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Tropical and subtropical climatic conditions in India present an ideal and unique opportunity for being the leader in tropical marine finfish aquaculture. However, the problem persist due to non-availability of marine finfish seed for the culture. In response to this problem, broodstock development of different tropical marine finfishes for seed production was started. The present study was undertaken to design a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) and studying their performance in managing the various water quality required for the marine finfish broodstock development and breeding. The design of RAS, developed in the present study, included a broodstock tank, egg collection chamber, electrical pump, rapid sand filter, venturi type protein skimmer and biological filter. Two RAS were designed, one was stocked with a demersal fish species, orange spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) and the other was stocked with a pelagic fish species, Indian pompano (Trachinotus mookalee) at the rate 1 and 0.5 kg/m3 with a sex ratio of 1:1 and 1:2 (female: male) respectively. Various physio-chemical parameters, viz, total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), nitrite, nitrate, pH, alkalinity, temperature, free carbon dioxide (CO2) and dissolved oxygen (DO) of both tank water were analyzed to assess the performance of recirculating aquaculture system in maintaining the water quality. Gonadal development of the fishes was assessed and the spawning performance was recorded and finally, economic performance of the system was also evaluated. During the entire experimental period, mean monthly total ammonia nitrogen was less than 0.07 and 0.06 mg L−1 and mean monthly nitrite was less than 0.02 and 0.01 mg L−1 in orange spotted grouper and Indian pompano RAS tanks respectively. The pH (7.8–8.2), DO (>4 mg/L) and alkalinity (100–120 mg/L) were found to be in optimum range in both recirculating aquaculture systems. Carbon dioxide was found to be nil during the entire experimental period in both the systems. In fact these levels were comparable or less than that is reported as the permissible limits for broodstock development. Indian pompano and Orange spotted grouper matured and spawning was obtained with production of fertilized eggs round the year. Economic evaluation showed the price of 10,000 fertilized eggs of orange spotted grouper to be US $ 1.33. The design of RAS devised in the present study is efficient in controlling and maintaining optimum water quality for broodstock development of both demersal and pelagic finfishes. The fishes stocked in RAS attained final maturation and round the year spawning was obtained.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is framed for a goldfish recirculating aquaculture system based on unsteady-state mass balance for prediction of the concentration of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), nitrite-nitrogen (NO2-N), nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N), dissolved oxygen (DO) and total suspended solids (TSS). The goldfish were stocked at 100 numbers per m3 of rearing water volume of 5 m3 tank capacity in the years 2009 and 2010 and the model was calibrated and validated. The recirculation flow rate was fixed at 29,000 L/day. The model parameters were estimated as kTAN (mg of TAN generated per kg of feed): 20,000, M (mortality rate): 0.002 day−1, α (percentage of feed conversion to suspended solids): 23.8, koxy (mg of oxygen required for fish respiration per kg of feed applied in unit time): 300,000, kb (partial nitrification in the culture tank): 0.86 and the reaction rate constants, k1 and k2: 84.65 day−1 and 42.03 day−1 respectively and temperature growth coefficient (TGC): 5.00 × 10-5. The model efficacy was adjudged by estimation of the coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error (RMSE), Nash-Sutcliffe modelling efficiency (ENS) and graphical plots between predicted and observed values.  相似文献   

为解决多层水槽式工厂化循环水养殖模式中人工投料操作空间局促、劳动强度大、饲料利用率低等缺点,设计了一套基于K60单片机的小微型智能投饲车。该投饲车由循迹小车、投饲装置和控制系统等组成,在特定投饲跑道上行驶,根据红外对管采集的轨道信息和压力传感器采集的饲料信息判别是否投饲或补料,进而实现智能定点定量投饲。初步试验运行结果显示,该投饲车运行稳定可靠,运行速度0. 5~2. 2 m/s,投饲的定位精度误差在2 cm以内,投饲量误差在10 g以内,基本满足设计要求。  相似文献   

