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为探索血鹦鹉鱼(Cichlasoma citrinellum♂ ×cichlasoma synspilum♀)绿色高效养殖新模式,本试验构建了血鹦鹉鱼套养女王大帆(Hypostomus plecostomus)养殖技术模式,经过8个月的养殖试验,结果显示:每平方米养殖池可产生效益为324.58元,其中女王大帆每平方米可...  相似文献   

鹦鹉鱼系硬骨鱼纲丽鱼科的雄性红魔丽体鱼(Cichlasoma citrinel lum)和雌性红头丽体鱼(C,synspilum)杂交变种鱼,遗传了来自两种鱼类所特有的生理习性。鹦鹉鱼体长可达15cm,体宽厚,体呈椭圆形,寿命可达8年。杂交繁育的鹦鹉鱼有血鹦鹉、紫鹦鹉、金刚鹦鹉、一颗心鹦鹉、独角鹦鹉、罗汉鹦鹉、红白鹦鹉、斑马鹦鹉、花  相似文献   

鹦鹉鱼是丽鱼科的紫红火口(Cichlasoma synspilum)与火鹤(Cichlasoma citrinellum)杂交F1代,有血鹦鹉、元宝红、金刚鹦鹉几个商业品种(尚未在生物学上确认其品种地位),其中血鹦鹉最具代表性,最为普及,是目前在我国生产量和豢养量最多的热带鱼之一。  相似文献   

塘虱鱼池塘养殖技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索广西地区塘虱鱼池塘养殖技术,笔者于2001年5月16日至11月10日,在一口面积为4329m2的池塘中进行塘虱鱼养殖试验,经176天的养殖,收获商品鱼2547kg(其中塘虱鱼1487kg,鲢鱼、鳙鱼、鲮鱼等1060kg),取得了较好的养殖效果。主要的养殖技术措施是: 一、选好池塘 试验塘面积4329m2,水泥砖砌塘堤高2m,塘底略呈锅底形,有机淤泥厚约30cm。试验塘防逃、保水性能好,排灌方便。  相似文献   

血鹦鹉鱼是热带观赏鱼中最为畅销的品种之一,以温室大棚养殖为主。随着养殖技术的不断成熟,血鹦鹉鱼的养殖量也在逐年增加,消费者对其品质要求也越来越高,养殖利润点在逐年下降。为了探索新的养殖技术模式,天津嘉禾田源观赏鱼养殖有限公司在天津市水产研究所的技术支持下进行了血鹦鹉鱼套养银龙鱼技术研究。  相似文献   

<正>为了降低血鹦鹉养殖成本,天津市观赏鱼技术工程中心利用现有室外池塘进行养殖试验,成本大幅降低,经济效益非常可观。血鹦鹉具有易养殖、体色红艳、价格适中等特点,是热带观赏鱼中最为畅销的品种。它的养殖方式主要分为温室大棚养殖和工厂化养殖车间两种养殖方式,养殖成本也相对较高。血鹦鹉生存水温13℃~35℃,  相似文献   

<正>血鹦鹉是热带观赏鱼中最为畅销的品种,具有易养殖、体色红艳、价格适中等特点,非常受消费者的喜爱。血鹦鹉最适生存水温25~30℃,低于20℃血鹦鹉游动缓慢。血鹦鹉为紫红火口与红魔鬼的杂交品种,鳃部存在缺陷,属于高氧鱼,因此血鹦鹉的活体运输就显得尤为重要。天津市观赏鱼技术工程中心一直从事血鹦鹉繁育养殖,每年养殖血鹦鹉鱼2000万尾以上,其产品远  相似文献   

<正>血鹦鹉鱼由紫红火口鱼和红魔鬼鱼杂交所得,遗传了来自两种鱼所特有的生理习性,易养,全身鲜艳通红,加上胖嘟嘟的体形和柔柔的鳍条,非常惹人喜爱。血鹦鹉鱼因有红红火火等美好寓意,养殖技术又比较简单,成为家庭养殖热带观赏鱼的首选。随着血鹦鹉鱼家庭水族缸养殖人群逐渐增多,为了更好地服务消费者及促进血鹦鹉鱼产业的健康发展,  相似文献   

