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Fish Physiology and Biochemistry - Spotted wolffish Anarhichas minor reproduction in captivity is dependent on in vitro fertilization. However, it is often challenging to acquire sufficient fresh...  相似文献   

We assessed the potential for simulation and modelling of the blackspot seabream (Pagellus bogaraveo) population in the Strait of Gibraltar to discriminate the environmental effects of fishery impacts. A discrete biomass–abundance dynamic model was implemented to obtain a simulated monthly time series of blackspot seabream biomass. On this simulated time series, autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) models were fitted. The best ARIMA fit provided a significant correlation of 0.76 and persistence index higher than 0.85. The proportion of variance non‐explained by the ARIMA models was correlated with a time series of sea surface temperature (SST) and North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO). The analysis of global, annual and winter correlation between the proportion of variance not explained by the ARIMA models and environmental variables showed that significant associations were not detected over the full time series. Our analysis therefore suggests that overexploitation is the main factor responsible for the commercial depletion of blackspot seabream in the Strait of Gibraltar.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the physiological alterations during ontogeny for cachara (Pseudoplatystoma reticulatum) and their hybrid larvae (Pseudoplatystoma corruscans?×?P. reticulatum) using lipids and fatty acids as physiological tools to elucidate the basis for differences in these groups?? productivity in an industrial setting. Eggs and larvae samples were collected during January and February of 2008 in the city of Bandeirantes, MS, and were divided into three primary phases: phase I (0?C16?h after fertilization); phase II (24?h after fertilization to 6?days after fertilization); and phase III (7?C25?days after fertilization). The larvae of both groups showed a high degree of similarity, suggesting that the hybrid larvae showed a high level of heritability from the cachara broodstock. Analysis of the total lipid content provided evidence that there is no alteration in lipid concentration during ontogeny for both groups (i.e., the cachara and hybrids). However, the fatty acid profile showed that during the endogenous feeding period (phase II), when the larvae must use the energy reserves from the mother, the cachara larvae used mainly monounsaturated fatty acids for development. This is typical for most fish species, though notably, the hybrids preferentially used saturated fatty acids. Furthermore, certain specific changes demonstrate unique patterns of energy utilization and structural substrates, which may aid in elucidating the empirical differences reported by fish farmers (i.e., that the hybrids perform better than cacharas in captivity).  相似文献   

1. Despite their importance for aquatic biodiversity, ponds are among the most vulnerable freshwater habitats. Owing to their isolation in terrestrial environments, ponds are expected to be relatively well protected from biological invasions, but this depends on many factors. 2. The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of a range of variables (water quality, habitat, and landscape attributes) on the colonization of discrete ponds by a widespread aquatic invader, the red swamp crayfish Procambarus clarkii, which can disperse overland. 3. Investigations were conducted in two networks of ponds, each located in close proximity to a large invaded marsh. The two marshes under study differed in the length of time since the crayfish were introduced. 4. The proportions of colonized ponds and crayfish abundances were moderate in both networks, but higher in the network that had been invaded first. In both networks the distance to the marsh was the main predictor of pond colonization, considering similar energy costs to cross aquatic and terrestrial habitats for the recently invaded network, but assuming that dispersal was 25 times costlier across the terrestrial matrix than via streams for the earlier invaded network. Pond characteristics had no influence on crayfish occurrence in either network. Furthermore, predictions of pond invasion were lower for the recently invaded network. 5. The importance of the distance to the marsh indicates that natural dispersal was the main process of pond colonization by crayfish. Findings also suggested that overland dispersal was rare and costly. By contrast, streams were probably significant in facilitating crayfish dispersal. Differences between the two networks might arise from an invasion process still in progress in the recently invaded network. 6. From a management viewpoint, local actions are encouraged to prevent the spread of crayfish via streams. In addition, broader‐scale actions to mitigate other human disturbances would improve the outlook for pond biodiversity.  相似文献   

