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工厂化海水养殖是一种新兴的养殖模式,它利用人为制造的适宜环境来养殖某些经济价值较高的水产品。由于其丰厚的投资回报,近几年在我国沿海地区发展较为迅速,大大促进了地方经济发展。以大菱鲆工厂化养殖为例,在短短的几年时间里,就形成了相当规模。到2000年,大菱鲆养殖已迅速扩展到渤海沿岸的各省市,形成了环渤海大菱鲆养殖圈。近两年,还辐射到了长江口、浙江、福建、广东等地。目前,仅山东省就已有大菱鲆工厂化养殖面积近90万m^2,综合产值超过20亿元,并且每年还在以30%的速度递增。  相似文献   

薛正锐 《渔业现代化》2003,(3):19-19,31
黄海水产研究所九五、十五期间主持了国家863、国家重点科技攻关三项课题 ,研究建成及推广各类模式的封闭式循环水养殖系统 ,养殖水面达到 3.6万平方米 ,养鱼试验获得了平均单产2 7.4kg/m2 ,高产池单产 35kg/m2 的结果。在多年的实践中 ,我们真切地体会到仅仅建成一套高水平的系统是不够的 ,要真正产生效益 ,还要靠人 ,靠人的技术与管理。设施渔业的三大要素是 :设施、养殖、管理。这里 ,主要针对封闭式循环水养鱼 ,根据多年来积累的一些经验教训 ,从管理操作和养殖技术两方面 ,谈一下严重制约和影响大幅度提高单产水平的具体问题。1设计封…  相似文献   

海水对虾工厂化循环水养殖系统模式分析   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
对虾养殖由于受到水资源和虾病的困扰,工厂化循环水养殖已经成为今后对虾养殖的一个重要方向。对虾工厂化循环水养殖系统的结构包括了养虾池、水处理技术、消毒杀菌、增氧技术、水温调节装置等。目前,典型的养殖模式有美国德州跑道式对虾养殖系统、台南室内自动化循环水养虾系统、美国佛罗里达三阶段养殖系统和美国夏威夷基于微藻的循环水对虾养殖系统。文中对这4种典型的对虾工厂化循环水养殖系统的养殖试验情况进行分析比较。  相似文献   

天津是国内工厂化海水养殖发展最快的区域之一,近几年随着天津滨海新区地下水的限采以及环保部门对养殖尾水排放的严格控制,海水工厂化养殖面临新的挑战。天津海水养殖发展一直受到土地和海水资源短缺因素的制约,天津海岸线为浅滩泥底潮汐带,海水比较浑浊,且工业污水和城市污水排放以及渤海和黄海较低的海水交换率造成海水富营养化。天津的气温变化大,适合室外露天养殖的时间短,但天津周边鲜活海产品巨大的市场需求和其丰富的地热资源及盐田卤水条件,促进了天津集约化的工厂化海水养殖的发展。回顾了天津海水工厂化养殖的发展历史,介绍了工厂化养殖设施装备的主要特点,分析、提出了海水工厂化养殖存在的问题及发展对策。  相似文献   

我们于2007年10月起分别从印尼和越南购进龙虾茁种,利用鲍鱼养殖池进行工厂化人工养殖试验,经一年多的养殖,龙虾(图见彩中插2)个体从50克/尾左右增长到750克/尾互右,成活率达89.7%,现将试验结果总结如下。  相似文献   

<正> 近两年来,在各级党委、政府和有关部门的大力支持下,在我省渔业行业广大干部群众、科技工作者的共同努力下,我省海水工厂化养殖迅速发展起来。为确保此项事业的持续、快速、健康发展,有关市县相继制订了一系列优惠政策和奖励办法,以此达到调动各方面积极参与到海水工厂化养殖事业中来的目的。具体情况如下: 领导重视 1.滦南县委、县政府下决心快上、大上海水工厂化养殖。为了尽快形成规模化养殖,推动沿海经济的快速发  相似文献   

为了探索军曹鱼在北方地区的内陆养殖技术,我们在长春市进行了人工海水工厂化循环水养殖试验。在小网箱,利用鱼糜、人工配合饵料混合投喂。养殖过程中,水温平均为26.2℃,上下温差不超过2℃;溶氧始终保持在6.3mg/L左右,最低未低于5.5mg/L;盐度始终保持在29‰左右,上下不超过1‰。经过约5个月的养殖,将平均体重为0.44g、平均体长为5.59cm的军曹鱼鱼苗养到平均体重为133g、平均体长为33.4cm,最大个体体重为335g、体长为42.5cm的军曹鱼商品鱼。试验证明,军曹鱼完全可以在内陆用人工海水养殖。  相似文献   

