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The objectives of this study were to: (1) to evaluate the effects of subsurface drip irrigation amount and frequency on maize production and water use efficiency, (2) develop production functions and quantify water use efficiency, and (3) develop and analyze crop yield response factors (Ky) for field maize (Zea mays L.). Five irrigation treatments were imposed: fully irrigated treatment (FIT), 25 % FIT, 50 % FIT, 75 % FIT, rainfed and an over-irrigation treatment (125 % FIT). There was no significant (P > 0.05) difference between irrigation frequencies regarding the maximum grain yield; however, at lower deficit irrigation regime, medium irrigation frequency resulted in lower grain yield. There was a decrease in grain yield with the 125 % FIT as compared to the FIT, which had statistically similar yield as 75 % FIT. Irrigation rate significantly impacted grain yield in 2005, 2006 and 2007, while irrigation frequency was only significant during the 2005 and 2006 growing seasons (two dry years) and the interacting effect was only significant in the driest year of 2005 (P = 0.006). For the pooled data from 2005 to 2008, irrigation rate was significant (P = 0.001) and irrigation frequency was also significant (P = 0.015), but their interaction was not significant (P = 0.207). Overall, there were no significant differences between irrigation frequencies in terms of grain yield. Ky had interannual variation and average seasonal Ky values were 1.65, 0.91, 0.91 and 0.83 in 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively, and the pooled data (2005–2008) Ky value were 1.14.  相似文献   

The study uses the concepts of marginal water use efficiency (MWUE), and elasticity of water production (EWP) to reveal the dynamic interrelations of crop yield (Y), seasonal evapotranspiration (ET), and water use efficiency (WUE) based on the functional relation of an ET production function (ETPF). When the ETPF is linear, the changing trend of WUE with ET is directly affected by the intercept of the function, and the EWP will be numerically equivalent to a yield response factor (KY) when ET reaches maximum ET (ETm). When the ETPF is quadratic, the ET needed to maximise WUE is less than the ET for maximum yield (Ym), and the ET value that occurs at maximum WUE equals the arithmetic square root of the ratio of the intercept of the function to the coefficient of function quadratic term. The interrelationships of Y, ET, and WUE are demonstrated using a quadratic ETPF developed for maize from data obtained in a field experiment.  相似文献   

Agricultural food production in arid and semi-arid regions faces the challenge to ensure high yields with limited supply of water. This raises the question to which extent irrigation supply can be reduced without detriment to yield. Our study focuses on the yield-water uptake relationship for maize in the moderate water stress range in order to determine the onset of stress-induced dry-matter and yield losses. Compensatory plant responses under moderate stress levels are discussed in relation to seasonal climatic conditions.Summer-sown and spring-sown maize were irrigated with a decreasing amount of water in a field experiment in Pakistan. Water supply ranged from 100% water required to maintain soil at field capacity (FC) to 40% of FC. The average dry-matter and yield levels were slightly higher for summer-sown (15.0 Mg ha−1) compared to spring-sown maize (13.1 Mg ha−1). The onset of significant dry-matter and yield reduction started at the least irrigation treatment in both seasons. The amount of water required to avoid production losses was 272 mm in the summer-sown maize during the autumn growing season, and 407 mm for the spring-sown maize in the summer season, when the evaporative demand of the atmosphere was +27% higher. Water use efficiency (WUEET), normalized by vapour pressure deficit, of the summer-sown maize which was 10.0 kg kPa m−3, was +15% higher compared to the spring-sown crop; while the irrigation water productivity (2.9 kg m−3) was +11% more. WUEET increased over the whole range of applied water deficits for summer-sown maize, while the spring-sown crop showed a decreasing WUEET in the less irrigated treatment. Due to the higher efficiency in summer-sown maize, the potential in irrigation reduction without production losses (129 mm) was higher compared to the spring-sown maize (57 mm). Our results showed that in Pakistan water saving irrigation practices can be applied without yield loss mainly during the cooler growing season when the crop can efficiently compensate a lower total water uptake by increased use efficiency. For spring-sown maize the increasing evaporative demand of the atmosphere towards summer implies a higher risk of yield losses and narrows the range to exploit higher irrigation water productivity under moderate water deficit conditions.  相似文献   

Effect of salinity on water stress, growth, and yield of maize and sunflower   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Maize and sunflower were grown in tanks filled with loam and clay, and were irrigated with water of three different levels of salinity. Predawn leaf-water potential and stomatal conductance were used as parameters for water stress. The predawn leaf-water potential of maize was higher than that of sunflower, but the effect of salinity and soil texture on the predawn leaf-water potential was the same for both crops. The stomatal conductance of sunflower was much higher and more severely affected by salinity and soil texture than the stomatal conductance of maize.

