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采用左侧单侧切开,术者手臂推送真胃并固定于右侧正常位置的手术方法,来治疗奶牛真胃左方变位.可以达到根治的目的。  相似文献   

真胃变位也叫真胃移位或皱胃变位,在临床上分为左方变位和右方变位。近几年奶牛真胃左方变位发病率比较高,笔者已接触100例左右。真胃右方变位较少遇到。现就临床诊治真胃左方变位过程中体会总结如下。  相似文献   

真胃变位也叫真胃移位或皱胃变位,在临床上分为左方变位和右方变位。近几年奶牛真胃左方变位发病率比较高。笔者已接触100例左右。真胃右方变位较少遇到。现就临床诊治真胃左方变位过程中体会总结如下,和广大兽医工作者交流。  相似文献   

奶牛真胃左方变位的手术疗法,几经改进,均没有脱离站立保定,对真胃预固定,左推右拉的思路,真胃及相连肠管,要从瘤胃下方挤过,真胃内有气体或食糜较多,则需要放气排液,增加了操作时间和工序。改进的手术方法,省略了这些步骤。  相似文献   

孙立恩 《北方牧业》2006,(23):22-22
<正>1案由河北省宁晋县苏家庄镇王某于9月3日从赵村李某处买一头荷斯坦奶牛(4岁,乳房良好。在上胎出奶高峰期时日出奶25千克,产犊7天,三胎牛)。用拖拉机运回,回后第一天,牛吃料还可以,挤了10千克奶。第二天牛不愿吃,遂邀笔者去诊治。经测量,体温39.8℃,心跳50次,分钟,呼吸正常,反刍无力,粪便少而黏稠。经诊断为产后感染引起的瘤胃弛缓,于是给牛补液、补钙、消炎、强心。用药后第二天,牛有好转,重复用药2天,牛能吃半饱,产奶很少,用中药(健胃、理气、活血药)2付,停药5天。10天后,畜主又来诉称,牛食欲时好时坏,厌食,喂精料也不再产奶了,很是苦恼,笔者遂又去诊断。  相似文献   

奶牛真胃左方变位很少有报道,临床以不反刍、精神沉郁、食欲减退等为特征。笔者在临床实践中,以手术疗法治疗两例均取得较好效果。1病例奶牛四岁,产二次犊,日产奶量32.5千克,产后两个月左右。一天早晨畜主用细棍驱赶牛时,在抽打左侧背部时,发出像拍打足气儿球的声音。近几天牛采食不正常,饮欲增加,不愿采食精料。当地农村兽医,诊断为真胃变位,但用过翻转疗法后,前一天效果显著,第二天又复发就诊。经检查,可见左侧肋骨下1/3处稍凸出,用拳头冲击式触诊(左侧九至十一肋骨上三分之一处)有钢管音,抬压瘤胃触诊有荡水音,用听诊器听诊该部,并敲打相…  相似文献   

王某于9月3H从赵村李某处买一头荷斯坦奶牛(4岁,乳房良好,在上胎出奶高峰期时H出奶25千克,产犊7天,i胎牛)。用拖拉机运回,回后第一天,牛吃料还可以,挤了10千克奶。第2天牛不愿吃,遂邀笔者去诊治。经测量。体温39.8cc.心跳50次/分钟,呼吸正常,反刍无力,粪便少而黏稠。经诊断为产后感染引起的瘤胃弛缓.于是给牛补液、补钙、消炎、强心,用药后第2天,牛有好转。重复用药2天,牛能吃半饱,产奶很少,用中药(健胃、理气、活血药)2付,停药5天。lO天后畜主又来诉称,这几天牛食欲时好时坏。厌食,喂精料也不再产奶了,很是苦恼,笔者遂又去诊治。  相似文献   

1不同手术通路和方法 对于不同病例,采取了三种不同的手术方法。按照手术通路和真胃整复固定方法,分为右侧肋骨弓下斜切口手术、左肷部中下切口手术和左右肷部双切口手术。  相似文献   