Over the past decade, viral pathogens have caused mass mortalities of farmed shrimp throughout the major shrimp farming regions of the world. In addition, the global shrimp farming industry has been criticized for negatively impacting coastal environments. These issues have raised concerns about the sustainability of traditional shrimp farming practices, and have prompted farmers and researchers to develop biosecure technologies that promote a sustainable industry. Current technologies include the use of specific pathogen free (SPF) shrimp that are grown to market size in recirculating systems that rely on pathogen exclusion. Inherent in this approach is the need to produce SPF broodstock under biosecure conditions. However, there is a paucity of information on broodstock growth and reproductive performance when they are reared in recirculating systems. The present investigation compares shrimp growth and reproductive performance in two trials where shrimp were cultured from market size (20 g) to broodstock size (40–60 g) in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) versus a flow-through earthen pond (EP). In trial 1, mean growth rates of males and females in the RAS were 0.83 and 1.33 g/week, respectively. In the EP, males and females grew 1.07 and 1.48 g/week, respectively. In trial 2, mean growth rates of males and females in the RAS were 0.90 and 1.53 g/week, respectively, whereas in the EP, males and females grew and 1.24 and 1.78 g/week. Slower growth rates in the RAS may be attributed to the lack of natural productivity, which provides supplemental nutrition to the shrimp. In addition to growth rates, reproductive performance of broodstock reared in the RAS was compared with historical reproductive performance of broodstock reared in the EP. Data on spawning success and production of viable nauplii revealed no significant differences (P>0.05) between broodstock shrimp reared in these two systems. These results indicate that broodstock shrimp can be cultured in a biosecure RAS while maintaining good growth and high survival. In addition, reproductive performance of broodstock shrimp reared in a RAS is not compromised when compared with broodstock shrimp reared in a conventional, flow-through pond.  相似文献   

This paper describes the performance characteristics of an industrial-scale air-driven rotating biological contactor (RBC) installed in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) rearing tilapia at 28 °C. This three-staged RBC system was configured with stages 1 and 2 possessing approximately the same total surface area and stage 3 having approximately 25% smaller. The total surface area provided by the RBC equaled 13,380 m2. Ammonia removal efficiency averaged 31.5% per pass for all systems examined, which equated to an average (± standard deviation) total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) areal removal rate of 0.43 ± 0.16 g/m2/day. First-order ammonia removal rate (K1) constants for stages 1–3 were 2.4, 1.5, and 3.0 h−1, respectively. The nitrite first-order rate constants (K2) were higher, averaging 16.2 h−1 for stage 1, 7.7 h−1 for stage 2, and 9.0 h−1 stage 3. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) levels decreased an averaged 6.6% per pass across the RBC. Concurrently, increasing influent DOC concentrations decreased ammonia removal efficiency. With respect to dissolved gas conditioning, the RBC system reduced carbon dioxide concentrations approximately 39% as the water flowed through the vessel. The cumulative feed burden – describes the mass of food delivered to the system per unit volume of freshwater added to the system daily – ranged between 5.5 and 7.3 kg feed/m3 of freshwater; however, there was no detectable relationship between the feed loading rate and ammonia oxidation performance.  相似文献   

This study was performed to establish valorization technology for solid wastes from a seawater recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) by using beneficial microorganisms. An efficient microbial agent (KBM-1) was selected based on the degradation activity of the RAS solid wastes (20% slurry) in a lab-scale reactor system considering the removal rates of chemical oxygen demand, solid material, total nitrogen, ammonium-N, and nitrate-N and the production of organic acids as electron donors for denitrification. The microbial consortium KBM-1 was particularly efficient in the removal of ammonium-N and nitrate-N with removal efficiencies of 42% and 50%, respectively, in eight days and in the rapid production of organic acids (230 mg L−1, 3.5 mM, 0.018 kg m−3 d−1) after two days. There was a concomitant removal of NO3--N (41%, 0.005 kg N m−3 d−1) after two days when a significant production of organic acids occurred. Comamonas sp. was a dominant genus after eight days in all treatments. The level of nitrate-N in the treatments with KBM-1 decreased by 50.4% after eight days, as opposed to that of the control sample (27.7%), indicating the potential denitrification activity of Citrobacter freundii and Comamonas sp. The bioaugmented species (Sporolactobacillus inulinus, Lactobacillus mali, Lactobacillus casei, and Clostridium tyrobutyricum), constituting 41% of the total communities, appeared to facilitate the growth of indigenous microbial communities that were involved in the degradation (hence valorization) of solid wastes (mostly remaining fish feed and fish feces) into simple metabolites (organic acids and inorganic materials such as ammonium, nitrite, nitrate, and CO2). The simultaneous generation of organic acids through the valorization of solid wastes and their subsequent reuse in the denitrification of an RAS biofilter system can provide a significant contribution to the eco-friendly management of RASs and provide meaningful economic merit to the solid wastes of RASs.  相似文献   