Although salinity had a more serious effect on the development of leaf area and canopy dry matter of sunflower, its effect on evapotranspiration and grain yield was the same for both crops. Soil texture had a stronger effect on the development of leaf area and canopy dry matter of sunflower, which also appeared in the evapotranspiration and grain yield, indicating that sunflower is more sensitive to drought than maize.  相似文献   

Simulation of crop yield allows better planning and efficient management under different environmental inputs such as water and nitrogen application. However, most of the models are complicated and difficult to understand. Furthermore, input data are not readily available. The objectives of this investigation were to use logistic equation to quantify the influence of seasonal water and nitrogen application on maize biomass accumulation and grain yield and to develop empirical models for prediction of maize biomass and grain yield. Logistic equations were fitted to dray matter (DM) yield at different times in the growing season at different irrigation water and nitrogen levels. The parameters of the logistic equations were then fitted to irrigation water and nitrogen as empirical functions. Further, the harvest index (HI) was related to the applied water and nitrogen as another empirical model. The empirical logistic models were used to estimate the DM and grain yield based on data from another experiment in the same area. Results indicated that the empirical models predicted the DM yield during the growing season with an acceptable accuracy, but dry matter (DM) prediction at harvest was very good. The grain yield also was predicted with a very good accuracy. It is concluded that logistic equation along with the presented empirical models for prediction of constants in logistic equation and HI are appropriate for accurate prediction of DM and grain yield of maize at the study region.  相似文献   

This study was undertaken to investigate genotypic differences of five maize cultivars in grain yield response to two different modes of deficit irrigation, conventional deficit irrigation and partial root zone irrigation. Three irrigation treatments were implemented: (1) FULL irrigation, the control treatment where plant water requirement, 100% Class-A pan evaporation, was fully met and the furrows on both sides of the plant rows were irrigated; (2) partial root zone irrigation (PRI), 35% deficit irrigation, compared to FULL treatment, was applied in every other furrow thus irrigating only one side of the plant rows. The furrows irrigated were alternated every irrigation; (3) conventional deficit irrigation (CDI), the same amount of water as PRI was applied in furrows on both sides of the plant rows, similar to FULL irrigation treatment. Five maize cultivars (P.31.G.98, P.3394, Rx:9292, Tector and Tietar) showing extreme growth response to water stress were selected out of ten cultivars tested with earlier completed greenhouse-pot experiment. A split-plot experimental design, comprising three irrigation treatments and five maize cultivars with four replicates, was used during two years of work, in 2005 and 2006. Total of nine irrigations, with one-week irrigation interval, were annually applied using a drip-irrigation system. Soil water status was monitored using a neutron moisture gauge, in addition to measuring leaf water potential and above-ground biomass production throughout the growing season. Grain yield and other yield attributes were measured at harvest as well as assessing differences in plant root distributions. Decrease in grain yield and harvest index of the tested cultivars, compared to FULL treatment, was proportionally less under PRI than CDI. Whether or not a significant yield advantage can be obtained under PRI compared to CDI showed significant (P < 0.05) genotypic variability. Tector and Tietar among the tested cultivars of maize showed significantly higher grain yield (P < 0.05) under PRI than CDI. The yield advantage of the genotypes (P.3394 and Tector) under PRI compared to CDI seems related to their enhanced root biomass developed under PRI.  相似文献   

