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Atmospheric concentrations of Botrytis cinerea conidia were monitored for two seasons in a strawberry crop in Moguer (Huelva, southwestern Spain). Concentrations of conidia were estimated using a Burkard volumetric spore sampler. A diurnal pattern of conidial release was observed. Airborne conidial concentration was significantly and positively correlated with the average solar radiation and mean temperature, and negatively with rainfall and relative humidity. Among the weather variables considered, solar radiation showed the most consistent results in the regression analysis, explaining over 40% of airborne conidial concentration variability. Correlation between Botrytis fruit rot incidence and accumulated number of conidia over seven days was significant and positive. Two regression models containing three variables explained over 62 and 52% of the fruit rot incidence variability. A positive but non-significant correlation was established between B. cinerea incidence in flowers and airborne conidial concentration. It was not possible to fit a consistent regression model to relate flower infection incidence to conidial concentration or weather variables.  相似文献   

Baseline sensitivity of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, causal agent of stem rot of rapeseed, to a dicarboximide fungicide iprodione was determined using 50 isolates (historic population) collected in 2001 from the rapeseed fields without a previous history of dicarboximide usage. The 50% effective concentration (EC50) values to iprodione of these wild-type isolates ranged from 0.163 to 0.734 μg/ml with a mean of 0.428 μg/ml. In 2007 and 2008, 111 isolates (current population) were collected from rapeseed fields with 4–5 years of iprodione application. The EC50 values of these 111 isolates ranged from 0.117 to 0.634 μg/ml. The historic and current populations were not significantly (> 0.05) different in sensitivity to iprodione. The EC50 values of these 161 isolates to a carboxamide fungicide boscalid ranged from 0.002 to 0.391 μg/ml with a mean of 0.042 μg/ml. In the laboratory, three iprodione-resistant (IR) isolates HA17-IR, SZ31-IR, and SZ45-IR were induced from wild-type isolates HA17, SZ31, and SZ45, respectively. The EC50 values of the IR isolates were 200-fold higher than those of the original wild-type parents. The IR isolates showed an increase in osmotic sensitivity. The IR isolate HA17-IR lost its ability to produce sclerotia, and showed a significantly lower virulence on rapeseed leaves than its parent isolate HA17. In contrast, the IR isolate SZ31-IR had a significantly higher virulence than its wild-type parent SZ31. PCR assays showed that the partial two-component histidine kinase (os-1) gene, which is the putative target gene of iprodione, was deleted in the low virulent IR isolate HA17-IR. DNA sequence analysis showed that each of the other two IR isolates SZ31-IR and SZ45-IR had two point mutations in their partial os-1 genes. These results indicate that the mutations in os-1 gene may be associated with dicarboximide sensitivity, sclerotial development, and virulence in S. sclerotiorum.  相似文献   

Survival- ofBotrytis cinerea was monitored during two summer seasons. Mycelium and conidia were found dead on the surface of plant debris within 2 months of incubation, whereas a high level of viability was detected in thallus of the pathogen which was 1–2 mm inside the dry host tissue. Of the 148 samples of infected senescing cucumber female fruits, 8% survived seven warm months; half of these isolates ofB. cinerea were resistant to dicarboximides (5 (μ/ml iprodione). Of the stems of cucumber infected withB. cinerea in winter, 18% yielded the pathogen at the beginning of the following winter; 15% of the surviving isolates were resistant to dicarboximides. Cucumber seedlings artificially infected byB. cinerea did not yield the pathogen longer than 9 weeks after establishment of infection, even when incubated in the shade. Plant debris with symptoms of gray mold were kept in the shade during the summer; at the beginning of winter it was possible to establish infection ofB. cinerea from the dry debris.  相似文献   

To investigate maturation of spermatia of Botryotinia fuckeliana, we examined micro-structural changes in spermatia in liquid culture. Three to four spherical lipid bodies were seen in the center of the cell at the start of culturing. After 3–7 days, maturing spermatia had developed large mitochondria along with extensively developed granular endoplasmic reticulum. In contrast, the lipid bodies decreased not only in number but also in size over time. The results obtained here suggest that the maturation of spermatia involves active cell metabolism using the energy supply from lipid bodies.  相似文献   