The migration duration of European eel ( Anguilla anguilla ) larvae (leptocephali) from the spawning areas in the Sargasso Sea to the European continental shelf remains highly controversial, with estimates varying from 6 months to more than 2 yr. We estimated the fastest migration period and the shortest distance travelled by eel larvae by simulating Lagrangian particles released in the Sargasso Sea and by simulating a range of larval behaviours (fixed-depth drift, vertical diurnal migration and active-depth selection to maximize current velocity). This enabled us to compute (i) a passive drift speed, and (ii) a hypothetic swimming speed needed for European eel larvae to cross the Atlantic in 6 months (i.e., the migration duration estimated from otolith daily growth increments). Our results show that the minimum travel time for an eel larva that is passively drifting was 10 months and 3 days. Active behaviours (vertical diurnal migration and rheotaxis) paradoxically increased the migration period. We found that for leptocephali to cross the Atlantic Ocean in 6 months, they would need to swim a minimum of 3.4 body lengths per second for 8200 km. No larvae have been observed with such swimming capabilities. These results provide evidence that leptocephali cannot cross the Atlantic in 6 months.  相似文献   

To determine the optimum time at which to wean Scylla serrata larvae from rotifers onto Artemia two experiments were conducted, approximately 1 month apart, using larvae from two different female crabs. In the first experiment, the larvae in three treatment groups, with nine replicates each, were fed rotifers for the first 8 days after hatching. Artemia were introduced on days after hatch (DAH) 0 – during the first zoeal instar (treatment R + A); on DAH 4 – during the second zoeal instar (treatment R4A); on DAH 8 – during the third zoeal instar (treatment R8A). In a control (ROT) larvae were fed with rotifers exclusively for 18 days until the completion of metamorphosis to megalopa. In the second experiment, the same four feeding schedules as in experiment 1 were used with an additional group of larvae (treatment AC) that were fed only on Artemia throughout the rearing period. Similar results were recorded in the two experiments. Larvae in treatments R + A and R4A performed significantly better than those in treatments R8A, ROT and AC. This was particularly evident when examining the proportion of zoeae which successfully completed metamorphosis to megalopa. Poor performance of larvae in treatments AC and ROT implied that rotifers are needed as a first food, but that rotifers alone do not fill the nutritional requirements of S. serrata larvae. Poor performance of larvae in treatment R8A suggested that the diet should be supplemented with Artemia before the end of the zoea 3 stage.  相似文献   

This study assessed the morphological development of jundiá larvae’s digestive system and digestive proteolytic activity. Specific serine proteinases activities varied over time, with the highest peak at 12 h after hatching (AH), which corresponded to 296.38 ± 84.20 mU mg?1 for trypsin and 315.45 ± 42.16 mU mg?1 for chymotrypsin. Specific aspartic proteinases activities increased up to the start of weaning, oscillated during that phase, but showed a consistent increase after that, resulting in the highest specific activity at 252 h AH (7.88 ± 0.68 mU mg?1). Gel assays showed different molecular forms, especially of serine proteinases. Histology showed the gastrointestinal tract development onset at 0 h AH and open mouth at 4 h AH. At 16 h AH, the following differentiation of the digestive tract was evident: oropharyngeal cavity, esophagus, liver, pancreas, stomach, and intestine. At 40 h AH, zymogen granules in the pancreas were observed, and at 48 h AH, mucus in the digestive tract and gastric glands in the stomach. Findings indicate that jundiá has a functional stomach before the end of vitelline reserves. Therefore, jundiá larvae are probably capable to digest inert feed at the exogenous feeding onset.  相似文献   