In the Mesilla Valley of southern New Mexico, furrow irrigation is the primary source of water for growing onions. As the demand for water increases, there will be increasing competition for this limited resource. Water management will become an essential practice used by farmers. Irrigation efficiency (IE) is an important factor into improving water management but so is economic return. Therefore, our objectives were to determine the irrigation efficiency, irrigation water use efficiency (IWUE) and water use efficiency (WUE), under sprinkler, furrow, and drip irrigated onions for different yield potential levels and to determine the IE associated with the amount of water application for a sprinkler and drip irrigation systems that had the highest economic return.Maximum IE (100%) and economic return were obtained with a sprinkler system at New Mexico State University’s Agriculture Science Center at Farmington, NM. This IE compared with the 54–80% obtained with the sprinkler irrigation used by the farmers. The IEs obtained for onion fields irrigated with subsurface drip irrigation methods ranged from 45 to 77%. The 45% represents the nonstressed treatments, in which an extra amount of irrigation above the evapotranspiration (Et) requirement was applied to keep the base of the onion plates wet. The irrigation water that was not used for Et went to deep drainage water. The return on the investment cost to install a drip system operated at a IE of 45 was 29%. Operating the drip system at a IE of 79% resulted in a yield similar to surface irrigated onions and consequently, it was not economical to install a drip system. The IEs at the furrow-irrigated onion fields ranged from 79 to 82%. However, the IEs at the furrow-irrigated onion fields were high because farmers have limited water resources. Consequently, they used the concept of deficit irrigation to irrigate their onion crops, resulting in lower yields. The maximum IWUE (0.084 t ha−1 mm−1 of water applied) was obtained using the sprinkler system, in which water applied to the field was limited to the amount needed to replace the onions’ Et requirements. The maximum IWUE values for onions using the subsurface drip was 0.059 and 0.046 t ha−1 mm−1 of water applied for furrow-irrigated onions. The lower IWUE values obtained under subsurface drip and furrow irrigation systems compared with sprinkler irrigation was due to excessive irrigation under subsurface drip and higher evaporation rates from fields using furrow irrigation. The maximum WUE for onions was 0.009 t ha−1 mm−1 of Et. In addition, WUE values are reduced by allowing the onions to suffer from water stress.  相似文献   

不同灌溉制度对制种玉米产量和阶段耗水量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过田间试验研究了相同灌水定额(900 m3/hm2)条件下,不同灌水次数(0,2,3,4次)对制种玉米生育期土壤水分分布特征、耗水规律以及产量影响.结果表明,不同灌溉制度主要影响作物拔节后0~100 cm土壤水分分布.相同灌溉定额条件下,灌水时间影响制种玉米的穗行数、行粒数产量特征值.各处理耗水强度均呈“低、高、低”的变化趋势,峰值主要出现在制种玉米抽雄期-灌浆期.制种玉米各生育阶段对缺水的敏感程度由大到小依次为灌浆期、拔节期、苗期、乳熟期、抽雄期.在西北干旱半干旱地区,制种玉米苗期-拔节期、拔节期-抽雄期、抽雄期-灌浆期进行3次灌水,灌水定额为900 m3/hm2,灌溉定额为2 700 m3/hm2的灌溉制度具有明显的经济产量效益和节水效益.  相似文献   

Aiming at investigating an appropriate irrigation management strategy that could lead to increase onions yields and improve water productivity (WP), a two-year field experiment was conducted in the arid region of Northwest China with drip irrigation and plastic mulch. Eight treatments were considered: four with different levels of water stress throughout the crop season, and four where water stress was applied at the establishment, development, bulbification and ripening stages. The seasonal actual evapotranspiration (ETa), plant height, above-ground biomass, yield (total, high-quality and marketable quality yields) as well as related irrigation and total water productivity were determined. Plant heights, above-ground biomass and the referred yields have shown to be sensitive to water stress, particularly during the development and bulbification stages. Due to the importance of quality of horticultural products, the WP computed with the yields of high-quality bulbs revealed the most informative contrarily to the WP computed with the total yields. It could be concluded that water stress has to be avoided during the development and bulbification stages, and only small deficits are acceptable if applied throughout the crop season.  相似文献   

