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植物诱抗剂对尿素氮利用率和小麦产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为研究植物诱抗剂配伍尿素和控释尿素对小麦产量及构成因素、氮肥利用率和土壤养分的影响,通过对尿素包膜(CRU)、包膜尿素配施诱抗剂(CRUR)、尿素配施植物诱抗剂(UR)的处理方式,进行了小麦大田试验,以尿素(U)和无氮(CK)处理为对照,共设置5个处理。结果表明:(1)尿素配施诱抗剂处理的小麦产量和氮肥利用率比尿素处理显著提高23.6%和10.1个百分点,纯收益显著增加3 269元/hm2。(2)CRUR处理较CRU处理小麦产量和氮肥利用率显著增加14.5%和12.4个百分点,纯收益显著提高2 361元/hm2;比UR处理显著提高16.3%和11.9个百分点,纯收益增加2 446元/hm2。(3)在小麦拔节期即氮肥最大效率期,CRUR处理的土壤硝态氮含量比CRU处理显著增加29.5%,比UR处理显著增加88.2%;CRUR处理的土壤铵态氮含量比UR处理显著提高34.4%。控释尿素配施植物诱抗剂可实现两者协同增效,显著提高小麦生育关键期土壤氮素供应强度、产量、氮肥利用率和纯收益,为促生型缓控释肥料的研发与应用提供依据。  相似文献   

不同控释氮肥减量施用对双季水稻产量和氮素利用的影响   总被引:18,自引:5,他引:18  
研究不同控释氮肥在减氮量施用条件下早、晚稻产量效应、氮素吸收利用、土壤氮素养分特性和养分释放规律的差异,为南方双季稻区控释氮肥在水稻高产节肥栽培上的应用提供参考。采用静水溶解试验和田间小区试验研究了2种控释氮肥(树脂包膜尿素和硫包膜尿素)的养分释放特性和在常规尿素施氮量基础上节氮15%和30%对早、晚稻产量、产量构成因素、氮素养分吸收利用及土壤氮养分含量的影响。结果表明,2种控释氮肥的氮素累积释放曲线均为"S"形,但在培养期间硫包膜尿素氮素累积释放率均高于树脂包膜尿素。在田间条件下,与常规尿素处理相比,早稻减氮15%和30%施用硫包膜尿素和树脂包膜尿素均表现为增产,而晚稻施硫包膜尿素增产,施树脂包膜尿素减产。株高、每穗实粒数、结实率和千粒重的增加是早、晚稻增产的主要原因。施用2种控释氮肥均能促进早、晚稻水稻植株氮素养分的吸收积累,施用相同种类控释氮肥早晚稻稻谷、稻草和植株氮养分积累量随施氮量提高而提高。减氮15%和30%施用2种控释氮肥有利于氮肥回收利用率、氮肥偏生产力和氮肥农学效率的提高,在同一施氮水平下,硫包膜尿素的提高效果优于树脂包膜尿素。常规尿素处理、减15%氮的2种控释氮肥处理均能保持较高的土壤氮素水平,减30%氮的控释氮肥处理土壤氮素肥力较试验前有所降低。适当降低氮用量施用控释氮肥,能促进双季水稻增产、增加氮素利用效率、维持或提高土壤氮素肥力和可持续生产力,控释氮肥养分释放规律的差异是导致其作用效应不同的主要原因。  相似文献   

The objective was to differentiate and estimate phosphorus (P)-uptake and P-utilization efficiency among several winter wheat accessions. Twenty-two accessions were characterized for their ability to uptake and utilize P in two low P soils (acid and calcareous). Plants were grown for 28 days in two different sized pots and analyzed for biomass and total P concentration. Total P uptake and biomass was greater in the large pot and calcareous soil. However, there were no significant correlations between the small and large pot for biomass, P uptake, and P concentration, indicating that rooting conditions were different for the two pots, which allowed differentiation between P-utilization and P-uptake efficiency. Possession of ALTM1 gene for malate excretion did not appear to be related to P-uptake efficiency. Several accessions were found to be either P-uptake or P-utilization efficient in both soils. Phosphorus use efficiency mechanisms may contribute to acid soil tolerance.  相似文献   


