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Many organisms persist in fragmented habitat where movement between patches is essential for long-term demographic and genetic stability. In the absence of direct observation of movement, connectivity or isolation metrics are useful to characterize potential patch-level connectivity. However, multiple metrics exist at varying levels of complexity, and empirical data on species distribution are rarely used to compare performance of metrics. We compared 12 connectivity metrics of varying degrees of complexity to determine which metric best predicts the distribution of prairie dog colonies along an urban gradient of 385 isolated habitat patches in Denver, Colorado, USA. We found that a modified version of the incidence function model including area-weighting of patches and a cost-weighted distance surface best predicted occupancy, where we assumed roads were fairly impermeable to movement, and low-lying drainages provided dispersal corridors. We also found this result to be robust to a range of cost weight parameters. Our results suggest that metrics should incorporate both patch area and the composition of the surrounding matrix. These results provide guidance for improved landscape habitat modeling in fragmented landscapes and can help identify target habitat for conservation and management of prairie dogs in urban systems.  相似文献   

The distributions of freshwater mussels are controlled by landscape factors operating at multiple spatial scales. Changes in land use/land cover (LULC) have been implicated in severe population declines and range contractions of freshwater mussels across North America. Despite widespread recognition of multiscale influences few studies have addressed these issues when developing distribution models. Furthermore, most studies have disregarded the role of landscape pattern in regulating aquatic species distributions, focusing only on landscape composition. In this study, the distribution of Rabbitsfoot (Quadrula cylindrica) in the upper Green River system (Ohio River drainage) is modeled with environmental variables from multiple scales: subcatchment, riparian buffer, and reach buffer. Four types of landscape environment metrics are used, including: LULC pattern, LULC composition, soil composition, and geology composition. The study shows that LULC pattern metrics are very useful in modeling the distribution of Rabbitsfoot. Together with LULC compositional metrics, pattern metrics permit a more detailed analysis of functional linkages between aquatic species distributions and landscape structure. Moreover, the inclusion of multiple spatial scales is necessary to accurately model the hierarchical processes in stream systems. Geomorphic features play important roles in regulating species distributions at intermediate and large scales while LULC variables appear more influential at proximal scales.  相似文献   

Modern landscape ecology is based on the patch mosaic paradigm, in which landscapes are conceptualized and analyzed as mosaics of discrete patches. While this model has been widely successful, there are many situations where it is more meaningful to model landscape structure based on continuous rather than discrete spatial heterogeneity. The growing field of surface metrology offers a variety of surface metrics for quantifying landscape gradients, yet these metrics are largely unknown and/or unused by landscape ecologists. In this paper, we describe a suite of surface metrics with potential for landscape ecological application. We assessed the redundancy among metrics and sought to find groups of similarly behaved metrics by examining metric performance across 264 sample landscapes in western Turkey. For comparative purposes and to evaluate the robustness of the observed patterns, we examined 16 different patch mosaic models and 18 different landscape gradient models of landscape structure. Surface metrics were highly redundant, but less so than patch metrics, and consistently aggregated into four cohesive clusters of similarly behaved metrics representing surface roughness, shape of the surface height distribution, and angular and radial surface texture. While the surface roughness metrics have strong analogs among the patch metrics, the other surface components are largely unique to landscape gradients. We contend that the surface properties we identified are nearly universal and have potential to offer new insights into landscape pattern–process relationships. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Luck  Matthew  Wu  Jianguo 《Landscape Ecology》2002,17(4):327-339
Landscape Ecology - Urbanization is arguably the most dramatic form of land transformation that profoundly influences biological diversity and human life. Quantifying landscape pattern and its...  相似文献   

Green Infrastructure (GI) connects different types of green features via various scales, thereby supporting urban biodiversity and service provision. This study presents a methodology capable of identifying multiple functions to assess GI in less-developed countries, where such methodologies are lacking. GI was assessed based on a high-resolution land use classification using both landscape metrics and spatial data within an urbanized region of San José, Costa Rica, at different scales (watershed, neighbourhood, object). Results showed highly fragmented green spaces (often <10 ha), typically unable to support high levels of biodiversity, along with a low amount of green space per inhabitant (<7.4 m²) within the watershed. Substantially higher tree cover (x6) and tree density (x5) were found in the greenest neighbourhood in comparison to the least green neighbourhood. Potential areas for new GI in the form of green roofs (4.03 ha), permeable pavement (27.3), and potential retention areas (85.3) were determined. Several green spaces (n = 11) were identified as promising GI sites with the potential to increase provision (18.6 m²/inhabitant). The adopted methodology demonstrates the potential of GI for increasing recreational green space access, runoff reduction, and flood retentions while supporting biodiversity, validating its utility in guiding decision-making and policy generation.  相似文献   

