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In 1984, a liming experiment with a surface application of 4 t ha−1 of dolomitic limestone was started at the acidic N-saturated Norway spruce forest “Höglwald” in southern Germany and monitored until 2004. The decay of surface humus due to the accelerated mineralisation accounted for 18.5 ± 2.7 t ha−1 C or 50% of the initial pool and 721.6 ± 115.0 kg ha−1 N or 46% for N. Due to some translocation of organic material to the mineral soil the values to 40 cm depth are slightly lower (13.5 ± 4.4 t ha−1 C or 15% of the initial pool and 631.6 ± 192.8 kg ha−1 N or 13% for N). In the control plot NO3 concentrations at 40 cm depth were above the European level of drinking water (0.8 mmolc l−1 or 50 mg NO3 l−1) for nearly the whole investigation period. Liming increased NO3 concentrations in seepage water for approximately 15 years, and accelerated leaching losses by 396.2 NO3–N kg ha−1 from 1984 to 2003. The increase in pH of the soil matrix was more or less restricted to the humus layer and the upper 5 cm of the mineral soil during the whole time span, while the base cations Ca and Mg reached deeper horizons with seepage water. From 1984 to 2003, an amount that nearly equalled the applied Mg, was leached out of the main rooting zone, while most of the applied Ca was retained. The time series of the elemental concentrations in needles showed minor changes. Ca concentrations in needles increased with liming, while Mg remained nearly unchanged, and P decreased in older needles.  相似文献   

The effects of soil compaction and cultivation on soil mineral N dynamics were investigated through an 18-month, in situ N mineralisation experiment during the inter-rotation and early establishment period of a second rotation (2R) hoop pine (Araucaria cunninghamii Aiton ex A. Cunn) plantation in southeast Queensland, Australia. Treatments were 0, 1 and 16 passes of a fully laden forwarder (gross weight, 40.2 Mg) and cultivation by disc plough (zero cultivation and cultivation). Nitrate N was the dominant form of mineral N throughout the 18-month sampling period in both non-cultivated and cultivated soils, varying between 10 and 40 kg ha−1 whilst ammonium N remained <10 kg ha−1. Compaction had no significant effect on N mineralisation or nitrification. However, the remediation of the effects of compaction on soil through the use of the disc plough had significant impacts on N mineralisation, nitrification and N leaching. On a seasonal basis, the mean net N mineralisation increased from around 30 to 53 kg ha−1, nitrification from 28 to 43 kg ha−1 and nitrate N leaching from around 10 to 73 kg ha−1 following cultivation.  相似文献   

