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土壤多样性研究是土壤学、土壤地理学与生态学相结合的一个新领域,它吸收了生物多样性的研究方法。本文在总结当前国内外相关研究的基础上,阐述了土壤多样性的概念,并对土壤多样性的相关研究方法,如生物多样性测度方法、多度分布模型方法及种—面积关系法、嵌套子集方法和分形理论方法等的应用实践进行了归纳。最后介绍了我国当前土壤多样性的研究现状,指出土地利用变化的研究为土壤多样性驱动因子的研究开辟新的路径。  相似文献   

土壤多样性的概念、方法与研究进展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
上世纪90年代开始的土壤多样性研究引起多方的兴趣,先后已经有西班牙、中国、美国等国家展开有关内容的研究。文章介绍了土壤多样性的基本概念、计量方法与数学模型及其在国内外的研究现状与最新发展,并对西班牙在爱琴海、美国全国范围以及中国海南岛和山东省的有关研究进展进行了初步评述。国内外研究表明,尽管作为新生事物有其不够完善的地方,土壤多样性研究可为土地利用及规划管理、环境保护、生物保护和自然保护区的设计、自然生态景观的维护和修复等方面提供服务,土壤多样性理论方法在土壤学及其他相关科学中仍具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

中国土壤地理学发展的回顾与展望   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:7  
基础土壤地理学的核心内容是土壤在时间和空间中的变化,目标是预测土壤在生态系统中的行为以及在自然和人为影响下的演变、实现土壤资源的有效管理。我国土壤地理学的发展经历了几个重要阶段,20世纪50年代区域和全国性的土壤调查和综合考察奠定了我国土壤地理学的发展基础;20世纪80年代随着全国第二次土壤普查的开始和科学研究恢复,土壤地理学重新复兴,包括土壤发生、土壤分类、土壤制图、土壤遥感等各个分支学科在内的土壤地理学得以迅速发展,这其中1984年开始的"中国土壤系统分类"研究贯穿了此后20多年的发展历程并推动了相关学科的进步;20世纪90年代以后,以3S技术为代表的新技术和新方法全面促进了土壤地理研究的现代化,土壤空间变化描述的内容、方式、应用等都发生了重大变化。未来的土壤地理学研究将面对我国土壤资源制约的国情,重点应该围绕变化中的自然条件和强烈的人为干扰下土壤质量与功能的演变、以土系为主体的土壤基层分类体系、以信息技术和模型模拟相结合的土壤资源数字化表达与管理系统等中心内容,为我国土壤资源的可持续管理、环境保护以及应对全球环境变化服务。  相似文献   

土壤地理学是研究土壤时空分布规律、形成过程及其资源环境效应的土壤学学科分支,其主要目标和任务是理解土壤形成演化的关键过程与影响因素并预测未来土壤-环境的共同演化特征,揭示土壤资源分布规律、利用前景和保护对策,为农业、生态环境保护等提供科学依据,支撑土壤普查、耕地保护等国家目标。21世纪特别是新时代10年以来土壤地理学取得了一些重要的进展,研究对象和内容也发生了很大的变化,逐渐向以土壤为核心的地球表层系统科学发展,高强度人为活动和全球气候变化背景下的土壤时空演变研究愈加活跃。土壤地理学主要发展趋势包括土壤信息获取方式正在发生变革,数字土壤制图向融合过程机理与数据驱动发展,土壤时空信息的应用范围更加广泛。未来土壤地理学优先发展领域包括:以关键带研究带动土壤发生和演变研究的革新,基于多传感器的土壤综合观测原理与技术,多尺度数字土壤制图与时空变化预测等。  相似文献   

在当今世界城市化高速发展的背景下,土壤资源的保护也越来越受到人们的关注,土壤多样性骤减也成为了全球关注的焦点,界定和评价稀有濒危土壤对于保护土壤资源及其多样性具有非常重要的指导意义。本文以郑州市为例,应用土壤类型密度和土壤多样性两种多样性测度方法分别对郑州市1 km×1 km和5 km×5 km网格尺度下基于不同分类级别的土壤空间多样性分布格局进行了分析和定量化研究;利用1988、2001、2007和2013年4期遥感资料进行土地利用分类,结合基于第二次土壤普查的1∶20万郑州市土壤图,采用多时相连续对比法对郑州市近25年来土地利用变化对土壤的扰动情况进行了分析;结合土壤多样性方法和传统评价方法界定和评价了稀有濒危土壤。结果表明,郑州市土壤整体分布较为均匀,且随着分类单元级别的降低,构成组分多样性指数升高,即分类越细,土壤类型分布越均匀;1988~2013年郑州市土壤受到非农建设扰动剧烈,干扰比例为16.01%,随着时间的推移,土壤受扰动的速度是呈上升趋势的;稀有土属有16种,濒危土属有2种,稀有濒危土属有4种。截止2013年濒危土属整体受到扰动比例高达35.38%,而稀有土属受到扰动比例为8.76%。  相似文献   

