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Forests fragmentation reduces the density of natural plant populations forming patches of the remaining individuals. One of the biotic interactions that can be affected by forest fragmentation and is poorly studied is seed predation. We determined the effects of forest fragmentation on seed and fruit predation in Ceiba aesculifolia by comparing trees in continuous forest with trees in fragmented forest. We compared the following variables: (a) frequency of fruit predation by Collie’s squirrel (Sciurus colliaei) in each habitat; (b) frequency of the cotton-staining bug seed predator (Dysdercus, Orden Hemiptera) in each habitat; (c) the effect of seed predation on germination frequency and time; and (d) the effect of different life stages of Dysdercus on seed viability. In continuous habitat, 100% of the trees presented fruits with squirrel predation while only 34% of trees in fragmented habitats presented fruit predation. In continuous forest 27% of the trees contained fruits with the seed predator Dysdercus, while only 2% of the trees in fragmented forest presented Dysdercus. The initial weight of damaged seeds was greater than seeds that were not damaged indicating that seed predators select heavier seeds to feed upon. Frequency of seed germination was affected by different life stages; pre-adults decreased germination significantly more than nymphs and adults. Seed predation significantly increased the time it took for germination to occur. Our study shows that forest fragmentation significantly affects predation patterns of squirrels and cotton-staining bugs. Reduction of natural seed predators in forest fragments may have long-term consequences on forest structure and diversity.  相似文献   

Nest predation has been established as a leading source of reproductive failure in songbirds. Numerous studies, conducted primarily in the Northern Hemisphere, have linked high rates of nest predation with fragmentation and habitat edges. To date, virtually no such studies have been conducted in Tropical Africa. Here we investigate the effects of disturbance level and edge on depredation of artificial avian nests in six fragments of Kakamega Forest, Kenya. We found that nest losses were higher at the edge than in the interior as often reported in previous studies. Surprisingly, nest predation was highest in the least disturbed fragments. One possible explanation for these findings is that top predators are missing from Kakamega Forest, allowing nest predator populations to increase in all fragments, while in the highly disturbed fragments, domestic dogs might be surrogates for top predators. Alternatively, human activity may itself lead to a decline in mesopredator populations.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is often associated with reduced levels of fitness and local extinction of plant species, and consequently poses a major threat to the persistence of species worldwide. The majority of demography-based fragmentation studies to date have focussed primarily on fragmentation impacts on individual plant fecundity. Here we investigate the impact of habitat fragmentation on the demography (plant height classes and density) and key population dynamic processes for the rainforest tree species Macadamia integrifolia (Proteaceae). Raceme and fruit production and seedling emergence across fragmented sites exceeded that in more intact sites with no apparent difference in short-term mortality rates. Fecundity of flowering trees did not appear to be affected by fragmentation. Instead, overall reproductive output in fragmented sites was enhanced relative to undisturbed sites due to a higher proportion of reproductively active individuals. The probability of flowering and fruiting was negatively correlated with the projected foliage cover (PFC) surrounding individual trees, and average PFC was significantly lower in small and medium fragments, suggesting light availability as a potential contributor to the trends observed here.This study demonstrates that the short-term effects of habitat fragmentation on population viability may not necessarily be detrimental for some species, and highlights the importance of assessing not only the fecundity of flowering individuals but also the proportion of individuals reproducing within fragments.  相似文献   