The mechanism of noise pollution propagation is considerably affected by 1) the type and configuration of its receiving environment and 2) the distance that sound waves pass to reach that environment. This study adopts a spatio-statistical approach to quantify and model associations between noise pollution levels and landscape metrics of land categories (built-up structures and urban green covers). Accordingly, noise levels were measured employing a sound pressure meter to quantify equivalent levels (Leq in dB A), in addition to their corresponding percentiles (L10 and L90). A collection of 30 sampling points were selected to measure noise data within the fall season and between 4 p.m. and 8 p.m. hours of the day. A hierarchical distance-sampling framework based on buffer areas with different radius (300 m, 600 m and 1 km) around each sampling point was compiled to measure composition and configuration metrics of land categories within each buffer area. The results derived from Pearson correlation analysis and multiple-linear regression models indicated that there is a distance-dependent relationship between the metrics of green areas and noise levels. We didn’t find remarkable distance-dependency between built-up structures and noise levels. Based on our new spatio-statistical approach, we conclude that more connected and compacted pattern of green areas closer to pollution centers can significantly alleviate the effects of noise propagation mechanism and appropriate pattern of built-up areas follows a low density distribution with coming green areas in between. Findings of this study highlight the potential of landscape ecology approach as an effective planning paradigm for designing greener and calmer cities.  相似文献   

The conversion of forests and farmlands to human settlements has negative impacts on many native species, but also provides resources that some species are able to exploit. American Crows (Corvus brachyrhynchos), one such exploiter, create concern due to their impact as nest predators, disease hosts, and cultural harbingers of evil. We used various measures of crow abundance and resource use to determine crows’ response to features of anthropogenic landscapes in the Puget Sound region of the United States. We examined land cover and land use composition at three spatial scales: study sites (up to 208 ha), crow home ranges within sites (18.1 ha), and local land cover (400 m2). At the study site and within-site scales crow abundance was strongly correlated with land cover providing anthropogenic resources. In particular, crows were associated with the amount of ‘maintained forest’ cover, and were more likely to use grass and shrub cover than forest or bare soil cover. Although crows did not show a generalized response to an edge variable, they exhibited greater use of patchy habitat created by human settlements than of native forests. Radio-tagged territorial adults used resources within their home ranges relatively evenly, suggesting resource selection had occurred at a larger spatial scale. The land conversion pattern of new suburban and exurban settlements creates the mix of impervious surfaces and maintained vegetation that crows use, and in our study area crow populations are expected to continue to increase. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

There has been an increasing interest in evaluating the relative condition or health of water resources at regional and national scales. Of particular interest is an ability to identify those areas where surface and ground waters have the greatest potential for high levels of nutrient and sediment loadings. High levels of nutrient and sediment loadings can have adverse effects on both humans and aquatic ecosystems. We analyzed the ability of landscape metrics generated from readily available, spatial data to predict nutrient and sediment yield to streams in the Mid-Atlantic Region in the United States. We used landscape metric coverages generated from a previous assessment of the entire Mid-Atlantic Region, and a set of stream sample data from the U.S. Geological Survey. Landscape metrics consistently explained high amounts of variation in nitrogen yields to streams (65 to 86% of the total variation). They also explained 73 and 79% of the variability in dissolved phosphorus and suspended sediment. Although there were differences in the nitrogen, phosphorus, and sediment models, the amount of agriculture, riparian forests, and atmospheric nitrate deposition (nitrogen only) consistently explained a high proportion of the variation in these models. Differences in the models also suggest potential differences in landscape-stream relationships between ecoregions or biophysical settings. The results of the study suggest that readily available, spatial data can be used to assess potential nutrient and sediment loadings to streams, but that it will be important to develop and test landscape models in different biophysical settings.  相似文献   