针对宁夏扬黄灌区降水少、春季低温不利于玉米出苗和生长,而作物生育中后期高温胁迫导致玉米生产力低下等问题,在滴灌条件下设置秸秆全量还田(9000 kg/hm2)配施3个不同纯氮用量:150,300,450 kg/hm2(即处理N1,N2,N3),并以秸秆还田不施氮肥为对照处理(CK),研究不同施氮量对土壤水分、土壤温度、...  相似文献   

In most parts of Iran, water scarcity has been intensifying and posing a threat to the sustainability of agricultural production. Wheat is the dominant crop and the largest irrigation water user in Iran; hence, understanding of the crop yield-water relations in wheat across the country is essential for a sustainable production. Based on a previously calibrated hydrologic model, we modeled irrigated and rainfed wheat yield (Y) and consumptive water use (ET) with uncertainty analysis at a subbasin level in Iran. Simulated Y and ET were used to calculate crop water productivity (CWP). The model was then used to analyze the impact of several stated policies to improve the agricultural system in Iran. These included: increasing the quantity of cereal production through more efficient use of land and water resources, improving activities related to soil moisture conservation and retention, and optimizing fertilizer application. Our analysis of the ratio of water use to internal renewable water resources revealed that 23 out of 30 provinces were using more than 40% of their water resources for agriculture. Twelve provinces reached a ratio of 100% and even greater, indicating severe water scarcity and groundwater resource depletion. An analysis of Y-CWP relationship showed that one unit increase in rainfed wheat yield resulted in a lesser additional water requirement than irrigated wheat, leading to a larger improvement in CWP. The inference is that a better water management in rainfed wheat, where yield is currently small, will lead to a larger marginal return in the consumed water. An assessment of improvement in soil available water capacity (AWC) showed that 18 out of 30 provinces are more certain to save water while increasing AWC through proper soil management practices. As wheat self-sufficiency is a desired national objective, we estimated the water requirement of the year 2020 (keeping all factors except population constant) to fulfill the wheat demand. The results showed that 88% of the additional wheat production would need to be produced in the water scarce provinces. Therefore, a strategic planning in the national agricultural production and food trade to ensure sustainable water use is needed. This study lays the basis for a systematic analysis of the potentials for improving regional and national water use efficiency. The methodology used in this research, could be applied to other water scarce countries for policy impact analysis and the adoption of a sustainable agricultural strategy.  相似文献   

Irrigation plays an important role in increasing food production in China. The impact of irrigation on crop yield (Y), crop water productivity (CWP), and production has not been quantified systematically across regions covering the whole country. In this study, a GIS-based EPIC model (GEPIC) was applied to simulate Y and CWP for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in China at a grid resolution of 5 arc-minutes and to analyze the impacts of reducing irrigation water on wheat production. The findings show that irrigation is especially important in improving CWP of winter wheat in the North China Plain (NCP), the “bread basket” of China. On average, the provincial aggregate CWP was 56% higher under the irrigated than that under the rainfed conditions. The intensification of water stress and the associated increase in environmental problems in much of the NCP require critical thoughts about reducing water allocation for irrigated winter wheat. Two scenarios for irrigation reduction in the NCP provinces are presented: reducing irrigation depth (S1), and replacing irrigated winter wheat by rainfed winter wheat (S2). The simulation results show that S1 and S2 have similar effects on wheat production when the reduction in irrigation water supply is below 20% of the current level. Above this percentage, S2 appears to be a better scenario since it leads to less reduction in wheat production with the same amount of water saving.  相似文献   

