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该文从生态系统和生态系统管理的概念出发,分析了生态系统管理中的生态整体性内涵,介绍了国外在生态系统管理实践中的先进经验,并指出了我国生态建设中如何把握好生态整体性原则。  相似文献   

森林生态系统服务价值评估是当前生态经济学和环境经济学的研究热点。应用SPSS软件中的Regression分析模块,对张家界森林公园的生态系统服务价值总量进行了预测。回归方程预测出的结果的平均绝对百分比误差率比较小,可将模型用于实际预测。结果表明:SPSS软件不仅有利于简化问题,减少计算的工作量,同时还可以保证预测的精度,为政府部门的决策提供有利的参考。  相似文献   

This paper quantifies two important native forest ecosystem services in southern Chile: water supply and recreational fishing opportunities. We analyzed streamflow in relation to forest cover in six watersheds located in the Valdivian Coastal Range (39°50′–40°05′S), the effect of forest management on streamflow in two watersheds in the Valdivian Andes (600–650 m of elevation; 39°37′S), and fish abundance as a function of forest cover in 17 watersheds located in the Coastal Range and the Central Depression (39°50′–42°30′S). We found that the annual direct runoff coefficient (quickflow/precipitation) and total streamflow/precipitation in the dry summer season were positively correlated with native forest cover in the watershed (R2 = 0.67 and 0.76; *P = 0.045 and 0.027, respectively) during four years of observations. Conversely, a negative correlation was found between summer runoff coefficients (total streamflow/precipitation) and cover of Eucalyptus spp. and Pinusradiata plantations (R2 = 0.84; *P = 0.010). We estimated a mean increase of 14.1% in total summer streamflow for every 10% increase in native forest cover in the watershed. The analysis of streamflow changes between two paired watersheds dominated by native secondary Nothofagus stands, one thinned with 35% of basal area removal and a control, showed that the former had a 40% increase during summer (four years of observations). The best correlation between fish abundance and forest cover was found between trout abundance (%) and secondary native forest area in 1000 m × 60 m stream buffers (R2 = 0.65, ***P < 0.0001). We estimated a 14.6% increase in trout abundance for every 10% increase of native forest cover in these buffers. Similar approaches to quantify forest ecosystem services could be used elsewhere and provide useful information for policy and decision-making regarding forest conservation and management.  相似文献   

Tropical dry deciduous forests provide numerous ecosystem services yet their contribution to agricultural production remains underexplored. We address this research gap by quantifying the broader suite of ecosystem services that support small holder farmers and identifying farmers' knowledge of storm hazard reduction benefits provided by forest fragments in Madagascar. We survey 240 households and interview eight key informants to identify household and community responses in two communities with contrasting forest cover trajectories. Using multivariate statistics, results show a heavy dependence on forests for food and raw materials and a majority of the respondents holding a positive view of hazard mitigation services provided by forest fragments. Education levels, earning an income from forest based tourism and honey production are the only predictors of participation in forest management. Positive view of the hazard reduction benefits derived from forests could be due to external influences or personal observations, and together with barriers to participation in forest management need to be further investigated to better link forest management to reduced hazards risks. These findings are significant for forest management policy, as local knowledge and rationale for decisions are instrumental in the success of decentralized forest management and maintenance of vital forest benefits to farmers.  相似文献   