  • 1. During late summer 1999 and 2003 two mass mortality events affected the population of the slow growing, long‐lived Mediterranean gorgonian Paramuricea clavata living in the Gulf of La Spezia (Italy).
  • 2. The population was monitored for three years after the mortality events. Availability of pre‐event data (1998) allowed comparison of population density and population size structure of the healthy population with those recorded in the three years following the mortality events.
  • 3. In 1998, before the two mass mortality events, mean colony density was 33.3 ± 3.7 colonies m?2 and had fallen to 6.7 ± 1.9 colonies m?2 in 2004.
  • 4. In the post‐event period the population size structure changed and the modal class of colonies shifted from 16–21 cm to 6–15 cm height.
  • 5. In 2004 mortality affected 75 ± 6.4% of colonies. A significant, positive correlation between the extent of damage and colony size was found throughout the monitoring period.
  • 6. In the three years following the two mortality events, a small increase in density of recruits and of older undamaged colonies was recorded suggesting that the population was slowly recovering.
  • 7. The bathymetric distribution of P. clavata straddles the summer thermocline making this population particularly sensitive to temperature increases. The lack of deeper colonies (less exposed to warming) and the geographical isolation of this population is likely to prevent any substantial external larval supply.
  • 8. An increased frequency of mass mortality events associated with ever increasingly high temperature events represent a considerable threat to the persistence of a P. clavata population in the Gulf of La Spezia.
Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hole‐in‐the‐head (HITH) disease‐affected fish develop characteristic lesions in the skin above sensory pores of the head and the trunk. This study investigated whether an unfavourable Ca/P ratio in the diet could provoke lesions consistent with HITH disease in discus fish Symphysodon (Heckel, 1840) as a comparable condition to secondary hyperparathyroidism of tetrapod species. Two groups of five fish were fed a plain beef heart diet (Ca/P of 0.03), whereas two other groups were kept on commercial discus feed (Ca/P of 2.73). Each feeding group was submitted to two different water hardness regimes (35.66–71.39 mg/L CaCO3 and 124.94–196.33 mg/L CaCO3, respectively). All fish were observed for the development of the characteristic lesions for 16 weeks. At the end of the study, histological, bacteriological and parasitological examinations were conducted and plasma Ca, P and Mg values were determined. Diplomonad flagellates were detected in two fish. Isolated bacteria of all groups mostly belonged to Aeromonadales and Pseudomonadales. No significant difference of plasma mineral values between the groups was observed. Compared to the results of other authors, Ca stayed mainly in the range and P exceeded the reference values. Histological examinations did not indicate HITH disease, and no fish developed signs of the disease during the study. Clinical trial registration number GZ 68.205/0135‐WF/V/36/2014.  相似文献   

A simple and rapid Enzyme Linked ImmunoSorbant Assay (ELISA) is described and validated for testosterone, estradiol, and 17,20-dihydroxy-4-pregnen-3-one (17,20P). A general procedure for preparation of the acetylcholinesterase labeled steroid is described which is applicable to any steroid. Use of acetylcholinesterase tracer increased the sensitivity of assay so that reliable measurements of each steroid could be achieved with only 10 l of plasma. The ELISA was applied to measurement of all three steroids every hour for over 24 hours in a female trout using cannulation of the dorsal aorta. This high sampling frequency revealed several short-term (<2 h) episodic pulses of testosterone and estradiol.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to further investigate the effects of music on fish physiology, bearing in mind available information regarding the involvement of endogenous and exogenous factors in fish farming. Therefore, Cyprinus carpio (50.5 ± 0.36 g) were reared in a recirculating water system under 80 and 200 lux and subjected to no music at all (control, ambient noise only), 4 h of Mozart’s “Eine Kleine Nachtmusik”, or 4 h of anonymous “Romanza-Jeux Interdits” for 106 days. Both music treatments resulted in increased growth performance at both light intensities, with Romanza treatment at 200 lux resulting in better growth performance than Mozart treatment. Furthermore, feed efficiency for the Romanza groups was significantly better than for the control. Although no significant music effect was apparent for brain neurotransmitters, lower anterior intestine alkaline protease levels were detected for both music treatments. Taking into consideration the numerous advantages of recirculating water systems, it should be emphasised that fish response to music expresses the results of various physiological and biochemical processes, especially when fish notably respond differently when subjected to two different pieces of music.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the ability of tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) to balance the energy (E) and protein (P) ratio by encapsulated diets (without sensory properties). Thirty fish (71.37 ± 2.58 g) were distributed in six 250‐litre tanks. Protein (P), carbohydrate (C) and fat (F) were encapsulated separately to ensure the same sensory properties of each macronutrient. Diets varied in terms of macronutrients to allow the maximal/minimal possibility of ingesting each nutrient following a geometric approach. P, C and F capsules were provided for 40 days (phase 1). After this procedure, fish were subjected to fixed low and poor protein challenges (200 g/kg), and freely to C + F, to evaluate whether they maintained a given intake target (phase 2). As a result, tambaqui showed an intake target at 300 g/kg of crude protein and 16.74 MJ per kg. Give the possibility of freely feeding protein, fish regulated their feed intake and showed a constant E/P ratio pattern (5.024‐5.861 MJ/kg). When protein was restricted and fixed at 200 g/kg, fish maintained similar feed consumption until the end of phase 1, probably to keep a minimal protein amount according to their nutritional requirements.  相似文献   