Corn (Zea mays L.) production recommendations should be periodically evaluated to ensure that production practices remain in step with genetic improvements. Since most of the recent increases in corn grain yield are due to planting at higher densities and not to increased per-plant yield, this study was undertaken to measure the effects of plant density and hybrid on corn forage and grain yield and on nutrient uptake. Plant density (4.9, 6.2, 7.4, and 8.6 seeds m?2) and hybrid relative maturity (RM) [early (108 day RM); medium (114 day RM); and late (118 day RM)] combinations were evaluated over five site-years under irrigated and non-irrigated conditions. The interaction of hybrid with plant density was never significant for grain, stem, or leaf biomass. The latest RM hybrid out-yielded the medium and early hybrids by 550 and 1864 kg ha?1, respectively. Grain yield was highest at 8.6 plants m?2. Total stem yield was also greatest at the highest plant density but by only 340 kg ha?1 more than at 7.4 seeds m?2. Based on grain yield response over sites, the estimated optimum density was 7.6 seeds m?2, which is 0.7 seeds m?2 higher than the current recommendation at this average yield level (11.5 Mg ha?1). Grain nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) uptakes were highest for the medium RM hybrid. Nutrient uptake levels varied by planting density, with the lowest levels observed at the lowest and highest plant densities. At 4.9 seeds m?2, the reduced uptake is explained by lower biomass yields. At the 8.6 seeds m?2 rate, N and K levels may have been lower due to dilution.  相似文献   

Four types of plant residues (fruit waste, potato, sunflower, and wheat) with wide ranges of carbon to nitrogen (C/N) and carbon to phosphorus (C/P) ratios were added to the soil at the rate of 20 g kg?1 (dry weight basis) and incubated for two months. In soils treated with plant residues, the P sorption ranged from 62.0% (potato) to 96.6% (wheat) and from 12.6% (fruit waste) to 50.6% (wheat) when 20 and 1500 mg P kg?1 were added to the soils, respectively. In general, incorporation of plant residues decreased maximum P sorption capacity but increased bonding energy. The maximum P sorption capacity was reduced from 586 mg kg?1to 500, 542, and 548 by wheat, fruit, and potato residues, respectively, but increased to 665 mg kg?1 by sunflower residue. At higher P addition, the highest percentage of desorbed P was observed in soils treated with wheat residue (49.9%); followed by fruit waste (46.5%), potato (43.5%), sunflower (38.8%) and control soils (37.0%). It indicated that the P content of the organic residues had an important role in the sorption and desorption of P in calcareous soils. Among organic residues, sunflower residue showed high sorption and low desorption of P in soils, indicating a higher potential of this organic residue for P retention and reducing surface and groundwater contamination in calcareous soils.  相似文献   

保水剂与氮磷肥配施对玉米生长及养分吸收的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以夏玉米为研究对象,采用避雨桶栽试验方法精确控制水肥条件,研究保水剂(SAP)与5种氮磷肥配比(N∶P分别为1∶4,2∶3,1∶1,3∶2,4∶1)模式对土壤肥力水平、玉米植株生长及其养分吸收利用的效应。结果表明,保水剂与氮磷肥均衡施用(N∶P为1∶1)能够促进玉米植株的生长及对养分的吸收利用,生育期内平均株高、叶面积较其他处理分别提高了3.36%~7.19%,5.36%~29.26%;干物质积累与植株氮、磷累积量较其他处理分别提高了13.79%~27.61%,15.91%~32.47%,18.66%~33.75%;同时与未施保水剂处理相比,生育期内土壤平均无机氮含量减少5.42%,有效磷含量提高3.55%;在本试验条件下,施用SAP 1.68g/pot、N 2.89g/pot、P 2.89g/pot可得到最大玉米产量113.93g/pot,收获时产量较其他处理提高了18.69%~30.94%。试验结果为华北地区应用保水剂条件下的夏玉米氮磷肥施用配比提供了参考。  相似文献   