Pollinator assemblages may shift as a consequence of the destruction and fragmentation of natural habitats. The scarcity of mates and pollinators can lead plant populations to suffer from pollen limitation and a decrease in reproductive performance within fragmented areas. We studied the shift in pollinator assemblages along with pollen limitation and seed production patterns in the Mediterranean shrub Myrtus communis. Our study included six populations contrasting in patch and population size (Large vs. Small) within a fragmented landscape characterized by ∼1% of potential forest coverage. The breeding system in Myrtus communis was self-compatible, but compared with natural pollination, fruit set increased with pollen addition (quantity limited), and seed set (brood size) increased with outcross pollen addition (quality limited). While the pollinator assemblage in Large patches was taxonomically diverse, it was almost monopolized by honeybees in Small patches, where visitation rates were highest and wild bee species were almost absent. In general, Small populations were less pollen limited for fruit set than Large populations, particularly those that received the highest rates of honeybee visits. However, despite differences in fragmentation and pollinators between Large and Small populations, seed production patterns (brood size and seed mass) were rather similar among them, in agreement with similar pollen limitation levels found for brood size. A higher susceptibility of native pollinators to the presence of honeybee hives was found in Small patches, suggesting that the pollinator assemblage may be severely altered when fragmentation occurs in combination with beekeeping. We discuss its implications and effects on plant reproduction in fragmented areas.  相似文献   

To evaluate the sufficiency of US federal critical habitat designations and a proposed conservation plan in promoting the long-term persistence of the endangered plant Astragalus albens, patterns of genetic diversity and landscape connectivity were examined. A. albens harbors substantial genetic variation and shows no evidence of historic bottlenecks, suggesting little risk of extinction due to genetic homogeneity (A = 2.40; P = 0.50) or inbreeding (f = −0.08) within occurrences. Low genetic differentiation among occurrences (θp = 0.01) indicates relatively high gene flow or little genetic drift. The 91 patches of A. albens were connected into a single network at a distance of 2100 m; 94% of patches were <1000 m from at least one other patch. Managing ecological conditions that maintain large population sizes and connectivity among populations throughout the species’ ecological and geographic ranges will most likely conserve existing diversity. Both reserve networks partially accomplish these goals by including most extant occurrences and >89% of the aerial extent of the species, including the largest populations, and capturing all detected alleles. However, both conservation networks fail to conserve occurrences from one portion of the species’ range, possibly speeding loss of unique local adaptations. In addition, connectivity of the whole network is reduced with the 65 patches designated as critical habitat being connected at a distance of 6200 m and the proposed reserve sites being connected at a distance of 9500 m. Although total network connectivity would be reduced, connectivity at scales most relevant to gene flow (e.g., <1000 m) remains sufficiently in tact to provide a relatively promising outlook for species persistence.  相似文献   

Over-exploitation and fragmentation are serious problems for tropical forests. Most sustainable forest management practices avoid clear-cuts and apply selective logging systems focused on a few commercial species. We applied a simulation model to estimate the impact of such selective logging scenarios on the genetic diversity and demography of four tropical tree species from French Guiana. The simulations used data on genetic and demographic composition, growth, phenology and pollen and seed dispersal obtained for Dicorynia guianensis, Sextonia rubra, Symphonia globulifera and Vouacapoua americana at the experimental site in Paracou. Whereas Symphonia globulifera serves as a model for a species with low logging pressure, the other three species represent the most exploited tree species in French Guiana. In simulations with moderate logging, typical for French Guiana, with large cutting diameter (>60 cm diameter) and long cutting cycles (65 years), the two species V. americana and Sextonia rubra were not able to recover their initial stock at the end of the rotation period, with a large decrease in the number of individuals and in basal area. Under a more intensive logging system (cutting diameter >45 cm diameter, cutting cycles of 30 years) that is common practice in the Brazilian Amazon, only Symphonia globulifera showed no negative impact. Generally, the differences between the genetic parameters in the control scenarios without logging and the logging scenarios were surprisingly small. The main reasons for this were the overlapping of generations and the effective dispersal ability of gene vectors in all species, which guarantee relative homogeneity of the genetic structure in different age classes. Nevertheless, decreasing the population size by logging reduced the number of genotypes and caused higher genetic distances between the original population and the population at the end of the logging cycles. Sensitivity analysis showed that genetic changes in the logging scenarios were principally determined by the growth, densities and cutting diameter of each species, and only to a very small extent by the reproductive system including factors such as pollen and seed dispersal and flowering phenology.  相似文献   

