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This case report presents a Belgian Shepherd Malinois dog affected by hemophilia A recognized at the age of seven months. The clinical follow-up including all the diagnostic procedures leading to the final diagnosis and the course of this disorder are presented.  相似文献   

Abstract— An 8 year old intact female German shepherd dog was presented with well demarcated symmetric facial erosions, ulcerations and crusting. Systemic illness was absent, and oral involvement occurred only late in the course of the disease. Skin biopsy specimens revealed suprabasal acantholysis primarily involving hair follicles and direct immunofluorescent testing showed intercellular deposition of IgG in the epidermis compatible with a diagnosis of pemphigus vulgaris. The clinical signs in this dog were not adequately controlled by immune suppression. Therapy with heparin alone, or combined with prednisolone, appeared to induce a transient remission. Résumé— Une femelle Berger Allemand de 8 ans a été présentée pour des lésions faciales bien circonscrites de la face: érosions, ulcères et croutes. 11 n'y avait pas d'atteinte de l'état general et l'atteinte buccale n'est apparue qu'en fin d'évolution. L'examen de biopsies cutanées a révélé la presence d'une acantholyse suprabasale atteignant primitivement les follicules pileux et l'immunofluorescence directe un dépöt intercellulaire d'IgG au niveau de l'épiderme, compatibles avec un diagnostic de pemphigus vulgaire. Les symptómes n'ont pas pu être controlés avec une thérapeutique immunosuppressive. Un traitement à base d'héparine seule, ou associée à la prednisone, a permis d'obtenir une rémission transitoire. Zusammenfassung— Eine 8 Jahre alte, unkastrierte Deutsche Schäferhündin wurde mit gut abgegrenzten symmetrischen Erosionen, Ulzera und Verkrustungen im Gesichtsbereich vorgestellt. Systemische Krankheitssymptome fehlten, Veränderungen im Mundhöhlenbereich traten nur spat im Krankheitsverlauf auf. Hautbiopsieproacn zeigten eine suprabasale Akantholyse, die hauptsächlich die Haarfollikel betraf, die direktc immunfluoreszenzuntersuchung ergab cine interzelluläre Ablagerung von IgG in der Epidermis: Befunde, die mit der Diagnose Pemphigus vulgaris überenstimmen. Die klinischen Symptome bei diesem Hund konnten durch immunsuppression nicht adaquat kontrolliert werden. Eine Behandlung ausschlicßlich mit Heparin oder Heparin in Kombination mit Prednisolon schien eine vorübergchende Abheilung zu induzieren. Resumen Una hembra intacta pastor alemán de 8 años fué presentada con una erosión facial simétrica, úlceras y costras. El animal no sufría enfermedad sistémica y las lesiones orales ocurieron en el curso tardío de la enfermedad. La biopsia de la piel reveló acantolisis suprabasal localizada fundamentalmente en los folículos pilosos, y un test de inmunofluorescencia directa demonstró deposición intercelular de Tg G en la epidermis, compatible con la diagnosis de Pemphigus vulgaris. El cuadro clínico de este animal no se controló por medio de terapia inmunosupresiva. El tratamiento con heparina sola, o combinada con prednisolona produjo una remisión transitoria.  相似文献   

Epidural spinal myelolipoma was diagnosed in an 11.5-year-old castrated male Husky-cross that was evaluated at the veterinary teaching hospital due to progressive thoracolumbar spinal hyperaesthesia and mild proprioceptive pelvic limb ataxia. A focal, ill-defined mildly inhomogenous extradural mass lesion was detected by MRI. The dog was euthanized. At necropsy an extradurally located reddish mass of about 2.5 cm in diameter was present in the vertebral canal. The mass was identified histopathologically as an epidural myelolipoma.  相似文献   

Two types of ateliotic dwarfism in 3 German Shepherd dog puppies are described. Low somatomedin levels in serum and impaired growth of skeletal tissues were found in all 3 cases.One dog (case 2) had a histologically undeveloped adenohypophysis, and the dwarfism was apparently due to a generalized lack of adenopituitary function.The 2 other dogs (cases 1A and IB) had histologically normal adenohypophyses, and their condition was probably due to a reduced response to endogenous growth hormone in peripheral tissues.  相似文献   

A six-year-old intact male Pomeranian was examined because of right eye discomfort. An iris neoplasm was suspected and the eye was enucleated. A uveal melanoma with malignant features was diagnosed. The dog recovered uneventfully from surgery. A general physical examination was performed at 3-month intervals afterwards without any detectable problem, but 18 months after the first presentation the dog suffered a rapid, progressive paraplegia. Radiographic examination and myelography revealed a spinal cord compression at the level of the 8th thoracic (T8) vertebral body. Surgical exploration of the area revealed a potential vertebral neoplasm: histopathology confirmed a melanoma which was suspected to have resulted from metastasis from the previously diagnosed uveal melanoma.  相似文献   

