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Two experiments evaluated the effects of conventional and natural feedlot management systems (MS) on ractopamine-HCl (RAC) response in yearling steers. Feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, skeletal muscle gene expression, and circulating IGF-I concentrations were measured. The conventional system included a combined trenbolone acetate and estradiol implant, Revalor-S (IMP), as well as monensin-tylosin feed additives (IA). Treatments were arranged in a 2 x 2 factorial and included: 1) natural (NAT): no IMP-no IA, no RAC; 2) natural plus (NAT+): no IMP-no IA, RAC; 3) conventional (CON): IMP-IA, no RAC; and 4) conventional plus (CON+): IMP-IA, RAC. In Exp. 1, one hundred twenty crossbred steers (initial BW = 400 +/- 26 kg) were allotted randomly to treatment in a randomized complete block design (BW was blocking criteria); pen was the experimental unit. In Exp. 2, twenty-four individually fed crossbred steers (initial BW = 452 +/- 25 kg) were used in a randomized complete block design (BW was blocking criteria) and assigned to the same treatments as Exp. 1, with 6 steers/treatment. In Exp. 2, serum was harvested on d 0 and 31 and within the 28-d RAC feeding period, at d 0, 14, and 28. Longissimus biopsy samples were taken on d 0, 14, and 28 of the RAC feeding period for mRNA analysis of beta-adrenergic receptors and steady-state IGF-I mRNA. In Exp. 1, ADG, G:F, final BW, and HCW were greatest for CON+ (P < 0.01). During the final 37 d, RAC increased ADG (P = 0.05) and increased overall G:F (P = 0.02). Marbling score was reduced (P = 0.02), and yield grade was improved with RAC (P = 0.02), but RAC did not affect dressing percentage (P = 0.96) or HCW (P = 0.31). In Exp. 2, MS x RAC interactions were detected in ADG and G:F the last 28 d, overall ADG and overall G:F, final BW, and HCW (P < 0.01). Dressing percentage, yield grade, and marbling score were not altered by MS or RAC (P > 0.10). Circulating IGF-I concentration was increased on d 31 by the conventional MS, and concentration was greater throughout the study than NAT steers (P < 0.01). Circulating IGF-I concentrations were not changed by RAC (P = 0.49). Abundance of beta(1)-AR mRNA tended to increase (P = 0.09) with RAC, but RAC did not affect beta(2)-AR, beta(3)-AR, or IGF-I mRNA (P > 0.40). Management system did not affect beta(1)-AR, beta(2)-AR, beta(3)-AR, or IGF-I mRNA (P > 0.18), yet a trend (P = 0.06) for MS x RAC for beta(2)-AR mRNA was detected. These results indicate that response to RAC is affected by feedlot management practices.  相似文献   

Seventy Angus x Simmental calves (BW = 166.3 +/- 4.2 kg) were used in a 3 x 2 factorial arrangement to determine the effect of age at feedlot entry and castration on growth, performance, and carcass characteristics. At 82 d of age, steers were castrated. Calves were placed in the feedlot at 111 (early-weaned), 202, or 371 (yearling) d of age. Steers were implanted with Synovex-S followed 93 d later with Revalor-S. Calves were harvested on an individual basis when fat thickness was estimated to be 1.27 cm. During the feedlot phase, yearlings gained faster (P < 0.01) than calves placed in the feedlot at 202 or 111 d of age (1.88, 1.68, and 1.62 kg/d, respectively); however, from 111 d of age until harvest, ADG was greatest for early-weaned calves, intermediate for cattle placed in the feedlot at 202 d of age, and lowest for yearlings (1.62, 1.47, and 1.21 kg/d, respectively; P < 0.01). Early-weaned calves spent the most days in the feedlot, followed by calves placed in the feedlot at 202 d of age; yearlings spent the fewest days in the feedlot (221, 190, and 163 d, respectively; P < 0.01). Total DMI when in the feedlot was similar (P = 0.22) among age groups; however, daily DMI was lowest for early-weaned calves, intermediate for calves placed in the feedlot at 202 d of age, and the highest for yearlings (7.1, 8.1, 10.5 kg/ d, respectively; P < 0.01). Early-weaned calves were the most efficient, followed by calves placed in the feedlot at 202 d of age; yearlings were the least efficient (227, 207, 180 g gain/kg feed, respectively; P < 0.01). Weight at harvest (682, 582, 