为探究东北半湿润区喷灌水肥一体化条件下春玉米最佳施氮管理模式,于2017年在东北地区开展了不同喷灌施氮管理对春玉米生长、产量及水氮利用效率的田间试验研究.试验设置了3个总施氮量:N200(200 kg/hm2),N160(160 kg/hm2)和N120(120 kg/hm2),其中播种时统一埋施氮肥60 kg/hm2,苗期统一喷施氮肥10 kg/hm2,其余在拔节期和灌浆期按照3种施氮比例T1(1∶0),T2(2∶1)和T3(3∶1)通过水肥一体化喷施施入.结果表明:T1获得了最高的氮肥偏生产力、氮素收获指数和水分利用效率.增加施氮量能够促进产量的增加,但N200和N160的平均产量差异不具有统计学意义(P>0.05).所有处理中T1N200的产量最高,为12 489 kg/hm2;T1N160处理的氮收获指数最大,为74.98 kg/kg.施氮量增加,氮肥偏生产力随之降低,0~100 cm土壤内的硝态氮残留量随之增多.T1处理的平均硝态氮残留量最少,降低了氮素淋失的风险.综合考虑,推荐该地区采用总施氮量160~200 kg/hm2,其中播种期施基肥60 kg/hm2,苗期追施10 kg/hm2,其余在拔节期全部追施的施氮管理模式.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for 2 years to investigate the effects of deficit irrigation, nitrogen and plant growth minerals on seed cotton yield, water productivity and yield response factor. The treatment comprises six levels of deficit irrigation (Etc 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6 and 0.5) and four levels of nitrogen (80, 120, 160 and 200 kg N ha−1). These were treatments superimposed with and without plant growth mineral spray. Furrow irrigation treatments were also kept. Cotton variety Ankur-651 Bt was grown during 2006 and 2007 cotton season. Drip irrigation at 1.0 Etc saved 26.9% water and produced 43.1% higher seed cotton yield over conventional furrow irrigation (1.0 Etc). Imposing irrigation deficit of 0.8 Etc caused significant reduction in seed cotton yield to the tune of 9.3% of the maximum yield. Further increase in deficit irrigation from 0.7 Etc to 0.5 Etc significantly decreased seed cotton yield over its subsequent higher irrigation level. Decline in the yield under deficit irrigation was associated with reduction in number of bolls plant−1 and boll weight. Nitrogen at 200 kg ha−1 significantly increased mean seed cotton yield by 36.3% over 80 kg N ha−1. Seed cotton yield tended to increase linearly up to 200 kg N ha−1 with drip Etc 0.8 to drip Etc 1.0. With drip Etc 0.6-0.5, N up to 160 kg ha−1 provided the highest yield, thereafter it had declined. Foliar spray of plant growth mineral (PGM) brought about significant improvement in seed cotton yield by 14.1% over control. The water productivity ranged from 0.331 to 0.491 kg m−3 at different irrigation and N levels. On pooled basis, crop yield response factor of 0.87 was calculated at 20% irrigation deficit.  相似文献   

The economically optimal depth of irrigation water to apply depends on the relationship between crop yield and water use. Past research efforts to formulate and to explain the factors influencing irrigated crop production functions have therefore been briefly reviewed. Although it is not possible to obtain a unique relationship, by considering a possible range of functions, and by understanding the factors causing variations in the form of these functions, valuable conclusions can be drawn relating to the optimal depth of water application and the relative magnitude of benefits derived from efficient water management.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to demonstrate the usefulness of alternative levels of water use over the fixed yield approach when there is a constraint on water. In the multi-crop farm models used, a water production function for each crop could be included so that one has the choice of selecting alternative levels of water use depending upon water availability. Water production functions (square root and quadratic type) for seven crops, viz. wheat, gram, mustard, berseem, sugarcane, paddy and cotton, based on experimental data from irrigated crops were used.The fixed yield model was modified incorporating the stepwise water production functions using a separable programming technique. The models were applied on a selected canal command area and optimal cropping patterns determined. Sensitivity analysis for land and water resources was also conducted. The water production function approach gives better possibilities of deciding upon land and water resources.  相似文献   

针对宁夏扬黄灌区严重缺水、土壤瘠薄、肥力低下等问题,在玉米苗期穴施不同用量(0,30,60,90和120 kg/hm2)的沃特保水剂,并以不施保水剂为对照,研究保水剂不同施用量对土壤水肥状况及作物生长的影响,以探寻玉米滴灌条件下砂质土壤田的保水剂最佳施用量.结果表明,在玉米整个生育期,0~100 cm土壤层贮水量随保水剂施用量增加而增加,施用保水剂90和120 kg/hm2处理使土壤贮水量,分别较对照显著提高14.0%和17.1%;施用保水剂60 kg/hm2处理下,土壤养分含量较对照显著增加,其保肥和供肥效果最佳;施用保水剂不同量可促进玉米生长,施用保水剂90 kg/hm2处理对玉米吐丝期的促进效果显著.与对照处理相比,施用保水剂60 kg/hm2处理对提高玉米水分利用效率、增产和增收效果最佳,分别较对照处理显著增加41.8%,22.2%和33.9%.因此,适量穴施沃特保水剂可有效改善土壤水肥状况,实现玉米增产增收,以施用保水剂60~90 kg/hm2为最优,适宜于在宁夏扬黄灌区进行推广应用.  相似文献   