A 10-month-old female, neutered French Bulldog presented with a history of unilateral right-sided intermittent conjunctivitis and exophthalmos. The patient suffered blunt force trauma to the right eye after a tennis ball impact approximately five months prior to presentation. Examination identified the patient was visual with exophthalmos, lateral strabismus, conjunctival hyperaemia, episcleral congestion, and papilloedema. Magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasonography identified an approximately two centimeter diameter fluid-filled structure directly posterior to the globe leading to displacement of the optic nerve and distortion of the posterior globe wall. Centesis of the lesion demonstrated neutrophilic and macrophagic inflammation with evidence of prior hemorrhage. Within four weeks, the structure had re-filled to its original size and was subsequently excised in its entirety, via a lateral orbitotomy. Histopathologic findings indicated a non-keratinising orbital cyst, the lining of which was consistent with a respiratory epithelial cyst. Recurrence had not occurred seven months' post-surgery. To the author's knowledge, previous reports of retrobulbar respiratory epithelial cysts have not been documented in animals.  相似文献   

A 13-yr-old Shih tzu was referred for surgical management of right-sided cranial abdominal mass, which corresponded to large, cavitated renal mass on ultrasonography, and was suspected to represent neoplasia. Intraoperative impression smear cytology (ISC) of the renal mass wall was consistent with benign renal cyst (RC), without evidence of neoplasia or infection. Deroofing and omentalisation were performed and histopathology was consistent with benign RC. Chronic kidney disease was diagnosed 4 mon postoperatively, however, the dog was asymptomatic, without cyst reoccurrence. Intraoperative ISC is an expedient and inexpensive diagnostic technique that can guide most appropriate treatment in dogs with large RCs.  相似文献   

This investigation was initiated to develop a reliable and simple computerized tomography (CT) method for evaluating the morphometry of the cranial cavity (CC) and caudal cranial fossa in the dog. We obtained linear, area, and volume measurements of the entire CC and the caudal fossa compartment in 24 dogs, using transverse and reformatted sagittal and dorsal CT images. The ratios between the CC and the caudal fossa volumes were calculated, as were the ratios between the CC and caudal fossa midsagittal (MS) areas. There were statistically significant correlations between absolute volume data and certain linear measurements, a positive correlation between volume ratio and weight, and significant differences in absolute volume values and volume ratio between males and females. The volume ratio, MS area, and certain linear measurements included in this study can be considered as accurate parameters to evaluate the relative size of the CC to caudal fossa in the dog. Such quantitative measures may be useful in systematically characterizing Chiari-type malformations and other developmental anomalies in the dog.  相似文献   

No published reports on the occurrence of Mendelson's syndrome (pneumonitis caused by aspiration during anaesthesia) in horses were found in the literature. Although the peculiar anatomy of the equine stomach makes horses less prone than other species to regurgitate, gastric reflux may still occur in horses with colic under certain circumstances. The colic horses in this report had in common stomach impaction, abdominal distention and preanaesthetic placement of a nasogastric tube, which was not withdrawn prior to induction. In both cases, a significant volume of gastric reflux was noted pouring from the endotracheal tube during general anaesthesia for exploratory laparotomy. It was hypothesised that the cause of gastric reflux was the combination of increased intra-abdominal pressure and patency of the cardia, and that inhalation of gastric content occurred at induction, before tracheal intubation. Treatment, which failed to improve oxygenation, consisted of repositioning of the horses to facilitate passive drainage of gastric content from the airways, active suction through the endotracheal tubes, ventilation strategies, improvement of haemodynamics to increase the pulmonary perfusion, and administration of bronchodilators. One horse was subjected to euthanasia owing to poor prognosis. Aspiration pneumonitis should be regarded as a life-threatening, although rare, perianaesthetic complication in equine colic cases. Patency of the cardia and increased intra-abdominal pressure are possible predisposing factors. Partial or even total withdrawal of the nasogastric tube prior to anaesthetic induction and tracheal intubation performed with the horse positioned in sternal recumbency may be undertaken as preventive measures in patients at high risk of developing Mendelson's syndrome.  相似文献   

