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To improve embryo development in bovine separated blastomeres, we evaluated applicability of co‐culture with intact embryos. The morphological quality of blastocysts derived from separated blastomeres and rate of blastocyst formation were only slightly increased when the cells were co‐cultured with intact embryos, which did not provide significant differences when statistically analyzed. However, the cell count of inner cell mass (ICM), trophectoderm (TE) and total number of cells in Day 8 blastocysts were significantly higher when the cells were co‐cultured with the intact embryos than those with the cells cultured individually (P < 0.05). Transfer of four monozygotic pairs of blastocysts derived from the cells co‐cultured with intact embryos led to three pregnancies even when the blastomeres were produced by in vitro maturation and in vitro fertilization of oocytes collected by ovum pick‐up from elite cows. These results suggest that co‐culturing with intact embryos may enhance development of bovine separated blastomere.  相似文献   

This study aimed to compare the efficiency of non‐surgical embryo transfer (ET) using a newly developed catheter, which enables transferring embryos into a proximal site of the uterus (mostly uterine body), and surgical ET of vitrified porcine embryos. In Experiment 1, the catheter was inserted into 12 gilts, with each half of the group allocated to skilled or novice operators. The time required for insertion into the uterus did not differ between skilled and novice operators (4 min 9 s and 4 min 6 s, respectively). In Experiment 2, 12 gilts were used as recipients for non‐surgical and surgical ET with vitrified embryos (n = 6, each). There was no significant difference in the rate of piglet production based on the number of transferred embryos between surgical and non‐surgical ET (25.8% vs. 15.4%, p = .098). The results suggest that non‐surgical ET catheter allowed for easy insertion and transfer of embryos without special training. Although the catheter is effective for deposition of embryos into the proximal site of uterus, the efficiency of piglet production is not enhanced compared with surgical ET. The ET method using this catheter, being labor‐saving and less‐invasive, may contribute to the improvement of ET in pigs.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate whether supplementation of 2i medium with leukemia inhibitory factor (LIF) and/or forskolin would support establishment of germline-competent rat embryonic stem (ES) cell lines. Due to the higher likelihood of outgrowth rates, supplementation of forskolin with or without LIF contributed to the higher establishment efficiency of ES cell lines in the WDB strain. Germline transmission competency of the chimeric rats was not influenced by the profile of ES cell lines until their establishment. When the LIF/forskolin-supplemented 2i medium was used, the rat strain used as the blastocyst donor, such as the WI strain, was a possible factor negatively influencing the establishment efficiency of ES cell lines. Once ES cell lines were established, all lines were found to be germline-competent by a progeny test in chimeric rats. In conclusion, both LIF and forskolin are not essential but can play a beneficial role in the establishment of “genuine” rat ES cell lines.  相似文献   

The optimization of single‐embryo culture conditions is very important, particularly in the in vitro production of bovine embryos using the ovum pick‐up (OPU) procedure. The purpose of this study was to examine the development of embryos derived from oocytes obtained by OPU that were cultured either individually or in groups in medium supplemented with or without sericin and to investigate the viability of the frozen‐thawed embryos after a direct transfer. When two‐cell‐stage embryos were cultured either individually or in groups for 7 days in CR1aa medium supplemented with or without 0.5% sericin, the rates of development to blastocysts and freezable blastocysts were significantly lower for the embryos cultured individually without sericin than for the embryos cultured in groups with or without sericin. Moreover, the rate of development to freezable blastocysts of the embryos cultured individually with sericin was significantly higher than that of the embryos cultured without sericin. When the frozen‐thawed embryos were transferred directly to recipients, the rates of pregnancy, abortion, stillbirth and normal calving in the recipients were similar among the groups, irrespective of the culture conditions and sericin supplementation. Our findings indicate that supplementation with sericin during embryo culture improves the quality of the embryos cultured individually but not the viability of the frozen‐thawed embryos after transfer to recipients.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the most efficient vitrification protocol for the cryopreservation of day 7 in vitro produced (IVP) porcine blastocysts. The post‐warm survival rate of blastocysts vitrified in control (17% dimethyl sulfoxide + 17% ethylene glycol [EG] + 0.4 mol/L sucrose) and commercial media did not differ, nor did the post‐warm survival rate of blastocysts vitrified in medium containing 1,2‐propandiol in place of EG. However, vitrifying embryos in EG alone decreased the cryosurvival rate (55.6% and 33.6%, respectively, p < .05). Furthermore, the post‐warm survival rates of blastocysts vitrified with either trehalose or sucrose as the non‐penetrating cryoprotectant did not differ. There was also no significant difference in post‐warm survival of blastocysts vitrified in control (38°C) media and room temperature (22°C) media with extended equilibration times, although when blastocysts were vitrified using control media at room temperature, the post‐warm survival rate increased (56.8%, 57.3%, 72.5%, respectively, p < .05). The findings show that most cryoprotectant combinations examined proved equally effective at supporting the post‐warm survival of IVP porcine blastocysts. The improved post‐warm survival rate of blastocysts vitrified using media held at room temperature suggests that the cryoprotectant toxicity exerted in 22°C media was reduced.  相似文献   