After a wildfire, the management of burnt wood may determine microclimatic conditions and microbiological activity with the potential to affect soil respiration. To experimentally analyze the effect on soil respiration, we manipulated a recently burned pine forest in a Mediterranean mountain (Sierra Nevada National and Natural Park, SE Spain). Three representative treatments of post-fire burnt wood management were established at two elevations: (1) “salvage logging” (SL), where all trees were cut, trunks removed, and branches chipped; (2) “non-intervention” (NI), leaving all burnt trees standing; and (3) “cut plus lopping” (CL), a treatment where burnt trees were felled, with the main branches lopped off, but left in situ partially covering the ground surface. Seasonal measurements were carried out over the course of two years. In addition, we performed continuous diurnal campaigns and an irrigation experiment to ascertain the roles of soil temperature and moisture in determining CO2 fluxes across treatments. Soil CO2 fluxes were highest in CL (average of 3.34 ± 0.19 μmol m−2 s−1) and the lowest in SL (2.21 ± 0.11 μmol m−2 s−1). Across seasons, basal values were registered during summer (average of 1.46 ± 0.04 μmol m−2 s−1), but increased during the humid seasons (up to 10.07 ± 1.08 μmol m−2 s−1 in spring in CL). Seasonal and treatment patterns were consistent at the two elevations (1477 and 2317 m a.s.l.), although respiration was half as high at the higher altitude.Respiration was mainly controlled by soil moisture. Watering during the summer drought boosted CO2 effluxes (up to 37 ± 6 μmol m−2 s−1 just after water addition), which then decreased to basal values as the soil dried. About 64% of CO2 emissions during the first 24 h could be attributed to the degasification of soil pores, with the rest likely related to biological processes. The patterns of CO2 effluxes under experimental watering were similar to the seasonal tendencies, with the highest pulse in CL. Temperature, however, had a weak effect on soil respiration, with Q10 values of ca. 1 across seasons and soil moisture conditions. These results represent a first step towards illustrating the effects of post-fire burnt wood management on soil respiration, and eventually carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

通过对辽宁林业现状分析,依据恢复生态学理论,提出辽宁林业建设的基本问题是恢复生态学问题,并结合辽东、辽西现有环境条件及植被状况,提出生态恢复技术措施的具体建议。  相似文献   

BRADLEY  R. T. 《Forestry》1963,36(2):181-194
This paper discusses the use of annual thinning yield as a methodof controlling and forecasting thinning yields in even-agedconiferous plantations. As with other methods of thinning control,this method has mensurational shortcomings, but these are outweighedby managerial advantages of flexibility in application and simplicityin forecasting future production.  相似文献   


The Russian forest sector is under transformation, and the Model Forest (MF) concept is used as an innovative approach to regional sustainable development based on forest goods, ecosystem services and values. This study evaluates the development of the MF concept in north-west Russia's Barents region, using Kovdozersky MF in Murmansk region as a case study. This report (1) describe the main historical phases of forest use, (2) summarizes the state and trends of the economic, ecological and sociocultural situation, (3) explores reasons for establishing the MF, and (4) evaluates the main steps towards implementation of the MF concept. Qualitative and quantitative methods were applied. Actors were identified and interviewed to understand the process of MF development. Statistic data were collected and analyzed. The main goal of this MF is to support development through participatory collaboration regarding (1) balancing needs and interests among actors and stakeholders, (2) implementation of sustainable forest management, (3) encouraging the development of ecotourism and bioenergy production in the area, and (4) increasing public awareness with respect to sustainable forest management. Potential challenges for the MF partnership include: (1) domination by partners from the traditional forest sector, with their potentially more narrow needs and interests in the partnership development, and (2) disparity in sharing responsibilities and power between regional and local levels in MF management.  相似文献   

European Journal of Forest Research - This study was conducted following the fires that took place in Rocallaura (Spain) between 23/06/2016 and 19/07/2017. The aim is to analyse the importance of...  相似文献   