A class III chitinase gene (CHI2) is induced in cucumber plants (Cucumis sativa L.) in response to infection by pathogenic microorganisms. Infection of Botrytis cinerea, causal agent of gray mold disease on cucumber, also induces CHI2 expression. To investigate whether CHI2 is involved in resistance to gray mold disease, transgenic cucumber plants were produced to overexpress the CHI2 gene. One line was analyzed in detail in terms of disease resistance. The transgenic cucumber plant (CC2) constitutively expressed CHI2 and reduced the symptoms of B. cinerea for 4 days after inoculation compared with nontransgenic plants. However, this inhibitory effect was not absolute, and CC2 eventually developed serious disease symptoms. Chitinase activity of the crude extract from CC2 leaves was higher than that from nontransgenic plants. A high-molecular-weight fraction containing CHI2 from CC2 leaves had fungistatic activity against B. cinerea. Interestingly, the low-molecular-weight fraction from CC2 leaves with CHI2 removed also had fungistatic activity against B. cinerea. Not only the introduced chitinase activity but also the endogenous defense reactions activated by overexpression of CHI2 may be involved in the enhanced gray mold disease resistance in CC2.  相似文献   

The Arabidopsis MPK3 gene product participates in disease resistance mediated by the MAP kinase cascade. The expression of the MPK3 gene is induced by pathogen inoculation and treatment with chemicals such as salicylic acid (SA) and methyl jasmonate (JA), but the detailed expression pattern of the MPK3 gene has been largely unknown. To investigate MPK3 gene expression in response to disease stress, we fused the MPK3 promoter to the firefly luciferase gene to create a real-time monitoring system for regulated gene expression in planta. The results of an in vivo reporter assay using transgenic Arabidopsis plants harboring MPK3::Fluc showed that the MPK3 promoter activity was induced by treatment with chemicals such as SA and benzo(1,2,3)-thiadiazole-7-carbothioic acid S-methyl ester (BTH), that induce defense gene expression. Inoculation with the fungal pathogen Botrytis cinerea resulted in systemic induction of MPK3::Fluc.  相似文献   

Osmotic-sensitive (os-1) mutant alleles in Neurospora crassa exhibit resistance to dicarboximides, aromatic hydrocarbons and phenylpyrroles. We have previously reported that the os-1 mutants can be classified into two groups based on their resistance to fungicides and osmotic stress: type I, which are highly resistant to iprodione and fludioxonil but moderately sensitive to osmotic stress, and type II, which are highly sensitive to osmotic stress but moderately resistant to fungicides. To explain the mechanism of resistance to these fungicides, we cloned and sequenced the mutant os-1 genes that encode putative osmo-sensing histidine kinase. Within the os-1 gene product (Os1p), the type I strains, NM233t and Y256M209, carried a stop codon at amino acid position 308 and a frameshift at amino acid position 294, respectively. These mutation sites were located on the upstream of histidine kinase and the response regulator domains of Os1p, strongly suggesting that type I strains are null mutants. The null mutants, NM233t and Y256M209, were highly resistant to iprodione and fludioxonil; thus Os1p is essential for these fungicides to express their antifungal activity. The amino acid changes in Os1p, 625Pro from Leu, 578Val from Ala, and 580Arg from Gly were found in the type II strains, M16, M155-1 and P5990, respectively. Os1p is novel in having six tandem repeats of 90 amino acids in the N terminal. Each amino acid change of the type II strains was located on the fifth unit of six tandem repeats. Type II strains with single amino acid changes were more sensitive to osmotic stress than the null mutants (type I), indicating that the amino acid repeats of Os1p were responsible for an important function in osmo-regulation.  相似文献   