The present investigation was conducted on a laterite soil to study biomass partitioning and nutrient-uptake pattern in the aboveground parts of arecanut palm and their relationships to yield. Total biomass production was significantly greater in high-yielding plants (43.6 kg palm?1) than in low-yielding plants (30.8 kg palm?1). Total standing biomass of trunk accounted for 69–74% of the total aboveground biomass in arecanut palm. Dry-matter partitioning to kernel was only 4–10% of the total biomass. The uptake of major nutrients varied significantly between low- and high-yielding plants. Calcium (Ca) uptake was greater by trunk than by other parts, while magnesium (Mg) accumulation was similar in trunk and leaf. The uptake of micronutrients by aboveground parts except leaf was significantly different between low- and high-yielding plants. The present study indicated that combined effect of greater biomass production and nutrient uptake had direct impact on marketable yield of arecanut.  相似文献   

Variations in concentrations of 24 elements in soils with loam and sandy loam texture and in Triticum aestivum wheat seedlings grown in the soils under greenhouse conditions were studied. Initial soils differed significantly in concentrations of 20 elements. Elemental composition of wheat seedlings depended on the soil where the plants were grown. An application of ISPOLIN (fertilizer enriched with potassium) resulted in variations in soil pH, plant biomass, and concentrations of several elements both in soils and in plants. An excess of bioavailable potassium (K) in soil led to significant increase of K and deficiency of calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) in all parts of T. aestivum. Concentrations of many other elements in the plants also changed. The effects of soil fertilization on plant biomass, leaf chlorophyll, and plant element concentrations were soil-dependent. Depending on the ratio of K/Mg in the soils, there was either an increase of plant yield and chlorophyll content or no effect at all.  相似文献   


The effects of Alcaligenes 637Ca, Agrobacterium A18, Staphylococcus MFDCa1, MFDCa2, Bacillus M3 and Pantoea FF1 were tested on peach cv. ‘Elegant Lady’ on GF677 and Nemaguard rootstocks. Average increases in citric, malic, oxalic, butyric and fumaric acid in the leaf were obtained from rhizobacterial root inoculations of 33.1, 17.5, 21.7, 26.5, and 44.7% in Elegant Lady/Nemaguard, respectively. FF1 showed the highest FC-R activity in the roots of Nemaguard (112.4?nmol?FW?gr?1?hr?2) and GF677 (162?nmol?FW?gr?1?hr?2). The highest FC-R activity in the leaf was with MFDCa2 in Elegant Lady/Nemaguard (57.1?nmol?FW?gr?1?hr?2) and 637Ca in Elegant Lady/GF677 (87.9?nmol?FW?gr?1?hr?2). PGPR strains used in this study expressed increased leaf organic acid content, FC-R activity in the roots and leaf, increased active Fe content in the leaf, and possessed a great potential for the improvement of iron availability to plants.  相似文献   

控释氮肥对棉花叶片光合特性及产量的影响   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
以鲁棉研28号为材料,设计100%树脂包膜尿素基施、50%普通尿素+50%树脂包膜尿素基施和棉花控释专用肥基施3种控释氮肥处理,研究了等氮条件下,不同控释氮肥处理对棉花光合特性及产量的影响。结果表明,与生产对照(CK2)相比,100%树脂包膜尿素处理和棉花控释专用肥处理提高了植株上部叶片叶龄45和60 d的叶绿素含量、PSⅡ的活性(Fv/Fo)、光化学最大效率(Fv/Fm)、实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)和光化学猝灭系数(qP),从而使叶片保持了较高的净光合速率;单株结铃数分别增加了0.77和0.84个,子棉产量分别增加6.2%和5.0%,皮棉产量分别提高6.4%和4.3%,分别达极显著和显著差异。而50%普通尿素和50%树脂包膜尿素处理与生产对照CK2差异较小。  相似文献   