517 kg, respectively; P < 0.01) and hot carcass weight (413, 358, 314 kg, respectively; P < 0.01) were greatest for yearlings, intermediate for cattle placed in the feedlot at 202 d of age, and lowest for early-weaned calves. Early-weaned calves had the smallest longissimus area, followed by calves placed in the feed-lot at 202 d of age; yearlings had the largest longissimus area (77, 86, 88 cm2, respectively; P < 0.01). Calves placed in the feedlot at 111 and 202 d of age had lower yield grades (3.2, 3.1, 3.5, respectively; P < 0.04), and produced fewer select carcasses than yearlings (25, 13, 48%, respectively; P < 0.01). Bulls and implanted steers both had an ADG of 1.7 kg/d when in the feedlot; however, bulls had a greater (P < 0.09) hot carcass weight (370 vs 354 kg) and a larger (P < 0.01) longissimus area (85.8 vs 81.3 cm2) than steers. Earlier feedlot placement resulted in greater quality grades but lower carcass weights.  相似文献   

Two field studies were conducted in the USA to determine the efficacy of a single strategically-timed dose of doramectin pour-on in the control of gastrointestinal nematodosis in beef cow-calf herds and the resultant effects on calf productivity. One study was carried out between May and October 1996 in a spring-calving herd at a site located in Idaho (ID) and the other between January and July 1997 in a fall-calving herd at a site located in Mississippi (MS). In each study, cow-calf pairs were randomly allotted by sex of calf to pastures and one of two treatment groups (doramectin pour-on at the recommended dose rate of 500 microg/kg body weight or untreated control). There were four pasture replicates per treatment at each site. Each pasture contained 12 cow-calf pairs at the ID site and 15 cow-calf pairs at the MS site. Treatment was administered to cows and calves on 21 May 1996 (ID) or 23 January 1997 (MS). Following treatment, cow-calf pairs were assigned to their designated pastures where they remained until the calves were weaned 140 (ID) or 168 (MS) days later. Cow and calf fecal egg counts and calf body weights were recorded on treatment day and then at monthly intervals until study termination. Doramectin treatment reduced nematode egg output in cows and calves over the entire grazing season compared to untreated controls and resulted in calf weight gain improvements of 9.8kg (p=0.295) at the ID site and 17.4kg (p=0.0002) at the MS site.  相似文献   

Castration in weaned calves is stressful and affects profitability by reducing ADG and increasing susceptibility to disease. This study evaluated the effect of meloxicam, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID), on performance and health of calves received as steers compared with bull calves surgically castrated on arrival at the feedlot. British × Continental bulls (n = 145) and steers (n = 113; BW = 193 to 285 kg) were transported for 12 h in 3 truckloads (d 0), weighed, and randomly assigned to receive either lactose placebo (CONT; 1 mg/kg) or meloxicam (MEL; 1 mg/kg) suspended in water and administered per os, 24 h before castration. On d 1, bulls were surgically castrated (CAST) and steers were processed without castration (STR). Combinations of CONT/MEL and CAST/STR were allocated to 24 pens (6 pens per treatment) of 8 to 14 calves each. Pen was the experimental unit. Plasma meloxicam concentrations at the time of castration (d 1) were determined by HPLC-mass spectroscopy. Pen-level ADG, DMI, and G:F were estimated using BW obtained on d 0, 14, and 28 and weigh-back of feed. Individual animals were classified as sick based on a depression score of ≥2 on a 5-point scale and a rectal temperature of ≥39.8°C. On d 0, 1, and 14, calf chute temperament was evaluated using a 4-point scale. Data were analyzed using generalized linear mixed models and survival curve analyses. Castration reduced pen ADG (P < 0.001) and G:F (P < 0.001) from d 1 to 14, yet no effects (P > 0.45) were apparent by d 28. For all treatment groups, DMI increased with days on feed (P < 0.0001) but was less in CAST compared with STR calves (P < 0.016) throughout the study. From d 15 to 28, ADG increased (P = 0.0011) in CAST but not STR calves, and G:F decreased (P = 