Mutants of Botrytis cinerea with moderate and high resistance to pyraclostrobin, a Qo inhibitor of mitochondrial electron transport at the cytochrome bc 1 complex, were isolated at a high mutation frequency, after nitrosoguanidine mutagenesis and selection on medium containing pyraclostrobin and salicylhydroxamate (SHAM), a specific inhibitor of cyanide-resistant (alternative) respiration. Oxygen uptake in whole cells was strongly inhibited in the wild-type strain by pyraclostrobin and SHAM, but not in the mutant isolates. Cross-resistance studies with other Qo and Qi inhibitors (QoIs and QiIs) of cytochrome bc 1 complex of mitochondrial respiration showed that the mutation(s) for resistance to pyraclostrobin also reduced the sensitivity of mutant strains to other QoIs as azoxystrobin, fluoxastrobin, trifloxystrobin and picoxystrobin, but not to famoxadone and to the QiIs cyazofamid and antimycin-A. An increased sensitivity of pyraclostrobin-resistant strains to the carboxamide boscalid, an inhibitor of complex II, and to the anilinopyrimidine cyprodinil, a methionine biosynthesis inhibitor, was observed. Moreover, no effect of pyraclostrobin resistance mutation(s) on fungitoxicity of the hydroxyanilide fenhexamid, the phenylpyrrole fludioxonil, the benzimidazole benomyl, and to the phenylpyridinamine fluazinam, which affect other cellular pathways, was observed. Study of fitness parameters in the wild-type and pyraclostrobin-resistant mutants of B. cinerea showed that most mutants had a significant reduction in the sporulation, conidial germination and sclerotia production. Experiments on the stability of the pyraclostrobin-resistant phenotype showed a reduction of resistance, mainly in moderate resistant strains, when the mutants were grown on inhibitor-free medium. However, a rapid recovery of the resistance level was observed after the mutants were returned to a selective medium. Studies on the competitive ability of mutant isolates against the wild-type parent strain, by applications of a mixed conidial population, showed that, in vitro, all mutants were less competitive than the wild-type strain. However, the competitive ability of high resistant mutants was higher than the moderate ones. Pathogenicity tests on cucumber seedlings showed that all mutant strains tested exhibited an infection ability similar with the wild-type parent strain. Preventive applications of the commercial product of F-500 25EC (pyraclostrobin) were effective against lesion development on cotyledons by the wild-type, but ineffective, even at high concentrations, against disease caused by the pyraclostrobin-resistant isolates. Boscalid (F-510 50WG) was found equally effective against the disease caused by the wild-type or pyraclostrobin-resistant mutants. This is the first report indicating the appearance of B. cinerea strains resistant to QoI fungicides by the biochemical mechanism of site modification and the risk for field resistance.  相似文献   

The severity of disease caused byBotrytis cinerea in strawberries is very high and chemical control is common practice; low residue levels of chemical products are required. Thus, it is important to be aware of the development of fungicide resistance in order to choose the best strategies of chemical control. In the present study we evaluated the response of 36B. cinerea isolates against eight different fungicides. The isolates were sampled twice, at the beginning and the end of the season, in 11 commercial strawberry fields located in the area of Huelva (Spain). In addition, two reference isolates, SAS56 and SAS405, were evaluated. The proportion of isolates resistant to benomyl was very high (86%). Resistance to dicarboximides was detected in 44% of the isolates and resistance to pyrimethanil in 25% of the isolates. Different degrees of sensitivity to captan and dichlofluanid were recorded. No resistance was found to diethofencarb plus carbendazim. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting Sept. 18, 2002.  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea, which causes grey mould, is a major pathogen of many crops. On strawberry, isolates of Trichoderma spp. can effectively control B. cinerea, but frequent application is necessary. Bees can be used to disseminate biological control agents to the target crop. We tested the ability of honey bees to disseminate Trichoderma harzianum T39 to control B. cinerea in strawberry in the field during the winter in Israel over two consecutive seasons. We used the recently developed ‘Triwaks’ dispenser for loading the bees with the T. harzianum inoculum. During both years, grey mould developed in late January in untreated control plots; at low to medium disease levels it was partially controlled by fungicide treatment, and was best controlled in bee-visited plots. At high disease levels neither chemical nor biological control was effective. To assess the spatial distribution of inoculum by bees, we sampled flowers up to 200 m from the hives and found effective levels of T. harzianum even at 200 m. The approach used in this study provides an effective control of grey mould in strawberry in conditions of low to medium grey mould incidence.  相似文献   