A gradient of increasing N deposition was identified in a southwestern to northeastern transect through the New Jersey pine barrens. The effect of this change in N deposition rate on soil chemistry and ectomycorrhizal morphotype community of pitch pine was studied by sampling from the field under mature pine trees, by planting bait seedlings into the field and in a greenhouse study where seedlings were given differential rates of N applications (0, 35, 140 kg ha−1 equivalent). The field transect showed a significant but small increase in N deposition from 0.35 to 0.72 kg N ha−1 (during the ca. 6 months of the study) equating to 7.84 ± 0.50 kg ha−1 year−1 at the northernmost site, 5.31 ± 0.70 at the middle and 3.66 ± 0.61 kg ha−1 year−1 N at the southwestern most site. Along this transect the ectomycorrhizal morphotype abundance and richness declined significantly under pitch pine. The decline in richness was significantly correlated with the N deposition rate. Bait pitch pine seedlings planted into one of the field sites and fertilized with increasing levels of N showed a reduction in ectomycorrhizal morphotype richness with increased N addition. In a greenhouse study, pine seedling biomass was inversely related to N addition. Nitrogen content of plants increased with increasing N supply, but P content of plants decreased, suggesting that P is a limiting nutrient in this ecosystem. Extractable N from the upper soil horizons increased in cores to which tree seedlings had been added as N addition increased. This indicates an approach to a critical loading of N for these oligotrophic soils, where N supply exceeds seedling N demand. In treeless cores N supply appears to exceed microbial immobilization potential even when no exogenous N is applied. As N supply to greenhouse seedlings increased, ectomycorrhizal morphotype richness declined. By combining data from the field and greenhouse studies, specific ectomycorrhizal morphotype groups were identified by their response to added N. Cortinarius- and Lactarius-like morphotypes were restricted to low levels of N availability. Suilloid- and Ascomycete-like morphotypes were more abundant as soil N availability increases, whereas Russula-like types showed an inverse relationship to N availability. We discuss the results from these oligotrophic sandy soils in comparison with European data derived from richer soils, where mycorrhizal fungal community responses appear to occur only at much higher levels of exogenous N. We attribute these differences to the evolved adaptations of pitch pine and their symbionts to growth in highly oligotrophic environments.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to examine the effects of stand development and soil nutrient supply on processes affecting the productivity of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) over a period approximately equal to a pulpwood rotation (18 years). The experiment consisted of a 2×2 factorial combination of complete and sustained weed control and annual fertilization treatments (C: control treatment, F: fertilization, W: weed control, FW: combined fertilization and weed control), located on a Spodosol in north-central Florida, USA. The reduction of soil nutrient limitations through fertilization or control of competing vegetation resulted in dramatic increases in almost every measure of productivity investigated, including height (19.7 m in the FW treatment versus 12.5 m in the C treatment at age 18 years), basal area (FW=44.2 m2 ha−1, F=39.6 m2 ha−1, W=36.6 m2 ha−1, C=19.9 m2 ha−1 at age 16 years), stemwood biomass accumulation (114 Mg ha−1 in FW versus 42.8 Mg ha−1 in C at age 18 years), foliar nitrogen concentration (1.53% in plots receiving fertilization versus 1.06% in unfertilized plots at age 17 years) and leaf area index (age 16-year peak projected of approximately 3.3 at age 9–10 years in F and FW plots, 2.5 in the W treatment and 1.5 in the C plots). Cultural treatments also decreased the growth ring earlywood/latewood ratio, and accelerated the juvenile wood to mature wood transition. While soil nutrient supply was a major determinant of productivity, production changes that occurred within treatments over the course of stand development were equally dramatic. For example, between age 8 and 15 years, stemwood PAI in the FW treatment declined by 275%; similarly large reductions occurred in the F and W treatments over the same time period. The reductions in PAI in the treated plots were linearly related to stand BA, suggesting the decline in productivity was associated with the onset of inter-tree competition. Responses of stemwood PAI to re-fertilization treatments at age 15 years suggests that the declines in growth and growth efficiency with time were partially attributable to nutrient limitations.  相似文献   

Forest degradation and savannization are critical environmental issues associated with forest fires in the Gran Sabana, southern Venezuela. Yet little is known about the ecological consequences resulting from the conversion of forest to savanna in this region. In this study we quantified the change in C and nutrients in aboveground biomass along a fire induced gradient consisting of unburned tall primary forest (TF), slightly fire-affected medium forest (MF), strongly fire-affected low forest (LF) and savanna (S). Total aboveground biomass (TAGB) decreased from 411 Mg ha−1 in TF to 313 Mg ha−1 in MF, 13 Mg ha−1 in LF and 5 Mg ha−1 in S. The pools of C and nutrients in TAGB decreased 13–25% from TF to MF, 88–97% from TF to LF and 97–98% from TF to S. In TF and MF, about 40% of C and over 80% of base cations (Ca, K and Mg) was stored in TAGB, whereas the bulk of N and P were stored in the soil (90% of N and 72% of P). This distribution of elements was different in LF and S, where about 50% of base cations were stored in TAGB, and more than 94% of C, 98% of N and 87% of P were stored in the mineral soil. The large amount of elements stored in the biomass of the tall unburned forest demonstrates the high sensitivity of this ecosystem to fire. The change from tall forest to low forest and savanna implies large losses of C and nutrients stored in aboveground biomass and soils (namely 390–399 Mg C ha−1, 11–13 Mg N ha−1, 70–72 kg P ha−1, 783–818 kg K ha−1, 736–889 kg Ca ha−1, and 200–225 kg Mg ha−1). Such drain of C and nutrients in soils extremely low in silicates, which can replenish the lost nutrients by weathering reduces the recuperation chance of these ecosystems and therefore their future capacity to sequester C and accumulate nutrients.  相似文献   