Despite scientific and media attention on pollinator declines, there is still only a rudimentary understanding of the response of bees—the most important group of pollinators worldwide—to ongoing land use changes. Euglossine bees are an ecologically important Neotropical clade of forest-dependent pollinators. Despite the fact that euglossines are well studied relative to other groups of tropical bees, only three previous studies, all from Brazil, address the response of euglossines to forest fragmentation. In this study, I tripled the maximum sample size of previous efforts by sampling male euglossines in 22 forest fragments ranging in area from 0.25 ha to 230 ha in southern Costa Rica, using chemically baited Van Someren traps. Abundance of euglossine bees was significantly positively related to forest fragment size, negatively related to shape (edge:area ratio), and marginally related to fragment isolation. Euglossine species richness showed similar, but weaker trends: richness was significantly positively related to the quantity of forest edge, marginally negatively related to fragment area, and not related to fragment isolation. The positive relationship between euglossine richness and abundance and forest fragment edge is consistent with other studies that have found high euglossine density in secondary or disturbed forest. The data suggest that individual euglossines move between forest fragments, as has been shown in other systems. Still, forest fragmentation appears to affect euglossine bees more strongly than other bee groups in the study region. Their large flight range and positive relationship with forest edges may help to buffer the negative effects of fragmentation, allowing euglossines to utilize even the very smallest forest fragments in the study area.  相似文献   

Conservation biologists pay increasing attention to the interdependence between habitat structure and genetic patterns of species and to the importance of conserving genetic diversity. A suitable model species for such a study is Polyommatus coridon, a butterfly of dry calcareous grassland. We studied the population genetic structure of 22 western German populations of this species (874 individuals). We observed no congruence between the observed genetic structure and the geographic arrangement of the studied populations. Genetic diversity was slightly higher in large populations than in small populations. Differentiation among populations was weak or even missing. Populations of an area with high habitat density showed no significant differentiation, whereas areas with low habitat densities showed significant genetic differentiation among populations. At present, hierarchical variance analysis revealed no differentiation between four distinguished limestone areas. The combination of all analytical results allow the definition of management units for P. coridon. Conservation measures are proposed from which a large number of rarer species occurring together with P. coridon will benefit.  相似文献   

Habitat fragmentation is a major threat to species survival worldwide due to genetic isolation, inbreeding depression, genetic drift and loss of adaptive potential. However the data on how gene-flow changes following habitat fragmentation is contradictory. If there is significant gene-flow between spatially isolated populations then limited conservation resources could be directed away from projects to ‘establish genetic connectivity’ and used to address other consequences of habitat fragmentation.This research focused on an endangered tree species Gomortega keule (Gomortegaceae) in a fragmented landscape in the Central Chile Biodiversity Hotspot and addressed three questions: (1) How far does pollen move between pollen donors and seed trees and what is the shape of the dispersal curve? (2) Do insect pollinators travel outside of forest patches? (3) Do small populations and single trees contribute to genetic connectivity across the landscape?Paternity analysis results show that G. keule’s insect pollinators travel outside of forest patches, over distances of 6 km, beyond the scale of population fragmentation or genetic structure. Pollen moved from small sites and single trees into large sites, as well as in the other direction, indicating these sites play a key role as functioning elements of the wider population and as stepping stones between sites. Fragmentation at the scale investigated has not led to genetic isolation, thus genetic connectivity per se is not a conservation priority. Other consequences of land-use change, specifically continuing habitat loss and population reduction, still threaten the survival of the species.  相似文献   

The intense exploitation of turtles in Asian markets has contributed to declines in turtle populations across the continent. Three-quarters of Asia’s turtles are threatened and half are endangered. A recent workshop on the Asian turtle crisis identified taxonomic studies of widespread species as a priority for research because these low risk species may include unrecognized, narrowly distributed taxa of much higher concern. Chitra indica is a widely exploited softshell turtle (family Trionychidae) found across southern Asia. Individuals from Thailand have been described as a separate species, Chitra chitra, but this has not been universally accepted, and many sources consider Chitra monotypic. Phylogenetic analysis of sequence data from the mitochondrial ND4 gene revealed three deeply divergent, monophyletic lineages within Chitra: C. indica, C. chitra, and a third unnamed form from Myanmar. This new form is probably Critically Endangered, which highlights the importance of systematic studies in determining conservation priorities.  相似文献   