Small populations are at risk of extinction from deterministic and stochastic factors. Less than 250 Asian elephants (Elephas maximus) remain in China, and are distributed in a few isolated areas; yet, population viability analyses of this endangered population have not been conducted. Here, the current genetic status of the Pu'Er‐Mengyang Asian elephant populations in China was analyzed, and the risk of extinction was predicted over the next 500 years. Factors affecting the viability of this population were determined through simulations. The genetic diversity of the population was very low (mean allele number: 3.1; expected heterozygosity: 0.463), even though a recent population bottleneck was not detected. The effective population size was approximately 24.1 adult elephants. Enough adult breeding individuals exist to maintain population viability. VORTEX simulation model showed that this population would not go extinct in the next 500 years. However, illegal poaching and harvesting could negatively affect population size. A sensitivity analysis showed that the mean stochastic growth rate of the study population is sensitive to sex ratio, number of breeding females, mortality of females of different age classes, carrying capacity, and lethal equivalents. Based on our results, we suggest that action should be taken to alleviate inbreeding and any further loss of genetic diversity, by connecting fragmented elephant habitat or by translocating individual elephants. In addition, human–elephant conflict should be mitigated using various modern approaches, including crop guarding techniques, and by encouraging farmers to switch to crops and income sources not vulnerable to elephant raids.  相似文献   

A 12-year-old Rottweiler dog was presented with a history of prostration, weight loss and hyporexia for six months. Based on complete blood tests (hematological and biochemical analyses), bone marrow examination and imaging analysis, a diagnosis of chronic myeloid leukemia was made. Treatment with hydroxyurea at a dosage of 18?mg/kg twice daily was not effective in controlling the high count of white blood cells. Furthermore, after 35 days of hydroxyurea treatment, the animal developed onycholysis, with sloughing of the claws of the left pelvic and left thoracic limbs and exposure of the distal phalanx. Interruption of the medication was implemented, with clinical healing of the ungual lesions observed three months after initiation of the drug. White blood cells returned to normal after using cyclophosphamide. Currently, the animal is in complete remission, having a disease-free interval of 575 days without chemotherapy. To the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of hydroxyurea-induced onycholysis within a short-term period in a dog diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia.  相似文献   

Cattle are a monotocous species, despite naturally conceived multiple births are sometimes observed. Although the number of twins has consistently increased, triplet and quadruplet pregnancies represent 0.015% and 0.004% of the total births, respectively. Multiple births are the result of multiple ovulation and/or the spontaneous cleavage of one fertilized oocyte, which is known as monozygotic (MZ) twinning. In cattle, approximately 5% to 14% of all twin births are MZ, and births with more than two MZ calves are extremely rare. Monozygotic animals are genetically identical, and those derived from two or more zygotes are genetically different. Furthermore, the presence of placental vascular anastomosis can result in foetal chimerism. Notwithstanding, animals born as single calves can be chimeras when one of the foetal twins dies undetected in utero. Here, we used DNA testing to study the zygotic condition of an unusual female quadruplet born from a Braford cow bred in a multi-sire natural mating system without hormone stimulation. Two tissues with different embryological origin were sampled to test zygosity and possible chimerism. The results showed an identical genotype, confirming they all originated in an MZ pregnancy and suggesting the lack of chimerism in all animals. The use of MZ twins in breeding and selection systems provides an alternative to the conventional progeny testing. Some works have suggested a genetic background of MZ twins in humans. This female and her daughters could be the founders of a lineage to study the possible inheritance of MZ multiple births in cattle.  相似文献   

An 11-year-old mare presented 36 hours after foaling with a ruptured bladder. Uroperitoneum was diagnosed on ultrasound and from the creatinine concentration of the peritoneal fluid. Bladder endoscopy demonstrated tissue necrosis and a rent in the dorsocranial aspect of the bladder. Following stabilisation, including abdominal drainage and lavage, the mare was taken to standing surgery. Under continuous sedation and epidural anaesthesia, and after surgical preparation, a Balfour retractor was placed in the vagina. Using sterile lubricant and moderate force, it was possible to insert a hand into the bladder. The tear was easily palpable on the dorsal portion of the bladder. Two fingers were inserted through the tear and used to provide traction to evert the bladder completely into the vagina where it could grasped with the surgeons other hand to prevent further trauma. A second surgeon could then visualise the entire tear and repaired this using a single layer of size zero PDS suture in a single continuous pattern. As soon as the bladder was repaired, it was replaced via the urethra. The mare did well after surgery and was discharged after 48 hours, apparently normal.This report is the first describing repair of the bladder without an abdominal incision or incision into the urethral sphincter. This greatly reduces the chance of possible complications such as urine pooling after surgery with the previously described standing technique or bladder trauma due to traction with abdominal surgery.  相似文献   

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