears difficult to breed cultivars that simultaneously have high yields and high stability.  相似文献   

The genetic variation in the nutrient composition and anti-nutritional factors of 17 vegetable soybean genotypes were determined and a wide variation in protein %, total phosphorus (TPi) and available phosphorus (AP) was found among these genotypes. Variations in Ca, K, Fe, Mn, and Cu were also documented. Variation was also found for trypsin inhibitor (TI) activity and Phytate (PA) content. A highly significant and negative correlation (r=–0.533,P<0.01) was observed between TI and total protein. Strong positive correlation (r=0.90) was also found between TPi and AP. Several genotypes (Sooty, Emperor, Wilson-5, PI 416771, PI 417322) showed good nutritional potential and can be used in the breeding program. High protein %, TPi, and minerals are desirable qualities for vegetable-type soybeans that make it as food with high nutrient density. Studies on the nutritional evaluation of immature vegetable type soybean seeds at different reproductive stages are also underway.Agricultural Research Station Journal Article Series No. 172. The use of any trade name varieties, and/or vendors does not imply the exclusion of other products or vendors that may also be suitable.  相似文献   

在大田条件下,采用随机区组设计,研究了不同用量草甘膦对抗草甘膦大豆(RR1)光合特性日变化的影响。结果表明:(1)在未喷施草甘膦情况下,抗草甘膦大豆(RR1)的净光合速率(Pn)、蒸腾速率(Tr)和气孔导度(Gs)日变化均呈单峰曲线,峰值分别出现在10∶00、12∶00和10∶00。RR1叶片叶绿素含量指数(CCI)的日变化呈先降低后升高趋势,14∶00左右最低。水分利用效率(WUE)和胞间CO2浓度(Ci)随着时间的推移均呈波浪式变化,WUE在6∶00、10∶00和16∶00有3个小峰,而Ci在6∶00最高。(2)喷施草甘膦后,RR1光合特性的日变化趋势总体与未喷药前相似。Pn和CCI随草甘膦用量的增加呈降低趋势;但当草甘膦用量大于4.48 L.hm-2时,CCI和Pn显著下降。12∶00以前(包含12∶00),除低用量(1.12 L.hm-2)的草甘膦促进RR1的Gs外,各用量抑制了RR1的Tr和Gs;而12∶00以后,草甘膦却促进了RR1的Tr和Gs。草甘膦增加了RR1的Ci,而大于2.24 L.hm-2的草甘膦却降低了RR1的WUE。表明光强和草甘膦会影响大豆的光合特性和叶绿素含量。  相似文献   

大豆耐铝毒的鉴定和相关根系性状的遗传分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
刘莹  盖钧镒 《大豆科学》2004,23(3):164-168
选取黄淮海和长江中下游地区代表性材料51份,在苗期以株高、叶龄、根干重和茎叶干重隶属函数的平均值为指标进行耐铝毒性鉴定,从中筛选出惠民铁竹杆、齐黄1号、长垣范屯小天鹅蛋、汝南平顶豆、油91-11、上海大青豆(选)和新昌六月豆等强耐性材料(1级)和5-5、大乌豆、南农1138-2×86-53等强敏感性(5级)材料.相关分析表明,一级侧根数、主根长、总根长、根体积和根干重的相对值与耐铝毒隶属函数值均呈极显著相关,可作为耐铝毒性的根系性状指标.利用"波高×NG94-156"衍生的重组自交家系群体为材料,采用主基因 多基因混合遗传模型分离分析方法对耐铝毒相关根系性状进行遗传分析.结果表明,该两亲本间(4级与2级间)一级侧根数比、主根长比、总根长比和根干重比的遗传为3对主基因加多基因模型,主基因遗传率为80.22%-91.81%,多基因遗传率为3.52%-11.39%;根体积比的遗传为3对主基因模型,主基因遗传率为93.44%.耐铝毒相关根系性状主要由主基因控制.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(2):198-202

In soybeans, increase in the dry weight of seed (IWS) during the seed-filling period (SFP) is nearly half that of the whole plant (IWP). Hence, the contributions of assimilate during SFP to seed growth in soybeans is apparently lower than that in other cereal crops. However, analysis of the assimilate budget for seed production based on dry matter could be misleading in soybeans because the carbon (C) contents of seed and that of other organs are different due to the differences in lipid and protein content and respiration loss in each organ results in underestimation of the C contribution to seed production. In field soybeans, irrespective of shading and thinning, IWS/IWP and harvest index (HIW) for dry weight were slightly lower than ICS/ICP and HIC for C, respectively. Of the 13C fed at the vegetative stage and early SFP, 3.4% and 16.4%, respectively were accumulated in the seed, 0.9% and 28.2%, respectively, in the pod shell and 26.8% and 37.8%, respectively were respired before maturity. Ninety-six percent of seed C was assimilated during the SFP. Respiratory loss of 13C fed at the early SFP was larger than that from 13C at the vegetative stage, showing that seed production requires much more C than leaf or stem growth. These results suggest that the difference in C contents between plant organs has little effect on the estimation of assimilate partition into soybean seeds based on dry matter, and high respiration loss for seed growth reduces the partition of dry matter into seeds.  相似文献   

《Plant Production Science》2013,16(4):374-382

Soybean yield is low in the fields with a low groundwater level during summer due to drought stress. By raising the groundwater level using Farm-Oriented Enhancing Aquatic System (FOEAS) the yield of soybean cultivar Sachiyutaka can be increased, but not that of Fukuyutaka. Here, we examined the effect of the groundwater level on root growth and its dynamics in these two cultivars. Three of the four experiments demonstrated that root elongation ceased just below groundwater level in both cultivars. However, when the groundwater level was kept at 35 cm or deeper, the root growth at an early growth stage was more vigorous at a deeper layer in Fukuyutaka than in Sachiyutaka, but at the mid-growth stage root growth in Sachiyutaka became similar to or exceeded that of Fukuyutaka. These results indicated that the optimum control technique for the groundwater level differed with the cultivar. The groundwater level for Sachiyutaka should be kept relatively high at an early growth stage. Further studies will be needed to clarify the optimum control technique for maximizing the yield of Fukuyutaka that have a fast root growth at an early growth stage.  相似文献   

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