The magnitude of nitrogen storage and its temporal change in forest ecosystems are important when analysing global change. For example, the accelerated growth of European forests has been linked to increased nitrogen deposition, but the changes in the N inputs that cause long-term changes in ecosystems have not yet been identified. We used two Swedish forest optimum nutrition experiments with Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) to study the long-term fate of N applied to these forest ecosystems. In the pine experiment, in addition to fertiliser (NPK) application, soil acidity was manipulated by application of lime and dilute sulphuric acid. From the spruce experiment, we selected treatments with similar fertiliser doses as in the pine experiment and with and without lime addition.We quantified various terms in the N budget 12 years (pine) and 7 years (spruce) after the last N addition. In the pine stand the NPK-treatment was the only treatment to produce a significant increase in N in the tree biomass (97% above control), whereas in the spruce stand the N additions increased tree N in all treatment combinations (207% above control). In the pine stand the relative distribution of nitrogen between trees and soil did not vary across treatments, with trees containing around 12% of ecosystem N and humus containing around 44% of soil N. The increases in N stocks in the pine stands were mainly in the soil. In contrast, in the spruce ecosystem trees accumulated most of the added N and the increase in the soil was restricted to the humus layer.In the pine ecosystem, large losses of added N (between 254 and 738 kg ha−1 out of 1040 kg ha−1 added as fertiliser) occurred, whereas in the spruce ecosystem we recovered more N than could be accounted for by inputs (between 250 and 591 kg ha−1). There was no clear pattern in the interaction between acidification/liming and N additions.  相似文献   

Deposition of acid to forest is mainly a result of dry-deposition of SO2 and wet-deposition of acid dissolved in rain water. Ten years of measurements in the forest and 40 years of regional air pollution measurements, combined with historical sulphur emission inventories, make it possible to calculate the cumulated atmospheric deposition of strong acid. The concentration trend of atmospheric sulphur compounds measured during the last two decades until 1996 fits well with the model calculated emission and concentration pattern reported. Wet-deposition of sulphate was measured before 1955 in Denmark, these data also fit well with model calculated estimates. Acid-deposition during the last 30 years was estimated to be 4.0 eqv. m−2 (40 keqv. ha−1) and cumulated deposition for the last 90 years was 7.8 eqv. m−2 (78 keqv. ha−1). The acid inputs during these periods were equivalent to 100% and 200%, respectively, of the present top soil pool of exchangeable magnesium, potassium and calcium. The development of acid soils has led to aluminium being the major base cation in soil water.  相似文献   

Increased atmospheric deposition of N to forests is an issue of global concern, with largely undocumented long-term effects on soil solution chemistry. In contrast to bulk soil properties, which are typically slow to respond to a chronic stress, soil solution chemistry may provide an early indication of the long-term changes in soils associated with a chronic stress. At the Harvard Forest, soil solution was collected beneath the forest floor in zero tension lysimeters for 10 years (1993–2002) as part of an N saturation experiment. The experiment was begun in 1988 with 5 or 15 g N m−2 per year added to hardwood and pine forest plots, and our samples thus characterize the long-term response to N fertilization. Samples were routinely analyzed for inorganic nitrogen, dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), and dissolved organic carbon (DOC); selected samples were also analyzed to determine qualitative changes in the composition of dissolved organic matter. Fluxes of DOC, DON, and inorganic N were calculated based on modeled water loss from the forest floor and observed concentrations in lysimeter samples. The concentration and flux of inorganic N lost from the forest floor in percolating soil solution are strongly affected by N fertilization and have not shown any consistent trends over time. On average, inorganic N fluxes have reached or exceeded the level of fertilizer application in most plots. Concentrations of DOC were unchanged by N fertilization in both the hardwood and pine stands, with long-term seasonal averages ranging from 31–57 mg l−1 (hardwood) and 36–93 mg l−1 (pine). Annual fluxes of DOC ranged from 30–50 g m−2 per year. DON concentrations more than doubled, resulting in a shift toward N-rich organic matter in soil solution percolating from the plots, and DON fluxes of 1–3 g m−2 per year. The DOC:DON ratio of soil solution under high N application (10–20) was about half that of controls. The organic chemistry of soil solution undergoes large qualitative changes in response to N addition. With N saturation, there is proportionally more hydrophilic material in the total DON pool, and a lower C:N ratio in the hydrophobic fraction of the total DOM pool. Overall, our data show that fundamental changes in the chemistry of forest floor solution have occurred in response to N fertilization prior to initiation of our sampling. During the decade of this study (years 5–14 of N application) both inorganic N and dissolved organic matter concentrations have changed little despite the significant biotic changes that have accompanied N saturation.  相似文献   