奶牛真胃左方变位是奶牛的真胃正常解剖学位置发生改变的一种真胃疾病.成年高产奶牛的发病率高于低产奶牛,4~6岁的成年奶牛和冬季舍饲期多发.  相似文献   

奶牛真胃左方变位手术疗法及病因分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
真胃变位是指真胃的解剖位置发生改变,引起消化功能障碍,导致营养失调的内科疾病,该病是奶牛产后常发病。1临床症状1.1精神呆滞、沉郁,迅速消瘦,被毛逆立,颌下胸垂水肿,鼻镜湿润,左侧腹围明显增大,特别是12~13肋软骨外扩,右侧腹围小。1.2产后3~4天后只吃草不吃料,软(稀)便不超过一天,过后粪便粗糙。1.3在左肷部及倒数1~3肋间区域耐心听诊15~30分钟,在第11肋叩诊或11~13肋软骨下冲击式触诊可听到清晰的钢管音或流水音。1.4奶牛产后发生不食,左侧腹部增大,几天后恢复正常,然后有反复发作。1.5钢管音区穿刺液pH<5.5,瘤胃液纤毛虫活性<37%…  相似文献   

奶牛真胃变位发病规律的研究   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
为了阐明奶牛真胃变位的发病规律,对263例奶牛患有真胃变位的自然病例进行了研究。结果表明:真胃变位的发生与过食精料和高产奶牛有密切关系,2-4胎次体格健壮的、产后30天内的、11月份到来年的5月份奶牛发病率高。  相似文献   

Fifty-four cows with left displacement of the abomasum (LDA) submitted to the hospital facility at Riverview Veterinary Clinic from February to July 2005 were treated by right flank laparotomy and omentopexy. Five cows died (a survival rate 90.7%) and one cow (1.8%) was culled due to recurrence of the LDA post-operatively. Forty-one cows (76%) returned to good production post-operatively. Thirty-nine cows (72%) were pregnant six months after corrective surgery.  相似文献   

为研究日粮大豆磷脂水平对泌乳早期奶牛生产性能、消化代谢和血液生化指标的影响,本试验选取8头初产泌乳早期中国荷斯坦奶牛,随机分成4组,每组2头,采用4×4重复拉丁方试验设计进行研究。4种日粮处理中大豆磷脂的添加量分别为日粮干物质基础的0,1%,2%和3%。结果显示:大豆磷脂对奶牛干物质采食量无显著影响(P>0.05),但提高了饲料转化率,尤其是2%添加组饲料转化率显著提高(P<0.05);与对照组相比,2%大豆磷脂组奶牛的产奶量、4%标准乳、日产乳脂量和乳蛋白量显著提高(P<0.05);各组间乳成分和乳体细胞数无显著差异(P>0.05);3%大豆磷脂水平显著降低了酸性洗涤纤维的表观消化率(P<0.05),极显著提高了血清甘油三酯含量(P<0.01),但对粗蛋白、粗脂肪及中性洗涤纤维的表观消化率无显著影响(P>0.05)。结果表明:日粮大豆磷脂能够提高奶牛产奶量,提高奶牛的健康状况和免疫机能,经济效益显著。在奶牛日粮中最佳添加量为2%(干物质基础)。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to determine the effects of superovulation (SOV) on serum and uterine biochemical parameters, uterine bacteriology and cytology and number of transferable embryos (TE). Dairy cows were placed on a Presynch/CIDR Synch protocol. The SOV group was superovulated, induced in estrus, and inseminated, whereas the control group was induced in estrus and inseminated without SOV. Uterine bacteriology and cytology and uterine and serum biochemical parameters were measured at day 7 of the estrous cycle to start the SOV protocol, as well as on the day of embryo recovery (DER). The SOV group produced 7.5 ± 6.7 oocytes/embryos, of which 3.4 ± 4.7 were TE. Serum urea and E2 and uterine Glu, CK, LDH, TP, P4 and PGFM in the control group and serum P4 and PGFM and uterine LDH and PGFM in the SOV group were significantly higher (p < 0.01) at DER than day 7. At DER, uterine urea, LDH, PGFM and TP and serum urea, LDH, PGFM, and P4 concentrations were higher (p < 0.01) in the SOV group than the control. There was no significant variation in uterine bacteriology or cytology. Overall, these results infer that SOV affects both serum profile and uterine secretions, and that these changes may influence the number of TE.  相似文献   