0.0004) in STR but not CAST calves. In CAST calves only, MEL treatment reduced the pen-level first pull rate (P = 0.04) and reduced bovine respiratory disease morbidity rate (P = 0.03). The frequency of chute escape behavior was greater on arrival and at castration in CAST vs. STR calves (P < 0.01) but not significantly different at d 14 (P = 0.22). Mean MEL concentrations at castration were no different between treated STR and CAST calves (P = 0.70). Meloxicam administration before castration in postweaning calves reduced the incidence of respiratory disease at the feedlot. These findings have implications for developing NSAID protocols for use in calves at castration with respect to addressing animal health and welfare concerns.  相似文献   

Ninety crossbred parasitized pigs were used in two controlled experiments to compare performance before and after ivermectin treatment. Four groups of 15 pigs were sequentially infected with 2000 Ascaris suum, 10,000 Oesophagostomum spp. and 10,000 Strongyloides ransomi beginning at average pig weights of either 38 kg (Experiment I) or 14 kg (Experiment II). Two infected groups of pigs were treated with ivermectin on Day 34 (Experiment I) or 37 (Experiment II) of the experiments and all pigs were fed to slaughter weights of approximately 100 kg. Average daily gain (ADG) of heavier ivermectin-treated pigs was greater than that of infected non-treated pigs (P less than 0.03) and feed conversion was numerically greater by 5% (P greater than 0.10). ADG was not different between lighter treated or non-treated pigs, but feed conversion was numerically 4% greater in ivermectin-treated compared to non-treated pigs (P greater than 0.10). No differences existed in carcass dressing percentage among the three groups of heavier pigs, but among the lighter groups ivermectin-treated pigs had a higher dressing percentage (P less than 0.03) than infected non-treated or control pigs. Results of the calculation of production costs based on combined data from the two experiments for the post-treatment period, including feed, drug and maintenance costs, indicate that the production cost for ivermectin-treated pigs was $1.53 per pig less than that for infected non-treated pigs when the cost for each group to attain control pig weights is compared with the actual cost for control pigs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the effectiveness of mass medication with long acting antibiotics at feedlot entry on lot-fed Australian domestic cattle during a period of high risk for bovine respiratory disease (BRD). DESIGN: Systematic allocation at feedlot entry of tilmicosin, long acting oxytetracycline or no antibiotic treatment, to cattle lot fed for the Australian domestic market. Comparisons of growth rate, disease occurrence and mortality were made between the groups at the conclusion of the feeding period. RESULTS: Cattle medicated with tilmicosin at 10 mg/kg body weight on entry to the feedlot grew 0.08 kg/d faster than cattle medicated with oxytetracycline at 20 mg/kg body weight and non-medicated cattle. There was no significant difference in growth rate between oxytetracycline medicated cattle and cattle not medicated with antibiotic at feedlot entry. Cattle medicated with tilmicosin at feedlot entry had 8 fewer cases of disease per 100 animals compared with cattle not medicated with antibiotic at feedlot entry. There was no significant difference in disease occurrence between oxytetracycline medicated cattle and those not medicated with antibiotic at feedlot entry. CONCLUSION: Mass medication with tilmicosin at feedlot entry of cattle destined for the Australian domestic market may be used to reduce disease occurrence and increase growth rate during periods of high risk for BRD.  相似文献   