This paper examines carbon (C) pools, fluxes, and net ecosystem balance for a high-elevation red spruce–Fraser fir forest [Picea rubens Sarg./Abies fraseri (Pursh.) Poir.] in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP), based on measurements in fifty-four 20 m × 20 m permanent plots located between 1525 and 1970 m elevation. Forest floor and mineral soil C was determined from destructive sampling of the O horizon and incremental soil cores (to a depth of 50 cm) in each plot. Overstory C pools and net C sequestration in live trees was estimated from periodic inventories between 1993 and 2003. The CO2 release from standing and downed wood was based on biomass and C concentration estimates and published decomposition constants by decay class and species. Soil respiration was measured in situ between 2002 and 2004 in a subset of eight plots along an elevation gradient. Litterfall was collected from a total of 16 plots over a 2–5-year period.The forest contained on average 403 Mg C ha−1, almost half of which stored belowground. Live trees, predominantly spruce, represented a large but highly variable C pool (mean: 126 Mg C ha−1, CV = 39%); while dead wood (61 Mg C ha−1), mostly fir, accounted for as much as 15% of total ecosystem C. The 10-year mean C sequestration in living trees was 2700 kg C ha−1 year−1, but increased from 2180 kg C ha−1 year−1 in 1993–1998 to 3110 kg C ha−1 year−1 in 1998–2003, especially at higher elevations. Dead wood also increased during that period, releasing on average 1600 kg C ha−1 year−1. Estimated net soil C efflux ranged between 1000 and 1450 kg C ha−1 year−1, depending on the calculation of total belowground C allocation. Based on current flux estimates, this old-growth system was close to C neutral.  相似文献   

In six Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] stands in the Puget Sound Region in Western Washington/USA, forest floor C and N pools were quantified on control plots and on plots that had been fertilized repeatedly with urea 8–30 years ago (total amount of applied N 0.9–1.1 Mg ha−1). Additionally, net N mineralization and nitrification rates were assessed in field and laboratory incubation experiments. Forest floor C/N ratios were decreased on the fertilized plots of all sites compared to the respective control plots. The decreases were particularly strong at sites with initial C/N ratios larger than 30. On sites with low productivity (site index at age 50: <33 m), N fertilization resulted in considerable increases in forest floor N pools. Net N mineralization and nitrification during 12-week field incubation was negligible for the unfertilized and fertilized plots of all except one site (Pack Forest), where the stand had been clear-cut 2 years ago. The increases in N mineralization rates during 12-week laboratory incubation induced by repeated N fertilization showed an inverse relationship to the time elapsed since the last fertilizer application, and were generally larger at sites with initial forest floor C/N ratios >30. For the investigated sites, fertilization effects on net N mineralization sustained for at least 11 years after the last fertilizer application. Nitrification correlated strongly with the forest floor pH; significant formation of NO3 was observed only for O layers with a pH (H2O) higher than 4.5.  相似文献   