Growth responses to phosphorus (P) and iron (Fe) are commonly assessed based on element concentrations to which plants are exposed. Such data offer little insight about responses to the concentration of P and Fe actually accumulated in plants. In this study, soybean (Glycine max Merr., cv. ‘Biloxi’) was grown on nutrient solutions to induce varying P and Fe concentrations in plant tissues. Leaf P and Fe concentrations were correlated at lower concentrations. However, under high P treatments there was an apparent excess of accumulated P based on plant response. These results were interpreted to indicate that these plants could accumulate P in excess of the amount required for normal physiological activity. There appeared to be no excess accumulation of Fe so that correlations between leaf Fe concentration and leaf area and plant mass were significant for all data. Root mass did not correlate significantly with either leaf P or Fe concentration.  相似文献   


Effects of three supplemental calcium (Ca++; 2.5, 5.0, and 10 mole m?3) concentrations on ion accumulation, transport, selectivity, and plant growth of salt-sensitive species, Brassica rapa ‘Sani’ in saline medium were investigated. Supplemental Ca++ in the presence of 125 mol m?3 sodium chloride (NaCl) did not improve the dry weight and leaf area indicating no role played by Ca++ in the alleviation of salinity induced growth inhibition. However, calcium chloride (CaCl2) did significantly affect sodium (Na+), potassium (K+), and Ca++ contents of roots and shoots. The ion contents of shoots were significantly greater than those of roots per g dry weight, indicating ion transportation to shoots is greater than ion accumulation in roots. Use of CaCl2 in 125 mol m?3 NaCl reduced the Na+ content but increased K+ and Ca++ contents in shoots. Sodium contents in shoots differed among the supplemental Ca++ treatments indicating the role of CaCl2 in Na+ ions transportation. Calcium content in shoots declined significantly in the control treatment (0 CaCl2) but increased significantly in 10 mol m?3 CaCl2. The root also showed the effects of Ca++ on the reduction of Na+ content and the increase of K+ and Ca++ content. Unexpectedly, 5 mol m?3 CaCl2 induced the highest Na+ content in roots at 16 days after treatment. Supplemental CaCl2 application influenced the K+ or Ca++ selectivity over Na+ in two ways, ion accumulation at roots and transport to shoots. However, high CaCl2 treatments allowed greater Ca++ selectivity over Na+ than low CaCl2. Likewise, high supplemental CaCl2 showed higher K+ selectivity over Na+ than low CaCl2. A marked increase in K+ versus Na+ selectivity for the transport process occurred at 10 mol m?3 CaCl2 treatments. The roots and shoots exhibited higher K+/Na+ and Ca++/Na+ ratios in high CaCl2 treatment than in low. The results are discussed in context to supplemental Ca++ concentrations, ions accumulation, transportation and selectivity of salt sensitive Brassica rapa cultivar.  相似文献   

A pot experiment was conducted to investigate the effect of sewage sludge compost (SSC) alone and applied with chemical fertilizer on growth and heavy-metal accumulations in lettuce grown on two soils, a Xanthi-Udic Ferralosol and a Typic Purpli-Udic Cambosol. The treatments included control; nitrogen–phosphorus–potassium (NPK) fertilizer; sewage sludge compost applied at the rates of 27.54 (SSC), 82.62 (3SSC), 165.24 (6SSC) t hm–2; and coapplication treatment (1/2 SSC + 1/2 NPK), where the N, P, and K inputs from NPK fertilizer, SSC, and coapplication treatments were normalized to the local recommend rates. The SSC application increased the biomass; copper, zinc, and lead contents in lettuce; and soil total and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable metals. However, SSC alone at the recommended rate caused less plant biomass than NPK fertilizer alone. Coapplication treatment obtained greater or similar biomass to NPK fertilizer alone and did not increase heavy-metal accumulation in soils and plants. The results demonstrated that SSC should be applied to soils with chemical fertilizers.  相似文献   