Six ruminally and duodenally cannulated Angus-Jersey crossbred steers (450 kg of BW) were used in a 6 x 6 Latin square to evaluate the effect of kernel vitreousness and moisture on intake and digestibility of high-moisture corn. Arranged in a 2 x 3 factorial, diets included a floury (FLO) or a vitreous (VIT) endosperm corn hybrid harvested at 28.1% (DRY), 31.2% (MID), or 35.7% (WET) kernel moisture content. Diet DM consisted of 88.25% high-moisture corn, 6% chopped alfalfa hay, 2% corn gluten meal, 0.75% urea, and 3% supplement. Supplement was included to ensure that the diets contained a minimum (DM basis) of 0.6% Ca, 0.6% K, 0.2% S, 33 mg/kg of monensin, and 11 mg/kg of tylosin. Geometric mean diameter of lyophilized high-moisture corn tended to be less (P = 0.06) for VIT than for FLO, and the calculated particle surface area was 15.8% greater (P = 0.03). An interaction of vitreousness with the quadratic effect of moisture was noted (P < 0.001), such that fraction a and effective degradation for starch tended to be greater for the vitreous hybrid at the least and greatest moisture content but lower for the vitreous hybrid at the intermediate moisture content. Intake and ruminal disappearance of DM, OM, and starch were not influenced by vitreousness or moisture, with ruminal starch disappearance averaging 90.9%. Intestinal starch digestion measured as a percentage of starch entering the intestines averaged 91% and was greater (P < 0.05) for VIT than FLO corn. Averaged across moisture levels, total tract starch digestibility was greater (P < 0.003) for VIT than FLO. Compared with FLO kernels, VIT kernels appeared to be more brittle and therefore shattered more readily when rolled, particularly at the driest kernel moisture level. Furthermore, increased surface area of smaller particles may have been responsible for the greater starch utilization from VIT corn. In contrast with the results from other in situ and in vivo trials with dry-rolled corn grain, in which the starch from vitreous hybrids was less rapidly or completely digested, hybrids with more vitreous starch, when fed as high-moisture corn, had greater total tract starch digestibility, primarily due to greater postruminal starch digestion.  相似文献   

Paddocks near Gawler, South Australia, were grazed by newly weaned sheep which received either no anthelmintic treatment, regular 3-weekly treatment or a single treatment in February. A decline in the faecal egg count of untreated sheep in autumn associated with the ingestion of infective larvae indicated that the sheep had developed a resistance to reinfection. At the end of the experiment, 10 sheep were experimentally infected with Trichostrongylus vitrinus larvae to demonstrate this resistance. Untreated sheep grew less wool and had lower body weights when compared with treated animals and were extremely 'daggy'. A single treatment in February did not prevent production losses or scouring.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare antibody responses, feedlot morbidity and mortality rates, feedlot performance, and carcass value for calves vaccinated with 1 of 2 vaccination strategies and for unvaccinated control calves. DESIGN: Randomized controlled clinical trial. ANIMALS: 451 beef steers and heifers. PROCEDURES: Calves were vaccinated with a modified-live infectious bovine rhinotracheitis virus (IBRV), bovine viral diarrhea virus types 1 (BVDV1) and 2 (BVDV2), parainfluenza type 3 virus, and bovine respiratory syncytial virus vaccine and Mannheimia haemolytica and Pasteurella multocida bacterin-toxoid at approximately 67 and 190 days of age (group 1; n = 151) or at approximately 167 and 190 days of age (group 2; 150) or were not vaccinated (control; 150). Serum antibody titers were measured at approximately 2, 67, 167, 190, and 232 days of age. Morbidity and mortality rates, feedlot performance, and carcass value were recorded for 361 calves shipped to feedlots. RESULTS: Percentages of calves seroconverting to IBRV, BVDV1, and BVDV2 were significantly higher for groups 1 and 2 than for the control group. Mean treatment costs were significantly lower for vaccinated than for control calves, and mean mortality rate was significantly higher for control calves than for group 1 calves. Feedlot performance and carcass value did not vary significantly among groups. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggested that vaccination of beef calves with a 5-antigen modified-live virus vaccine at 67 and 190 days of age was as effective in terms of immunologic responses as was vaccination at 167 and 190 days of age.  相似文献   