Two levels each of thinning and fertilization were applied to a 7-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation on a nitrogen- and phosphorus-deficient West Gulf Coastal Plain site in Louisiana. Levels of thinning were no thinning, or thinning applied 7 and 14 years after stand initiation. Levels of fertilization were no fertilization or broadcast fertilization with diammonium phosphate at age 7 years plus refertilization with urea, monocalcium phosphate, and potash at age 14 years. Long-term measurements of climate, stand development and productivity, projected leaf area index, and foliar nutrition were initiated at age 11 years. We found that by age 17 years, thinning increased mean live-crown length from 4.2 to 7.8 m, and mean tree diameter from 15.0 to 21.8 cm compared to the unthinned treatment. After rethinning at age 14 years, stand basal area increased 1.2 and 19.2% between ages 15 and 17 years on the unthinned and thinned plots, respectively. Refertilization at age 14 years reestablished foliar N, P and K sufficiency, which increased leaf area index from 4.2 to 6.0 m2 m−2 on the unthinned plots and from 3.2 to 3.8 m2 m−2 on the thinned plots, and subsequently, increased gross stand biomass from 114 to 141 Mg ha−1 on the unthinned plots and from 78 to 95 Mg ha−1 on the thinned plots by age 17 years. Leaf area was an important factor controlling loblolly pine productivity. At our study site, however, competition for light and water and nutrition-limited foliage growth influenced the variability and scope of this relationship. Our results suggest that a positive and linear relationship between leaf area and loblolly pine productivity does not universally occur on loblolly pine sites.  相似文献   

During the period 1976–1991, a combined experiment of acidification, liming and nitrogen addition in a mature spruce stand was conducted at Farabol in south-east Sweden. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of these treatments on the ground vegetation 0, 1, 5 and 15 years after experimental establishment. The treatment regimes were nitrogen (200 kg N ha−1, repeated three times at 4–5-year intervals, totally 600 kg N ha−1), sulphur powder (50 and 100 kg S ha−1 a−1, totally 600 and 1200 kg ha−1), sulphur plus nitrogen (600+600 kg ha−1) and limestone (500 kg ha−1 a−1, i.e. totally 6000 kg ha−1). The results showed that nitrogen addition and liming promoted the abundance of the grass Deschampsia flexuosa, while acidification had a negative effect on D. flexuosa and herbs in the field layer. There was a negative reaction giving immediate damage to the bryophytes in connection with additions of nitrogen, sulphur powder and lime. The magnitude of damage and the capacity to recover varied among species as well as among treatments. The recovery from immediate damage after liming was much faster than after the treatments with sulphur powder and/or nitrogen. A negative interaction between sulphur powder and nitrogen was found for herbs and mosses where the combined effects were stronger than the effects of a single treatment alone. Acidification also had a negative effect on the total number of species. The results of this study showed that acidification and nitrogen deposition could negatively influence forest vegetation by changing the nutrient availability in the soils. Liming led to an improved growth of the forest ground vegetation and the flora changed towards a more nitrophilic species composition.  相似文献   

Aboveground biomass and nutrients and soil chemical characteristics were examined in young plantations of four indigenous tree species: Hieronyma alchorneoides, Vochysia ferruginea, Pithecellobium elegans, and Genipa americana, growing in mixed and pure stands at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Total tree biomass production rates ranged from about 5.2 Mg ha−1 year−1 for G. americana to 10.3 Mg ha−1 year−1 for H. alchorneoides pure stands, and for the species mixture it was about 8.9 Mg ha−1 year−1. Branches and foliage formed 25–35% of total tree biomass but they represented about 50% of total tree nutrients. H. alchorneoides, the four species mixture, and P. elegans had the greatest accumulations of total aboveground nutrients per hectare. The importance of the plantation floor as a nutrient compartment varied temporally. When forest floor litter biomass was at its peak, plantation floor litter N, Ca, and Mg were roughly equal to, or greater than stem nutrients for all species except for P. elegans. For P. elegans, the plantation floor consistently represented a very low proportion of total aboveground nutrients. G. americana and V. ferruginea trees showed 55–60% less biomass accumulation in mixed than in pure stands while H. alchorneoides and P. elegans trees grew 40–50% more rapidly in mixture. P. elegans foliage had 60% lower Ca but higher P concentrations in mixed than in pure stands, and G. americana had higher foliar Mg in mixed than in pure stands. V. ferruginea stands had the highest concentrations of soil Ca, Mg, and organic matter, particularly in the top layers. Relative to pure plantations, soil nutrient concentrations in mixed plantations were intermediate for N, P, and K, but lower for Ca and Mg. The results of this study can be used in the selection of tree species and harvest designs to favor productivity and nutrient conservation.  相似文献   