The fact that the intraspecific genetic differentiation in neutral genetic markers and genes coding for adaptive traits are not typically correlated has caused a great deal of conceptual and practical trouble in delimitation of conservation units. Although the importance of combining information on adaptive genetic divergence with information on historical and recent gene flow in the delimitation of conservation units has been recognized, integrated empirical studies to this end are still rare. We explored the evidence for the specific conservation status of two freshwater three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus) populations on the Adriatic side of the Balkan Peninsula by comparing their phenotypic and genetic characteristics to those of other representative European populations. Apart from focusing on the neutral genetic divergence in mitochondrial DNA sequences and microsatellite markers, we also compared the patterns of morphological differentiation (i.e. bony armour development) resulting from adaptation to freshwater environments. The Balkanic populations formed two distinct groups with regard to neutral genetic variation and had the least developed bony armour of all the examined populations. All morphometric analyses identified the two Balkanic populations as phenotypically – and hence most likely also ecologically – clearly distinct from other European three-spined stickleback populations. These results suggest that the two Balkanic populations (River Neretva and River Zeta) fulfil the most stringent criteria (i.e. lack of genetic and ecological exchangeability) to be classified as conservation units distinct from other European three-spined stickleback populations.  相似文献   

Land use affect soil C and microbial structure, especially in tropical dry areas. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of the land use on physical, chemical, and microbiological attributes of soils from Brazilian semiarid. We analyzed soil physical, chemical, total carbon stocks (TCS), water-soluble carbon (WSC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC) and microbial structure of soil from forest, no irrigation maize, succession areas (Anadenanthera falcate and Tabebuia alba) and secondary shrubby vegetation. The use of soil influences C stock. The forest soil showed higher TCS and MBC. The conversion in T. alba reduced in 9% soil total bacteria. The multivariate analysis showed that TCS, MBC and FAMEs contributed to separation of natural forest and other areas in the superficial layer. This study indicates that the conversion of forest into successional areas can decrease by up to 44% TCS and 68% MBC. The present study provided alarming data concerning the impact of land use on quality of soil in a tropical dry region in Northeastern Brazil. Our results provide an alternative tool for the management of deforested dry areas that could serve as guideline for management plan to sustainability for agricultural impacted dry areas.  相似文献   

Knowledge of habitat and feeding ecology is essential for developing an effective conservation management plan for threatened primates. Despite having been rediscovered nearly a decade ago, very little is known of the critically endangered cao vit gibbon (Nomascus nasutus) or its habitat. We analysed forest cover, made direct observations and conducted interviews of local elders to better understand forest changes and to determine the forest characters and species important to the survival of the gibbon. Interviews indicated human-induced forest resource exploitation focused on species-specific and larger trees most easily accessed. Gibbon forest habitat comprised four primary forest types. The mean canopy height over the whole site was 10.52 m. Gibbons consumed 81, or nearly half of the tree and liana species recorded in the site; however, only 19 species provide 77.8% of the diet. Six of the 19 food species were logged for different reasons throughout the history of the site. We conclude that effective conservation management of primates with highly limited distributions, focused dietary needs, and in degraded ecosystems will require active forest restoration, such as planting important food species in degraded sites.  相似文献   

