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近年来,克氏原螯虾的养殖发展迅猛,已在全国各地形成各具特色的高效生态养殖模式,前面介绍的池塘生态养殖和稻田生态养殖只是众多模式中的一部分,下面介绍其它几种养殖模式,供广大养殖户借鉴.  相似文献   

池塘饲养克氏原螯虾,对水体水质和池塘条件没有特别的要求,只要水质无工业污染,水中有机质丰富,即可进行粗放饲养.但如果要充分利用水体,提高单位水体的产量,则要对池塘进行一些必要的改造,辅以投喂饲料和日常管理,进行池塘精养.  相似文献   

Prawns, "Macrobrachium rosenbergii," and crawfish, "Procambarus clarkii," were alternatively grown in ponds to determine if they were compatible and if total production could be increased. Brood crawfish were stocked into replicated ponds at rates of 0,60, 120 or 180 kg/ha on 18 April. Water was removed to encourage burrowing. Following this, rice was planted as forage. Post-larval prawns (0.02 g) were stocked 3 July in all ponds at 17,500/ha. Prawns in half the ponds were fed and those in the other ponds were not. Ponds were drained from 7 to 11 October. Prawn production ranged from 157 to 248 kg/ha; survival ranged from 69% to 88%, and average size ranged from 11 to 7 g. There was no significant difference (P > 0.05) between fed and non-fed treatments. The ponds were reflooded and crawfish were harvested by trapping from 15 January to 15 May. The average yield of crawfish ranged from 746 to 1,266 kg/ha. Stocking rate had no effect of crawfish yields (P > 0.25). Total yield, with prawns and crawfish combined, ranged from 1,037 to 1,237 kg/ha. Overall, prawns and crawfish were compatible in rotation. Prawns were a good size for soft shell production during months when crawfish are not available for soft shell production.  相似文献   

在大型(80cm×52cm×25cm)及小型水族箱(45cm×35cm×20cm)底部平摊1kg和8.5kg底泥(干质量),分别放养小规格[刚离开母体,(4.23±0.258)mg]、中规格(2.69±0.410)g、大规格(7.55±0.415)g 3个规格克氏原螯虾幼虾,密度分别为每箱30、18、6尾,以不加底泥为对照,每个处理5个重复。在水温18~25℃下常规投喂饲养5~6周,并测试了克氏原螯虾生长、存活、耐低氧和高温能力以及底泥对水体中溶氧量的影响。结果表明,底泥组小(7.82%/d)、中(0.90%/d)、大(0.92%/d)3个规格幼虾的特定生长率分别极显著(P0.01)以及显著(P0.05)高于对照组(5.56%/d,0.20%/d,0.59%/d)。底泥组小规格幼虾死亡率(12%)显著低于对照组(17.3%)(P0.05);耐高温时间极显著大于对照组(P0.01);其他组间差异不显著(P0.05)。3种规格幼虾底泥组窒息时间均极显著大于对照组(P0.01)。底泥使水中溶氧量显著降低。  相似文献   

将体质量0.527 g(幼虾)和6.100 g(亚成体虾)的克氏原螯虾饲养在底面积为113 cm^2 、高为12 cm的圆形塑料盒中,一组放入内径为1.9 cm的PVC管作为隐蔽所为隐蔽组,以不放PVC管为对照组,其他条件同隐蔽组,定期测量各组克氏原螯虾的体长、体质量增长量、存活率和蜕壳率等指标,研究隐蔽所对不同规格克氏原螯虾生长的影响。2个月的饲养结果显示,试验第1个月隐蔽组幼虾组体长增长、体长相对增长率、体质量增长及蜕壳量均显著大于对照组( P <0.05),第2个月两组各数据无显著差异( P >0.05);隐蔽组亚成体螯虾摄食量、体质量及蜕壳量均小于对照组。研究结果表明,隐蔽所在螯虾的早期生长阶段对其生长有促进作用,但随着螯虾体格的增大,隐蔽所的促进作用随之减弱,甚至最终抑制螯虾的生长。本研究围绕克氏原螯虾穴居的习性以及趋触性等行为的特点,为生产提供了合理建议。  相似文献   

水温(25±1)℃时,将体质量(3.11±0.10)g的克氏原螯虾幼虾饲养在120 cm×60 cm×20 cm的水族箱中,密度分别为14尾/m2(低密度组)、28尾/m2(中密度组)和42尾/m2(高密度组),研究室内养殖不同密度对生长、摄食、消化酶活性及非特异性免疫的影响.8周的养殖结果显示,克氏原螯虾的存活率随养...  相似文献   

