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鸭绿江下游现有两处鹭类集群繁殖地,栖息有10种鹭类。2009年5月于辽宁省东港市北井子镇范家山新发现一处鹭类集群繁殖地,繁殖鹭类6种:夜鹭、白鹭、大白鹭、牛背鹭,数量较多;其次为池鹭,20只左右;苍鹭较少。巢1 820个,巢树16种,营巢树1 025株。  相似文献   

射阳县林场属江苏盐城国家级珍禽自然保护区缓冲区范围。经调查,在29.33 hm2水杉林内,统计到牛背鹭、池鹭、夜鹭、中白鹭、白鹭5种鸟集群营巢数达11 996.8个,高密度区域每株水杉营巢数为3个;巢位距地面高因树的高度而异,分别为90~100,110~125,130~140 cm。外围优越的生态环境为其高密度集群营巢创造了有利条件。  相似文献   

2003年5~11月在六安市城区选择了2个观察点;2004年3~10月在市区选择了6个观察点,进行鹭类资源调查。结果显示,市区有大白鹭、中白鹭、白鹭(小白鹭)、夜鹭、苍鹭、牛背鹭、池鹭、绿鹭和草鹭9种鹭类,数量极大。并观察了以上9种鹭类在本地迁入、筑巢、产卵、摄食、迁出等多项活动规律。根据鹭类资源现状,为保护鹭类,开发鹭类旅游资源提出几点建议。  相似文献   

对昆明动物园内干香柏树上营巢的野生小白鹭进行研究,测算其最低适宜营巢枝干和实际最低营巢枝干占树高的百分比,并检测两者的差异显著性。结果表明,实际营巢高度与适宜营巢高度占树高百分比存在显著差异,可能因为亲鸟为避免来自地面的干扰,选择离地较高的位置繁育后代。通过分析坠落鸟巢的构成材料,发现其由268根植物枝条构成,其中91%为干香柏,与主要营巢树一致,说明此地可能由于提供丰富的营巢材料而被鹭群选择成为繁殖地。建议公园积极加强野生涉禽的科学管理,降低繁殖区内及周边的干扰。  相似文献   

春暖花开时,随着牛背鹭、苍鹭、池鹭等鹭群从南亚次大陆陆结飞回湖南常德花岩溪国家森林公园;4月上旬,龙岩溪鹭群中最为高贵优雅(其中黄嘴白鹭属国家二级保护鸟类)也最为庞大的白鹭群又似漫天雪花降落在景区内的五溪湖畔,像棉蕾爆白般辍满几大片杉树林枝头,“忽如一夜春风来,千树万树梨花开”。此情此景,使得到此春游观鹭的游人叹为观止,真切领略到了“花溪白鹭,江南奇观”的动人风景。这种壮观景象,1999已是龙岩澳持续的第20个“花季”。据直观,1999年花岩溪鹭鸟数量较之去年又呈现增加之势。去年经科学测定,新华社给予专电…  相似文献   

2018年内3-10月开展黑鹳(Ciconia nigra)重点监测,记录了详细的繁育物候期。黑鹳在高台县黑河湿地国家级自然保护区内繁殖期为3-7月,3月初至4月中旬开始营巢,巢间距2 000~3 000 m,巢一般由干树枝筑成,呈盘状,多数在4月初至4月中旬产卵,1年繁殖一窝,每窝通常产卵4~5枚,孵化期约30天,孵化率约55%,70日龄时具飞行能力,多栖息在河流沿岸及沼泽区域。食物主要是鱼类,有沿用旧巢的习性。  相似文献   

