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Paolo Ranalli 《Euphytica》1996,87(2):127-132
Summary The effect of a recurrent selection procedure for improving seed yield per plant was evaluated in common bean. Progress was registered after three cycles of recurrent selection with S2 progeny evaluation performed on the grain yield/plant. Gain from selection was estimated by field testing 45 random S2 lines from each of the C0, C1 and C2 populations. Response to selection for seed yield/plant was 6 g from C0 to C1 and 4.4 g from C1 to C2. The seed yield improvement was due principally to an increase in pods/plant; little contribution was provided by the 1000-seed weight and seeds/pod traits. Broad-sense heritability and genotypic variance for grain yield remained high in all cycles which suggests further gain from additional selection cycles. Grain yield/plant is significantly correlated to pods/plant and seeds/pod traits in all cycles, indicating that plants with favourable combinations of these traits could be identified. The proposed recurrent selection procedure appears to be effective in improving the population and extracting superior genotypes for varietal development.  相似文献   

John Hamblin 《Euphytica》1977,26(1):157-168
Summary The effect of bulk breeding on yield and its components was studied in two high-yielding and two low-yielding bean crosses until the F6 generation. It was found that bulk breeding on the whole did not alter the mean values in the high-yielding crosses, but that there was a steady increase in the mean values of the low-yielding crosses with generation. As well as mean values the use of variance as a determinant of cross potential was also studied. It was found for characters markedly influenced in their expression by the environment, of which grain yield is the prime example, that progeny variance did not differ significantly from parental variance. It was concluded that interplant competition was the factor of the environment responsible for this effect.  相似文献   

Summary The effects of bulk breeding on yield and its components in two high-yeilding and two low-yielding bean populations when grown at crop densities are interpreted in terms of gene action and selection. There was considerable additive variation in the crosses, dominance effects were variable but tended to be negative. The results were compared with results obtained at low density by another worker with the same populations, and this showed that interpretations of gene action in hybrid vigour depend on the test environment used. The interpretations were also compared with plant breeding interpretations made on the same material (Hamblin, 1977), and it was found that a single pattern of response to natural selection, in plant breeding terms, may be explained by more than one genetic interpretation and, conversely, a single genetic interpretation may result in different patterns of response in plant breeding terms. The value of composite crosses in plant breeding are discussed and it is concluded that there is a greater chance of producing improved lines from a large number of simple crosses than from a smaller number of composite crosses.  相似文献   

Summary Selection among microgametophytes usually exploits variation in pollen grain germination. Studies of variation in pollen grain size in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) suggested that selection for size might lead to changes in sporophytic traits. To determine whether microgametophytic selection based on size would affect pollen grain size in subsequent generations or sporophytic traits that were correlated with pollen grain size, pollen grains from three crosses were separated into two size categories by sieving and then used to pollinate cv. Diacol Calima. Selection resulted in changes in pollen grain diameter for pollen from F1, F2 and F3 plants for all crosses. In vitro germination indicated no differences between vigor of large and small grains, but extraction and sieving reduced germinability. F1 seed from two of the crosses with size-selected pollen varied in weight according to pollen grain size, but in subsequent generations, the effect disappeared. Both size categories of selected pollen resulted in F2 progeny with reduced numbers of seeds per pod as compared to controls, suggesting that the size selection process may have resulted in indirect selection for traits reducing seed set. The overall results suggested that genes determining pollen grain size in bean have little or no effect on sporophytic traits such as seed size and seed yield.  相似文献   

Summary In common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) the diaphorase (DIA) allozyme variant Diap-2 105 is frequently present in plants with upright, type II plant architecture. The genetic relationship between upright plant architecture and Diap-2 105 was investigated in eight F2 populations derived from crosses between navy bean and pinto bean parental lines differing for type I, II, and III growth habit and DIA genotype. Segregation at the Diap-2 locus followed the expected 1:2:1 ratio in all eight F2 populations and when pooled across F2 populations. F2 data from 1345 individuals indicated that plant architecture and the Diap-2 locus are not linked (r=0.03, P=0.333). However, the Diap-2 105 allozyme was present in 71% of advanced navy, pinto, and great northern genotypes with type II plant architecture. Due to random drift, Diap-2 105, initially associated with type II architecture through founder effect, may be maintained in such genotypes without providing greater fitness or without being associated with a locus or linked loci governing upright plant architecture.  相似文献   