土壤资源是弥足珍贵的,形成2~3 cm厚的土壤大概要1 000年之久。土壤在维持生态安全、保障粮食安全、维护社会稳定、保护生物多样性方面有关键的作用,生产建设过程中全面推进表土保护与利用是实现可持续发展的必然要求。综合分析了土壤的重要性及作用,阐明了表土保护的必要性,并结合我国在表土剥离技术中存在的一些问题和不足,对该领域提出了展望。  相似文献   

嵌套子集:引入土壤多样性研究的讨论   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
王辉  张学雷  陈杰 《土壤通报》2006,37(4):776-781
嵌套子集指在任何特定集合中出现的物种趋向于在更大的集合中也出现,即局部丰富的物种一般分布比较广泛,而局部稀少的物种则分布较窄。本文对嵌套性研究中的有关问题做一评述,并以西班牙的一个研究为范例讨论可以看出,通过数据(土壤类型和土壤集合)试验得出的规律性和生态学上的观点竟非常相似。研究采用了土壤数据集和在计量生态学应用的方法,包括嵌套计算程序(Nested Calcu lator Program)。结果表明:嵌套性在生物群落、土被或土链结构中的性质有相似之处,即地学系统中普遍存在着嵌套性。此方法用于土壤多样性的分析,在有计划的保护生物及土壤资源方面具有现实意义。  相似文献   

中国土壤保护宏观战略思考   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
赵其国  骆永明  滕应 《土壤学报》2009,46(6):1140-1145
从国家宏观层面和长远观点研究我国土壤保护战略问题,对持续利用和保护土壤资源,改善土壤环境质量,保障农业生产与食物质量安全具有重大的现实意义和历史意义。本文在分析国内外土壤保护的进展和发展趋势的基础上,找出了我国土壤保护工作的不足及其与国外的差距,提出了在我国土壤资源与环境保护宏观战略研究中急需解决的如下一些关键问题:(1)目前我国土壤保护上存在的主要问题;(2)我国土壤保护的指导思想和思路(即宏观战略),包括战略思想、战略方针、战略目标、战略任务及战略重点;(3)我国土壤保护战略的实施对策,包括土壤保护的管理对策、土壤保护的标准对策、土壤保护的科技对策、区域性土壤保护对策以及重要类型土壤的环境保护和修复对策。为制定和实施国家土壤保护战略规划提供参考。  相似文献   

从土壤多样性到地多样性的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
任圆圆  张学雷 《土壤》2018,50(2):225-230
根据2016年出版新著《地土壤学(Geopedology)》部分章节与相关文献,综述了从土壤多样性到地多样性的相关概念、国内外研究方法、现状与进展,着重总结了土壤多样性和地多样性的研究模式。首先,介绍了从土壤多样性到地多样性概念的发展和提出;然后,阐述依据地学要素形态从面状到线状的方法论研究探索,着重介绍空间分布面积指数(MSHDAI)和空间分布长度指数(MSHDLI)的适用性分析;进而,评述了国内外土壤多样性与主要地学要素(地形、母质、土地利用、水体和植被要素)地多样性的主要研究模式;最后,指出从土壤多样性到地多样性以及各要素间相关分析的国内外研究实践看,符合土壤地理学的研究趋势与需求,同时也充满挑战。  相似文献   