为了提高黄瓜氮素利用率,减少氮肥对环境污染,采用恒温培养和土培试验研究了专用脲酶硝化双抑制剂缓释肥(CSRF1和CSRF2)在酸、碱、中性土壤中的氮素释放特性以及对黄瓜生长、NPK吸收利用的影响,其中缓释肥中包含抑制剂N-丁基硫代磷酰三胺(nBPT)、氢醌(HQ)、双氰胺(DCD)。结果表明:在酸、碱、中性3种不同土壤中,氮素释放累积量均表现为普通复合肥(OCF)商品缓释肥(MSRF)自制专用肥(CCF)自制专用脲酶硝化双抑制剂缓释肥1(CSRF1)自制专用脲酶硝化双抑制剂缓释肥2(CSRF2);不同施肥处理对于3种土壤类型影响下的氮素累积释放量顺序为碱性土最大,中性土次之,酸性土最小。铵态氮、硝态氮的累积量大小顺序也为碱性土最大,中性土次之,酸性土最小。不同形态氮在3种土壤中的累积释放量动态以应用一级动力学方程拟合最好(r=0.952**~0.993**)。通过一级动力学方程,反映了3种形态氮素的最大释放量N0值大小顺序:总N最大,NH_4~+-N次之,NO_3~--N最小,此结果与土壤中不同形态的氮素累积释放特性变化规律相一致。2种专用脲酶硝化双抑制剂缓释肥(CSRF1和CSRF2)显著提高了黄瓜产量(果实干物质量),较OCF、MSRF和CCF处理分别增加了59.1%,30.3%,33.8%(CSRF1)和46.2%,19.7%,22.9%(CSRF2)。与普通复合肥相比,2种专用脲酶硝化双抑制剂缓释肥处理的NPK相对养分利用效率增加了18.52%~24.20%(N),19.27%~20.02%(P),28.54%~35.69%(K)。相较于普通复合肥,黄瓜专用脲酶—硝化抑制剂缓释肥的施用能够延缓肥料中的氮素释放,提高黄瓜NPK养分利用率和黄瓜产量。  相似文献   

移栽期和氮肥对烤烟产量、产值及氮素吸收利用的影响   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:5  
采用大田15N同位素示踪试验,在湖北襄樊2个不同海拔的植烟生态区,研究了3个不同烟苗移栽期及施用氮肥对烤烟产量、产值和氮素吸收、利用及分配的影响。结果表明,低海拔和高海拔植烟生态区施用氮肥烤烟产量分别增加29%和19.2%,产值分别增加24.8%和25.7%。与5月5日移栽相比,推迟移栽期(5月15或25日)对低海拔地区烤烟产量产值影响不明显,但显著提高高海拔地区烤烟产量产值10%~30%。对烤烟总氮累积量的分析表明,推迟移栽期,低海拔地区植株吸氮量增加25%~45%,而高海拔地区植物吸氮量下降6%~20%。低海拔和高海拔试验点烤烟的地上部氮肥利用率分别约为30%和21%。推迟移栽期显著提高生育前期氮肥利用率,但在中后期无明显影响。与总氮积累趋势相反,推迟移栽期,烤烟各部位肥料氮占总氮的比例,低海拔地区下降10%~40%,而高海拔地区增加15%~50%。在高海拔地区,5月中下旬移栽烟苗有利于肥料氮素的吸收利用和增产增收作用。  相似文献   

缓释肥对紫色土油菜生长和养分吸收利用的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
麻井彪  高洁  张建菲 《土壤学报》2020,57(4):1040-1050
分析缓释专用配方肥与当地常用肥对油菜生物量、氮磷钾养分吸收利用及其在土壤中累积的影响,为油菜节肥高效生产提供依据。通过大田试验,以油菜品种三峡油5号为试验材料,设置6种施肥处理:以不施肥(F0)和常规施肥(Fc)为对照处理,缓释专用配方肥设置4种施肥水平(F375:375 kg·hm–2,F525:525 kg·hm–2,F675:675 kg·hm–2,F825:825 kg·hm–2)。结果表明,不同施用量的缓释专用肥料对油菜产量、单株有效角果数以F675处理最大,F825处理次之,F375处理最小,其分别较Fc处理增产43.54%、36.82%、13.88%;施用缓释专用配方肥油菜氮养分损失率从Fc处理的78.30%降低至53.97%~73.66%;磷养分...  相似文献   