角落空间与克氏原螯虾生活状况的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过试验法研究了不同角落数与克氏原螯虾个体数比例的空间资源环境,对存活率、蜕壳率和SOD值的影响.试验结果表明,角落空间对克氏原螯虾的生存有影响,克氏原螯虾在角落资源合适时(角落数∶虾数=1~1.2∶1)生存较好,角落资源过多或过少对克氏原螯虾的生存都有负面影响.本试验结果利用了克氏原螯虾是一种具有优势等级序列的社会性动物的基本规律,表明空间资源过剩有可能升高其建立和维持其等级低位的能量代价.  相似文献   

综述了克氏原螯虾(俗称小龙虾)的营养保健功能以及小龙虾虾尾罐头、冻煮小龙虾仁、整肢冻煮熟小龙虾、小龙虾酱油等食品的加工技术,以期引起食品科技工作者对开发小龙虾食品的重视,供小龙虾养殖、加工企业同仁们参考,促进小龙虾产业链的形成.  相似文献   

A 10 week laboratory growth trial was conducted with red swamp crawfish Procambarus clarkii to determine the amount of soybean protein that could be substituted for fish protein in formulated crawfish diets without reducing growth. Crawfish received 32% crude protein, isocaloric diets in which protein was supplied by soybean (soy) meal, menhaden fish meal or an isonitrogenous mixture of soybean and fish meal calculated to provide graded levels of each protein source. Dietary protein was provided as: 1) 100% soy protein; 2) 75% soy protein: 25% fish protein; 3) 50% soy protein: 50% fish protein; 4) 25% soy protein: 75% fish protein; and 5) 100% fish protein. Crawfish fed soy protein: fish protein (SP:FP) mixtures or fish protein alone exhibited better (P < 0.05) weight gain than crawfish fed a diet containing soy protein as the only protein source. Diets containing 25% soy protein: 75% fish protein (1:3 ratio) and 50% soy protein: 50% fish protein (1:1 ratio) produced greater (P < 0.05) weight gains than a diet in which fish protein was the sole protein source. Survival, feed efficiency ratio, maturation rate, net protein and energy retention, and body composition of crawfish did not differ (P > 0.05) among diets with SP:FP ratios of 1:3, 1:1 and 3:1. However, maximum (P < 0.05) weight gain occurred in crawfish fed the 1:3 SP:FP ratio. Although crawfish fed SP:FP ratios of 1:1 and 3:1 had lower weight gains in the laboratory than crawfish fed a 1:3 SP:FP ratio, SP:FP ratios of 1:1 and 3:1 might be adequate for supplemental diets fed to pond-reared crawfish that have access to natural sources of food.  相似文献   

克氏原螯虾人工育苗技术初步研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
采用大棚土池人工育苗技术,进行了克氏原螯虾的亲虾培育和人工育苗试验,育苗池总面积为2744 m2.2007年9月份共收捕亲虾1 368 kg(其中雄虾342 kg、雌虾1 026 kg),规格25~40 g.设置了两种亲虾投放密度(分别为10尾/m2和20尾/m2),雌、雄性比均为3:1.试验结果:从9月份亲虾培育管理起到翌年3月份出苗,亲虾死亡率为58.6%;共计出苗50余万尾,平均单位产苗量为203尾/m2.高密度亲虾组的虾苗数量并未相应增加.  相似文献   

Procambarid crawfish aquaculture in the USA relies on an established forage‐based system for providing sustenance for growing crawfish. These systems may become inadequate at times for providing sufficient nourishment to support maximum growth of the population. Supplemental feeding is not routinely used because management recommendations for the cost‐effective use of supplemental feeds in ponds are not available. Because crawfish under confinement readily consume and grow well when fed single feedstuffs, such as rough rice seed and whole, raw soybeans, this study was initiated to investigate the use of these readily available low‐cost feedstuffs as supplemental feeds in aquaculture ponds. Earthen ponds (0.2 ha), constructed and managed to simulate commercial crawfish ponds, were used over three consecutive production seasons to evaluate the effects of supplemental feeding on yields and size of crawfish. Treatments for Seasons 1 and 2 consisted of (a) hull‐on rough rice seed, (b) whole raw soybean, (c) formulated 25% crude protein pellet, and (d) no supplementation and were replicated in four and three ponds for Seasons 1 and 2, respectively. Treatments for Season 3 consisted of (a) whole raw soybean and (b) no feed, with 10 replicated ponds each. Feeding frequency was established each year, and feeding rates were adjusted according to predetermined guidelines and monitoring of feeding trays. Crawfish harvesting was conducted by baited wire‐mesh traps and all harvested crawfish were subjected to a mechanical grader and sorted into three size classes. Results show that supplemental feeding, while trap‐harvesting operations are underway, can reduce yields and generate a negative economic benefit, perhaps as a result of residual feed within the pond rendering the baited trap less effective.  相似文献   