The exceptional biodiversity of Madagascar is threatened by anthropogenic landscape changes that took place during the 2000 years of human colonization. This study focuses on the influence of geographic distance and forest fragmentation on genetic diversity and population differentiation of three rare, nocturnal, arboreal lemur species in northwestern Madagascar. Historic declines in population sizes as a consequence of forest fragmentation are quantified and dated. Eighteen sites were visited, and a total of 205 Microcebus ravelobensis, 45 M. bongolavensis and 78 M. danfossi were genotyped with eight microsatellite loci. Genetic differentiation among the sites, as measured by FST, ranged from 0.01 to 0.19. These values were significant in almost all cases and indicated genetic structure in the samples. Isolation-by-distance was detected in one species and a STRUCTURE analysis indicated that fragmentation further promoted genetic differentiation. Bayesian methods revealed that populations from all three species underwent a major demographic collapse of around two orders of magnitude. This decrease probably began after the arrival of humans, most likely within the last 500 years. This result suggests that anthropogenic changes may have been limited during the first 1500 years of human colonization in all three ranges. Two of the study species (M. danfossi, M. bongolavensis) lack effectively protected areas in their ranges. Consequently, quick conservation actions are now needed in order to secure the remaining genetic diversity of these species.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship between the current size of endangered bullhead (Cottus gobio) populations and microsatellite genetic variability. Additionally, the microsatellite data were used to evaluate whether a genetic test for population bottlenecks was able to provide evidence of recent severe population declines. Finally, our results were used to develop conservation priorities and measures. Population size appears to be a crucial parameter in determining the amount of genetic diversity that can be preserved in bullheads, since a significant positive correlation was observed between both variables. Furthermore, in some populations we were able to detect genetic signatures of the documented decline in population size. We suggest that the most immediate goal for bullhead conservation should be to increase the size and the range of the populations, and in doing so minimise or even reverse further genetic erosion. Potential management actions like habitat quality improvement, reduction of river fragmentation and supplementation programmes (translocation, supportive breeding) are discussed.  相似文献   

The occurrence and distribution of clonality in the endangered rainforest tree Elaeocarpus williamsianus (Elaeocarpaceae) was investigated using SSR and RAPD analyses for 170 apparent individual trees found across seven sites. The results obtained with the two molecular techniques were in complete agreement in showing that single clones are present in most of the E. williamsianus sites with two genets occurring at the largest and most adequately protected site. In addition, seed production, viability and germinability were determined for four of these populations. Fruit were produced in all four populations tested although sterile fruit were very common. Only two E. williamsianus trees representing different genets within the same site produced viable seed. The overall genetic diversity within E. williamsianus is much lower than expected and thus the potential for sexual reproduction has been significantly diminished. It is concluded that habitat fragmentation removed an existing balance between vegetative and sexual reproduction in this species. Such findings have added urgency to the management of this species which could include a reintroduction program incorporating the collation of all clones within selected sites.  相似文献   

Protected cultivation, mainly represented by plastic-film mulching, has greatly improved crop production worldwide since the 1950s. However, despite its widespread use in tropical USA, Europe and China, its use in sub-Saharan Africa is not widespread. A field experiment was conducted using cocoyam (Colocasia esculenta L. Schott) to evaluate the effects of two tillage systems (tilled and no-till) and plastic-film mulch (black and clear plastic-film mulch) on soil properties and cocoyam growth and yield in 2003 and 2004 planting seasons on a Typic paleudult in southeastern Nigeria. The experiment comprised six treatments and was laid out in the field using randomized complete block design replicated three times. Results showed that 70–80% of the corms emerged 7–8 days (21 days after planting [DAP]) earlier in both tilled and no-till plastic-film mulched plots when compared to the unmulched plots. At later stages of crop development, the plants in the tilled black plastic-film mulched plots were taller by 61–67% than those in the unmulched no-till plots, which had the lowest plant height (27–30 cm). At 98 DAP, there were no significant treatment differences in leaf area index (LAI) between tilled and no-till mulched plots with LAI of 15.5–19.8. However, LAI was reduced in both unmulched plots by 35–54% when compared to the mulched plots. On the average soil temperature was higher in plastic-film mulched plots than that under plots without mulch by about 2 °C. Results show significantly lower soil bulk density (between 1.10 and 1.26 Mg m−3) in both tilled clear and black plastic-film mulched plots when compared to the corresponding no-till clear or black plastic-film mulched plots (1.40–1.45 Mg m−3). For the two seasons studied volumetric water content (VWC) in tilled black plastic-film mulched plots were significantly higher than VWC in other mulched plots by between 10 and 38% in 2003 and between 17 and 30% in 2004. At harvest (270 DAP) the highest corm yield was obtained in tilled black plastic mulched plots (29.1 Mg ha−1). This was higher (P = 0.05) than yields obtained in no-till, no mulch plots by 72%. Yields were also higher in tilled black plastic mulched plots when compared to tilled clear plastic mulched plots, no-till black plastic mulched plots and no-till clear plastic mulched plots by 29, 47 and 59%, respectively. These findings suggest that plastic mulched plots provide a better soil environment for cocoyam than unmulched plots and that tilled mulched plots especially tilled black plastic mulched plots provide superior edaphic environment for cocoyam when compared to other treatments used.  相似文献   