REASONS FOR PERFORMING STUDY: Radiography in presale examinations of TB yearlings has become standard practice in recent years. OBJECTIVES: To describe the prevalence and distribution of radiographic changes in the fetlocks, carpi, tarsi, stifles and fore feet of Thoroughbred yearlings in central Kentucky when these joints were examined as part of routine pre- and post sale evaluations. METHODS: Horses subjected to radiographs included the fore (n = 1127) and hind (n = 1102) fetlocks, carpi (n = 1130), tarsi (n = 1101), stifles (n = 660) and fore feet (n = 300). Radiographic changes were categorised by location and type of change present (e.g. lucency, fragment) for each series. RESULTS: In the fore fetlocks 1.6% had fragmentation of the proximal dorsal first phalanx and 0.5% fragmentation of the proximal palmar aspect. In the hind fetlocks 5.9% had fragmentation at the plantar aspect and 3.3% fragmentation dorsally. Lucencies, fragments or loose bodies were detected at the dorsal aspect of the distal third metacarpus in 2.8% and, at the same location on the third metatarsus, 3.2%. Most yearlings (98%) had vascular channels in the proximal sesamoid bones and irregular vascular channels (> 2 mm wide or with nonparallel sides) were more common (79%) than regular vascular channels (56%). The intermediate ridge of the distal tibia was the most common location for fragmentation in the tarsus (4.4%). CONCLUSIONS: While some radiographic changes, e.g. vascular channels in proximal sesamoid bones, are very common in Thoroughbred yearlings, others, e.g. fragmentation or subchondral lucency within joints are quite rare usually affecting less than 5% of the population. POTENTIAL RELEVANCE: Veterinarians should expect to find radiographic changes in Thoroughbreds presented for examination prior to the yearling sales. The rarity of some changes thought to affect soundness or racing performance will make further invesigation of these conditions in horses without clinical signs more difficult.  相似文献   

A feeding trial involving 160 crossbred steers (357 kg) and a metabolism trial involving eight Holstein steers (189 kg) cannulated in the rumen and proximal duodenum were conducted to evaluate the interaction of dietary Mg level (.18 vs .32%, DM basis) and supplemental fat (0% supplemental fat vs 4% tallow [T], yellow grease [YG], or griddle grease [GG]) on growth performance and NE value of the diet. Dietary Mg level did not influence (P > .10) growth performance. Daily weight gain was lower (11%, P < .05) for steers fed GG than for those fed YG. Supplemental fat decreased (5%, P < .10) DMI and increased (P < .05) gain efficiency (7%). There was a fat x Mg level interaction (P < .01) for dietary NE. The increase in dietary NEg with T and YG supplementation was similar (8.6 vs 8.0%) for diets containing .18 and .32% Mg. In contrast, the increase in dietary NEg with GG supplementation was 8.9% with .18% dietary Mg, but the NEg value of the diet did not increase when GG was added to diets with .32% dietary Mg. Dressing percentage was lower (1.5%, P < .1) and retail yield was greater (2.2%, P < .05) for steers fed GG- than for steers fed YG-supplemented diets. Increasing dietary Mg level increased kidney, pelvic, and heart fat (5.5%, P < .05). There was a fat x Mg level interaction (P < .1) for marbling score. With diets containing no supplemental fat, increasing dietary Mg decreased (15.2%) the marbling score, and with diets containing supplemental fat, increasing dietary Mg increased (7.2%) the marbling score. Fat supplementation decreased (P < .01) ruminal and total tract digestion of OM (10 and 3.5%, respectively) and NDF (37 and 17%, respectively). Supplemental fat did not affect (P > .10) Ca digestion but decreased (41.7%, P < .01) apparent Mg digestion. Increasing dietary Mg level increased (77.7%, P < .05) apparent Mg digestion. There were no treatment effects (P > .10) on postruminal fatty acid digestion. Fat supplementation decreased (17.3%, P < .01) the acetate:propionate molar ratio. Total ruminal protozoal counts were increased (12.7%, P < .05) by increasing dietary Mg level and decreased (12.9%, P < .05) by fat supplementation. We conclude that supplemental fats may depress Mg absorption. Increasing dietary magnesium levels beyond current recommendations may increase marbling scores in cattle fed fat-supplemented diets but may not affect growth performance or dietary NE. The NE value of fat is a predictable function of level of fat intake.