农业部针对我国近年出现的工厂化养鱼热潮,探讨今后发展工厂化养殖的技术和思路,特于今年7月份在山东省荣成举办了首期“全国海水工厂化养殖与管理专题研修培训班”,内容包括海水鱼、鲍和海参和工厂化养殖。本文综合报告了我国工厂化养殖概况、研修成果和今后的对策与建议,对我国今后工厂化养殖技术和管理水平的提高具有实际参考意义。  相似文献   

<正>技术概述:我国目前现行的工厂化养鱼设施设备比较简单,一般只有提水动力设备、充气泵、沉淀池、重力式无伐过滤池、调温池、养鱼车间和开放式流水管伐等。前无严密的水处理设施,后无废水处理设备而直接排放入海,属于工厂化养鱼的初级阶段。另外,由于养殖密度大,病害频发,不  相似文献   

大菱鲆"温室大棚+深井海水"工厂化养殖模式   总被引:22,自引:12,他引:22  
大菱鲆Turbot(Scophthalmus maximus)的引进一方面为我国北方沿海工厂化养鱼增加了一个新的品种,另一方面又创立了“温室大棚+深井海水”工厂化养殖的新模式,大大丰富了工厂化养鱼的内容,有效的推动了我国海水养殖“第四次浪潮”的形成与发展。本文综述了大菱鲆温室大棚式工厂化养殖模式的养殖技术,以促进大菱鲆养殖业的健康、持续、稳定发展。  相似文献   

Predicting the performance of biofilters is an engineering challenge that is critical to both designers and managers. The task is complicated by the wide variety of water quality expectations and environmental conditions displayed by a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS). A myriad of biofilters designs have been generated reflecting approaches of engineers attempting to maximize specific surface area and oxygen transfer within the context of a biofilm management strategy. A rating strategy is presented for biofilters to facilitate the identification of appropriate matches between biofiltration formats and RAS applications. As a foundation, a previously proposed RAS classification system based upon salinity, temperature and trophic levels is upgraded to create 17 systems classifications. A biofilter classification system identifies seven combinations of trophic level and pH which should be sufficient to serve the RAS demands. Temperature and salinity are neglected as a means of simplifying the approach. An experimental methodology based upon chemical feeds is proposed to represent the steady-state RAS performance of the biofilters. Data is summarized by linear analysis of filter performance for concentration ranges below 1.0 g TAN m−3 and simple averaging is proposed for higher trophic levels. Input from the aquacultural engineering community and RAS aquaculturists is required to further refine the approach prior to endorsement.  相似文献   

This paper presents the development of a simple and generally applicable hydrodynamic method for the estimation of production carrying capacity (PCC) of coastal finfish cage aquaculture. Dimensional analysis was used to find significant and general interdependencies between the hydrodynamics at fish farm locations and particulate wastes deposited on the seafloor by fish farms. Modeled ratios of deposition to emission of particulate wastes underneath fish farms were found to be primarily a function of the flow Reynolds numbers at the farming locations and the non-dimensional settling velocity of emitted wastes. In the non-dimensional model, farming conditions include daily feed rate, proportion of unconsumed feed, and carbon content in feed and fish feces. The relationship can be used to estimate the PCC of floating net cages imposing a threshold value for deposition. Results of in-situ assessments of the benthic impacts of several fish farms in an aquaculture site in the northwest of Bali, Indonesia were used to validate and demonstrate the effectiveness of the method. Predicted results were able to clearly identify fish farms operating beyond ecologically sustainable carrying capacity. The proposed method has broad applicability and could help make decisions regarding the estimation of production potential of individual farms in pristine areas, for providing first estimates in sites that have scarce data, and for assessment, expansion, and optimization of the currently operating aquaculture sites in Southeast Asia, China and potentially other data-poor island nations. As the method relies on dynamic models, it enables straightforward assessments over the entire aquaculture region.  相似文献   

Recirculating aquaculture systems (RAS) are often designed using simplified steady-state mass balances, which fail to account for the complex dynamics that biological water treatment systems exhibit. Because of the very slow dynamics, experimental development is also difficult. We present a new, fast and robust Modelica implementation of a material balance-based dynamic simulator for fish growth, waste production and water treatment in recirculating aquaculture systems. This simulator is used together with an optimization routine based on a genetic algorithm to evaluate the performance of three different water treatment topologies, each for two fish species (Rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon) and each in both a semi-closed (no denitrification) and a fully recirculating version (with denitrification). Each case is furthermore evaluated at both saturated and supersaturated oxygen levels in the fish tank influent. The 24 cases are compared in terms of volume required to maintain an acceptable TAN concentration in the fish tank. The results indicate that the smallest volume is obtainable by introducing several bypass flows in the treatment system of a semi-closed RAS and that the gains can be significant. We also show that recycling already treated water back upstream in the treatment process degrades performance and that if one wishes to have a fully recirculating system with minimal water exchange, then the flows of oxygen, carbon and nitrogen must be carefully considered. For several of the cases, no optimum with denitrification could be found. We thus demonstrate that the best configuration and operation strategy for water treatment varies with the conditions imposed by the fish culture, illustrating the complexity of RAS plants and the importance of simulations, but also that computer-driven optimal design has the potential to increase the treatment efficiency of biofilters which could lead to cheaper plants with better water quality.  相似文献   