土壤微生物生物地理学:国内进展与国际前沿   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
土壤微生物生物地理学是研究土壤中微生物空间分布格局及其随时间变化的一门科学,是土壤微生物学和微生物生态学等领域的研究前沿。近年来,尽管土壤微生物生物地理学研究取得了巨大进展,目前仍面临诸多难题与挑战。本文简要回顾了土壤微生物生物地理学的发展历程,重点介绍近年来我国在森林、草地和农田生态系统中土壤微生物生物地理学研究的主要进展。同时进一步阐述了目前土壤微生物生物地理学研究的国际前沿方向,包括微生物群落空间分布及其驱动机制、群落构建过程与共存网络、微生物地理分布与生态系统功能的关联以及预测微生物群落对全球变化的响应。最后,对土壤微生物生物地理学未来的研究方向进行了展望,强调了清晰的微生物物种定义、微生物群落的时间动态、多组学与合成生物学技术以及高精度的预测模型在土壤微生物生物地理学研究中的重要性。  相似文献   

Soil diversity is not a completely new concept in soil science. It has been discussed from early times but it was not challenged this much broad. Ibañez with introducing the pedodiversity opened a new conceptual window to ease the induction of the soils complexity, spatial and temporal evolution and distribution. Pedodiversity now attracts more attention and goes to open new windows in soil science. Pedodiversity faces now with different challenges, which could be critical in its way on. Do the current soil diversity indices conceptually define all aspects of soil variability, or do we need to bind them with other characteristics like taxonomic distances? How is the soil individualism defined within the context of spatial variability and soil continuum? How are pedocomplexity, connectance, pedodiversity and soil spatial structure related? Can the changes of soil diversity be accounted as the rate of soil development? Can a range of pedodiversity index be a scale for soil series definition? Initial and some of current pedodiversity studies were/are focused on the concepts and measurement of pedodiversity and soil complexity indices of soilscape compared with the biological diversity and complexity. However, for the pedogenetic studies, the most important issues are the evolutionary concerns out of this approach compared with the other biotic systems. The new contexts, which should be more undertaken in future studies are: functional diversity, temporal diversity, study of soil and landform extinction and preservation. The last question could be: how pedodiversity could be changed under different understanding levels? A case study has been carried out in Charmahal and Bakhtiary province, Iran. Its objectives are the following: comparing the pedodiversity indices combined with and without taxonomic distances within tow replication of a geomorphic surface (Pi 111). What the pedodiversity says here? Did the unique calcification process which rules the soil formation here result in endemism or soil zonality? Do different pedodiversity indices correlate with the soil patterns?  相似文献   

Methodological basics of the study and quantitative assessment of pedodiversity are discussed. It is shown that the application of various indices and models of pedodiversity can be feasible for solving three major issues in pedology: a comparative geographical analysis of different territories, a comparative historical analysis of soil development in the course of landscape evolution, and the analysis of relationships between biodiversity and pedodiversity. Analogous geographic concepts of geodiversity and landscape diversity are also discussed. Certain limitations in the use of quantitative estimates of pedodiversity related to their linkage to the particular soil classification systems and with the initial soil maps are considered. Problems of the interpretation of the results of pedodiversity assessments are emphasized. It is shown that scientific explanations of biodiversity cannot be adequately applied in soil studies. Promising directions of further studies of pedodiversity are outlined. They include the assessment of the functional diversity of soils on the basis of data on their properties, integration with geostatistical methods of evaluation of soil variability, and assessment of pedodiversity on different scales.  相似文献   

郑州市土壤多样性和土地利用多样性研究及关联分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以郑州市为研究对象,将多样性理论及其测度方法应用于土壤和土地利用多样性研究.选取2004年和2009年两个时期的TM影像进行土地利用分类,并基于第二次土壤普查的郑州市土壤矢量数据,对郑州市土壤和土地利用的组成分布多样性和空间分布多样性进行了初步分析和定量化研究,探索了土壤和土地利用之间的关联性。结果表明:郑州市土壤构成组分较为复杂,其组成分布多样性指数取值0.776,土地利用组成分布多样性指数由2004年的0.610增加为2009年的0.651;郑州市同一土属或土地利用类型的空间分布多样性指数在不同网格尺度下存在相似的分异规律,其中空间分布最离散的土壤类型为砂土,空间分布最离散的土地利用类型为耕地;在3种空间网格尺度下,城镇建筑用地、农村居民点和工矿用地与各典型土壤的关联系数随研究时期推进均呈不同程度的增加趋势。  相似文献   