Krüppel‐like factor 7 (KLF7) has been extensively studied in mammalian species, but its role in birds is still unclear. In the current study, cloning and sequencing showed that the full‐length coding region of chicken KLF7 (Gallus gallus KLF7, gKLF7) was 891 bp long, encoding 296 amino acids. In addition, real‐time RT‐PCR analysis showed that gKLF7 was broadly expressed in all 15 chicken tissues selected, and its expression was significantly different in spleen, proventriculus, abdominal fat, brain, leg muscle, gizzard and heart between fat and lean broilers at 7 weeks of age. Additionally, one novel single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP), XM_426569.3: c. A141G, was identified in the second exon of gKLF7. Association analysis showed that this locus was significantly associated with fatness traits in Arbor Acres broiler random population and the eighth generation of Northeast Agricultural University broiler lines divergently selected for abdominal fat content (NEAUHLF) population (P < 0.05). These results suggest that gKLF7 might be a candidate gene for chicken fatness traits.  相似文献   

The effects of growth hormone (GH) and insulin‐like growth factor‐I (IGF‐I) on protein synthesis and gene expression of κ‐casein in bovine mammary epithelial cell in vitro were studied. The treatments were designed as follows: the growth medium without serum was set as the control group, while the treatments were medium supplemented with GH (100 ng/ml), IGF‐I (100 ng/ml), and GH (100 ng/ml) + IGF‐I (100 ng/ml). The quantity of κ‐casein protein was measured by ELISA, and the κ‐casein gene (CSN3) expression was examined by real‐time quantitative PCR (RT‐qPCR). Compared with the control group, all the experimental groups had greater (p < 0.05) expression of CSN3. The concentration of κ‐casein followed a similar response as CSN3, but the difference between the treatments and the control was not statistically significant (p > 0.05). Furthermore, no synergistic effect of GH and IGF‐I was observed for both the κ‐casein concentration and CSN3 expression. It is therefore concluded that GH or IGF‐I can independently promote the expression of CSN3 in bovine mammary epithelial cells in vitro.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effect of (‐)‐hydroxycitric acid ((‐)‐HCA) on lipid and glucose metabolism, and further analyzed these actions whether associated with modulation of aldehyde dehydrogenase 3 family member A2 (ALDH3A2) expression in chicken embryos. Results showed that (‐)‐HCA decreased triglyceride content and lipid droplet counts, while these effects induced by (‐)‐HCA were reversed in chicken embryos pre‐transfected with sh4‐ALDH3A2. (‐)‐HCA decreased malic enzyme, acetyl‐CoA carboxylase, fatty acid synthase, and sterol regulatory element binding protein‐1c mRNA level, while increased carnitine palmitoyl transferase 1A (CPT1A) and peroxisome proliferators‐activated receptor α (PPARα) mRNA level; and the action of (‐)‐HCA on lipid metabolism factors had completely eliminated in embryos pre‐transfected with sh4‐ALDH3A2. Chicken embryos pre‐transfected with sh4‐ALDH3A2 had eliminated the increasing of serum glucose and hepatic glycogen content induced by (‐)‐HCA. (‐)‐HCA decreased phosphofructokinase‐1 and increased G6P, fructose‐1,6‐bisphosphatase, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase (PEPCK), and pyruvate carboxylase mRNA level in chicken embryos. Similarly, the effect of (‐)‐HCA on these key enzyme mRNA level was reversed in embryos pre‐transfected with sh4‐ALDH3A2. Furthermore, (‐)‐HCA increased PPAR‐γ‐coactivator‐1α (PGC‐1α), PPARα, hepatic nuclear factor‐4A, PEPCK, and CPT1A protein level, and these actions of (‐)‐HCA disappeared in embryos pre‐transfected with sh4‐ALDH3A2. These results indicated that (‐)‐HCA reduced fat accumulation and accelerated gluconeogenesis via activation of PGC‐1α signaling pathway, and these effects of (‐)‐HCA might associate with the increasing of ALDH3A2 expression level in chicken embryos.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) has been shown to be involved in control of the oviductal microenvironment. To elucidate the potential mechanisms responsible for the detrimental effect of heat stress and to identify the relation with the endocrine status, the effects of EGF on the level of phosphorylated mitogen-activated-protein kinase (MAPK) and proliferation of bovine oviductal epithelial cells (OECs) exposed to different cyclic ovarian steroidal environments (luteal phase (LP), follicular phase (FP) and postovulatory phase (PO)) and temperatures (mild heat stress (40 C) and severe heat stress (43 C)) were investigated. Western blot was performed to evaluate phosphorylated MAPK, while proliferation was analyzed by MTT assay. Stimulation of OECs with EGF alone or with EGF in the PO and FP environments significantly increased the amount of phosphorylated MAPK, with MAPK 44 phosphorylation being highest during exposure to PO conditions. These effects were not observed in the LP. Heat treatment completely blocked effects of EGF on phosphorylated MAPK. Additionally, severe heat stress led to a significantly lower basal level of phosphorylated MAPK. PD98059 (MAPK inhibitor) completely abolished EGF-stimulated MAPK phosphorylation and OECs proliferation. Overall the results indicate that EGF has the potential to increase the amount of phosphorylated MAPK in OECs and therefore could be involved in regulation of the bovine oviductal microenvironment. However, these regulatory mechanisms may be compromised in the presence of heat stress (high ambient temperature), leading to low fertility rates and impaired embryo survival.  相似文献   