固定床生物膜反应器(fixed-bed biofilm bioreactor, FBBR)和移动床生物膜反应器(moving- bed biofilm reactor, MBBR)在养殖水体氨氮(NH4+-N)和亚硝酸氮(NO2–-N)污染控制中已有较为广泛的研究,然而相关研究大多是在实验室完成的,目前尚缺乏实际生产的循环水养殖系统(recirculating aquaculture system, RAS)中FBBR和MBBR水体净化效能的对比研究。因此,本研究将FBBR (弹性毛刷滤料)和MBBR (PVC多孔环滤料)并联接入实际生产的墨瑞鳕(Macculochella peeli) RAS中,实现二者的同步连续运行(35 d),考察了其出水水质变化和微生物群落结构。出水水质变化表明,FBBR和MBBR中氨氧化能力的形成快于亚硝氮氧化能力,硝化能力渐趋成熟,可以有效控制养殖水体中的NH4+-N和NO2–-N浓度,但会导致养殖水体中硝酸氮(NO3–-N)积累和pH下降;单因素方差分析表明,FBBR出水中NH4+-N、NO2–-N、NO3–-N浓度和pH与MBBR出水无显著差异,两反应器的硝化效率相似。FBBR和MBBR在微生物群落上的相同点在于:优势菌门为变形菌门(Proteobacteria) (相对丰度分别为69.42%和86.92%),优势菌纲为γ-变形菌纲(γ-Proteobacteria) (40.71%和63.36%)和α-变形菌纲(α-Proteobacteria) (26.58%和21.74%),优势菌属为不动杆菌属(Acinetobacter) (27.50%和53.29%);硝化菌由亚硝化单胞菌属(Nitrosomonas)和硝化螺菌属(Nitrospira)构成;硝化螺菌属的相对丰度远高于亚硝化单胞菌属,两反应器中可能存在完全氨氧化菌。两反应器在微生物群落上的不同点在于FBBR微生物群落的丰富度和多样性以及硝化菌的相对丰度均高于MBBR。本研究可以为RAS养殖水体净化提供技术支撑,助推循环水养殖模式的推广应用。  相似文献   

Ongoing research in recirculation aquaculture focuses on evaluating and improving the purification potential of different types of filters. Algal Turf Scrubber (ATS) are special as they combine sedimentation and biofiltration. An ATS was subjected to high nutrient loads of catfish effluent to examine the effect of total suspended solids (TSS), sludge accumulation and nutrient loading rate on total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), nitrite and nitrate removal. Nutrient removal rates were not affected at TSS concentration of up to 0.08 g L?1 (P > 0.05). TAN removal rate was higher (0.656 ± 0.088 g m?² day?1 TAN) in young biofilm than (0.302 ± 0.098 g m?² day?1 TAN) in mature biofilm at loading rates of 3.81 and 3.76 g m?² day?1 TAN (P < 0.05), respectively, which were considered close to maximum loading. TAN removal increased with TAN loading, which increased with hydraulic loading rate. There was no significant difference in removal rate for both nitrite and nitrate between young and mature biofilms (P > 0.05). The ATS ably removed nitrogen at high rates from catfish effluent at high loading rates. ATS‐based nitrogen removal exhibits high potential for use with high feed loads in intensive aquaculture.  相似文献   

本文从工厂化水产养殖自动控制系统的组成、自动控制方法、自动控制技术在水质参数检测与调控中的应用等方面,论述了有关研究的技术成果和未来发展趋势。根据水产养殖工业化和自动化发展,以及自动控制技术在水产养殖中的广阔应用前景,指出了发展水产养殖自动化检测和调控精准技术的必要性,提出发展规范化、标准化的水产养殖自动化技术,以推动水产养殖工业化的发展。  相似文献   

Accumulation of fine suspended solids and colloids in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) can be avoided by integrating a membrane filtration unit into the system, where the inclusion of a membrane bioreactor (MBR) may be an alternative. The main purpose of the study was to identify how the feeding regime affected membrane performance and fouling phenomena caused by dissolved and submicron colloidal particles in the system, and how the membrane impacted general water quality and particle characterization. To be able to evaluate membrane performance and fouling behavior, transmembrane pressure (TMP) was monitored and assessed in relation to changes in rearing conditions and different water quality parameters observed. From this study the positive influence on the chosen water quality parameters was apparent, where an improved water quality was observed when including a membrane filtration in RAS. Selected water quality parameters and TMP changed during the experimental period in response to the feeding regime, where algae paste, decaying rotifers and dry feed seemed to contribute the most to membrane fouling. Analysis of the concentration of submicron particles and particle size distribution (PSD) (particles < 1 μm) showed both a higher concentration and a more spread distribution in the rotifer/algae paste and dry feed period compared to the Artemia period, which might explain the observed increase in fouling. This study also showed that adapted procedures for concentrate removal are important to prevent hydrolysis of retained particles in the concentrate and leakage of nutrients and organic matter back to the system.  相似文献   

