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A 3-year-old mare repeatedly had clinical signs of rhabdomyolysis on mild exertion. Serum creatine kinase and aspartate transaminase activities were high at rest. Responses to dietary sodium bicarbonate were tested through 7 alternating periods of supplementation of a basal ration of timothy hay and oats. Physical signs; venous blood pH and gases; blood glucose and lactate; serum electrolytes, enzymes, and creatinine; and urine pH were monitored before and after exercise. Dietary sodium bicarbonate raised resting venous blood pH and bicarbonate slightly and significantly increased urine pH from pH 7.46 to 8.2 (P less than 0.001). An exercise test included 5 minutes at the walk followed by 20 minutes at the trot. The exercise induced gait stiffness, muscle fasciculations, and muscle induration when the diet was not supplemented, but not when it was supplemented with sodium bicarbonate. Myoglobin was present in 16 of 21 urine samples after exercise during nonsupplemented periods, but only in 3 of 28 urine samples during supplemented periods (P less than 0.0001). Bicarbonate supplementation significantly decreased the responses of blood lactic acid, serum creatine kinase, and aspartate transaminase to exercise. Supplementation of the diet was associated with higher venous blood pH and bicarbonate ion concentrations throughout exercise. Dietary sodium bicarbonate apparently mitigated or prevented physical, chemical, and enzymatic characteristics of exertional rhabdomyolysis in this mare, possibly through its enhancement of buffering capacity in muscle tissue fluids.  相似文献   

Principles in the dietary management of urolithiasis which have been successful in small animal cases were implemented in an equine case. This article describes the dietary management of a horse which repeatedly formed calcium carbonate cystic calculi. Treatment management included progressively decreasing the ration calcium content to reduce the intake of calcium. In addition, urinary tract infections were controlled and urinary acidification was used to inhibit calcium carbonate formation. Successful management was achieved by feeding a 0.2% calcium oat hay ration and administering 175 mg ammonium sulfate per kg body weight orally twice daily for 7 months which produced a urine pH of 5.0. There was no evidence of metabolic acid/base imbalances nor skeletal depletion of calcium. The horse has been free of cystic calculi for an additional 30 months while adequately maintained on a nutritionally balanced oat hay ration. Reducing dietary calcium intake and urine pH are possible management procedures in the horse with recurrent cystic calculi.  相似文献   

Topically applied copper phenylbutazone, phenylbutazone, copper salicylate, salicylate and dimethylsulfoxide glycerol (80:20) were investigated as anti-inflammatory agents in rats and horses. Dimethylsulfoxide and glycerol (80:20) or dimethylsulfoxide, ethanol and glycerol (60:20:20) were used as the drug solvents. Subcutaneously administered carrageenin was used to induce inflammatory oedema, either in the paws of rats or the alar fold of the horse. The severity of the oedema and the anti-inflammatory effect of the drugs were assessed by measuring changes in the paw or alar-fold diameters. Copper salicylate and copper phenylbutazone were effective inhibitors of the inflammatory oedema in both species, but dimethylsulfoxide:glycerol (80:20) was not. In the rat, copper salicylate and copper phenylbutazone were superior anti-inflammatory agents compared to either salicylate or phenylbutazone, respectively. Following the topical application of four times the recommended daily dose of copper phenylbutazone to the horse for 5 days, minor skin irritation occurred and trace concentrations of phenylbutazone (maximum 0.6 microgram/ml) and negligible concentrations of oxyphenbutazone and gamma-hydroxyphenylbutazone were detected in the plasma.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the effectiveness of intramuscular injection of copper heptonate (CuHep) and an oral dose of copper oxide wire particles (COWP) in preventing Cu inadequacy in adult and young sheep on pasture of high Mo content. DESIGN: Field experiments with flocks of mature Merino wethers and crossbred weaners. PROCEDURE: Adult wethers were given 25 or 37.5 mg Cu as CuHep, 2.5 g COWP or no Cu treatment. The weaners were given 12.5 or 25 mg Cu as CuHep, 1.25 g COWP or no Cu treatment. At intervals over the next 12 (adults) or 8 (weaners) months the sheep were weighed and samples of blood and liver were collected for trace element assay. Wool samples collected from the adults at the end of the experiment were assessed for physical characteristics. RESULTS: The higher dosage of CuHep raised liver Cu above control group values for at least 9 months in adults and 3 months in weaners. The lower dosage of CuHep was similarly effective for 3 months in adults but was without effect in weaners. In adults the response to COWP matched that to the higher dosage of CuHep; in weaners it was greater, lasting at least 5 months. No changes indicative of Cu deficiency, apart from a depressed body weight in adults, were seen. CONCLUSIONS: In sheep on pasture of high Mo content a single intramuscular injection of CuHep providing 37.5 mg Cu to adults or 25 mg Cu to weaners will raise liver Cu reserves for at least 9 and 3 months respectively and may be an acceptable alternative to COWP for preventing seasonal Cu deficiency in sheep in southern Australia.  相似文献   