【目的】通过调查赤腹鹰的巢址特征、巢防卫行为和繁殖结果,分析赤腹鹰的巢址选择机制和繁殖成效,揭示影响赤腹鹰繁殖成效的主要因子,为其保护工作提出建议。【方法】根据赤腹鹰巢防卫行为的不同强度,将其分为4个巢防卫等级,并记录10 min内的鸣叫次数;收集巢址参数,包括树种、巢离地高度、胸径、海拔、树冠面积、坡位、坡度、坡向、巢前方视角、巢距道路距离、巢距房屋距离、巢距水源距离、半径20 m样圆内的植被特征。用SPSS对数据进行分析。【结果】2016和2017两年的5—8月,共发现赤腹鹰繁殖巢51个,对其中35个巢进行红外相机监控,累计拍摄监控照片661 306张。其中,2016年赤腹鹰的孵化率为71. 4%(n=77枚),雏鸟存活率为78. 2%(n=55只); 2017年的孵化率为82. 5%(n=63枚),雏鸟存活率为61. 5%(n=52只)。通过检查红外相机中的监控照片发现,赤腹鹰繁殖失败的主要原因在于卵或者雏鸟被捕食,捕食者包括王锦蛇(n=9巢)、松鸦(n=1巢)和黄鼬(n=1巢)、凤头鹰(n=1巢)。巢树与道路的距离越远,雄鸟的鸣叫次数越多(r=0. 68,n=12,P 0. 05,Spearman),雌鸟的巢防卫等级就越高(r=0. 42,n=42,P 0. 01,Spearman)。雏鸟存活率与巢树到道路(r=-0. 45,n=47,P 0. 01,Pearson)的距离呈显著性负相关,与巢树胸径、离地高度、巢树和房屋或农田之间的距离、雌雄鸟的巢防卫行为、样圆内植被参数之间的相关性都不显著。巢树离房屋(r=-0. 56,n=47,P 0. 01,Pearson)和道路(r=-0. 35,n=47,P 0. 05,Pearson)越近,巢的离地高度越高。对巢离地高度(y,m)和巢树到房屋的距离(x,m)进行线性回归分析,得到y=12. 75-0. 01x(R2=0. 32,n=47,P 0. 01)。主成分分析共筛选出8个主成分,巢树大小与生境中乔木林的质量对赤腹鹰巢址选择起着重要作用,人类活动区和水源起着次要作用。【结论】赤腹鹰倾向于选择远离人类活动区的区域营巢,但随着对人类活动的适应,靠近公路筑巢的赤腹鹰会有更高雏鸟存活率;巢防卫行为强的赤腹鹰更偏好距离人类活动区远的巢址;巢址靠近人类活动区的赤腹鹰会选择在更高的位置筑巢;赤腹鹰通常在靠近水源、乔木种类丰富、枝叶茂密,但灌木和草本较为稀疏的树林中营巢,巢树一般高大粗壮。  相似文献   

糯扎渡省级自然保护区地处澜沧江下游,糯扎渡水电站两侧,拥有丰富的生物资源.2018年9月—2019年10月期间,采用样线法对保护区鸟类多样性进行调查,共记录到鸟类18目67科148属222种.鸟类的区系构成以东洋区成分为主,共174种,占繁殖鸟类种数的78.38%,古北种6种(占2.7%),广布种42种(占18.92%...  相似文献   

2014年12月,湖南泸溪武水国家湿地公园获批国家湿地公园试点。通过8年持续有效的湿地保护和管理,截至2022年,湖南泸溪武水国家湿地公园的生态环境质量改善明显,良好生境为鸟类提供了优质栖息地、繁殖场所,鸟类物种数持续增加。为了解湖南泸溪武水国家湿地公园鸟类物种多样性增加的具体情况,应用中国观鸟中心记录软件,通过样线法和固定样地法相结合的方法,于2019—2021年对湖南泸溪武水国家湿地公园中的鸟类进行了实地调查。调查过程中共记录鸟类17目55科162种,相较于2014年建立国家湿地公园之前,鸟类物种数量增加了77种,增加的鸟类中包括黄胸鹀、黑冠鹃隼和黄腿渔鸮等8种国家重点保护鸟类。此外,分析了湖南泸溪武水国家湿地公园生态环境面临的问题,并提出湿地公园鸟类保护的路径,为未来国家湿地公园的建设与管理提供了有益借鉴。  相似文献   

ImODUonONGnyheron(Ardeacinerea)isabodofgnatbirdoftenseeninthenortheastmarshareaofP.KChinaIthasaPParenquanhtahveadVan-tageofgreatwatthewlsinZhalongNahonalN~ReserVe(l2359'-l2440'E,464O-4720N).Annually,thegreyheronAngratesfromsouthinMarch,andnestSfromMarch2OtoAPril20,reP~sfromAPriltoMay20,andfliestothesouthinthendddieofAUgUSt.Dur-ingreP~hon,thegreyheronoftennestSinthesameplaeewithpUrpleheron(ArdeaPUmprea),whites~bill(Phaasalleucorode)etC...Atsomeextet,thereareafeWhundredsofnest…  相似文献   