Twenty-one strains of Botrytis cinerea isolated from six plant species on ten sites throughout Israel, as well as a strain from France, were tested for vegetative and mycelial incompatibility, pathogenicity, resistance to the fungicides carbendazim and iprodione, and colony morphology. Selenate-resistant mutants were isolated from the strains as spontaneous, fast-growing sectors arising from restricted colonies on medium amended with sodium selenate with a mean frequency of 0.04 sectors/colony; 81% of the sectors were sulphate non-utilizing (sul) mutants. One hundred and four sul mutants were divided into two complementary groups: resistant (66 mutants) and sensitive to chromate. Based on compatibility reactions between chromate-resistant and chromate-sensitive sul mutants, 12 strains were compatible only with themselves and were each classified as belonging to different vegetative compatibility groups (VCGs). Nine strains were each compatible with one to three other strains, and were assembled into three multi-member VCGs. Mycelial incompatibility between wild-type strains (barrage), in the form of a zone of dark pigmentation or sparse mycelium with or without dark pigmentation of the agar along the line of confrontation, was observed for 70% of the inter-strain pairings. There was no correspondence in compatibility between strains revealed by two approaches: strains in different VCGs did not necessarily produce a barrage. However, self-compatibility was observed both as heterokaryon formation between complementary sul mutants and as an absence of barrages between mycelia of wild-type strains; wild-type strains belonging to the same VCG did not exhibit strong barrages, although weak antagonistic reactions were observed. Strains in two multi-member VCGs showed the same patterns of resistance to carbendazim and iprodione; the third multi-member VCG contained isolates with different patterns of resistance. Four morphological types were revealed among wild-type strains: conidial (five strains), sclerotial (six strains), intermediate (ten strains), and mycelial (one strain). On bean leaves, conidial strains were more aggressive than sclerotial strains.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In 2004, field isolates of Botrytis cinerea Pers. ex Fr., resistant to strobilurin fungicides (QoIs), were first found in commercial citrus orchards in Wakayama Prefecture, Japan. Subsequently, QoI‐resistant isolates of this fungus were also detected in plastic strawberry greenhouses in Saga, Ibaraki and Chiba prefectures, Japan. Biological and molecular characterisation of resistant isolates was conducted in this study. RESULTS: QoI‐resistant isolates of B. cinerea grew well on PDA plates containing kresoxim‐methyl or azoxystrobin at 1 mg L?1, supplemented with 1 mM of n‐propyl gallate, an inhibitor of alternative oxidase, whereas the growth of sensitive isolates was strongly suppressed. Results from this in vitro test were in good agreement with those of fungus inoculation tests in vivo. In resistant isolates, the mutation at amino acid position 143 of the cytochrome b gene, known to be the cause of high QoI resistance in various fungal pathogens, was found, but only occasionally. The heteroplasmy of cytochrome b gene was confirmed, and the wild‐type sequence often present in the majority of resistant isolates, indicating that the proportion of mutated cytochrome b gene was very low. CONCLUSION: The conventional RFLP and sequence analyses of PCR‐amplified cytochrome b gene are insufficient for molecular identification of QoI resistance in B. cinerea. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Field isolates ofBotryotinia fuckeliana were collected from naturally infected plants. Their responses to the multisite fungicide dichlofluanid in mycelium growth test fell into three phenotypic classes, characterized by the following EC50 (and MIC) values ing ml–1: sensitivity, 1–3 (6–10); low resistance, 3–10 (> 100); high resistance, 10–30 (> 100). The corresponding values obtained for these classes in a spore germination test were respectively: 0.05 (0.2), 0.05–0.1 (0.5), 0.5–1 (0.9–1.5). Resistant isolates were crossed with two sensitive and two resistant strains of appropriate mating type to determine the genetic basis of resistance. Distribution of resistance phenotypes in ascospore progeny indicated that a gene, namedDic1, was probably responsible for the low or high resistance of 14 mutants selectively collected from experimental plots of greenhouse-grown gerbera sprayed several times with dichlofluanid or tolyfluanid. A second gene, namedDic2, was probably responsible for the low resistance displayed by two isolates (from grapevine and from carnation) maintained in the laboratory collection. As a result of the investigation, the use of dichlofluanid in integrated management programmes against grey mould is discussed.  相似文献   

The complete two-component histidine kinase gene (Bos1) was sequenced from eight dicarboximide-resistant (DR) and six-sensitive (DS) field isolates of Botrytis cinerea. Comparisons in the predicted amino acid sequences of Bos1 showed that each two DR isolates had a single point mutation at amino acid position 365 from an isoleucine to serine (I365S) or to an asparagine (I365N). Three DR isolates were characterized with a change from glutamine to proline at position 369 (Q369P) as well as an asparagine to serine at the position 373 (N373S). These mutations located within the 90-amino-acid repeats of Bos1 have been reported previously. One new mutation, however, was found in the DR isolate 65-E8. In this isolate, a null mutation at the amino acid position 1040 in the Bos1 was detected. Inoculation tests showed that this isolate was nearly nonpathogenic to cucumber. After the Bos1 gene from the sensitive isolate 38B1 was transferred into the resistant isolate 65-E8, all transformants tested were sensitive to iprodione and capable of infecting cucumber. DNA fingerprint generated by micro-satellite primed-PCR showed that isolates were not clustered based on their sensitivity to iprodione. Results from this study indicate that mutations in the Bos1 gene associated with dicarboximide resistance are diverse in B. cinerea, and the Bos1 gene is associated with virulence of B. cinerea.  相似文献   