Diarrhoea in the horse as a result of alimentary lymphosarcoma   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Infections with Micronema deletrix are described sporadically in humans and horses. This case report describes the infection with Micronema deletrix in a horse. The animal was sent to the clinic because of recurrent colic. On rectal palpation a mass was detected in the area of the right kidney and the horse was destroyed on its owners request. At slaughter a greatly enlarged right kidney interspersed with numerous white nodules was found. Histological examination revealed a granulomatous nephritis with numerous sections of nematodes. Based on their morphology and size, they were identified as Micronema.  相似文献   

Sepsis and endotoxaemia are important causes of morbidity and mortality in humans. Research on sepsis focuses on rodent models most of which are poorly responsive to lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and thus do not mimic very well the high sensitivity of humans. Therefore, there is a need to develop more clinically relevant models. Horses suffer from a similar endotoxaemic syndrome to humans with high morbidity and mortality. LPS analogues that act as antagonists at Toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) are being developed as novel treatments for endotoxaemia. Due to differences in recognition of ligands by TLR4 from different mammalian species, individual LPS molecules may act as agonists in some species and antagonists in others. The synthetic lipid A analogue E5531 is an antagonist at TLR4 in humans and mice, but its effects at TLR4 from other species are unknown. In the studies reported here, Escherichia coli LPS is a full agonist on equine bone marrow macrophage-like cells and its effects are antagonised by E5531. Similarly, E. coli LPS is an agonist and E5531 an antagonist on monocytes isolated from peripheral blood of healthy horses and human embryonic kidney (HEK) cells, transiently transfected to express horse TLR4 and its associated cell surface proteins MD2 and CD14. In contrast, both E. coli LPS and E5531 behave as agonists in horse whole blood by inducing production of equivalent amounts of the inflammatory mediator prostaglandin. This finding suggests that modification of E5531 may occur in whole blood, for example, deacylation, which alters its activity. This comparative study has revealed a novel pharmacological action of E5531 and emphasises the importance of extending studies of this nature beyond the normal rodent models.  相似文献   

Botulism as a sequel to open castration in a horse   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Clostridium botulinum and type-B C botulinum toxin were isolated from a necrotic wound that developed subsequent to castration in a 2-year-old Thoroughbred gelding. The horse had clinical signs of botulism and was successfully treated with wound debridement, C botulinum type-B antitoxin, potassium penicillin, and supportive care.  相似文献   

A mare was examined for episodic choking and an abscess in the perilaryngeal region. One month before referral, the mass progressively enlarged, causing esophageal choking. An extraluminal compression of the esophagus 90 cm from the external nares was found on endoscopy and contrast radiography. Serosanguinous fluid aspirated from the mass contained keratinized squamous cells and neutrophils, compatible with an esophageal cyst. Surgical exploration was performed, with incomplete surgical excision. The remaining portion of the cyst was marsupialized and treated locally with a 2% inorganic iodine solution. Further episodes of esophageal choke in this horse have not been reported.  相似文献   