自2001年5月至10月间,在韩国雪岳山国立公园大青峰地区进行了红喉歌鸲(Luscinia calliope)的生境选择研究。繁殖种群的调查结果表明,该研究地区可分成此种鸟的高、中、低3种密度分布区。红喉歌鸲多选择岳桦(Betula ermanii)和雪松(Pinus pumila)林为其栖息地,并喜欢在矮丛林和稠密灌丛中活动。表1参9。  相似文献   

Large wildfire events in coniferous forests of the western United States are often followed by postfire timber harvest. The long-term impacts of postfire timber harvest on fire-associated cavity-nesting bird species are not well documented. We studied nest-site selection by cavity-nesting birds over a 10-year period (1994–2003), representing 1–11 years after fire, on two burns created by mixed severity wildfires in western Idaho, USA. One burn was partially salvaged logged (the Foothills burn), the other was primarily unlogged (the Star Gulch burn). We monitored 1367 nests of six species (Lewis’s Woodpecker Melanerpes lewis, Hairy Woodpecker Picoides villosus, Black-backed Woodpecker P. arcticus, Northern Flicker Colaptes auratus, Western Bluebird Sialia mexicana, and Mountain Bluebird S. currucoides). Habitat data at nest and non-nest random locations were characterized at fine (field collected) and coarse (remotely sensed) spatial scales. Nest-site selection for most species was consistently associated with higher snag densities and larger snag diameters, whereas wildfire location (Foothills versus Star Gulch) was secondarily important. All woodpecker species used nest sites with larger diameter snags that were surrounded by higher densities of snags than at non-nest locations. Nests of Hairy Woodpecker and Mountain Bluebird were primarily associated with the unlogged wildfire, whereas nests of Lewis’s Woodpecker and Western Bluebird were associated with the partially logged burn in the early years after fire. Nests of wood-probing species (Hairy and Black-backed Woodpeckers) were also located in larger forest patch areas than patches measured at non-nest locations. Our results confirm previous findings that maintaining clumps of large snags in postfire landscapes is necessary for maintaining breeding habitat of cavity-nesting birds. Additionally, appropriately managed salvage logging can create habitat for some species of cavity-nesting birds that prefer more open environments. Our findings can be used by land mangers to develop design criteria for postfire salvage logging that will reserve breeding habitat for cavity-nesting birds.  相似文献   

江苏盐城沿海地区繁殖季节几种水鸟的数量及分布研究Ⅰ   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
1998年6月,江苏盐城沿海地区黑嘴鸥(Larus saundersi)平均巢密度为1.06只/hm^2(XD=0.82,n=10),有卵巢密度为0.71只/hm^2(XD=0.71,n=10)。巢区上空黑嘴鸥成鸟数量与样带内巢密度及有卵巢数之间有显著相关性(R=0.989和0.978),虽然黑嘴鸥营群巢繁殖,但在集中繁殖区内,黑嘴鸥巢向均匀分布方向偏离随机分布(R=1.101)。根据黑嘴鸥集中繁  相似文献   

Twenty-two species shorebirds were recorded on mangrove wetlands surrounding Leizhou Peninsula, Guangdong Province, China. One recorded species, Spoon-billed Sandpiper (Eurynorhynchus pygmeus), is listed as endangered in the IUCN Red List (World Conservation Union) and this was the first record of the species at Leizhou in this study. Most recorded species are listed in the Sino-Japan or Sino-Australia Agreement on Conservation of Migratory Birds. Dunlin (Calidris alpina), Kentish Plover (Charadrius alexandrinus), and Greater Sand Plover (Charadrius leschenaultii) were dominant, accounting for 34%, 32%, and 12% of total individuals, respectively. Five survey sites were designated by habitat type. There was no significant difference in species, but total abundance differed significantly among survey sites. More species were recorded in winter and spring than in summer. One hundred and sixty-five species of benthos were recorded. Total mean biomass and density of benthos was 223.3 ± 74.8 g/m2 (±S.E.), density 210.97 ± 67.6 ind./m2, respectively. Mollusks accounted for 83.4% of total biomass, and 75.6% of total density. Both biomass and density of benthos varied significantly among survey sites. There was no significant difference between spring and autumn on biomass or density of benthos. There was a significant and negative correlation between number of shorebirds and densities of polychaetes on mudflats. Shorebird species richness (F1,3 = 13.14, p = 0.036) and abundance (F1,3 = 12.59, p = 0.037) were significantly and positively correlated with mudflat area. Stopping losses of mangrove habitat and tidal flats is the top priority measure for shorebird conservation. Reducing the impacts of human disturbance on both habitats and birds is an urgent necessity for mangrove wetland conservation management.  相似文献   