宋光同  丁凤琴  陈静  武松  汪翔 《水产科学》2012,31(9):549-553
按照正交试验设计原理,不考虑交互作用,选择L9(3~4)正交表,研究了亲虾规格、隐蔽物、光照度及放养密度4个因素对克氏原螯虾亲虾成活率、抱卵率、产卵量的影响,试验历时57d。研究结果表明,不同亲虾规格对抱卵量影响显著(P0.05),且规格为35~50g亲虾的平均抱卵量为489.8粒/尾,分别较25~30g、30~35g高20.8%、11.6%;不同隐蔽物种类对亲虾的成活率影响显著(P0.05),使用"水草+石棉瓦+砖块"作为隐蔽物,亲虾平均成活率为95.69%,分别较"水草+石棉瓦+PVC管"、"三角形栖息物"高9.6%、3.5%;光照度为50~500lx,亲虾的平均抱卵量为467.17粒/尾,高于其他两个光照度水平;放养密度为20尾/m2,亲虾的平均抱卵率为64.98%,高于其他两个密度水平。因此,亲虾规格为35~50g、隐蔽物种类为‘水草+石棉瓦+砖块’、光照度为50~500lx、放养密度为20尾/m2"组合有利于提高克氏原螯虾的繁殖效果。  相似文献   

The effects of addition of substrate consisting of plastic mesh fencing to experimental earthen ponds were evaluated for the culture of the red swamp crawfish, Procambarus clarkii, without planted forage. Mean daily yield (kg/ha/d), number of crawfish harvested (number/ha/d), and mean individual harvest weight were compared for ponds with and without substrate during a 2‐yr period. The surface area of added substrate was equivalent to 50% of the bottom surface area of the pond. Mean daily yield in the ponds containing substrate, based on a comparison with that of the previous year, increased by 80.2% and was principally attributed to a 66.7% increase in the number of crawfish harvested. Comparative values for the ponds without substrate were ?13.1 and ?11.7%. For the second year, the treatment‐dependent response was consistent. Mean daily yield for the substrate ponds increased by 48.8% compared to 15.0% for the ponds lacking substrate. The primary benefit of the substrate appears to be provision of refuge and three‐dimensional distribution of crawfish in the pond, thereby reducing the incidence of cannibalism and increasing the total number of crawfish harvested per hectare per day. The benefit of the substrate in a commercial production setting must be weighed against its cost and longevity as well as the conditions of the particular management scenario into which it may be incorporated.  相似文献   

Wire-mesh enclosures were used in production ponds to conduct growth trials in which population density and feeding rate were evaluated in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement for their effects on crawfish growth. Juvenile Procambarus clarkii of uniform size (0.5 g) were stocked at 2 or 20 animals/m2 in experiment 1 and weighed biweekly for 12 wk. Rice forage served as the detrital base, and supplemental feed (25% crude protein) was provided at either a low (26–52 kg/ha per week) or high (104–418 kg/ha per week) rate. In experiment 2, mixed sizes of crawfish were stocked at 10/m2 or 20/m2 and fed the formulated feed at either 52 or 312 kg/ha per week. Feed consumption was estimated for each treatment combination. Only population density significantly affected crawfish growth. Mean weight gain and final weights were inversely proportional to density but only when total crawfish biomass exceeded 1,235 kg/ha. Growth was not significantly influenced by feeding rate, but the high feeding rate resulted in a significantly greater ratio of hepatopancreas weight to body weight and tended to decrease hepatopancreas moisture levels, indicating improved condition. Population density, feeding rate, and their interaction had significant effects on estimated feed consumption. From the simple linear regression of mean feed consumption on crawfish standing crop, it was estimated that crawfish consume about 0.1 kg of dry feed per ha per week per kg of crawfish biomass on a 5 d per week feeding schedule at mean water temperatures, ranging from 14 to 30 C.  相似文献   

采用单因素对照、对比试验方法,开展温棚保温以及大、中、小不同亲本规格对克氏原螯虾苗种规格、育苗量等繁育指标的影响.试验结果表明,每年冬季最冷时节(12月下旬至翌年1月中旬),温棚内池平均水温较室外池高3.44℃,且温棚内池水温皆在5℃以上;温棚内池平均育苗量与室外池差异不显著(P>0.05),而培育的虾苗体质量为室外池...  相似文献   