In this prospective study the impact of fatty liver and an impaired liver function on the treatment outcome of displacement of the abomasum (DA) was investigated. In a yearlong period, all cows suffering from DA submitted to the clinic were included in this study. All cows were clinically examined before surgery and a serum sample was taken to measure the following parameters: ASAT, bilirubin, urea. Liver biopsy was performed in all cows. Liver fat content was measured gravimetrically and concentrations of triglycerides were measured using a commercial test kit. Reposition of DA was done using the method by Dirksen. A total of 365 cows with DA entered the study, 326 (89.3%) suffered from LDA and 39 (10.7%) from RDA. RDA-cows had significantly (p = 0.002) more days in milk than LDA-cows. RDA-cows had significantly (p < 0.001) higher urea concentrations than LDA-cows. Bilirubin concentrations (p = 0.008) and liver fat content, triglyceride concentrations and the ratio of triglycerides to fat (TRI/FAT) (p < 0.001) were significantly higher in LDA-cows. The majority of LDA-cows showed at least a mild fatty liver. Comparing the cows with successful and failed treatment showed that ASAT-activity (p = 0.021), bilirubin concentration (p = 0.001), triglyceride concentration in liver and TRI/FAT (all p < 0.001) were significantly higher in the unsuccessfully treated cows. In RDA cows, significant differences between successfully and unsuccessfully treated cows were only seen in urea concentration (p = 0.004). ROC-analysis was performed to determine whether any parameter is suitable for a prediction of treatment outcome. In RDA-cows no threshold value was traceable for urea concentration. In LDA cows, TRI/FAT showed the best curve progression. The threshold value of 53.5 % had a sensitivity of 0.720 and a specificity of 0.700. LDA-cows exceeding this threshold had a 2.4 higher risk of an unsuccessful treatment. Due to the good overall treatment success (92.3 %) the positive predictive value for an unsuccessful or ineffective treatment was 0.368 only. The results of our study clearly show that impaired liver function plays an important role in the outcome of treatment of LDA but not RDA. In spite of this no laboratory parameter provides sufficient power to make a predictive statement of treatment outcome.  相似文献   


AIM: To evaluate the macromineral status of field cases of dairy cows surgically treated for left abomasal displacement (LDA), with concurrent fatty liver of different severity, and compare this for animals that died or recovered.

METHODS: Sixty-eight Holstein dairy cows with LDA and 110 control cows, from 28 farms, were used in the study. Blood samples and liver biopsies were obtained during standing surgery for correction of LDA, and from control cows. The concentration of macrominerals in serum, and of total lipids (tLPD) and triglycerides (TG) in liver were determined. Liver was examined histologically, and classified for its severity of fatty liver. Cows with LDA were grouped according to severity of fatty liver. Cows in Groups 1 to 3 recovered, whereas those in Group 4 died within 4 weeks of surgery. Group 1=mild (n=4) or moderate (n=6 cows, n=4 heifers) fatty liver, Group 2 = moderate to severe fatty liver (n=13), Group 3=severe fatty liver (n=15 cows, n=5 heifers), Group 4 = severe fatty liver (n=17 cows, n=4 heifers).

RESULTS: The concentration of macrominerals in serum was affected by the concurrence of fatty liver and LDA; Ca, K and Mg were significantly (p<0.05) lower in animals that died than those that survived. For cows with severe fatty liver, concentrations of tLD and TG were higher in the animals that died compared with those that recovered (p<0.01). Cows with LDA and severe fatty liver that died were earlier in lactation (median days in milk (DIM) 13 days) compared with the other cows with LDA (median DIM 21–26 days) (p<0.05); they were also significantly older (median 6 years old) than cows in the other groups (median 4 or 5 years old) (p–0.05).

CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Concentrations of macrominerals in serum were influenced by the concurrence of LDA and fatty liver. Animals with low concentrations of Ca, K and Mg had a guarded prognosis. The concentration of K should always be evaluated in cows with LDA and concurrent fatty liver when providing a prognosis. Most cows with severe fatty liver were detected in the first 4 weeks of lactation, but older animals and those that had more recently calved had a worse prognosis.  相似文献   