Urban agriculture, as most agriculture, can potentially contribute to eutrophication via losses to ground and surface water. Few published studies have empirically measured nitrogen and phosphorus losses (including leaching) from urban agriculture, and even fewer have examined losses in real-world settings throughout the year. Here we investigated year-round (May 2020–2021) weekly nitrogen and phosphorus leaching from allotment gardens in Linköping, southern Sweden. We installed eight lysimeters (8 plots) and collected water 0.3 m below the soil surface in four gardens (2 plots per garden), each with their own gardening practices (organic fertilizers, irrigation, and crops). The gardens exhibited large nutrient leaching per area cultivated compared to observed nutrient leachate in rural agriculture in similar climates. There was a large variability among studied plots, where nitrogen leaching reached 39–191 kg ha−1 y−1 and phosphorus 0.9–2.4 kg ha−2 y−1. Importantly, the non-growing season, especially snowmelt, was a key period for leaching. Most of the nitrogen (78–91 %) and phosphorus (45–97 %) leaching occurred from November to April when the soil was bare, suggesting that mineralization of organic matter was important. Three of the gardens received high amounts of organic fertilizers, though no clear relation between inputs and leaching could be discerned. One plot deviated from the pattern, with less than 40 % of the nutrient leaching occurring in the non-growing season. This gardener had a fine net covering the plot to deter insects. This protected from precipitation as the water volume collected was the lowest, with only 26 % collected in the non-growing season, and nitrogen leaching was also the lowest. Our results illustrate that additional monitoring studies should occur year-round and in several gardens to account for high temporal and spatial heterogeneity and avoid under-estimating leaching losses from urban agriculture. Providing guidance on fertilization, irrigation, and soil covering may be a way to minimize leaching.  相似文献   

摘要:从科学、实用的角度出发,利用全面质量管理理论分析和探索高端搂盘园林景观施工管理的方法。文章通过分析“泛海国际”居住区5#地块的施工实例,展示模型具体应用办法,证明模型的实用性。其实例、方法和建议可供高端搂盘园林景观项目施工参考。  相似文献   

A meaningful interpretation of landscape metrics is possible only when the limitations of each measure are fully understood, the range of attainable values is known, and the user is aware of potential shifts in the range of values due to characteristics of landscape patches. To examine the behavior of landscape metrics, we generated artificial landscapes that mimicked fragmentation processes while controlling the size and shape of patches in the landscape and the mode of disturbance growth. We developed nine series of increasingly fragmented landscapes and used these to investigate the behavior of edge density, contagion, mean nearest neighbor distance, mean proximity index, perimeter-area fractal dimension, and mass fractal dimension. We found that most of the measures were highly correlated, especially contagion and edge density, which had a near-perfect inverse correspondence. Many of the measures were linearly-associated with increasing disturbance until the proportion of disturbance on the landscape was approximately 0.40, with non-linear associations at higher proportions. None of the measures was able to differentiate between landscape patterns characterized by dispersed versus aggregated patches. The highest attainable value of each measure was altered by either patch size or shape, and in some cases, by both attributes. We summarize our findings by discussing the utility of each metric.  相似文献   

Patch-based landscape metrics can be biased by the boundaries and the extent of a reporting unit if the boundaries fragment patches. We call this the “boundary problem”. The effective mesh size m eff is a convenient method to quantify landscape fragmentation, that is based on the probability that two points chosen randomly in a region will be connected, e.g., not be separated by roads, railroads, or urban development. The cutting-out (CUT) procedure, used in the original computation of m eff, suffers from the boundary problem because the boundaries of the reporting units are considered to be additional barriers. Therefore, m eff will be underestimated, particularly if reporting units are embedded within the broader landscape. In this paper, we present a solution to overcome this limitation by a new method called “cross-boundary connections” (CBC) procedure. It attributes the connections between two points that are located in different reporting units to both reporting units. We systematically compare the CBC procedure to the CUT procedure and show that the boundary problem is intrinsic to the CUT procedure, while the CBC procedure is independent of the size and administrative boundaries of reporting units. In addition, we elucidate the superior performance of the new procedure in the case study of South Tyrol where m eff is being used for sustainability reporting on the level of municipalities. The new CBC procedure eliminates the bias due to the boundaries and the size of reporting units in measuring landscape fragmentation through m eff.  相似文献   