The aims of the present study were to clarify the effect of kisspeptin10 (Kp10) on the secretion of growth hormone (GH) from bovine anterior pituitary (AP) cells, and evaluate the ability of sex steroid hormones to enhance the sensitivity of somatotrophic cells to Kp10. AP cells prepared from 8–11‐month‐old castrated calves were incubated for 12 h with estradiol (E2, 10?8 mol/L),progesterone (P4, 10?8 mol/L), testosterone (T, 10?8 mol/L), or vehicle only (control), and then for 2 h with Kp10. The amount of GH released in the medium was measured by a time‐resolved fluoroimmunoassay. Kp10 (10?6 or 10?5 mol/L) significantly stimulated the secretion of GH from the AP cells regardless of steroid treatments (P < 0.05), and E2, P4, and T had no effect on this response. The GH‐releasing response to growth hormone‐releasing hormone (GHRH, 10?8 mol/L) was significantly greater than that to Kp10 (P < 0.05). The present results suggest that Kp10 directly stimulates the release of GH from somatotrophic cells and sex steroid hormones do not enhance the sensitivity of these cells to Kp10. Furthermore, they suggest that the GH‐releasing effect of Kp10 is less potent than that of GHRH.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor (EGF) and glucagon‐like peptides (GLP) modulate the tight junctions (TJ) of the intestinal epithelial barrier (EB) of monogastric animals. This work tried to elucidate whether GLP‐1, GLP‐2 and EGF can affect the EB of the rumen. Ovine ruminal epithelia were incubated in Ussing chambers for 7 hr with 25 or 250 nM of either GLP‐1 or GLP‐2 on the serosal side, with 2.5 nM of EGF on the serosal side or with 0.25 or 2.5 nM EGF on the mucosal side. No treatment affected tissue conductance. Short‐circuit current (Isc) was affected by time and treatment and their interactions. Only 250 nM of either GLP‐1 or GLP‐2 decreased Isc in certain periods compared with 25 nM GLP‐1 or 0.25 nM mucosally applied EGF; however, not when compared to control epithelia. Fluorescein flux rates (Jfluor) of ruminal epithelia were affected by treatment, time and time × treatment interaction. The time × treatment interaction was based on an increase in Jfluor between the first and last hour in epithelia incubated with 25 nM GLP‐1 or GLP‐2 and in epithelia incubated with EGF. After 7 hr incubation, claudin‐7 mRNA expression was downregulated in all treatments. Claudin‐1 mRNA was upregulated after incubation with 2.5 nM EGF on the serosal side, claudin‐4 mRNA was downregulated by 2.5 nM EGF on the mucosal side, and occludin mRNA was increased after incubation with 250 nM GLP‐2. The protein abundance of all tested TJ proteins was not influenced by treatment. We conclude that GLP‐1, GLP‐2, and EGF have no obvious acute effects on the EB of ruminal epithelia under simulated physiological conditions ex vivo. However, by decreasing the mRNA expression of claudin‐7 and partly affecting other TJ proteins, they may modulate EB in the longer term or under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Several successful in vitro culture experiments have used oocyte-cumulus cell-mural granulosa cell complexes (OCGCs) from early antral follicles (0.5–0.7 mm) for the growth of bovine oocytes. However, in studies related to in vitro oocyte maturation and in vitro embryo production, oocyte-cumulus cell complexes (OCCs) that have no mural granulosa cells have been widely used instead of OCGCs. The purpose of this study was to determine whether cumulus cells alone support oocyte growth. First, OCCs and OCGCs were cultured in vitro for 14 days to compare the integrity of the complexes as well as antrum