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare effects of an injectable doramectin preparation with those of an injectable ivermectin-clorsulon preparation on control of gastrointestinal nematodes and liver flukes and on growth performance in cattle. DESIGN: Randomized complete block design. ANIMALS: 60 crossbred calves. PROCEDURES: Calves (20/treatment group) were treated with doramectin or ivermectin-clorsulon or were not treated. Fecal samples were collected for nematode and Fasciola hepatica egg counts on day 0 and for up to 140 days after treatment. Cattle were weighed before treatment and at 28-day intervals until day 140. RESULTS: From day 7 through day 49, nematode egg counts for calves treated with doramectin or with ivermectin-clorsulon were significantly lower than those for untreated control calves. As the study progressed beyond day 56, the percentages of cattle with fluke eggs in their feces increased, but differences in regard to these percentages were not detected among the 3 groups. Average daily gain for the doramectin-treated cattle (0.79 kg/d [1.74 lb/d]) was significantly greater than that for the cattle treated with ivermectin-clorsuIon (0.71 kg/d [1.56 lb/d]); values for both groups were significantly greater than that for the control cattle (0.62 kg/d [1.37 lb/d]). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results suggest that doramectin had a greater impact on subclinical gastrointestinal tract parasitism in calves, as demonstrated by growth performance, than did ivermectin-clorsulon. In the Gulf Coast region of the United States, spring-born nursing beef calves may have minimal grazing exposure to F hepatica during the peak fluke transmission period; therefore, mature fluke burdens may be negligible at the beginning of the fall season.  相似文献   

Forty spring-calving cows and heifers (20 of each) were allowed to acquire infection with gastrointestinal (GI) nematodes naturally during grazing. The control group (10 cows and 10 heifers) were compared with 20 similar animals treated with eprinomectin in order to evaluate the effect of GI nematodes on grazing behaviour, milk production, body condition score and live weight. The animals were paired according to parity and milk yield during the week prior to treatment, then within replicate pair randomly allocated to a different treatment group. The grazing area was sub-divided into 20 replicated paddocks of equivalent size and topography. Grazing pairs of either control or treated animals were randomly assigned to each paddock over the duration of the study (one pair per paddock). Grazing behaviour was recorded for both groups over a 10-day period commencing 4 days after treatment with eprinomectin. Milk yield was recorded daily and milk quality was recorded weekly. Live weight and body condition score were recorded on the day of allocation, the day of initial treatment and thereafter at weekly intervals until the end of the 4-week trial. Faecal samples were collected from each animal prior to, and after, allocation and submitted for counts of nematode eggs. Additional faecal samples were taken at the end of the study for culture and nematode identification. Individual faecal samples were also analysed for residual digestibility. Pasture samples for nematode larval counts were taken at the same time as faecal sampling. The parasitological results showed low levels of faecal nematode egg output throughout the study, with the heifers having higher counts than the cows. Faecal culture yielded species of Ostertagia, Cooperia, and Trichostrongylus. Pasture larval levels were very low throughout with no value exceeding 68 larvae/kg dry matter (DM) of herbage. There were significant (P < 0.05) effects of treatment on grazing time, eating time, total bites, total grazing jaw movements (TGJM), idling time and mean meal duration. Treated cows and heifers grazed for 47 and 50 min longer per