<正>1养殖设施条件血鹦鹉鱼的养殖设施条件见表1。2养殖设施准备2.1室内养殖设施准备放鱼前对养殖设施进行清整,在鱼入池(入缸)前15d左右用15~20mg/L高锰酸钾泼洒消毒,30min后用清水冲净。2.2室外养殖设施准备放鱼前对池塘进行修整、清淤,修筑池埂,在鱼入池前15d左右每用1 125~1 500kg/hm2生石灰或45~60 kg/hm2漂白粉(含有效氯约  相似文献   

正海水池塘鱼、虾、贝绿色生态养殖是指根据海水池塘不同生态位进行鱼、虾、贝多品种搭配混合养殖,以达到充分利用水域养殖生产潜力和生态防治病害的作用,实现海水池塘养殖综合效益的提高。现将海水池塘鱼、虾、贝生态养殖试验情况报告如下。一、材料与方法1.池塘条件试验池塘选择在玉环市珠港长  相似文献   

在半封闭式奥尼罗非鱼养殖池中投入饲料,探索养殖过程中鱼池沉积形成及其主要影响因子。试验结果表明:无论养鱼或未养鱼,投饲或不投饲,各池均发生不同程度的沉积;外源饲料输入量相同时,养鱼池新颗粒物生成量(干重)比未养鱼池大15.63%,而沉积量比未养鱼池小19.49%;无外源饲料输入时,养鱼池的沉积量比未养鱼池大75.76%;养殖系统内养殖对象与其所处环境的相互依存和相互制约对系统新颗粒物生成及沉积具有重要作用。  相似文献   

为探究不同养殖模式下新品种“华海1号”团头鲂的品质差异,实验以不同养殖模式(池塘组及大湖组)的“华海1号”团头鲂为对象,采用色差仪、质构仪对其表观及质地进行测定,采用超高效液相色谱仪或气相色谱-质谱联用仪等对营养特性和风味物质进行测定。结果显示,大湖养殖团头鲂肉质的亮度、白度、弹性、咀嚼性、回复性均显著高于池塘组,且大湖组肌肉水分含量更高,粗脂肪含量更低。池塘组和大湖组鱼肉EAA/TAA及EAA/NEAA比值分别为0.41、0.82以及0.38、0.72,均符合FAO/WHO推荐的理想必需氨基酸构成。池塘组必需氨基酸指数虽高于大湖组,但其必需氨基酸中仅赖氨酸含量显著高于大湖组,而大湖组鱼肉中非必需氨基酸及半必需氨基酸含量分别为池塘组的1.05倍及1.01倍,且大湖组总脂肪酸含量下降21.09%,多不饱和脂肪酸占比提升4.00%,EPA和DHA含量分别为池塘组的14.20倍和7.51倍,故大湖组鱼肉营养更为均衡。池塘组鱼肉谷氨酸及丙氨酸TAV值均大于1,大湖组赖氨酸TAV值大于1,但大湖组鱼肉中鲜味及甜味氨基酸总占比更高,苦味氨基酸总占比更低,且大湖组呈鲜味的AMP及IMP含量为池塘组的...  相似文献   

报道了首次利用淡水鱼塘,主养鲈兼养鲢,鲤,草鱼等试验,每亩放苗515尾,鲈占放养总重的71.7%;主喂冷冻青鳞鱼,约占77.7%,辅喂人工配饵;前期只充渗漏水,中后期透明度小于30cm时,大量换水。结果:共产商品鱼8802kg,其中鲈3740kg,折合亩产124.7kg,成活率89%。总产值128046.8地,纯利76969.8地,平均亩纯利2565元,投入产出比1:2.5。  相似文献   

为建立低消耗、低排放、高效益的新型养殖模式,在鳜养殖池塘引入微生物、水生植物以及投放其他鱼种进行生产试验。在0.2 hm2鱼池中,投放4 cm鳜鱼种2790尾,经过185 d的饲养,单产达到415 kg/667m2。鳜池连同饵料鱼池共0.65 hm2面积,平均利润3977元/667m2,商品率90%。在局部生态系统条件下,池塘水质实现了自净,水质指标符合鳜生长要求,养殖用水比常规养殖相对减少。  相似文献   

塘鳢是淡水小型经济鱼类,江浙沪一带将其视为名菜,为发展特种小水产品,作者于1992~1995年进行了塘鳢养殖试验工作,取得了人工繁殖,苗种培育及成鱼饲养的成套经验,人工繁殖和苗种培育在20m^2的网箱中进行,鱼孵化率和苗种(夏花)成活率分别达到59.71%和71.03%,成鱼饲养采取池塘混养方式,在267m^2的池塘中经170天养成尾重20g以上的商品鱼18.25kg,成鱼饲养成活率为64.5%  相似文献   


