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马铃薯的比重是加工企业要考虑的一个重要性状。本研究的目的是比较4x-4x和4x-2x杂种后代高世代选系的比重,试图利用单向有性多倍化(Unilateral sexual polyploidization,USP)的方法从二倍体栽培种向四倍体普通栽培种转育高比重基因。四倍体亲本为品种或高世代选系,二倍体亲本是普通马铃薯栽培种(Solanum tuberosum)双单倍体与二倍体栽培种富利亚(S.phureja)杂种的互交后代,或经轮回选择适应长日照的S.phureja-S.stenotomum杂种后代。从4x-4x和4x-2x组合各选出17个高世代无性系,以‘克新18号’(鲜食)和‘夏坡地’(薯条加工)为对照,采用随机区组设计,2011~2012年在黑龙江省的加格达奇评价了4x-4x和4x-2x高世代选系比重的表现。4x-2x和4x-4x后代高世代选系比重平均为1.0727和1.0659,二者差异极显著。但是,4x-2x内和4x-4x内无性系的差异仍达极显著水平。4x-2x四倍体后代HJ04-18-17,HJ04-27-41,HJ04-22-19以及HJ04-15-36比重高于对照品种‘夏坡地’,并和其有显著差异。结果表明,和4x-4x组合相比,4x-2x组合后代含有较高的比重。  相似文献   

马铃薯4x×2x杂种无性一代产量及产量性状的表现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产生2n花粉的Neo-tuberosum双单倍体×Solanumphureja的二倍体杂种以及其与Neo-tuberosum双单倍体的回交后代与普通马铃薯(S.tuberosumssp.tubero sum品种东农303进行了杂交。4x杂种在株高方面表现出了很强的杂种优势。商品薯产量与4x亲本无显著差异,但两个杂种群体的最高值分别超4x亲本的260g/株和60g/株。总产量杂种优势明显,但杂种单株结薯数多,平均块茎重小,这些是限制4x×2x杂种利用的不利因素,需要进一步地改善。  相似文献   

二倍体马铃薯主要农艺性状及其2n花粉频率的表现   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过田间种植,比较了马铃薯二倍体与四倍体的长势,叶色,薯形,薯皮色,薯肉色,芽眼深浅,等植物学和农艺性状,并对二倍体马铃薯的花粉育性以及2n花粉的频率进行了鉴定。根据单株产量块茎数,薯形,2n花粉频率等综合性状,筛选出DY14-4-25,DY4-30以及Q49-1-9,为进一步开展马铃薯分解育种工作打下物质基础。  相似文献   

通过田间种植,比较了马铃薯二倍体与四倍体的长势、叶色、薯形、薯皮色、薯肉色、芽眼深浅、单株产量、单株块茎数、平均块茎重等植物学和农艺性状,并对二倍体马铃薯的花粉育性以及2n花粉的频率进行了鉴定。根据单株产量、块茎数、薯形、2n花粉频率等综合性状,筛选出DY14-4-25、DY4-30以及Q49-1-9,为进一步开展马铃薯分解育种工作打下物质基础。  相似文献   

马铃薯2n配子利用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
郜刚 《马铃薯杂志》1998,12(2):111-119

马铃薯2n配子在多倍体进化及育种途径上具有重要意义。本文对近年来在马铃薯2n配子发生的细胞学机制、单双向有性多倍化中的遗传效应及在实际育种等方面的研究进展和存在的问题做了简要综述。  相似文献   

利用3个2n配子材料(2x)在马铃薯(S.tuberosum L.)中进行4x—2x,2x—4x和2x—2x的杂交,获得了4个四倍体杂种材料;然后对它们进行花药培养,共得到32个双单倍体植株。检查其中23个植株,有2株是具5%以上2n花粉粒的双单倍体,1株是重组了2n卵基因的双单倍体。由此证明花药培养的倍性操作技术是转育马铃薯2n配子性状给双单倍体的有效方法之一。  相似文献   

生态因子对马铃薯杂交结实的影响及杂交技术的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
马恢 《马铃薯杂志》1999,13(2):81-83

本试验采用裂区试验设计。以品种(系)为主区因素、密度为副区因素,研究7个4X—2X选系(A1~A7)及其4X亲本东衣303(A8)以及密度(B1~B3)对产量和产量性状的影响。品种(系)间在小区总量、小区块茎数、小区商品薯重、小区商品薯数方面差异极显著。A6品系小区块茎数极显著的低于东农303,但小区总产、小区商品薯重、小区商品薯数和东农303差异没有达到极显著水平.不同密度对小区总产和小区块茎数的影响分别达到了显著和极显著的水平,但对小区商品薯重和小区商品薯数没有显著的影响。较高密度下(B1,株距30cm)小区总产和小区块茎数极显著高于B2(株距35cm)和B3(株距40cm)。在小区块茎数方面,品种(系)×密度互作显著。  相似文献   

通过连续多年对马铃薯的倍性育种研究,已创造出10份2n配子频率30%以上,花粉育性强,抗青枯病、病毒病及晚疫病,产量高,块茎性状较好的2n配子材料。将其与一批优良的4x普通栽培种杂交,获得了982n10-8等7份各种性状均超过对照的优良品系,从目前的试验结果来看,具有很强的杂种优势。  相似文献   