A model for optimal distribution of water in the canal command areas has been developed. Water production functions in the form of polynomial expressions were developed from existing experimental information. Using the production functions, water distribution is indicated in order to obtain maximum returns. It has been shown that higher returns can be obtained from canal command areas by a suitable modification of the existing water release pattern at the outlet.  相似文献   

A relationship between crop yield and irrigation water salinity is developed. The relationship can be used as a production function to quantify the economic ramifications of practices which increase irrigation water salinity, such as disposal of surface and sub-surface saline drainage waters into the irrigation water supply system. Guidelines for the acceptable level of irrigation water salinity in a region can then be established. The model can also be used to determine crop suitability for an irrigation region, if irrigation water salinity is high. Where experimental work is required to determine crop yield response to irrigation water salinity, the model can be used as a first estimate of the response function. The most appropriate experimental treatments can then be allocated. The model adequately predicted crop response to water salinity, when compared with experimental data.Abbreviations A Crop threshold rootzone salinity in Equation of Maas and Hoffman (dS/m) - B Fractional yield reduction per unit rootzone salinity increase (dS/m)–1 - Ci Average salinity of applied water (dS/m) - Cr Average salinity of rainfall (dS/m) - Cs Linearly averaged soil solution salinity in the rootzone (dS/m) - Cse Linearly averaged soil saturation extract salinity in the rootzone (dS/m) - Cw Average salinity of irrigation supply water (dS/m) - Cz Soil solution salinity at the base of the crop rootzone (dS/m) - C Mean root water uptake weighted soil salinity in equation of Bernstein and François (1973) (dS/m) - Ep Depth of class A pan evaporation during the growing season (m) - ETa Actual crop evapotranspiration during the growing season (m) - ETm Maximum crop evapotranspiration during the growing season (m) - I The total depth of water applied during the growing season (including irrigation water and rainfall) (m) - K Empirical coefficient in leaching equation of Rhoades (1974) - Kc Crop coefficient for equation of Doorenbos and Pruit (1977) to estimate crop water use - Ky Yield response factor in equation of Doorenbos and Kassam (1974) - LF The leaching fraction - Ro Depth of rainfall runoff during the growing season (m) - R Depth of rainfall during the growing season (m) - W Depth of irrigation water applied during the growing season (m) - Y Relative crop yield - Ya Actual crop yield (kg) - Ym Maximum crop yield (kg) - /z Dimensionless depth for equation of Raats (1974), and empirical coefficient for the leaching equation of Hoffman and van Genutchen (1983)  相似文献   

Summary Canopies of 22-year-old Santa Rosa plum trees irrigated with mini-sprinklers below the canopy with nonsaline (0.3 dS/m) water were sprayed weekly during one irrigation season with water having six levels of salinity (0.3, 1.1, 2.1, 3.3, 4.5, and 6.8 dS/m) to evaluate the extent of leaf injury, foliar absorption of Cl and Na, and yield response. Recognizable leaf injury was caused by spray water containing 29 mol/m3 of chloride and 15 mol/m3 of sodium. Severe leaf damage occurred when the leaf chloride and sodium concentrations exceeded 300 and 125 mmol/kg (dry weight), respectively. These concentrations were higher than those causing foliar damage on other trees in the same orchard which had been irrigated below the canopy with water having the same salinity as that sprayed on the canopy. No residual foliar injury was observed during the irrigation season following the year when the spray treatments were applied. Fruit yield measured six weeks after treatments were initiated was unaffected. In the following 2 years, yield was reduced by the highest salinity levels, even though the salt spray treatments were not continued and no foliar injury was visible.  相似文献   

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