The study investigated the growth performance of abalone from juvenile to marketable size in a commercial-scale recirculating aquaculture system. The rearing system consisted of 12 raceways (4.0 × 0.8 × 0.6 m) with a protein skimmer and a submerged biofilter for juveniles and 10 raceways (6.6 × 1.3 × 0.6 m) with a protein skimmer and a trickling biofilter for on-growing. Sea mustard (Undaria pinnatifida) and kelp (Laminaria japonica) were fed to the abalone. The total weight of abalone in the recirculating aquaculture system at the juvenile stage increased from 22.0 kg (average shell length 24.5 mm) to 75.5 kg (average shell length 42.5 mm) after 180 days. Feed conversion ratios increased slightly from 13.7 for the first 90 days to 16.3 thereafter. The shell growth rate of juvenile abalone between 24.5 mm and 34.8 mm was 3.4 mm month−1, while for juveniles between 34.8 mm and 42.5 mm it was 2.6 mm month−1. The total weight of abalone in the recirculating aquaculture system for the on-growing stage increased from 100.0 kg (average shell length 44.0 mm) to 433.3 kg (average shell length 72.7 mm) after 570 days. The feed conversion ratios for the first 173 days, the next 320 days, and the last 570 days were 19.6, 22.1, and 24.8, respectively. The growth rate of the average shell length during the on-growing period was 1.5 mm month−1. Total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) concentrations were stabilized below 0.12 mg l−1 in the juvenile recirculating system and 0.14 mg l−1 in the on-growing recirculating system after conditioning of the biofilters.  相似文献   

The control of adverse effects and the possibility of removing suspended solids from recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are the principal challenges facing aquaculture engineers. However, their dynamics and transformations are not yet well known. In this study, carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes values (δ13C and δ15N) were used as tracers of particulate matter in a seabass RAS. An isotopic mixing model was employed to estimate the contributions of particulate sources. Feed (−22.1‰ for δ13C and 11.9‰ for δ15N), feces (−24.0‰ for δ13C and 6.4‰ for δ15N) and biofilm (−25.1‰ for δ13C and 12.9‰ for δ15N) were identified as main sources of particulate matter. The particle traps collected a mixing of 29% of uneaten feed and 71% of feces, when drum filter eliminated all remaining uneaten feed, shifting the isotopic signatures of suspended solids from −23.8 and 7.9‰ to −24.9 and 8.3‰ for δ13C and δ15N, respectively. The fish muscle (−18.6‰ for δ13C and 15.4‰ for δ15N) could reflect the isotopic variability of feed ingredients accumulated over time. The isotopic shifts indicate that the contribution of three sources depends on: (1) fish metabolism; (2) water treatment devices; and (3) bacterial bio-fouling into biofilter.  相似文献   

本文从工厂化水产养殖自动控制系统的组成、自动控制方法、自动控制技术在水质参数检测与调控中的应用等方面,论述了有关研究的技术成果和未来发展趋势.根据水产养殖工业化和自动化发展,以及自动控制技术在水产养殖中的广阔应用前景,指出了发展水产养殖自动化检测和调控精准技术的必要性,提出发展规范化、标准化的水产养殖自动化技术,以推动...  相似文献   