A mathematical model is framed for a goldfish recirculating aquaculture system based on unsteady-state mass balance for prediction of the concentration of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), nitrite-nitrogen (NO2-N), nitrate-nitrogen (NO3-N), dissolved oxygen (DO) and total suspended solids (TSS). The goldfish were stocked at 100 numbers per m3 of rearing water volume of 5 m3 tank capacity in the years 2009 and 2010 and the model was calibrated and validated. The recirculation flow rate was fixed at 29,000 L/day. The model parameters were estimated as kTAN (mg of TAN generated per kg of feed): 20,000, M (mortality rate): 0.002 day−1, α (percentage of feed conversion to suspended solids): 23.8, koxy (mg of oxygen required for fish respiration per kg of feed applied in unit time): 300,000, kb (partial nitrification in the culture tank): 0.86 and the reaction rate constants, k1 and k2: 84.65 day−1 and 42.03 day−1 respectively and temperature growth coefficient (TGC): 5.00 × 10-5. The model efficacy was adjudged by estimation of the coefficient of determination (R2), root mean square error (RMSE), Nash-Sutcliffe modelling efficiency (ENS) and graphical plots between predicted and observed values.  相似文献   

Ongoing research in recirculation aquaculture focuses on evaluating and improving the purification potential of different types of filters. Algal Turf Scrubber (ATS) are special as they combine sedimentation and biofiltration. An ATS was subjected to high nutrient loads of catfish effluent to examine the effect of total suspended solids (TSS), sludge accumulation and nutrient loading rate on total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), nitrite and nitrate removal. Nutrient removal rates were not affected at TSS concentration of up to 0.08 g L?1 (P > 0.05). TAN removal rate was higher (0.656 ± 0.088 g m?² day?1 TAN) in young biofilm than (0.302 ± 0.098 g m?² day?1 TAN) in mature biofilm at loading rates of 3.81 and 3.76 g m?² day?1 TAN (P < 0.05), respectively, which were considered close to maximum loading. TAN removal increased with TAN loading, which increased with hydraulic loading rate. There was no significant difference in removal rate for both nitrite and nitrate between young and mature biofilms (P > 0.05). The ATS ably removed nitrogen at high rates from catfish effluent at high loading rates. ATS‐based nitrogen removal exhibits high potential for use with high feed loads in intensive aquaculture.  相似文献   

随着人口与经济的发展,水产养殖业在世界范围内迅速兴起,集约型工厂化循环水养殖因其高密度、低污染、高效率等独特的优势,契合水产养殖业绿色发展理念,已成为水产养殖转型升级的重要方向之一。水作为循环水养殖系统中重要的环境因子,其流态能够直接影响鱼类的生长及福利,同样,鱼类存在及运动也会影响到系统流态的构建。本文综合分析了循环水养殖系统中流场条件对不同鱼类生长发育及福利的影响,鱼类及其运动行为对养殖池内水动力条件及性能的影响,以及鱼类对养殖池内流场流态、水体混合等的影响。将研究鱼类运动对流场特性的影响方法主要归纳为实测法和数值研究,通过对比分析2种方法的优点和不足之处,并结合当前循环水养殖产业系统构建中的问题提出针对性方法建议,旨在为系统中水动力条件的设计拓展思路,促进循环水养殖产业流态构建向“鱼”与“水”兼顾的方向发展。  相似文献   