Sixty Angus (n = 29) and Angus-Sim-mental cross (n = 31) steers, averaging 9 mo of age and 277 kg of initial BW, were used in a 148-d study to determine the bioavailability of copper glycinate (CuGly) relative to feed-grade copper sulfate (CuSO(4)) when supplemented to diets high in S and Mo. Steers were blocked by weight within breed and randomly assigned to 1 of 5 treatments: 1) control (no supplemental Cu), 2) 5 mg of Cu/kg of DM from CuSO(4), 3) 10 mg of Cu/kg of DM from CuSO(4), 4) 5 mg of Cu/kg of DM from CuGly, and 5) 10 mg of Cu/kg of DM from CuGly. Steers were individually fed a corn silage-based diet (analyzed 8.2 mg of Cu/kg of DM), and supplemented with 2 mg of Mo/kg of diet DM and 0.15% S for 120 d (phase 1). Steers were then supplemented with 6 mg of Mo/kg of diet DM and 0.15% S for an additional 28 d (phase 2). Average daily gain and G:F were improved by Cu supplementation regardless of source (P = 0.01). Final ceruloplasmin, plasma Cu, and liver Cu values were greater (P < 0.05) in steers fed supplemental Cu compared with controls. Plasma Cu, liver Cu, and ceruloplasmin values were greater (P < 0.05) in steers supplemented with 10 mg of Cu/kg of DM vs. those supplemented with 5 mg of Cu/kg of DM. Based on multiple linear regression of final plasma Cu, liver Cu, and ceruloplasmin values on dietary Cu intake in phase 1 (2 mg of Mo/kg of DM), bioavailability of Cu from CuGly relative to CuSO(4) (100%) was 140 (P = 0.10), 131 (P = 0.12), and 140% (P = 0.01), respectively. Relative bio-availability of Cu from CuGly was greater than from CuSO(4) (P = 0.01; 144, 150, and 157%, based on plasma Cu, liver Cu, and ceruloplasmin, respectively) after supplementation of 6 mg of Mo/kg of DM for 28 d. Results of this study suggest that Cu from CuGly may be more available than CuSO(4) when supplemented to diets high in S and Mo.  相似文献   

A 2-year-old Thoroughbred filly presented with ocular pain and epiphora of the left eye. The pupil was miotic and the cornea edematous near the ventro-temporal limbus, but did not retain any fluorescein. The topical antibiotics and atropine and diclofenac, and systemic flunixin meglumine and antibiotic therapy did not resolve the condition. A pink and fleshy infiltrate developed near the limbus indicating nonulcerative keratouveitis. The anterior uveitis deteriorated as manifested by the presence of dyscoria, hypopyon, and organized fibrin in the anterior chamber. Ocular signs were improved by topical and subconjunctival corticosteroids, but repeatedly deteriorated as the frequency of medication was reduced. The horse was seropositive to three serovars of Leptospira interrogans. The animal was diagnosed as blind on day 91 by the absence of pupillary light and menace reflexes, and donated for histopathologic diagnosis. The corneal opacity was histologically fibrotic and infiltrated predominantly by lymphocytes with Descemet's membrane partially disrupted by macrophages. The choroid was infiltrated by lymphocytes, eosinophils and basophils, and was positive to IgG and C3. There were filamentous or spiral structures positive to Warthin-Starry stain in the renal cortex. There was also polymerase chain reaction amplification of the leptospiral gene in the kidney. From these findings nonulcerative keratouveitis was believed to be caused by systemic infection with Leptospira.  相似文献   

A 4-year-old Thoroughbred gelding with a history of chronic colic was referred for evaluation of signs of abdominal pain. Exploratory laparotomy revealed a diverticulum of the distal portion of the ileum located between the layers of the mesentery. The diverticulum was similar in location and appearance to acquired ileal diverticula described in human beings. Complete bypass of the diverticulum by ileocecostomy resulted in apparent resolution of the chronic colic in this horse.  相似文献   

We report a 5-year-old gelding with a rare benign tumour of 2-month duration in the subcutis of the hind limb that presented with lameness. Physical examination revealed normal vital signs. Laboratory findings were within normal ranges. No bone abnormalities were detected on radiographic examination of the affected area. Bloody fluid was obtained by aspiration. Through an I-shape skin incision the tumour was excised en-block. Microscopic study showed a vascular hamartoma characterized by cavernous haemangiomatous tissue and proliferation of multiple vessels of variable diameter. This report highlights the importance of limb vascular hamartoma, as an infrequent lesion, in the differential diagnosis of lameness in the horse.  相似文献   

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