To implement effective climate change mitigation and carbon sequestration activities in the southern US, nonindustrial private forest landowner (NIPF) participation is necessary because of the significant area of forest land under their ownership. For policy implementation to involve this major ownership group in climate change mitigation activities in this region, it is important to understand their forest management motivations and understanding toward carbon sequestration. This study develops a regional typology of NIPF landowners based on reasons for owning forest land in the southern US. The specific goals were to: (1) segment NIPF landowners into smaller homogeneous groups based on reasons for owning forest land; (2) identify landownership characteristics and forest management behavior by ownership groups; and (3) assess their climate change beliefs and understanding of forest carbon sequestration by ownership groups. A principal component-cluster analysis of 735 responses to a mail questionnaire distributed to NIPF landowners in the southern US revealed three groups, which were named amenity, multi-objective, and timber-oriented landowners. The amenity group included 21% of the landowners, while the timber and multi-objective groups included 40% and 39% of the landowners, respectively. These landowner groups varied in terms of owner characteristics, forest species type and management behavior, climate change beliefs and understanding of carbon sequestration. The amenity and multi-objective owners tend to have more positive belief toward climate change than the timber group, but more landowners in each group indicated having poor understanding of forest carbon sequestration. The study fills a knowledge gap in research efforts by developing a regional typology of NIPF landowners and linking it with their forestry resources and management strategies along with their climate change beliefs and understanding of forest carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

年珠实验林场承担着种质资源收集、培育、繁殖、保存、科学技术研究和生态系统定位监测的重要作用,也承担着科技成果示范推广、营造试验林和示范林的重任,同时也是我国中、北亚热带林业科研成果转化为现实生产力的科研示范基地。火灾是林场最大的隐患,护林防火工作与林场的生存安危密切相关,对林场保护具有重大意义。基于此,文章对近年来年珠实验林场在护林防火方面开展的相关工作进行深入剖析,以期为其他林场护林防火工作的有效开展发挥借鉴作用。  相似文献   

森林灾害监测方法研究──以西南地区火灾监测为例纪平,易浩若,白黎娜关键词人工神经元网络,NOAA数据,遥感,专家系统目前,世界上许多国家都已开展了森林灾害监测方面的研究。1987年大兴安岭森林大火之后,我国也充分认识到了森林防火的重要性,并积极开展了...  相似文献   

Little is known on soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks in karst areas worldwide, although many of them have seen long-term application of agroforestry systems with a potential for carbon sequestration. Therefore, our study aimed to assess landscape-level SOC concentration and stock in the Silica Plateau, a part of the Slovak Karst Biosphere Reserve located in the Western Carpathians (Slovakia) with a centuries-long agroforestry record. The most represented local soil units are Chromi-Rendzic Leptosols and Chromic Cambisols with clayey loam texture, C/N ratio 9–12, and $ {\text{pH}}_{{{\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}}}} $ 6.6–6.2 in their organo-mineral surface horizons. Mull surface humus form prevails under mixed forest stands dominated by hornbeam (Carpinus betulus L.), oak (Quercus petraea L.), and beech (Fagus sylvatica L.). A total of 2,700 soil samples were collected from 150 soil pits. Both SOC concentrations and stocks were determined for the 0–60?cm mineral soil layer. Soil stoniness was accounted for by means of electrical resistivity tomography. According to the analysis of covariance, cropland SOC concentration (0.026?g?g?1) is significantly lower compared to forestland (0.040?g?g?1) and pastureland (0.041?g?g?1) (P?<?0.01). During the period of 130?years after forest clearing, cropland SOC stock has been reduced at an exponential decay rate of ca 0.002?year?1, while the SOC stock in pastureland has increased following land use change from cropland by approximately 30% during the same period of time. Irrespective of land use history, overall SOC stock is high reaching on average 207.4?Mg?ha?1, out of which 66% are stored within 0–30?cm and 34% within 30–60?cm soil layers.  相似文献   

收集整理了2015—2018年美国林务局重点科研工作,分析归纳了美国林务局近年来的重点林业科研领域和发展趋势,总结了林业科技创新的保证机制,提出我国促进林业科研创新发展及成果转化的建议,旨在为我国林业科技规划提供借鉴与启示。  相似文献   

以茂名市为例,将国家森林城市建设中的控制性项目、总体布局、创建达标作为研究对象,重点分析控制性项目在森林城市建设中所起的关键性作用,阐述研究对象之间的相互关联,并着重讨论了在今后的实际工作中如何处理好三者之间的关系,以期为其它城市开展森林城市建设提供启示。  相似文献   