Reforestation and afforestation have been suggested as an important land use management in mitigating the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration under Kyoto Protocol of UN Framework Convention on climate change. Forest inventory data (FID) are important resources for understanding the dynamics of forest biomass, net primary productivity (NPP) and carbon cycling at landscape and regional scales. In this study, more than 300 data sets of biomass, volume, NPP and stand age for five planted forest types in China (Larix, Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus massoniana, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Pouulus) from literatures were synthesized to develop regression equations between biomass and volume, and between NPP and biomass, and stand age. Based on the fourth FID (1989–1993), biomass and NPP of five planted forest types in China were estimated. The results showed that total biomass and total NPP of the five types of forest plantations were 2.81 Pg (1 Pg = 1015 g) and 235.65 Mg ha−1 yr−1 (1 Mg = 106 g), respectively. The area-weighted mean biomass density (biomass) and NPP of different forest types varied from 44.43 (P. massoniana) to 146.05 Mg ha−1 (P. tabulaeformis) and from 4.41 (P. massoniana) to 7.33 Mg ha−1 yr−1 (Populus), respectively. The biomass and NPP of the five planted forest types were not distributed evenly across different regions in China. Larix forests have the greatest variations in biomass and NPP, ranging from 2.7 to 135.37 Mg ha−1 and 0.9 to 10.3 Mg ha−1 yr−1, respectively. However, biomass and NPP of Populus forests in different region varied less and they were approximately 50 Mg ha−1 and 7–8 Mg ha−1 yr−1, respectively. The distribution pattern of biomass and NPP of different forest types closely related with stand ages and regions. The study provided not only with an estimation biomass and NPP of major planted forests in China but also with a useful methodology for estimating forest carbon storage at regional and global levels.  相似文献   

Phosphorus deficiency is widespread in the subhumid highlands of eastern Africa but there are few data on the effect of P deficiency on the growth of agroforestry tree species. We studied the effect of P application on growth, nutrient uptake and dry matter partitioning in young trees of Calliandra calothyrsus, Cedrela serrulata, Eucalyptus grandis, Grevillea robusta, Markhamia lutea, Senna spectabilis, and Sesbania sesban on a P-deficient soil (Kandiudalfic Eutrudox, bicarbonate-EDTA extractable P = 1 mg kg−1) in western Kenya. The trees were grown at two P levels (control and 500 kg added P ha−1) at 1 m2 spacing in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Leaf K concentrations were in the low range for all species (5–9 mg g−1) and K deficiency may have limited responses to P. Averaged over species, P addition increased aboveground shoot dry matter by a factor of 2.6 at 62 and 124 days, but the response decreased to 1.3 at 325 days. The increases at 62 days were large in sesbania (5.4) and eucalyptus (3.2) but small in calliandra (1.4) and markhamia (1.1). Relative response to P was more strongly correlated with shoot growth rate per unit root length among species than with shoot growth rate alone. Calliandra, which had high early growth rate but low response to added P, had an exceptionally high root length (6.0 km m−2) compared with the other species (0.3–2.1 km m−2). P addition increased N and P content but decreased final shoot K content in sesbania and calliandra, and had little effect on K content in the other species. The high-yielding species (eucalyptus, sesbania and calliandra) accumulated more than 30 g N and 2 g P m−2 in shoots in 325 days of growth. The proportion of total shoot N in wood (branch + stem) was in a higher range (67–75%) in the shrubby species (sesbania, calliandra, senna) than in the upperstorey tree species (38–43%). Slow early shoot growth relative to total root length, and high specific root length (root length per unit root mass) are proposed as criteria for the selection of species and provenances that are well adapted to P deficient soils.  相似文献   