Summary Male sterile bean plants were discovered at Embu Agricultural Research Station, Kenya. The character is controlled by one recessive gene.The Grain Legume Project is a joint project of the Kenya Ministry of Agriculture and The Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs.  相似文献   

Summary A knowledge of the biological and functional relationships among traits would be of benefit to plant breeders in the choice of traits to use for increasing efficiency of selection in a breeding program. Principal factor analysis was used to identify biological and functional relationships among dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) traits in segregating populations of a phenotypic recurrent selection program designed to introduce upright architecture into medium-sized dry bean.Two biological interpretations were assigned to factors extracted in the analysis of four seed/pod traits. The first was a size factor, loaded with seed weight and pod width, and the second a number factor, which was loaded with number of seeds per pod and pod length. Similarly, three factors were extracted from the analysis of fifteen architectural traits. The first factor was interpreted as an elongation factor, and was loaded with internode length measurements, while the second factor was interpreted as a structural factor, and was further divided into two subclasses namely, sturdiness factor and profile factor. The sturdiness factor comprised hypocotyl diameter and hypocotyl length, while the profile factor comprised branch angle and number of basal branches. The third factor which was called a reproductive factor was loaded with pod distribution traits and the number and location of nodes on which pods were borne.  相似文献   

Summary Pedigree selection for seed yield, using early generation yield tests, was practiced from the F2 to F7 in two populations of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in three plant densities: 66, 133, and 266 thousand plants ha-1 at CIAT-Palmira, Colombia. The six highest yielding lines selected from each plant-density, along with 13 parents, were evaluated in a 7×7 lattice design with three replications at the three densities utilized for selection, and at 399,000 plants ha-1 in 1988 and 1989.Based on the mean performance of selected lines and the mean of the parents, selection for seed yield was effective in all densities in both populations. However, none of the lines selected from the population within the race Mesoamerica (TC 4673) significantly outyielded their best parent under any plant density. The highest yielding lines selected from the interracial population (TR 4635) outyielded their best parent irrespective of the plant-density used for selection. The highest yielding line originated from the highest density used for selection. Low density was neither good for selection nor for evaluation and identification of high-yielding cultivars of common bean. There was no significant difference between the mean yield of lines selected at the intermediate and high population densities. The effects of plant density, year, and their interactions were significant for seed yield.  相似文献   

Summary Two common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) cultivars were used for recurrent backcrossing (i.e., repeated backcrossing to one of the parents) to both parents independently and for congruity backcrossing (i.e., backcrossing alternately to both parents). One cultivar, ICA Pijao of race Mesoamerica, was late maturing, with erect type II growth habit and small seeds. The other was Pinto UI 114 of race Durango, an early maturing cultivar with prostrate type III growth habit and medium seeds. One to three recurrent backcrosses (RBC) to both parents, and two rounds of congruity backcrosses (CBC), were made. Thirty-two random lines from each method along with two parents were compared in a reps-in-set design at two locations (Popayán and Quilichao) in Colombia in 1992–1993.Differences between lines derived through different methods were found for seed yield, 100-seed weight, days to maturity, growth habit, and seed color pattern. The RBC to ICA Pijao produced lines with relatively higher seed yield, smaller seed size, and delayed maturity. Similarly, the RBC to Pinto UI 114 produced lines with reduced yield, medium seed size, and earlier maturity. All lines from one, two, and three RBC to Pinto UI 114 had type III growth habit. While most lines from the RBC to ICA Pijao had erect type II Growth habit, a few type III lines were also found in all the RBC. The lines derived from the CBC mostly possessed yield, maturity, and seed characteristics between those of the two parents and lines derived from RBC to both parents independently. They also had more variation for growth habit. To maximize recombination between and retention of desirable traits from distantly related parents used in interracial crosses, use of the CBC is suggested.  相似文献   