In this work, the practical application of a low-pressure hydrocyclone was examined for feed waste and fecal solid removal for common carp (27 ± 3.1 g, average ± SD) and Nile tilapia (33 ± 3.4 g, average ± SD) in a recirculating aquaculture system. The dimensions of the low-pressure hydrocyclone included an inflow diameter of 30 mm, a cylinder length of 575 mm, an overflow diameter of 60 mm, an underflow diameter of 50 mm, a cylinder diameter of 335 mm and a cone angle of 68°. The different operating conditions tested were inflow rates of 400, 600, 800 and 1000 ml s−1, and underflow rates of 25%, 25%, 20% and 10% of the inflow rates, respectively. Feed waste totals of 4.1 to 4.8% and 3.6 to 4.0% of the feed intake were produced by the common carp and Nile tilapia, respectively. The maximum separation efficiency (Et) for the feed waste from the common carp was 71% at an inflow rate of 600 ml s−1 with an underflow rate of 25% of the inflow rate. The maximum separation efficiency for the feed waste from the tilapia was 59% at an inflow rate of 400 ml s−1 with an underflow rate of 25% of the inflow rate. The fecal solid production estimated from the digestibility was 37.9% and 35.7% of the feed intake for the common carp and Nile tilapia, respectively. The maximum separation efficiency for the feces from the common carp was 60% for an inflow rate of 600 ml s−1 and an underflow rate of 25% of the inflow rate. The maximum separation efficiency for the tilapia feces was 63% at an inflow of 400 ml s−1 with an underflow rate of 25% of the inflow rate. The low-pressure hydrocyclone can be adopted for prefiltration and/or post-filtration for the removal of various sized solids. Furthermore, the solids separated from the underflow can be easily removed for further processing.  相似文献   

循环水养鳗系统生物过滤器中微生物群落的代谢特性   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
刘颖  李丽  孙大川  朱云昊  谭洪新  徐奔 《水产学报》2015,39(10):1539-1548
为了研究鳗鱼循环水养殖系统不同水处理单元的微生物群落碳代谢特征,实验采用Biolog Eco技术,分析了流化床两个槽和滴流式生物过滤器上、中、下三层的生物膜微生物群落功能多样性。结果显示,流化床两个槽和滴流式生物过滤器中、下层微生物多样性指数(Shannon-Wiener指数、Simpson指数和Pielou指数)无显著差异(P>0.05),但均显著高于滴流式生物过滤器上层(P<0.05)。平均色度变化(AWCD)与主成分分析(PCA)均证明滴流式生物过滤器上层与其它采样点微生物代谢差异较大。各采样点微生物未对ECO板某一大类碳源表现出偏好,但对衣康酸、D-半乳糖醛酸、L-精氨酸、L-天门冬酰胺、L-丝氨酸、D-甘露醇、D-木糖、N-乙酰-D-葡萄糖氨、吐温40、吐温80、苯乙胺等单一碳源利用较好;而对γ-羟丁酸和α-丁酮酸以及D,L-α-磷酸甘油和1-磷酸葡萄糖利用较差。某些碳源种类如D-葡糖胺酸、α-D-乳糖、2-羟基苯甲酸仅能被部分采样点的微生物利用。本实验利用Biolog EcoPlateTM技术研究中试规模循环水处理单元微生物群落代谢特征,研究结果为生物过滤器的调控提供了一种新的思路即可以通过碳源调节,来促进生物膜微生物群落结构的改变以此提高水处理效率。  相似文献   

鲟鱼工厂化循环水养殖系统设计及运行效果   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对目前中国淡水工厂化循环水养殖系统建设和运行成本过高,推广应用受到一定程度制约的问题,在自主研发斜管重力滤沉淀装置、内循环流化床反应器、一体化臭氧接触反应器等水净化设备的基础上,通过应用物质平衡相关原理,精确设计、确立不同阶段系统关键运行参数,建立一种高效节能的鲟鱼工厂化循环水养殖系统。通过96 d养殖试验,结果显示,鲟鱼摄食和生长情况正常,养殖密度平均(41.2±2.3)kg/m~3,存活率95.8%,饲料系数1.17。日换水量在5%以下,水质情况良好,氨氮和亚硝酸盐氮后期稳定控制在(0.80±0.21)mg/L和(0.38±0.12)mg/L;系统平均日耗电量为33.3 kW·h,平均产出1kg鲟鱼耗电7.30 kW·h。系统运行具有低能耗、高效率的特点,可为鲟鱼循环水养殖提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

Slow growth and losses to bird predation and infectious diseases in winter can compromise the profitability of silver perch farming. To evaluate over‐wintering silver perch (Bidyanus bidyanus) in a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS), fingerlings (38 g) were stocked in either cages in a pond at ambient temperatures (10–21 °C) or tanks in the RAS at elevated temperatures (19–25 °C) and cultured for 125 days. Mean survival (96%), final weight (146 g), specific growth rate (1.07% day?1) and production rate (28.1 kg m?3) of fish in the RAS were significantly higher than for fish over‐wintered in cages (77%, 73 g, 0.53% day?1, 11.1 kg m?3). Fish from both treatments were then reared in cages for a further 129 days. Final mean weight of fish originally over‐wintered in the RAS was 426 g, while fish over‐wintered in cages were only 273 g. To determine optimal stocking densities, fingerlings (11.8 g) were stocked at 500, 1000 or 1500 fish m?3 in tanks in the RAS and cultured for 124 days. Survival was not affected, but growth was significantly slower and feed conversion ratio higher at 1500 fish m?3 compared with 500 or 1000 fish m?3. Results demonstrate that over‐wintering silver perch in an RAS can produce large fingerlings for grow‐out in early spring. This strategy could eliminate bird predation, reduce losses to diseases and shorten the overall culture period.  相似文献   