Six advanced selections of a population of 4x-2x hybrids were tested and compared with six well-adapted Group Tuberosum cultivars under field conditions at four locations in Canada over two years. Three 4x-2x hybrids produced a total and a marketable yield which was equal to or higher than that of most cultivars over eight environments. For marketable yield considerable differences existed between genotypes in the amount of variation occurring over the eight environments. Both groups of genotypes contained clones with low and high variation for marketable yield. Analysis of genotype-environment (GE) interactions for marketable yield indicated that all genotypes differed from each other in their responses to the environmental effects. However, there was no clear distinction between the group of 4x-2x hybrids and the group of cultivars for the GE interaction patterns. It appears that the heterosis of the 4x-2x hybrids is the result of a broadening of the genetic base of Group Tuberosum breeding stocks by the incorporation of germ plasm from the primitive diploid South American cultivars. Development of improved diploid parents is necessary in order to achieve the full potential of the 4x-2x hybridization method.  相似文献   

Breeding value of 2n pollen from Phureja — haploid Group Tuberosum diploid hybrids (DHs) and Phureja was compared in crosses with tetraploid cultivars. Mean total yield for Phureja — derived (PT) hybrids significantly exceeded that for DH — derived (DHT) hybrids, and did not differ from that for cultivar parents. PT hybrids had the largest range for total yield, with 13% of the population between 4200 and 5750 gm/plant (0.8 and 4.6% for DHT hybrids and cultivars, respectively). Moreover, the tail of the frequency distribution of total yield for PT hybrids extended 920 gm/plant above that for cultivars. Mean marketable yield for PT hybrids significantly exceeded that for DHT hybrids, but was significantly below that for cultivars. However, the tail of the distribution of marketable yields for PT hybrids exceeded that of the cultivars by 820 gm/plant. Significant general combining ability among 2x and 4x parents for total and marketable yield indicates that the potential of specific crosses can be predicted by average performance of parents in test-crosses. Predictability of parental breeding value and exceptional yield potential of hybrids make 4x-2x breeding an attractive alternative to conventional approaches.  相似文献   

甜菜种质的性状改良与创新   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
崔平  潘荣 《中国糖料》2004,(3):51-53
通过“七五”至“十五”期间甜菜种质资源的主要农艺性状鉴定、品质分析和种质创新研究,鉴定、筛选出一大批丰产、高糖、抗病的种质资源材料,同时对其性状改良,创造出一些经济性状优良、适应性强、配合力高、遗传稳定的新型优异种质,有的已做为预选种应用于我国的育种实践中,并育成新品种在生产上大面积推广应用。  相似文献   

川凉薯4号新品种是1997年以Sehwalbe作母本,56-2作父本,有性杂交获得实生籽,经过各代鉴定筛选而育成。该品种2006-2007年在四川省两年区试中平均667m2产鲜薯1514.44kg,较米拉(CK)增产10.19%,大中薯率达73.11%;干物质21.10%、淀粉15.11%、还原糖0.097%、维生素c27-5mg,100g鲜薯、粗蛋白2.02%;抗晚疫病、高抗轻花叶病毒病和卷叶病毒病,感青枯病。2009年5月13日通过四川省农作物品种审定委员会审定。  相似文献   

Summary The objectives of these experiments were to evaluate male sterility (MS) and 2n pollen frequency in 77 4x×2x families and 26 4x×4x families. The 2x parents were haploid-species hybrids and the 4x parents mainly clones withS. tuberosum ssp.tuberosum (tbr) andS. tuberosum ssp.andigena (adg) in their genetic background. The female parents had different cytoplasms: adg, tbr,S. demissum (dms), andS. stoloniferum (sto). Families from female parents with adg or dms cytoplasm did not have MS plants. However, families derived from crosses of many tbr females with 2x hybrids and a 4x adg clone had a high percentage of MS plants; all the progenies from cv. Serrana (sto cytoplasm) possessed tetrad sterility. These results can be explained as due to an interaction between a dominant male sterility (Ms) gene with tbr and sto cytoplasms. Some MS 4x hybrids (tbr×adg) used as females had the Ms gene, but male fertility was restored in some plants of their progenies when they were crossed with 4x tbr clones. This indicates that some tbr clones have a fertility restorer gene (Rt). The results from both 4x×2x and 4x×4x families fit the expected ratios assuming chromatid segregation for both the Ms and Rt loci. The gene frequency of parallel spindles was estimated in the 4x population as 0.74.  相似文献   

Diploid potato clones, interspecific hybrids ofSolanum species, having in their originS. tuberosum,S. chacoense, S. yungasense, S. phureja, S. gourlayi, andS. demissum, with resistance to soft rot, were crossed to tetraploid potato clones in 4x-2x crosses. The 24 tetraploid families obtained in a North Carolina II design were examined for tuber resistance to soft rot in a laboratory test and for basic agronomic traits in field trials conducted for two consecutive years. In addition, one family originating from a 4x-2x cross of two susceptible parents was tested. Statistical analysis of the data revealed significant general (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) effects, year, GCA (female) × year, GCA (male) × year, and SCA × year upon the inheritance of resistance to soft rot. About 35% of the progeny was selected as resistant to tuber soft rot, and of these 11% showed high resistance combined with good tuber yield, tuber weight, and tuber appearance. The relationships between resistance to soft rot and chosen agronomic traits were not noted or were weakly significant and sporadic. The resistance to tuber soft rot found in diploid potato hybrids can be transferred to the cultivated tetraploid pool through 4x-2x crosses, and a high frequency of offspring posses resistance.  相似文献   

靖薯2号是曲靖市农业技术推广中心2000年从国际马铃薯研究中心(CIP)引进的杂交实生种子组合994001,2009年通过云南省农作物品种审定委员会审定.该品种在当地平均单产2689 kg,每667㎡比第一对照米拉增产648 kg,增幅31.7%,比第二对照合作88增产898 kg,增幅50.1%,还原糖0.18%,适宜在1800~2550m海拔范围内的微酸性红壤土和沙壤土中栽培,可做大春、小春、秋季和冬旱马铃薯种植,是一个优良的蔬菜、加工兼用型新品种.  相似文献   

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