Summary OSU 5062, a green bean line with a tendency for pods to become creasebacked (wider than deep) in cross-section, was crossed to near-round-podded cultivars Oregon 83 and Slenderette, oval-podded Bountiful, and flat-podded Roma, to further clarify the inheritance of pod cross-section. Differences among generations in pod cross-section index (PCS), calculated as pod width/depth, were small in the near-round x creaseback crosses (1.07 and 1.01 for Oregon 83 and Slenderette versus 1.20 for OSU 5062). Bountiful (0.63) and Roma (0.50) differed to a greater extent from 5062. Generation means of individual plant PCS of the F1 and F2 were almost identical, were almost exactly intermediate between parents, and strongly supported additive inheritance. Backcross data generally supported additive inheritance, but in some cases indicated degrees of dominance of higher PCS. A generation means analysis indicated additive gene action, but deviations from an additive-dominance model were significant in each cross.  相似文献   

Summary Parents and F2 progenies of an 8×8 diallel cross were grown under non-compacted and compacted soil conditions. Soil compaction reduced yield, pods per plant, and seeds per pod; however, an increase in seed wieght and no effect for pod length were observed. With the exception of pods per plant, the remaining traits had larger genetic variances under non-compacted soil conditions. Phenotypic correlations involving yield and related traits were similar under the two conditions. Tolerance to soil compaction and mean performance over the two soil conditions were defined. Genetic correlations in terms of: (1) the ratio of genetic variances under the stress and non-stress conditions, and (2) the correlation between performance under the two conditions, were calculated and discussed.Journal Article No. 10900 of the Michigan Agricultural Experiment Station.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to evaluate the genetic progress after four cycles of recurrent selection in common bean. The base segregating population was obtained from 10 parents, and derived the S0:1 and S0:2 families that were evaluated. The S0:3 families with higher grain yield and grain color, like the standard carioca were selected, and were intercrossed to generate the population of the following cycle. This process was repeated for four cycles. The best families were evaluated in each cycle by many generations and locations, and the five best lines of each cycle were identified. The 20 lines thus obtained were evaluated in two growing seasons, sown in July and November 2002. The grain yield (kg/ha) and grain type (scale of scores) were evaluated. Genetic progress was confirmed for both traits. The mean annual gain with selection for the grain type was 10.5% and 5.7% for grain yield, with no evidence of variability reduction in the population. These results show that recurrent selection is a good alternative for improving common bean quantitative traits.  相似文献   

Summary Cold tolerance of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), runner bean (P. coccineus L.) and several bean lines was evaluated under artificial conditions. Seedlings were exposed to –6°C gradually, then to –12°C rapidly in the growth chamber with copper-constantan thermocouples attached to various parts of the plant. Seedling freezing curves with exotherms were then analyzed. Three basic parameters were measured: time required for exotherm to appear, temperature of the appearance of the exotherm and temperature rise caused by the exotherm. Exotherm appearance in beans was related to freezing injury and death of the seedlings. Exotherms of the common bean variety Bush Blue Lake 92 seedling recorded at the stem, primary leaf base, tip and petiole and true leaf appeared at the same time, however their shape was different. Exotherms of stem appeared at higher temperature than those of primary leaves. Their shapes always followed the same pattern. Beans with cold tolerance were found to produce exotherms later than susceptible ones. Exposing 3 weeks old bean seedlings to 12°C delayed the time of exotherm appearance in the cold susceptible cultivar Bush Blue Lake 92. Some plants survived 2 hours exposure to –6°C in the growth chamber.  相似文献   

Summary Evaluation of Phaseolus vulgaris germplasm bank materials and progenies from a large number of crosses using red- or yellow-colored, BCMV-susceptible bean lines, crossed to purple- or grey/brown-colored, hypersensitive-resistant lines, suggested strong trait association between seed color and BCMV resistance. The cross of red-mottled I+I+ (susceptible) BAT 1255R to isogenic purple-mottled II (resistant) BAT 1255M was made to study the segregation of the two characters and to recover red-mottled resistant progenies. No recombinant genotypes were observed among 353 F3 families inoculated with BCMV-NL3, suggesting that linkage of purple-mottled seed color and dominant BCMV resistance is very close.Contribution of the Centro Internacional de Agricultural Tropical.  相似文献   