day, respectively, than controls (P = 0.016). Mean meal duration was extended as a result of anthelmintic treatment by 11 and 38 min, in cows and heifers, respectively (P = 0.012). There were no significant (P > 0.05) treatment effects on ruminating time or residual faecal digestibility, but idling time was significantly reduced in both treated cows and heifers, by 50 and 110 min, respectively (P = 0.010). In the treated cattle, there was an increase in solids-corrected milk yield compared with the control cattle, which was significant (P < 0.05) in weeks 2 and 3 after treatment. The response was particularly marked in heifers, where the difference in yield between treated and controls was up to 2.35 kg/day. The differences in live weight gain and condition score over 28 days post-treatment were significant (P < 0.05) in both cows and heifers, in favour of the treated animals.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine effects of time of administration of tilmicosin and feeding of chlortetracycline on colonization of the nasopharynx of transported cattle by Mannheimia haemolytica (MH). ANIMALS: 454 steers (body weight, 200 kg). PROCEDURE: 3 studies included 4 truckloads of steers assembled and processed in the southeastern United States. For each truckload of steers, a third received tilmicosin before transportation (PRIOR), then all were transported to a feedlot in New Mexico (23 hours). At arrival (day 0), another third received tilmicosin (ARR). The remaining third did not receive tilmicosin (control steers [CTR]). Steers in studies 1 and 2 were housed in a feedlot, and steers in study 3 were housed on wheat pasture. One half of the steers from each group in studies 2 and 3 were fed chlortetracycline on days 5 to 9. Steer with signs of respiratory tract disease were treated. Nasal swab specimens were examined for MH to determine colonization. RESULTS: PRIOR and ARR steers had a lower incidence of respiratory tract disease and MH colonization than CTR steers, but PRIOR and ARR steers did not differ. Feeding chlortetracycline did not have an effect. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Tilmicosin can inhibit MH from colonizing the nasopharynx of cattle. Because tilmicosin inhibits the growth of MH in the respiratory tract, medication with tilmicosin prior to transport should reduce the incidence of acute respiratory tract disease during the first week at the feedlot when calves are most susceptible to infectious organisms.  相似文献   

Two groups of 10 first-year grazing cattle were either left untreated as controls (group 1) or treated with eprinomectin as a pour-on application at turnout and eight weeks later (group 2). The control group developed a mild infection with gastrointestinal nematodes and lungworms during the season, whereas the treated animals remained healthy. The interval between the treatments allowed the establishment of adult worms, but the egg counts remained negligible. The total number of eggs shed by the treated cattle during the grazing season was significantly smaller than by the controls.  相似文献   

Three groups of 17 beef calves were used to evaluate effects of strategic anthelmintic treatment on safe (group 1) and contaminated (group 2) pasture in comparison with minimal treatment at weaning and contaminated pasture (group 3). The investigation extended from weaning in November 1982 to the following August. Results of faecal egg counts, herbage larval counts, plasma pepsinogen and tracer calf worm counts in autumn and spring indicated minimal levels of infection on safe pastures provided in November and April (group 1). A decided weight gain advantage for group 1 was achieved from November to April, but the rate of gain was not consistent after April and transfer to the second safe pasture. Final average weights in late August were: group 1, 368 kg; group 2, 336 kg; group 3, 262 kg. All were significantly different (P less than 0.05). Worm counts from representative yearlings in September revealed low to moderate levels of Ostertagia ostertagi in group 1. In contrast group 2 cattle had large, almost exclusively O ostertagi infections; group 3 cattle had exceedingly high levels of Trichostrongylus axei infection and moderate to high levels of O ostertagi. Marginal evidence of type 2 ostertagiasis was observed in individual animals of group 2 and group 3.  相似文献   