Large disturbances such as fires and floods are landscape processes that may alter the structure of landscapes in nature reserves. Landscape structure may in turn influence the viability of species and the functioning of ecosystems. Past reserve design and management strategies have been focussed on species and ecosystems rather than on landscape-scale processes, such as disturbance.An essential feature of a natural disturbance regime is the variation in disturbance attributes (e.g., size, timing, intensity, spatial location). Although some past reserve management policies have included natural disturbances, perpetuating disturbance variation has not been the explicit goal of either reserve design or management.To design a reserve to perpetuate the natural disturbance process requires consideration of: (1) the size of the reserve in relation to maximum expected disturbance size, (2) the location of the reserve in relation to favored disturbance initiation and export zones and in relation to spatial variation in the disturbance regime, and (3) the feasibility of disturbance control at reserve boundaries, or in reserve buffers.Disturbance management possibilities are constrained by the design of the reserve and the reserve goals. Where a natural disturbance regime is not feasible, then it is important that the managed disturbance regime mimic historical variation in disturbance sizes and other attributes as well as possible. Manipulating structure on the landscape scale to restore landscapes thought to have been altered by historical disturbance control is premature given our understanding of spatial disturbance processes in landscapes.  相似文献   

The influence of landscape structure on anopheline mosquito density and diversity was studied in a comparison of agricultural and forested landscapes in northern Thailand. Agriculture locations had significantly higher landscape diversity, more patches, smaller mean patch sizes, and more complex patch shapes than forest locations. Mosquito collections were undertaken during both dry and wet seasons from October 1997 to December 1999. The density of two forest-associated species, Anopheles maculatus s.s. and Anopheles minimus s.l., both primary malaria vectors in Thailand, was significantly higher in forest locations in at least one season. The density of two paddy field-associated species, Anopheles aconitus and Anopheles hyrcanus group did not differ between locations. Anopheles aconitus is a secondary malaria vector and An. hyrcanus group is not considered as a vector in Thailand. The density of An. minimus s.l. was positively related to forest mean patch size, various water and paddy field landscape metrics and negatively related to landscape diversity. Anopheles hyrcanus group was also positively related to water metrics. Anopheline species diversity was negatively related to landscape diversity. Forest fragmentation resulting from human economic activities often increases landscape heterogeneity, which may result in a reduction in anopheline species diversity, as was the case in this study. There are indications that the effect of fruit orchards on anopheline diversity might be different in the dry season compared to the wet season. Fruit orchard landscape metrics affected species diversity negatively in the dry season and positively in the wet season. One reason for this could be that pesticides are typically applied in fruit orchards during the dry season. The conversion of forests to fruit orchards is a major land-use change in northern Thailand. These results show the complexity of vector status in northern Thailand and that vector and agriculture pest control are intricately interrelated. It is therefore important to include both the public health and agricultural sectors in controlling malaria vectors in the country. Our results also indicate that if landscape management should be used for malaria control in northern Thailand large-scale reduction and fragmentation of forest cover would be needed. Such drastic actions do not agree well with current global objectives concerning forest and biodiversity conservation This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Parks are recognised as important elements of urban green infrastructure and for providing many benefits to city residents. In countries where urban growth is unplanned and sprawling, green space provision falls behind, inadequate amounts are provided or spaces are not located in the most effective places. Tehran, the capital of Iran, has experienced huge growth in population and corresponding sprawl in recent years. There has been no study of the effectiveness of parks as part of the range of green spaces in the city − their location, accessibility within the urban structure, relationship to the socio-demographic character of the population, amount per capita or quality and condition. Using a combination of existing data supplemented by new data from site surveys, this study firstly looked at the citywide scale of public open space in relation to population and socio-economic patterns. Second, a representative sample of 16 parks was examined in terms of their accessibility within the urban street structure using space syntax. The syntactical results were correlated with several different aspects of each park collected and rated on a 1–5 scale. The results showed a wide range of availability of parks with no specific pattern related to whether the district is better off or poor. The data on green space per district was often heavily biased by the presence of large areas of forest park or non-recreational land which gives a false picture.Many of the best parks are poorly integrated into the street network and found in the better off districts yet are very popular because they are “destination” parks in cooler, hilly areas. Poorly integrated parks in the inner city districts tended to show lower levels of maintenance, were often little used and had vandalism. Much more attention is needed to provide green space in an equitable way.  相似文献   