Summary To satisfy farmer and consumer preferences, breeding efforts to increase yield potential in common bean must take into account the interrelated effects of growth habit, seed size, maturity, and gene pool on yield expression in segregating populations. To examine the relationships among these traits, a genetic study was conducted to determine the effect of growth habit on yield and seed size in crosses among five bean lines from diverse gene pools. Two parental bean lines had determinate, type I growth habits and large seed size typical of the Neuva Granada-Andean gene pool. Two other lines were tropical Mesoamerican types with type II growth habits and small seed size; and the fifth line, G13625, a landrace of the Jalisco gene pool from the Mexican highlands, had a type IV climbing growth habit and medium seed size. Individual F2 plants from each cross and parental lines were evaluated for growth habit and yield component traits under high input field conditions. The following season, the evaluations were repeated on random F3 plants. Of the five parental lines, only G13625 showed significant GCA effects for yield in both the F2 and F3 generations. Improved yielding ability of G13625 progeny was associated with an increased expression of climbing bean growth habit traits: guide length, climbing ability, node number on main stem, and plant height. Crosses between Andean x Mesoamerican and Andean x Jalisco genotypes, as well between growth habit type I (Andean x Andean) and between type II (Mesoamerican x Mesoamerican) had very low parent-offspring heritability values for yield. Yield heritability was only significant for crosses between Mesomerican x Jalisco gene pools. An apparent simple genetic control of growth habit modification towards semi-climbing and climbing types is proposed as the major reason for increased yields in these crosses. No genetic linkage between genes controlling growth habit and seed size was detected which might restrict the development of high yielding large-seeded type II lines.  相似文献   

Summary Dwarlism in F1 hybrids has been observed in over 100 crosses of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) at the Centro Internacional de Agricultura Tropical (CIAT), Cali, Colombia. In each cross, one parent always had small seeds and the other parent either medium or la ge ones. This apparent incompatibility between the two groups of germplasm was controlled by two complementary, dominant genes: DL1 and DL2. Smallseeded bean lines carried gene DL1 and originated in Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala, and Mexico; medium for large-seeded bean lines carried gene DL2 and were from Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Turkey, The United States, and West Germany. Thes two genes have probably played an important role in the evolution of dry bean forms of different seed sizes by serving as a genetic barrier or isolating mechanism, thus limiting free genetic recombination between the two germplasm groups.Apparent differences in the adaptiveness and yielding ability of the two groups of bean germplasm, smallys, medium- and large-seeded, and some breeding implications for manipulation of the genes causing F1 hybrid dwarfism were also discovered.  相似文献   

Summary A non-destructive method has been developed to select common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants whose growth is less effected at a suboptimal temperature. Shoot weight was determined at a suboptimal (14°C) and optimal temperature (20°C), 38 days after sowing and accessions identified with a significantly lower than average weight reduction at 14°C compared to their weight at 20°C. Weight of primary leaves and of the shoot was correlated with seed weight at both temperatures, but no correlation was found between shoot weight reduction at 14°C and seed weight.  相似文献   

Summary A procedure based on acid polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (acid PAGE) has been described. Resolution of phaseolin bands appears to be relatively superior to that obtained with basic PAGE system. The procedure discriminates S, T, C, M and B types of phaseolins; S, T and C have been reported previously while M and B types were identified in the present study.  相似文献   

W. L. McProud 《Euphytica》1979,28(2):473-480
Summary A critical examination of three representative barley development programs from three barley producing areas of the world reveals that the evolution of each can be explained by the concepts of simple or phenotypic recurrent selection. Typically, each has utilized only 13 to 16 separate genetic sources in their program. Most of the sources were introduced over 50 years ago and have been progressively recombined through a simple recurrent selection process. The time period required for selection, testing, and reincorporation of improved genetic recombinants into the breeding program, or the completion of a cycle of recurrent selection, ranged from 6.5 to 10.5 years. If the major operative force in barley breeding is recurrent selection, then additional attention should be given to increasing the genetic base and reducing the time required to complete cycles of selection.  相似文献   

Summary The utilization of American and European bean cultivars as host differentials for distinction of races of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum has been discussed. The new race occurring at Ebnet. Germany, since 1973 is named kappa. It broke down resistance derived from the Are gene originating from Cornell 49–242. Resistance to this kappa race appeared to be present in some European and Asiatic bean cultivars as well as in some American bean accessions.  相似文献   

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