In this study, we examined the role of interspecific competition between native species and Mus musculus by a removal experiment conducted in vacant areas of the city of Río Cuarto. Abundance, demographic parameters, and habitat occupancy of M. musculus were recorded in grids where native species were removed (experimental grids) and in grids without removal (control grids) from November 2004 to April 2005. During the study period, we observed an increasing trend in the abundance and habitat occupancy by M. musculus in experimental grids, suggesting that interspecific competition could be determining the numbers and habitat use of M. musculus in vacant areas of the city of Río Cuarto. Understanding the population ecology of M. musculus in an urban area is crucial to the development of ecologically based pest management to provide effective management of a pest species.  相似文献   

Studies on the distribution, bionomy and settlement of singing birds in breeding cages in the forests of Geisenfeld, South Bavaria Studies made in 1976 at 16 localities of the Geisenfeld- Forest comparing 7 types of breeding cages for birds showed the Titmice,Parus major (71.1%) to be the predominant species, followed byParus ater (15.0),Sitta europaea (4.5),Certha macrodactyla (3.1),Parus cristatus (2.4) andPhoenicurus phoenicurus (1.5), The maximal brood density was reached in localities smaller than 5 ha, probably in the consequence of the edge-effect. But in some more spacious woods a better settlement of birds was found in the middle than at the edge. Also by help of using more cages the number of broods could be raised.Comparing different types of cages the following types showed the best settlement of birds: Schwegler cage with round hole (75%), Bavarian cage with pointed gable root and oval hole (72.9) and Thüring cage with oval hole (63.2). The Trunk Looper(Certhia macrodactyla) settled nearly only the special Trunk Looper-cages. In nest boxes hanging in normal hight of about 3 m the Great Tit showed the greatest density, whereas in boxes hanging deeper, at eye level, the Coal Tit predominated.In most cases the number of eggs of the first brood was greater than such of the second. But also the mortality of broods and the number of unfinished nests were greater in the first brood.  相似文献   

The importance of early successional habitats for breeding and post-breeding birds has received recent attention. Common early successional habitats in the eastern United States are regeneration after timber harvests, utility right-of ways and reclaimed surface mines. Few studies, however, have compared the characteristics of these with regard to avian habitat use. We conducted a passive mist-netting study to assess the breeding and post-breeding avian communities associated with these land uses in the Cumberland Mountains of eastern Tennessee. We used analysis of variance to compare the vegetation structure among these habitat types and discriminant function analyses to illustrate differences in vegetation structure and bird abundance among habitats. We banded 1562 individuals of 40 species (1.08 birds/net-hour). The percent cover of saplings, forbs and grass differed among habitat types, but there was no detectable difference in shrub cover. Vegetation structure allowed good discrimination between habitat types (Wilks’ λ = 0.16), specifically in differentiating clearcuts from surface mines and right-of-ways. Although the three habitat types had several avian species in common, the abundance of 12 species differed substantially among habitat types, and their species abundance patterns allowed for excellent discrimination between these habitat types (Wilks’ λ = 0.08). We conclude that these three early successional habitat types are different with regard to vegetation structure and avian community assemblage. These differences are important for local and landscape-scale conservation planning for both early and late successional avian species.  相似文献   

为了掌握水目山自然保护区及临近区域两栖爬行动物组成,于2019年6月对该区域开展了野外调查,基于GIS技术及相关调查数据分析该区域生境特征。结果显示,共调查到两栖爬行动物27种,其中两栖动物13种,隶属于2目6科10属,区系以西南区成分为主,外来种1种;爬行动物14种,隶属于2目5科11属,区系以西南区成分为主;国家重点保护野生动物1种,即红瘰疣螈;云南省级重点保护动物1种,为眼镜王蛇;首次在大理州境内记录到蓝尾蝾螈楚雄亚种;保护区范围内生态环境优于临近区域,但被逐渐破碎化和孤岛化;建设用地及耕地对该区域生态环境威胁较大。提出保护溪流、湖泊及其周围植被,建立科研监测体系和监测设施等保护对策。  相似文献   

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