This paper provides a case study of the evolution of the freshwater food fish and marine food fish culture industries in Hong Kong as a highly urbanized and polluted metropolis. This study lends support to the thesis that marine fish culture is generally more sustainable than pond fish culture, owing to the fact that oceanic resources are relatively less scarce than land resources ‐ even though the transaction costs of delineating and enforcing private property in the former are much higher. The case study gives a brief historical account of the evolution of the freshwater food fish and marine food fish culture industries in Hong Kong, identifies the technical inputs constraining the survival and prospects of these industries, and evaluates the relevance of the private property rights approach to their sustainability. Examination of the culture industries reveals the differences in property right characteristics of both industries. In addition to the differentiation in the degree of privatization between freshwater food fish and marine food fish culture, the major characteristics and inputs for culture practices in both industries are also examined. A qualitative evaluation of the relative significance of these inputs to the sustainability of the culture industries is provided. It is argued that the escalation in the factor price of land will destroy the local pond fish culture industry even though it is more ‘private’ than marine fish culture, notwithstanding the fact that substantial areas of intertidal ponds are owned by government and that in‐filling of fishponds have been subject to stringent planning control. The policy implications of the case study are spelled out.  相似文献   

Direct use of pig wastes as inputs into fish culture systems may be unacceptable or an inferior use of valuable inputs. High value, but non-filter feeding fish, such as African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (Burchell), may be unable to recover nutrients efficiently through the pond food web and require complete diets in intensive culture. Live feeds such as the larval stage of the green blow fly. Lucilia sericata, can be used as intermediate organisms to utilize pig waste and subsequently be fed live as part of a complete ration for catfish raised in cages. The nutrient efficiency of the system is further enhanced by the stocking of phytophagous fish, the Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (L.), in the pond in which the catfish culture cages are suspended. A model derived from on-farm experimentation is presented that demonstrates system design and nutrient efficiencies. An extrapolated catfish production of 61 year1 using only fly larvae produced from a standing herd of approximately 1000 fattening pigs was demonstrated. The static water pond in which the catfish were cultured ensured that the environmental impact of both pig and catfish systems was minimal compared to conventional production systems.  相似文献   

以山东省德州市区富营养型养鱼池为立论基础,研究气象要素与有机沉积严重鱼的溶氧关系。据18年资料分析表明,水体溶氧含量与光照时数,强度和气压呈正相关,与气温,冰雪和大雾呈负相关。一和风力既能增氧,有时又起负作用。根据水体理化,生物因子与气象变化,采取综合防治措施,可有铲预防池鱼泛塘。  相似文献   

Baitfish producers have expressed interest in adopting the split‐pond production system. However, confining fish to 20% of the pond area in split‐pond systems effectively quintuples fish density within the culture unit as compared with densities in open ponds. Winter conditions are known to be relatively more stressful on smaller fish, and high densities within split‐pond culture units could increase losses. A 139‐d study was conducted during the winter to compare the production of golden shiners, Notemigonus crysoleucas, in traditional earthen ponds and split ponds at two densities. Golden shiners were stocked at 646 kg/ha or 1292 kg/ha (ca. 370,500 or 741,000 fish/ha, respectively) into 12, 0.04‐ha, netted earthen ponds (six split ponds and six traditional). Feeding rate, nightly aeration hours, and daily circulation hours were reduced when water temperature decreased. At harvest, net yields were significantly lower in the split ponds as compared with traditional ponds at each density (53 and 113 kg/ha less in the low‐ and high‐density split‐pond treatments, respectively). Estimated survival was high (>87%) and did not differ among treatments. Results showed that, although net yield was reduced, small baitfish could be successfully overwintered in split‐pond culture units in preparation for the spring crappie market.  相似文献   

湖泊围养鱼类血液学指标的初步研究   总被引:21,自引:2,他引:21  
许品诚  曹萃禾 《水产学报》1989,13(4):347-352
本试验测定了185尾在湖泊围养区和池塘内体质健壮的草鱼、青鱼、团头鲂、鲢鱼、鳙鱼的血液,共取得红血球、血红蛋白、血糖、总蛋白、白蛋白、尿素氮、胆固醇、甘油三酯八项指标的1367个数据。经可靠性分析,除血糖指标的相对误差值略高于5%外,其余各项血液指标均值的相对误差,均达到生物调查实验要求。  相似文献   

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