Knowledge about spatial soil variation in terms of measured pedodiversity, as well as the spatial distribution of soils in terms of spatial subset representativity, offers the possibility to estimate the quality and variance within a soil map. Additionally, it can help to identify representative sample locations. Demonstrated at the German soil map at a scale of 1:1,000,000, this study describes a methodology to analyze the distribution of taxonomical pedodiversity using the Simpson index and a new approach to derive representative spatial subsets based on a modified χ2‐test (χm2), which can be used as monitoring areas. To analyze the spatial composition of the soil map and to detect differences in the underlying mapping schemes of the German soil map 1:1,000,000, three different spatial data structures were studied: (1) the entire soil map, (2) the soil map segmented into geomorphological regions, and (3) the soil map segmented into the Federal States of Germany. Representative patches of varying sizes were statistically derived for all spatial subsets as well as the entire soil map ranging from 20 km × 20 km up to 70 km × 70 km. The results show that the measured pedodiversity is linked to both the geomorphology as well as the political borders of the Federal States. On the one hand, this reveals the uncertainty of measuring pedodiversity on the basis of soil‐class maps as the spatial representation of pedodiversity is influenced by the different mapping traditions and methods applied in the 16 Federal States of Germany. On the other hand, it allows the analysis of the aggregation schemes of different landscapes. The presented approach helps to understand large soilscapes and to compare different soil maps of different states and countries as well as to enhance the soil map with additional information. Furthermore, the representative patches can be used to select soil‐monitoring areas.  相似文献   

A detailed study of the soil cover of a sinkhole (300 m2) in the dry steppe landscape of the Bogdinsk–Baskunchak Natural Reserve in Astrakhan oblast has been performed, and the factors of its differentiation have been analyzed. The indices of pedodiversity have been calculated and compared for karst sinkholes in the dry steppe and northern taiga landscapes. Quantitative parameters of the lateral migration of solid soil substances on the slopes of the sinkhole have been determined. The rate of soil erosion decreases from the slope of southern aspect to the slopes of western, northern, and eastern aspects. On the average, it is estimated at 0.4 mm/yr. The average rate of accumulation of solid substances on the lower parts of the slopes and in the bottom of the sinkhole reaches 0.74 mm/yr. A comparative analysis of the soil properties attests to their dependence on the particular position of a given soil within the sinkhole. Downward the slopes of the sinkhole, full-profile brown arid soils (Cambic Calcisols) are replaced by sierozem-like soils (Haplic Calcisols), light-humus poorly developed soils (Luvisols), lithozems (Leptosols), and stratified soils (stratozems, or Colluvic Regosols). The soils within the upper ring-shape soil microzone are more diverse and contrasting with respect to their morphological, physical, chemical, and physicochemical properties. The degree of soil contrasts decreases down the slopes of the sinkhole towards its bottom. The studied sinkhole is characterized by considerable pedodiversity. Quantitative parameters of pedodiversity for the sinkhole in the dry steppe zone are higher than those form the sinkholes in the northern taiga zone.  相似文献   

We studied pedodiversity in mountainous tropical semideciduous forests at three key sites in Sierra Madre del Sur, Southern Mexico, at the altitudes from 600 to 1400 m a.s.l. Using detailed soil maps, we recorded the total number and the areas of soil delineations at each site, and calculated the pedodiversity indices. We found that pedodiversity increases with an increase in the absolute height within the zone of semideciduous forests, and interpreted this phenomenon as an evidence for a smaller development of erosion at higher altitudes. The areas of soil delineations reach their minimum within the intermediate part of this zone, because large delineations of strongly weathered clayey soils are developed at the higher altitudes, and large delineations of recent soils on strongly eroded surfaces are found at the lower altitudes. A conclusion about the need to take into account the particular composition of the soil cover upon the interpretation of pedodiversity data is made.  相似文献   

重庆岩溶地区不同土壤类型的土地利用多样性分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
以重庆岩溶地区为例,探讨岩溶地区土壤类型的多样性与不同土壤类型上土地利用方式的多样性。结果表明重庆市岩溶区黄壤、石灰土和黄棕壤是本区主要土壤类型,土壤景观的多样化和空间异质化程度不高,但各类景观分布比例不均匀,土壤景观嵌块体呈现出复杂的几何形状。除了山地草甸土以林地和草地、棕壤以林地为主要景观外,另外的9种土壤类型上都是以耕地和林地为主要的景观,农、林用地在景观空间格局的结构和功能中起主导作用。由于各类土壤性质和分布特点的不同,耕地和林地在各类土壤上的分配比例存在着明显的差异,以及人类活动使得耕地的嵌块体数急剧增多和居民工矿用地、林地、未利用地的嵌块体数目增加。  相似文献   

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