Tropical and subtropical climatic conditions in India present an ideal and unique opportunity for being the leader in tropical marine finfish aquaculture. However, the problem persist due to non-availability of marine finfish seed for the culture. In response to this problem, broodstock development of different tropical marine finfishes for seed production was started. The present study was undertaken to design a recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) and studying their performance in managing the various water quality required for the marine finfish broodstock development and breeding. The design of RAS, developed in the present study, included a broodstock tank, egg collection chamber, electrical pump, rapid sand filter, venturi type protein skimmer and biological filter. Two RAS were designed, one was stocked with a demersal fish species, orange spotted grouper (Epinephelus coioides) and the other was stocked with a pelagic fish species, Indian pompano (Trachinotus mookalee) at the rate 1 and 0.5 kg/m3 with a sex ratio of 1:1 and 1:2 (female: male) respectively. Various physio-chemical parameters, viz, total ammonia nitrogen (TAN), nitrite, nitrate, pH, alkalinity, temperature, free carbon dioxide (CO2) and dissolved oxygen (DO) of both tank water were analyzed to assess the performance of recirculating aquaculture system in maintaining the water quality. Gonadal development of the fishes was assessed and the spawning performance was recorded and finally, economic performance of the system was also evaluated. During the entire experimental period, mean monthly total ammonia nitrogen was less than 0.07 and 0.06 mg L−1 and mean monthly nitrite was less than 0.02 and 0.01 mg L−1 in orange spotted grouper and Indian pompano RAS tanks respectively. The pH (7.8–8.2), DO (>4 mg/L) and alkalinity (100–120 mg/L) were found to be in optimum range in both recirculating aquaculture systems. Carbon dioxide was found to be nil during the entire experimental period in both the systems. In fact these levels were comparable or less than that is reported as the permissible limits for broodstock development. Indian pompano and Orange spotted grouper matured and spawning was obtained with production of fertilized eggs round the year. Economic evaluation showed the price of 10,000 fertilized eggs of orange spotted grouper to be US $ 1.33. The design of RAS devised in the present study is efficient in controlling and maintaining optimum water quality for broodstock development of both demersal and pelagic finfishes. The fishes stocked in RAS attained final maturation and round the year spawning was obtained.  相似文献   

There is a need to develop practical methods to reduce nitrate–nitrogen loads from recirculating aquaculture systems to facilitate increased food protein production simultaneously with attainment of water quality goals. The most common wastewater denitrification treatment systems utilize methanol-fueled heterotrophs, but sulfur-based autotrophic denitrification may allow a shift away from potentially expensive carbon sources. The objective of this work was to assess the nitrate-reduction potential of fluidized sulfur-based biofilters for treatment of aquaculture wastewater. Three fluidized biofilters (height 3.9 m, diameter 0.31 m; operational volume 0.206 m3) were filled with sulfur particles (0.30 mm effective particle size; static bed depth approximately 0.9 m) and operated in triplicate mode (Phase I: 37–39% expansion; 3.2–3.3 min hydraulic retention time; 860–888 L/(m2 min) hydraulic loading rate) and independently to achieve a range of hydraulic retention times (Phase II: 42–13% expansion; 3.2–4.8 min hydraulic retention time). During Phase I, despite only removing 1.57 ± 0.15 and 1.82 ± 0.32 mg NO3–N/L each pass through the biofilter, removal rates were the highest reported for sulfur-based denitrification systems (0.71 ± 0.07 and 0.80 ± 0.15 g N removed/(L bioreactor-d)). Lower than expected sulfate production and alkalinity consumption indicated some of the nitrate removal was due to heterotrophic denitrification, and thus denitrification was mixotrophic. Microbial analysis indicated the presence of Thiobacillus denitrificans, a widely known autotrophic denitrifier, in addition to several heterotrophic denitrifiers. Phase II showed that longer retention times tended to result in more nitrate removal and sulfate production, but increasing the retention time through flow rate manipulation may create fluidization challenges for these sulfur particles.  相似文献   

To mitigate the serious water pollution caused by the rapid expansion of the aquaculture industry in recent years, the development of improved aquaculture systems with more efficient water usage and less environmental impact has become essential. In this study, a land-based recirculating aquaculture system (RAS) was established that consisted of purification units (i.e., a primary biological pond, two parallel horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands [CWs], and a long ecological ditch) and 4-5 series-connected recirculating ponds. This system was mainly designed to stock channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus), fifteen spine stickleback (Spinibarbus sinensis) and yellow catfish (Pelteobagrus fulvidraco), and the culture efficacy was evaluated based on a 2-year field experiment covering two growing seasons. According to the results, the primary biological pond played a role in sedimentation or nutrient retention, although this was not as evident when the CWs were functioning. The water flowing through the wetland system at a hydraulic loading rate (HLR) of 600 mm/day displayed lower values for the temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen (DO), suspended solids, organic matter and nutrients, whereas the electrical conductivity (EC) was higher, suggesting the accumulation of dissolved solids in the system. Due to the recirculation treatment, the trophic status of the recirculating ponds increased gradually along the direction of the flow and was notably lower in comparison to the control. As a result, the fish production responded to the variation of the water quality, which was reflected in the measurements of culture efficacy (final weight, survival rate, SGR and yield). The three main rearing species showed a decreasing trend along the direction of the flow, which was higher compared to the control, whereas an opposite trend was observed for filter-feeding fish. A Pearson correlation analysis revealed that the main culture species were inclined to live in meso- or oligotrophic conditions, and the silver carp adapted to more eutrophic conditions. Because RAS can provide better environmental conditions year-round, the present culture method could be more suitable for species that are sensitive to water quality in typical subtropical areas.  相似文献   

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