The loss of connectivity of natural areas is a major threat for wildlife dispersal and survival and for the conservation of biodiversity in general. Thus, there is an increasing interest in considering connectivity in landscape planning and habitat conservation. In this context, graph structures have been shown to be a powerful and effective way of both representing the landscape pattern as a network and performing complex analysis regarding landscape connectivity. Many indices have been used for connectivity analyses so far but comparatively very little efforts have been made to understand their behaviour and sensitivity to spatial changes, which seriously undermines their adequate interpretation and usefulness. We systematically compare a set of ten graph-based connectivity indices, evaluating their reaction to different types of change that can occur in the landscape (habitat patches loss, corridors loss, etc.) and their effectiveness for identifying which landscape elements are more critical for habitat conservation. Many of the available indices were found to present serious limitations that make them inadequate as a basis for conservation planning. We present a new index (IIC) that achieves all the properties of an ideal index according to our analysis. We suggest that the connectivity problem should be considered within the wider concept of habitat availability, which considers a habitat patch itself as a space where connectivity exists, integrating habitat amount and connectivity between habitat patches in a single measure.  相似文献   

Knowledge of variation in vascular plant species richness and species composition in modern agricultural landscapes is important for appropriate biodiversity management. From species lists for 2201 land-type patches in 16 1-km2 plots five data sets differing in sampling-unit size from patch to plot were prepared. Variation in each data set was partitioned into seven sources: patch geometry, patch type, geographic location, plot affiliation, habitat diversity, ecological factors, and land-use intensity. Patch species richness was highly predictable (75% of variance explained) by patch area, within-patch heterogeneity and patch type. Plot species richness was, however, not predictable by any explanatory variable, most likely because all studied landscapes contained all main patch types – ploughed land, woodland, grassland and other open land – and hence had a large core of common species. Patch species composition was explained by variation along major environmental complex gradients but appeared nested to lower degrees in modern than in traditional agricultural landscapes because species-poor parts of the landscape do not contain well-defined subsets of the species pool of species-rich parts. Variation in species composition was scale dependent because the relative importance of specific complex gradients changed with increasing sampling-unit size, and because the amount of randomness in data sets decreased with increasing sampling-unit size. Our results indicate that broad landscape structural changes will have consequences for landscape-scale species richness that are hard or impossible to predict by simple surrogate variables.  相似文献   

Spatial ecology is becoming an increasingly important component of resource management, and the general monitoring of how human activities affect the distribution and abundance of wildlife. Yet most work on the reliability of sampling strategies is based on a non-spatial analysis of variance paradigm, and little work has been done assessing the power of alternative spatial methods for creating reliable maps of animal abundance. Such a map forms a critical response variable for multiple scale studies relating landscape structure to biotic function. The power to reconstruct patterns of distribution and abundance is influenced by sample placement strategy and density, the nature of spatial auto-correlation among points, and by the technique used to extrapolate points into an animal abundance map. Faced with uncertainty concerning the influence of these factors, we chose to first synthesize a model reference system of known properties and then evaluate the relative performance of alternative sampling and mapping procedures using it. We used published habitat associations of tree nesting boreal neo-tropical birds, a classified habitat map from the Manitou Lakes area of northwestern Ontario, and point count means and variances determined from field studies in boreal Canada to create 4 simulated models of avian abundance to function as reference maps. Four point sampling strategies were evaluated by 4 spatial mapping methods. We found mixed-cluster sampling to be an effective point sampling strategy, particularly when high habitat fragmentation was avoided by restricting samples to habitat patches >10 ha in size. We also found that of the 4 mapping methods, only stratified ordinary point kriging (OPK) was able to generate maps that reproduced an embedded landscape-scale spatial effect that reduced nesting bird abundance in areas of higher forest age-class fragmentation. Global OPK was effective only for detecting broader, regional-scale differences. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

节约型园林在城市人工湖管理中的体现,即从养护环节入手,制定科学的规划设计方案,养护及运营管理规范,集约利用各种自然资源与能源,实现园林管理的低投入、高产出的可持续发展。  相似文献   

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