Climate change is raising sea levels, threatening many low-lying coastal areas and associated wildlife. We assessed the threat of sea-level rise (SLR) to the breeding habitat of the federally threatened piping plover on the barrier islands of Suffolk County, New York. We determined the extent of habitat change over the next 100 years under several SLR estimates, as well as the interactive effects of coastal development and storm surge. We found that if plover habitat cannot migrate, SLR is likely to reduce breeding areas. However, if habitat is able to migrate upslope and inland, breeding areas could actually increase with SLR. Unfortunately, this potential habitat gain is stymied by human development, which we found to reduce migrating habitat by 5–12%, depending on SLR estimates. We also found that the spatial configuration of developed areas mattered more than intensity of development in blocking the migration of potential habitat area. Our results raise concern over the likelihood of increased conflict between plover habitat protection and human recreation as habitat is likely to become a larger proportion of the barrier islands in the future. Finally, our results highlight risk from the synergism between SLR and coastal storms, as we estimate that a large hurricane could flood up to 95% of plover habitat. To assure the future of plover habitat on these barrier islands, management needs to promote natural overwash and habitat migration, while minimizing development adjacent to future breeding habitat.  相似文献   

The genetic structure of Azospirillum amazonense populations isolated from the rhizosphere soil and washed and surface-sterilised roots of rice, maize and sorghum plants, cropped simultaneously in two different soils (clay loam and sandy loam) was characterised. Genetic diversity was measured by restriction fragment length polymorphism of the amplified 16S–23S rDNA intergenic spacer region (RISA-RFLP) and cluster analysis. Four genetically distinct clusters of isolates were observed with 78% similarity, suggesting that the A. amazonense population was heterogeneous at the strain level regardless of the soil type or host plant. Analysis of molecular variance (AMOVA) demonstrated that the host plant had a highly significant selective effect on the genetic structure of this species, especially on those isolates intimately associated with them, but also to a lesser extent on isolates from the rhizosphere and washed roots. The soil type also had a highly significant selective effect on A. amazonense genetic diversity, especially for those isolates from the rhizosphere soil. The selective effect of the soil type combined with that of the host plant suggests that environmental factors, such as soil texture and composition of exudates provided by C3 or C4 plants, play major roles in the overall genetic structure of A. amazonense populations associated with these cereals.  相似文献   

We investigated the life cycle and habitat use of an arboreal collembolan species, Xenylla brevispina, in the canopy and soil of a conifer (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) plantation. The adaptive significance of migration between arboreal and soil habitats in the maintenance of its population in relation to the vertical structure of the forest is discussed. We sampled dead branches with foliage in the canopy (canopy litter) and on the forest-floor (soil litter). X. brevispina had one generation a year throughout the 3 years of the study. The mean densities of X. brevispina were similar in the canopy litter (0.06 to 14.57 g−1 dry weight) and the soil litter (0.44 to 18.99 g−1 dry weight). Seasonal patterns of density and relative abundance indicate that individuals of X. brevispina in the canopy were closely associated with those in the soil. These results suggest that vertical migration between the canopy and the soil might be a strategy allowing X. brevispina to be a predominant collembolan species in this forest.  相似文献   

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