Two lamb digestion and three steer growth experiments were conducted to study the feeding value of alfalfa harvested as direct-cut silage (DCS) with grain added prior to ensiling or as low-moisture silage (LMS) or hay with grain added at feeding. In all experiments, alfalfa-grain mixtures contained approximately 50% alfalfa and 50% concentrate (dry matter [DM] basis). In Exp. 1, lambs fed DCS alone consumed less DM than lambs fed LMS or hay alone or any of the alfalfa-grain mixtures. Apparent digestibilities of DM and fiber components were higher (P less than .05) for DCS than for LMS or hay. Lambs that were fed LMS digested more (P less than .05) DM and fiber components than lambs fed hay. Addition of grain resulted in increased (P less than .05) DM digestibility and decreased (P less than .05) digestibilities of neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber. In Exp. 2, growing steers (271 kg) fed DCS-grain had increased (P less than .05) weight gains compared with steers fed hay-grain. Steers fed any of the alfalfa-grain mixtures gained weight more rapidly (P less than .05) than steers fed corn silage (CS)-based diets. In a third experiment, finishing steers (283 kg) fed DCS-grain, LMS-grain, hay-grain or CS-based diets performed similarly (P greater than .05), although steers fed DCS-grain had higher (P less than .05) dressing percentages and yield grades than steers that were fed the other three diets and were fatter (P less than .05) than those fed LMS-grain or CS. In Exp. 4, lambs fed DCS-grain or LMS-grain had higher (P less than .05) apparent DM and organic matter digestibilities than lambs fed CS-based diets with similar forage:grain proportions. In Exp. 5, finishing steers (326 kg) fed DCS-grain gained similarly (P greater than .05) to steers fed LMS-grain or an 85% concentrate diet based on high-moisture corn. Steers fed CS diets had lower (P less than .05) gains and increased (P less than .05) feed per gain compared with steers fed DCS-grain, LMS-grain or high-moisture corn.  相似文献   

Five trials with steers new to the feedlot environment were conducted to determine the effects of one or two i.m. injections of selenium (Se) and(or) vitamin E (Vit E) on performance, health status and serum antibody response to Pasteurella haemolytica vaccination. In all trials, performance and average number of days sick per steer were not affected (P greater than .05) by single injection of Se and(or) Vit E. In Trial 1, 26 steers (avg initial wt 267 kg) were treated with 1) no Se or Vit E or 2) 25 mg Se (as Na2SeO3) plus 340 IU Vit E (as [d]-alpha-tocopheryl acetate). P. haemolytica serum immunoglobulin G (IgG) titers on d 7 and 14 were greater (P less than .05) for steers receiving 25 mg Se plus 340 IU Vit E. In Trial 2, 141 steers (avg initial wt 204 kg) were treated with 1) no Se or Vit E, 2) 25 mg Se, 3) 340 IU Vit E or 4) 25 mg Se plus 340 IU Vit E. Serum IgG titers were greater (P less than .05) only for Treatment 4 on d 6. Trial 3 was conducted using 107 steers and the same treatments as in Trial 2. By d 14, titers for treatment 4 were greater (P less than .05) than those for Treatments 1 or 3, but not greater than those for Treatment 2. In Trial 4, serum IgG titers were unaffected (P greater than .05) when 48 steers (avg initial wt 248 kg) were treated with 1) no Se or Vit E, 2) 25 mg Se plus 340 IU Vit E 14 d prior to shipping or 3) 25 mg Se plus 340 IU Vit E 14 d prior to shipping, plus repeat injection on day of arrival at the feedlot. In Trial 5, 107 steers were treated with 1) no Se or Vit E, 2) 25 mg Se plus 340 IU Vit E or 3) 50 mg Se plus 680 IU Vit E. Serum IgG titers increased linearly (P less than .01) due to treatment on d 7, 13 and 20 and a quadratic response (P less than .05) was observed on d 27. In these trials, serum antibody response to P. haemolytica vaccination was enhanced with the combination of Se and Vit E; however, performance and health status were not affected.  相似文献   

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