Botrytis cinerea field isolates collected in Japan were screened for resistance to Qo inhibitor fungicides (QoIs). Of the 198 isolates screened, six grew well on a medium containing azoxystrobin, a QoI, when salicylhydroxamic acid, an alternative oxidase inhibitor, was present. The resistance mutation in the cytochrome b gene ( cytb ) was characterized. All QoI-resistant isolates had the same mutation (GGT to G C T) in cytb that led to the substitution of glycine by alanine at position 143 of cytochrome b , which is known to confer QoI resistance in plant pathogens. To detect this mutation, a hybridization probe assay based on real-time PCR amplification and melting curve analysis was developed. Using DNA samples prepared from aubergines coinfected with QoI-resistant and QoI-sensitive B. cinerea isolates, two similar peak profiles with their corresponding melting temperatures were obtained. This result suggests that QoI-resistant and QoI-sensitive isolates may compete equally in terms of pathogenicity, and the assay may be used to assess the population ratio of mutant and wild-type isolates. However, the hybridization probe did not anneal to PCR products derived from the DNA samples of some QoI-sensitive isolates. Structural analysis of cytb revealed that B. cinerea field isolates could be classified into two groups: one with three introns and the other with an additional intron (Bcbi-143/144 intron) inserted between the 143rd and 144th codons. All 88 isolates possessing the Bcbi-143/144 intron were azoxystrobin-sensitive, suggesting that the QoI-resistant mutation at codon 143 in cytb prevents self-splicing of the Bcbi-143/144 intron, as proposed in some other plant pathogens.  相似文献   

After chemical mutagenesis with N-methyl-N-nitrosoguanidine (MNNG) two phenotypes that were highly or moderately resistant to fenhexamid, were isolated from a wild-type strain of Botrytis cinerea, at a mutation frequency of 0.9 × 10–5. Resistance factors, based on EC50 values, were 460–570 and 10–15, respectively. The mutation(s) for resistance to fenhexamid did not affect the sensitivity of mutant strains to the benzimidazole benomyl, the phenylpyridinamine fluazinam, the anilinopyrimidine cyprodinil, the guanidine iminoctadine or to the sterol-biosynthesis-inhibiting fungicides fenarimol, fenpropimorph and tridemorph. On the contrary, an increased sensitivity (EC50 ratios of 0.2–0.6) of fenhexamid-resistant strains to the phenylpyrrole fludioxonil and the dicarboximide iprodione was observed. Study of fitness parameters of fenhexamid-resistant isolates of both phenotypic classes showed that these mutation(s) had no effect on mycelial growth and sensitivity to high osmolarity, but they did affect one or more of some other characteristics, such as sporulation, conidial germination and sclerotia production. In tests on cucumber seedlings under greenhouse conditions, all highly fenhexamid-resistant isolates tested presented decreased infection ability compared with the wild-type. Preventive applications of a commercial formulation of fenhexamid, Teldor 50 WP, were effective against lesion development on cotyledons by the wild-type, but ineffective, even in high concentrations, against disease caused by the fenhexamid-resistant isolates. The risk of resistance problems arising during commercial use of fenhexamid is discussed.  相似文献   

One hundred and twenty-one single-spore strains of Botrytis cinerea isolated from Bordeaux vineyards were molecularly characterized as either transposa or vacuma, two subpopulations of B. cinerea distinguished by the presence of transposable elements. Forty-three vacuma and 68 transposa strains were distributed into two main classes (mycelial or sclerotial) by morphological phenotype according to the organ of origin. Strains isolated from overwintering sclerotia produced exclusively sclerotial colonies. The mycelial growth rate of 21 transposa and 13 vacuma strains was significantly influenced by agar-medium and temperature. The mycelial growth rate was significantly strain-dependent at favourable temperatures (15, 20 and 25 °C), but not at limiting ones (5 and 28 °C): vacuma strains showed the fastest growth rates. The strains of the two subpopulations were similar in virulence on both host species tested (Vitis vinifera and Nicotiana clevelandii). The grapevine leaves were significantly more susceptible to B. cinerea than those of tobacco. A significant negative correlation was established between virulence and mycelial growth rate. The epidemiological consequences concerning population structure of B. cinerea in vineyards are discussed.  相似文献   

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