Nitrate in the soil water below the root zone is a pre-condition for nitrate leaching, and it indicates loss of nutrients from the forest ecosystem. Nitrate leaching may potentially cause eutrophication of surface water and contamination of ground water. In order to evaluate the extent of nitrate leaching in relation to land-use, a national monitoring programme has established sampling routines in a 7×7 km grid including 111 points in forests. During winters of 1986–1993, soil samples were obtained from a depth of 0–25, 25–50, 50–75 and 75–100 cm. Nitrate concentrations in soil solutions were determined by means of a 1 M KCl extraction. The influence of forest size, forest-type, soil-type, tree species and sampling time on the nitrate concentrations was analysed in a statistical model. The analysis focused on data from depth 75–100 cm, as nitrate is considered potentially lost from the ecosystem at this depth. The range of nitrate concentrations was 0–141 mg NO3–N dm−3 and the estimated mean value was 1.51 mg NO3–N dm−3. The concentration was influenced by (1) forest size (concentrations in forests <10 ha were higher than concentrations in forests >50 ha), (2) forest-type (afforested arable land had higher concentrations than forest-type `other woodland'), (3) soil-type (humus soils showed above average concentrations, and fine textured soils had higher concentrations than coarse textured soils), and (4) sampling time. Unlike other investigations, there was no significant effect of tree species. A few sites deviated radically from the general pattern of low concentrations. The elevated concentrations recorded there were probably caused by high levels of N deposition due to emission from local sources or temporal disruptions of the N cycle. The nitrate concentration in the soil solution below the root zone was mostly rather low, indicating that, generally, N saturation has not yet occurred in Danish forest ecosystems. However, median concentrations exceeding drinking water standards (11.3 mg NO3–N dm−3) were found at 7% of the sites. Furthermore, 30% of the sites had median concentrations above 2 mg NO3–N dm−3, suggested as an elevated level for Danish forest ecosystems, equalling annual N losses of more than 2–6 kg ha−1 year−1.  相似文献   

We examined tree growth and dynamics of organic matter and soil nutrient pools annually for 7 years under contrasting harvest residue management treatments in south-western Australia. Two second rotation Eucalyptus globulus sites were established on soils of contrasting fertility and productivity. Harvest residues were either (i) burnt, (ii) removed, (iii) retained, or (iv) retained at double the normal quantity. More than 31 and 51 Mg ha−1 of harvest residues resulted from harvesting of 8-year-old first rotation stands at a low fertility Grey Sand site, and a higher fertility Red Earth site, respectively. Harvest residue retention increased tree growth at the lower fertility Grey Sand site, but had no effect on plantation productivity at the Red Earth site up to 7 years. Burning resulted in a direct loss of most of the organic material, and up to 200, and 350 kg ha−1 of N at the Grey Sand and Red Earth sites, respectively. Significant quantities of organic material in harvest residues (>50 Mg ha−1 C in the double residues treatment at the Red Earth site) had a limited effect on soil C pools during the 7 years of this study. Retention of residues limited immediate losses of nutrients, and resulted in higher quantities of soil exchangeable K, Ca and Mg during the 7 years after establishment. However, the content of soil exchangeable cations, especially K, decreased during the first 4 years of establishment in all treatments, including those where residues were retained. After 4 years, cation quantities in soil started to increase again, probably due to the decomposition of leaves and twigs from litterfall.  相似文献   

Ecosystem models have been used to compile scattered information on various ecosystem processes and to test the hypotheses about ecosystem responses to various simultaneously changing environmental factors. In spite of the widespread use of models, there have been comparatively few quantitative evaluations of model projections compared to long-term observations under changing environmental conditions (e.g. increased nitrogen deposition). In this study we tested the validity of a gap-type forest simulation model (SIMA) in order to extend the applicability of the model for the prediction of how nitrogen deposition influences the production of a boreal forest ecosystem. The validity of the model was tested by comparing the prediction of the model with independent data from long-term fertilization experiments. The predictions provided by the SIMA model agreed fairly well with the results of long-term fertilization experiments. Both the experiments and the model simulations showed similar increases in stem-wood production and in growing stock as a consequence of repeated nitrogen fertilization over the 30-year study period. The addition of nitrogen increased the total production by 30–53% according to field experiments and by 39–63% according to model computations. In both the model calculations and the field experiments, organic matter accumulated in the soil after the addition of nitrogen. The increase in the amount of soil organic matter can be explained as being due to the increased biomass production and the resulting increase in litterfall. According to the model computations, annual litterfall of needles on the mesic site varied from 970 kg ha−1 to 3050 kg ha−1 and this agreed well with measured litterfall of the stand.  相似文献   

Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) is a highly plastic species with respect to growth responses to forest management. Loblolly pine is the most planted species across the southern United States, a region with the most expansive and intensively managed forest plantations in the world. Management intensity, using tools such as site preparation and fertilization, is increasing greatly in scope over time. To better define to the productive potential of loblolly pine under intensive management, the influence of 6 years of management with weed control (W), weed control plus irrigation (WI), weed control plus irrigation and fertigation (irrigation with a fertilizer solution) (WIF), or weed control plus irrigation, fertigation, and pest control (WIFP) since plantation establishment on stand productivity in loblolly pine was examined. The site is located near Bainbridge, GA (30°48′N latitude and 84°39′W longitude) and is of medium quality (site index=18 m, base age 25). Increasing management intensity greatly accelerated stand development and biomass accumulation. At age 6 total production (above plus belowground) was nearly doubled from 50 to 93 Mg ha−1 in WIFP stands compared to W stands, and standing stem biomass increased from 24 Mg ha−1 in W stands to 48 Mg ha−1 in response to WIFP treatment. Stem current annual increment (CAI) peaked at age 5 in the WIF and WIFP stands at 17–18 Mg ha−1 per year at a basal area between 18 and 21 m2 ha−1. Year to year variation in CAI was better explained by previous-year leaf area index (LAI) than current-year LAI. Maximum stemwood production in loblolly pine was achieved through large increases in LAI and small decreases in allocation to woody roots (tap+coarse roots) versus woody shoots (stem+branches) associated with intensive treatments.  相似文献   

The effects of wood-ash fertilisation on tree stands, soil characteristics and ground vegetation were studied on a drained pine mire in Finland (64°51′N, 26°04′E, 62 m a.s.l.). The original site type was a treeless, mesotrophic Sphagnum papillosum fen. The site was drained in 1933 and the wood-ash fertilisation experiment was started in 1947. The treatments were: (i) unfertilised, (ii) wood-ash 8 t ha−1, and (iii) wood-ash 16 t ha−1.Drainage and ash application had radical and long-lasting consequences on the biological activity on the site and the vegetation compartments studied. The understorey vegetation had been profoundly affected by the ash with almost complete transformation of the species and other life forms. Even 50 years after the ash treatment the changes in vegetation/site type and the tree stand were clearly visible. On the unfertilised plot, the biomass of ground vegetation consisted mostly of mosses and dwarf shrubs, but on the ash-treated plots it consisted mostly of herbs and grasses typical of upland forests.Ash treatment had promoted stem volume growth of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) substantially and for a long time. The total wood production on the ash plots during 1947–1994 was 13 and 17 times over that of the control plot. Unfertilised pine trees suffered from P and K deficiency throughout the study period. The concentrations of some plant nutrients (P, K) decreased during the past years on Ash8. No nutrient shortage afflicting the tree stand was observed on Ash16 during the study period.Ash application has also led to increased concentration of nutrients in the peat. A sizeable proportion of the mineral nutrients applied were still in the 0–20 cm peat layer. On the ash-treated plots the amount of soil nitrogen (0–20 cm) was 18 and 29 times and the amount of soil phosphorus 9 and 13 times over the amount bound by the tree stand and the ground vegetation (Ash8 and Ash16, respectively). The stock of potassium was generally small in the surface peat—only 60–90% of the amount of potassium bound in the tree stand and the ground vegetation.It was concluded that wood-ash had powerfully influenced the biological processes in surface peat. The decomposition of cellulose was significantly accelerated by both ash treatments. Ash fertilisation also increased the emissions of CO2. The intensified decomposition rate in the litter, vegetation and peat explained to a large extent the accelerated growth of the Scots pine stands studied.  相似文献   

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