Organic white cabbage response to the application of a source-separated municipal organic-waste compost, lime, and Gafsa phosphate was investigated throughout a randomized block pot experiment under greenhouse conditions. Cabbage yield and nitrogen (N) uptake increased with all fertilizes; however, lime and phosphate effects on cabbage yield were enhanced when the compost was not applied. Phosphate application partially replaced the need for lime, showing that liming has to be estimated based on soil acidity but also on soil P availability and phosphate recommendation. Partitioning of N, phosphorus (P), potassium (K), and calcium (Ca) between leaves and roots was held for the benefit of the leaves, but to a lesser extent for P and Ca, compared to for N and K. This study shows the importance of P availability to improve cabbage growth and recommends source-separated organic waste compost to increase soil N availability for organic cabbage.  相似文献   

The effects of lower field rate (LFR), field rate (FR), and higher field rate (HFR) applications of carbofuran on ammonium (NH4)-nitrogen (N), nitrate (NO3)-N, available phosphorus (P), and available potassium (K) contents in natural soils and those amended with inorganic fertilizers and vermicompost on the growth of tomato plants were studied. The NH4-N, NO3-N, available P, and available K contents increased up to FR but the most significant increase in was observed at LFR of carbofuran application. At HFR there was a significant reduction in nutrient availability. With passage of time all these parameters increase up to 30 days; thereafter, a decrease was observed up to the end of the experiment in both unamended and amended soils. The greater plant growth was observed at LFR of carbofuran application and at HFR the plants exhibited phytotoxicity in the form of marginal leaf scorching in both systems. The morphological growth parameters of tomato plants were positively correlated with nutrients availability.  相似文献   

ASI法速测土壤指标与植物N吸收的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究选用ASI法对山西褐土41个、河南潮土73个、辽宁棕壤43个、黑龙江黑土69个土样进行了土壤硝态N(ASI-NO3--N)、铵态N(ASI-NH4+-N)、碱溶有机质(ASI-OM)的测定,同时用常规方法测定了碱解N和有机质。并对测定值进行了相关性分析。同时选取土壤进行盆栽试验以验证ASI法测定值与植物吸N量的相关性。结果表明:四类土壤ASI-NO3--N与碱解N测定结果达到了极显著相关(褐土r=0.89**,潮土r=0.79**,棕壤r=0.90**,r=0.47**),四类土壤ASI-OM与常规方法有机质测定结果均达到了极显著正相关(褐土r=0.92**,潮土r=0.88**,棕壤r=0.93**,黑土r=0.96**),ASI-NH4+-N与碱解N测定结果也均达到了极显著正相关(褐土r=0.76**,潮土r=0.64**,棕壤r=0.97**,黑土r=0.61**)。褐土、棕壤土壤ASI-NO3--N含量与植物吸N量呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),潮土、黑土土壤ASI-NO3--N含量与植物吸N量呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。褐土、棕壤土壤ASI-NH4+-N含量与植物吸N量呈显著正相关(P<0.05),潮土、黑土土壤ASI-NH4+-N含量与植物吸N量相关性不显著(P>0.05)。除褐土土壤ASI-OM含量与植物吸N量呈显著正相关外(P<0.05),潮土、棕壤、黑土土壤ASI-OM含量与植物吸N量相关性不显著(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

The potential use of a layered double hydroxide (magnesium aluminum nitrate (Mg-Al)-LDH) to suppress the leaching of nitrate from a calcareous sandy loam soil and to enhance the nitrogen utilization efficiency of maize was assessed. The results of column studies showed that nitrate leaching efficiently decreased by 24, 46, and 76% compared to control when 2.5, 5, and 10 g LDH kg–1 soil were applied, respectively. Nitrate leaching was also reduced by use of LDH in pot experiments. The hindrance effect of LDH in using ammonium nitrate was higher than urea. Application of 2.5, 5, and 10 g LDH kg–1 soil increased mean nitrogen uptake of maize by 14, 20, and 44% over the control. The studied LDH has a potential to be used as a nitrate-selective exchanger to reduce risks of nitrate leaching. However, the use of Mg-Al-LDH (4:1) can be limited because of its relatively high solubility in soil.  相似文献   

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