在底部埋有生物饵料培养基的克氏原螯虾池塘中,利用变性梯度凝胶电泳和基因测序技术,研究了2种放养密度(375 kg/hm2、600 kg/hm2,即A和B组)和2种水草覆盖率(占水域面积比20%、35%,即C和D组)条件下(每组设2个重复),底泥中微生物菌落结构特征。试验结果表明:4个试验组池塘底泥中微生物种类和数量存在一定差异。各试验组池塘底泥微生物的Shannon指数分别为2.72、2.94、2.82和2.96,说明水草覆盖率35%试验组池塘底泥微生物种类最丰富。聚类分析表明,不同月份不同处理组池塘底泥微生物群落结构相似度偏低,而放养密度600 kg/hm2试验组和水草覆盖率20%试验组在8月份相似度较高(70%以上),整体上,各样品在时间上的相似度比空间上的相似度高。对微生物组成多样性的分析表明,4组池塘底泥微生物克隆主要隶属于4个门:变形菌门(71%)、疣微菌门(9%)、放线菌门(8%)、绿弯菌门(11%)及其他门类未知的菌群,其中变形菌门的Ideonella属占主要优势,占总比例的24%。  相似文献   

2018年12月—2019年3月间,定期从温棚养殖和稻田养殖的克氏原螯虾中采集599尾样本,测量克氏原螯虾的体质量(y)、全长(x1)、头胸甲长(x2)、头胸甲宽(x3)、腹节总长(x4)、第一腹节长(x5)、第一腹节宽(x6)、尾节长(x7)、第六腹节长(x8)、第六腹节宽(x9)和螯长(x10),探明温棚养殖幼虾与...  相似文献   

This study utilized enclosures (cylindrical, 5-mm wire mesh, O.5 m2 bottom surface area) placed over rice-forage substrates in experimental crawfish ponds to contain crawfish under typical pond culture conditions. Juvenile Procambarus clarkii were stocked at six densities (2, 4, 6, 10, 14, and 18 crawfish/m2) for 12-wk growth trials in October and again in February. Crawfish relied solely on the detrital food system for their nutritional needs. Supplemental feed was supplied to crawfish in additional enclosures at two of the test densities (2 and 10 crawfish/m2). The commercially formulated feed (25% crude protein) was fed (2.02 g dry feed/m2) 3 d/wk (Monday, Wednesday, Friday). All treatments were replicated with six enclosures. Crawfish growth was inversely correlated to culture density. Mean final weights for crawfish feeding from the detrital-system only were 15.3, 13.8, 11.2, 7.9, 7.2, and 5.8 g for crawfish densities of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 14, and 18/m2, respectively. Mean final weights for crawfish receiving supplemental feed were 20.7 and 12.4 g for densities of 2 and 10 crawfish/m2. When compared with density as a factor influencing growth, feed influenced growth less than density abatement. Supplemental feeding improved crawfish growth in detrital systems an average of 46%, while decreasing initial density improved growth an average of 80.5%.  相似文献   

董超  郑友  黄成 《水产科学》2016,(1):72-76
为研究克氏原螯虾在投喂配合饲料、鱼肉丸两种饲料之间切换时的摄食效果,设置两种饲料间隔一周投喂的轮转组,并设置2个投喂单一饵料的对照组,同步投喂减半后的两种饲料的选择组。试验共进行6个周期,计42d。试验结果表明,轮转组在偶数周期21d鱼肉丸的整体日均总摄食量极显著大于同期鱼肉丸对照组的摄食量(P0.01),轮转组绝对体质量增长量显著大于鱼肉丸组绝对体质量增长量(P0.05)。轮转组不同饲料间轮转投喂初期摄食量最大,3d后逐渐降至正常水平。配合饲料和鱼肉丸组试验获得的饵料系数推算选择组、轮转组质量理论增加值分别为(0.85±0.13)g、(0.79±0.15)g,与质量实际增加值(1.27±0.73)g、(1.35±0.75)g相比较差异性极显著(P0.01),即两组效果好于单一投喂,且轮转的投喂方式效果最好。结合已有对其他动物研究的成果,初步推定轮转投喂促进克氏原螯虾摄食量可能与不断满足其欲求行为有关。体质量的增加可能与多样化饲料满足了克氏原螯虾的营养平衡需求有关。本试验旨在为克氏原螯虾的轮转投喂模式提供了理论依据,也为"动物食性转换"的行为学研究积累资料。  相似文献   

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