The effect of a widely distributed phytoplankton bloom triggered by volcanic ash from Alaska (Hamme et al., 2010. Geophys. Res. Lett. 37) on juvenile Fraser River sockeye is discussed in terms of the timing of ocean migration and trophic structure of the Gulf of Alaska. Our hypothesis is that the occurrence of a massive diatom bloom in the Gulf greatly enhanced energy ascendancy in the ocean at a time of year when adolescent sockeye migrated from the coast in 2008. We contend this increase in food availability was an important factor for the survival and growth of juvenile sockeye which led to one of the strongest sockeye returns on record in 2010 of 34 million, compared with perhaps the weakest return on record of 1.7 million the previous year.  相似文献   

Sharks are very sensitive to stress and prone to a high mortality rate after capture. Since approximately 50 million of sharks are caught as bycatch every year, and current recommendations to reduce the impact of commercial fishing strongly support immediate release, it is imperative to better understand post-release mortality caused by the stress of capture and handling. Blood samples allow the assessment of stress levels which are valuable tools to reduce mortality in commercial, recreational and scientific fishing, being essential for the improvement in those conservation measures. Biochemical analyses are widely used for sharks as stress indicators, with secondary plasma parameters (lactate, glucose and ions) being the most often employed assays. However, it is virtually impossible to determine baseline plasma parameters in free-ranging sharks, since blood withdrawal involves animal capture and restrain, which are stressful procedures. This study aims at analyzing secondary parameters of five healthy tiger sharks captured with circular hooks and handlines in Fernando de Noronha (Northeastern Brazil) and comparing them with secondary parameters of three dead tiger sharks caught off Recife (also Northeastern Brazil). The results showed that the analysis of some plasma constituents in dead animals may be an efficient tool to assess stress and lethality. However, traditional parameters such as glucose and calcium, need to be used with caution. The results also demonstrated the extreme importance of urea and phosphorus for assessing stress response and mortality in tiger sharks, both parameters frequently neglected and of utmost importance for shark’s homeostasis.  相似文献   

The implications of temperature on bioenergetics for barramundi (Lates calcarifer) were defined in an improved factorial model that encompassed revised parameters accounting for effects over the temperature range of 16–39 °C and size range of 10–3000 g. A revised growth function describing weight gain by barramundi as a function of fish weight and temperature was derived from farm and laboratory data and included a term for a shift in optimal temperature with fish size: Gain (g fish?1 day?1) = (K + xT + yT 2 + zT3) * (weight)ax+b. Maintenance energy and protein demand functions were also derived on a similar form, and all three functions combined to form the basis of a factorial model for energy and protein demand. Using this model, optimal iterative feed specifications were defined for a range of fish sizes at temperatures of 25, 30 and 35 °C. A feed demand model was also developed based on the demand for digestible energy (DE) at each of these temperatures. The model shows that at high temperatures (35 °C), there is an increase in digestible protein (DP) to DE demand, and that with increasing size, there is a decrease in the DP to DE demand.  相似文献   

We have modeled the prey–predator dynamics between nutrients, phytoplankton, and copepods in Hiuchi-nada, central part of the Seto Inland Sea. The model parameters were estimated by stepwise regression using data sampled from 2001 to 2005. We re-created the fluctuations in copepod biomass in the spring–summer of 2001–2004 by model simulation and investigated the relationship between the re-created copepod biomass and anchovy Engraulis japonicus reproductive success rate in Hiuchi-nada. The anchovy reproductive success rate was proportional to the copepod biomass during the last 10 days of May, a period that immediately preceded anchovy recruitment. This relationship indicates that a possible key factor in the regulation of anchovy population levels is the fluctuation in abundance of the copepod assemblage and that the crucial period for anchovy recruitment in Hiuchi-nada would be the period just before anchovy recruitment to the shirasu (body length: approx. 20–35 mm) fishery. These results provide a potential framework for forecasting the anchovy recruitment level that is based on both larval abundance and survival rate as estimated from the biomass of copepods in the pre-recruitment period of anchovy.  相似文献   

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