Phosphorus removal in a marine prototype, recirculating aquaculture system   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Phosphorus dynamics were examined in a prototype, zero-discharge, marine-recirculating system. Operation of the system without discharge of water and sludge was enabled by recirculation of effluent water through two separate treatment loops. Surface water from the fish basin was pumped over a trickling filter in one loop, while bottom-water was recirculated through a sedimentation basin followed by a fluidized bed reactor in the other treatment loop. Ammonia oxidation to nitrate in the trickling filter and organic matter digestion together with nitrate reduction in the sedimentation basin and fluidized bed reactor were the main biological features of this treatment system. Orthophosphate concentrations did not exceed 15 mg PO4–P/l in the culture water during more than 1 year of system operation. Much of the phosphorus was retained within the sedimentation basin and fluidized bed reactor. In these treatment stages, the phosphorus content of organic matter was as high as 17.5% and 19%, respectively. High concentrations of total phosphorus and low concentrations of soluble orthophosphate were measured in the initial stages of sedimentation under oxic and anoxic conditions, suggesting that most of the phosphorus was associated with organic matter. Depletion of oxygen and nitrate in the sludge layers of the sedimentation basin coincided with sulfate reduction to sulfide and a release of soluble orthophosphate. The observed phosphorus dynamics in this marine system supported findings from previous studies in which it was demonstrated that denitrifiers underlie phosphorus immobilization under these conditions.  相似文献   

Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are often designed using simplified steady-state mass balances, which fail to account for the complex dynamics that biological water treatment systems exhibit. Because of the very slow dynamics, experimental development is also difficult. We present a new, fast and robust Modelica implementation of a material balance-based dynamic simulator for fish growth, waste production and water treatment in recirculating aquaculture systems. This simulator is used together with an optimization routine based on a genetic algorithm to evaluate the performance of three different water treatment topologies, each for two fish species (Rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon) and each in both a semi-closed (no denitrification) and a fully recirculating version (with denitrification). Each case is furthermore evaluated at both saturated and supersaturated oxygen levels in the fish tank influent. The 24 cases are compared in terms of volume required to maintain an acceptable TAN concentration in the fish tank. The results indicate that the smallest volume is obtainable by introducing several bypass flows in the treatment system of a semi-closed RAS and that the gains can be significant. We also show that recycling already treated water back upstream in the treatment process degrades performance and that if one wishes to have a fully recirculating system with minimal water exchange, then the flows of oxygen, carbon and nitrogen must be carefully considered. For several of the cases, no optimum with denitrification could be found. We thus demonstrate that the best configuration and operation strategy for water treatment varies with the conditions imposed by the fish culture, illustrating the complexity of RAS plants and the importance of simulations, but also that computer-driven optimal design has the potential to increase the treatment efficiency of biofilters which could lead to cheaper plants with better water quality.  相似文献   

Methodology of Programmable Process Structures has been implemented and applied for the flexible automatic generation and simulation of Recirculating Aquaculture Systems. First, we implemented and validated the model for a pilot unit, based on short time experiments with Common carp (Cyprinus carpio), utilizing data and functionalities from the literature. Afterwards, starting from this model we generated a hypothetical single tank model of simulated increasing volume, to demonstrate how it supports the simplified, preliminary analysis, design and control of the possible multi-stage systems. We showed that the simulation of a single tank with an appropriately increasing volume makes possible to study the various control strategies, as well as to design the structure and the grading strategy of the multi-stage systems, without an increased combinatorial complexity. In the knowledge of the simulated increasing volume, we determined the volumes of subsequent stages by equidistant partitioning of the rearing time, algorithmically. Considering the available (or planned) tank volumes, this method makes possible to design a multi-stage system that approximately corresponds to the previously optimized single tank model. This conclusion was illustrated by the generation and simulation of the model for the respective multi-stage system.  相似文献   

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