Interception loss represents an important factor of water balance. The reduction of interception loss through silvicultural treatments to the benefit of water yield is very important for countries with large periods of limited rainfall like Greece. In the context of climate change and its possible effects on water availability, oak ecosystems can play a significant role in water production, as they comprise the largest part of the forested area in Greece. The objective of this study is to investigate the relationships between water interception changes, as a result of different forest management treatments, and water yield. For this reason, experimental watersheds have been established for the study of the hydrological impacts of thinning and clearcutting in an oak ecosystem in northern Greece. Two watersheds were used as control while different combinations of thinning (removal 50% of basal area) and clearcutting treatments were used in the other three study watersheds. Canopy annual interception amounted for 9.0%, 6.7% and 1.8% of the total precipitation in the untreated, thinned and clearcut plots respectively. The practiced thinning and clearcutting operations increased the available amount of water by a mean annual average of 13.2 mm and 42.8 mm respectively compared to the control watersheds. The total water surplus represented 29.5%, 30.9% and 33.9% of the average annual precipitation for the control, thinned and clearcut plot respectively. Surface flow was very low even during large rainfall events, possibly due to the soil and bedrock attributes and the topography of the area. Analogous silvicultural treatments can increase water availability but they should incorporate reduced-impact logging and skidding practices and thus cause the least possible soil disturbance, by carefully selecting the best suited wood harvesting systems and methods.  相似文献   

Tropical forests provide a variety of goods and services to humanity. Although efforts to protect and manage these forests have increased in recent decades, forest loss continues. The last decade and a half has seen considerable research on reforestation with native species in Mesoamerica, including both biophysical and social aspects. Advances in knowledge have led to increasingly sophisticated reforestation treatments as well as novel ways of deriving forest goods and services from human dominated landscapes.This Special Issue includes articles produced as the result of a conference held in Panama City, Panama in January 2010 with the goal to summarize the state of knowledge of native species reforestation and associated ecosystems services in Mesoamerica. The introduction concludes with a call for continued research, including a mechanistic understanding of tree interactions with the biophysical environment in order to advance or knowledge of ecosystem services and their interactions. Results from these and other studies aimed at socioeconomic aspects of reforestation are critical to land use planning.  相似文献   

This paper includes a review of international sustainable forestry development followed by an analysis of forest policies in Bangladesh. There have been four different government forest policies in Bangladesh since 1894. The first two forest policies (1894 and 1955) were exploitative in nature. Most of the regulatory documents were developed during the first two policy periods. The third forest policy instituted in 1979 by the sovereign Bangladesh government had contradictory elements and mutually inconsistent policy statements. It addressed for the first time forestry extension through mass motivation campaign. Current forest policy formulated in 1994 has been considered to be the most elaborate policy in the history of the country. Under this policy, participatory social forestry has been institutionalized in Bangladesh. The analysis shows that, although it is possible to attain the stated policy targets, progress is slow and is blocked on several fronts. A number of identified technical, managerial and logistical problems are hindering policy and program implementation. In addition, corruption contributes to the observed problems. The real strength of Bangladesh forestry is locally based, participatory forestry, co-management of protected areas and highly motivated people who increasingly recognize the need for a healthy forest ecosystem that will provide future economic stability. Because it is the rich homestead forests of Bangladesh that generate the majority of commercial forestry products, it is important that education continues at the grass-roots level. In addition, educated forestry and environment professionals have been identified as the future driving forces towards better, and sustainable, forest management. Results of this study make it clear that Bangladesh and other developing countries are not presently in a position to accept and adopt internationally derived forest policies due to inadequate institutional support, political instability and poor governance. Therefore, along with development of criteria and indicators of sustainable forest management and forest certification, international policy scientists must consider institutional development, professional skill development, identification and adoption of indigenous technology and long-term financial support in developing countries. Without these, all international processes, policies and directives will be of little value and produce few substantive results.  相似文献   

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