为研究日粮中添加藜麦秸秆对奶牛生产性能和血清生化指标的影响,试验根据胎次相同,产犊时间、体重、产奶量相近的原则,选择16头中国荷斯坦奶牛作为试验牛。采用单因子随机试验设计,随机分为4组,每组4头牛,分别饲喂4种不同比例藜麦秸秆的全混合日粮(TMR)。藜麦秸秆的干物质(DM)添加比例分别为0%(Ⅰ组),5%(Ⅱ组),10%(Ⅲ组),15%(Ⅳ组)。预试期10d,正式期60d。结果表明:试验Ⅱ、Ⅲ组的产奶量、4%标准乳产量显著高于试验Ⅰ组(P<0.05),试验Ⅱ、Ⅲ组的产奶量分别比试验Ⅰ组高6.58%和6.87%,试验Ⅱ、Ⅲ组的4%标准乳分别比试验Ⅰ组高5.37%和10.61%;试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ组的乳脂率、乳糖率、乳蛋白率和乳总固形物差异均不显著(P>0.05);试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ组和Ⅳ组的粗蛋白质(CP)、中性洗涤纤维(NDF)、酸性洗涤纤维(ADF)的表观消化率差异不显著(P>0.05);试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ、Ⅳ组葡萄糖、甘油三酯、高密度脂蛋白、低密度脂蛋白、尿素氮、总蛋白、白蛋白、球蛋白、谷丙转氨酶、谷草转氨酶和碱性磷酸酶差异均不显著(P>0.05)。综上所述,奶牛日粮中添加藜麦秸秆能提高其产奶量,对血清生化指标无不利影响。  相似文献   

用外科手术的方法将奶牛真胃固定在瘤胃与左侧腹壁之间,建立奶牛左方真胃变位模型并于术前和术后采样。奶牛真胃人工左方变位后,瘤胃液和真胃液中的K^+和Cl^-浓度升高(P〈0.05),Na。浓度降低(P〈0.05);而血清中Na^+浓度升高,K^+,Cl^-和Ca^2+的浓度降低。瘤胃液中pH值和乙酸浓度降低(P〈0.05...  相似文献   

Peritoneal fluid (PF) was evaluated in 40 cows with left displaced abomasum (LDA) and 15 cows with abomasal volvulus (AV). PF was obtained by abdominocentesis at the right ventral abdomen at admission. Simultaneously, a blood sample was taken from the jugular vein. Biochemical and cytological variables in blood and PF specific for ischaemia, inflammation and cell damage were compared. Total protein, albumin, glucose and cholesterol were normal in PF of cows with LDA and AV. Although L-lactate increased in both groups, cows with AV had significantly higher values (LDA: 1.47/0.69/2.68 mmol/l; AV: 6.45/4.55/12.89 mmol/l (median/1. quartile/3. quartile)). D-dimer (LDA: 0.50/0.22/0.88 mg/l; AV: 1.11/0.40/1.85 mg/l) and LDH (LDA: 663/437/943 U/l; AV: 1099/750/1439 U/l) were only increased in PF of cows with AV. The number of leucocytes was normal; however, significantly more peritoneal neutrophils appeared necrotic or apoptotic after AV. PF of cows with abomasal displacement showed distinctive features of ischaemia and inflammation. Characteristics of haemostatic dysfunction and cell damage were mainly evident in PF of cows with AV. The results suggest that anti-inflammatory therapy is indicated in each cow with abomasal displacement. Additionally, medical treatment should be directed to prevent complications of ischaemia and reperfusion in cows with AV.  相似文献   

This study examines the association of pre-surgical clinical parameters in cows with left displacement of the abomasum (LDA) with the probability of cure. Data from 466 cases of LDA in which omentopexy was performed were analysed. Cows were classified in three categories according to the outcome of treatment. Cows in the first category were cured, i.e. sent back to the farm for further milk production. Cows in the second category were sent for slaughter because of an unfavourable prognosis concerning productivity. Cows in the third category either died or were salvaged because of poor prognosis concerning survival. Factors were examined for their possible influence on the outcome of treatment by comparing the values of successfully treated cows to those cows that either died or had to be sent for slaughter. Factors that were associated with a favourable prognosis were a short duration of disease, an undisturbed general condition, good appetite, normal faeces, a higher body weight, lower haematocrit, haemoglobin and erythrocyte counts, lower urea, AST and bilirubin, and higher sodium, potassium and chloride concentrations compared with cows with an unfavourable prognosis. Haemoconcentration was associated with higher AST, bilirubin and urea and with low sodium, potassium and chloride. Acetonuria was associated with increased AST and bilirubin and low urea. Low sodium and potassium concentrations were associated with an impaired general condition. It is concluded that a thorough clinical examination with special emphasis on general condition, liver function and dehydration status is of great importance in determining the prognosis of abdominal surgery in cows with LDA.  相似文献   

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