formation. After 14 days, the diameter and meiotic competence of oocytes in OCCs and OCGCs were examined. Oocytes in OCCs grew fully and acquired meiotic competence similar to OCGCs, whereas antrum formation occurred later in OCCs as compared to OCGCs. Subsequently, the effects of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) on in vitro growth of OCCs were examined for 14 days. When FSH was added to the culture medium, OCCs formed antrum-like structures one day earlier than those cultured without FSH. Oocytes cultured with 1 mIU/ml FSH grew fully and acquired meiotic competence. In contrast, when oocytes were cultured in media containing high concentrations of FSH, some of the OCCs collapsed and the number of degenerated oocytes increased. In conclusion, bovine oocytes in OCCs grow and acquire meiotic competence similar to OCGCs and, 1 mIU/ml FSH supports the development of OCCs and oocyte growth as observed in our culture system.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to investigate the dynamic gut microbial diversity in weaning swine after administering feed supplemented with probiotic bacteria that specifically inhibit the activity of quorum molecules. Initially, the universal quorum molecule autoinducer‐2 (AI‐2) bioassay results indicated that AI‐2 activity was profoundly inhibited in enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 in the presence of Lactobacillus acidophilus strain 30SC cell extract, although the growth of EHEC was not affected. Based on plate counting results, bacterial community analysis revealed a specific reduction in coliforms compared to the control, whereas the population of lactobacilli increased in weaning swine in in vivo trials. Supplementation with L. acidophilus strain 30SC did not affect the counts of other communities, such as total aerobes and yeast/mold. In addition, PCR‐denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis analysis showed a significant difference in the 16S rRNA gene products after administering L. acidophilus strain 30SC. Selected bands were sequenced, and most of them were identified as uncultured bacterium clones or a Lactobacillus‐ and Bifidobacterium‐specific community. Therefore, our results indicate that quorum‐quenching probiotic bacteria can significantly modulate the gut microbiota of swine and these beneficial effects can contribute to the improvement of performance and health in the gastrointestinal tract of weaning pigs.  相似文献   

The effects of the feeding sequence of concentrate and forage, and of the feeding ratio of sake cake (SC) to grass hay (GH) on the ruminal mat characteristics and the entrapment effect for steamed flaked corn (SFC) by the mat were evaluated. Three non‐lactating, rumen‐cannulated Holstein cows were offered SC and GH using a ratio of 35:65 (SC35) or 65:35 (SC65). For SC35, SFC was fed at 1 h after or immediately before offering SC and GH, while for SC65, SFC was only fed at 1 h after. To estimate the degree of SFC entrapment in the ruminal mat, the location of SFC in the rumen and two types of mean retention time (MRT) were measured, that is, MRT for the SFC marker placed directly on the mat or taken orally. The ruminal mat was formed even when SC65 diet was consumed. The entrapment effect was not affected by the feeding sequence or the ratio. However, a more interesting finding is that the entrapment effect of the ruminal mat may not be as absolute as previously considered because of the large amount of SFC particles which precipitated at the bottom of the rumen 1 h after feeding.  相似文献   

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